%% pdftex.def
%% Copyright (C) 2000-2015 David Carlisle, Sebastian Rahtz,
%%                         Hans Hagen, Heiko Oberdiek and
%%                         Martin Schr\"oder
%% Copyright (C) 2016-2018 LaTeX3 project and Heiko Oberdiek
%% Copyright (C) 2018-2024 LaTeX3 project
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is the LaTeX3 Project.
%% https://github.com/latex3/graphics-def/issues
  [2024/04/13 v1.2c Graphics/color driver for pdftex]
\def\GPT@space{ }
    \PackageError{color}{Argument `#1' not in range [0,1]}\@ehd
  \edef#1{#2 g #2 G}%
  \edef#5{#1 #2 #3 #4 k #1 #2 #3 #4 K}%
  \edef#4{#1 #2 #3 rg #1 #2 #3 RG}%
    {\PackageError{color}{Undefined color `#1'}\@ehd}%
  {\edef#4{\csname col@#1\endcsname}}%
\chardef\main@pdfcolorstack=0 %
\def\current@color{0 g 0 G}
  \pdfcolorstack\@pdfcolorstack push{\current@color}%
\def\reset@color{\pdfcolorstack\@pdfcolorstack pop\relax}
\expandafter\ifx\csname currentgrouplevel\endcsname\relax
  \catcode`X=9  % ignore
  \catcode`E=14 % comment
  \catcode`X=14 % comment
  \catcode`E=9  % ignore
    % \newbox is outer in plain
    \csname newbox\endcsname\GPT@outputbox
X     % ensure \GPT@outputbox is really void
X     \begingroup
X       \setbox\GPT@outputbox=\box\GPT@outputbox
X     \endgroup
E     \edef\GPT@saved@grouplevel{\number\currentgrouplevel}%
X     \ifvoid\GPT@outputbox\relax
E     \ifnum\GPT@saved@grouplevel=\currentgrouplevel
E     \else
        \PackageInfo{pdftex.def}{Ignoring void output box}%
        \pdfliteral page{%
          q % gsave
          n % newpath
          0 0 \strip@pt\pdfpagewidth\GPT@space
          \strip@pt\pdfpageheight\GPT@space re % rectangle
          % there is no need to convert to bp
          f % fill
          Q% grestore
\catcode`\X=11 %
\catcode`\E=11 %
  \expandafter\edef\csname col@#1\endcsname{#2}}

           \pdfcolorstack\@pdfcolorstack push{\current@page@color}%
      Options `bblly', `bblly', `bburx', `bbury',\MessageBreak
      `natheight' and `natwidth' are not\MessageBreak
      supported by pdftex driver:\MessageBreak
      use `viewport' instead%
      {Option `bb' equivalent to `viewport' with the pdftex driver}%

%%% this definition will be added to graphics.sty

%%% this definition needs moving from graphicx.sty to graphics.sty
  \dimen@\Gin@llx\p@\advance\dimen@ \Gin@vurx\p@
  \dimen@\Gin@lly\p@\advance\dimen@ \Gin@vury\p@
  \dimen@\Gin@llx\p@\advance\dimen@ \Gin@vllx\p@
  \dimen@\Gin@lly\p@\advance\dimen@ \Gin@vlly\p@
%%% end of temp addition

        \PackageError{pdftex.def}{File `#1' not found: using draft setting}%
  {\csname newif\endcsname\ifGin@interpolate}
  \@ifundefined{#1 image\Gin@attr@hash}%
          \ifx\Gin@decode\@empty\else 1\fi
          \ifGin@interpolate 1\fi
          >0 %
            \ifGin@interpolate/Interpolate true\fi
        \ifx\Gin@page\@empty\else page \Gin@page\fi
      \expandafter\xdef\csname #1 image\Gin@attr@hash\endcsname
      \expandafter\xdef\csname #1 height\Gin@attr@hash\endcsname
      \expandafter\xdef\csname #1 width\Gin@attr@hash\endcsname
        <#1, %
        id=\the\pdflastximage, %
        \ifx\Gin@page\@empty\else page=\Gin@page , \fi
          pagebox=\Gin@pagebox , \fi\fi
        \ifx\Gin@decode\@empty\else decode=[\Gin@decode], \fi
        \ifGin@interpolate interpolate=true, \fi
        \the\wd\@tempboxa\GPT@space x \the\ht\@tempboxa
      \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@urx{\csname #1 width\Gin@attr@hash\endcsname}%
      \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@ury{\csname #1 height\Gin@attr@hash\endcsname}%
\expandafter\let\csname Gread@jbig2\endcsname\Gread@png
    <use #1%
    \ifx\Gin@page\@empty\else, page \Gin@page\fi
    #1 \ifx\Gin@page\@empty\else, page\Gin@page\fi
    \GPT@space used\on@line.\MessageBreak
    Requested size: %
    \the\Gin@req@width\GPT@space x \the\Gin@req@height
  \Ginclude@@pdftex{\@nameuse{#1 image\Gin@attr@hash}}%
        % without viewport/trim clipping does not make sense
        % for pdfTeX
          \lower\Gin@vlly bp\hbox\bgroup
          \hskip-\Gin@vllx bp\relax
  % \Gin@urx and \Gin@ury already contain the correct values,
  % so both cases viewport and trim can be handled together:
  \advance\dimen@ -\Gin@llx\p@
  \wd\@tempboxa\strip@pt\dimen@ bp\relax
  \advance\dimen@ -\Gin@lly\p@
  \ht\@tempboxa\strip@pt\dimen@ bp\relax
\expandafter\let\csname Ginclude@jbig2\endcsname\Ginclude@pdftex
\def\GPT@MatrixIdentity{1 0 0 1}
  \edef#1{\expandafter\zap@space#1 \@empty}%
    % Slightly hacky, but set width of box 0 to 0pt otherwise
    % the CTM gets restored in the wrong place
    \Gscale@x\GPT@space0 0 \Gscale@y
  {\expandafter\let\csname ifGin@setpagesize\expandafter\endcsname
                    \csname iftrue\endcsname}
% If a package has changed \mag, assume it knows what it is doing
% and leave page size alone
% MPS conversion
    % supp-pdf.mkii tests against \undefined:
    % just in case someone has defined it ...
    % supp-pdf is probably already loaded.
  % If supp-pdf is not available, \convertMPtoPDF generates
  % an error message. \providecommand inside the third argument
  % of \InputIfFileExists will not work:
  % * \InputIfFileExists has problems with parameters (#1).
  % * Implementation of \providecommand is insufficient in miniltx.tex
% 2016/05/21 v0.01c use \newcommand here not \newcommand*  graphics/4472
        Cannot convert ##1 from MPS to PDF.
        The support file `supp-pdf.mkii' (supp-pdf.tex) is missing%
        The graphics driver for pdfTeX needs `supp-pdf.mkii'
        (or `supp-pdf.tex' and/or `supp-mis.tex')
        to convert MetaPost output files to PDF.
        These files are part of ConTeXt and can also be found here:%
        \GPT@space\GPT@space CTAN:macros/pdftex/graphics/.
        You'll get more errors if you'll continue now.%
% Load package epstopdf if
% a) LaTeX is running (plain TeX users are on their own),
% b) and \DoNotLoadEpstopdf either does not exist or is not \relax,
% c) and neither pst-pdf nor pdftricks is loaded (by \begin{document}).
% In other words, by default .eps files will be automatically
% converted to .pdf files when outputting pdf.  This can be wrong!
% If the .pdf is the source, rather than the .eps, you should put
%  \newcommand{\DoNotLoadEpstopdf}{}
% before even the \documentclass line of your document.
% Earlier versions did not load epstopdf if shell escape was disabled.
% Now load, for better error reporting and to allow inclusion of pre-existing
% converted files: see gh/38
% More information about the epstopdf run will be in the .log file;
% see http://ctan.org/pkg/epstopdf-pkg for more info about the
% epstopdf package itself.  In turn, it calls the epstopdf script
% (http://ctan.org/pkg/epstopdf).
% For the first discussion and background on this, see the thread on latex-l:
% http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.tex.latex.latex3/1465
\expandafter\ifx\csname DoNotLoadEpstopdf\endcsname\relax
  \expandafter\ifx\csname AtEndOfPackage\endcsname\relax
          }% pdftricks not loaded
        }% pst-pdf not loaded
      }% AtBeginDocument block
    }% AtEndofPackage block
  \fi % AtEndofPackage not defined
\fi % DoNotLoadEpstopdf not defined