xlog-1.2.2: GTK+ Logging program for Shortwave Hamradio Operators xlog-1.2.2: xlog focuses on hams who operate shortwave on a daily basis. xlog-1.2.2: The log is stored into a text file. QSO's are presented in a xlog-1.2.2: list. Items in the list can be added, deleted or updated. xlog-1.2.2: For each contact, DXCC information is displayed and bearings xlog-1.2.2: and distance are calculated, both short and long path. xlog-1.2.2: xlog is developed by Joop Stakenborg <pg4i@amsat.org> xlog-1.2.2: xlog-1.2.2: Requires glib, gtk+ and hamlib to be installed. xlog-1.2.2: xlog-1.2.2: