Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #330
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 10 Aug 99       Volume 16 : Issue 330

Today's Topics:

      (?) Need Drivers for DeskWriter 500
      (Q) Adobe GoLive 4.0
      (Q) twisted pair ethernet
      (Q) Twisted pair ethernet based Appletalk
      [Q] Simple Screen Recorder
      Apple Multiple Scan 17" Display
      Apple vs. Clarisworks (Q)
      Burning CD ROMs for PB
      does Best Data's 56SPC card modem script not exist? (A)
      Finder 7.1.3 and Drag and Drop Extension
      Font Menu Problem in Word 5.1
      IIsi 5/80 cheap/free e-mail?
      OXEN for setting file modification date
      serial adapter for PBG3 400mhz
      Sherlock and Cmd-F doesn't work?
      Strange problem with MacOS 8.5.1????
      The Fate of Info-Mac

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Date: 	Fri, 6 Aug 1999 13:43:54 -1000
From: Jerry Levinson <>
Subject: (?) Need Drivers for DeskWriter 500

I was given an HP DeskWriter 500 but no drivers. I found some on the HP
website (version 6.0.4) but they don't install on System 6, just 7+. 

Anyone out there have an older version they could send?



Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 10:02:20 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: (Q) Adobe GoLive 4.0

Dear Digest readers,
I seem to be asking this question an inordinate number of times. 
Are there no people in this newsgroup who use Adobe GoLive 4.0?    I 
have gone to Adobe's web page, I have read the documentation to find 
no mention of this feature in their index, I have gone to their 
newsgroups, I have posted at comp.sys.mac.comm, and just nobody seems 
to use this product, or doesn't care to answer a simple question by 
e-mail.   Adobe also does not appear to have a toll-free tech support 
line for this product.  The simple question is:

How do I setup the External links tab on my website so that it sends 
a bot on the web to find links that go to sites that no longer exist 
or have moved, but are still linked on my website?

I go on the preferences in Adobe GoLive and turn on external link 
checking, but it either doesn't appear to check any links, or I see a 
stop sign on one or two links out of 750 links after about half an 

Adobe Sitemill would give me many more dead links by the time half an 
hour was through, but once my website grows beyond 750 links it 
crashes (even with 30MB assigned in the Get Info box).

So I want to use GoLive which doesn't crash if my website is larger, 
but I haven't got the foggiest notion how to speed up the process, 
and that is why I am asking here.   I can hardly believe the stop 
sign, which in the last case led to NASA's (The American space 
program) web site is indicative of a link to a non-existant site, as 
I go right after on my web browser to find that NASA's website is 
alive and well.   So either this External links tab does not really 
give you a tally of sites that don't exist anymore but are linked to 
one's website, or it does it so slowly that it isn't worth using.

Please anybody knows a web publisher, ask them if they know anybody 
who uses GoLive, and to get back with me by e-mail.   This asking and 
reasking has gone on for 5 months!

Thank you.
Check out over 700 internet sites updated monthly at:


Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 11:07:26 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: (Q) twisted pair ethernet

Dear Digest readers,
I don't know where I read it, but I heard it is possible to run an 
ethernet Appletalk link between two Macs using a twisted pair cable 
and no hub.   I got myself the usual 8x4 10 inch cable from Radio 
Shack, and my Powerbook G3 doesn't seem to want to see my PowerMac 
7200.  Both have MacOS 8.6 installed with base sets of extensions. 
I have set up both drives to share, and still no luck.   The Chooser 
doesn't see the other computer.   It works fine if I do a link 
through the printer and printer/modem port.  It just doesn't work on 

Why not?   How can I get it fixed?

Please e-mail your replies as the digest hasn't always come in on time.

Thank you.

Check out over 700 internet sites updated monthly at:


Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 10:47:48 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: (Q) Twisted pair ethernet based Appletalk

Dear Digest readers,
People have stated it is possible in the past to setup two computers 
using a twisted pair ethernet cable so that they both spoke Appletalk 
to each other.   I am having trouble getting this to work.   It may 
have to do something with the fact that my TCP/IP control panel 
already is setup for ethernet and a static IP to my Cable internet 
carrier.    Without purchasing any additional software is it possible 
to hook up two Macs using MacOS 8.6 on both machines via AppleTalk 
and twisted pair ethernet cables?   One Mac is a PowerMac 7200/75 the 
other is a Powerbook G3.   It does not matter to me that for the 
Appletalk connection to take place I will have to use a different 
setting than my Cable internet, and temporarily be disconnected from 
my Cable internet to make the network connection.   I just need to 
know what settings to plug into the AppleTalk and TCP/IP control 
panel to make this thing work.

On a related issue, will twisted pair cables work with a router?  Or 
should I use regular ethernet cables.  If I wanted to get both the 
7200 and the Powerbook G3 using the Cable carrier, is there something 
free that will allow both machines to share the same modem, or will I 
have to get IPNetrouter?   Remember the cable carrier has given me a 
static IP.

Will IPNetrouter allow me to configure the Powerbook to be the server 
to the Cable modem, and the 7200 to be the client, and both share the 
same actual IP on the Cable modem?

First I'd like to see if I can get the LAN to work.  Then if that 
works well, I'd like to move up to an internet connected LAN, if that 
is possible.

Thank you.
Check out over 700 internet sites updated monthly at:


Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 05:01:28 -0400
From: Keith E Gatling <>
Subject: [Q] Simple Screen Recorder

I'm looking for a program that will simply record everything I've done on
screen for a certain amount of time.

What's out there that doesn't assume that I'm a big-time developer with
lots of money to spend?



* mailto:// *


Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 23:09:42 GMT
From: (NightFire)
Subject: Apple Multiple Scan 17" Display

I have an Apple Multiple Scan 17" Display on a PC using Windoze 98.  I was 
wondering if anybody knew which monitor profile is the best to use.  Where to 
get info on finding out which profiles should be used?  I went to the Apple 
site and found specs on the monitor but cannot figure out which profile would 
be best.  Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

There are no wrong answers, only wrong questions.


Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 14:04:18 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: Apple vs. Clarisworks (Q)

Dear Digest readers,
I have Clarisworks 4.0v5, and wondered what does AppleWorks 5.0 give 
me that Clarisworks doesn't already have?

I only now find it reasonable to upgrade, now that DataViz has 
finally released a translator that will convert to Appleworks 5.0 and 
MS Office 2000 in MacLinkPlus 11.0.

Thank you.

Check out over 700 internet sites updated monthly at:


Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 06:24:35 -0500
From: Mark Vellek <>
Subject: Burning CD ROMs for PB

Okay, this one has me stumped. My mother just bought a CD ROM burner and
is using Toast successfully. She is able to make a virtual backup of her
beige G3 and read the CD ROM that she created on other machines, just
not her PowerBook. Is there some type of setting that makes a difference
in this? By the way, her PB is a 5500 series.



Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 13:15:12 -0500
From: "Paul M. Sheldon" <>
Subject: does Best Data's 56SPC card modem script not exist? (A)

	My third Best Data card from Mac Warehouse didn't work and then it
did consistantly!
	Yes. I got it to work consistantly.
	Let me tell you all what I did right and, if the reader pleases to
read, the kind people who helped me get to the point of doing it right.
	I discovered that there was a hum on my phone line from my apple G3
power supply. If I got through negotiation and ot/ppp access, I could plug
in the hummy power supply and nothing bad would happen (at least for the
time I tested it with netscape), but if I had it plugged in I'd never gain
	Considering the redesigned ibook power supply to reel itself out,
apple is nice at seeing needs in this area.
	And so action item :
	Recommendation to apple computer that their open transport software
or hardware seeing a best data card in the slot momentarily disconnect
charging by the power supply until negotiation and access is complete.
	This would allow a "kinder" failure statistic for throwing out
batches of power supplies in the factory. We consumers would see a
reflected lower cost power supply.
	It is also possible that Apple engineers weren't aware of the hum
that might in some way hurt their G3 powerbooks just because they didn't
have Best Data's el cheapo modem card and weren't me (indefatigable seeker
of working hypotheses).

	Credits :
	There seems to be a "high entropy" formative stage for my ideas
which requires kind audiences. I found many kind audiences as the idea
developed for mass publication on infomac digest. They deserve citation.
	Thank you kind audiences!

	I had "babbled" seeking working hypotheses with MacWarehouse tech
(I believe I might call kind Chris) who could merely suggest something
called "line replacement" to test whether only the individual modem card
was inferior to the external modem.
	He was kind dispite my anxiety. Before surrendering the card, I
needed reassurance. I feared the cable replacement might be from a bad
batch again resuming the cycle. He reassured that failure rates were
responded to with batch replacement for low odds on my having to demand
change of management policy and mere card replacement rather than card and
	Further, after babbling with other friends, introspection and
calming down a bit, I could again put into my docket a comment permitting a
tech check of the cable before shrink wrapping. Mac Warehous would be kind
enough to do this. We already had an isolation and not merely a line
 	Then I babbled with my isp tech support to get the ideas
a little clearer in my mind. There I got the metaphor of old punch card
days of waiting for turn around to find you had a misplaced semicolon and
getting beat up by managment so much you were afraid of the blessing of
interactive programming. Could a modem card get me "punched around" too, so
that I like other old men at Rockwell would fear interaction (with kind
people or computers)?
	Finally, on talking with someone who bids cheap for grants for
internet accessing equipment for Wesley Rankin Women's Center, I noticed
the power supply hum on the line and thought up the glorious experiment and
called back about the victory.
	A kind friend at E Systems suggested that I might have a bad power
supply and it might eventually hurt my power book. Come to think of it, it
does have strange crashes while it is sleeping plugged in. Hmmm.

	In conclusion :
	1. The Mac Warehouse marketed Best Data 56SPC modem card works,
	2. Apple Computer and/or the mac community is to be instructed...


Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 01:41:35 -0400
From: <>
Subject: Finder 7.1.3 and Drag and Drop Extension

Can anyone tell me how to acquire  these additions? I don't know where
to.... or could you email them to me? thanks MH @


Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 13:15:55 -0700
From: Herb Kroemer <>
Subject: Font Menu Problem in Word 5.1

Following a system update from 8.1 to 8.5.1 (Clean Install), the Font
Menu of trusty old Word 5.1 has started to act up:

The Symbol Font has disappeared, there is now a font named "%8", which
seems to be "Symbol" under a new name -- still a nuisance. The problem
disappears when I change to an alternate startup volume, which still
runs 8.1. (Word itself is on a third volume.)  Even under 8.5.2, the
problem is not present in Word 98 (which I have, but I prefer 5.1), or
on my other Mac at home, which is very similarly configured.

I first suspected ATM Deluxe 4.0 (which is supposedly not fully
8.5-compatible); but the problem occurs even with all Extensions
disabled. Trashing all Word-related Preference files also didn't help,
nor did replacing the entire Fonts folder with a copy from the 8.1

Any suggestions?

Herb Kroemer


Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 13:07:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: ag311@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Carol Conti-Entin)
Subject: IIsi 5/80 cheap/free e-mail?

The free Cleveland, Ohio Freenet will cease operations in a few months.
My elderly mother wants to keep using her IIsi 5/80 AND she wants to
continue to be able to send and receive a few e-mail messages/week.
Does anyone know of a free or inexpensive e-mail service that'll work
on her rig with little or no upgrading?  TIA!  -Carol


Date: Mon,  9 Aug 1999 14:47:02 +0100
From: Roland Whitehead <>
Subject: OXEN for setting file modification date

I'm trying to set the last modified and created dates of files via AppleScript and haven't managed to find an AppleScript Extension to help me do this. I can write resources and read resources but not change the dates. Any ideas?

Roland Whitehead


Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 12:10:53 -0700
From: David L Hirschberg <>
Subject: serial adapter for PBG3 400mhz

I have not seen the new G3 powerbooks but I assume there are no 
serial ports like on the imac.

How do I hook a ricochet modem up to it?  Is there a PCMCIA card or a 
USB to serial connector that is out there?  I have seen something for 
the imac but I would like something that is more portable for the 




Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999 11:40:03 +1000
From: "Melvin Wilson Jr." <>
Subject: Sherlock and Cmd-F doesn't work?

I just installed Os 8.6.  I'm excited it kicks butt.  Anyway, During 
the initial install Cmd-F would launch Sherlock.  Now it just launches
the old Find File.  Any suggestions on how to get Cmd-F in the Finder
to launch Sherlock?

Please reply to my e-mail as well as the digest.



Melvin Wilson Jr.
Producer/Project Manager
TotalNet Presence


  There is in every true woman's heart a spark of heavenly
     fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of
 prosperity; but which kindles up, and beams and blazes in
                the dark hour of adversity.
                - Washington Irving, "The Sketch Book," 1820

"Think Different"      Sent from a Apple PowerBook 3400c/240


Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 12:32:01 +0200
From: "Rog�r Vromans" <>
Subject: Strange problem with MacOS 8.5.1????

i have made a document in Quark Express 4.04 on an Apple computer. When i
print this document (on a HP laserjet 4VM) a font is not printing well (on
screen it is ok). I am talking about the font MyraMM_830 BL 600 NO and
MyriaMM_700 BD No. The printer uses then the font Courier. The printerfonts
are good and the fonts are installed in de system folder / fonts. The font i
got from the original Adobe Fontfolio 8.0 CD. I am using ATM deluxe 4.5 and
MacOS 8.5.1. The strange thing is that when i install MacOS 7.5 on the same
computer with the same programs and i try to print the same document is
ok??? Who knows the solution??? Help me!


Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 06:51:58 -0400
From: Allan Hunter <>
Subject: The Fate of Info-Mac

Finally, I receive a new issue of Info-Mac (V16 #329), and it contains 7
postings, the oldest of which date back to July 26; three of them are
notices of the availability of TIDBits.  This is scary!  Info-Mac has
traditionally been the place to send newbies to learn by reading and
observation (and to ask their own questions), and was more useful than 2
years of free technical support from Apple, not to mention being the
central repository for new shareware and freeware postings / descriptions.

This is the second time in recent history that the digest has sort of
disappeared for a startlingly long time.  I wrote to the moderators on June
16 after receiving nothing since June 3, and received the reply that
Info-Mac was having "difficulties with disk space" and that new folks were
learning the ropes.  Fine, but you can't just keep on disappearing or
people will forget about Info-Mac and a very important resource will
disappear!  Do you need new volunteers to stay alive?  Donations to help
buy a new disk array?

Last month I was having a very hard time with a tech support issue, and it
no longer occurred to me to post to Info-Mac because I hadn't seen any new
issues and figured by the time a new one was posted the problem would be
ancient history.  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, this is not
good.  We need Info-Mac!  It's a big part of what makes being a Mac user
such a nice experience!

Allan Hunter

Allan Hunter




End of Info-Mac Digest