patch-2.3.6 linux/drivers/i2o/i2o_lan.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.5/linux/drivers/i2o/i2o_lan.c linux/drivers/i2o/i2o_lan.c
@@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
+ * 	linux/drivers/i2o/i2o_lan.c
+ *
+ *    	I2O LAN CLASS OSM 	Prototyping, May 7th 1999
+ *
+ *	(C) Copyright 1999 	University of Helsinki,
+ *				Department of Computer Science
+ *
+ *   	This code is still under development / test.
+ *
+ *      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ *      modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ *      as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+ *      2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    
+ *
+ * 	Author: 	Auvo H�kkinen <Auvo.Hakkinen@cs.Helsinki.FI>
+ *
+ *	Tested:		in FDDI environment (using SysKonnect's DDM)
+ *			in ETH environment (using Intel 82558 DDM proto)
+ *
+ *	TODO:		batch mode networking
+ *			- this one assumes that we always get one packet in a bucket
+ *			- we've not been able to test batch replies and batch receives
+ *			error checking / timeouts
+ *			- code/test for other LAN classes
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
+#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
+#include <linux/fddidevice.h>
+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
+#include <linux/if_arp.h>
+#include <linux/malloc.h>
+#include <linux/trdevice.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/i2o.h>
+#include "i2o_lan.h"
+//#define DRIVERDEBUG
+#define dprintk(s, args...) printk(s, ## args) 
+#define dprintk(s, args...)
+#define MAX_LAN_CARDS 4
+static struct device *i2o_landevs[MAX_LAN_CARDS+1];
+static int unit = -1; 			/* device unit number */
+struct i2o_lan_local {
+	u8 unit;
+	struct i2o_device *i2o_dev;
+	int reply_flag; 		// needed by scalar/table queries
+	struct fddi_statistics stats;
+/*	first fields are same as in struct net_device_stats stats; */ 
+	unsigned short (*type_trans)(struct sk_buff *, struct device *);
+/* function prototypes */
+static int i2o_lan_receive_post(struct device *dev);
+static int i2o_lan_receive_post_reply(struct device *dev, struct i2o_message *m);
+static void i2o_lan_reply(struct i2o_handler *h, struct i2o_controller *iop, 
+			  struct i2o_message *m)
+	u32 *msg = (u32 *)m;
+	u8 unit  = (u8)(msg[2]>>16); // InitiatorContext
+	struct device *dev = i2o_landevs[unit];
+	i2o_report_status(KERN_INFO, "i2o_lan", msg[1]>>24, msg[4]>>24,
+			  msg[4]&0xFFFF);
+    	if (msg[0] & (1<<13)) // Fail bit is set
+ 	{
+ 		printk(KERN_INFO "IOP failed to process the msg\n");
+		printk("From tid=%d to tid=%d",(msg[1]>>12)&0xFFF,msg[1]&0xFFF);
+		return;
+	}	
+	switch (msg[1] >> 24) {
+		if (dev->start) 
+			i2o_lan_receive_post_reply(dev,m);
+		else { 
+			// we are getting unused buckets back
+			u8 trl_count  = msg[3] & 0x000000FF; 	
+			struct i2o_bucket_descriptor *bucket =
+				(struct i2o_bucket_descriptor *)&msg[6];
+			struct sk_buff *skb;
+			do {	
+				dprintk("Releasing unused bucket\n");
+				skb = (struct sk_buff *)bucket->context;
+				dev_kfree_skb(skb);
+				bucket++;
+			} while (--trl_count);
+		}			
+	break;
+	case LAN_SDU_SEND: 
+	{
+		u8 trl_count  = msg[3] & 0x000000FF; 	
+		if (msg[4] >> 24) 	// ReqStatus != SUCCESS
+		{
+			printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: ",dev->name); 
+			report_common_status(msg[4]>>24);
+			report_lan_dsc(msg[4]&0xFFFF);
+		}
+		do {	// The HDM has handled the outgoing packet
+			dev_kfree_skb((struct sk_buff *)msg[4 + trl_count]);
+			dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Request skb freed (trl_count=%d).\n",
+				dev->name,trl_count);
+		} while (--trl_count);
+			dev->tbusy = 0;
+			mark_bh(NET_BH); /* inform upper layers */
+	}
+	break;	
+	default: 
+		if (msg[2] & 0x80000000)  	// reply to a util get/set
+		{	// flag for the i2o_post_wait
+	       		int *flag = (int *)msg[3];
+	       		// ReqStatus != I2O_REPLY_STATUS_SUCCESS
+	      		 *flag = (msg[4] >> 24) ? I2O_POST_WAIT_TIMEOUT 
+	       				        : I2O_POST_WAIT_OK ;
+		}
+	}
+static struct i2o_handler i2o_lan_handler =
+	i2o_lan_reply,
+	"I2O Lan OSM",
+	0		// context
+static int lan_context;
+static int i2o_lan_receive_post_reply(struct device *dev, struct i2o_message *m)
+	u32 *msg = (u32 *)m;
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;
+	struct i2o_bucket_descriptor *bucket = (struct i2o_bucket_descriptor *)&msg[6];
+	struct i2o_packet_info *packet;
+	u8 trl_count  = msg[3] & 0x000000FF; 	
+	struct sk_buff *skb;
+#ifdef 0
+	dprintk(KERN_INFO "TrlFlags = 0x%02X, TrlElementSize = %d, TrlCount = %d\n"
+		"msgsize = %d, buckets_remaining = %d\n", 
+		msg[3]>>24, msg[3]&0x0000FF00, trl_count, msg[0]>>16, msg[5]);	
+ * NOTE: here we assume that also in batch mode we will get only 
+ * one packet per bucket. This can be ensured by setting the 
+ * PacketOrphanLimit to MaxPacketSize, as well as the bucket size.
+ */
+	do {
+		/* packet is not at all needed here */
+		packet = (struct i2o_packet_info *)bucket->packet_info;	
+#ifdef 0
+		dprintk(KERN_INFO "flags = 0x%02X, offset = 0x%06X, status = 0x%02X, length = %d\n",
+			packet->flags, packet->offset, packet->status, packet->len);
+		skb = (struct sk_buff *)(bucket->context);
+		skb_put(skb,packet->len);
+		skb->dev  = dev;		
+		skb->protocol = priv->type_trans(skb, dev);
+		netif_rx(skb);
+		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Incoming packet (%d bytes) delivered "
+			"to upper level.\n",dev->name,packet->len);
+		bucket++; // to next Packet Descriptor Block
+	} while (--trl_count);
+	if (msg[5] <= I2O_BUCKET_THRESH)  	// BucketsRemaining
+		i2o_lan_receive_post(dev);
+	return 0;
+/*  ====================================================
+ *  Interface to i2o:  functions to send lan class request 
+ */
+ * i2o_lan_receive_post(): Post buckets to receive packets.
+ */
+static int i2o_lan_receive_post(struct device *dev)
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;	
+	struct i2o_device *i2o_dev = priv->i2o_dev;
+	struct i2o_controller *iop = i2o_dev->controller;
+	struct sk_buff *skb;
+	u32 m; u32 *msg;
+	u32 bucket_len = (dev->mtu + dev->hard_header_len);
+	u32 bucket_count;
+	int n_elems = (iop->inbound_size - 16 ) / 12; // msg header + SGLs
+	u32 total = 0;
+	int i;
+	dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Allocating %d buckets (size %d).\n", 
+		dev->name, I2O_BUCKET_COUNT, bucket_len);
+	while (total < I2O_BUCKET_COUNT)
+	{
+		m = I2O_POST_READ32(iop);
+		if (m == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+			return -ETIMEDOUT;		
+		msg = bus_to_virt(iop->mem_offset + m);
+		bucket_count = (total + n_elems < I2O_BUCKET_COUNT)
+			     ? n_elems
+			     : I2O_BUCKET_COUNT - total;
+		msg[0] = I2O_MESSAGE_SIZE(4 + 3 *  bucket_count) | 1<<12 | SGL_OFFSET_4;
+		msg[1] = LAN_RECEIVE_POST<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | i2o_dev->id;
+		msg[2] = priv->unit << 16 | lan_context; // InitiatorContext	
+		msg[3] = bucket_count;			 // BucketCount
+		for (i = 0; i < bucket_count; i++)
+		{
+			skb = dev_alloc_skb(bucket_len + 2);
+			if (skb == NULL)
+				return -ENOMEM;
+			skb_reserve(skb, 2);
+			msg[4 + 3*i] = 0x51000000 | bucket_len;
+			msg[5 + 3*i] = (u32)skb;
+			msg[6 + 3*i] = virt_to_bus(skb->data);
+		}
+		msg[4 + 3*i - 3] |= 0x80000000; // set LE flag
+		i2o_post_message(iop,m);
+		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Sending %d buckets (size %d) to LAN HDM.\n",
+			dev->name,bucket_count,bucket_len);
+		total += bucket_count;
+	}
+	return 0;	
+ * i2o_lan_reset(): Reset the LAN adapter into the operational state and 
+ * 	restore it to full operation.
+ */
+static int i2o_lan_reset(struct device *dev) 
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;	
+	struct i2o_device *i2o_dev = priv->i2o_dev;
+	struct i2o_controller *iop = i2o_dev->controller;	
+	u32 m; u32 *msg;
+	m = I2O_POST_READ32(iop);
+	if (m == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+		return -ETIMEDOUT;
+	msg = bus_to_virt(iop->mem_offset + m);
+	msg[1] = LAN_RESET<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | i2o_dev->id;
+	msg[2] = priv->unit << 16 | lan_context; // InitiatorContext
+	msg[3] = 0; 				 // TransactionContext
+	msg[4] = 1 << 16; 			 // return posted buckets
+	i2o_post_message(iop,m);
+	return 0; 
+ * i2o_lan_suspend(): Put LAN adapter into a safe, non-active state.
+ * 	Reply to any LAN class message with status error_no_data_transfer 
+ *	/ suspended.
+ */
+static int i2o_lan_suspend(struct device *dev)
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;	
+	struct i2o_device *i2o_dev = priv->i2o_dev;
+	struct i2o_controller *iop = i2o_dev->controller;	
+	u32 m; u32 *msg;
+	m = I2O_POST_READ32(iop);
+	if (m == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+		return -ETIMEDOUT;
+	msg = bus_to_virt(iop->mem_offset + m);
+	msg[1] = LAN_SUSPEND<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | i2o_dev->id;
+	msg[2] = priv->unit << 16 | lan_context; // InitiatorContext
+	msg[3] = 0; 				 // TransactionContext
+	msg[4] = 1 << 16; 			 // return posted buckets
+	i2o_post_message(iop,m);
+	return 0;
+ * Set DDM into batch mode.
+ */
+static void i2o_set_batch_mode(struct device *dev)
+ * NOTE: we have not been able to test batch mode
+ * 	 since HDMs we have, don't implement it 
+ */
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;	
+	struct i2o_device *i2o_dev = priv->i2o_dev;	
+	struct i2o_controller *iop = i2o_dev->controller;	
+	u32 val;
+	/* set LAN_BATCH_CONTROL attributes */
+	// enable batch mode, toggle automatically
+	val = 0x00000000;
+	if (i2o_params_set(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0003, 0,
+			&val, 4, &priv->reply_flag) <0)
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "Unable to enter I2O LAN batch mode.\n");
+	else
+		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: I2O LAN batch mode enabled.\n",dev->name);
+	/*
+	 * When PacketOrphanlimit is same as the maximum packet length,
+	 * the packets will never be split into two separate buckets
+	 */
+	/* set LAN_OPERATION attributes */
+	val = dev->mtu + dev->hard_header_len; // PacketOrphanLimit
+	if (i2o_params_set(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0004, 2,
+		&val, 4, &priv->reply_flag) < 0)
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o_lan: Unable to set PacketOrphanLimit.\n");
+	else
+		dprintk(KERN_INFO "PacketOrphanLimit set to %d\n",val);
+#ifdef 0
+ * I2O spec 2.0: there should be proper default values for other attributes 
+ * used in batch mode.
+ */
+	/* set LAN_RECEIVE_INFO attributes */
+	val = 10; // RxMaxBucketsReply
+	if (i2o_params_set(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0008, 3,
+		&val, 4, &priv->reply_flag) < 0)
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Unable to set RxMaxBucketsReply.\n",
+			dev->name);
+	val = 10; // RxMaxPacketsBuckets
+	if (i2o_params_set(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0008, 4,
+		&val, 4, &priv->reply_flag) < 0)
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Unable to set RxMaxPacketsBucket.\n",
+			dev->name);
+	/* set LAN_BATCH_CONTROL attributes */
+	val = 10; // MaxRxBatchCount
+	if (i2o_params_set(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0003, 5,
+		&val, 4, &priv->reply_flag) < 0)
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Unable to set MaxRxBatchCount.\n",
+			dev->name);
+	val = 10; // MaxTxBatchCount
+	if (i2o_params_set(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0003, 8,
+		&val, 4, &priv->reply_flag) < 0)
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s Unable to set MaxTxBatchCount.\n",
+			dev->name);
+	return;	
+ * i2o_lan_open(): Open the device to send/receive packets via 
+ * the network device.	
+ */
+static int i2o_lan_open(struct device *dev)
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;	
+	struct i2o_device *i2o_dev = priv->i2o_dev;	
+	struct i2o_controller *iop = i2o_dev->controller;
+	i2o_lan_reset(dev);
+	if (i2o_issue_claim(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 1, 
+		&priv->reply_flag) < 0)
+	{
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Unable to claim the I2O LAN device.\n", dev->name);
+		return -EAGAIN;
+	}
+	dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: I2O LAN device claimed (tid=%d).\n", dev->name, i2o_dev->id);
+	dev->tbusy = 0;
+	dev->start = 1;
+	i2o_set_batch_mode(dev);
+	i2o_lan_receive_post(dev);
+	return 0;
+ * i2o_lan_close(): End the transfering.
+ */ 
+static int i2o_lan_close(struct device *dev)
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;	
+	struct i2o_device *i2o_dev = priv->i2o_dev;	
+	struct i2o_controller *iop = i2o_dev->controller;	
+	dev->tbusy = 1;
+	dev->start = 0;
+	if (i2o_issue_claim(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0, 
+	    &priv->reply_flag) < 0)
+	{
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Unable to unclaim I2O LAN device (tid=%d)\n",
+		       dev->name, i2o_dev->id);
+	}
+	i2o_lan_suspend(dev);
+	return 0;
+ * i2o_lan_sdu_send(): Send a packet, MAC header added by the HDM.
+ * Must be supported by Fibre Channel, optional for Ethernet/802.3, 
+ * Token Ring, FDDI
+ */
+static int i2o_lan_sdu_send(struct sk_buff *skb, struct device *dev)
+#ifdef 0
+/* not yet tested */
+        struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv; 
+        struct i2o_device *i2o_dev = priv->i2o_dev;     
+        struct i2o_controller *iop = i2o_dev->controller;
+        u32 m; u32 *msg;
+	dprintk(KERN_INFO "LanSDUSend called, skb->len = %d\n", skb->len);
+        m = *iop->post_port;
+        if (m == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+	{
+                dev_kfree_skb(skb);     
+                return -1;
+        }
+        msg = bus_to_virt(iop->mem_offset + m);
+        msg[0] = NINE_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_4;
+        msg[1] = LAN_SDU_SEND<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | i2o_dev->id; 
+        msg[2] = priv->unit << 16 | lan_context; // IntiatorContext
+        msg[3] = 1<<4;		// TransmitControlWord: suppress CRC generation
+        // create a simple SGL, see fig. 3-26
+        // D7 = 1101 0111 = LE eob 0 1 LA dir bc1 bc0
+        msg[4] = 0xD7000000 | (skb->len);  // no MAC hdr included     
+        msg[5] = (u32)skb;		   // TransactionContext
+        memcpy(&msg[6], skb->data, 8);	   // Destination MAC Addr ??
+        msg[7] &= 0x0000FFFF;		   // followed by two bytes zeros
+        msg[8] = virt_to_bus(skb->data);
+        dev->trans_start = jiffies;
+        i2o_post_message(iop,m);
+	dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Packet (%d bytes) sent to network.\n",
+		dev->name,skb->len);
+        return 0;
+ * i2o_lan_packet_send(): Send a packet as is, including the MAC header.
+ * 
+ * Must be supported by Ethernet/802.3, Token Ring, FDDI, optional for 
+ * Fibre Channel
+ */ 
+static int i2o_lan_packet_send(struct sk_buff *skb, struct device *dev)
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;	
+	struct i2o_device *i2o_dev = priv->i2o_dev;	
+	struct i2o_controller *iop = i2o_dev->controller;
+	u32 m; u32 *msg;
+	m = *iop->post_port;
+	if (m == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
+		dev_kfree_skb(skb);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	msg = bus_to_virt(iop->mem_offset + m);
+	msg[0] = SEVEN_WORD_MSG_SIZE | 1<<12 | SGL_OFFSET_4;
+	msg[1] = LAN_PACKET_SEND<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | i2o_dev->id;	
+	msg[2] = priv->unit << 16 | lan_context; // IntiatorContext
+	msg[3] = 1 << 4; 			 // TransmitControlWord
+	// create a simple SGL, see fig. 3-26
+	// D5 = 1101 0101 = LE eob 0 1 LA dir bc1 bc0
+	msg[4] = 0xD5000000 | skb->len;		// MAC hdr included
+	msg[5] = (u32)skb; 			// TransactionContext
+	msg[6] = virt_to_bus(skb->data);
+	i2o_post_message(iop,m);
+	dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Packet (%d bytes) sent to network.\n",
+		dev->name, skb->len);
+	return 0;
+ * net_device_stats(): Return statistical information.
+ */
+static struct net_device_stats *i2o_lan_get_stats(struct device *dev)
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;	
+	struct i2o_device *i2o_dev = priv->i2o_dev;
+	struct i2o_controller *iop = i2o_dev->controller;
+	u64 val[16];
+	/* query LAN_HISTORICAL_STATS scalar parameter group 0x0100 */
+        i2o_query_scalar(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0100, -1, 
+        		 &val, 16*8, &priv->reply_flag);
+        priv->stats.tx_packets = val[0];
+        priv->stats.tx_bytes   = val[1];
+        priv->stats.rx_packets = val[2];
+        priv->stats.rx_bytes   = val[3];
+        priv->stats.tx_errors  = val[4];
+        priv->stats.rx_errors  = val[5];
+	priv->stats.rx_dropped = val[6];
+	// other net_device_stats and FDDI class specific fields follow ...
+	return (struct net_device_stats *)&priv->stats;
+ * i2o_lan_set_multicast_list(): Enable a network device to receive packets
+ *	not send to the protocol address.
+ */
+static void i2o_lan_set_multicast_list(struct device *dev)
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;	
+	struct i2o_device *i2o_dev = priv->i2o_dev;
+	struct i2o_controller *iop = i2o_dev->controller;
+	u32 filter_mask;
+	dprintk(KERN_INFO "Entered i2o_lan_set_multicast_list().\n");
+ * FIXME: For some reason this kills interrupt handler in i2o_post_wait :-(
+ * 
+ */
+	dprintk(KERN_INFO "dev->flags = 0x%08X, dev->mc_count = 0x%08X\n",
+		dev->flags,dev->mc_count);
+	if (i2o_query_scalar(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0001, 3, 
+			     &filter_mask, 4, &priv->reply_flag) < 0 )
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o_lan: Unable to query filter mask.\n");	
+	dprintk(KERN_INFO "filter_mask = 0x%08X\n",filter_mask);
+	if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC)
+	{
+        	// Enable promiscuous mode
+		filter_mask |= 0x00000002; 
+		if (i2o_params_set(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0001, 3,
+				&filter_mask, 4, &priv->reply_flag) <0)
+			printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o_lan: Unable to enable promiscuous multicast mode.\n");
+		else
+			dprintk(KERN_INFO "i2o_lan: Promiscuous multicast mode enabled.\n");
+		return;
+        }
+// 	if ((dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) || dev->mc_count > HW_MAX_ADDRS)
+// 	{
+//        	// Disable promiscuous mode, use normal mode.
+// 		hardware_set_filter(NULL);
+//		dprintk(KERN_INFO "i2o_lan: Disabled promiscuous mode, uses normal mode\n"); 
+//		filter_mask = 0x00000000; 
+//		i2o_params_set(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0001, 3,
+//				&filter_mask, 4, &priv->reply_flag);
+//		return;
+//      }
+        if (dev->mc_count)
+	{
+        	// Walk the address list, and load the filter
+//              hardware_set_filter(dev->mc_list);
+                filter_mask = 0x00000004; 
+		if (i2o_params_set(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0001, 3,
+				   &filter_mask, 4, &priv->reply_flag) <0)
+			printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o_lan: Unable to enable Promiscuous multicast mode.\n");
+		else
+			dprintk(KERN_INFO "i2o_lan: Promiscuous multicast mode enabled.\n");			
+       		return;
+	}
+        // Unicast
+        filter_mask |= 0x00000300; // Broadcast, Multicast disabled
+	if (i2o_params_set(iop, i2o_dev->id, lan_context, 0x0001, 3,
+			&filter_mask, 4, &priv->reply_flag) <0)
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o_lan: Unable to enable unicast mode.\n");
+	else
+		dprintk(KERN_INFO "i2o_lan: Unicast mode enabled.\n");	
+	return;
+struct device *i2o_lan_register_device(struct i2o_device *i2o_dev)
+	struct device *dev = NULL;
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv = NULL;
+	u8 hw_addr[8];
+	unsigned short (*type_trans)(struct sk_buff *, struct device *);
+	switch (i2o_dev->subclass)
+	{
+		/* Note: init_etherdev calls 
+			 ether_setup() and register_netdevice() 
+			 and allocates the priv structure	 */
+        	dev = init_etherdev(NULL, sizeof(struct i2o_lan_local));
+		if (dev == NULL)
+			return NULL;
+		type_trans = eth_type_trans;
+		break;
+	case I2O_LAN_100VG:
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o_lan: 100base VG not yet supported\n");
+		break;
+#ifdef CONFIG_TR
+	case I2O_LAN_TR:
+		dev = init_trdev(NULL, sizeof(struct i2o_lan_local));
+		if(dev==NULL)
+			return NULL;
+		type_trans = tr_type_trans;
+		break;
+	case I2O_LAN_FDDI:
+	{
+		int size = sizeof(struct device) + sizeof(struct i2o_lan_local)
+			   + sizeof("fddi%d ");
+        	dev = (struct device *) kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+        	memset((char *)dev, 0, size);
+            	dev->priv = (void *)(dev + 1);
+                dev->name = (char *)(dev + 1) + sizeof(struct i2o_lan_local);
+		if (dev_alloc_name(dev,"fddi%d") < 0)
+		{
+			printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o_lan: Too many FDDI devices.\n");
+			kfree(dev);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		type_trans = fddi_type_trans;
+		fddi_setup(dev);
+		register_netdev(dev);
+      	}
+	break;
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o_lan: Fibre Channel not yet supported\n");
+	break;
+	default:
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o_lan: LAN type 0x%08X not supported\n",
+		       i2o_dev->subclass);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;
+	priv->i2o_dev = i2o_dev;
+	priv->type_trans = type_trans;
+        if (i2o_query_scalar(i2o_dev->controller, i2o_dev->id, lan_context,
+			     0x0001, 0, &hw_addr, 8, &priv->reply_flag) < 0)
+	{
+        	printk("%s: Unable to query hardware address.\n",
+		       dev->name);
+      		return NULL;  
+        }
+	dprintk("%s hwaddr = %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n",
+      		dev->name,hw_addr[0], hw_addr[1], hw_addr[2], hw_addr[3],
+      		hw_addr[4], hw_addr[5]);
+	dev->addr_len = 6;
+	memcpy(dev->dev_addr, hw_addr, 6);
+	dev->open               = i2o_lan_open;
+	dev->stop               = i2o_lan_close;
+	dev->hard_start_xmit    = i2o_lan_packet_send;
+	dev->get_stats          = i2o_lan_get_stats;
+	dev->set_multicast_list = i2o_lan_set_multicast_list;
+	return dev;
+#ifdef MODULE
+int init_module(void)
+	struct device *dev;
+	struct i2o_lan_local *priv;
+        int i;
+        if (i2o_install_handler(&i2o_lan_handler) < 0)
+	{
+ 		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to register I2O LAN OSM.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+        }   
+	lan_context = i2o_lan_handler.context;
+        for (i=0; i < MAX_I2O_CONTROLLERS; i++)
+	{
+                struct i2o_controller *iop = i2o_find_controller(i);
+                struct i2o_device *i2o_dev;
+                if (iop==NULL)
+			continue;
+                for (i2o_dev=iop->devices;i2o_dev != NULL;i2o_dev=i2o_dev->next)
+		{
+                        int class = i2o_dev->class;
+                        if (class != 0x020) /* not I2O_CLASS_LAN device*/ 
+                                continue;
+			if (unit == MAX_LAN_CARDS)
+			{
+				printk(KERN_WARNING "Too many I2O LAN devices.\n");
+				return -EINVAL;
+			}
+			dev = i2o_lan_register_device(i2o_dev);
+ 			if (dev == NULL)
+			{
+				printk(KERN_WARNING "Unable to register I2O LAN device\n");
+				continue; // try next one
+			}
+			priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;	
+			unit++;
+			i2o_landevs[unit] = dev;
+			priv->unit = unit;
+			printk(KERN_INFO "%s: I2O LAN device registered, tid = %d,"
+				" subclass = 0x%08X, unit = %d.\n",
+				dev->name, i2o_dev->id, i2o_dev->subclass, 
+				priv->unit);
+                }
+        }
+	dprintk(KERN_INFO "%d I2O LAN devices found and registered.\n", unit+1);
+	return 0;
+void cleanup_module(void)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i <= unit; i++)
+	{
+		struct device *dev = i2o_landevs[i];
+		struct i2o_lan_local *priv = (struct i2o_lan_local *)dev->priv;	
+		struct i2o_device *i2o_dev = priv->i2o_dev;	
+		switch (i2o_dev->subclass)
+		{
+			unregister_netdev(dev);
+			kfree(dev);
+			break;
+		case I2O_LAN_FDDI:
+			unregister_netdevice(dev);
+			kfree(dev);
+			break;
+#ifdef CONFIG_TR
+		case I2O_LAN_TR:
+			unregister_netdev(dev);
+			kfree(dev);
+			break;
+		default:
+			printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o_lan: Spurious I2O LAN subclass 0x%08X.\n",
+			       i2o_dev->subclass);
+		}
+		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: I2O LAN device unregistered.\n", 
+			dev->name);
+	}
+        i2o_remove_handler(&i2o_lan_handler);
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Univ of Helsinki, CS Department");

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: