Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #196
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 11 Dec 00       Volume 17 : Issue 196

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Cardbus USB adapter compatible printers
      (Q) finding FCR LinkUPPP
      (Q) replacing a CD-R with a CD-RW?
      [*] MaxNews v0.80d
      [*] Sound Warehouse v1.0.2
      [*] SweetMail 2.01
      [*] virtual wine cellar 3.0
      Free Cell Solitaire on Mac???
      iMac Modem Performance
      Internet Explorer & Java
      Modem Problem
      Performa 630cd fails to complete startup
      Thank you for USB on beige G3 help
      TV Remote & Computer

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 20:24:42 -0500
From: "" <>
Subject: (Q) Cardbus USB adapter compatible printers

Dear Digest readers,
I have the MacAlly card, and I just read that the Epson 777i isn't 
compatible with the MacAlly and Belkin Cardbus USB card.    Which 
inkjet printers are compatible with it?   My Epson 850 just kicked 
the bucket.
I have a Wallstreet Powerbook G3.

Specifically I would like a color inkjet printer with at least 8 page 
per minute black and white.   I would also like it not to have a lag 
time like my 850 did in starting up everytime it warmed up.  I had to 
wait 8 to 10 minutes before it was ready to print.   Preferably a 
printer for under $300.  It appears to be very hard to get the Epson 
900 from a reputable dealer.

Thank you.


Come visit an internet index of 14 topics and over 800 links at:
All links verified monthly. 


Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 21:57:26 -0500
From: "" <>
Subject: (Q) finding FCR LinkUPPP

Dear Digest readers,
FCR's page no longer appears to be accessible, and I found somebody 
who needs a dual connection.   So where do I get their LinkUPPP 
software for him?
Thank you.

Come visit an internet index of 14 topics and over 800 links at:
All links verified monthly. 


Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 18:23:37 -0500
From: "" <>
Subject: (Q) replacing a CD-R with a CD-RW?

Dear Digest readers,
I have an antique here.   One of the first SCSI-2 CD-R external 
drives.   I was wondering if I could open the case and put in an 
internal CD-RW or more modern CD-R or CD-ROM drive in place of the 
drive currently inside its case?   It works perfectly well, I really 
want to be able to have a reliable external CD drive that is of 
decent speed.  And if it is possible, does the internal drive need to 
be SCSI based?   Or can it be something else?   Thank you.


Come visit an internet index of 14 topics and over 800 links at:
All links verified monthly. 


Date: 10 Dec 2000
From: "Stanley C. R. Roche Busk" <>
Subject: [*] MaxNews v0.80d

MaxNews  is  a  new  full  featured  MacOS offline NNTP client. In other
words,  it�s  a  program able to fetch usenet news in order to read them
offline.  It  allows  to  subscribe to any kind of group, post articles,
follow  up...etc...  It�s  an  alternative  to  comercial  software.   

MaxNews  inlude  a  powerfull  set  of features like a customizable spam
filter and a complete purge system.


The  main  goal  is to provide a very simple program, full featured with
an  attractive  interface. A the same time we want to add some exclusive
features.  This  software  will  be  available for MacOS 9.x and MacOS X
native.  Likely only in English at the beginning with plans to translate
it to French, German and Spanish as soon as posible.

What�s next ?

We  want  to  implement  some features almost all current software lake,
like the capability of decoding and encoding attachments. 

Troubleshooting - How to contact the autor

You can get in touch with the author by email only, at :
<>    If  you think you have found a bug, please send a
detailed  description  along  with a copy of your connection log located
in the MaxNews Files folder. 

How to get new releases

All new releases will be available at :


This is Copyright software. All rights reserved.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/max-news-08d.hqx; 1191 K]


Date: 10 Dec 2000
From: Takashi Suzuki <>
Subject: [*] Sound Warehouse v1.0.2

Sound Warehouse is an application for the Macintosh which allows you to play & manage sound files.
(MP3, AIFF, AIFC, WAVE, AU, Sound DesignerII and MIDI files supported)
Player window holds one sound file, and displays it's time code, spectrum and
level meters.
Playlist window can have up to 2,147,483,647 sound files to be played back
sequentially, or random order.
Database window can have up to 2,147,483,647 sound files with sort & find
You can convert sound format.

What's changed :
 - Can convert file format by choosing "Export...." item in pop-up menu
   on both Database and Playlist window.
 - "File Info..." item in pop-up menu on Player window can be chosen for
   WAV, AU, AVI, SDII files.
 - "File Info..." dialog for WAV, AU, AVI, SDII files did not show all of the
   info inside it -> fixed.

Features :
 - Power Application.
 - QuickTime support.
 - Macintosh Drag and Drop support.
 - Navigation Services support.

This application requires :
 - Macintosh with PowerPC (G3, G4 recommended)
 - System8.5 + QuickTime 4 (QuickTime 5 recommended)

-- T.Suzuki

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/sound-warehouse-102.hqx; 391 K]


Date: 10 Dec 2000
Subject: [*] SweetMail 2.01

SweetMail is an internet e-mail client for Macintosh that provides
most powerful features with sweet interface. SweetMail has
multiple POP3 accounts, very fast searching, thread-view,
filtering, templates, auto-wrap and many useful functions.

System Requirements:
* System 7.5 or later. (including MacOSX public beta)
* 4MB of Memory.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/sweet-mail-201.hqx; 1967 K]


Date: 10 Dec 2000
From: Stefan Schramm <>
Subject: [*] virtual wine cellar 3.0

virtual wine cellar 3.0

PPC, OS 8.1 or later (68K version available), color monitor recommended.

virtual wine cellar helps you track your inventory. It keeps you informed
about stock and history, shows the current value of your wine collection,
keeps track of your suppliers, and gives you the option of ordering
directly from within wine cellar. Order forms can be customized for any

Key features:
� intuitive, point and click interface - no knowledge of filemaker pro
� fields for wine name, country, appellation, grape, year, maturity, etc.
in logical grouping.
� summaries for number of bottles, total cost, market value, and
� automatic reminders for wines that reached/passed maturity.
� easy order - order directly from within virtual wine cellar.
� extensive finding and sorting functions.
� displays your own rating both numerically and graphically.
� import function for scanned wine labels.
� optimized print form.
� report function for further editing in your favourite word processor.
� extensive, context-sensitive on-line help.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/virtual-wine-cellar-30.hqx; 3106 K]


Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:04:56 -0500
From: ngpappas <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Free Cell Solitaire on Mac???

Is there a Macintosh version of the Free Cell solitaire game that I have
seen on Windows machines? Where can I find it?

Nick Pappas


Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 15:38:52 -0800
From: Laurence Hawkins <>
Subject: iMac Modem Performance

After going through the horrors of slow internal 56K modem 
performance on my PowerMac 6500/225, remedied eventually by removing 
the internal card and installing an external Supra Express, I am now 
finding the identical problem with a new iMac DV+. Setting the modem 
script to Apple Internal 56K Modem (v.90) results either in no 
connection or an unstable one. Changing to Apple Internal 56K Modem 
(v.34) works like a dream, but is restricted to a max speed of 33.6.

What is Apple's problem with internal modems, and why can they not 
fix it? Do I have to use an external modem yet again?

Laurence Hawkins


Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 12:31:31 -0800
From: Andrew Merenbach <>
To: <>
Subject: Internet Explorer & Java

How come I keep getting Java errors within Internet Explorer, and not
Netscape?  IE suggests I get the Java version 2.2.3 or later; 2.2.3, which I
already have, is, as far as I know, the latest.  What's wrong with IE?

Also, how come Microsoft doesn't have anywhere (at least that I can find) to
submit bugs with their browser or other Macintosh products?  I can't even
find a "suggestions" area for Windows users!

Andrew Merenbach


Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 15:50:42 -0600
From: "Gib Henry" <>
To: Andrew Merenbach <>,
Subject: Modem Problem

>Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 19:47:30 -0800
>From: Andrew Merenbach <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Modem Problem
>This is something like my fifth submission in seven days--more than ever
>before.  I really appreciate the help, everybody, and that's why I keep
>coming back.  Now, another problem has come to my attention:
>I have a Power Mac G4, 450 Mhz, 384Mb of RAM, and 18Gb hard disk space.
>Unfortunately, I've had some modem problems...
>-When I got the computer, the modem worked fine.
>-Then, one time when I was logging on (or off, I forget which) the machine
>crashed.  When I restarted and logged on again, the modem was soundless,
>despite having sound turned on in the Modem control panel.
>-More recently, I had another crash, and the modem had sound again...
>-Then, even MORE recently, yet another crash, and--guess what?--no modem
>What's wrong?

Perhaps nothing that a good shutdown won't cure.  Restarting doesn't
accomplish quite everything that a shutdown accomplishes.  Try shutting
down for a few hours or overnight, with the power cord removed from the
computer.  This will completely remove power from the modem, causing it
to do a hard reset.

You might also consider resetting PRAM on restarting (cmd-opt-p-r).
You will have to reset some control panel settings (memory, mouse
speed, etc.).

These steps may help to cure other hardware-related problems, too, so
keep them in mind.  Hope this helps.  Cheers,
Gib Henry


Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 19:29:38 -0800
From: Jenny Tenlen <>
Subject: Performa 630cd fails to complete startup

I am trying to help my sister rescue her family's Performa 630CD.  All
was well until one of her son's friends did something (she doesn't know
what!) and now the computer fails to complete startup.  The computer is
running System 7.6.  Specifically, when I restart the computer, I get
past the "happy disk" and the big blue MacOS logo appears, with the
status bar below.  This is as far as it gets - none of the extensions
load, nothing happens.  I tried restarting with extensions off, but
same problem.  I tried restarting from the System 7.6 disk by holding
down the C key at startup, but this doesn't work, either.  Since buying
a new computer is out of the question right now, if there is anything I
could try that I haven't already, I would love to know.  On a side
note, I installed a memory upgrade last March, and replaced the PRAM
battery in June, and there were no problems following either
replacement.  Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!


Jenny Tenlen


Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 11:49:35 -0500
From: carolynb <>
Subject: Thank you for USB on beige G3 help


I'd like to thank everyone for their help for recommending a PCI card
to add USB capability to my beige G3. I had purchased a USB scanner
and thought that I need some kind of a cable converter to use it. I'd
never even thought of a PCI card.

I downloaded the newest software from Apple, and it's installed and
all is wonderful!



Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 04:00:47 -0500
From: Saint John <>
Subject: TV Remote & Computer

At 11:30 -0500 12/6/00, Andrew Merenbach <> wrote:
>Thank you, everybody, for your assistance--it was suggested to me that I put
>a piece of tape over the IR port on the front of the machine.  I'm still
>wondering, however: how the heck did the signal from the remote control get
>_THROUGH_ the computer?  See, the computer's BACK is toward where the remote
>control is used.  It _DID_ work from all angles, but I noticed no
>difference--unless IR has a way of bending, why did it do that?

   Not bending, but reflecting. Walls (especially white walls) bounce that IR light quite well, and sometimes you can even turn on devices several rooms away. The signal isn't powerful, but often it's just enough. However, the electrical tape method is the classic approach, and if you want to dig around in the guts of your computer you may be able to find the cable from the IR receiver and disconnect it.

+- Saint John  <> <> -+
|  "One inch of joy surmounts of grief a span;                       |
+-- Because to laugh is proper to the man." (Dr. Francis Rabelais) --+



End of Info-Mac Digest