OSI DS (osids)



     Steve Kille, S.Kille@cs.ucl.ac.uk

Mailing Lists:
     General Discussion:  ietf-osi-ds@cs.ucl.ac.uk
     To Subscribe:  ietf-osi-ds-request@cs.ucl.ac.uk

Description of Working Group:

     The OSI-DS group works on issues relating to building an OSI Di-
     rectory Service using X.500 and its deployment on the Internet. Whilst
     this group is not directly concerned with piloting, the focus is practi-
     cal, and technical work needed as a pre-requisite to deployment of an
     open Directory will be considered.

Goals and Milestones:

March 91      Definition of a Technical Framework for Provision of
	      a Directory Infrastructure on the Internet, using X.500.
	      This task may later be broken into subtasks.  A series of
	      RFCs will be produced.

March 91      Study the relationship of the OSI Directory to the Domain
	      Name Service.
Ongoing	      Maintain a Shecma for the OSI Directory on the Internet

Ongoing       Liaisons should be established as appropriate.  In
              particular:  RARE WG3, NIST, CCITT/ISO IEC, North American
	      Directory Forum,
