Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #125
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 08 Aug 00       Volume 17 : Issue 125

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Conflict Catcher warning?
      [*] Sound Studio 1.4, an audio recorder and editor
      [*] Synk 3.0.5
      [*] TextureMagic 1.3.2
      [*] Tile-it Icons 2.5.1
      [*] TypePopper 1.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Worlds Apart (v2.1): a text adventure
      Anyone have DT Calculator?
      Eudora Random Signatures
      Eudora: random signatures
      IDE hard disk formatting

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Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 12:09:15 -0400
From: "" <>
Subject: (Q) Conflict Catcher warning?

Dear Digest readers,
Maybe this post got lost in one of those digests that wasn't 
e-mailed, but I wonder why some of Apple's own extensions appear to 
use more memory than the system heap is giving them.   The Control 
Strip Extension is one.   How do I increase the system heap to 
prevent this from being a problem?  Is it a problem, or is this one 
of those cases where Conflict Catcher is giving me more information 
than I really need to know.


Come visit my mini Yahoo at.   All links verified monthly:


Date: 8 Aug 2000
From: Lucius Kwok <>
Subject: [*] Sound Studio 1.4, an audio recorder and editor


I just wanted to let you know that I've released version 1.4 of Sound Studio
today. Version 1.4 is faster, supports for more file formats, has many
rewritten filters, and fixes many bugs.

New features:
    - Faster disk operations (uses most of application RAM as buffer)
    - New, faster resampling code (uses linear interpolation and averaging)
    - Windows WAVE file format support
    - System 7 Sound file format support
    - WWW links to in Register menu
    - New document icons (rebuild your Desktop Database to see the icons)
    - The Silence, Amplify, Normalize, Fade In, and Fade Out filters now
      blend (cross-fade) their edges by 0.5 milliseconds
    - Noise Gate filter rewritten to have a smoother transition
    - Internal calculations use 64-bit floating point representations
    - Dithering: when downsampling and applying filters, triangular pdf
      dithering is used

Bug fixes:
    - "Open" menu command now works
    - Cut, and delete editing commands no longer scroll window to beginning
      of file
    - Cut and paste no longer generate type-3 errors
    - Sound Input palette can no longer be placed off-screen
    - Editing to end of file no longer generates -39 errors

Sound Studio is an audio recording and editing app for the Mac OS. It allows
you to take full advantage of your Mac's built-in sound recording and
playback capabilities, to digitize your collection of vinyl and tapes, to do
live recording of audio, to edit new and pre-existing digital audio, and to
save your audio in AIFF, WAVE, System 7 Sound, or Sound Designer II format
to be used in other audio apps. And it all costs just US$25, if you decide
to keep it beyond the 14-day trial period.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/sound-studio-14.hqx; 579 K]


Date: 8 Aug 2000
From: Randall Voth <>
Subject: [*] Synk 3.0.5

Synk 3.05
Synk is a popular backup and synchronization program that can resolve 
aliases and archive old files. It runs on all  PowerPC Macintoshes 
with at least Mac OS 8. Synk 2.6.1 remains available at the website 
mentioned below for those using older computers.

This new version is a complete rewrite with full Mac OS 9 support. In 
addition to a modern interface and OS 9 features, it includes very 
powerful, programmable selectors that give excellent control over 
what is backed up or synchronized.

Version history is listed at the end of this message.

Synk 3 is US $15 shareware (registration through Kagi). Upgrades from 
previous version of Synk are free to registered users.

Randall Voth

Version 3.0.5
- NEW -> changed selectors in a big way (selectors are now applied to 
files, folders or both instead of items, containers or volumes). Synk 
does its best to import selectors, but please check them over for 
- fixed a potential name comparison error with selectors
- greatly expanded "Synk Documentation" to include the information 
previously only in the online Help

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/synk-305.hqx; 1349 K]


Date: 8 Aug 2000
From: Wolfgang Ante <>
Subject: [*] TextureMagic 1.3.2

TextureMagic is a graphics application for creating and editing of
seamlessly tileable textures. TextureMagic's users are website
designers that create webpage backgrounds, 3D artists that easily
transform photographed surfaces into tileable textures and other
graphic designers that use textured backgrounds for their creative
content creation.

TextureMagic 1.3.2 updates all open & save dialogs to use Apple's
new <Navigation Services> dialogs.

The TextureMagic website is located at <>.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/texture-magic-132.hqx; 2226 K]


Date: 8 Aug 2000
From: (appajt)
Subject: [*] Tile-it Icons 2.5.1

Tile-iT Icons is an application that use the custom Icons of System 7.X to
display pictures or text on the desktop or in any windows.  Tile-iT takes
any PICT from the clipboard, break it into 'Tiles', convert those tiles to
icons, assign those icons to documents and finally arrange those documents
so that they touch each other.  In other words, a Tile-iT frame of 3 x 3
icons is composed of 9 documents each having a custom icon representing a
portion of the original picture.

Tile-it now produce those 32 bits 'icns' resources so that you can
display pictures in thousand of colors.  Tile-it is also the most
userfriendly of these kind of application.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/tile-it-251.hqx; 744 K]


Date: 8 Aug 2000
Subject: [*] TypePopper 1.4J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the TypePopper package.

TypePopper is a lean, robust, and easy to use Contextual Menu Plugin with a
single focus: To help you easily change type and creator codes of files with just
one click. I wrote TypePopper because I couldn't find a small and simple utility
to do what it does as easily. Let us know what you think!

This version adds a number of popular file types to the pop-up context menu.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/cmm/type-popper-14-jp.hqx; 428 K]


Date: 8 Aug 2000
From: Andrew Plotkin <>
Subject: [*] Worlds Apart (v2.1): a text adventure

Worlds Apart: An Interactive Fugue
By Suzanne Britton (
Version 2.1

Getting Started

This is a TADS game, and therefore requires a TADS or HTML TADS
interpreter. Specifically, it requires an up-to-date (2.5.1 or better)
interpreter.  This package includes HyperTADS 1.1.3, which is an HTML
TADS interpreter for the Macintosh based on HTML TADS 2.5.1. It should
be everything you need to play the game. If HyperTADS doesn't suit you,
there are other TADS interpreters for the Macintosh. Check the TADS Page
at for advice on how to obtain and
install the right interpreter for your system.

If you do not use HyperTADS, you should set your display to use a
fixed-width font if you can. Otherwise, formatting will look odd in a
few places.

If Interactive Fiction is a new thing to you, or you just want to
refresh your memory, you can get some general playing instructions
within the game by typing INSTRUCTIONS. Specific information on Worlds
Apart is available by typing ABOUT, and hints are available via the HINT

This work is copyrighted freeware.  The game package may be distributed
on all public archives.

The Worlds Apart homepage is located at Check there for information on new

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/worlds-apart-21.hqx; 1651 K]


Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 08:42:37 -0500 
From: "Allan, David (DS)" <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: Anyone have DT Calculator?

Hi. I am looking for a copy of DT Calculator, a freeware RPN-based
calculator that I had on my old Power Mac. I cannot locate a copy at any of
the archive sites that I've searched. This was a very useful scientific
calculator, and free to boot! If you have a copy, please e-mail it to me and
also resubmit it to the mac archives.  

If anyone would like to recommend a replacement, freeware, RPN scientific
calculator, I would welcome your suggestions. 

Thanks in advance.

David Allan


Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 08:15:16 -0700
From: "Jim Wickman" <>
Subject: Eudora Random Signatures

>Is it possible to have Eudora choose a random signature among all the
>signatures that are in the list ?
>Claris emailer had this feature and I miss it in Eudora. Maybe I just
>didn't find the option ?
There's a program out  there called -- amazingly -- "RandomSig" that 
will do just what you want.
It's $2 (US) shareware, available from:

	Questions, comments, bug reports? Send them to 
	Random Sig is � 1999 by Dead Chicken Software. All rights reserved.

Write to her to get the URL.

Jim Wickman   -  -  -   Pasco  WA

Why Is "abbreviation" such a long word?


Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 11:33:28 -0500
From: Pete Resnick <>
To: Remmy Tourment <>
Subject: Eudora: random signatures

On 8/4/00 at 8:22 AM +0200, Remmy Tourment wrote:

>Is it possible to have Eudora choose a random signature among all the
>signatures that are in the list ?

You might want to check out: 

Pete Resnick <>
Eudora Engineering - QUALCOMM Incorporated


Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 17:00:28 -0700
From: Bill Rausch <>
Subject: IDE hard disk formatting

I've got a Beige G3/233 desktop with 4 gig IDE hard disk.  I'm thinking
about replacing the drive with a larger one of around 20 gigs or so.  If I
buy a bare drive from a generic source, will Apple's formatting software
recognize and format the drive or will I need to purchase Mac specific
software from a third party?  (The only formatting software I currently own
is quite old.)  Buying a drive from a Mac specific vendor is quite a bit
more expensive and I'm wondering what it gets me?

I'd like to partition the drive and install LinuxPPC as well (which I
currently have installed on a too-small external SCSI drive).


 Bill Rausch, Software Development, Unix, Mac, Windows
 Numerical Applications, Inc.  509-943-0861


Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 17:32:50 +0100
From: dom <>
Subject: PalmPix

Has anyone found a way to use Kodak's PalmPix on a Palm V using Mac OS,
rather than the supplied Windows?

Dave Reeder



End of Info-Mac Digest