If you want to install the lanman module or if you want to build it from the scratch,
you should read these notes.


Unzip the lanman. file to a folder. Make this folder your current directory.
In contrast to the installation procedure for the module version 1.08, you don't need to
distinguish between perl 5.6 and perl 5.005. The Win32-lanman.ppd file does this job for
you (thanks for the hint to Jenda Krynicky). Type in 

	ppm install --location=. win32-lanman

if you use perl 5.6 or perl 5.005 (type in perl -v to verify your perl version). To verify 
the installation, type in ppm query. The lanman module should appear in the list.

There is still a version for perl 5.003. You cannot use ppm because perl 5.003 doesn't 
have a ppm. Use the install.pl instead. Btw, you can install the module with the install.pl
for the other perl versions too. But that's not recommended because the module won't be
registered in the ppm database.

The html help file will be installed only if you use the ppm. You can find the lanman.html
file in the <perldir>\html\lib\site\lanman directory.

Build the module:

You need an installed MSVC++ compiler. I work with MSVC++ version 6 but version 5 should work 
too. Please use the MSVC's Sp3 (Dlls's compiled with Sp4 seems not to work with perl). Next, 
you need the platform sdk. It contains some header files and libraries necessary to build the 
module. Furthermore, you need the perl source files (in particular, only the header files are 
necessary). These include header files should be accessible in the <perldir>\lib\core directory. 

Set up the compiler environment with vcvars32.bat. Unzip the lanman.1.0.9.zip file to an empty 
folder. Make this folder to your current directory and load the Makefile in your editor.

Change the following settings to your directory names:

	perldir6xx="c:\program files\perl.6xx"	- directory where perl 5.6 resides
	perldir5xx="c:\program files\perl.5xx"	- directory where perl 5.005_3 resides
	perldir3xx="c:\program files\perl.3xx"	- directory where perl 5.003 resides

If you only want to build for perl 5.6, you can leave perldir5xx and perldir3xx as they are.

	platformsdk=c:\program files\microsoft sdk

must reflect you platform sdk directory. Now you can start the build process. Type in

	nmake clean 


	nmake clean cfg=perl.6xx
	nmake cfg=perl.6xx

to build the module for perl 5.6. If you use perl 5.005_03 type in

	nmake clean cfg=perl.5xx
	nmake cfg=perl.5xx


	nmake clean cfg=perl.3xx
	nmake cfg=perl.3xx

for perl 5.003. If the build was successfully, you'll find the files in the .\inst_dir\perl.xxx
directory. To install the module, use

	nmake install

	nmake install cfg=perl.6xx


	nmake install cfg=perl.5xx


	nmake install cfg=perl.3xx

Still one hint: don't build on a w2k machine. Use nt4 instead. If you build on w2k, the module 
runs only on w2k machines and not on nt.