The EthTeX Package                                                     V 1.0

  This is the first release of the EthTeX Package, a bundle of many people's 
  work--TeX by Donald Knuth, emTeX ported to personal computer by Eberhard 
  Mattes, LaTeX by Laslie Lamport, Ethiopian fonts, and many more.

  In addition to the standard features of TeX, the package provides a suitable 
  environment for the Ethiopian Script users.  More than anything else, the
  purpose of the package is to open up the world of TeX to the users who until
  now lack the means to produce beautiful books or documents with Ethiopian
  Script beyond a word processor's scope.  

* The EthTeX Package

  The system comes with ten 5.25" floppy diskettes and it will be available
  also in a number of archive sites through FTP (File Transfer Protocol.)
  services.  If you don't have access to ftp service, you may get the package
  from TeX Users Group or from me, but you must cover the expenses---material 
  and shipping & handling.

* Hardware Requirement

  IBM pc or compatible with 8086, 80286, 80386, or 80486
  640MB RAM
  EGA, or VGA display adapter
  About 8MB hard disk space

* The System features

  emTeX : TeX, LaTeX, METAFONT, and others stuff.
  eLaTeX--a modified version of LaTeX featuring Amharic commands
  Modified styles files to suit Ethiopian document typesetting
  Ethiopian fonts (including METAFONT sources)
  EthioME that includes MicroEMACS for Ethiopian Script editing.

* Documents

  All the following documents are included in distribution except the book
  _Mestahafe eLaTeX_  and can be processed and printed. They are located 
  in "C:\EMTEX\DOC\AMHARIC" directory.

   README.ETH   :  Introduction and installation guide 
   READ1ST.TEX  :  Introduction and installation guide (Amharic--TeX file)
   VIEWER.TEX   :  Users guide for dvi file viewing (Amharic--TeX file)
   PRTDVR.TEX   :  Users guide for printing dvi files (Amharic--TeX file)
   TEXSHELL.TEX :  Introductory TeXshell users guide (Amharic--TeX file)
   ETHIOME.TEX  :  An Amharic reference manual for ETHIOME (a TeX file)
   Mestahafe eLaTeX (written in Amharic):
      An Amharic guide for producing books, reports, articles, letters, 
      and so on with Ethiopian script in eLaTeX.  

*  The EthTeX Package on floppy diskettes: There are ten minimum high density
   diskettes labeled as shown below.

   1. emTeX DISK 1 of 8
   2. emTeX DISK 2 of 8
   3. emTeX DISK 3 of 8
   4. emTeX DISK 4 of 8
   5. emTeX DISK 5 of 8
   6. emTeX DISK 6 of 8
   7. eLaTeX DISK 7 of 8
   8. EthioME DISK 8 of 8
   9. TeXfonts  DISK 1 of 2      (for a single specified printer)
  10. TeXfonts  DISK 2 of 2

*  Distribution

   The package is available from three sources:
   1.  Archive site in which the system can be retrieved using a ftp services.
       The sites includes: (Note: this may not be ready by the time of this

       ftp.shsu.edu     []   tex-archive/languages/ethiopia/ethtex
       ftp.tex.ac.uk    []   tex-archive/languages/ethiopia/ethtex
       ftp.dante.de     []     tex-archive/languages/ethiopia/ethtex

   2.  It can be ordered directly from TUG (TeX Users Group) office. For more
       information write or call the office.

       TeX Users Group
       P.O. Box 869
       Santa Barbara, CA 93102 USA
       Phone:  +1 (805)963-1338
       FAX:    +1 (805)963-8358
       email:  tug@tug.org

    3. It can be obtained directly from me also. For more information write 
       or call to:

       EthiO Systems 
       P.O. Box 36921
       Houston, TX 77236
       Phone: +1 (713)995-4360
       email: abassa@neosoft.com

Abass B. Alamnehe
P.O. Box 36921
Houston, TX 77236
e-mail: abassa@neosoft.com