To install TeX on OpenVMS perform the following steps:

 0) copy the distribution (either the ZIP archive or the save-sets)
    to the root directory of the disk that shall hold TeX

 1.1) if you got the CTAN archive (TEX97_CTAN.ZIP) extract the archive
    with UNZIP 5.x into TEX97_CTAN.BCK and restore the save-set with
    the BACKUP utility; this will create the TeX tree under
    The ZIP archive has the OpenVMS record attributes included so one
    really needs the OpenVMS version of UNZIP.

 1.2) if you got the DECUS archives (TEX97_%%%.BCK) restore at least
    TEX97_EXE.BCK and TEX97_FNT.BCK with the BACKUP utility; this will
    create the TeX tree under <disk>:[TEXMF...]

 2) delete any the directories starting with two underscores, __*.DIR . 
    these directories should be empty and have been used during the
    development. if they contain some files, please notify us, since
    you found a bug in the distribution procedure.

 3) define the basic logicals by

      DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC                        TEX_DISK   <disk>
      DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC                        TEX_USAGE  CLD 


 4) define the remaining logicals after <disk> has been mounted in
    SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM or your local startup procedure by


 5) add the following to SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM or the login procedure
    defined by SYS$SYLOGIN:


 After a reboot TeX will be available. For other installation opportunities

 One may find some objects/images in the [SRC....] and [EXE...] tree. Those
 in the [EXE..] tree have been recompiled; those in the [SRC...] tree have
 been fetched from other archives. To save space, one may delete some of the. 

 The file LAST_MINUTE.BUGS in [TEXMF.MGR] describes some bugs found prior
 to the creation of the distribution. All these bugs and oddities will
 (hopefully) be fixed in the next release.

 Sites who fetched TeX from CTAN will have a basic TeX installation. These
 sites should read the whole TEX_ROOT:[MGR]VMS_TEX_MGR.GUIDE . They will
 need additonal files CTAN (for example Metafont sources). A complete
 file list is given by [MGR]FILES.LIST . 

 Sites who got TeX from DECUS will have a complete installation if they
 installed TEX97_SRC.BCK and TEX97_DOC.BCK. Even if these save-sets have
 been restored, they will have a complete run-time version.

 Bug reports should be send to one of the addresses below.

 Ralf G"artner , (