  [2024-04-04 v5.2o csquotes generic definitions (JAW)]

% Set defaults


% Predefined backend styles

\DeclareQuoteStyle[quotes]{austrian}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[guillemets]{austrian}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[quotes]{croatian}% based on Croatian Orthography by IHJJ (The Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics)
\DeclareQuoteStyle[guillemets]{croatian}% based on Croatian Orthography by IHJJ (The Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics)
\DeclareQuoteStyle[american]{english}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[british]{english}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle{estonian}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle{finnish}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[quotes]{german}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[guillemets]{german}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[swiss]{german}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle{greek}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[brazilian]{portuguese}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[portuguese]{portuguese}% unsure
\DeclareQuoteStyle{russian}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[quotes]{serbian}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[guillemets]{serbian}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[german]{serbian}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[spanish]{spanish}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[quotes]{swedish}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[guillemets]{swedish}% verified
\DeclareQuoteStyle[guillemets*]{swedish}% verified

% Plain style for PDF strings


% Default style


% Predefined aliases

\DeclareQuoteAlias[british]{english}{australian}% unsure
\DeclareQuoteAlias[british]{english}{newzealand}% unsure

% Babel aliases


% Language options


% Register quotation marks (per output encoding)

\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT1}{34}%  = \textquotedblright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT1}{39}%  = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT1}{92}%  = \textquotedblleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT1}{96}%  = \textquoteleft

\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT2}{34}%  = \textquotedbl
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT2}{39}%  = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT2}{60}%  = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT2}{62}%  = \guillemotright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT2}{96}%  = \textquoteleft
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT2}{91}% = [[ ligature = \guillemotleft
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT2}{93}% = ]] ligature = \guillemotright

\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT4}{34}%  = \textquotedblright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT4}{39}%  = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT4}{92}%  = \textquotedblleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT4}{96}%  = \textquoteleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT4}{174}% = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT4}{175}% = \guillemotright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{OT4}{255}% = \quotedblbase

\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{13}%   = \quotesinglbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{14}%   = \guilsinglleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{15}%   = \guilsinglright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{16}%   = \textquotedblleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{17}%   = \textquotedblright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{18}%   = \quotedblbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{19}%   = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{20}%   = \guillemotright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{34}%   = \textquotedbl
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{39}%   = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{96}%   = \textquoteleft
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{60}%  = << ligature = \guillemotleft
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T1}{62}%  = >> ligature = \guillemotright

\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{34}%  = \textquotedbl
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{39}%  = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{96}%  = \textquoteleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{129}% = \textquotesingle
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{130}% = \quotesinglbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{132}% = \quotedblbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{139}% = \guilsinglleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{147}% = \textquotedblleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{148}% = \textquotedblright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{155}% = \guilsinglright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{171}% = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LY1}{187}% = \guillemotright

\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LGR}{28}%  = \textquoteleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LGR}{29}%  = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LGR}{123}% = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LGR}{125}% = \guillemotright

\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2A}{16}%  = \textquotedblleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2A}{17}%  = \textquotedblright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2A}{34}%  = \textquotedbl
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2A}{39}%  = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2A}{96}%  = \textquoteleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2A}{189}% = \quotedblbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2A}{190}% = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2A}{191}% = \guillemotright
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2A}{60}% = << ligature = \guillemotleft
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2A}{62}% = >> ligature = \guillemotright

\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2B}{16}%  = \textquotedblleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2B}{17}%  = \textquotedblright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2B}{34}%  = \textquotedbl
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2B}{39}%  = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2B}{96}%  = \textquoteleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2B}{189}% = \quotedblbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2B}{190}% = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2B}{191}% = \guillemotright
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2B}{60}% = << ligature = \guillemotleft
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2B}{62}% = >> ligature = \guillemotright

\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2C}{16}%  = \textquotedblleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2C}{17}%  = \textquotedblright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2C}{34}%  = \textquotedbl
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2C}{39}%  = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2C}{96}%  = \textquoteleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2C}{189}% = \quotedblbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2C}{190}% = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2C}{191}% = \guillemotright
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2C}{60}% = << ligature = \guillemotleft
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{T2C}{62}% = >> ligature = \guillemotright

\DeclareQuoteGlyph{X2}{16}%   = \textquotedblleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{X2}{17}%   = \textquotedblright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{X2}{34}%   = \textquotedbl
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{X2}{39}%   = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{X2}{96}%   = \textquoteleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{X2}{189}%  = \quotedblbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{X2}{190}%  = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{X2}{191}%  = \guillemotright
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{X2}{60}%  = << ligature = \guillemotleft
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{X2}{62}%  = >> ligature = \guillemotright

\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LCY}{13}%  = \textquotesingle
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LCY}{34}%  = \textquotedbl
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LCY}{39}%  = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LCY}{96}%  = \textquoteleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LCY}{253}% = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LCY}{254}% = \guillemotright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LCY}{255}% = \quotedblbase
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LCY}{60}% = << ligature = \guillemotleft
%\DeclareQuoteGlyph{LCY}{62}% = >> ligature = \guillemotright

% Unicode (for XeTeX)
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"0022}% = neutral quot. mark, double              = \textquotedbl
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"0027}% = neutral quot. mark, single              = \textquotesingle
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"00AB}% = angle quot. mark, left-pointing double  = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"00BB}% = angle quot. mark, right-pointing double = \guillemotright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"2018}% = comma quot. mark, single turned         = \textquoteleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"2019}% = comma quot. mark, single                = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"201A}% = comma quot. mark, low single            = \quotesinglbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"201B}% = comma quot. mark, single reversed       = n/a
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"201C}% = comma quot. mark, double turned         = \textquotedblleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"201D}% = comma quot. mark, double                = \textquotedblright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"201E}% = comma quot. mark, low double            = \quotedblbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"201F}% = comma quot. mark, double reversed       = n/a
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"2039}% = angle quot. mark, left-pointing single  = \guilsinglleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU1}{"203A}% = angle quot. mark, right-pointing single = \guilsinglright

% Unicode (for LuaTeX)
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"0022}% = neutral quot. mark, double              = \textquotedbl
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"0027}% = neutral quot. mark, single              = \textquotesingle
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"00AB}% = angle quot. mark, left-pointing double  = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"00BB}% = angle quot. mark, right-pointing double = \guillemotright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"2018}% = comma quot. mark, single turned         = \textquoteleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"2019}% = comma quot. mark, single                = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"201A}% = comma quot. mark, low single            = \quotesinglbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"201B}% = comma quot. mark, single reversed       = n/a
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"201C}% = comma quot. mark, double turned         = \textquotedblleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"201D}% = comma quot. mark, double                = \textquotedblright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"201E}% = comma quot. mark, low double            = \quotedblbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"201F}% = comma quot. mark, double reversed       = n/a
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"2039}% = angle quot. mark, left-pointing single  = \guilsinglleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{EU2}{"203A}% = angle quot. mark, right-pointing single = \guilsinglright

% Unicode (2016/02/01 ownards)
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"0022}% = neutral quot. mark, double              = \textquotedbl
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"0027}% = neutral quot. mark, single              = \textquotesingle
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"00AB}% = angle quot. mark, left-pointing double  = \guillemotleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"00BB}% = angle quot. mark, right-pointing double = \guillemotright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"2018}% = comma quot. mark, single turned         = \textquoteleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"2019}% = comma quot. mark, single                = \textquoteright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"201A}% = comma quot. mark, low single            = \quotesinglbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"201B}% = comma quot. mark, single reversed       = n/a
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"201C}% = comma quot. mark, double turned         = \textquotedblleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"201D}% = comma quot. mark, double                = \textquotedblright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"201E}% = comma quot. mark, low double            = \quotedblbase
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"201F}% = comma quot. mark, double reversed       = n/a
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"2039}% = angle quot. mark, left-pointing single  = \guilsinglleft
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"203A}% = angle quot. mark, right-pointing single = \guilsinglright
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"300C}% = LEFT CORNER BRACKET                     = n/a
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"300D}% = RIGHT CORNER BRACKET                    = n/a
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"300E}% = LEFT WHITE CORNER BRACKET               = n/a
\DeclareQuoteGlyph{TU}{"300F}% = RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET              = n/a


% Auxiliary commands for some styles

% The \fixligatures command used in the above styles is provided
% by csquotes.sty. It is used as follows:
%       \fixligatures\textquoteleft
% and will suppress the ligatures
%       ?` -> \textquestiondown
% and
%       !` -> \textexclamdown
% in T1 encoding.

% \initfrenchquotes is also provided by csquotes.sty. This command
% is intended for use in the 'outer initialization' argument of
% \DeclareQuoteStyle. It will enable a feature which replaces two
% adjoining marks at the end of a quotation by a single one. This is
% required by some styles which use the same quotation marks on both
% the outer and the inner level. If enabled, you get:
%        <<outer quote <<inner quote>>
% instead of
%        <<outer quote <<inner quote>> >>
% That is, if two nested quotations end simultaneously, the second
% closing mark is omitted.

% The commands \mkfrenchopenquote and \mkfrenchclosequote are
% intended for spaced-out quotation marks as used in French. They
% are employed as follows:
%       \mkfrenchopenquote{\guillemotleft}
%       \mkfrenchclosequote{\guillemotright}
% and will use a command called \@frenchquotespace to space out the
% quotation marks. The default spacing is:
%       \penalty\@M
%       \hskip 0.8\fontdimen2\font
%        plus  0.3\fontdimen3\font
%        minus 0.3\fontdimen4\font
% This is similar to what the \og and \fg commands of babel's
% french.ldf use. It yields a stretchable space whose natural size
% is the interword space of the current font multiplied by 0.8. The
% stretch component is the interword stretch of the current font
% multiplied by 0.3, and the shrink component is the interword
% shrink of the current font multiplied by 0.3.
% If you prefer a full interword space, redefine \@frenchquotespace
% as follows:
%       \renewcommand*{\@frenchquotespace}{%
%         \penalty\@M
%         \hskip\fontdimen2\font\relax}
% or:
%       \renewcommand*{\@frenchquotespace}{%
%         \penalty\@M\space}
% In either case, the difference to the default values is so subtle,
% you will hardly notice it in most cases.
% Don't forget to add the penalty if you redefine \@frenchquotespace!
% You certainly don't want to allow a linebreak at that point.