Magic [800]
No apprentice magician can rightfully don the robes of his order without
some knowledge of Magic [800].  Magic contains many spells useful on
their own, as well as in conjunction with spells from the other schools 
of sorcery.

The following skills may be studied directly once Magic is known:

   num    skill                              time to learn
   ---    -----                              -------------
   801    Meditate                           two weeks
   802    Perform common tasks for gold      two weeks
   803    Appear common                      two weeks
   804    View current aura level of others  three weeks
   805    Reveal abilities of another mage   two weeks

Further skills may be found through research.

   806    Tap health for aura                three weeks
   807    Heal                               three weeks
   808    Modern magic script                three weeks
   809    Shroud abilities from scry         three weeks
   811    Detect ability scry                three weeks
   812    Dispel ability shroud              three weeks
   813    Advanced meditation                three weeks
   814    Hinder meditation                  three weeks