Xref: lysator.liu.se comp.security.misc:5246
Newsgroups: comp.security.misc
Path: lysator.liu.se!kth.se!sunic!EU.net!uunet!spcuna!spcvxb!terry
From: terry@spcvxb.spc.edu (Terry Kennedy, Operations Mgr.)
Subject: Re: ident for VMS and other systems?
Nntp-Posting-Host: spcvxa.spc.edu
References: <2en4vi$rn8@kanin.arnes.si>
Sender: news@spcuna.spc.edu (Network News)
Organization: St. Peter's College, US
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 07:12:17 GMT
Message-ID: <1993Dec20.021217.1@spcvxb.spc.edu>
Lines: 14

In article <2en4vi$rn8@kanin.arnes.si>, tomaz@arnes.si (Tomaz Borstnar) writes:
> 	Are there any IDENT or at least AUTH implementations for non-Unix 
> systems?

  TGV's MultiNet (TCP/IP for VMS) comes with an IDENT server in the contrib-
uted software part of the distribution. I've been using it and it works well.
I asked the author if it could be converted into a standalone server instead
of being started by the MultiNet server (the equivalent of inetd), since the
process start-up time on VMS is very long, and he sent me a modified version
the next day.

	Terry Kennedy		Operations Manager, Academic Computing
	terry@spcvxa.bitnet	St. Peter's College, Jersey City, NJ USA
	terry@spcvxa.spc.edu	+1 201 915 9381