Information on Using icc11 with the Mini Board

		last updated: Wed Jan 19 21:44:08 1994

icc11, a new 6811 C-language cross compiler, has recently become
available.  Developed by Richard Man of ImageCraft (P.O. Box 64225,
Sunnyvale, CA 94086; E-mail:, the icc11 compiler
runs on MS-DOS systems.  As of this writing, it is in pre-general
release version 0.42.

icc11 is important because it the first freely available high-quality
6811 C compiler.  While ImageCraft will sell the general release
version, it plans to continue distributing a prior version for free.

The compiler is available from the Mini Board FTP site
( in directory pub/miniboard/icc11.  Also
available is a version of the Mini Board libraries customized to work
with icc11, named "minilib.s."

This document explains how to install and use the minilib.s library
with the icc11 compiler.

Installing and using minilib.s--------------------------

The Mini Board library file is in pub/miniboard/icc11/minilib.s on the
FTP server.  To install, you replace icc11's default run-time library
file (crt.s) with minilib.s; i.e., you rename minilib.s to be crt.s.
That's it for installation.  You may wish to keep a copy of the
original crt.s around in the interest of future use.

The icc11 compiler is easy to use and quite functional.  To compile a
C file, you say "icc11 myfile.c" at the MS-DOS command line, and it
compiles your file and links it with the run-time library file.

The following Mini Board functions described in the Mini Board Technical
Reference are available with the icc11 minilib.s file:  analog(),
digital(), motor(), off(), button(), msleep(), tone(), printdec(), and
getchar().  In addition, the functions putchar(), peek(), peekword(),
poke(), and pokeword() are available.  The "time" counter variable may
be accessed.  For documentation on using these functions, please see
the comment block at the start of the minilib.s file.  The functions
should work just as described in the Mini Board Technical Reference.

I encourage any Mini Board user who (a) has a PC or SoftPC setup and
(b) hasn't bought Dunfield's Micro-C to download icc11 and start
playing with it.  It's a big win.
