Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #215
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 10 Jan 01       Volume 17 : Issue 215

Today's Topics:

      (Q) How to run 68K software on a powermac?
      [*] A Big Trouble For Gynk (Aspirin III)
      [*] Email Effects 1.6.6 - ASCII art for email
      [*] FileBuddy 6.0.2 - Japanese Version
      [*] FontBuddy 2.1
      [*] FontBuddy 2.1 japanese
      [*] Listen&Type2.21, sound player + text editor = dictation tool
      [*] MusicDriver 3.1.2
      [*] Passenger 1.1 Server Account/Password Tool
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (Dutch version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (French version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (German version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (Italian version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (Japanese version)
      [*] Scheme Factory 1.0pr2
      [*] Simple Diary 1.5.2
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.6J For Faster Start-Ups! - Japanese Version
      [*] Tao Te Ching 1.0
      [*] TIM 1.4J - Japanese Version
      IE 5 Memory Problems
      Internet config. and boot up cd
      Mac: CD Labeling Software Compatible with Mac G4-OS9
      MS Word for Mac attachments
      PCI card with USB ports. CompactFlash card reader.

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 10:19:24 -0500
From: Robert Whallon <>
Subject: (Q) How to run 68K software on a powermac?

I have an older program that I need to run. It was written for 68K Macs,
and will work only using 16K addressing (breaks otherwise). Now, I only
have powermacs and a G4 to work with. Is there a way to run older software
like this on newer machines (system 8-9) -- an emulator for OS's using 16K
addressing, perhaps?


Date: 7 Jan 2001
From: Sebastian Brytting <>
Subject: [*] A Big Trouble For Gynk (Aspirin III)

This is Gynk's Big Trouble... Or Aspirin 3. It works
with computer models from Performa 6300 and up, and
also (with slight problems though) on earlier
computers. Have fun! (The shareware fee is only $2)

[Archived as /info-mac/game/gynks-big-trouble-11.hqx; 1239 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2001
From: Gideon Greenspan <>
Subject: [*] Email Effects 1.6.6 - ASCII art for email

Email Effects is a program for the Mac OS for getting the most out of 
email. With it, you can send pictures and drawings with simple plain 
text. It is also the world's premier ASCII art creator and great for 
creating vivid comments in source code.

Email Effects converts pictures or tables instantly to text, can create 
text using standard Figlet fonts or exploded "big text" using fonts on 
your computer, allows drawing freehand, with lines, circles rectangles 
and much more! Email Effects works directly with Entourage, Eudora, 
Emailer, Outlook Express, Mailsmith or PowerMail. Clip art and full help 
is included.

Version 1.6.6 adds support for Microsoft Entourage.

Sig Software -

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-effects-166.hqx; 591 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2001
Subject: [*] FileBuddy 6.0.2 - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the FileBuddy package.

File Buddy is quite simply the most powerful and popular high-level file
utility available for your Macintosh. 

File Buddy 6 requires a PowerPC-based Macintosh with System 7.6 or
later. If your system does not meet these requirements, you may be able
to use File Buddy 5.

 *View and edit a wide range of file and folder information in the info 
 *Create droplet applications that automatically apply changes to items 
 dropped on them, including the contents of folders.	
 *Find files and folders using an extensive set of search criteria. 
 Enhance file searches with plug-ins that extend file search capabilities.
 Conveniently perform a wide variety of actions on found items. Make File 
 Buddy your default file finding application using the File Buddy CP 
 control panel.	
 *Modify the names of multiple files at once. For example, remove ".txt" 
 from the names of a group of files.	
 *Use contextual menus to accomplish many tasks in a single step. 
 Contextual menus are supported on all versions of the Macintosh operating
 *Create custom icons: from PICTs on the clipboard; from other icons; for
 folders using a varitey of templates; with blank icons; using only small 
 *Create aliases.	
 *Find empty files and folders, orphaned files, duplicate files, broken 
 aliases, and unused preference files.	
 *Automatically repair broken aliases	
 *Rebuild the desktop file.	
 *Move, delete, and copy files. Even copy invisible files and use the 
 Replace Different option to skipping copying files that already exist.	
 *Delete data and resource forks from files.	
 *Erase files and unused disk space.	
 *Create snapshots that can be used to track the changes on a disk, such 
 as files installed by an installer. Use snapshots to uninstall 

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/file-buddy-602-jp.hqx; 1533 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2001
From: Vincent Jalby <>
Subject: [*] FontBuddy 2.1

FontBuddy 2.1 [2001/01/04]

FontBuddy 2 is a Font Viewer. It shows all the characters of any font.
It provides keystroke(s), ASCII and Unicode for any characters.
It can print samples of both installed and uninstalled fonts.
It is easy to use and MacOS 9 savvy.

Version 2.1 includes:
 - Improved Font Browser
 - Support for OpenType font (Font Information)
 - FontList floating window
 - Page number to indexes
 - Several bugs fixed

FontBuddy 2 requires a Power Macintosh with MacOS 8.1 and later.

Contact: ,

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-buddy-21.hqx; 1134 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2001
From: Vincent Jalby <>
Subject: [*] FontBuddy 2.1 japanese

FontBuddy 2.1 [2001/01/04] Japanese Version

FontBuddy 2 is a Font Viewer. It shows all the characters of any font.
It provides keystroke(s), ASCII and Unicode for any characters.
It can print samples of both installed and uninstalled fonts.
It is easy to use and MacOS 9 savvy.

Version 2.1 includes:
 - Improved Font Browser
 - Support for OpenType font (Font Information)
 - FontList floating window
 - Page number to indexes
 - Several bugs fixed

FontBuddy 2 requires a Power Macintosh with MacOS 8.1 and later.

Contacts: , Yoshi SAKUMA,

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-buddy-21-jp.hqx; 1129 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2001
From: NattaWorks-Nagano <>
Subject: [*] Listen&Type2.21, sound player + text editor = dictation tool

*A sound player and a text editor combined into one. Designed as a dictation
*You can type while you are listening to a sound file. You can start and
  stop playing sound with a keyboard shortcut, Shift+return.
*Hit tab key to play back the part you have just missed, "Pardon me?"
*System requirements: PPC Mac like iMac. MacOS 7.5 or higher. QuickTime 3 or
  higher is recommended.
*Shareware price : U.S.$15.

ver 2.21: bug fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/listen-and-type-221.hqx; 364 K]


Date: 10 Jan 2001
From: Tetsuro Kurita <>
Subject: [*] MusicDriver 3.1.2

MusicDriver is a powerful AppleScript which plays endlessly MP3 files 
arrenged hierarchicaly in your hard disk, using SoundApp.

MusicDriver select randomly a folder including MP3 files from a registered 
folder, and play all MP3 files using SoundApp. After the end of the play, 
MusicDriver selects a next folder and play it automatically. MusicDriver 
repeats endlessly this cycles. As a result, your macintosh will become an 
endless music box.

Remarkably, you do not need to make play-list files which are required by 
usual MP3 players.  

home page :
email address :

	MacOS 8.5 or later
Scripting Additions
	Akua Sweets

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/music-driver-312.hqx; 1303 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2001
From: "Jay E. Lichtenauer" <>
Subject: [*] Passenger 1.1 Server Account/Password Tool

Passenger is a server account creation and password generation tool 
that will import tab and comma-delimited text files and ASIP 6.3 XML 
Users and create account information and passwords for AppleShare IP 
6.3, Macintosh Manager, Eudora Internet Mail Server, WebSTAR FTP, 
WebSTAR Web, Master Spell and Master Key.

Usernames can be formulated from names using tags. Users may also 
create user folders and set their privileges or define their own 
export formats for most tab or comma-delimited export. Passenger uses 
an algorithm for passwords so that they can be regenerated.

Standard Edition ($60) offers importing and processing up to 150 user 
accounts at once.

Professional Edition ($90) offers no hard limit on the number of 
users that can be imported and processed. Only limited by RAM and 
disk space.

PowerPC required, Mac OS 8.5 or higher recommended.

New in this release:
- Added Pupil and Group exports for Master Key and Master Spell
- Added tag construction for username formulation
- Added ability to view imported data
- Now allows spaces in usernames for custom text export
- No longer forces lowercase for usernames but gives a checkbox option
- Added limited import of ASIP 6.3 XML (users and internet aliases)
- Added import of the names in the contents of a directory
- Now filters quotes out of text import
- Allows imported periods in ASIP internet alias

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/passenger-11.hqx; 919 K]


Date: 10 Jan 2001
From: Marco Damaschi + Barbara Canino <>
Subject: [*] Quit CSM 2.1

Quit CSM is a Control Strip module which lets you quit applications 
without having to activate them: you can quit a single application, 
the background applications and all running applications. It also 
allows you to quit and restart the Finder and quit background-only 
applications and displays memory information (application sizes and 
largest unused memory block).

Quit CSM is available in English, Japanese, German, Dutch, French and Italian.

For more info visit

System Requirements

Quit CSM needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 7.5 or 
higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

Shareware Fee

Quit CSM is 5 USD shareware

* * *

What's new in Quit CSM 2.1?

- The Quit CSM Settings control panel has been introduced. It lets 
you configure Quit CSM and has 3 panes: the Applications pane lists 
the excluded applications and lets you exclude and include 
applications and set the Hide front application before switch option; 
the Menus pane allows you to customize the Quit and advanced Quit 
menus; the Preferences pane lets you set display options (icon, 
memory bar) and enable a show & hide Control Strip hot spot.

- The Sleep command has been added to the Quit menu and the Quit 
Others & BOAs command have been added to the advanced Quit menu. The 
Hide Front Application before Switch option has been re-introduced in 
the Quit menu.

- A bug concerning the Hide Front Application before Switch option, 
whose state wasn't correctly restored at startup, has been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mabasoft-quit-csm-21.hqx; 430 K]


Date: 10 Jan 2001
From: Marco Damaschi + Barbara Canino <>
Subject: [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (Dutch version)

Quit CSM is a Control Strip module which lets you quit applications 
without having to activate them: you can quit a single application, 
the background applications and all running applications. It also 
allows you to quit and restart the Finder and quit background-only 
applications and displays memory information (application sizes and 
largest unused memory block).

Quit CSM is available in English, Japanese, German, Dutch, French and Italian.

For more info visit

System Requirements

Quit CSM needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 7.5 or 
higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

Shareware Fee

Quit CSM is 5 USD shareware

* * *

What's new in Quit CSM 2.1?

- The Quit CSM Settings control panel has been introduced. It lets 
you configure Quit CSM and has 3 panes: the Applications pane lists 
the excluded applications and lets you exclude and include 
applications and set the Hide front application before switch option; 
the Menus pane allows you to customize the Quit and advanced Quit 
menus; the Preferences pane lets you set display options (icon, 
memory bar) and enable a show & hide Control Strip hot spot.

- The Sleep command has been added to the Quit menu and the Quit 
Others & BOAs command have been added to the advanced Quit menu. The 
Hide Front Application before Switch option has been re-introduced in 
the Quit menu.

- A bug concerning the Hide Front Application before Switch option, 
whose state wasn't correctly restored at startup, has been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mabasoft-quit-csm-21-nl.hqx; 430 K]


Date: 10 Jan 2001
From: Marco Damaschi + Barbara Canino <>
Subject: [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (French version)

Quit CSM is a Control Strip module which lets you quit applications 
without having to activate them: you can quit a single application, 
the background applications and all running applications. It also 
allows you to quit and restart the Finder and quit background-only 
applications and displays memory information (application sizes and 
largest unused memory block).

Quit CSM is available in English, Japanese, German, Dutch, French and Italian.

For more info visit

System Requirements

Quit CSM needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 7.5 or 
higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

Shareware Fee

Quit CSM is 5 USD shareware

* * *

What's new in Quit CSM 2.1?

- The Quit CSM Settings control panel has been introduced. It lets 
you configure Quit CSM and has 3 panes: the Applications pane lists 
the excluded applications and lets you exclude and include 
applications and set the Hide front application before switch option; 
the Menus pane allows you to customize the Quit and advanced Quit 
menus; the Preferences pane lets you set display options (icon, 
memory bar) and enable a show & hide Control Strip hot spot.

- The Sleep command has been added to the Quit menu and the Quit 
Others & BOAs command have been added to the advanced Quit menu. The 
Hide Front Application before Switch option has been re-introduced in 
the Quit menu.

- A bug concerning the Hide Front Application before Switch option, 
whose state wasn't correctly restored at startup, has been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mabasoft-quit-csm-21-fr.hqx; 431 K]


Date: 10 Jan 2001
From: Marco Damaschi + Barbara Canino <>
Subject: [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (German version)

Quit CSM is a Control Strip module which lets you quit applications 
without having to activate them: you can quit a single application, 
the background applications and all running applications. It also 
allows you to quit and restart the Finder and quit background-only 
applications and displays memory information (application sizes and 
largest unused memory block).

Quit CSM is available in English, Japanese, German, Dutch, French and Italian.

For more info visit

System Requirements

Quit CSM needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 7.5 or 
higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

Shareware Fee

Quit CSM is 5 USD shareware

* * *

What's new in Quit CSM 2.1?

- The Quit CSM Settings control panel has been introduced. It lets 
you configure Quit CSM and has 3 panes: the Applications pane lists 
the excluded applications and lets you exclude and include 
applications and set the Hide front application before switch option; 
the Menus pane allows you to customize the Quit and advanced Quit 
menus; the Preferences pane lets you set display options (icon, 
memory bar) and enable a show & hide Control Strip hot spot.

- The Sleep command has been added to the Quit menu and the Quit 
Others & BOAs command have been added to the advanced Quit menu. The 
Hide Front Application before Switch option has been re-introduced in 
the Quit menu.

- A bug concerning the Hide Front Application before Switch option, 
whose state wasn't correctly restored at startup, has been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mabasoft-quit-csm-21-de.hqx; 425 K]


Date: 10 Jan 2001
From: Marco Damaschi + Barbara Canino <>
Subject: [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (Italian version)

Quit CSM is a Control Strip module which lets you quit applications 
without having to activate them: you can quit a single application, 
the background applications and all running applications. It also 
allows you to quit and restart the Finder and quit background-only 
applications and displays memory information (application sizes and 
largest unused memory block).

Quit CSM is available in English, Japanese, German, Dutch, French and Italian.

For more info visit

System Requirements

Quit CSM needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 7.5 or 
higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

Shareware Fee

Quit CSM is 5 USD shareware

* * *

What's new in Quit CSM 2.1?

- The Quit CSM Settings control panel has been introduced. It lets 
you configure Quit CSM and has 3 panes: the Applications pane lists 
the excluded applications and lets you exclude and include 
applications and set the Hide front application before switch option; 
the Menus pane allows you to customize the Quit and advanced Quit 
menus; the Preferences pane lets you set display options (icon, 
memory bar) and enable a show & hide Control Strip hot spot.

- The Sleep command has been added to the Quit menu and the Quit 
Others & BOAs command have been added to the advanced Quit menu. The 
Hide Front Application before Switch option has been re-introduced in 
the Quit menu.

- A bug concerning the Hide Front Application before Switch option, 
whose state wasn't correctly restored at startup, has been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mabasoft-quit-csm-21-it.hqx; 431 K]


Date: 10 Jan 2001
From: Marco Damaschi + Barbara Canino <>
Subject: [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (Japanese version)

Quit CSM is a Control Strip module which lets you quit applications 
without having to activate them: you can quit a single application, 
the background applications and all running applications. It also 
allows you to quit and restart the Finder and quit background-only 
applications and displays memory information (application sizes and 
largest unused memory block).

Quit CSM is available in English, Japanese, German, Dutch, French and Italian.

For more info visit

System Requirements

Quit CSM needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 7.5 or 
higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

Shareware Fee

Quit CSM is 5 USD shareware

* * *

What's new in Quit CSM 2.1?

- The Quit CSM Settings control panel has been introduced. It lets 
you configure Quit CSM and has 3 panes: the Applications pane lists 
the excluded applications and lets you exclude and include 
applications and set the Hide front application before switch option; 
the Menus pane allows you to customize the Quit and advanced Quit 
menus; the Preferences pane lets you set display options (icon, 
memory bar) and enable a show & hide Control Strip hot spot.

- The Sleep command has been added to the Quit menu and the Quit 
Others & BOAs command have been added to the advanced Quit menu. The 
Hide Front Application before Switch option has been re-introduced in 
the Quit menu.

- A bug concerning the Hide Front Application before Switch option, 
whose state wasn't correctly restored at startup, has been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mabasoft-quit-csm-21-jp.hqx; 432 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2001
From: Joe Stenger <>
Subject: [*] Scheme Factory 1.0pr2

Scheme Factory 1.0pr2
by Joe Stenger and Arlo Rose

Scheme Factory is the official scheme editor for the Kaleidoscope 2.0
scheme format. Whether you're a novice schemer or a seasoned professional,
Scheme Factory offers you the tools you need to make Kaleidoscope 2 schemes
quickly and easily.

You'll find that Scheme Factory offers a clean and easy to use interface
allowing you to create schemes as quickly as you can draw the elements for
your scheme. Scheme Factory is built with Apple's Human Interface
Guidelines in mind, so you can count on it to work the way you expect a
Macintosh application to work.

This version is a complete rewrite of Scheme Factory and is now able to run
on 68K Macs. It requires System 7 or higher and Apple's Appearance Manager
1.0.1 or higher. You can now paste cicn resources (icons) and ppat
resources (patterns) directly into your scheme using this version of Scheme
Factory; no more need to use a different program to do this. This version
also includes lots of other additions and interface tweaks.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/scheme-factory-10pr2.hqx; 531 K]


Date: 7 Jan 2001
From: Tae-Won Ha <>
Subject: [*] Simple Diary 1.5.2

I just uploaded a new version of Simple Diary 1.5.2 PPC

[Archived as /info-mac/app/simple-diary-15-ppc.hqx; 1305 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2001
Subject: [*] Startup Doubler 2.6J For Faster Start-Ups! - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Startup Doubler package.

Startup Doubler: for faster startups!

Startup Doubler makes for quicker startups: Its software acceleration 
compensates for sub-optimal disk performance to make extensions, control 
panel, the Finder and startup applications load faster.

Save time each time you startup your Mac!
Those seconds spent waiting really add up: Startup Doubler is the fastest 
and easiest way to cut down the wait. Expect older Macs to startup 20% to 
50% faster! The latest G3 and G4 Macs get less dramatic improvements as 
they're already pretty fast, but if you have lots of Extensions, Control 
Panels and Startup Items you can usually save 10 to 20 seconds at each 

Version 2.6 adds support for Mac OS 9.1 and fixes a bug in the Installer 
that would sometimes prevent installation, in addition to a few other 

Startup Doubler runs on Mac OS 9.1 and previous versions (going back to 
System 7.0), and supports multiple extension sets. It is shareware, so 
you can try it for free then buy only if you like it. Registered users of 
previous versions may upgrade for free.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/startup-doubler-26-jp.hqx; 180 K]


Date: 10 Jan 2001
From: Brian Kelley <>
Subject: [*] Tao Te Ching 1.0

The Tao Te Ching is Lao Tzu's classic text of ancient Chinese 
philosophical poetry.  This application generates one of its chapters 
each time the application is opened, making it a nice addition to the 
Startup Items folder.  The chapters can be saved as text files, and 
printed from the "File" menu.  Also from the "File" menu, you can install 
an alias of Tao Te Ching into your Startup Items folder, so you can read 
a new chapter each time your Macintosh starts up.

Tao Te Ching is freeware.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/tao-te-ching-10.hqx; 1205 K]


Date: 8 Jan 2001
Subject: [*] TIM 1.4J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the TIM package.

TIM for the Macintosh: Time Information Management

TIM is a simple shareware time-tracking and billing application.
Use it to track and record your time while working on your Mac.
Automatically calculated billing based on your Project, Activity,
or Client hourly rates!

Who uses TIM?

*Anyone who needs to keep accurate track of their time
*Anyone who bills clients based on their time

Key Features of TIM

*Easy to use 
*Mac OS 8.1 and above (Mac OS X compatible) 
*Export time data for use in FileMaker Pro or any database 
application (template included) 
*Assign Projects, Activities and Clients 
*Much More... 

Some new items for this release:
� Many more Export options.  Select �Export File� from the TIM File menu.
� Total All Time Records, or Total Flagged Time Records.  See the TIM Time menu. 
When flagged time records are totaled, the totals are in italics.
� Task Association (see the user's manual for more info and examples).
� Reporting � select Report from the File menu.
� Bug fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/tim-14-jp.hqx; 755 K]


Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 17:02:04 -0500
From: Beth Trachtenberg <>
To: "Infomac" <>
Subject: IE 5 Memory Problems

I just installed IE 5 and am having memory problems. I keep getting 
"running low on memory...close windows, etc. messages" and yet when I 
check my memory usage in About this Computer I can see that Explorer 
isn't even using half of the memory I've allotted to it. When it first 
happened I increased preferred memory to 10MG (the computer has 192MG 
Ram) and it still happens from the minute I open Explorer. Any ideas?

Beth Trachtenberg 


Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 10:28:51 +0000
From: Ezra Nathan <>
To: Info-Mac digest <>
Subject: Internet config. and boot up cd


Two questions please:
1./ Is it necessary to keep Internet configure if one is running Mac OS9?
Does Internet set-up do the same thing as Internet configure?

2./ I read recently that it is hard to make a boot up CD. I don't understand
why that is so. I would have thought that if one burnt a working system
folder onto a CD then it would be bootable. Why wouldn't it? And if it is
not bootable then does this mean that it is not possible to make duplicate
back-ups of programmes that come on CDs?

> Ezra Nathan 


Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 19:40:45 -0500
From: Dwight Early <>
To: "Gib Henry" <>
Subject: Mac: CD Labeling Software Compatible with Mac G4-OS9

May I also have your template.  TIA.  --Dwight Early

At 3:56 PM -0600 12/30/00, Gib Henry wrote:
>  >Date:    Thu, 21 Dec 2000 23:30:16 -0600
>  >From:    George Gilbert <GGilbert54@AOL.COM>
>  >Subject: Mac: CD Labeling Software Compatible with Mac G4-OS9
>  >
>  >Any recommendations for CD label software with templates compatible
>  >with OS9.
>  > Mediaface II came with my Yamaha CD burner but its doesn't run with OS9.
>I have a Word 98 template if you're interested.  I use the mail merge
>feature to create the labels for printing.  Each text block is
>positioned via Word's Frame capabilities; I think I recall that in page
>view you can drag the positions to change them, e.g., for different
>brands of labels which place the printable area differently.  Hope this
>helps.  Cheers,
>Gib Henry


Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 01:51:19 -0600
From: Gerald Janssen <>
Subject: MS Word for Mac attachments

Up until about a month ago, I was able to send Word 98 for Mac 
attachments to friends using MS Word 98 or better without using a 
translator such as MacLink Plus.

Now, I am getting notices that my attachments cannot be opened by the receiver.

any clues?
Thank you.
  - Gerald Janssen
PS: most of these attachments are sent via my hotmail account.


Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 15:44:03 +0100
From: Pieter Stouten <>
Subject: PCI card with USB ports. CompactFlash card reader.

On 00/12/14 at 22:17 +0100, I wrote:

>I intend to buy a PCI card with (at least) 2 USB ports for my G3/266.
>The card has to work with an Epson Stylus Photo 870 or 1270 printer
>and with a Kodak DC290 Zoom digital camera (which has USB built-in)
>and/or Delkin or Microtech card reader. The local Mac store has the
>following listed [list deleted /PS]. I am mostly concerned with
>compatibility and quality. Does anybody have any experience with the
>above cards? Will they work with the printer, camera, card reader?
>Any recommendations for the above or other cards?
I received very useful replies from Scott Horton, Chaz Larson, Rich 
(Misko), Robert Sekuler, Saint John, Dan Yoakam, abrody, Carolyn 
Barry and Lou Boncek. Thanks, guys!

Nobody reported any hardware problems with any card. The ones most 
mentioned/recommended were from MacAlly, XLR8, Belkin, ADS 
Technologies, and Keyspan ("the official Apple PCI card" ?!). ADS, 
XLR8 and Keyspan (all with two USB ports) seem cheapest ($25-$35, 
shipping excluded). The somewhat more expensive ($50) Belkin 
F5U006-UNV 4-port card (with a full 12 Mbps per port)  received 
strong recommendations. I ended up buying a SIIG US2216 5-port card 
(not mentioned by anyone!) for $40 at CompUSA. One port is internal, 
though. So far, the hardware has not given me any problems.

The software was quite another story. I downloaded and installed "USB 
Card Support 1.4.1" from Apple. After restarting, my machine hung 
while loading extensions. I restarted with extensions off, but the 
machine hung almost immediately upon restart. I installed OS 8.5 
clean, updated to 8.6, then made a dangerous leap of faith and moved 
the freshly installed 8.6 Finder, System and System Resources into 
the old 8.6 system folder (which, apart from the above 3 files, I had 
kept). Everything has worked fine ever since. My experience is 
parallelled by abrody's, who had similar problems with OS 9.0, OS 
9.0.4 and Cardbus USB drivers. Is this a common theme?

I received only one response about CompactFlash card readers: that 
person had bought an Antec PhotoChute 3 USB, which stopped working 
soon after purchase. I bought a SanDisk ImageMate for CompactFlash 
and CompactFlash Type II cards ($30 at CompUSA), which has worked 
fine for me so far.



Pieter Stouten <>
Parabiago (Milano), Italy

Free advice is seldom cheap
(Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition #59)



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