Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #145
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 13 Sep 00       Volume 17 : Issue 145

Today's Topics:

      [*] anarchie.hqx and interarchy.hqx
      [*] CalCountNote 1.7.0 (PPC)
      [*] CatFinder 2.1.5
      [*] CatFinder 2.1.5
      [*] cleaning-agent-11.hqx
      [*] CRefDynGenStrArray AUG26_00.sit  (into Development)
      [*] Dhammapada 1.2
      [*] Doublet Scan
      [*] East Tower
      [*] Extension Overload v5.3
      [*] Font "Apilum"
      [*] Font Smoothie 1.2
      [*] FTP: iclean_35tw_installer.hqx
      [*] GEEphor Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] HexMapMaker 2.1
      [*] Hotfind 1.2.4 (68K).hqx
      [*] Hotfind 1.2.4 (PPC).hqx
      [*] iOrganize 3.0 - Advanced NotePad, Address book, File Manager
      [*] iUnit 1.2.0
      [*] Submission
      IE 4.5.1 update
      Mac Help~
      PC Zip Disks and Macs
      Printing from USB to HP6MP?
      systems for older mac's

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Andrew Tomazos <>
Subject: [*] anarchie.hqx and interarchy.hqx

Perth, Western Australia - 21 Sept 2000 - It was announced today on that Interarchy 3.8, the new version of Anarchie, has 
been completed and is ready for download.

"When we released Anarchie 1.0 almost a decade ago, it provided Mac 
users with the first integrated and reliable way to search for and 
retrieve files from the Internet.

The latest evolution Interarchy 3.8, continues that tradition of 
innovation and integration.  Interarchy 3.8 is a single small Mac 
application that combines over thirty useful Internet functions with 
a customizable user interface.

We are very pleased to present to the Macintosh community what we 
feel is a truly complete Internet interface."

   - Andrew Tomazos, Producer,

Interarchy 3.8 is a powerful and flexible Internet interface for Mac 
OS. It can transfer files via FTP and HTTP, search the Internet to 
find the files you want, provide a wealth of information about remote 
servers as well as your local Internet connection and Internet 
applications, help manage remote servers, let you remotely control 
and test your Macintosh across the Internet.  All Interarchy 
functions can be accessed via the menus or alternatively via a new 
user interface technology called wands.  Interarchy wands are 
shareable, linkable, easy to make and very versatile.  As user 
interface elements, wands have many diverse applications beyond 
simply providing alternative interfaces to Interarchy, they can also 
be hyperlinked to other wands, the web, other applications, 
AppleScript or indeed any document or URL.

Q1.  What can Interarchy 3.8 be used for?

PORTAL - By customizing an Interarchy wand and then placing it in 
your Interarchy Statup Addresses, a user can create a single personal 
user interface element that can be used as a starting point for all 
Internet tasks performed on their Macintosh.  This includes not only 
the thirty or so functions Interarchy provides but also accessing web 
sites with a web browser, reading email, newsreading, telneting, irc 
or indeed anything that can be initiated with a URL or by launching a 
file.  Interarchy wands are simply drawn wysiwyg with any image 
editting program such as Photoshop and then compiled and hyperlinked 
with Interarchy WandForge, a freeware application included with the 
Interarchy installer.  The entire process is quick and painless, and 
we include a default interface and other examples and demos with the 
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/anarchie-38.hqx; 4072 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
Subject: [*] CalCountNote 1.7.0 (PPC)

CalCountNote (CCN)  has five integrated components:

* Calendar  - a monthly calendar with a digital clock and an hourly chime..

* Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown to the date of your choice.  Similar to my Freeware program, Y2KCD,  but with the important flexibility to choose the date.

* Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important ideas you want to save.

* Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away.
Version 1.6.0 adds a Daynotes Weekly View

* Timer - provides a repeatable timer to remind you to take breaks or do something else.

All five components emphasize small desktop size and easy click-to-use philosophy.

Best....Brian Stevens

New for 1.7.0 are:

1.7.0 (August 19, 2000)
  * SaveDayNotesNow in FILE menu - no longer have to quit to save daynotes to disk.
   * Daynote Autosave option added to Preferences. Can pick hourly, half-hour or Off.
   * Current Week button added to Weekly Daynotes View
   * Dates for days added to Weekly Daynotes View
   * Cosmetic improvements to Weekly Daynotes view
  * LAN enabled after reworking code to write resources external to application
         * LAN enablement is the first step prior to adding LAN features (none yet)
         * LAN seat pricing is not available yet but will be when the features are completed.
         * Also makes incremental updates possible
   * Balloon Help on FILE menu updated
   * 2nd splash screen removed
   * Cosmetic improvements to splash screen
   * Cosmetic improvements to Preferences window

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/cal-count-note-ppc.hqx; 277 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: "Keith Turner" <>
Subject: [*] CatFinder 2.1.5

CatFinder is a powerful disk management tool that catalogs your disks and 
provides an intuitive Finder-like interface for browsing the catalogs.
Floppies, hard disks, CD ROMs, any disk can be cataloged.  Once a disk is
cataloged you can quickly and easily browse it's contents without having the
disk mounted.   CatFinder also offers powerful find and report features that
will help you find and organize your files.

Version 2.1.5 corrects problems locating the catalog folder and other bug

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/catfinder-215-68k.hqx; 348 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: "Keith Turner" <>
Subject: [*] CatFinder 2.1.5

CatFinder is a powerful disk management tool that catalogs your disks and 
provides an intuitive Finder-like interface for browsing the catalogs.
Floppies, hard disks, CD ROMs, any disk can be cataloged.  Once a disk is
cataloged you can quickly and easily browse it's contents without having the
disk mounted.   CatFinder also offers powerful find and report features that
will help you find and organize your files.

Version 2.1.5 corrects problems locating the catalog folder and other bug

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/catfinder-215.hqx; 379 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: LFO Works <>
Subject: [*] cleaning-agent-11.hqx

Filename: cleaning-agent-11.hqx

Application name: Cleaning Agent

Version: 1.1

Category: Disk & File Utility

Cleaning Agent is a disk & file utility that cleans your disks with a click.
If your computer is a mess, filled with old files and folders you no longer need, you can get rid of those unnecessary items with Cleaning Agent. With a single click, it cleans your hard drives of all unwanted files and folders. It cleans caches, temporary items, desktop files, and much more. With this utility, your computer will not be a mess any longer. It is the fast and easy way how to keep your Mac healthy.
Awarded by 5 cows of 5 possible on

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/cleaning-agent-11.hqx; 2121 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: macgurutemple <>
Subject: [*] CRefDynGenStrArray AUG26_00.sit  (into Development)

STL-vector<char>-based dynamic array of generic strings. Supports storing 
of Pascal&C style strings, STL strings and vector<char>.

All strings are kept in single storage buffer, so even very large number 
of items will not cause memory management overhead. Occupies StringLen[0] 
+ ... StringLen[n - 1] + 2*n*sizeof(size_t). In other words, 
CRefDynGenStrArray is really space efficient.

CRefDynGenStrArray maintains additional reference table of real indexes. 
Thus, many functions will involve only operations with reference table. 
For example, Insert() actually appends item (what is much faster) and 
inserts only entry into reference table; Swap(), Move() and sort will 
cause changes only in reference table.

Refer to for more info.

With best regards

Andrei Verovski

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/crefdyngenstrarray.hqx; 182 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Brian Kelley <>
Subject: [*] Dhammapada 1.2

The Dhammapada is a collection of 423 Buddhist verses, arranged into 26 
chapters by topic.  It is said by many to contain the essence of the 
Buddha's teachings, and is one of  the best-loved works in the Pali Canon.

This application generates a verse of the Dhammapada each time it is 
opened, making it a nice addition to the Startup Items folder.  In 
addition, the entire text of the Dhammapada is available for browsing and 
reading in the conventional, linear way.  Individual verses and chapters 
can be saved as text files and printed from the File menu, and the Edit 
menu allows copying of the text.  If you encounter any unfamiliar terms, 
there is a "Useful Definitions" item under the Apple menu.

Version 1.2 offers improved support for printing

This application is offered as a free gift of Dharma.

[Archived as /info-mac/info/dhammapada-12.hqx; 1636 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Giuseppe Giunto <>
Subject: [*] Doublet Scan

Doublet Scan is a fast and professional way to find all the duplicates in
your hard disks, and more!
Doublet Scan 3.1.0 is for PowerPC machines only. If you have an older
machine you must use the 2.5 version.

With the 3.1.0 version you can use the new "Actions Batch" window to
processing the found items.
Now you can:
rename (with automatic numbering also!)
change type,  creator, label, dates, lock/unlock and comments
move to Trash and move to another location in a easy way.

Added "Check for newer version" item in the "Apple" menu.

Minor bugs fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/doublet-scan-310.hqx; 1467 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Miguel Faria <>
Subject: [*] East Tower

please place in game/com/wolf.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/wolf/east-tower.hqx; 548 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Teng Chou Ming <>
Subject: [*] Extension Overload v5.3

Extension Overload is an extensions & control panels management application. It offers detail information of 3500 Extensions and Control Panels and Control Strip Modules in your system. It also lets you activate and deactivate them, so that you can always easily tailor your system to your current requirements. In addition, Extension Overload includes a useful collection of helpful information and tidbits.

Extension Overload Features

* Allows you to enable and disable you Extensions, Control Panels and Control Strip Modules on the fly without going to the Extensions or Control Panels or Control Strip Modules folders.

* Allows you to preview, enable and disable fonts.

* Provide detailed descriptions of 2480 extensions, 908 control panels and 112 Control Strip Modules, both from Apple and from other companies.

* Covers extensions and control panels from System 7, 7.5, 7.6, Mac OS 8, 8.1, 8.5, 8.6, 9.0 and 9.0.4, iMac, G3 and G4.

* Searching for a particular extensions or control panels within the database can be done either by name or description.

* Searchable system error codes to help make your troubleshooting process easier and faster.
* Generate reports to keep track of your extensions and control panels.

* A Tidbits menu that contains interesting tidbits of information including:

- What is an extension, control panel, shared library?
- Tips to speed up your Macintosh.
- Easter eggs (little gimmicks hidden somewhere in the software).
- A guide on how to get software updates.

5.3 released Sept 1, 2000
* User can now manage control strip modules.
* Contains descriptions of 2480 extensions.
* Contains descriptions of 908 control panels.
* Contains descriptions of 112 Control Strip Modules.
* Total of 3500 extensions, extensions and control strip modules
* More URLs and emails have been updated
* Better support for non English Mac OS.
* Updated the user manual.

You can also download Extension Overload from


EO development Team
ICQ: 12889674
Extension Overload, the simplest way to keep your Mac healthy!

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/extension-overload-53.hqx; 1498 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Dyske Suematsu <>
Subject: [*] Font "Apilum"

Sans Serif font inspired by the form of scaffolding pipe.
Postscript Type 1 font. This is a display font. It comes with Normal and
Oblique. The specimen of the font can be viewed at:

[Archived as /info-mac/font/ps/apilum.hqx; 103 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: "Nick D'Amato" <>
Subject: [*] Font Smoothie 1.2

Font Smoothie 1.2
Written by Nick D'Amato
� 2000 by No-U-Turn, Inc.

Mac OS 8.5 or higher. Any PowerPC Mac.

What's new in 1.2?
You can now change the view font from Font Smoothie. Now you won't have to
wait for the Appearance control panel to launch every time you want to
change your views font. You can do it all from Font Smoothie.
Fixed some minor bugs, and added some minor enhancements.

What's new in 1.1?
Some minor fixes and interface touch-ups.

What is Font Smoothie?
Font Smoothie is a small application that will allow you to achieve more
control over your fonts. This program is targeted towards system fonts,
their sizes, and their font smoothing minimum size.

The MacOS systems only allow a select range of fonts to be used as system
fonts. This is the overall font that you see in the titles of windows,
menus, dialogs, etc. There is also a restriction on size: the font can only
be 12 point.

Font Smoothie will allow you to change the system font to any font that is
available in your system. It also allows any size font. Some fonts look
better bigger, others smaller, depending on the situation and font design.

You can now change your views font from Font Smoothie as well. This is the
font that displays underneath the icons in the Finder. This can also be
changed by the Appearance control panel. But if you're like us, you hate
waiting for the Appearance control panel to load, and it is much nicer to
change all fonts from one program.

A relatively new enhancement of the MacOS is the ability to have the
on-screen fonts anti-aliased (smoothed). This makes the fonts look much
better, and add�s a touch of class to the OS. A restriction exists that only
allows the font size to be 12 point or higher. Font Smoothie allows fonts as
low as 9 point to be smoothed. Therefore, all fonts that are on-screen,
true-type, and 9 point or higher can be smoothed!

Font Smoothie is compatible with Kaleidoscope, and looks great when they are
used together. Kaleidoscope allows you to change the system font as well,
but there is a long-standing bug with it that causes the menus to have
ellipses in them. This makes all of the menus appear like this (Fi�  Ed�
Speci�) Font Smoothie corrects this bug.
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/font-smoothie-12.hqx; 272 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Aladdin Systems Public Relations <>
Subject: [*] FTP: iclean_35tw_installer.hqx

Upload Title: iClean 3.5 installer
Requirements: Mac OS 7.5.3 and 8MB RAM
License:      TrailWare (limited time)
Price:        $29.95

Quickly toss cookies, cache files, histories and more.

Every time you surf the Internet, your Web browser quickly collects lots of
little files and hides them on your computer, including cookies, cache
files and more. Many of these you may not even be aware of! These "little"
files (some can actually be quite large) can quickly add up, hogging disk
space, clogging your computer and leaving your privacy in question. iClean
lets you quickly eliminate these pesky files, giving back wasted disk space
and helping ensure your online privacy. 

Use it every day for peace of mind.

iClean is a great habit to get into. Protect your privacy and maximize hard
disk capacity by using it every day. A quick click on iClean's desktop icon
is all it takes. Select just the items you want to delete, and iClean
instantly goes to work, dumping cache files and cookies deposited by Web
sites on your Mac, erasing histories (that track where you've been on the
Web) and more. You get a comprehensive summary of items you can safely
delete, giving you total control over what iClean removes from your
computer. With iClean, complete peace of mind is just a click away.
Checkout our website <> for more info...

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/iclean-35.hqx; 2492 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: royerm <>
Subject: [*] GEEphor Kaleidoscope Scheme

GEEphor is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme to match the style and colors of
the fantastic new PowerMac G4 computer.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/gee-phor.hqx; 259 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Francois Menneteau <>
Subject: [*] HexMapMaker 2.1

(This version 2.1 of HexMapMaker)


HexMapMaker is a shareware tool for drawing maps with hexadecimal grids.
These kind of maps are used in Role Playing Games, but of course you can
design them for any other purpose.

In addition of having most of the capabilities of a real painting
program (such
as lines, rectanges, ovals and round rectangles drawing, drawing and filling
with color and pattern , text writing, rubber tool, etc.), �HexMapMaker� has
also unique features that greatly simplifies the building of this kind
of map,
such as:

- Three layers map. One layer for color and drawing, one layer for terrains
  and one layer for text. This way, you can for example change an hex color
  without loosing the terrain that lies on top of it.

- Hex color filling in just two clicks (one for selecting the color and one
  for selecting the filling shape).

- Predefined terrains. HexMapMaker comes with three predefined libraries
  for building regions, villages or dungeons.

- Terrains editor. If you do not like the terrain icons and want to modify
  them, the terrain editor is here for that purpose. Of course, you can
  also create terrain icons from thin air :-)

- Terrains repeater. You can repeat a terrain up to 12 times along the X
or/and Y axis.

- Various dimension units. You can specify the map dimensions in either
  cm or m or km. Alternatively, American people may prefer to use the
  ft, ya or mi dimension units.

- Selective drag or clear. As the map is made of three layers, you can specify
  which map layer(s) you want to drag or clear.


Power or 68k Macintosh
256 colors monitor
System 7.1.2 or better (Mac OS 8 or better recommended)
11 MB of free RAM (16 MB of free RAM if you design big maps)

********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/game/hex-map-maker-21.hqx; 1484 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Macron <>
Subject: [*] Hotfind 1.2.4 (68K).hqx

Hotfind may be included on an info-mac CD

Hotline Client or Hotline clone
OS 7.5 and above


HotFind is a server and file search utility for Hotline. It can be used 
to search for specific Hotline servers and for specific files on Hotline 
servers. HotFind is distributed as $10,- (US) shareware.
Hotfind will generate a Hotline server list by combining all server lists 
from all known trackers. HotFind automatically updates its own internal 
list of Hotline trackers by periodically checking our Hotline tracker 
database at, so you will always have access to 
the most up-to-date and complete server list without having to search for 
Hotline trackers yourself ever again.  
With HotFind's powerful Boolean search you can search in the description 
of Hotline servers to find those Hotline servers that you really 
interested in, and with HotFind's file search it's possible to search for 
files or folders located on Hotline servers without the need for a web 
based file search engine. This not only makes the file search more 
reliable it also guaranties your privacy. 
What's New in HotFind 1.2.4

* Fixed a couple of bookmark related bugs.
* Fixed the flooding prevention.
* Fixed a number of cosmetic problems.
* Corrected a number of spelling mistakes.
* Fixed a problem with <<cr>> in path names.
* Added support for the Hotline download client Pitbull 
( to enable direct file downloads from 
the file result window or the files window.
* This time I really added "Select All" to all edit fields (I hope).
* An up-to-date manual is now included with the installer...thanks simX 
* Fixed the "search top list only" function.
* Added some additional short cuts.
* Fixed a couple of other tiny bugs�

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/hotfind-124-68k.hqx; 1169 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Macron <>
Subject: [*] Hotfind 1.2.4 (PPC).hqx

Hotfind may be included on an info-mac CD

Hotline Client or Hotline clone
OS 7.5 and above


HotFind is a server and file search utility for Hotline. It can be used 
to search for specific Hotline servers and for specific files on Hotline 
servers. HotFind is distributed as $10,- (US) shareware.
Hotfind will generate a Hotline server list by combining all server lists 
from all known trackers. HotFind automatically updates its own internal 
list of Hotline trackers by periodically checking our Hotline tracker 
database at, so you will always have access to 
the most up-to-date and complete server list without having to search for 
Hotline trackers yourself ever again.  
With HotFind's powerful Boolean search you can search in the description 
of Hotline servers to find those Hotline servers that you really 
interested in, and with HotFind's file search it's possible to search for 
files or folders located on Hotline servers without the need for a web 
based file search engine. This not only makes the file search more 
reliable it also guaranties your privacy. 
What's New in HotFind 1.2.4

* Fixed a couple of bookmark related bugs.
* Fixed the flooding prevention.
* Fixed a number of cosmetic problems.
* Corrected a number of spelling mistakes.
* Fixed a problem with <<cr>> in path names.
* Added support for the Hotline download client Pitbull 
( to enable direct file downloads from 
the file result window or the files window.
* This time I really added "Select All" to all edit fields (I hope).
* An up-to-date manual is now included with the installer...thanks simX 
* Fixed the "search top list only" function.
* Added some additional short cuts.
* Fixed a couple of other tiny bugs�

Ben Vandevelde

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/hotfind-124-ppc.hqx; 1409 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Bruno Blondeau <>
Subject: [*] iOrganize 3.0 - Advanced NotePad, Address book, File Manager

The final version of iOrganize 3.0 has been released.

iOrganize is a multipurpose organization package which features an advanced
and flexible notepad able to easily store notes in multiple categories with
powerful search abilities, as well as an address book and a file manager
able to store aliases of commonly used files and applications.

This new version introduces new text editing abilities, breaking the 32 kb
per note limit, supporting multiple undos/redos, allowing mixed
fonts/styles... The "AliasPad" module has been redesigned to allow Finder
icons to be displayed, and iOrganize 3.0 is also now fully "TSM Aware" to
better support Japanese systems.

iOrganize is a $15 shareware.


web site :

download link:

author email:

Version 3.0 Changes :

- NotePad&ContactPad : NotePad notes and the ContactPad note field can now
store more than 32 kb of text, only limited by memory. This version also
adds a lot of keyboard shortcuts for easy navigation and edition such as
triple clicks, selection using shift+arrow, option+arrow,...
- NotePad : Added a Font menu, which let you edit precisely the fonts in
your notes, as well as a size menu for font size selection, and a style menu
(usual styles, justification and text color selection)
- NotePad : Fixed a bug in the search window when text from a previous
search was still displayed
- NotePad : faster scrolling of the text
- NotePad : Multiple Undo and Redo support (also in the ContactPad note
- NotePad : The user is now always asked to confirm Category deletions
- NotePad : iOrganize is able to use temporary memory for very long texts
- NotePad : Fix : The previous note was still visible when creating a new
- AliasPad : 3 kinds of display are now available for the alias list : text,
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/app/i-organize-30.hqx; 1024 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
From: Chris Smolinski <>
Subject: [*] iUnit 1.2.0

iUnit is a powerful unit conversion utility. It converts between over 300
different units of distance, mass, volume, velocity, density, and other
types of units. iUnit also includes the values of many physical constants.

iUnit is shareware, with a $20.00 registration fee.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/i-unit-12.hqx; 360 K]


Date: 13 Sep 2000
Subject: [*] Submission

Enclosed is iHelp, a shareware program for trouble-shooting.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ihelp.hqx; 1835 K]


Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 11:05:26 -0400
From: Ira Flatow <>
To: <>
Subject: IE 4.5.1 update

Does anyone know where to find Internet Explorer 4.5.1 update? I have IE 4.5
but lost the update and Microsoft no longer supports it, i.e. offers it on
their website.

Alas, my G4 has refused for about a year now to run 5.x version.
Too many freezes.



Ira Flatow     
Host/Executive Producer - "Science Friday"


Date: 12 Sep 2000 19:38:19 GMT
From: (Flag565)
To: <>
Subject: Mac Help~

I can't figure out how to make an Apple 600e SCSI external CD work on older
macs!  It works on some machines but not others... do I need a driver disk??

please respond to

thanks Ed


Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 10:21:21 +0100
From: Andrew Churchill <>
To: <>
Subject: PC Zip Disks and Macs

> I feel obliged to warn folks about using PC formatted Zip disks in Macs.
> In our labs we have all Macs and our university bookstore often sells
> students PC formatted Zip disks. We have had some bad experiences with
> certain applications--most notably Quark XPress 4.1 and Adobe PhotoShop
> 5.5--and files that are saved to the PC Zip. We have seen the files
> become unopenable on the Mac and unrecovarable. I have actually witnessed
> the files' icons changing from an XPress or PhotoShop document to a
> generic PC document before my eyes. PhotoShop files created on a Mac and
> saved to a Zip have disappeared from the "Open File" dialogue box, even
> though they show up at the Finder level.
> Thus, we have recommended to our students that unless they absolutely
> have to have a PC formatted Zip disk in order to access their files on a
> PC somewhere else, to stick with the Mac format.
> Charles Pearce
> Kansas State University
> School of Journalism and Mass Communications


I have to agree, although I think you are blaming the wrong culprit. I think
it's more likely to be the OS, not the programs you mentioned. I have
noticed that PC disk support has become progressively more flakey since
about OS 8.0. I also suffer from a particularly annoying
unmounting/remounting problem with PC floppies on the various macs I use (a
problem I don't get with mac formatted floppies). I don't suppose this is
much of an issue for apple since all the new macs are floppy-less......




Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 09:51:31 -0700
From: Bruce Johnson <>
Subject: Printing from USB to HP6MP?

> Subject: Printing from USB to HP6MP?
> Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 16:30:19 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "David L. Elliott" <>
> To:
> What is the best hardware solution to connect a Mac with USB ports
> and Ethernet (IBook, especially) with a HP6MP Laserjet (PostScript)
> printer?

The best solution would be ethernet; but you'll need a JetDirect card or
external JetDirect from HP to network the printer. (I don't remember
whether the 6MP has an internal slot for the network card.)

There are other ethernet-parallel devices out there, but I know that the
JetDirect supports Appletalk, and that they're pretty much bulletproof
(we have a bunch of them in use around here, including the ones on our
(now old) HP5Si and ColorLJ printers...they served a network of some 300
users for many years, with few hitches).

You might be able to get by with a USB-Serial converter and plug into
the localtalk port on the HP.

The absolute best solution would be to get a Xerox printer...that's what
we ended up doing for some users recently. Similar price, form factor,
and the Xerox ones have USB, which none of HP's laser printers have. (as
of a few months ago)

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group


Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 10:06:37 GMT
From: (Stemerdink)
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: systems for older mac's

I have a question on older Mac's.

Could anyone inform me on what older 'all-in-one' Mac's I can run Sytem 4.X?

I have some old favorite games that only run on this system version and I'd like to know whether for example an SE will tolerate this.

Please answer me directly via e-mail, as I have no regular access to this Newsgroup. My e-mail address is either or


Gerrit Stemerdink

Gerrit J. Stemerdink 
Weerdslag 98, 7206 BV  Zutphen, the Netherlands
phone: (+31) 575 523005 



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