Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #176
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 06 Nov 00       Volume 17 : Issue 176

Today's Topics:

      (A) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      (A) Converting PowerPoint files
      (A) find by content
      (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      [*] Abstract for Sales Organizer 3
      [*] Meteor Storm 1.4
      [*] MikaFolders
      [*] Mikaicons
      [*] TypeLaunch 1.0.1
      [*] Web Confidential for Palm 1.1.1
      [*] Web Confidential for Palm 1.1.1 - Deutsch
      [*] Web Confidential for Palm 1.1.1 - French
      [*] WebSiteManager 1.6
      [A]: Irish Accessories
      Another mute G3
      browser weirdness
      Flow diagram program
      Internet Telephony
      Opinions wanted
      Q Dying ZIP Power Supplies
      Slow Find by Content Indexing
      This is REALLY getting to me (A)
      This is REALLY getting to me---

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 15:07:25 -0800
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: (A) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?

>On 10/25/00 at 6:09 PM -0400, wrote:
>>Is there any way to get Eudora 4.3.2 to filter conditional statements
>>of the 3rd or higher degree?   I.e. if there are really only 5 people
>>I expect e-mail from, can I make a filter that checks if the incoming
>>mail is from those five people using Eudora, and then reports the
>>rest to

I believe the file containing filter instructions is actually just a 
text file. If you are willing to edit that (and can interpret it), 
then perhaps you could add higher level filters than are allowed 
natively in the filter creation/edit interface.


Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 03:17:47 -0800
From: j4 <>
To: Info-Mac Digest <>
Subject: (A) Converting PowerPoint files

Patty and Art Werschulz <> ask:
>Occasionally I receive PowerPoint files via e-mail (the extension is
>.pps).  Is there some utility that will convert these into something I
>can handle with my Mac (e.g., a folder of PICT files)?

On the Microsoft D download site there is an application made for Mac
called PowerPoint 98 Viewer.


In case the URL didn't come through, go to, navigate to
"more downloads" (lower right corner section
link) and use the pop up menus to specify your parameters for product
name and operating system. Click Find and there you have it. Hope this


Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 08:11:30 -0500
From: "" <>
Subject: (A) find by content

Dear Digest readers,
In a previous digest, a reader was upset about how slow find by 
content is at indexing.   Find by content is unnecessary, thanks to a 
wonderful freeware:

  BBEdit Lite

After opening it up, go to the search menu, and select find.   In the 
Find window you will notice multi-file search, which once checked, 
you can pick your folder to search.   And it searches nested folders, 
if you so choose, for text in any file. Best of all, BBEdit Lite is 
free.   Turn off Find by content in the search preferences of Find by 
content, and you should do fine.


Come visit my mini Yahoo at:
All links verified monthly. 


Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 14:59:31 -0800
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
To: "Chaz Larson [mailing lists]" <>,
Subject: (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?


I have to agree with you that autoreporting is not a wise idea. It is 
too broad a net, and will implicate what spamcop calls "innocent 

That being said, I used to have Eudora configured to have a 
personality and/or stationery form with my Spamcop address as the 
listed sender and return address. I did this specifically to spoof 
spammer address harvesters on Usenet, since Info-Mac is posted to 

After reinstalling Eudora (v4.3.2) a month or so ago, I'm unable to 
recreate that configuration. (This message was reconfigured manually 
to display my spamcop address.) Anybody knowledgeable with Eudora who 
can provide specific instructions on how to do this? (And I'll be 
RTMing this weekend.)


At 10:00 AM -0600 on 11/2/00, Chaz Larson [mailing lists] wrote:
>I question the idea of *automatically* forwarding any piece of mail
>that doesn't match some set to abuse@*.
>What if I like one of abrody's posts and want to compliment him/her?
>What if I have a followup question?  I'm probably not in the blessed
>group, so such a filter would automatically send a complaint to my
>ISP.  That seems bad.
>My personal suggestion would be to use  Very effective
>filtering, simple reporting [headers are analyzed to determine the
>true source, and the complaint mail is generated automatically],
>reasonable price.
>I'm just a satisfied customer.


Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 21:50:10 -0600
From: Chaz Larson <>
To: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?

>After reinstalling Eudora (v4.3.2) a month or so ago, I'm unable to 
>recreate that configuration. (This message was reconfigured manually 
>to display my spamcop address.) Anybody knowledgeable with Eudora 
>who can provide specific instructions on how to do this? (And I'll 
>be RTMing this weekend.)

I might be misunderstanding the question, but I believe I've got one 
of my umpteen Eudora personalities configured this way.  Here's what 
I've got in the Personality configuration screen under Eudora 5 on 
this machine here:

Personality Name: chaz @ spamcop
Username: chaz
Mail server:
Real name: Chaz Larson
SMTP server:
Return Address:

I'm using the same config with Eudora 4.3.2 at work [except that the 
SMTP server is different].

Replies to mail sent from that personality go to

Is that what you wanted?  Or have I totally misunderstood what you're 
asking for?


Once you take away my right to speak, everybody in the world's up shit creek.
                           - Ice-T; Freedom Of Speech [just watch what you say]
Chaz Larson     -     chaz at visi dot com     -


Date: 5 Nov 2000
From: Laurier Levesque <>
Subject: [*] Abstract for Sales Organizer 3

Sales Organizer is an all-purpose management tool for the retail and sales
industry. It manages inventory, invoicing and more. Enter your inventory and
you are ready to work.

The demo is a runtime software. FileMaker users can get a rebate when
purchasing Sales Organizer.

This set of databases can be modify in order to meet your needs.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/sales-organizer-3.hqx; 4250 K]


Date: 4 Nov 2000
From: zblack <>
Subject: [*] Meteor Storm 1.4

Meteor Storm (1.4) is a high quality arcade shareware game from Z Square 
Entertainment.  It's an addicting space shoot-em-up that features fast 
action, rich graphics, stereo sound effects, upbeat background music, and 
2 player simultaneous gameplay ( team or versus ).

It requires system 7.5.3 or higher ( OS 8.0 - 9.0.4 compatible ), and any 
color 68k or PPC Macintosh with a 12" ( 512x384 ) monitor, although a 14" 
( 640x480 ) screen is preferable for a more comfortable playing area.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/meteor-storm-14.hqx; 3781 K]


Date: 4 Nov 2000
From: Michele Bugliaro <>
Subject: [*] MikaFolders

Item: folder icons (freeware)
Requirements: any color Mac

There are many folder icons in many styles. The readme is in DocMaker

--Michele Bugliaro

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/mika-folders-pro.hqx; 295 K]


Date: 4 Nov 2000
From: Michele Bugliaro <>
Subject: [*] Mikaicons

Item: icons (freeware)
Requirements: any color Mac

There are very many system icons as other ones. The readme is in DocMaker

--Michele Bugliaro

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/mika-icons-pro.hqx; 279 K]


Date: 4 Nov 2000
From: Tobias Peciva <>
Subject: [*] TypeLaunch 1.0.1

TypeLaunch is a handy application launcher, where you type in part of
the name of the application to launch. As you type, TypeLaunch quickly
searches through all your applications to find the best match for what
you have written. When the right application pops up, just hit return to
launch it. To find out just how quickly an application can be located
and fired up, download TypeLaunch and give it a try.

TypeLaunch is freeware and requires a PowerPC Mac with System 7 or

For more information, please read the manual enclosed with the package,
or visit my software web page at:

If you have any questions or comments, please refer to my web page:
You can also send mail directly to:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/type-launch-101.hqx; 40 K]


Date: 5 Nov 2000
Subject: [*] Web Confidential for Palm 1.1.1

Web Confidential for Macintosh, Palm and Windows. The most powerful password
manager around. 

Web Confidential for Palm is a solution to keep your data secure while you
travel with your Palm and need access to your confidential data. It uses an
intuitive, easy-to-use cardfile metaphor which will enable even novice users
to get up to speed in no time.
Web Confidential for Palm is supplied with a Macintosh Conduit, so that you
can synchronize your data with your Mac.
Last but not least, Web Confidential permits you to encrypt your password
files, protecting this sensitive information from prying eyes, using a
state-of-the-art encryption algorithm. Your key can be up to 448 bits in


* Small, fast and stable.
* Easy to use, similar to Palm OS Address application.
* Windows and Macintosh desktop version available.
* Conduit for automatic synchronization with Macintosh desktop application.
* Well thought out categories to quickly organize your data.
* Field names adapt to selected category.
* Notes can be attached to any record for any additional information.
* Key button to transfer password to another application like your Web
* Autolock, never forget to lock your passwords anymore.
* Hide password option, don't let someone prying over your shoulder see your
* Lookup, quickly jump to a record.
* Find button, find text in any field.
* Available in English, French, German and Japanese.
* State-of-the-art encryption algorithm Blowfish to keep your data secure.
* Key can be up to 448 bits long.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-con-palm-111.hqx; 148 K]


Date: 5 Nov 2000
From: Rene Laterveer <>
Subject: [*] Web Confidential for Palm 1.1.1 - Deutsch

Web Confidential for Macintosh, Palm and Windows. The most powerful password
manager around. 

This version is localized in German.

Web Confidential for Palm is a solution to keep your data secure while you
travel with your Palm and need access to your confidential data. It uses an
intuitive, easy-to-use cardfile metaphor which will enable even novice users
to get up to speed in no time.
Web Confidential for Palm is supplied with a Macintosh Conduit, so that you
can synchronize your data with your Mac.
Last but not least, Web Confidential permits you to encrypt your password
files, protecting this sensitive information from prying eyes, using a
state-of-the-art encryption algorithm. Your key can be up to 448 bits in


* Small, fast and stable.
* Easy to use, similar to Palm OS Address application.
* Windows and Macintosh desktop version available.
* Conduit for automatic synchronization with Macintosh desktop application.
* Well thought out categories to quickly organize your data.
* Field names adapt to selected category.
* Notes can be attached to any record for any additional information.
* Key button to transfer password to another application like your Web
* Autolock, never forget to lock your passwords anymore.
* Hide password option, don't let someone prying over your shoulder see your
* Lookup, quickly jump to a record.
* Find button, find text in any field.
* Available in English, French, German and Japanese.
* State-of-the-art encryption algorithm Blowfish to keep your data secure.
* Key can be up to 448 bits long.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-conf-palm-111-de.hqx; 150 K]


Date: 5 Nov 2000
Subject: [*] Web Confidential for Palm 1.1.1 - French

Web Confidential for Macintosh, Palm and Windows. The most powerful password
manager around. 

This version is localized in French.

Web Confidential for Palm is a solution to keep your data secure while you
travel with your Palm and need access to your confidential data. It uses an
intuitive, easy-to-use cardfile metaphor which will enable even novice users
to get up to speed in no time.
Web Confidential for Palm is supplied with a Macintosh Conduit, so that you
can synchronize your data with your Mac.
Last but not least, Web Confidential permits you to encrypt your password
files, protecting this sensitive information from prying eyes, using a
state-of-the-art encryption algorithm. Your key can be up to 448 bits in


* Small, fast and stable.
* Easy to use, similar to Palm OS Address application.
* Windows and Macintosh desktop version available.
* Conduit for automatic synchronization with Macintosh desktop application.
* Well thought out categories to quickly organize your data.
* Field names adapt to selected category.
* Notes can be attached to any record for any additional information.
* Key button to transfer password to another application like your Web
* Autolock, never forget to lock your passwords anymore.
* Hide password option, don't let someone prying over your shoulder see your
* Lookup, quickly jump to a record.
* Find button, find text in any field.
* Available in English, French, German and Japanese.
* State-of-the-art encryption algorithm Blowfish to keep your data secure.
* Key can be up to 448 bits long.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-conf-palm-111-fr.hqx; 159 K]


Date: 5 Nov 2000
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] WebSiteManager 1.6

WebSiteManager 1.6

What it is: Versatile tool for managing one or more (max.16) web sites. 
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: Shareware US$20
Computer: PowerPC or iMac
Mac OS: 7.5 or later
WebSiteManager is a versatile tool for managing one or more (max.16) web
sites. It checks your web pages for broken hyperlinks and dangling tags and
optimizes the HTML code.  The program offers 5 functions as known from its
predecessor HTML OptimizerPro and supports drag & drop also. Further it
offers various upload and download capabilities plus other useful options
that make working with WebSiteManager very easy.
WebSiteManager can remove resources from graphic files. The program offers a
large choice of options, including the 'alias mirror' for a good visual check
of an optimized file.
Every web folder gets its own optimized duplicate, with the same directory
structure as the original. When you upload, the URL of the host is
automatically adapted to the directory of the file or folder being uploaded.
Version 1.6 has better upload error handling and more reliable uploading of a
web folder's main directory.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/web-site-manager-16.hqx; 1354 K]


Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 14:59:23 -0800
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
To: Donal Leader <>,
Subject: [A]: Irish Accessories

The original creator of Irish Accessories is a lecturer in CompSci at 
Trinity University. It was originally created for System 5 and worked 
through System 7.1, but judging from the screenshots on his site he 
has it working on MacOS 8 at least.. You might contact him to see if 
he's updated it. His name is M�che�l Mac Br�daigh (Michael Brady), 
and his website is 


Daniel O'Donnell

At 2:28 PM +0000 on 11/1/00, Donal Leader wrote:
>I've been using Irish Accessories for a number of years to allow the writing
>of Irish language diacritics (fadas). Since upgrding to OS 9 on my iMac,
>I've lost Irish Accessories. Is there an OS 9 compatible version around?


Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 06:56:39 -0800
From: Barb Lange <>
Subject: Another mute G3

I too have a beige G3 that became mute. I have not trashed 
preferences, I have not reloaded any software, and I have not loaded 
anything new. I haven't even moved or bumped the box, but one day 
last week the computer seemed to be clearing it's throat and the 
sound came back.

I'm just getting over a cold my self and have also been clearing my 
throat, therefore the analogy. But really, one day last week the 
speaker began to crackle at bit, and it got clearer and clearer until 
the sound was restored. Is it possible these G3s are susceptible to 
laryngitis? After all viruses are spread by computers.

Sorry, I'm not trying to make light of the problem. My computer 
really was silent for about 6 months, then with no apparent changes 
to environment the sound came back. I'm interested in an explanation 
as well.

Barb Lange
Distance Education
Simon Fraser University


Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 12:30:16 -0700
From: M Steinberg <>
Subject: browser weirdness

Can anyone help with this one? I have both netscape communicator and ie
4.5 loaded on my computer. When I try to open a file from my harddrive
in ie it automatically defaults and opens in netscape. I have no problem
accessing url's from ie but I cannot check work in progress that has not
been uploaded to a server.
TIA Miriam


Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 15:15:59 -0800
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
To: Glen Hawkins <>,
Subject: Flow diagram program

Have you looked at Inspiration? It creates diagrams that can look 
like flow charts; it has multiple symbol sets, and you can create 
your own custom symbol sets as well.

At 10:50 PM +1100 on 10/31/00, Glen Hawkins wrote:
>Hi there,
>I am after a program that can create flow type diagrams for things
>like biochemical processes. The program would have to allow variable
>pathways and allow text writing along pathways.
>Any ideas??
>Cheers Glen


Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 23:15:58 +1000
From: Michael Koren <>
To: <>
Subject: Internet Telephony

Is there any service available on the internet to allow people with Macs to
call phones at low rates like there seems to be all over for PC's?  Also -
there are a number of services that provide conferencing facilities for a
number of people with PC's to connect together on.  What about for the Mac?
I've not been able to locate one and my company's selection of a service
excludes my participation unless I can locate one.

Michael Koren 


Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 10:06:42 -0500
From: Rita/Al Balkin <>
Subject: lagtime

Can anyone tell me why I am getting lag time between the keyboard and 
the screen on Eudora? It began after downloading a "patch" for Eudora 
5.0. I know of no way to get rid of the patch...Rita Balkin


Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 10:39:19 -0500
From: John Browner <>
Subject: Opinions wanted

I have a 500 MHz Pismo. Recently I used the PC slot for the first time.
The way it works is that a button pops out about an inch when you insert

the PC card. When you want to eject, you push the button back in. What I

didn't notice was that, against all logic and common sense, the button
is engineered to pop back out after the ejection so that when I put the
laptop in its case, the button snapped off. I called Apple and they said

that all plastic is not under warrantee and that the 1� piece of plastic

that broke off will cost $300+ to replace. I pointed out to them that
the reason it broke off was that it was engineered in such a way as to
make its breakage highly likely..No matter what I said, their robot-like

response was to ignore every point I made and  repeat  "No plastic is
under warrantee." over and over again.

My question is, do you think that Apple's response was fair and right? I

would also like to know if this problem has happened to other
Pismo owners(as I believe it must have) and if Apple is not doing a
Bridgestone-like stonewalling in order to avoid a mass recall for what
is, in reality, simply an accident waiting to happen.



Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 14:37:51 -0600
From: Jesse the K <>
Subject: Q Dying ZIP Power Supplies

Seeking help from the collective wisdom here.

I have had a ZIP drive 100 chugging away for the last 6 years. (Alas, 
not the same one, but still, never lost data.)

In the last six months, I have had 2 power supplies fail.

Troubleshooting Results:
The driver loads on startup, but Tools 6.4.1 reports that no ZIP is 
attached and won't run.

Loading the Guest driver doesn't help either.

Shutting down and swapping in a different power supply -- everything 
is ducky on startup.

Swapped four different ZIP drives with the three power supplies on 
hand: one predictably fails (and is now in real-life trash).

Environmental Data:
The power supplies have always been plugged in to an "APS SurgeArrest 

No other devices have fried when plugged in to this same strip.

G3/233 MT, SCSI ZIP drives, no other devices on the SCSI chain, OS 
8.6, ZIP driver 6.0.7

Is there any chance that what *seems* to be a dead power supply is 
actually something else?

Is there something peculiarly vulnerable about these power supplies?

Something wrong with my power strip?

Know where I can find electrically identical power supplies that 
*won't* fritz out on me?

This is what it says on these heavy black cubes (the two dead ones 
had a rounded edge)
	ZIP 100 power supply
	Part Number 02477800
	input 120v 60hz 13w
	output dc 5v 1a

  Jesse the K -- Madison Wisconsin USA -- <>
  For peace of mind, resign as general manager of the universe.


Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 14:33:34 -0500
From: Saint John <>
Subject: Slow Find by Content Indexing

At 20:31 -0500 11/3/00, "David V. Wiltschko" <> wrote:
>    My G4 has recently decided that indexing the hard drive shall take 
>100 hours. Up until that time, I had indexing for Find By Content in 
>Sherlock done at night and, after the first time, only took a few 
>hours. What's gone wrong and how to fix it? I tried to trash the 
>invisible TheFindByContent folder in Sherlock, but it won't let me. 
>Apple's support pages say that Sherlock lacks this ability on 
>purpose. Any clues as to how to fix this? My hard disk is really 
>getting a workout.

   Yeah, my Mac Os 8.6 PowerCenter does that too-- not always, but every once in a while. It's at the point where I don't automatically reindex any more, but rather just before I go on vacation or something.
   100 hours would probably pass in 6, just so you know. The estimate is almost always off when it first starts. (When it winds down, too; that last "About one minute" can take half an hour.) But I've often found that the best way to get a rational indexing rebuild is to delete the old index and start afresh.
   To do this, open Sherlock to "Find By Content," then click "Index volumes." A list of your mounted volumes will be displayed. Click on the one with the problems, and the "Delete index" button should light. Click it and confirm the action. NOTE: I'm using Sherlock 1; Sherlock 2 may be slightly different.

   For my own part, I've found it useful to make a small volume (64 Mb) called "Text." Any text document goes in here. I have PDF manuals, SimpleText manuals, URLs, papers I'm writing, adventure game walkthroughs, etc.; anything that might get searched. (Absent are web pages from my "Development" partition, Eudora mailboxes, and source-code files. However, those might get added in the future.) This way, you can regularly index the Text volume once a week while you're at work, and the index will be more useful and smaller than if you had contained a lot of miscellaneous files. Text files are usually small enough so that 64 Mb contains a lot of info! If you use Microsoft Word, of course, you need to increase that by a factor of four.

+- Saint John  <> <> -+
|  "U is for UNA who slipped down a drain                            |
+-- V is for VICTOR squashed under a train" (E. Gorey) --------------+


Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 19:41:42 +0100
From: Christian F Buser <>
To: chazzz <>
Subject: This is REALLY getting to me (A)

Hi Charles,

>To recap: Whenever I double click a document file, I get an error
>message that says "the application 'User Dictionary 1' can not be
>opened. The file is either missing or corrupted".
>The issue here is if I do  search, find User Dictionary1 and drag it to
>the trash, the next time I double click a file I get an error message
>with a new "can't open App..' but this time it lists a different app.
>The only way I can open ANY text file is to use the OPEN USING function
>on contextual menus. I can open the files this way using Simple Text/BB
>Edit/AppleWorks etc.
>A simple double click doesn't open these files.

Seems that your Desktop-file is totally confused...

Did you - during startup - rebuild the desktop file on your drive(s)? 
You do this by pressing "Command" and "Option" when you start your 
Mac until it asks you something "do you really want to rebuild the 
desktop file for the disk....?". Then, you just confirm that you 
want. The Mac will ask you this for each volume, and you have to 
answer for each volume.

You can also try to trash the preferences of the control panel "File Exchange".

What text files are they, anyway? What program do you expect to open 
your files?

Good luck, Christian
Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance


Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 11:16:05 -0600
From: "Gib Henry" <>
To: chazzz <>, "Info-Mac List" <>
Subject: This is REALLY getting to me---

>Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 06:07:16 -0500
>From: chazzz <>
>Subject: This is REALLY getting to me---
>To recap: Whenever I double click a document file, I get an error
>message that says "the application 'User Dictionary 1' can not be
>opened. The file is either missing or corrupted".

Here's what I'd do if I had the problem:

1.  Run ALsoft's Disk Warrior from a startup disk.

2.  Reboot with shift key down (extensions off).

3.  Reboot; rebuild desktop by holding down cmd-opt as Finder launches.

Still have problems?

4.  Use TechTool or equivalent to DELETE the desktop files (Desktop DB
and Desktop DF), then restart, allowing the Finder to rebuild them from
scratch with a Disk-Warrior-cleaned and -optimized directory.

If you haven't otherwise done it in a while, you might reset PRAM
before doing all this, either via TechTool which can save and restore
PRAM contents, or by cmd-opt-p-r on restart, holding down those keys
until you hear at least 4 chimes.

I'd be astonished if you still had the problem after all that.  Hope
this helps.  Cheers,
Gib Henry



End of Info-Mac Digest