Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #308
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 09 Jun 99       Volume 16 : Issue 308

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#484/07-Jun-99
      "blind" PB G3
      "PGPsdkKeyServer" is missing
      (A) PC/Mac integration & myths debunked
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.4
      [*] Alpha Text Editor 7.2
      [*] CopyPaste 4.3.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Icon Begone 2.0 fat
      [*] LockOut 1.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] MacOS Permissions Lister 1.01
      [*] MacToon 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] Magic 8 v2.1
      [*] Maki's Icons
      [*] Masculine Angel Desktop (14in)
      [*] MegaPak
      [*] MidiKit 2.5
      [*] Mike McGee <>
      [*] Morphile 1.5.2
      [*] MoviePhile 2.1
      [*] Ms. MacPerson 1.0
      [*] MusiCatalog 3.5
      [*] NavigateFolder CMM 1.0
      [A] Accelerating HyperCard? 
      [A] making an installer using Applescript
      [A] Speeding Up a PM 6100
      [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough?
      [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough?
      [Q] Aladdin Connectivity System error
      [Q] flakey PB 1400
      [Q]-OT/PPP applescript
      Fwd: OS 8.6 / PowerBook questions
      hierarchical menus
      How to automatically add DOS extensions to Mac files ?
      Looking for a QuarkXPress mailing list and info web sites
      MIE and mail attachments
      Mounting DOS Disks
      PB equalizer
      re Dayna ethernet Card
      Speeding up a 6100
      Speeding Up a PM 6100
      Speeding Up a PM 6100
      Subject: [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough? 
      Two monitors, not quite in synch...

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#484/07-Jun-99


Tired of lousy fax modem software or illegible fax printouts? Hudson Barton=
 looks at a promising alternative: Internet faxing, which delivers faxes via=
 email or the Web. This week's issue also includes followup information=
 about Farallon's HomeLINE, a speed bump for blue and white Power Macintosh=
 G3s, Macworld's purchase of MacCentral, and updates to Mizer, DiskExpress=
 Pro, and AutoShare. Finally, we welcome Trexar Technologies as a new=
 TidBITS sponsor.=20

    HomeLINE Followup
    Facts about Internet Faxing


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-484.etx; 30K]


Date: 	Sat, 5 Jun 1999 09:16:07 -0600
From: Neil Fiertel <>

	Brian Wessels
Regarding when is enough enough...
	I traditionally wait half a year before I change OSs and this time
I did much the same except I went directly to 8.6.  I must say, I wish I
had just done the 8.5.1 update instead as I did have some ten days of head
scratching and freeze ups due to conflicts with inits...big surprise.  BUT is worth every inconvenience if you use the Internet or have
many many documents to search within the hard drive.  It is wonderful and
fast and curiously it was just the place that I was having the conflicts luck.  It turns out that I had a single extension PPP Menu that
needed an updating which I finally figured out in the tried and true method
of runnnig extensions one by one and using the system that way for a day
until I decided if it was stable.
	In any case, as my university computer is running 8.6 perfectly and
stablily for weeks at a time without rebooting I KNEW it could happen so I
perservered.  I now have it as good at home.  I must point out that it was
not just the OS that was the problem. It was a foolish mistake that I made
on install.  I did the upgrade to 8.6 whilst the 8.5.1 system was booted
rather than running it from the CD.  One should really read the
instructions right????
	What that error in installations produced was a curious problem in
which I could not install ANY extensions or control panels without Sherlock
locking up the computer requiring a force quit and occasionally a hard
start.  At first I thought I had a conflict but after a while realized it
mattered not at all what extension or control panel I dropped into the
system would freeze.  THEN I RE- READ THE INSTALL!!! One must
intall 8.5 and when it calls for a reboot, reboot not from the hard drive
but again from the CD and then do the install from the image file for 8.6.
This is where the ease of the original install lulled me into not thinking
about exernally booting for the second install (the updater).  If you
install to the active system out!
	Both 8.0 and 8.1 are considerably slower and crankier than the
latest three incarnations.  They do not have Sherlock which is as I said
the perfect search engine and further 8.1 is still crash prone.
Applescripts run so fast on 8.5 or higher that the computer seems to be
twice as fast.  Windows open more or less instantly and the hard drive
searches for files faster.  There is simply no comparison especially if you
are using it on an older computer such as what I have at the university
wherein it is running on the very first generation Power PC which with 8.1
was a slug.  It is now at least three times faster!  Since I do not have to
reboot but every two weeks with it running all the time and has never
crashed at all what can I say but go for the upgrade...either 8.5.1 or 8.6.
If you feel particularly conservative about this do the former and you
should have no trouble.  It is so effortless doing the install, bring along
a friend and show them how easy it is to do.  I went for coffee after five
minutes.  There is nothing to do at all...Clean installs are best and if
you install Conflict Catcher 8.05 first before you do an install and
install the same on the new system you can merge the files, prefs,
extensions and so forth in a minute and be running without any trouble
whatsoever.  The only file that was in error was the PPP Menu which should
not have been merged due to its pre remote access scripting which caused my
trouble.  Likely you will not have this kind of error nor any others as
many many people have enjoyed glitch free installs.  I naturally will
contact C and G about Conflict Catcher so they will update their database
for the merge.

"Just three rusty strands of barbed wire from the North Pole"

		Professor Neil Fiertel
		Department of Art and Design
		University of Alberta
		Edmonton, Alberta
		Canada T6G-2C9


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 10:01:51 +0200
From: iain antony macleod <>
Subject: "blind" PB G3

A friend of mine has lent me a great PBG3 233Mhz (I know, evereyone should
have friends like that), which I use inside Santa Maria Novella church in
Florence, Italy.

Works great, so much so that I am going to get a new Lombards this week,
but apart from that:

She has her floppy drive repaired from the beginning, but still writes
floppies and then says to check if everything is OK, and in fact it's not
OK, nothing has been written. But that's not the problem, I believe it just
has to be substituted.
Its problem, is that I can write via ethernet from my Power Computing, no
problem, I can connect the PB hard drive, see it on my desktop, and copy
files, but if I try to copy from the PB to the PCC en error appears, and
the only way I can get files out of the Powerbook is to open the
application on my 'large' computer, choose desktop, collect the file from
the powerbook, and do a simple save as onto my computer.

Does it make sense?

I have tried inverting Ethernet cables, using apple talk, but nothing seems
to work.
Also, if I try sharing the big computer from the PB, I get a not enough
privileges to share that computer, kind of message. Can this be the key? Or
can it be a Appleshare version confilicts or incomptibility, as PCC id with
8.1 and PB with 8.5?
Anyone upgraded to 8.5 or 8.6 on a Powerwave 120?

thanks, iain antony



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Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 10:08:09 +0300
From: Giorgio Bulgarelli <>
Subject: "PGPsdkKeyServer" is missing

Dear Sirs,

I would like to use PGP from here (Eritrea, Horn of Africa) from where I am
not allowed to connect on-lite to the Internet. Since 1997 I was trying to
get a copy and, eventually, I downloaded version 5.5.3 QU1 from the site of
Tor Vergata University in Rome in April 1998 when I was in Italy.

According to the manual, the first step (page 20) is to create a new key
pair by choosing "PGPkeys" from the 'PGPmenu'. However, instead of opening
the "PGPkeys" application I only get a message that "PGPsdkKeyServer" is

Unfortunately, such a file is neither in the folder I downloaded via the
Internet nor in the Eudora Pro 4.0 package a friend of mine sent me from
the United States. I don't know what is does mean and nobody was yet able
to tell me how to solve the incovenience.

I re-installed the software two or three times -from either the downloaded
copy or the one bundled with Eudora Pro 4.0- but nothing changed.

PGP Technical Support was -definitely!- of no help: they only sent me from
pillar to post! The US Support firstly answered by giving me just a Web
address: I had to send them ten messages before they read one of them and
realised that I could not connect to the Internet. Then, they informed me
that, in compliance to US security legislation, they were unable to support
me. After another couple of messages they, eventually, gave me an e-mail
address in Europe. Unfortunately, nobody did ever answer my messages! After
about ten months of useless messages, I got the e-mail address
<>. Firstly, somebody there answered by giving
me another Web address. Another couple of messages and the definite answer
was as follows:

>Hash: SHA1
>Dear Sir,
>As you have seen, PGP is that much regulated that there are several
>problems to answer such simple questions as your one seems in the
>first moment.
>First of all: The freeware version you have mentioned in your fist
>emails is of cause not supported by our support team (even not for a
>special fee).
>If you have bought a version of PGP in the USA and have exported it
>from there, you have violated US laws regarding to the export of
>weapons of war. This is something I would not mentioned anywhere as
>these laws are very restrictive.
>Please understand, that Network Associates in the US is not allowed to
>support these product if you have exported it. The International
>support on the other hand could also not help you as this would be
>strictly illegal.
>Sorry, the only advice I can give you, is to buy the International
>version, than we can support you.
>Best regards
>Mike Auerbach
>Product Manager PGP International, NTS (CEUR & SEUR)
>"Who's watching your network while you are reading this mail?"
>Network Associates GmbH

The point is that, since I am not a corporate user, I am not entitled to
buy any version of PGP. I can only download freeware versions nad I am not
entitled to any support for the copy I purchased bundled with Eudora Pro

The story began in 1997 and I see no end (unless somebody will -eventually-
tell me how to find that missing file named "PGPsdkKeyServer"!).

Could anybody there help me?

Thank you!
Dr Giorgio Bulgarelli
Lt. Syum Ketchnye 18
c/o Post Office Box 5554

Telephones: + 291 1-120 007 (voice & facsimile)
E-mail:	    <>


Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 08:39:14 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: (A) PC/Mac integration & myths debunked

Dear Digest readers,
Anyone who hasn't read:

will love this article, because it just goes to prove how many myths many
PC people believe in that are no longer true about the Mac.



Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:11 -0700
From: "Christophe M. Legasse" <>
Subject: [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.4

Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0 - Publishing & New Media Edition - is the
most versatile tool for rapidly creating 2D and 3D
professional-looking graphics, whether they are static or dynamic.
With a fast interactive 3D engine, Charts Pro lets you take data from
Excel, ClarisWorks or text files and create shaded charts that you can
manipulate in real-time.

A high-end product developed for the Macintosh platform, Adrenaline
Charts Pro 1.0 is both complementary and essential to such musts as
QuarkXpress, PageMaker, Photoshop and Illustrator.  Used alone or with
existing software, Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0 integrates QuickTime,
QuickDraw 3D, AppleScript, ColorSync and ObjectTransporter
technologies through which it is possible to replace any element of a
graphic with a 3D object.

With a powerful tool like Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0, users can create
spectacular graphics in minutes which would normally require long working
hours.  With its user-friendly interface, 23 different chart types and
built-in support for exporting a number of file formats such as PICT,
Photoshop, JPEG, 3DMF and QuickTime movies, Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0
complements your existing applications and fits into your publishing and
Web workflow.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/charts-pro-104-french.hqx; 5311K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:12 -0700
Subject: [*] Alpha Text Editor 7.2

This is version 7.2 of Alpha, a completely customizable and programmable
text editor especially tuned to handle source code, LaTeX, and HTML files.
Alpha is:

New features:
o new Latex, HTML, and Java modes
o expanded syntax coloring
o new modular reorganization of Tcl code
o One or two other enhancements and fixes.

And the standard blurb:

o Powerful. Alpha uses Dr. Ousterhout's Tool Command Language (Tcl) as a
  scripting language. Tcl is rapidly becoming a popular extension language
  over many different hardware platforms.
o Customizable. Any function or keystroke sequence can be bound to any key,
  menus are completely user-specified and modifiable.
o Emacs-ish. Alpha supports many of the key bindings and central concepts
  of GNU Emacs. It is not a port, however, and uses a Tcl instead of LISP
  as an extension language.
o Multi-modal. Alpha supports mode-specific:
         keyword colorizing
  Alpha currently has over 20 different modes, including modes for the
  following languages: Ada, C, C++, Fortran, HTML, Java, Pascal, Perl,
  Postscript, Scheme, SQL, Tcl, and TeX (including both LaTeX and LaTeX2e).
o Interoperable. Alpha allows user scripts to build and send arbitrary
  AppleEvents. Currently, the default configuration of Alpha inter-operates
  with several different compilers, including CodeWarrior and Symantec C/C++,
  several LaTeX implementations, including OzTeX, DirectTeX, and Textures
  (although Textures' AppleEvent support is currently very weak), and several
  other applications, such as MacPerl, BibTeX, Excalibur, the ToolServer, and
o Native on the PowerMac.
o Uses the latest Apple technologies, such as Drag and Drop, and AEGizmos.
o Uses Ramon Felciano's Mercutio menu definition routines.
o Internet Config-aware.

Alpha is ShareWare, $30.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/alpha-72.hqx; 3423K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:10 -0700
Subject: [*] CopyPaste 4.3.2J - Japanese Version

CopyPaste is the shareware utility that was awarded a 5
mouse rating by MacUser and was their shareware utility of
the year 1996. Shareware Junkies declared it Mac Product
of the year for 1997. CopyPaste also appeared in the June 97
Wired and has been featured in MacWeek, TidBits, MacAddict and
many other magazines. CopyPaste magnifies the clipboard in many
different ways and has been declared indespensible by web developers,
editors, writers, dtp professionals and everyone who uses
the clipboard.

One of the early wonders of the Mac was its revolutionary ability to do
copy and paste across various applications. Unlike other areas in the Mac's
system software that have changed and progressed over the years, copying
and pasting has not evolved. How many times have you found yourself going
back and forth copying in one application and pasting in a different
application, wishing to yourself that you could copy 5-10 items at a time,
then go to another application and paste each of these items. Now you can
do not only this but view all 100 clipboards, save useful text and pictures
thru restarts and much much more.

**MacOS 8.5 / 8.6 compatible!
**Many advanced features but easy for beginners!
**Full Drag & Drop compatibility!
**Use up to 100 independent clipboards by menu or simple key commands!
**View and access all the clipboard using the CopyPaste Palette!
**Append text to 1 of 10 files on disk at any time!
**Process text, picture and net data on the Clipboards in many ways!
**Use a command key to switch and/or view all applications!
**Works great with iType, iSearch, iCount and iView Multimedia!
**New pop-up palette function and more!
**Clip Recorder - remembers the last 10 items copied via
command c.
**Clip Archive - copied data is appended to one of 10 text
files on disk.
**Save Clipboards thru Restarts - allows all 100 Clipboards
to be saved thru Shutdown or Restart.

CopyPaste eliminates tedious repetitive work and increases
your ability to get the job done.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/copypaste-432-jp.hqx; 762K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:09 -0700
From: Scott.Atkins
Subject: [*] Icon Begone 2.0 fat

How to use it-
     1.     Click the, "Add" button.
     2.     Add all of the folders you want
            --Note, this application resolves aliases and does not
              remove folder Icons.
            This application does search all of the sub folders.
     3.     Click on the "Start" button
     4.     The application will think for a minute then display a
            progress bar.
     5.     When the dialog dissapears, all of the custom icons in all of
            those folders are gone. Select quit or add new folders.
     6.     If you accidentally add a folder and want to delete it from the
            list, click on it's name and hit the delete button.

You can figure on about 0.022 seconds for each file on an 80 mhz machine.
I tested this app today and it cleared 2000 files in 44 seconds.
You must have apperance manager to run this application.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/icon-begone-20.hqx; 602K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:09 -0700
Subject: [*] LockOut 1.3.1J - Japanese Version

Rated 4 stars by ZDNet!

LockOut is a simple shareware application that helps keep people from using
your Mac while you're away.  Helps keep your Mac safe from your office
mates while at the office, and from your kids while at home.
Note: LockOut is not meant to be a full-fledged security program.

New for v1.3.1
� Prefs file sometimes became corrupted.  Fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/lockout-131-jp.hqx; 725K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:07 -0700
Subject: [*] MacOS Permissions Lister 1.01

Permissions Lister 1.01 - a simple script that will save a list of the File
Sharing permissions of folders on a remote volume.  This is handy for
re-creating AppleShare IP permissions on a UNIX based server (MacOS X,
Linux, etc.)  Aliases that are found are listed in a seperate file, so you
may change them to symlinks if you wish.

This generates a text file (Mac formatted) that you can use to examine the
permissions on a Mac volume.  As the finder on an AppleShare IP server does
not control file sharing, this can only be used by running it on a client
computer that has a network volume mounted.

the resulting file will be in the format:
#### owner group pathname

The path name is in MacOS format (using ":").  I used this file to create a
shell script to run on MacOS X that will change the permissions of the
20,000+ folders that was transferring from a ASIP server.  Users or groups
that contain spaces may make the file confusing to a later script.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/macos-perm-list-101.hqx; 12K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:08 -0700
Subject: [*] MacToon 1.0J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of MacToons.

Spin the wheel and guess the word (English.)
Great sounds and laugh-a-minute color animation.
Choose three of the four hilarious contestants and stand by for some
real fun.
Complete Japanese instructions are included.

This program is freeware.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/mac-toons-10-jp.hqx; 1838K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:07 -0700
Subject: [*] Magic 8 v2.1

This stack is modeled after the always fun Magic 8 ball.
Just ask it questions and it will have the answer.
It is lots of fun. All it requires is Hypercard Player or
Hypercard 2.0 or higher. It will run on any Macintosh.
Thanks for trying it.  Hope you enjoy it.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/magic-8-21.hqx; 47K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Maki's Icons

These icons are all trialware for evaluation use only.  But you may
distribute the icons freely.  Contact me about additional use

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/makis-icons.hqx; 80K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:05 -0700
Subject: [*] Masculine Angel Desktop (14in)

This is the 14" version of a Macintosh desktop background that I've created
for the Mac. This one is of an angle separating the light from the
darkness. The image dimensions are 640x480 and the file format is PICT. You
really should have a 16 bit monitor (32000 colors or better) to see it at
it's best.

My full desktop image collection is available on my website.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/masculine-angel-14.hqx; 43K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:04 -0700
Subject: [*] MegaPak

This is Human Condition Software's MegaPak.

Get the latest HCS facts from

All these programs are modules for use with AfterDark or Darkside. I prefer
Darkside, which is a terrific Shareware program (available at If you don't have one of these, you should get one
before you bother messing with my stuff.

I hope you enjoy the screensavers as they are, but to REALLY use them you
need to replace my pictures with your own. For example:
Take out the background in S.M. Drives and replace it with your vacation
pictures. Change the words in WordyGurdy so the crazy sentences refer to
your friends and enemies. Put your boss' picture into Morphology. (I did!)
Or just slap your logo in any of them and send it to customers.  Just use
your imagination! (see below for more details)

This is freeware, so enjoy it guilt-free. However, I would like to you to
send me some e-mail. Getting e-mail from users is more important to me than
you would think. I would really love to hear from you, especially if you
live in South America or the Antartic. Those are the only two places that I
can't prove my screensavers have been.

This is freeware and I make no money from it, so I can't accept any
liability. I am not responsible for anything that goes wrong with your
computer or your love life. I use these screensavers all the time and very,
very rarely have any trouble with them.

Keep 'em Flying!

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/mega-pak.hqx; 1834K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:03 -0700
Subject: [*] MidiKit 2.5

 MidiKit is a MIDI file utility program. It allows you to quickly modify
the midi file format, type, creator and more, processing entire disks at a
time. It has a complete online documentation you can access selecting the
"About Midikit" item in the apple menu.

 MidiKit is FAT (68K e PPC native), and supports Drag & Drop. It works on
all Macs from Macintosh Plus and requires MacOS version 6.07 or greater.

 MidiKit is shareware ($12). Unregistered version has no other limitations
than the annoying request at startup. If you use it, please register!

New features since version 2.5 :

�  Added the ability to export karaoke lyrics.
�  The show event list (structure) command has been enhanced. All GS sysex
and universal sysex are decoded. You may now display Measure and SMPTE
offsets. The event list may be formatted and directly saved as text.
�  The list window is now (at last!) resizable.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/midi-kit-26.hqx; 226K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:12 -0700
From: CD-DVD.Library.3.0
Subject: [*] Mike McGee <>

CD/DVD Library Version 3.0:
The Ultimate CD/DVD Companion

What is The CD/DVD Library?

The CD/DVD Library will allow you to conveniently view, print, sort,
file, save and organize your Compact Disc or DVD collection. With the
CD/DVD Library, you can search through your CD/DVD collection for various
artists, movie titles, song names, ratings, categories, and even lyrics
to a song!

Simple. Powerful. Elegant. Inexpensive.

CD/DVD Library is a self-running application which includes a well
designed layout that makes adding, viewing, sorting, finding and printing
a snap. In addition to the simple, yet highly graphical layout, CD/DVD
Library allows you to add an infinite number of your own CDs/DVDs to the
existing database. This will allow your personal disc database to grow
and grow!

CD/DVD Library Includes:
* Sample Data Complete with Graphics and Sound!
* Enhanced graphical layout with simple to use menus and icons!
* List your CDs/DVDs by artist/director, title, category, or rating! You
can choose!
* A print huge lists of CD/DVD titles on the fly!.
* Expanded sorting functions! The ability to sort huge CD/DVD collections
with one
   simple click!
* Fully compatible for both Macintosh and Windows users!
* And now CD/DVD Library is a completely self-running application!
* No longer requires FileMaker Pro!

Shareware: $15 US.

For More Information on The CD/DVD Library,
please check the Inaka Software Web Site at:

Or send email to:

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/cd-dvd-library30.hqx; 11079K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:02 -0700
Subject: [*] Morphile 1.5.2

Morphile 1.5 is a simple, but powerful, way of taking files from foreign
computers, such as
UNIX or Windows machines, and making them into something your Macintosh
can use.
Not only that, it will transform a file from the Internet into whatever
kind of file you need it to be, should your Mac complain about not
knowing what kind of file it is. Just drag and drop and like magic, it's
done!  Version 1.5.2 contains Mac OS 8.6 compatibility fixes, minor bug
fixes and speed enhancements when converting 100+ files.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/morphile-152.hqx; 890K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:02 -0700
Subject: [*] MoviePhile 2.1

MoviePhile - is a database created with FileMaker Pro on Macintosh and
for either Macintosh or Windows as a stand-alone runtime solution, meaning you
don't have to own FileMaker Pro to use it. MoviePhile is useful for keeping
of your movie collection. It can even print VHS labels (once registered) and
store QuickTime movies! You can enter, search and sort information about the
movie title, cast, rating, your personal evaluation of the movie, it's genre,
whether it's widescreen or pan & scan and more. If you taped it off of some
source, you can enter data as to what that source was, whether there are
commercials on the tape, the quality and speed of the recording and more. You
loan your movies out sometimes? You don't have to wonder any more who has which
movies - let MoviePhile take care of that for you. Keep a record of plot,
reviews, trivia and notes about your favorite movies.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/movie-phile-21.hqx; 3345K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:59:01 -0700
Subject: [*] Ms. MacPerson 1.0

Shareware Note
To register, open the file called "Registration Form". Fill in all the
fields, print it and mail it to the address indicated there along with your
shareware payment. If you don't have a printer, PLEASE PRINT EXTREMELY
CLEARLY all of the information required in the form (especially email

System Requirements
PowerPC or 040 recommended, as yet untested on 68k Macs and although I
believe it should work on an 030, it is probably too slow to be enjoyable
(unless you have an accelerator).

Since this is the 1st beta release, I would greatly appreciate hearing from
you especially if you have an older configuration like an SI or LCIII to
test it on.

If you find any reproducable bugs please tells us what happens, and how we
can get it to occur (eg. "after pausing the game on the first level for 10
minutes", "after staying on the splash screen for 30 minutes, clicking
about and controls a lot, then the fruit crashes on the third level, if
this was your 5th game" :), then please let us know so that we may improve
our software to the level it deserves.



[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/ms-mac-person10.hqx; 6658K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:58:54 -0700
Subject: [*] MusiCatalog 3.5

Thanks for giving MusiCatalog a try! You should find it easy to use and
powerful enough to handle the largest and most diverse collections. When
you're ready to register please return to our website, or fill out the
included Register program.

As of now this software is only available for the Macintosh platform.

Here's what you'll need:
� Macintosh or Power Macintosh with System 7.1 or greater
� 6MB free memory
� 6MB hard drive space
� Free font: Trebuchet (available from

[Archived as /info-mac/data/musicatalog-35.hqx; 3237K]


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:58:53 -0700
From: "Fabio Lecca" <>
Subject: [*] NavigateFolder CMM 1.0

NavigateFolder is a contextual menu plug-in that works for MacOS 8 and
later. Control-Click a folder or volume icon in the Finder, and you will
have access to the subdirectories and files contained in it, by choosing
them from a hierarchical contextual menu!  It's perfect if you have a
two-button mouse, or if you just don't want to clutter the desktop with lots
of windows only to open a file!
You can navigate to folders and files that are at many levels of depth*
(limited only by the MacOS).


NavigateFolder � un plug-in per i menu contestuali del Finder che funziona
sul MacOS 8 e versioni successive. Clicca sull'icona di una cartella o di un
disco tenendo premuto il tasto Control, e avrai accesso ai file e le
sottocartelle in essa contenute, selezionandole da un menu gerarchico!
E' perfetto se hai un mouse a due pulsanti o se non vuoi ingombrare la
Scrivania con tante finestre!
Puoi navigare nei files e nelle cartelle a varie profondit�* (limitato solo
dal MacOS).


Fabio Lecca

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/cmm/navigate-folder-cmm-10.hqx; 100K]


Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 20:17:25 +0200
From: (Vittorio Barabino)
Subject: [A] Accelerating HyperCard? 

> Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 14:13:18 +0100
> From: John Baro <>
> Subject: [A] Accelerating HyperCard?

> Yes and no.  On the box of a recent version of HyperCard (2.3) it has the
> "Accelerated for Power Mac" red star.  However, if you look in the HC 2.3
> application with ResEdit, you'll see that it has no "cfrg" resource and its
> data fork is empty.  As I understand it, a PPC native appliction requires a

Probably something messed up in the installation and the installer put
only the 68k version. Anyway, now you can upgrade for free from 2.3 to
2.4.1 (I did it and it's really PPC). 

The updater is at

(Reinstalling the 2.3 may overwrite Text_to_Speech, but it DOES NOT
overwrite Applescript, that would be a woe). 

Ciao,        \+----------+  "La risposta e` dentro di te...
   Vittorio --| : )    o |      ...MA E` SBAGLIATA!!!"
| Votate per creare il gruppo it.comp.os.macintosh.hardware |
|     CFV: --> e` un post del 12 maggio     |


Date: Fri, 4 Jun 99 19:56:37 +0100
From: Phil Hudson <>
Subject: [A] making an installer using Applescript

a brody <> wrote:

>I am having trouble
>converting "path to" to a string so that it can be incorporated into a
>launcher for the program I wish to add text to.

Try something like this:

  set foo to (path to control panels) 
  -- Assertion: foo is now an instance of class alias

  set bar to (foo as text)
  -- Assertion: bar is now an instance of class string
  -- (this works for aliases in general, very useful)



Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 10:49:58 -0700
From: "Dan O'Donnell" <>
Subject: [A] Speeding Up a PM 6100

At 5:52 PM -0400 on 6/3/99, barker_m wrote...
>Im considering a speedup to my 6100 by
>upgrading the CPU and or Disk.
>CPU: people have reported that they are "tricky"
>to install. Does that mean it was mechanically
>difficult, or was there all sort of software
>conflicts which had to be sorted out?

"Clock-chipping", or increasing the clock chip's frequency from the nominal
60MHz by 25% to 83MHz requires (iirc) clipping small wires and attaching
new small chips to the motherboard, as well as attaching a small (supplied)
fan inside the heat sink "cage" of the CPU and attaching it to the power
supply. Sometimes there is glue or solder involved, and solder is not
something that you would want to do for the first time by experimenting on
your motherboard.

Then there may be software conflicts to sort out...

>Any experiences or recommendations for a PM 6100?

If you can afford the G3 upgrade card, that's the way to go. If you can
find one of the old Sonnet Crescendo 604e upgrade cards, that's also a good
option. Those are very hard to find though.

>DISK: Beleive it or not the original 250 mb drive
>is a little full. If I buy a new drive, what are
>the benefits of HFS+. Is it faster than a drive
>with regular HFS?

HFS+ won't improve the speed, and in fact if you get a drive that's only
moderately bigger than your original 250MB drive then you won't see any
improvement at all. If you get a drive in the 2GB range, HFS+ will provide
more efficiency in storage of small files. If you have a 1KB text file (say
a ReadMe that opens into SimpleText), it will be stored in a 4KB block
instead of a 32KB block. The 1KB in 4KB leaves 3KB unusable, while the 1KB
in 32KB leaves 33KB unusable; these unusable spaces are called "slack
(This is a simple explanation that is not strictly accurate from an
engineering point of view, but it's good enough for this explanation.)

So if you have many small text files then you'll get better efficiency of
storage. You can check how your HFS storage will be maximized by HFS+ by
using MacSlack to see how much space you'll "get back"
<>. It's significant to repeat that
you'll only "get back" this slack space if you go to a hard drive of about
1GB or more (the bigger the drive the more slack you recover). If you go
from a 250MB (HFS) to a 350MB (HFS+) you won't see any improvement in

HFS and HFS+ have little if any speed differences; at least not enough to
go into in this space.

>I am assuming that a faster disk
>should improve overall performance when Virtual
>Memory is turned on.

Well, yes but...  VM is so slow (on the Mac, at least) that a faster disk
with VM will still be slow.

>Java: Why is java so pitifully slow... Netscape 3.0
>is slow, Netscape 4.5 is abysmal. IE 4.5 also
>a dog. I have OS 8.5, and 40 mb ram.

In your environment, Java is slow.
In most environments, Java is slow. We all have to deal with that. The
explanations can be left to someone else, but basically you can live with
it or turn it off.
Java hasn't really lived up to its promise, and Microsoft's poisoning of it
(they called it "polluting") hasn't helped. I'll go out on a limb here and
say that Java won't develop into the personal computing nirvana that it was
once billed to become. It may have a life in embedded computing though,
especially since MS still can't convince most manufacturers to use WinCE.




Date: Sat, 5 Jun 99 11:57:54 -0700
From: "B. J.  Major" <>
Subject: [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough?

In reply to:

>Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 08:31:30 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Brian Wessels <>
>Subject: [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough?
>This is somewhere between a question and a comment for discussion, and
>it has probably come up before. When is the Mac OS enough? What is the
>(current) point of diminishing returns with upgrading?
>Judging from all the problems I see cited here and elsewhere, my
>current belief is that Mac OS 8.1 is the place to stay for quite a
>while. Lacking little more than Sherlock and fancy icons, it seems
>quite stable compared to reports on subsequent releases. Mac OS 8.5.1
>may be a contender, but 8.6 or 8.5 certainly don't seem to be. And then
>there's all the questions of software compatibility, particularly with
>favorite old shareware utilities and such. 8.5 and on seem to break
>quite a few things, or at least require they be upgraded, with all the
>hassle that entails.
>I've been an enthusiastic Macophile for years, and 8.0 was the quickest
>upgrade I've ever made. But the problem reports and Adam Engst's
>cautionary preview of Mac OS NeXT have me reconsidering. Maybe it's
>time to hunker down with an OS version I know, and current versions of
>apps that already far outstrip my needs, and get something done instead
>of always tinkering about. I used to be baffled by folks who stayed
>with System 7.1 forever; now I'm beginning to understand. What's your

Wow, what a loaded question.  Short answer is "it depends".  If you are 
using something you are satisfied with (this applies to both applications 
and OS's), then stay where you are, by all means.  There is no law 
written in stone that says you have to have the latest and greatest to be 

That being said, I can only offer my own experience.  I use a mix of both 
very old and very new Macs in a home network.  This file sharing among 
them all is helpful to me because I can keep archives of disc images on 
line and install things at will (instead of rummaging around for the 
original floppies or CDs which are stored in many containers and boxes).  
I have these Macs connected and running everything from System 5.1 
through 8.6 with no problems.  I have found that there are certain OSs 
that do well, really well--on certain machines.  For example, my Mac Plus 
doesn't seem to be happy unless it is running System 6.0.8.  It balks 
everytime I've tried to put a flavor of System 7 on it, although it does 
have the resources to handle it.  So I've resigned to keep System 6 on 
this Plus (and in turn it lets me continue to use games and apps written 
for System 6).

My 512Ke is running 5.1, my Classic II is running 7.1, my Performa 6400 
is running 8.5.1, and my PB G3 is running 8.6 and is the only machine I 
own that is running the latest OS.  I have that on there *specifically* 
for the increased battery time under that OS and for no other reason.  
For me, it was a sufficient reason to upgrade from what came with the PB 

Use what works best for both you and your particular Mac and you will be 
happy.  If there is something you've just GOT to have in an upgrade, then 
by all means get it.  But if it will not lead to further productivity and 
only serve to eat more System resources, there's not much point to that.

Home Page mirror with links to my Classic tv Photo Galleries:


Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 00:32:55 -0400
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough?

There are probably as many opinions to this as readers / contributors to
Info-Mac.  For myself, I found 8.5 to be the most stable Mac OS and had
very few compatibility issues.  I upgraded to 8.6 about a half hour ago
primarily for the battery advantages for my G3 Powerbook, so I'll defer any
opinion on that.  On the other hand, I was unimpressed with the 7.x updates
after 7.1 and I stayed with 7.1 (or whatever came with the new computer)
until OS 8.  I would love to tell you what convinced me to move to OS 8,
but all I remember is that I was overjoyed after the upgrade and can't even
remember all the things that I'd now prefer not to live without.

So when should you upgrade?  When the benefits make the time and cost (if
any) seem worthwhile.  That only you can tell.

Ken Laskey


Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 00:42:10 -0400
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [Q] Aladdin Connectivity System error

I am using Stuffit Expander and DropStuff, both version 5.1.2.  When I
download a .hqx file or try to expand an existing one, I get an alert

Sorry, but a general error has occurred within the Aladdin Web Connectivity

Error -855

I click OK and then everything proceeds without a problem.  So this is more
of a curiosity, but what is going on?  Message has appeared under OS 8.5.1
and 8.6 on a G3 Powerbook.

Ken Laskey


Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 23:05:06 -0400
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [Q] flakey PB 1400

A couple months ago, my PB 1400 suddenly exhibited some strange behavior.
First, the space bar stopped working and then, almost simultaneously, the
computer couldn't be woken from sleep mode by anything short of the reset
switch in the back.  Given that the floor is a common place for the
computer to be used and my 4-year-old's joy of stepping on things, I
wondered whether the pitter-patter of little feet was responsible.  I had
been meaning to get it looked at but the combination of an external
keyboard, using the reset button on a regular basis, and too much else to
do argued for a temporary status quo.  Now, miraculously, the keyboard
space bar works again and reset isn't necessary.  My question is twofold:
(1) out of curiosity, what happened?  (2) out of not wanting to
unexpectedly be stuck with a dead computer, is it likely to reoccur?

While I'm at it, let me throw in another question.  My G3 Powerbook
generates enough heat to roast marshmellows and it seems really warm if
I've been using it on a bed or carpet.  Other than general good
ventilation, are there any recommended restrictions on the surface you have
the computer on when working?

Ken Laskey


Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 08:53:03 -0400
From: Scott Horton <>
Subject: [Q]-OT/PPP applescript

Does anyone know how to write an applescript for O T/PPP that checks to 
see if already connected, and if so remain connected while is not 
originally connected, connect (run rest of script) and then disconnect? I 
have done this with FreePPP but am haveing problems with this one.


Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:14:27 -0500
From: "Mann, Susan" <>
Subject: applescript

is there a way to write a script so that when i go online it will
automatically check my email(i use netscape)
p.s. i am new to this and went to the applescript site but i didn't
understand it!


Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 08:33:13 EDT
Subject: Fwd: OS 8.6 / PowerBook questions


Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 17:04:39 -0700=20
From: Daly Jessup <>=20
Subject: Fwd: OS 8.6 / PowerBook questions=20

CMTools and More File Info=20
Allan Hunter asked:=20
>b) Back in the System 7 days, I used a little extension called GetMoreInfo=20
to let me view / change the File Type and File Creator of files, either=20
individually or in batches. When MacOS 8.1 became my day-in day-out OS, I=20
addressed this same need by acquiring Snitch, which has the same capabilitie=
plus a few other options. But beginning with 8.5, Snitch doesn't work! I nee=
a replacement for this feature before I=92ll rely continually on 8.6.

How about File Buddy? Version 5.1 is the latest and it works with system 8.1=20
thru 8.5.1. it does all you want and more

John McGibney


Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 08:33:16 EDT
Subject: hierarchical menus

At 11:11 AM -0700 on 5/21/99, Paul Brians wrote=85=20
>I love having access to hierarchical menus, but Vincent Tan=92s Control Str=
Menu Items, for a long time my mainstay, broke a System version or two ago.=20
Apple Menu Items slows down the OS 8.6 on my 7600/132 intolerably, and so=20
does BeHierarchic 3.1.1.=20
>Are there any solutions that don=92t put the brakes on the finder?=20
>Paul Brians, =09Department of English =09Washington State University=20

Another suggestion, I use MenuChoice By Kerry Clendinning. The latest versio=
is 2.1 and its about 4 years old, but it still works with System 8.1, I=20
haven't tried it with 8.5.1 yet. Its $15 and you can contact the author via=20
snail mail at:
Kerry Clendinning
PO Box 26061
Austin, TX  78755

John McGibney


Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 17:15:50 -0700
From: Denny Davis <>
Subject: How to automatically add DOS extensions to Mac files ?

At 8:16 AM +0000 5/25/99, Alan Hewat wittily wrote:

> Does anyone know how to automatically add standard DOS extensions
> to multiple Mac files eg to systematically add ".doc" to all MS-Word
> files (under either Windows or better Mac-OS) ?
> I believe that NT-server can do this, but can Mac-OS, NT4 or Win95/98 ?
> I would prefer a Mac application, since then I could write a CD on a
> Mac and the file-types would be recognised under Windows as well.
> (It would be nice if Mac-OS could hide the DOS extension as can Win).
> I believe that MacDisk (under Windows) can do this with ordinary
> Mac CD's or floppies, but MacDisk cannot (?) recognise ISO-9660
> CD's, which are the preferred (?) format for writing CD's on Mac
> because ISO-9660 CD's can be read by both Mac-OS and Windows.
> Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE ( fax (33)

There are a number of applications that can change extisting file names
and add a DOS extention to the name and they all can do them in a batch
AFAIK. Drop=80Rename 3.5, NameChum 2.0.0, NameCleaner 1.95, Quick Rename
1.0, most all of them should be available on your favourite Info-Mac
Mirror site.

None of them do so automatically, but I would note that some programs like
GraphicConverter will automatically add a DOS extension to the name when
you save or save as the file.

Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.

Blessings, Denny


Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 02:34:07 -0700
From: Jim Carr <>
Subject: Looking for a QuarkXPress mailing list and info web sites

At 4:12 PM +0200 6/3/99, Paolo Bartoli wrote:
>I'm looking for a mailing list for QuarkXPress and web sites that carry
>infos on QXP.

There is quite a bit of traffic but lots of good info on list

address-- listserv@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU

in body of message-- SUB QUARKXPR your name



Jim Carr -             (I only speak for myself)


Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 17:32:45 -0700
From: Denny Davis <>
Subject: MIE and mail attachments

At 6:04 AM -0400 6/2/99, Jeffrey Frankel wittily wrote:

> I recently switched to Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 for my email.  Since
> then, none of my AOL correspondents have been able to read the attached
> files that I've sent them, at least not without some fairly elaborate
> workarounds.  I've tried various compression formats and various encoding
> options, but almost all the time the icon shows up on the other side as an
> unknown file.  Any ideas?
> --
> Jeff Frankel
> Windsor, Maine  USA
> "Where the woodpecker pecks
> and the porcupine plays"

I think AOL is flaky, that aside switch to Eudora Lite [also free] or
Eudora Pro for real power and you will have less problems.

Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.

Blessings, Denny


Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 16:59:01 -0400
From: gene nail <>
Subject: Mounting DOS Disks

can someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong.  a while back (before i
switched to 8.5 or maybe even 8.6) i could insert a DOS floppy and mount
in on my G3 desktop, but now when i try it the finder wants to
initialize the disk.

what extensions or applications am i missing.  i went back to my OS 8.0
and reinstalled the MacLinkPlus translator that came with that system,
but with OS 8.6 i still can't mount a DOS disk.

i appreciate any help.

gene nail


Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 10:01:18 +0200
From: iain antony macleod <>
Subject: PB equalizer

Idea of a free/shareware sound euqalizer to be used on a Powerbook. Volume
is not bad, but sound quality could be improved!
I rekon its should be inserted by default on every Mac!

Possibly graphical and as a strip module :-)

thank you
iain antony



cell. +39 3296 118 118

latest website designs


Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 08:33:08 EDT
Subject: re Dayna ethernet Card


From: =93Ira Flatow=94 <>=20
Subject: Dayna PC Ethernet card Driver Wanted!=20
I've tried all of online drivers for the Dayna Communicard 10BaseT Ethernet=20
card but my PB 190 is not able to use it. Sure, the card shows up on the des=
top=85but when opening AppleTalk control panel and trying to select the pull=20
down menu =93other Ethernet=94 all I get is an error message.=20
Can anyone with a PB 190, a Dayna Ethernet card (now discontinued) who can=20
supply me with a working driver? I've tried even Farallon drivers=85but no=20
Thanks in advance.=20
Ira Flatow
Host/Executive Producer - =93Science Friday=94 =09News Director- =93Science =
Technology News Network=94=20
I have the Dayna Communicard Plus in my Powerbook 1400 With OpenTransport an=
System 8.1. It works with the included software. According to the=20
documentation the included software should work with older networking setups=
Try reinstalling the Apple system software for networking. You need an=20
extension called PC Card Modem extension (for accessing PCMCIA cards) Dayna=20
C&SS init (for accessing the card, the ethernet extensions, and the normal=20
Open Transport files.

The only problem was with the Modem script included with the card it didn't=20
work. I had to substitute the Global Village script for my older GV external=20
56k modem, That one works great.

If this doesn't help write me and give me further info on your system and=20
networking software and I'll see if I can help. If you're missing the Dayna=20
installer I'll send you a copy of my disk.=20

John McGibney


Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 08:33:20 EDT
Subject: Speeding up a 6100

Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 17:52:42 -0400=20
From: barker_m <>=20
Subject: Speeding Up a PM 6100=20
I'm considering a speedup to my 6100 by upgrading the CPU and or Disk.=20
CPU: people have reported that they are =93tricky=94 to install. Does that m=
it was mechanically difficult, or was there all sort of software conflicts=20
which had to be sorted out?=20
( I added a Sonnet Technologies G3 upgrade to my 6100 and it was installed i=
15 minutes, including disconnecting and reconnecting all the SCSI, ADB,=20
Monitor cables, etc.)

DISK: Believe it or not the original 250 Mb drive is a little full. If I buy=20
a new drive, what are the benefits of HFS+. Is it faster than a drive with=20
regular HFS? I am assuming that a faster disk should improve overall=20
performance when Virtual Memory is turned on.=20
Java: Why is Java so pitifully slow=85 Netscape 3.0 is slow, Netscape 4.5 is=20
abysmal. IE 4.5 also a dog. I have OS 8.5, and 40 Mb ram.=20

(The current Java applications for Mac ARE slow. Supposedly Mac Runtime for=20
Java v2. is mush faster. Are you sure they're slow or is it your modem? Did=20
you increase the memory allotment for Netscape? It seems to be quicker with =
lot of memory, 12k or so.)

Do the upgrade and make sure you have enough ram and then some for Netscape.

John McGibney


Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 12:45:19 -0400
From: Tom Coradeschi <>
Subject: Speeding Up a PM 6100

>Im considering a speedup to my 6100 by
>upgrading the CPU and or Disk.
>CPU: people have reported that they are "tricky"
>to install. Does that mean it was mechanically
>difficult, or was there all sort of software
>conflicts which had to be sorted out?
>Any experiences or recommendations for a PM 6100?

Sure. I installed a Sonnett Crescendo G3 card in my PM6100/60. Took about 5
minutes including the time to reboot.
<> And you'll pay less than
half what I did for mine 7 months ago:-{

>DISK: Beleive it or not the original 250 mb drive
>is a little full. If I buy a new drive, what are
>the benefits of HFS+. Is it faster than a drive
>with regular HFS? I am assuming that a faster disk
>should improve overall performance when Virtual
>Memory is turned on.

HFS+ buys you no speed increase that I'm aware of. It will get you better
space utilization on your disk, since the minimum block size is smaller.

>Java: Why is java so pitifully slow... Netscape 3.0
>is slow, Netscape 4.5 is abysmal. IE 4.5 also
>a dog. I have OS 8.5, and 40 mb ram.

Are you complaining about Java or about your browsers? I've found that most
everything is slow on a 60 MHz machine. I'd max out RAM while I'm at it
(6100 has 8M on the motherboard and will accept 64M in the two SIMM slots)
to 72M.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at what you've got when you're done...

                 tom coradeschi <+>


Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 14:38:30 -1000 (HST)
From: (Ed Cesar)
Subject: Speeding Up a PM 6100

To:barker_m < (Ed Cesar)
Subject:Speeding Up a PM 6100

I also have a PM 6100/66 I would like to speed up.
I would greatly appreciate hearing about the results of
your research.


Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 12:20:03 -0700
From: "Cyrus Roton" <>
Subject: Subject: [C] Mac OS: When is enough enough? 

Brian Wessels < wrote"

> Judging from all the problems I see cited here and elsewhere, my
> current belief is that Mac OS 8.1 is the place to stay for quite a
> while. Lacking little more than Sherlock and fancy icons, it seems
> quite stable compared to reports on subsequent releases. Mac OS 8.5.1
> may be a contender, but 8.6 or 8.5 certainly don't seem to be. And then
> there's all the questions of software compatibility  -----------.
> I used to be baffled by folks who stayed with System 7.1 forever;
> now I'm beginning to understand. What's your opinion?

Well, if stability is the main consideration, I recommend the Apple IIe,
operating under ProDOS.  Mine has been running for about 15 years, with
never a glitch. When people denigrate the old A2e, I point out that the
machine still can run every bit of software ever written for it and still
can do everything it was designed to do. If you have a machine and system
which does everything you want it to do, then there is no need to upgrade.
That's my opinion.

But, if you want, or need, the latest features and capabilities, then
upgrading is the only way. So far, I am pleased with 8.6.1 on my UMAX C-600,
and would not care to go back to earlier systems. On the other hand, my wife
is satisfied with 7.6. But, then, all she does is word processing and email.

If one never upgrades, then one is unlikely to find software conflicts. But,
don't forget that some of the A2 programs, written under DOS 3.3, will not
run under ProDOS. And (as I recall) MacPaint will not run under 7.5. I guess
that conflicts are just a fact of life. Thank goodness for forums like
Info-Mac, where information about such problems (and the solutions) can be
passed on to all of us.


Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 12:24:11 -0700
From: Bruce Johnson <>
Subject: Two monitors, not quite in synch...

Thanks for everyone who wrote me and the list with suggestions.

What worked for me was getting a constrol strip module called
Multi-Resolutions (, which allows you to set your
monitors to resolutions and refresh rates that the Mac OS, in it's infinite
wisdom, chooses _not_ to let you try in the ordinary monitors control panel.

I could then set both monitors to a slightly higher refresh rate (75 vs 72 Hz)
which made the out of synch line almost completely dissapear. I then angled
them a bit from each other, rather than set them parallel side by side. That
made it vanish completely.



End of Info-Mac Digest