Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #375
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Info-Mac Digest             Sun, 28 Nov 99       Volume 16 : Issue 375

Today's Topics:

      "blueberry" Epson 740i vs. "Bondi blue" iMac...?
      (A) Apple Data Detectors work with recent OS's!
      (A) Microsoft Office OS 9 conflict resolved
      (A) spreadsheet 16384 row limit
      (Q) View as List by default for all folders
      [*]  Yank 3.0.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] AMICO 2.1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Bright Chick 2.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] ConvertMachine 1.0.2v1J - Japanese Version
      [*] D-Sound Pro 3.5.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Mac Trivia Challenge 4.0
      [*] MT-NewsWatcher 3.0
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.4 Freeware
      [*] Power Manager v1.0
      [*] QuoEdit 0.6
      [*] Repeating Decimals 1.0
      [*] Sherlock 2 Mod Patch
      [*] sherlock-purified-1.0.hqx
      [*] Sound Machine 2.7.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Sports KinePak SAMPLE - animated icons for Kineticon
      [*] Submit Quick-Finance.hqx by FTP
      [*] SwitchBack 2.8J - Japanese Version
      [*] TableCloths 4.0
      [*] Vanessa Chess 1.5
      [*] VSE Animation Maker 3.2.1 - GIF animation tool
      [*] VSE Be Found 1.5 - Web Site Promotion Tool
      [*] WP Download Outlining Fix
      [A] File Attachments in Outlook Express
      [Q] but it's not daylight savings time...
      [Q] Worrying(?) behaviour of Work menu in Word 5.1a under OS 8.6
      A.D.D. & 8.6
      Disappearing Volume
      Excel 98, Word 98 & MacOS 9 problem
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #374
      Inthe old days...
      Laserwriter Pro Repair
      password removal
      PPP server for Mac (version 7.6 + )
      Printer share help needed
      Reclaiming memory
      SCSI Problem
      sharing a printer
      Where's the Mac children's software?!
      why a 30 second delay sending e-mail?

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Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 17:46:03 -0500
From: Mark Fiske <>
Subject: "blueberry" Epson 740i vs. "Bondi blue" iMac...?

QUITE some time ago, I read a post regarding the fact that Epson's stock
"blueberry"-colored Epson 740i cover "almost" matches the older, yet
still venerable "Bondi" blue original iMac. I HATE to toot my own horn,
but I've created a product, printable from AppleWorks, that can be
inserted inside the stock "blueberry" cover, bringing the color MUCH
closer to what is considered to be "Bondi."

It is currently available at 

If you mention this post, I'll give it to you for free, up until December 3.


Mark Fiske
Appearance Technologies (formerly Fake-8 Technologies)


Date: 24 Nov 99 23:00:32 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) Apple Data Detectors work with recent OS's!

>From: Mark Allen <>
>Subject: (Q) Apple Data Detectors work with recent OS's?
>I've seen a lot of good comments about Apple Data Detectors. I've 
>also seen some comments that the ADD software does not work with 
>"modern" OS's. Does anyone have any experience that indicates that 
>the Apple Data Detectors do work with OS 8.6 and OS 9.0?

They work great for me on a G4 under OS 8.6 and on an accelerated 7600/G3
onder OS 8.6. Gotta love 'em!
- Scott

Remove the "spamless" to return eMail to me.
Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 11:09:54 -0500
From: a brody <>
Subject: (A) Microsoft Office OS 9 conflict resolved

Dear Digest readers,
Somehow I must have deleted the Microsoft Office 98 extension by 
mistake.   First Run didn't notice it was missing, but after 
reinstalling the latest patch from Microsoft, I noticed the Microsoft 
Office 98 extension in my Office folder, but it wasn't in my 
Extensions folder.   I tried moving it over to my Extensions folder, 
rebooted, and presto, it worked.   Even with all Extensions loaded.

To make a long story short, if your Office 98 for the Mac isn't 
working, look in your Office folder inside the Microsoft Office 98 
folder to see if there are any extensions (actually libraries) that 
weren't installed in your System folder's Extensions folder.



Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 22:58:28 -0800
From: Stephen Grady <>
Subject: (A) spreadsheet 16384 row limit

a brody  wrote:

Appleworks 5.0.4, and Excel 5.0 both appear to have a limit of the
number of rows they will allow in their spreadsheet at 16384.
Anybody know of a spreadsheet program that does not have that limit?
I'd like to be able to sort my website logfile by its various
variables, and I am already at 22000 hits and counting.    Now that
hard disks are large enough to handle such files, shouldn't someone
make a spreadsheet that can do that?   Not to mention with 192MB of
RAM, it isn't as if I don't have enough memory to hold such a large
spreadsheet in memory.

Excel 5.0 on the other hand won't show the sheet numbers in MacOS 9
and sometimes crashes with Type 10 errors, and it doesn't properly
sort Dates that are stored in text fields, whereas Appleworks does
properly sort dates in text fields.

Is Excel 98 any better at these features?   Is Microsoft Works any
better at these features.   I'd like to have some spreadsheet on my
Mac that is faster (I have a G3/233) and is capable of using
MacLinkPlus 11.0 and MacOS 9.0 without problems.
Excel 98 has a limit of 65,536 rows X 256 columns

I've not made the move to 9.0, but am using 8.6 on a PBG3 266 with 128 mb RAM.

Excel 98 is slow to open up, especially when compared to my PC at work
(PII, 400 & Excel 97). On the Mac, the toolbar appears and then there is a
delay while until the blank worksheet appears. That is with all my add-ins
removed. Other than that, I have had very little problems with Excel 98.

Stephen Grady <>
Remove the extra dot to reply


Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 20:13:13 -0500
From: a brody <>
Subject: (Q) View as List by default for all folders

Dear Digest readers,
Is there any way to set view as list as a default for all folder? 
I'd like to find a freeware that allows me to do that.    Every time 
I open up a new folder, I am seeing it with just the icons. 
Something that will work with both MacOS 8.6 and 9.0 would be 

Thank you.



Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 08:05:49 +0100
From: remi <>
Subject: 7.5.3/flash4

i have a technical question about my mac quadra 950 (ppc-upgrade) with
os 7.5.3 in combination with a freshly installed flash 4 demo (from
official cd).
when i try to start flash i get an error:
'InterfaceLib - - MakeDataExecutable'
is there anyone who can tell me what's wrong or missing??

kind regards
remi de bake


Date: 25 Nov 1999
Subject: [*]  Yank 3.0.2J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Yank package.

Yank is a shareware application that does three things:

1) Uninstalls an application and files created by the application by moving
them to the Trash.

2) Cleans up your Preferences folder by moving outdated files to the Trash.

3) Slims fat binary applications.

Yank is a fat-binary application, which means it runs in native mode on a
Power Macs and 68K Macs.  System 7 or higher is required.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/yank-302-jp.hqx; 685 K]


Date: 25 Nov 1999
Subject: [*] AMICO 2.1.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the AMICO package.

AMICO 2.1.1J (An apple menu utility)

AMICO is a utility that helps you change the order of the items that 
appear in the apple menu. It also lets you insert divider lines between 
these items.

For more information read the "Read Me" file.

To ensure that AMICO will function properly under Mac OS 8 and up, 
you need to check the "Always snap to grid" checkbox in the "View Options..."
dialog box of the Apple Menu Items folder and possibly do a "Clean Up" 
for that folder as well.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/amico-211-jp.hqx; 141 K]


Date: 27 Nov 1999
Subject: [*] Bright Chick 2.0J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Bright Chick package.

BrightChick is a cyber-pet. That means it is a pet but it doesn't really
exist. It's a small application for your Macintosh computer. The goal is it,
to get your chick as old as possible. It is similar to some other virtual
pets, but it's the first for the macintosh!

The Goal
The Goal is it, to get your chick as old as possible. You can give him
water, corn or bread. You have to clean it, play with it, ...
The chick grows day by day and it's funny to look at him. It isn't difficult
to play, so small children can play it too.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/bright-chick-20-jp.hqx; 290 K]


Date: 25 Nov 1999
Subject: [*] ConvertMachine 1.0.2v1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the ConvertMachine package.

ConvertMachine is a batch processing utility to convert sound format
files to a desired type.  This means it performs one or more of the
following without user interaction: decompression, resampling (sample
rate conversion), mixing (stereo to mono) and compression.

You don't need to worry about what format the file is in; all you 
specify is the desired output format.

Finder Sound files (sfil), AIFF files, WAVE files, AU Mu-law and linear,
QuickTime Audio (Movies) and Sound Designer II files can be freely converted.

You can save your popular Settings under as a menu item or as a separate
Settings file.  The common web formats are flagged and  ready to use as
defaults, such as audio/basic mono 8kHz mu-law.

After conversion files can be automatically sent to SoundMachine for playing.

It needs at least QuickTime 2.1 and Apple's Sound Manager 3.1 or later.
If you have installed System 7.5.3 then, no worries, you have these. If
you want to get these or later extensions visit Apple's web site.

Changes in version 1.2

*Added an Import/Export... item under the File menu which permits
importing of Audio CD tracks and the like (this feature was available in
1.0.6 but removed in 1.1). 
*SoundDesigner II files with higher sample rates are now correctly exported.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/conmach-121-jp.hqx; 250 K]


Date: 25 Nov 1999
Subject: [*] D-Sound Pro 3.5.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the D-Sound Pro package.

D-SoundPRO is a professional Audio Sound Editor, Software Synthesizer, Wave
Generator and MIDI/SCSI samplers network manager. Its features are:

- Load/Save AIFF, SDII,.WAV and RAW mono/stereo 8/16 bits sound files
- Akai, E-MU, Kurzweil, Roland, SMDI, Yamaha SCSI sample dump
- MIDI SAMPLE DUMP STANDARD (also with Yamaha SY sample headers) and Roland
S50, S550, S330 MIDI
- Virtual Synthesizer module, to play samples from the Mac Keyboard or from
MIDI (also from a sequencer running on the same Mac), including a real time
AmpENV ADSR module
- Import/Export sounds from 3 1/2 Roland W30, S50, S550, S330 disks
- Sophisticated and undoable/redoable graphical sample edit & clipboard
management with floating palettes for edit tools, loops monitoring, sample
info, and Virtual Keyboard.
- Full wave editor, including X-Fade looping algorithm, Time Stretching
(with old/new BPM tempo input parameters), Frequency Shifting parametric
algorithms by a Spectral Resynthesizer, Signal Processor for digital
effects, LowPass, BandPass, HighPass and BandReject analog filter simulation
with feedback, Full Parametric three ways and 7 Bands Graphic Equalizers,
Resample using interpolation, and more.
- Rhythm autoloop and detect BPM functions
- HQ Digital Oscillator to generate new synthesized sound waves (up to 10
detunable SW oscillators at the same time!)
- Internal Midi Driver and OMS 1.2 (or better) or FreeMidi 1.34 optional
- It is a FAT application - it runs native on PowerMac
   System requirements:    System 7.1, SoundManager 3.1 and a 68020 MAC
supporting 16 bit audio (68030 mac recommended for MIDI and PowerMac for
full performaces).

Optional: MIDI interface and synth supporting MIDI Sample Dump Standard, a
MAC with sound inputs, OMS 1.2 (or better), FreeMidi 1.34 (or better).

What is NEW in Version 3.5.1

- New Start/Stop Play command
- Major and minor bugs fixed
- Fixed an uncompatibility with SpeedDoubler causing an error creating
clipboards at startup
- The code is faster
- New Internal Midi Driver with new parser of midi messages (OMS is now not

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/dsoundpro-351-jp.hqx; 2233 K]


Date: 27 Nov 1999
From: Brian Kelley <>
Subject: [*] Mac Trivia Challenge 4.0

Mac Trivia Challenge 4.0

**The Gameshow Edition**

Using the format of a television game show, Mac Trivia Challenge 4.0 
tests your knowledge of the Mac OS, Macintosh hardware, the history of 
Apple Computer, Mac games, the Internet, easter eggs, tips, tricks & 
shortcuts, and much, much more!

Mac Trivia Challenge is $10 shareware.  It is not disabled in any way, so 
registration is purely voluntary.

Brian Kelley

CompleatMac Software

[Archived as /info-mac/data/mac-trivia-40.hqx; 1155 K]


Date: 27 Nov 1999
From: Simon Fraser <>
Subject: [*] MT-NewsWatcher 3.0

MT-NewsWatcher 3.0 is an online Usenet news client for the Macintosh,
and is based on the original NewsWatcher by John Norstad. MT-NewsWatcher
has a suite of features that make reading the articles you want to read
quick and easy. You can set up filters to hilight articles, connect to
multiple servers at the same time, have different sets of personal
details for posting, view images inline, post binaries, read articles in
different languages, and much more!

MT-NewsWatcher 3.0 is freeware. For more information, see the
MT-NewsWatcher home page: <>

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/term/mt-news-watcher-30.hqx; 1555 K]


Date: 25 Nov 1999
From: Rosset Antoine <>
Subject: [*] PlayerPRO 5.4 Freeware

This is the freeware version of PlayerPRO 5.4

You can copy it, distribute it and include it everywhere -- even on
commercial products. You don't need any permission to do it.

Minimum system requirements:
- MacOS 8 or higher
- 16 Mb RAM


PlayerPRO is a complete music editing program (SoundTracker). You can use it
with any Mac without any additional hardware. PlayerPRO can load and play
the following music (and sound) formats:

669, IT, ULT, XM System 7 sound, WAV, AIFF, AIFC, SoundDesignerII, MPEG,
MP3, MuLaw, ALaw, AVI, DVC, Quicktime Movies, MAC3, MAC6, IMA4, MPEG layer
I, II and III (requires QT 4.0), PAT (GUS), QDesign, RAW Data.


NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 5.4 (differences from 5.3):
    � Compiled with CodeWarrior Pro 5.2
    � You can now choose between fixed or period speed for pan & volume
    � Crop function for samples
    � Bit Depth function for samples
    � PlayerPRO 500 $ US Prize continues!
    � PlayerPRO now supports a full FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)
    � An Equalizer (using FFT)
    � New sound filters using FFT: FFT-Pitch shift and FFT-Hz filter
    � PlayerPRO now supports multi-channel per tracks (actually limited to
99 channels)
    � A new effect is now available 'G' (Note-Off) for the multi-channel
    � A global panning settings is now available in the Mixer window

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/player-pro-54.hqx; 1992 K]


Date: 24 Nov 1999
From: Graham Miln <>
Subject: [*] Power Manager v1.0

Power Manager v1.0 DssW

Power Manager is a system addition which enables your Macintosh
to switch on and off to a schedule!

Power Manager is a new system addition for the Macintosh.

Power Manager enables your Macintosh to switch on and off
automatically to a schedule! The fully configurable Scheduler enables
multiple start ups and shut downs per day. Each day of the week can be
independently controlled! Power Manager provides greater control over
the Energy Saving features of the Macintosh. Combining Power Manager
with our template AppleScripts and tutorials enables you to set up fully
automated tasks through out the whole week!


� Supports multiple start ups and shut downs per day 
��Independent schedules for each day of the week 
��Configure your System, display and hard drive sleeping timings to the minute
��Template and Example AppleScripts 
��Complete documentation and tutorials (including Internet editions) 
� Includes the Secure Purchasing System for easy ordering


Power Macintosh with Energy Saver. System 7.6 or greater.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/power-manager-10.hqx; 1606 K]


Date: 24 Nov 1999
From: Lyomei Sakai <>
Subject: [*] QuoEdit 0.6

A text editor for plain (monostyled) text that runs on System 7 or later.
QuoEdit 0.6 is Free.

  Intended to provide quick operations in the simple interface.
  Supports AppleScript 
  -- it can even record, run and save tasks like keyboard macro
     without the Script Editor!
  Multiple levels of undo and redo for each document.
  WorldScript savvy.
    and so forth.

[New in this version]
  Setting line wrapping width.
  Showing ASCII space characters.
  Enhancement of scripting features.

[Changed in this version]
  Behavior of option-right/left arrow key was improved.
  Printing text lines.
  Zoomed state of window.
  Line direction of Arabic and Hebrew font text.

Lyomei Sakai

[Archived as /info-mac/text/quo-edit-06.hqx; 762 K]


Date: 28 Nov 1999
From: "Andrew D. Merenbach" <>
Subject: [*] Repeating Decimals 1.0

This program outputs a text file with the result of a division 
problem--but it outputs as many digits as you want it to, so it's much 
better for repetend research than a simple 8-,9-, or 10-digit calculator 

AppleScript, and at least 200k of RAM
Andrew D. Merenbach
The Techie Group

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/repeating-decimals-10.hqx; 84 K]


Date: 24 Nov 1999
Subject: [*] Sherlock 2 Mod Patch


Mac OS 9 Sherlock 2

This patch removes Sherlock 2's brushed metal surface.  Adds new 3-D
Copeland style icons.  Removes white channel windows and replaces them
with Mac buttons which depress when selected.

Directions for use: Double click patch, find your original version of
Sherlock 2 and apply patch.  A new modified version of Sherlock will be
created.  This will not delete your original Sherlock 2.

Courtesy of Matthew Ward

*note:  Icons included with this patch are 3rd party and I do not take
credit for their creation.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/sherlock-2-mod-patch.hqx; 109 K]


Date: 24 Nov 1999
From: Andrew Watters <>
Subject: [*] sherlock-purified-1.0.hqx

Sherlock Purified 1.0

Don't you like the Quicktime-style interface of Sherlock 2? No? Well now you
can change Sherlock 2 to look like Sherlock 1, and also remove the banners!
>From an author who remains anonymous by request. This patch only works with
the unmodified copy of Sherlock 2 included in Mac OS 9. I am not responsible
for the results of applying this patch.

This patch may be included on all media at no charge.  See also Sherlock
nobanners 2.0.  Visit my web page for more information:

- Andrew Watters

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/sherlock-purified-10.hqx; 28 K]


Date: 25 Nov 1999
Subject: [*] Sound Machine 2.7.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Sound Machine package.

SoundMachine is a user friendly sound file player for common
audio formats such as m-law (mu-law), AIFF, SDII and WAVE. It
supports a simple interface and is well suited to Web browsers or
as a stand-alone application. It has been accelerated for PowerPC
and can be run on the 68K range of Macintoshes (it is a so-called
Fat Binary). However, depending on the sound format being played
the performance of SoundMachine is limited by the speed of the

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/sound-machine-271-jp.hqx; 549 K]


Date: 24 Nov 1999
From: Sherman Uitzetter <>
Subject: [*] Sports KinePak SAMPLE - animated icons for Kineticon

Kinetic Creations, Inc. announces the release of the Sports KinePak!

This sample includes 3 of the 13 kines included in the full Sports KinePak.

The Sports KinePak requires Kineticon, Kinetic Creations' 
icon-animating system extension.

This sample is free to use and distribute.  The full Sports KinePak is $5 US.

For more information, please read the enclosed READ ME file.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/sports-kine-pak-sample.hqx; 443 K]


Date: 24 Nov 1999
From: Edwin de Leur <>
Subject: [*] Submit Quick-Finance.hqx by FTP

QuickFinance (tm) is a personal finance manager for home and small
business purpose. Using this program, you can record transactions, manage
financial records, and other bank account related tasks. The program can
handle a virtually unlimited number of accounts.  QuickFinance (tm) have some
advanced features, like a intuitive interface, the ability to graph you current bank
account or simple calculations using several criteria. You can generate financial
reports and retrieve data by using a simple search function to find a particular
transaction. All information can also be printed or exported in a TAB delimited file for
use in spreadsheets.  The unregistered version lets you perform 100  transactions.
QuickFinance (tm) is available for 68k and PPC systems. The program may include
on CD-ROM shareware collections.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/quick-finance-28.hqx; 757 K]


Date: 27 Nov 1999
Subject: [*] SwitchBack 2.8J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the SwitchBack package.

SwitchBack is a utility program that synchronizes two folders, so that
both folders have a copy of the most recent version of their files.  The
two folders can reside on the same volume, on two different volumes, or
indeed on two different computers connected by a network.

It has been designed principally for those people with two computers
(especially desktop and PowerBook) who need to ensure that they have the
most recent version of their documents available to them.

It also functions well as a simple backup utility for people with one
computer.  For example, a folder residing on your main hard disk can be
linked to a folder residing on a floppy disk.

New Features in version 2.8:

Now works correctly with AppleShareIP
Revamped the alias resolving engine, which now supports partial alias
Now checks for (and ignores) each volume's "where to empty the trash"
Now checks to see if a given volume's server time has already been
checked, before checking it again
Now reports a file / folder collision when attempting to replace a
folder with a file of the same name (or vice versa)
Added "reopen" appleEvent support which opens a new window if needed
Canceling a delete sequence with reports on now works correctly
If the user double clicks "SwitchBack Help" the help window is opened
Numerous interface refinements, bug fixes, and optimizations.  Compiled
with CodeWarrior Pro 4.1

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/switchback-28-jp.hqx; 316 K]


Date: 27 Nov 1999
From: Mark Fiske <>
Subject: [*] TableCloths 4.0

TableCloths has long been the ONLY source of authentic Scottish tartan
desktop patterns AND alert sounds for the Mac. What else should go on the
desktop of a machine named "Macintosh"? And speaking of that, you'll
receive the AUTHENTIC "MacIntosh" desktop pattern that your Mac's been
waiting for since '84, along with a set of "bagpipe-based" alert sounds
(now also available for Windows!), and MUCH more!
TableCloths costs only $10.


Mark Fiske
Appearance Technologies (formerly Fake-8 Technologies)

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/table-cloths-40.hqx; 325 K]


Date: 25 Nov 1999
From: Manfred Schubert <>
Subject: [*] Vanessa Chess 1.5

About Vanessa Chess 1.5

Vanessa Chess is a chess application for the Macintosh.

Some of the Vanessa Chess 1.5 Features

� Customizable 2D chessboard
� Multiple documents
� Multithreading
� Several playing levels
� Speech
� PGN import/export
� HTML export
� HTML and Balloon help

Vanessa Chess is distributed as 10$ Shareware.

Minimum System Requirements

� Mac OS 8.1
� Power Macintosh with 90 MHz
� 4 MB of free memory

Contact Info

For any requests, suggestions, bug-report etc. please e-mail me at


You will find the latest version of Vanessa Chess as well as other Macintosh
software at


[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/vanessa-chess-15.hqx; 1041 K]


Date: 25 Nov 1999
From: "VSE Customer Support" <>
Subject: [*] VSE Animation Maker 3.2.1 - GIF animation tool

This is VSE Animation Maker 3.2.1, a new version of the
award-winning GIF animation tool for Macintosh users.

VSE Animation Maker allows the creation of GIF animations
for web sites. It sports a very intuitive user interface and
is very fast.

The new version fixes some minor issues with Mac OS 9 and
supports the new VSE partner program.

System Requirements:
System 7.1 or higher

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/vse-animation-maker-321.hqx; 880 K]


Date: 25 Nov 1999
From: "VSE Customer Support" <>
Subject: [*] VSE Be Found 1.5 - Web Site Promotion Tool

This is VSE Be Found 1.5, a new version of the award-winning
web site promotion tool for Macintosh computers.

VSE Be Found analyzes web pages and gives concrete tips on
how to improve them to obtain a good ranking on search
engines. Then it automatically submits the web page URL to
popular search engines such as AltaVista, Excite, Lycos,

In contrast to other applications VSE Be Found supports
more complex URL submissions to search engines that
require to give details about categories, contact
information etc. It also features a built-in FTP client.

The new version supports the new expansion kits and
fixes an incompatibility with the Palm Desktop
extension which could lead to a crash. In addition, many
user suggestions have been realized. For example a
Window menu, 44 new categories and a Update button in the
Tips window.

System Requirements:
System 7.5.5 or higher

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/vse-be-found-15.hqx; 1753 K]


Date: 26 Nov 1999
From: John Rethorst <>
Subject: [*] WP Download Outlining Fix

The free download of WordPerfect 3.5e has a mistake, so the highly-regarded
Enhanced Outlining module does not install correctly. Fortunately, the fix
is simple and quick. Download this one-page ReadMe file for complete

If you do any outlining at all, you'll want to make this correction.
Unsolicited comments from users about this outliner include:

"brilliant . . . wonderful . . . a world-class outliner . . . awesome . . .
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[Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/wp-download-outlining-fix.hqx; 4 K]


Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 23:06:39 -0800
From: Stephen Grady <>
Subject: [A] File Attachments in Outlook Express

Jason wrote:
Does anybody know the best way to attach files in Outlook Express so that
Windows users can receive easily? Currently my preferences are set to encode
as BinHex; will that work? I must communicate with my Windows oriented
office and exchange MS Word and Excel files regularly. Whenever I receive
files from other Windows users they're Zipped and Stuffit Expander usually
takes care of that. But I Outlook Preferences doesn't list Zip as an
attachment option. Email directly or post to the group.


To send files to non-Mac users, use AppleDouble encoding.

In Outlook Menu bar, select Edit -> Preferences. Click the Compose tab, and
under the area for Mesages you should see instructions about "clicking here
for Atttachment Options". Select AppleDouble. Your set now.

I use Outlook for work, one Mac in a sea of 120 PC's. As IS manager, I must
send files out via email frequently. No problems with AppleDouble.

Stephen Grady <>
Remove the extra dot to reply


Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 13:17:07 -0500
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [Q] but it's not daylight savings time...

I am running OS 8.6 on a G3 Powerbook, and since Daylight Savings 
Time ended, my Mac keeps turning it back on.  In the Date & Time 
control panel, I originally had Set Daylight-Savings Time 
Automatically selected, and this worked fine when the clocks changed 
last spring.  With the fall change, my time didn't drop back an hour, 
so I unselected the Automatic and reset the time.  But now after the 
computer has been asleep or on reboot (and I'm not sure this always 
happens), the clock will be an hour fast and "Daylight-Savings Time 
is in effect" is selected in the control panel.  I unselect it and 
everything is fine until the next time the computer comes to life 
with the wrong time.  Any suggestions?

Ken Laskey


Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:32:31 +0100
From: "F.J. Lalor" <>
Subject: [Q] Worrying(?) behaviour of Work menu in Word 5.1a under OS 8.6

If I use Command-Shift-+ to add an item to the MSW 5.1a Work menu under OS
8.6 the menu-bar flashes the chosen menu-selection colour - and then stays
that colour *even after quitting from Word*. The normal platinum appearence
is only restored by a restart or - back in MSW 5.1a - by using
Command-Shift-Minus to remove any Work menu item. This happens reproducibly
on two separate machines - PPC 8200/120 and G3 Minitower. I didn't notice
it under OS 8.5.1 but I wasn't using the latter long enough to be sure that
it didn't happen there as well.

Is this a known phenomenon? Does it bode ill for my machines in any way?
All advice gratefully received.
Fergus Lalor


Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 03:35:31 EST
Subject: A.D.D. & 8.6

Apple data detectors works wel with Apple's OS8.6. I have never had a problem 
with it in any application. I haven't tried OS9 yet.

John McGibney


Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 18:45:34 +0000
From: Graeme Forbes <>
Subject: Disappearing Volume

I'm having a problem "seeing" a volume on the internal hard drive of my
machine. The problem persists starting up with all exts off and under
OS's 8.1, 8.6 and 9. The machine is a Power Tower Pro with a G3
accelerator. The problem came out of the blue - when I swtiched off on
Friday all was well, when I powered up on Monday the volume couldn't be

The drive was partitioned by FWB harddisk toolkit. At their suggestion i
upgraded to the most recent version. No help. All they can say is
reformat the drive (losing 4 volumes and thousands of files, days of
reinstalling applications.) All other partitions on the drive are fine.

The volume is visible to utilities like Disk First Aid, Hard Disk
Toolkit, etc. It mounts and unmounts, DeskZap can see it, etc. But there
is no icon for it on the desktop, and double clicking files will not
launch applications from it. I ran Disk First Aid on it and it found
"Custom Icon Missing" problems, but said it had fixed them.

Any ideas about what I can do? If worst comes to worst and I have to
reformat the whole drive, is there a utility that would allow me to copy
folders from the invisible volume to another? DeskZap only lets you
copy/move files, which isn't very practical.

Please reply directly to me as well as to the list.

Graeme Forbes


Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 15:22:03 -0500
From: a brody <>
Subject: Excel 98, Word 98 & MacOS 9 problem

Dear Digest readers,
All of a sudden, I can no longer Open a document with Microsoft Excel 
98, using the File menu, or the open file icon.   This is even though 
Excel has 15MB of RAM assigned to its Minimum and Preferred size. 
Strangely when I load Excel with Extensions Disabled, I don't get 
this problem, and it works fine.   But I thought that Excel's INITs 
were actually nothing more than library files.    In anycase, any 
attempt to open a file, yields a Type 3 error, and sometimes opening 
the hard drive icon after this type 3 error yields a clock icon that 
forever runs, and forces me to reboot.
I get the same error with Word 98.

I tried disabling all INITs except the MacOS 9 Base set, and Conflict 
Catcher 8.0.6, and it still doesn't work after running Microsoft 
Office First Run.    Yet as I said earlier, it will work with 
Extensions completely disabled (holding the shift key).

Powerbook G3 233/512k backside, with 192MB of RAM.

Any clues as to what may be causing these errors?

Running Microsoft Office First Run doesn't appear to fix the problem.

I have Appleworks 5.0.4 as well.

I tried rebuilding the desktop, and disabling the ethernet connection 
to no avail.

Thank you.


Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 15:51:53 -0800
From: cp <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #374

At 19:01 -0500 11/8/99, Ed Ver Hoef  wrote:

>I have tried three times to download the latest version of Netscape from
>Netcenter. Each attempt took over an hour and was unsuccessful. Is there
>some way to get it on CD?
>Ed Ver Hoef

I had the same issue.  The download window would stop at 100% complete but would
not close automatically as it usually does.  Then stuffit might have said something
about corrupt files,  (or that was a different download, I'm not sure).  Anyway I
did successfully expand the file and install the application which works as well as
netscape ever does.  Perhaps we need to update stuffit.

Chris Pfohl


Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 13:38:42 EST
Subject: Inthe old days...

In the old days, you used to publish a notice for each new piece of software 
added to the archives, as part of this list.  What happened to it, and, if it 
has changed its address, what is the address of the new list that provides 
this info.  The is a VALUABLE service, perhaps more valuable than yet another 
Mac answers list.

Michael B. Luskin  


Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 16:18:58 +0900
From: Keith Wilkinson <>
Subject: Laserwriter Pro Repair

A friend's wife works as an elementary-school teacher at Atsugi navy base
near Tokyo, Japan. The school has a Laserwriter Pro which seems to have
lost the spring on the paper tray paper sense switch (out of paper lamp is
the paper jam lamp is also on, not sure where the corresponding switch(es)
are located. If anyone can provide dissassembly information and part no(s.)
please contact


Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 16:44:25 -0500
Subject: password removal

When I got my new Mac G4 I put in a passowrd during set up, and now that I
am trying to establish a network with another Mac in the office I'm told
the password in wrong and can't be recognized.  How can I just eliminate
the password and any need for it?  I've tried trashing appleshare prefs on
both Macs to no avail.  Even tech support at my dealer is having trouble
figuring this out.

			   *** Bloomfield Associates, Inc. ***
  * Voice: (301) 460-3285 * Fax: (301) 460-4187


Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 13:38:23 -0500
From: Mike Sullivan <>
Subject: PPP server for Mac (version 7.6 + )

Is anyne aware of a PPP server for the Mac with software version 7.6 or
less. I have an old FX that I use for internet translation and want to
be able to PPP into it as well.



Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 15:39:48 -0500
From: "Robert A. Virzi" <>
Subject: Printer share help needed

I've set up an in-home LAN for my two macs using the macsense router. 
This seems to be working fine, and I can file share between the 
machines without any problems.  I am having trouble setting up the 
printer for sharing however.

My set-up is:

Cable Modem
   \---- X-Router
            \---- Quadra 660AV
              \--- G3 (Beige)
                      \---- Epson 600 color printer

I have the Printer Share extension installed on both the 660AV and 
the G3, and the printer is attached to the printer port of the G3.  I 
can't find any control panel to say, 'turn on printer sharing.'  In 
reading the help I've been able to find, the phrase 'to share your 
apple stylewriter printer' appears.  So I'm wondering if the problem 
is that I can't share a non-apple printer?  I would have hoped that 
printer share would have allowed me to share any non-ethernet (serial 
port) printer.

I know I must be missing something really obvious here, but I have no 
idea.  Pointers would be appreciated.  Thanks.		-Bob

The box said, "Windows'95 or better required,"
                             so I bought a Mac.


Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 23:37:22 -0900
From: Douglas Anderson <>
Subject: Reclaiming memory


This is to all the software writers out there,

Can someone write a little Extension that would reclaim unused memory
(like Ram Doubler does) but I find that Ram Doubler slows things down
so much?

I know that Ram Doubler has the (File Mapping Only, Option) but it
still slows the computer down.





Douglas Anderson



Date: Sat, 27 Nov 1999 13:42:25 -0500
From: "Clare N. Shumway" <>
Subject: SCSI Problem

	I have a desktop B&W G-3 with an Adaptec SCSI card (#2930CU) that
was installed by Apple. I have 4 items that I'd like to attach to the SCSI
chain but to do so means that the cable length must be about 5 feet long.
With this length of cable the external hard drive will not load and the
computer freezes during startup.
	Adaptec cannot respond to my query because the card was installed
by Apple and Apple does not responf to my queries.
	Is there a solution?  Any such thing as a "SCSI inline amplifier"?
(I'm a layman, not a computer expert, so forgive my terminology.)

Clare N. Shumway


Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 18:04:34 -0700
From: Melanie Jo Watts <>
Subject: sharing a printer

Hi gang,

I got my ibook yesterday. It is hooked up via ethernet to my other mac, a
performa 580. Unfortunatly, for me, my printer, a stylewriter 4500, cannot
be shared overa an ethernet network.
does anyone know of a sharewhere or hack or something that I can use to
resolve this problem.
Any help will be appreciated.



Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 21:13:35 -0600
From: (Robert Pluta)
Subject: Where's the Mac children's software?!

I guess I'm a little slow but can someone explain why Pixar is headed by
the temp-CEO of Apple and Disney is supposedly a Mac friendly environment
for computer users yet all the CD-ROM software of Pixar productions is
*still* only available for Monopolysoft users only?

Also of note is Mattel and their corporate creep. Seems that they're
buying up smaller niche software producers who supported Mac but after
buying them Mattel drops Mac support. Nada. Zilch. None. Zip.

This is going on while the *hottest* selling home computer is the iMac?!?!

(BTW, I **love** Info-Mac and I read the digests with EasyView. I think we
have a nice community here. Regards to all.)


rpluta at earthlink dot net


Date: Sat, 27 Nov 1999 18:39:07 +0100
From: Joachim Schwentker <>
Subject: why a 30 second delay sending e-mail?


you need to turn off the "Use mail-exchange records (SMTP Servers Only)"
option in the "Host" section of the Eudora Settings.


J. Schwentker

>Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 16:08:28 -0500
>From: Gary Radice <>
>Subject: why a 30 second delay sending e-mail?
>Whenever I send e-mail from Eudora on my bronze keyboard powerbook, there
>is a delay of exactly 30 seconds while my computer searches for my smtp
>server. Then the mail gets sent immediately. This happens both when I'm
>connected to the network in my office and at home over the modem/PPP.
>Receiving messages is not a problem. It finds the server immediately (plus
>or minus normal network delays) and sucks the messages down.
>But sending mail: exactly 30 seconds of wait, every time. I can switch to
>other apps in the meantime but I can't go back to reading mail or doing
>anything in Eudora until the 30 second search for the server is finished.
>Very annoying. Any thoughts?
>This is running OS 8.6 and Eudora Light 3.5.5.
>Gary P. Radice
>Associate Professor of Biology	804 289 8107 (voice)
>University of Richmond		804 289 8233 (FAX)
>Richmond VA 23173

If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we'd be so simple
we couldn't understand.



End of Info-Mac Digest