Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #369
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 16 Nov 99       Volume 16 : Issue 369

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#506/15-Nov-99
      [*] AppleScript to "Touch" file modification dates
      [*] Felt Tip Sound Studio 1.1.2
      [*] New Touch-3D Version 2.1 Released - Now Create Real 3D Models!
      [*] Patcher for The 11th Hour 1.0
      [*] runTime Memory Checker 1.0
      [*] Serial Logger 1.0
      [*] Shadow Maker 1.1.0
      [*] ShareDraw 2.02
      [*] Sherlock NoBanners 2.0
      [*] SimpleImage 3.0.1
      [*] SimpleStrat 1.1.0
      [*] SmartWrap 1.6
      [*] SmartWrap 1.6J - Japanese version
      [*] Smitholution Font 0.9b
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.5.1J - For Faster Start-Ups! (Japanese Version)
      [*] Steve's Alerts
      [*] StickyClick 1.2
      [*] Stuffboss v.1.0
      [*] Sunny One 1.0.2
      [*] Super NewsGroups 1.0.3 Archiving newsgroups and html  conversion
      [*] TechTool 1.1.9
      [*] TechTool Pro 252 Updater
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.5.5
      [*] The Reading Mouse 1.2
      [*] The Talking Mouse 1.2
      [*] TIFF tool 1.0 68K
      [*] Tile Switcher 1.2.3
      [*] Tile-it Icons 2.3 an application to put a PICT in a window or desktop
      [*] TimeLabel 1.3
      [*] TimePlan 1.0 Filemaker Pro template
      [*] Trade Assist 1.5.1 PPC
      [*] Trajecmulator 1.0 E
      [*] TransCryptor 2.1.1(F) - shareware
      [*] TrashMan 4.0.5
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.6b1J - Japanese Version
      [*] VideoZoom 2.0
      [*] VisualFont 2.5
      [*] Vocab 1.5.5
      [*] Win2MacRusLE
      [*] WizCalc 0.33 Freeware
      [*] World Clock CSM 2.7 (French version)
      [*] World Clock CSM 2.7 (German version)
      Archive Abstracts in Info-Mac Digests
      Outlook Express 5.0 vs. Eudora Pro 4.2.2 (Q & C)

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 21:00:00 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#506/15-Nov-99


Good intentions make excellent paving stones this week, with warnings about=
 a utility that circumvents a crucial bit of Mac OS 9's error checking and a=
 security hole in Outlook Express 5.0. In other email news, Adam announces=
 his new book on Eudora and explains how to use Eudora in multiple user=
 setups, and this week's poll asks about your favorite Mac email client.=
 Finally, Warren Magnus contributes the first part of an overview of USB=

    Quiz Results: PRAM Got Ya Down?
    Eudora 4.2 Book & Multiple Users
    Pointing the Way with USB Mice, Part 1


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-506.etx; 29K]


From: Bill Davis <>
Subject: [*] AppleScript to "Touch" file modification dates

This is a simple AppleScript that will set the modification date of any 
files dropped on it to the current date and time, similar to the Unix 
"touch" program.

Suggestions are also provided on customizing it in several ways.

[Archived as /info-mac/touch.hqx; 7 K]


From: Lucius Kwok <>
Subject: [*] Felt Tip Sound Studio 1.1.2

Sound Studio is a shareware application that allows you to record and edit
AIFF sound files on your Mac. It is disk-based, multithreaded, and capable
of recording while running in the background. It has a visual waveform
editor for precise cut-and-paste editing, and several filters for modifying
the audio. It also features audio fades, amplification, a Crop command, and
more. Version 1.1.2 works on 68K Macs and can now open files on read-only
discs such as CD-ROMs. The shareware registration fee is $25.

Lucius Kwok

[Archived as /info-mac/sound-studio-112.hqx; 876 K]


Subject: [*] New Touch-3D Version 2.1 Released - Now Create Real 3D Models!

New Touch-3D Version 2.1 Released - Now Create Real 3D Models!
It includes several new unfold layout functions and much 
improved import/export filters. This program
is only available on the Mac.


Designers have always used models to visualize their
ideas. In the past models required craftsmanship and a lot
of time consuming manual work. Then along came computers
with completely new and exciting sets of applications for
computer graphics, computer aided design, 3D modeling and
rendering. These programs have great power for creating 
photo realistic images, having color, surface structure, 
shadows, and so on but...

The problem is that these images remain in the computer and
even when they simulate 3D are still only in the 2D world.
Designers prefer physical models that they can see, feel
and touch. Like a picture is worth a thousand words, one
model is like a thousand pictures and can give a much more
concrete cognition of an object.

This is what Touch-3D is all about. A three dimensional
object is first designed on screen and can be unfolded
automatically to maximize the use of any building 
material. Boats, tents, buildings and any 3D object you
can imagine is first designed on screen and using the
smart unfolding algorithms in the program, unfolded and
then printed out. Once printed and cut along the edges,
the model can then be folded back together to create the
actual physical 3D object. This is a lot quicker, easier
and less expensive then carving a wooden model or moulding
from plastic or clay and allows for quick changes and

Touch-3D is easy to use and comes with a powerful range of
drawing and modeling tools, allowing you to create 
sophisticated 3D models. Experienced Mac users will feel
at home right away with the interface and all the tools.
Touch-3D compliments other 3D, photo and illustration
programs and adds a new  dimension to their abilities.

[Archived as /info-mac/touch-3d-21.hqx; 355 K]


Subject: [*] Patcher for The 11th Hour 1.0

About this patch for The 11th Hour�

The 11th Hour has a problem running on Macintoshes that don't have a
native resolution of 640X480 and cannot change that resolution to
640X480�for instance, the PowerBook 3400. When it is run on these types
of machines, it creates a white window that covers the entire screen
and inset against this screen lies the program's display. Gameplay
becomes annoying and eye-fatiguing. This patch changes the program so
that it creates a background window that is black rather than white.
Patching also changes the vers resource to indicate 1.0.1. Included is
also the routine that was patched.

Use at your own risk. No warranties implied. I'm not responsible for
any damages that may result due to the use of this program. Tested on
MacOS 9.0.
24 October, 1999

I'm grateful for the following people and entities, without whom this
patch would not be possible: Steve Jasik for MacNosy, Michael Hecht for
ResCompare, Trilobyte/Virgin Interactive for The 11th Hour, Apple
Computer for Macintosh, and California State University, Chico.

[Archived as /info-mac/the-eleventh-hour-patch-10.hqx; 44 K]


From: Stephan <>
Subject: [*] runTime Memory Checker 1.0

The runTime Memory Checker is a utility which monitors memory usage in
MacroMedia Director 6 and 7. It allows you to locate and solve memory
problems during authoring and during runtime!

Pricing and availability

RunTime Memory Checker is priced at US$ 30. You receive a personal
registration code when you make the payment using the enclosed
"Register" application or trough our secure payments service at Memory Checker is available from our website,
as well as several online archives. Occiasionally, you may find our
software included and distributed on third-party CD-ROMS. (No special
permission is needed for inclusion and distribution of this software.)

[Archived as /info-mac/run-time-memory-checker-10.hqx; 95 K]


From: Aaron Proman <>
Subject: [*] Serial Logger 1.0

Serial Logger 1.0
Copyright(c)1999 by Aaron Proman and Inversiones Staarcom C.A.   All rights

Serial Logger is a program to record serial data. It can record from
multiple ports and begin recording on launch - useful after power outages.
Features include
 -Attempts to resume last state of connection/logging on launch
 -Manage up to 10 serial ports simultaneously
 -Allows cross-feed of data from one port to others
 -Can use 'Classic' drivers or run Open Transport native
 -PowerPC/68k native

System Requirements
 -System 7.1 or later
 -if using Open Transport, version 1.1.1 or later
 -200k RAM for 680x0 processors (340 for PowerPC) 500k suggested

$10 Shareware

[Archived as /info-mac/serial-logger-10.hqx; 346 K]


From: Cthulhu <>
Subject: [*] Shadow Maker 1.1.0

Shadow Maker is a simple utility for placing shadow effects on pictures.
You take a large base image and place a smaller floating image above
that. You can then change the placing of the shadow on the base image;
as well as changing the shadow's darkness and sharpness.

[Archived as /info-mac/shadow-maker-110.hqx; 444 K]


From: Michael Peirce <>
Subject: [*] ShareDraw 2.02

ShareDraw is a full feature drawing application for the MacOS distributed
using the shareware system.  It isn't crippled or limited in anyway - you
can try all its features without spending any money up front.  All we ask is
that if you find it useful, please send in your registration.

ShareDraw Features:

ShareDraw has many more features than can be described in this short file.
A few features of special note are its multi-copy effects, powerful
gradients, graphics library support, color blends, text binding to any
curve, a very handy live help system, project management, 24-bit color,
rulers, grids, and PICT or EPS file export. Use the live help feature to see
how each menu and tool works.

The online help system (always enabled in unregistered copies) will explain
how all the tools and menus work.  Review our electronic User Guide for
detailed instructions on how to use the more advanced features.

[Archived as /info-mac/share-draw-202.hqx; 1772 K]


From: Andrew Watters <>
Subject: [*] Sherlock NoBanners 2.0

Sherlock nobanners 2.0

This is a simple ResCompare patch that removes all banners from Sherlock 2
(actually v. 3.0.1, included with OS 9).  The patch will only work with
Sherlock 2.  The patch works by changing the PPob resource of Sherlock,
which makes the banner window invisible and only one pixel wide. The program
is free and it may be included on all media at no charge.

For more information, visit

- Andrew Watters

[Archived as /info-mac/sherlock-no-banners-20.hqx; 21 K]


From: Chris Wood <>
Subject: [*] SimpleImage 3.0.1

SimpleImage is a simple but powerful image- and movie-viewing 
application that lets you view all the most popular image and movie 
formats, like JPEG, GIF, animated GIF, TIFF, PICT, PNG, MPEG, AVI and 
more in a single, sleek application.

With SimpleImage you can
o Organize and browse image and movie files graphically
o View images with or without scrollbars
o Transform images and movies by rotating and reflecting them
o Crop and zoom images
o View images and movies full-screen or in a slide show
o Create Snapshots -- small files you can double click to reopen 
groups of windows exactly the way you left them

SimpleImage can also be used as a simple conversion utility, with the 
ability to save both images and movies in several formats.

Version 3 adds several new features, including

o Browsers
You can now catalogue, organize and browse your image and movie files 
with SimpleImage's new browser windows.
o Editable, non-modal Snapshots
Snapshots now open as browsers in regular (non-modal) windows and 
their contents can be edited.
o Customizable Navigator palette
The Navigator's thumbnail size, orientation and more can now be customized.
o Contact sheets
You can export browsers as contact sheets, with lots of options to 
tweak their appearance.
o Random disk-based slide shows
SimpleImage can now display the items in a disk-based slide show randomly.
o New look
 From totally redesigned dialogs to new icons, SimpleImage 3 has a 
nifty new look.
o Numerous other tweaks and improvements
32-bit thumbnail icon creation, New "Open Folder" and "Open Parent 
Folder" commands, support for JPEGView's non-destructive cropping, 
and more!

SimpleImage is US $25 shareware.

[Archived as /info-mac/simple-image-301.hqx; 1145 K]


From: Cthulhu <>
Subject: [*] SimpleStrat 1.1.0

SimpleStrat is a simple hex based strategy game that is perfect for
beginners to war games. You have four unit types: infantry, tanks,
engineers, and artillery. You use your engineers to make other units
which you use to explore a map and fight your opponent, who can be the
computer, a local human, or somebody by email.

[Archived as /info-mac/simple-strat-110.hqx; 550 K]


From: "Sanford H. Selznick" <>
Subject: [*] SmartWrap 1.6

SmartWrap(tm) Contains:

1. A Plug-in for Eudora and Eudora Light that analyzes and smartly 
wraps the text of poorly formatted incoming or outgoing e-mails with 
one click.

2. An application that performs a SmartWrap on the contents of the clipboard.

3. A BBEdit plugin for BBEdit, BBEdit Light, MailSmith, and CodeWarrior.

4. A Scripting Addition that can be used with Claris Emailer and 
Outlook Express.

You know those really hard to read e-mails we all get? Those messages 
with horrible wrapping and indentation that make them unreadable? 
Well, SmartWrap takes care of all that! (I just couldn't take it any 
more, so I had to write it!)

Run SmartWrap with a single-click over your hard to read messages and 
POOF! They'll be fixed. Your numbered lists will be spaced evenly, 
line breaks will be removed at the ends of lines, and your text will 
wrap naturally within the Eudora window.

SmartWrap does much more than just remove quote (">") characters and 
line breaks like other utilities. SmartWrap actively analyses your 
text for paragraph breaks and applies combinations of four 
proprietary algorithms to wrap your text correctly. If you want a 
one-click utility that works just about perfectly, use SmartWrap.

Please visit <> for more information!

Thank you,
   Sanford Selznick

[Archived as /info-mac/smart-wrap-16.hqx; 1066 K]


Subject: [*] SmartWrap 1.6J - Japanese version

This is the Japanese version of the SmartWrap package.

SmartWrap analyzes your text, detects paragraphs and lists within your
text, and rewraps your text so it wraps naturally within your document
or message.

Products that SmartWrap (tm):

� SmartWrap (tm) the Eudora (tm) Plug-in wraps incoming and outgoing messages in
Eudora (tm) and Eudora (tm) Light.

��SmartWrap (tm) the Clipboard wraps any text you can copy to the clipboard.

��SmartWrap (tm) the BBEdit Plug-in wraps text within BBEdit, MailSmith, and

��SmartWrap (tm) the Scripting Addition adds a smartwrap command to
AppleScript allowing you the ultimate in wrapping flexibility. (Works on
older 68K Macintoshes too!)

SmartWrap (tm)...

� Removes all quote marks from the beginnings of lines. 
� Analyzes your text. 
� Removes unwanted line breaks within paragraphs.  (Paste text from e-mails perfectly
into your word processor!) 
� Re-Wraps your e-mails so they wrap naturally within the Eudora (tm) window. 
� Works on In-Coming AND Out-Going e-mails! 
� Works in Eudora (tm) and Eudora (tm) Light! 
�SmartWrap (tm) the Clipboard works on any text you can copy to the clipboard.


Changes through 1.6

* Added AppleScript Scripting Addition module. 
* Fixed typographical errors in resources. 
* Added message to resources of all extensions in case they are double-clicked.

[Archived as /info-mac/smart-wrap-16-jp.hqx; 1155 K]


From: Andi <>
Subject: [*] Smitholution Font 0.9b

This is a useful bitmap font-family. (roman, bold or capitals)

Very small, but 100% readable. Saves screen-space when used for
More information than before on the same screen. You'll love it.
It's best for the finder and screen-design at 72dpi.

NOTICE: THIS IS PURE BITMAP, SIZE: 9! No TrueType, No Postscript.

System Requirements: Mac with Finder.


Andreas Schmidt-R.
Smitholution Entertainment

[Archived as /info-mac/smitholution-font-09.hqx; 12 K]


Subject: [*] Startup Doubler 2.5.1J - For Faster Start-Ups! (Japanese Version)

This is the Japanese version of the Startup Doubler package.

Startup Doubler: for faster startups!

Startup Doubler makes for quicker startups: Its software acceleration 
compensates for sub-optimal disk performance to make extensions, control 
panel, the Finder and startup applications load faster.

Save time each time you startup your Mac!
Those seconds spent waiting while your Mac starts add up to a lot of 
time. Startup Doubler usually makes startups 20% to 50% faster, depending 
on the performance of your startup disk and the number of Extensions, 
Control Panels and Startup Items in your System.

Changes in this version:

*Adds support for Mac OS 9.0
*Improves performance when a large number of extensions or startup items are used
*Enhances the program's ability to adjust itself to each system for best results
*Fixes a startup freeze introduced with the short-lived version 2.5
*Misc. changes and fixes

Startup Doubler runs on Mac OS 9.0 and previous versions (going back to 
System 7.0), and supports multiple extension sets. It is shareware, so 
you can try it for free then buy only if you like it. 

Registered users of previous versions may upgrade for free.

[Archived as /info-mac/startup-doubler-251-jp.hqx; 158 K]


From: "Steve Sauer" <>
Subject: [*] Steve's Alerts

Steve's Alerts is a collection of 225 freeware alert "beep" sounds for 

System 7 or greater. Yes, Steve's Alerts is OS 9 compatible. Stuffit 
Expander 5.x.

Due to a bug in the Mac OS, you cannot use this archive with Appearance 
extension version 1.02. You must use Stuffit Expander 5.x to expand the 
archive. You must use Stuffit Expander 5.1.4 with OS 9.

Version: 1.1.1

Emailware freeware. Send me an email if you use them. Do not use these 
sounds without reading the "Read This" document and agreeing to the terms it 


[Archived as /info-mac/steves-alerts.hqx; 2148 K]


Subject: [*] StickyClick 1.2

StickyClick enables "sticky" pull-down menus for versions of MacOS prior to
8.0. It's no longer in the archives, but is still useful to quite a few
people, as evidenced by a recent slew of requests for it in the Info-Mac
digest. Note: I am not the author!

Nigel Stanger,     
Dept. of Information Science,  
University of Otago, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND.

[Archived as /info-mac/sticky-click-12.hqx; 10 K]


From: Lars Cardell <>
Subject: [*] Stuffboss v.1.0

Stuffboss v.1.0 demo    (c) Lars Cardell    e-mail:

A smart program. - Keeps your belongings in good order and tells you -
among other things
- how much you have paid for your belongings, the size of it and if
there are any guarantee left.

- It�s very annoying to search through all the receipts to find out if a
machine out of order still got some guarantee left. - Is there?
- What size have our bookcase back home. Does it fit in now when we
finally fond the house we really want to buy?
- The insurance company would like to know the value of our belongings.
- How much?
- We are going to move. - Is there a simple way to mark all our cartons?

All this and a bit more my program can help you find out. - TRY IT! - I

A smart and healthy MAC.
68040 processor or later.
System 7.0 or later.

[Archived as /info-mac/stuff-boss-10.hqx; 1929 K]


From: Steve Sulzer <>
Subject: [*] Sunny One 1.0.2

Sunny One for Kaleidoscope 2.1.x is a yellow and grayscale scheme inspired
by the Sunny variation of Apple's Platinum interface for OS 8.5. It needs
1000 colors or more to look right. Sunny One features rounded windows with
a mix of sunny yellow and grayscale shading for variety and eye relief, and
it combines classic "tried and true" elements with newer Kaleidoscope 2
styling. This version features a few minor fixes and enhancements.

[Archived as /info-mac/sunny-one-ks-102.hqx; 47 K]


From: Theo <>
Subject: [*] Super NewsGroups 1.0.3 Archiving newsgroups and html  conversion

Super NewsGroups achives posts from dejanews and clean ups the posts in
many ways. It can clean up badly wrapped lines, remove article numbers and
many more text beautification features.

Then it can mass convert the converted text files into html and activate
http links, email links, and any url with http:// that it finds. Then it can
index them and frame the indexed file.

[Archived as /info-mac/super-news-groups-103.hqx; 954 K]


From: Jeff Baudin <>
Subject: [*] TechTool 1.1.9

TechTool is the acclaimed utility that solves those incurable problems 
which elude other utilities. With TechTool you can:

* Analyze your system file for damage.
* Save file comments before clearing desktop database.
* Zap the entire PRAM chip.
* Delete the desktop file, the better alternative to rebuilding.
* Clean your floppy drive (use with drive cleaning disk).
* See the date your computer was manufactured and how many hours of use 
it has had.
* View, print and save a multitude of information about your Mac.
* Ability to save desktop database(s).
* Employs TechTool Pro mandate restore routine.

New to version 1.1.9:
* Added support for US versions of system 9
* Added support for international versions of system 8.6
* Updated TechTool Pro information.

TechTool requires System 7.0 or above
Cost: None. Free gift from MicroMat Computer Systems.

[Archived as /info-mac/tech-tool-119.hqx; 613 K]


Subject: [*] TechTool Pro 252 Updater

TechTool Pro 2.5.2 Updater
This application will update any version of TechTool Pro 2 to version 
2.5.2. Update hilites:

* New Rebuild Volume feature.
* New CheckDrive feature.
* New Technical Comparison feature.
* OS 9 Compatibility.
* New Mac Model compatibility.
* New repair routines.

[Archived as /info-mac/tech-tool-pro-update-252.hqx; 6034 K]


From: Chris Smolinski <>
Subject: [*] The Atomic Mac 3.5.5

The Atomic Mac is a periodic table of the elements for the Macintosh. In
addition to the usual information found in such programs, The Atomic Mac
also contains a wealth of nuclear information on each isotope, including
half life, decay mode, and daughter products. X-ray data (fluorescence and
binding energies) is also available. A molecular weight calculator makes it
easy to find the molecular weight of compounds. A shaded diagram showing
the ranges of physical properties makes it easy to visualize relationships
across the periodic table.

Data is displayed for the following physical properties:
Heat of Vaporization
Heat of Fusion
Specific Heat
Thermal Conductivity
Linear Expansion Coefficient
Melting Point
Boiling Point
Atomic Radius
Covalent Radius
Magnetic Susceptability
Electrical Resistivity
Electron Affinity
Electric Dipole Polarizability
State (gas, liquid, solid)
Photoelectric Work Function
Crystal Structure

Shareware: $25

Chris Smolinski

Web URL:
Macintosh Software, Shortwave Radio, Spy Number Stations

[Archived as /info-mac/the-atomic-mac-355.hqx; 463 K]


From: Robert McNally <>
Subject: [*] The Reading Mouse 1.2

The Reading Mouse 1.2

The Reading Mouse uses Apple's MacinTalk(tm) text-to-speech synthesis 
technology to read out loud ASCII text files of any size. You can use 
it to read electronic mail messages, articles, web pages, or entire 
books downloaded from the Internet because unlike SimpleText, there 
is no 32K limitation on how large a file you can open. You can pause 
the speech and resume it at any time, or skip easily from place to 
place in the text. You can save your place as a "bookmark", and 
return to the same position in the same document at a later time. The 
Reading Mouse will even use face files compatible with it's little 
sibling The Talking Mouse to create an on-screen animated character 
which reads to you, lip-syncing the speech generated by MacinTalk.

Requires System 7.5, Speech Manager and PlainTalk installed, 800K RAM Minimum
Home page at <>

[Archived as /info-mac/the-reading-mouse-12.hqx; 601 K]


From: Robert McNally <>
Subject: [*] The Talking Mouse 1.2

The Talking Mouse 1.2

The Talking Mouse uses Apple's MacinTalk(tm) text-to-speech synthesis 
technology to create an on-screen animated character who appears and 
talks to you throughout the day as you use your Mac. The Talking 
Mouse watches you as you work, and when you pause for awhile (you 
control how long) pops up and offers a wise or witty comment, 
actually lip-syncing to the speech. You can mix and match from 
different faces, sets of phrases, and PlainTalk voices to customize 
your character. The face files The Talking Mouse uses are compatible 
with its bigger sibling, The Reading Mouse. You can modify existing 
sets of phrases or create new ones easily using SimpleText, and you 
can even create entirely new animated faces.

Requires System 7.5, Speech Manager and PlainTalk installed, 400K RAM Minimum
Home page at <>

[Archived as /info-mac/the-talking-mouse-12.hqx; 402 K]


From: Paul Kaiser <>
Subject: [*] TIFF tool 1.0 68K

TIFF tool is a Macintosh application for viewing the actual tags and their
contents in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) graphic files. This tool is
helpful if you are developing an application that reads or writes TIFF
files, or if you are just trying to understand the TIFF specification in

[Archived as /info-mac/tiff-tool-68k-10.hqx; 541 K]


From: Lucius Kwok <>
Subject: [*] Tile Switcher 1.2.3

TileSwitcher is a freeware application that shows you all the running
applications on your system and lets you switch among them by clicking on
one of its tiles. You can use the contextual menu to tell an application to
quit and to hide a tile from view, and you can also position the tiles
anywhere you want. Freeware.

Version 1.2.3 contains updated contact information in the documentation and
is in StuffIt 4.0 format.

Lucius Kwok

[Archived as /info-mac/tile-switcher-123.hqx; 40 K]


From: (appajt)
Subject: [*] Tile-it Icons 2.3 an application to put a PICT in a window or desktop

Tile-iT Icons is an application that use the custom Icons of System 7.X to
display pictures or text on the desktop or in any windows.  Tile-iT takes
any PICT from the clipboard, break it into 'Tiles', convert those tiles to
icons, assign those icons to documents and finally arrange those documents
so that they touch each other.  In other words, a Tile-iT frame of 3 x 3
icons is composed of 9 documents each having a custom icon representing a
portion of the original picture.

[Archived as /info-mac/tile-it-23.hqx; 350 K]


Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 11:21:14 +0200
Subject: [*] TimeLabel 1.3

This is the 1.3 version of TimeLabel. It replaces TimeLabel 1.2. Thanks!
Bernhard Liebl, Creative Construction Crew,

[Archived as /info-mac/time-label-13.hqx; 743 K]


From: rob <>
Subject: [*] TimePlan 1.0 Filemaker Pro template

Time Plan Calculator is a  FileMaker Pro template.   

Use it to plan busy days,  projects,  presentations.   Quickly
calculates a list of activities in increments from 1 min to 12 hours. 
Unique mover buttons make it easy to insert and change the order of
activities.  Helps you hit target times with color-coded highlights.  
Instant help menu.

Mac System 7+
FileMaker Pro 4+
180 Mhz + recommended

Shareware,  $10 US

Rob Costin
584 Castro Street  PMB 490
San Francisco, CA   94114-2594

[Archived as /info-mac/time-plan-calculator-10.hqx; 70 K]


Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 14:36:53 -0500
From: Tristan Perich <>
Subject: [*] Trade Assist 1.5.1 PPC

Trade Assist brings the stock market to your Mac's desktop! It offers many
of the tools anyone, from the novice stock market enthusiast to the
professional trader, needs to make smart trades. A graphic stock ticker
scrolls automatically updating quotes from the web with color indicators to
show you how the stock is doing. A tracking window displays customizable
information for all of your tracked stocks in a chart. Detailed views of the
stocks, including company news and graphs are available at a click. A
holdings window tracks your current holdings and their current worth. Trade
Assist stores all your old transactions in a history window as editable
events. Also, you can preset alerts to notify you if a stock is performing a
certain way by message or even by email. With all of these features and only
a $25.00 price tag, Trade Assist makes it cheaper and easier to buy and sell

[Archived as /info-mac/trade-assist-151-ppc.hqx; 1178 K]


Subject: [*] Trajecmulator 1.0 E

Trajecmulator is a 3D simulator of particle movement : give the mass of 
the particle, its charge the coefficient of fluid friction, the initial 
velocity, the gravity, electrical and magnetic fields ans the angles of 
wiew to see the trajectory of the particle. You can also generate lists 
of numerical data...

System requirements:

Mac OS 7
1MB of RAM.
300KB on your hard drive.
Resolution: at least 640x480

[Archived as /info-mac/trajecmulator-10.hqx; 300 K]


Subject: [*] TransCryptor 2.1.1(F) - shareware

TransCryptor�2.1.1(F) is a drag-and-drop text conversion utility
designed to convert text files, including diactitical characters, from
Windows (ISOLatin1) to Macintosh (MacRoman) encoding. 
To convert a text file, simply drag and drop it on TransCryptor's icon.

Hardware and system requirements:
* Any Macintosh supporting drag-and-drop.

For more information, please read the enclosed ReadMe or Lisez-moi files.

Paul Bondarovski

[Archived as /info-mac/trans-cryptor-211.hqx; 320 K]


From: Kiran Wagle <>
Subject: [*] TrashMan 4.0.5

TrashMan 4.0.5, written in 1993 by Dan Walkowski (who was at Apple at 
the time) still works fine under OS 8.6.   It's a background app and 
a control panel and an application, so I expect it'll work 
forever--Macs are like that. :-)

(This is not the same item as the other TrashMan in the archive, BTW.)

The readme says "Place the 'TrashMan Emptier' on your desktop near 
your hard disk icons.  Drop the 'TrashMan Controls' and 'TrashMan 
Engine' into your System Folder.  Open the 'TrashMan Controls' 
control panel, and choose your settings.  Restart your machine. 
Files will now be deleted from your trash after they are older than 
the specified time limit.  To empty all the trash on a particular 
disk, drop the disk icon on the Emptier on your desktop."

It's shareware, $10, but I have no idea how to contact Dan.

Kiran <>

[Archived as /info-mac/trash-man-405.hqx; 129 K]


Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 2.6b1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the URL Manager Pro package.

New in version 2.6 of the popular bookmark manager for the Mac is
support for the the new iCab Web Browser and support for Apple's
Keychain feature of Mac OS 9. URL Manager is now also Sherlock-aware,
another feature of Mac OS 9.

URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh
for use with Netscape Navigator/Communicator, Microsoft Internet
Explorer and iCab, gives users a more convenient way to manage
bookmarks, E-Mail addresses and Newsgroups.

URL Manager Pro 2.6 is Mac OS 8.6 and Mac OS 9 savvy. It features
support for the Keychain of Mac OS 9 and fully supports the new iCab
Web Browser. URL Manager Pro can now track the History for multiple
browsers concurrently. URL Manager Pro is available in English,
Japanese, German, French, Italian, Swedish and Spanish.

URL Manager Pro has garnered many glowing accolades in the
Macintosh press, including TidBits and MacWorld.

"URL Manager is fast, slick, and easy." says Adam C. Engst, Tidbits.

"Un des meilleurs utilitaires d'adresses sur le Net" says UniversMac.

[Archived as /info-mac/url-manager-pro-26b1-jp.hqx; 1161 K]


From: (Jurgen Mellinger)
Subject: [*] VideoZoom 2.0

VideoZoom 2.0 by Jurgen Mellinger, 1999

This control panel lets you zoom into PAL/SECAM formatted video
input when using Apple�s low cost video in hardware as found in
630, 5300, 6200, or similar machines.
Zooming into PAL/SECAM video will result in a clearer picture by
reducing the amount of scaling that occurs.

Version 2.0 introduces automatic adjustment of the system clock
according to teletext time.

VideoZoom requires System 7 and video in hardware with a Philips
SAA 7xxx decoder/scaler chip.

[Archived as /info-mac/video-zoom-20.hqx; 87 K]


From: Jean-Baptiste Quenot <>
Subject: [*] VisualFont 2.5

VisualFont allows you to browse libraries of TrueType and bitmapped fonts
that can be easily viewed, printed, listed or duplicated, and without
restriction of number or size. VisualFont uses very few memory, the
application is quite small, and it can still manage thousands of fonts. The
new search engine is able to find all fonts contained in any folder and its
subfolders, sort them, remove duplicates, and caches the search results to
disk, so that you can stop the search process and resume it later. The
rendering engine now displays and prints text using multiple lines, and has
been greatly improved to fit professional needs. VisualFont uses drag and
drop intensively, it can interact with the Finder, and uses the latest
technologies provided with MacOS 8 and MacOS 9.
VisualFont requires PowerMacintosh, System 7 and Appearance Manager.

Jean-Baptiste Quenot

[Archived as /info-mac/visual-font-25.hqx; 342 K]


From: "'Cab software" <>
Subject: [*] Vocab 1.5.5

Vocab makes learning foreign language vocabulary easy!

Learning vocabulary is one of the hardest aspects of a foreign language.

Easy and enjoyable to use, Vocab helps you quickly build the vocabulary you
want. It has won praise from language-learners and teachers the world over.

Vocab's intelligent test modes will help you learn words faster and more
easily. Statistical analysis and problem word tracking options help you
follow your progress.

New features in Vocab 1.5.5 include slide shows, great for learning new
lists as well as revising old ones. Vocab 1.5.5 also fills several feature
requests made by users, improves double-byte language support and adds
integration with the soon-to-be-released Vocab Scheduler.

For more information, see

		Angus Gratton
		'Cab Software

[Archived as /info-mac/vocab-155.hqx; 2138 K]


From: Paul Bondarovski <>
Subject: [*] Win2MacRusLE

Win2MacRusLE is a drag-and-drop text conversion utility designed to
convert Cyrillic text files from Windows 1251 to Macintosh (Apple
Standard Cyrillic) encoding. 
To convert a text file, simply drag and drop it on Win2MacRus's icon.

Hardware and system requirements:
* Any Macintosh supporting drag-and-drop.

For more information, please read the enclosed ReadMe or Lisez-moi files.

Paul Bondarovski

[Archived as /info-mac/win-2-mac-rus-le-101.hqx; 368 K]


Subject: [*] WizCalc 0.33 Freeware

A handy, user-friendly and - most excellently - free software calculator 
for musicians

Music vs. math, intuition vs. calculation. Here 
to bridge the gap between two disparate worlds is
WizCalc. In a jiffy, this little tool figures out 
delay times for you and makes it easy to adapt loop
speeds and sample rates or find MIDI controller 
numbers. Remember when you checked into math class
and your mind checked out? Simply run WizCalc next 
to your sequencer and never again will you curse
the shortcomings of a teenage attention span.

Conversion and display options

bpm --> ms, msec --> bpm, loops (speed, length, sampling rate, PB range),
(pitch frequency >note number and vice versa, SMPTE time (ms--> fps). 
Plus a 
comprehensive list of all MIDI controllers and GM instruments.

[Archived as /info-mac/wiz-calc-033.hqx; 500 K]


From: Barbara Canino + Marco Damaschi <>
Subject: [*] World Clock CSM 2.7 (French version)

What is World Clock CSM?

You are a real globetrotter and spend one day in New York, one in Tokyo and
one in Sydney? You live in a huge country? You have frequent contacts with
people from other continents or foreign companies?
World Clock CSM will then make your life easier.

World Clock CSM is a clock for the control strip which lets you
simultaneously display up to 24 different times.

With World Clock CSM you can:
- rotate the displayed clocks so that minimum Control Strip space is
required (rotation speed can adjusted);
- display Universal Time (UTC) and Internet Time (BMT);
- configure your own cities and locations;
- move and sort clocks by time and city name;
- show date and weekday and apply different time formats to different clocks;
- add frequently used cities to World Clock menu;
- calculate date and time conversions.

World Clock CSM is available in English, Japanese, German, Dutch, French
and Italian.

* * *

What's new in World Clock CSM 2.7?

- The "Time Converter" dialog box has been added: it lets you easily
calculate corresponding dates & times in cities or locations belonging to
different time zones.

- Several problems concerning Internet Time have been fixed. First of all
Swatch beats from @000 to @099 are now correctly displayed using three
digits. Then a bug, which could cause the time not to be correctly updated
after a clock switched from Internet Time to a different time, has been
fixed. Finally the "Show Internet Time" command doesn't anymore affect the
current clock's time format (v2.6 hid seconds and AM/PM, if shown).

- An incompatibility with Extensions Strip which could lead to registration
problems under particular circumstances has been solved.

[Archived as /info-mac/world-clock-csm-27-fr.hqx; 328 K]


From: Barbara Canino + Marco Damaschi <>
Subject: [*] World Clock CSM 2.7 (German version)

What is World Clock CSM?

You are a real globetrotter and spend one day in New York, one in Tokyo and
one in Sydney? You live in a huge country? You have frequent contacts with
people from other continents or foreign companies?
World Clock CSM will then make your life easier.

World Clock CSM is a clock for the control strip which lets you
simultaneously display up to 24 different times.

With World Clock CSM you can:
- rotate the displayed clocks so that minimum Control Strip space is
required (rotation speed can adjusted);
- display Universal Time (UTC) and Internet Time (BMT);
- configure your own cities and locations;
- move and sort clocks by time and city name;
- show date and weekday and apply different time formats to different clocks;
- add frequently used cities to World Clock menu;
- calculate date and time conversions.

World Clock CSM is available in English, Japanese, German, Dutch, French
and Italian.

* * *

What's new in World Clock CSM 2.7?

- The "Time Converter" dialog box has been added: it lets you easily
calculate corresponding dates & times in cities or locations belonging to
different time zones.

- Several problems concerning Internet Time have been fixed. First of all
Swatch beats from @000 to @099 are now correctly displayed using three
digits. Then a bug, which could cause the time not to be correctly updated
after a clock switched from Internet Time to a different time, has been
fixed. Finally the "Show Internet Time" command doesn't anymore affect the
current clock's time format (v2.6 hid seconds and AM/PM, if shown).

- An incompatibility with Extensions Strip which could lead to registration
problems under particular circumstances has been solved.

[Archived as /info-mac/world-clock-csm-27-de.hqx; 323 K]


Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 15:24:45 -0500
From: Tom Coradeschi <>
Subject: Archive Abstracts in Info-Mac Digests

Hello, all!

As you have by now noticed, the listing of the abstracts for the 
newly added files at the Info-Mac Archives have returned!

There were a few glitches along the way, and you will see some of the 
first batch replicated (look at the first batch which came out and 
you'll see that a bunch of them had no message body).

I'm pretty sure that the problems have been fixed and that you will 
be seeing the abstracts on a regular basis.

Remember, even thouugh the abstracts were not appearing in the 
digests for some months, files were (and are) still being added to 
the Info-Mac Archives on a regular basis, so you may want to stop by 
and see what's new!

<> is a great place to start!

tom coradeschi


Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 14:05:17 -0500
From: a brody <>
Subject: Outlook Express 5.0 vs. Eudora Pro 4.2.2 (Q & C)

Dear Digest readers,
I thought I'd try Outlook Express 5.0 for the Mac, and see how it 
works.   I really like its setup option to import all your Eudora 
e-mail.   And it actually works.

But, there is one thing I noticed with it that surprised me.     Even 
though the View menu has internet headers, you can't auto insert full 
headers in your e-mail that is forwarded.   When reporting spam this 
type of utility would be very useful, because spam reporting 
addresses always ask for full headers to be sent so they can find out 
who is sending the spam.   As it is, I have to select Internet 
Headers when reading the mail, and copy it, and paste it into my 
forwarded message.   Eudora allows me to select the Blah-blah button 
and all headers are forwarded automatically when I select forward. 
Obviously Eudora's spam reporting is easier, as it takes less steps. 
Has anyone found a way to make Outlook Express work this way?    I 
also wonder if I can delete all the .toc folders that appeared in the 
Outlook window without losing my files?   It appears they are empty 
in Outlook Express.   It would be nice to get rid of all those TOC 
files if they don't ruin the integrity of my mail folders.   Are 
there any advantages Outlook Express 5.0 has over Eudora Pro 4.2.2 
besides the mail folders being integrated into the window that has 
the message topic and message contents?   The fact it is free is 
nice, but I'd like to know if anyone has actually dumped Eudora Pro 
in favor of Outlook Express for any other reasons?

By the way, I noticed there is no spelling checking in Outlook 
Express 5.0, unless I missed the menuitem somewhere.   Also I noticed 
it has the same problems Eudora Pro has with HTML formatted e-mail 
forcing fonts to be too big to read, and often such e-mail will be so 
big that the e-mail window freezes.   Granted one can Save as a 
message and open with a web browser, but this is one weakness I hate 
about the e-mailers.   They don't understand straight HTML. 
Netscape Communicator for instance will crash on the number of 
folders I have, but neither Outlook Express 5.0 nor Eudora Pro 4.2.2 
have difficulty with it.   Outlook Express 4.5 did have difficulty 
with the number of folders I have.

Thank you.




End of Info-Mac Digest