Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #212
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 02 Jan 01       Volume 17 : Issue 212

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#561/01-Jan-01
      [*] CCN Plus 1.0  (68k)
      [*] CCN Plus 1.0  (PPC)
      [*] Hoops 1.0
      [*] HTTP Benchmark v1.2
      [*] IE Cache Trasher 1.0
      [*] Imagino 1.1 hc
      [*] Jarosh Desktop Pictures
      [*] KillTemporaryItems 2.0
      [*] LetsSee 1.0
      [*] MaxBulk Mailer v0.10d
      [*] MotionShotDEMO 1.1
      [*] QuoEdit 0.7.2
      [Q] Questions About Internal Connectors
      [Q] Questions About Internal Connectors
      [Q] Satellite TCP service?
      can't print!
      Mac: CD Labeling Software Compatible with Mac G4-OS9
      MacOS 8.1 Help menu broken
      Money Management Software
      Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD
      OS 9 system resource 'alis' ID=-8192: damage->no start

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 21:00:00 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#561/01-Jan-01


  Going to Macworld Expo 2001 in San Francisco? Read on for
  information about must-attend parties, events, and other
  gatherings. Also this week, Matt Neuburg weighs in with a review
  of MacSpeech's iListen dictation software, we look at the new
  Norton SystemWorks and Norton Internet Security bundles from
  Symantec, and we cover Newer Technology closing up shop and the
  releases of Interarchy 4.0, BBEdit 6.0.2, ListSTAR 2.1, and
  Default Folder 3.0.9.

    Symantec Releases Two Norton Bundles
    Macworld San Francisco 2001 Events
    Speak the MacSpeech, I Pray You


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-561.etx; 29K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
From: Brian Stevens<>
Subject: [*] CCN Plus 1.0  (68k)

CCN Plus is the descendent of CalCountNote.

CCN Plus (CCN+)  has several integrated components:

* Calendar - a monthly calendar with a digital clock and chime. 
Scroll by year or month and also jump to a specific year quickly. 
Countdown event shown

* Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown 
to the date of your choice. 

* Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important 
ideas you want to save. All printable.

* Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away. A 
pageable weekly view is also printable.

* Timers short-term reminders with automatic repetitions.

* Recurring Day Notes can be created automatically for those events 
that happen every week, month or year.

All components emphasize small desktop size and easy click-to-use philosophy.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/ccn-plus-10-68k.hqx; 310 K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
From: Brian Stevens<>
Subject: [*] CCN Plus 1.0  (PPC)

CCN Plus is the descendent of CalCountNote.

CCN Plus (CCN+)  has several integrated components:

* Calendar - a monthly calendar with a digital clock and chime. 
Scroll by year or month and also jump to a specific year quickly. 
Countdown event shown

* Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown 
to the date of your choice. 

* Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important 
ideas you want to save. All printable.

* Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away. A 
pageable weekly view is also printable.

* Timers short-term reminders with automatic repetitions.

* Recurring Day Notes can be created automatically for those events 
that happen every week, month or year.

All components emphasize small desktop size and easy click-to-use philosophy.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/ccn-plus-10-ppc.hqx; 280 K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
From: Joe Hammons <>
Subject: [*] Hoops 1.0

    Children of all ages can score points by reading the 700 most used
words in English or by solving basic addition, subtraction,
multiplication, or division facts.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/hoops-10.hqx; 773 K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
From: "Stanley C. R. Roche Busk" <>
Subject: [*] HTTP Benchmark v1.2

HTTP Benchmark v1.2 (For Mac 68k and PPC)

HTTP BenchMark is an easy-to-use tool for  checking web servers 
Bandwith from
client side. It can serves several purposes, for example, it allows to compare
several web hosting providers in order to know wich one has the best bandwith.
It comes with 10 web hosting providers URL.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/http-bench-mark-12.hqx; 1183 K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
From: "J. Badger" <>
Subject: [*] IE Cache Trasher 1.0

Here it is!
Version 1.0.

IE Cache Trasher deletes a file called "download cache" which can get quite big
if you do not watch it. This file stores incomplete and complete downloads (the
latter only if you set IE to remember your last completed downloads). It can
grow to enormous proportions; mine was 119 MB the first time I checked!

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ie-cache-trasher-10.hqx; 22 K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
From: Douglas Anderson <>
Subject: [*] Imagino 1.1 hc

This Story Book was made with HyperCard
This Story Book in it's electronic form is Free! and may be freely distributed as long as nothing is changed. And is accompanied with its Read Me File.
But all rights to this story, the character Imagino, the name Imagino, and the likeness of Imagino. are reserved by the authors Doug & Susan Anderson.
This Story Book is provided as is without any warranties, and the authors assume no responsibility for any damage caused by this HyperCard Stack or the material in this story in anyway. Parents should first read this book as with all books to approve it for thier children.
This Story Book is about learning to use Imagination. it's written for young children in the hope they will find it entertaining. This is our first try at something like this, although my wife Susan has credentials in the field of child development, We have written this in the hopes you will give us some feedback, on the idea of the character (Imagino) and the concept in general, or anything you might have to say about it. Our aim is to find a way of eventually getting the character (Imagino) published. To begin simply click the hand at the bottom of the card. To Quit or go to the Home Card click on the house in the bottom left hand corner. The fonts used in this Stack is (Times). Thank You, for any and all input.
You can contact us through our
E-Mail address:

Please drop by the (Imagino's Place) web site:

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/imagino-11-hc.hqx; 86 K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
From: Rick Jarosh <>
Subject: [*] Jarosh Desktop Pictures

Jarosh Desktop Pictures is a collection of digital paintings to be used as
desktop patterns,or to be viewed as standalone art.There are two sets of
files,one in intense color and another of grayscale versions of some of the
color files.Users of OSX Public Beta may note that the icons are
full-sized(128*128 pixels) OSX icons.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/jarosh-desktop-pictures.hqx; 7175 K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
From: "David C. Oshel" <>
Subject: [*] KillTemporaryItems 2.0

According to of
3/17/00, Mac OS 9 degrades file system performance by refusing to move
orphaned items in your invisible "Temporary Items" folder to the trash.
The AppleScript "fix" provided in the technote doesn't work straight out
of the box (what else is new?), so here's KillTemporaryItems 2.0.  It
moves non-busy items in "Temporary Items" to a folder on your desktop
called "Stuff OS 9 left lying around", then quits.  Disposition of the
files recovered is up to you.  CodeWarrior Pro 4 source is included,
support is not.  Freeware.

Release notes:

18 March 2000 - version 1.0b2, original release

29 December 2000 - version 2.0, fixes a potentially serious lockup
    when the move routine encounters cache.lck

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/kill-temporary-items-20.hqx; 189 K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
Subject: [*] LetsSee 1.0

LetsSee is the perfect solution for people who regularly work with
pictures or movie files. If you are a photographer, a webdesigner, a
journalist, a graphic artist, a multimedia programmer or you simply want
a fast way to see and change your digital camera pictures, LetsSee can
help you.

Here's a list of what you can do with LetsSee:
- Instantly see which picture or media file you want to use in your
project. LetsSee does not build catalogs, you no longer need to. Browse
your harddisk or network with the listbox or use the recently viewed
folders menu. Use the direct acces buttons or drop a folder on the main
window to explore its content.
- Change the filename, file comment or creator or change all the files
in a folder with the batch change dialog
- Make files you want to keep private invisible
- Move forgotten files in the temporary items folder to the trash
- Present your media files as a continuous slideshow
- Apply filters on the filebrowser listbox so that you'll only see the
files you need
- Use the slideshow as a MP3 player
- Scale and rotate your pictures.
- and more

LetsSee opens picts, photoshop files, jpegs, gifs, tiff, targa, png,
macpaint, silicon graphic, quicktime images and bmp files. LetsSee opens
quicktime movies, flash (swf) files and mp3 sounds. You can modify and
batch change file poperties like name, file-comment, creator and
visibilty. It has a slideshow option you could even use as an mp3

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/lets-see-10.hqx; 916 K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
From: "Stanley C. R. Roche Busk" <>
Subject: [*] MaxBulk Mailer v0.10d

MaxBulk Mailer is a new full featured  MacOS  bulk  mailer, a program
able to send commercial mailings to up to several hundreds  of  email
addresses very easily. MaxBulk Mailer is fast and fully customizable.
It uses  mailings  as documents with configuration data, mailing text
and mailing list built-in.

You can get MaxBulk Mailer v0.10d here:

You can find MaxBulk Homepage with screenshots at :


     -  Drag and drop support for mailing text and address list files
     -  Easy import/export address list files easy  to use functions.
     -  Powerfull tools in order to rewrap and justify text.
     -  Customizable SMTP Headers.
     -  SMTP log control.
     -  Duplicate mails address filter.
     -  Mails can be sent all at once or one by one allowing full
        customization with tags.
     -  Custom tags "Name" and "Date" for mail merge.
     -  Preview function in order to check document appearance before
        sending it.
     -  Internet Config preferences autofill.

New in this release

     -  Internet Config preferences autofill.

     -  Body containing lines greater than 72 chars. long alert.
     -  Signature length checking.
     -  Preview now includes signature.
     -  Better address entry system.
     -  "Remove All" confirm dialog.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/max-bulk-mailer-010d.hqx; 816 K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
From: l fagan <>
Subject: [*] MotionShotDEMO 1.1

MotionShot is an animation program designed for Stopmotion animation.
Features include: preview ,recorde and playback in one window, insert
editing, live to recorded image flip, and auido scrubbig.  For PowerPC
only. For more information go to

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/motion-shot-demo-11.hqx; 34 K]


Date: 31 Dec 2000
From: "Lyomei Sakai" <>
Subject: [*] QuoEdit 0.7.2

QuoEdit is a text editor for plain (monostyled) text.
It runs on System 7 or later.

The archive includes PowerPC version and 68K version.
    PPC: QuoEdit
    68K: QuoEdit.68K
Before you use, throw the unnecessary version away to the trash.
And rename the 68K version to "QuoEdit" if you are using old Mac.

    Intended to provide quick operations with simple interface.
    Supports AppleScript powerfully;
      also your tasks can be recorded and replayed by the scripting feature.
    Menus are customizable.
    Supports regular expression search as well as multi-file search.
    Multiple levels of undo/redo for each document.
    WorldScript savvy.

This version has minor changes and several bug fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/quo-edit-072.hqx; 876 K]


Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:12:31 -0700
From: "John W. Steele" <>
To: <>
Subject: [Q] Questions About Internal Connectors

A few questions for the assembled wisdom:
I am moving to a G4 400 mhz PCI machine from a PPC 6500/275.  I have noticed
the following when it comes to transferring info:
I can plug my old hard drive into the connector where the DVD-ROM drive
lives and it will run fine (it transferred about 4 GB in 30 or so seconds!).
But when I plug the drive into the connector and stack it over the internal
10 GB drive it doesn't do diddley.
Why is this?  Do I need a new termination formula?  Do I need to move the
jumpers on the old drive to do this?  Is the connector for a different
format (IDE, SCSI, ...)?  Whaz up?
I would like to migrate the internal Zip from the old machine into the drive
bay on the G4.  Unfortunately, the connectors are really different.  Is this
just an adapter cable of some sort, or is there a card controller needed?
Same with the floppy-is this a controller issue?
I can live without the floppy but I'd really like to move the Zip drive.
Any good advices to this probably obvious question gratefully appreciated,
John Steele   Technical Services Manager  Towson University


Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 16:47:23 -0700
From: "John W. Steele" <>
To: <>
Subject: [Q] Questions About Internal Connectors

A few questions for the assembled wisdom:
I am moving to a G4 400 mhz PCI machine from a PPC 6500/275.  I have noticed
the following when it comes to transferring info:
I can plug my old hard drive into the connector where the DVD-ROM drive
lives and it will run fine (it transferred about 4 GB in 30 or so seconds!).
But when I plug the drive into the connector and stack it over the internal
10 GB drive it doesn't do diddley.
Why is this?  Do I need a new termination formula?  Do I need to move the
jumpers on the old drive to do this?  Is the connector for a different
format (IDE, SCSI, ...)?  Whaz up?
I would like to migrate the internal Zip from the old machine into the drive
bay on the G4.  Unfortunately, the connectors are really different.  Is this
just an adapter cable of some sort, or is there a card controller needed?
Same with the floppy-is this a controller issue?
I can live without the floppy but I'd really like to move the Zip drive.
Any good advices to this probably obvious question gratefully appreciated,
John Steele   Technical Services Manager  Towson University


Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 08:07:55 -0500
From: Allan Hunter <>
Subject: [Q] Satellite TCP service?

My folks live out in the proverbial boondocks where DSL and cable 
internet services are not an option.  I remember glancing at an 
article that mentioned satellite-based TCP/IP connectivity as the 
ideal solution for such rural locations, but I didn't jot down the 
ISPs described in the article, nor do I recall if any of them 
supported the Mac.  (My folks are yet in the Mac fold).  Anyone have 
relevant experience, and/or know of any satellite-based Mac-friendly 
ISPs that would be likely to offer services in the north Georgia area?

Allan Hunter



Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2001 16:09:01 -0800
From: Miriam Steinberg <>
Subject: can't print!

suddenly I started getting error messages when trying to print from my
laserwriter select 360. Error -50. I tried shutting off and putting back
on the printer, and I tried restarting the computer. No good. I just
tried again and got a dialog box saying  Sorry, Laserwriter 8 cannot be
used. I have to print out tons of proofs tomorrow before sending a job
out to the printer. Can anyone help?
Miriam Steinberg


Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 15:56:08 -0600
From: "Gib Henry" <>
To: George Gilbert <GGilbert54@AOL.COM>, "Info-Mac List" <>
Subject: Mac: CD Labeling Software Compatible with Mac G4-OS9

>Date:    Thu, 21 Dec 2000 23:30:16 -0600
>From:    George Gilbert <GGilbert54@AOL.COM>
>Subject: Mac: CD Labeling Software Compatible with Mac G4-OS9
>Any recommendations for CD label software with templates compatible
>with OS9.
> Mediaface II came with my Yamaha CD burner but its doesn't run with OS9.

I have a Word 98 template if you're interested.  I use the mail merge
feature to create the labels for printing.  Each text block is
positioned via Word's Frame capabilities; I think I recall that in page
view you can drag the positions to change them, e.g., for different
brands of labels which place the printable area differently.  Hope this
helps.  Cheers,
Gib Henry


Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 21:56:23 -0600
From: "L. Rugolo" <>
Subject: MacOS 8.1 Help menu broken

I recently installed MacOS 8.5 on my daughter's G3, then updated it 
to 8.6.  Her former system was MacOS 8.1.  All the OS help files are 
installed (they are all there in the Help folder in her System 
folder) but when she pulls down the Help menu the menu bar flashes 
but no "help" files show up.  Can anyone shed any light on this?



Lawrence Rugolo


Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:14:47 -0700
From: Ted Logan <>
Subject: Money Management Software

I have resolved to use my computer to better control my finances in 
2001 but the reviews on Microsoft Money 2001 and Quicken 2001 are 
pretty discouraging.

All I really need to do is balance my checkbook and allocate my 
expenses.  No "financial planning" or stocks and bonds stuff or 
online banking.  Just plain old green eyeshade bookkeeping with the 
credits toward the window and the debits toward the door (or is it 
the other way around?).

Any shareware (or better commercial software) suggestions, please?

Ted Logan
Logan Writing, Inc.
Lake Havasu City, Arizona


Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 15:50:22 -0600
From: "Gib Henry" <>
To: Len Whyte <>, "Info-Mac List" <>
Subject: Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD

>Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 22:21:36 +1100
>From: Len Whyte <>
>Subject: Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD
>I just found a printout I had saved, which came from
>, which seems
>to give the low-down on making bootable Mac CDs.  I have never tried
>this, but it seems credible.

If you're making an OS 9 or later boot disk, remember that the freshly
installed system MUST be booted once before you burn it, because the
installer leaves some Installer Temp inits lying around, and these will
auto-delete only after running the system once.  Since you can't delete
them from the CD, you need to install the system on some bootable
volume and boot from it before copying it to CD.  Hope this helps.
Gib Henry


Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 18:29:58 -0600
From: "Gib Henry" <>
To: "Info-Mac List" <>
Subject: OS 9 system resource 'alis' ID=-8192: damage->no start

I tried every utility known to Macdom and wasn't able to resurrect my
drive, or even figure out what the problem was (it would mount with
another startup disk, but it was difficult and inconsistent in starting
up from either CD's or external drives).

Finally, I used ResEdit to verify the system file, and it said the
above resource was damaged.  I tried to repair it, but ResEdit said it
was damaged beyond repair, so it created a new copy without it.  No
dice.  So, I replaced the System file and voil�!

The new system didn't have such a resource.  Can anyone tell me what
that resource was?!  What have I lost?  Thanks!  Cheers,
Gib Henry



End of Info-Mac Digest