Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #280
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 31 Mar 99       Volume 16 : Issue 280

Today's Topics:

      (A) Menu screen capture
      (A) New AVI player for the Mac
      (Q) Anybody know of a drop PICT-> GIF converter?
      (Q) Eudora Pro 4.0 Deliver button?
      (Q) Full Impact
      (Q) No Free Macintosh internet Service Providers?
      (Q) PCI Expansion Adaptor?
      (Q) Word 5.1a and OS 8.5 and LW NTX
      .cpt file (A)
      .vcf file... (A)
      5200 Internal Modem?
      5200 Modem
      [A] Zip problem - solved
      [Q] Dog Show Software
      A: GV's New 56kb V.90 Modem Script (C) 
      Appleshare error (Q)
      Are boardswaps/LBU's still available for Quadras?
      coding attachments
      disappearing printers
      Finder unexpectedly quit under unusual circumstances (Q)
      Font and other questions
      Help: PB150 won't find PPDs (R)
      Is there a Way to hack Netscape????? Please Help.........
      Java errors with Netscape Communicator 4.5
      Mac version of USPS postage statement applet 
      MacOS 8.5.1 & Word 6.0.1
      making external hard disk
      Need help cusomizing Netscape.....
      Need help with Modem Speed on New sucks....
      New Iomega Stuff (Arrgghh!)
      Norton lost data [was: Info-Mac Digest V16 #268]
      P400 won't see floppy or Hd, chimes of death
      Pagemaker Question? (R)
      Powerbook 5xx Motherboard Replacement
      Powerbook 5xx Torx Driver
      Recording problems, the mystery of the vanishing HD.
      Sherlock error message -908
      SIMM module(128MB EDO)
      startup memory check in 8.5
      Turning On MacIIx Power Supply
      USB Modems w/o Drivers
      Zip problem! (R)

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Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 09:49:26 -0500

Creative Alliance
From: Gord Shlanger <>
Subject: PowerPoint Presentation

I need an urgent reply to this question. My client wants me to produce a
PowerPoint PC presentation consisting of supplied scanned photos, scanned
floor plans, text and two short audio recordings. I'll need to provide a
navigation system of buttons to be able to find almost 300 different floor
plans and photos. Plus they also want their logo done as a screensaver.
Everything supplied will be in PC format. I have a Mac. Can I do the
project with Virtual PC and copies of Illustrator, Photoshop and PowerPoint
for PC? Is there anything else I'll need? What do I need for the
screensaver? Help needed asap. TIA.

Gord Shlanger
Creative Alliance
47 Sycamore Drive
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
L3T 5V3

(905) 707-9300 (tel)
(905) 886-1506 (fax)


Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 16:43:11 -0500 (EST)

Do you have a cat?
Mine is called Mehudi.
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 22:20:58 +0200
From: "Dr. Peter Stoyanov" <>
Subject: SMS messages

Dear list,

I'm looking for URL that permits to send free SMS messages to GSM phone.

I know that this URL exist I just can't find it (even thought I've searched
the web).

With best regards,


Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 13:40:40 -0500
Subject: (A) Menu screen capture

Dear Digest readers,
I haven't been able to do this before, although it might have been
available as early as MacOS 8.0.   The command-shift-4 key combination to
screen capture a section of the screen allows you to capture a menu that is
selected.    Just don't let go of your mouse button when you select the top
of the menu and use your other hand to select those three keys
After that a crosshair (+) will appear which you can then point the mouse
to the upper left hand corner and drag to the lower right hand corner of
the area you want to capture.

I know it works on MacOS 8.5.1 on a Powerbook G3.



Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 21:09:17 -0500
Subject: (A) New AVI player for the Mac

Dear Digest readers,
Awhile back I remember reading somebody moaning over the fact that they
couldn't read AVIs on their Mac.   A new player has just entered the market
that does both QuickTime and AVI and that is "Play it Cool."

has all the news about it.



Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 01:32:07 -0500
Subject: (Q) Anybody know of a drop PICT-> GIF converter?

Dear Digest readers,
DropStuff gave me a wonderful idea for a program, if one hasn't been made
Why not drop a pict file over an icon and convert it to a GIF.    Options
for such a program should be whether to dither the picture, whether to make
it a transparency, and which GIF format should be used.   Anybody made a
program like that yet?

GraphicConverter doesn't seem to do it though.

Thank you.


Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:56:20 -0500
From: "Mark H. Bowersox" <>

Hello all, In the spring I'm looking to buy a new mac. Now I am 
running a POWER MAC 7300/200 WITH MAC OS8.5.1. I am using Microsoft
office 4.5.1, Internet explorer and outlook express. I also run a lot
of Kids EDU. programs. I am also looking into buying a flat bed
scanner in the near futher. The only other thing that I might
undertake with the computer is web page for my mothers Antique Tractor
club.  I connect to the internet through my work by modems.  I just
wanted to give you folks some info as to what I do and am looking to
do so you can provide me some good help.

    I was looking at buying a G3. Any comments? Can you get the PC
card in the G3 or does it come with it or should I buy the virtual PC
software? Would this be a good machine for what I want? I was told
that I should upgrade this POWER MAC with a new board. Any comments
there? There is a place here that sells rebuilt macs that i was
thinking about checking into to help lower the cost and maybe get a
faster one yet. Any comments there? Thanks people any thing that you
can provide me as to good points and bad points will be gladly taken
as I don't want to screw up since I don't know that much about the new
macs. I love the power mac since i installed 8.5 Glad I bought this
machine .
Mark H. Bowersox


Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 07:31:09 -0500
Subject: (Q) Eudora Pro 4.0 Deliver button?

Dear Digest readers,
All of a sudden I can't tell from where, everytime I check mail, the task
progress window has a Deliver button that temporarily comes up before the
inbox obscurs it.   Yet when I go to my outbox, it doesn't show any pending
delivery.    I close my inbox window, and the progress window is already
gone.  It isn't until the next time I receive mail that I see this button
again.  Not just once, but everytime I check mail and there is mail for me.
When there is no mail, no deliver button.    If I am quick enough I do
press the button.    But I have to be quick as a G3.    Only reflexes are
that quick.     So my question is, is there an attachment waiting for me at
my server?   Is it trying to send a message with an attachment?   What is
this Deliver button indicating?



Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 22:58:20 -0500
Subject: (Q) Full Impact

Dear Digest readers,
I believe I asked this question before, but nobody answered.   Ages ago
there was a spreadsheet by Borland called Full Impact 2.0.3s (made for the
Mac).    Sadly the spreadsheet doesn't work on 32bit addressing, and
crashes every time I try to open it.   I suppose I could try and open all
my old spreadsheets on my LC, but that would take a lot longer than just
being able to use them on my Powerbook G3.   Anybody know of a way to get
Full Impact translated to Excel 5.0?   DataViz 9.7 doesn't.   Surely there
must be some way to translate this old spreadsheet format.

Now if somebody could emulate 24bit addressing on 8.5, that would be great.

Thank you.



Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 12:06:23 -0500
Subject: (Q) No Free Macintosh internet Service Providers?

Dear Digest readers,
A few internet service providers with their own software packages have
started to sprout up with free e-mail and web dialup access.    There is
NetZero, and, and I am sure there are few
others.   But all only offer PC oriented software.   Now granted there is
Hotmail, NetAddress, Yahoo, Lycos, and a few others with free e-mail, but
only if you already have a dialup.    Now have I not searched hard enough,
or is there no free dialup access available for the Mac?    NetZero says
their software for the Mac is due in 6 months.    I have temporarily
managed to get free access by being the Macintosh tech support technician
for an internet provider.   But for all those not technically inclined
there should be a free dialup provider supported by its advertisers for the
Macintosh.   If anyone is interested in starting one in the Washington DC
area, please e-mail me at the address below.   I don't have the funding,
but I do have the expertise in Macintosh networking.

Thank you.


Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 14:11:26 -0500
Subject: (Q) PCI Expansion Adaptor?

Dear Digest readers,
The Powerbook G3 Series was noted in the June 1998 issue of "MacWorld"
magazine on page 64 as having a "PCI Expansion Adaptor" option under the
description of the "I" item namely the Hot swappable 5.25 inch expansion
bay.  If this is true, then hardware developers have yet to make one, or it
only exists in some obscure source.       MacConnection has never heard of
it.   Now I do know makes a PCI expansion chasis, and
maybe that is what "MacWorld" was referring to, but at costs of $1200, that
is a bit steap.    What is the PCI Expansion Adaptor, and where is the
cheapest place to get it?   Is there an adaptor that can be added onto it
to allow the addition of OrangeMicro PC cards?

Also on the same page it notes that the processor sits on a daughtercard,
which in theory means it can be exchanged for another processor card.  Is
this true of even the 14" 233Mhz G3 Series with 512k backside cache?
Anyone make faster daughtercards separate from the main machine that I
could contact?

Thank you.



Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 07:32:43 -0500
Subject: (Q) Word 5.1a and OS 8.5 and LW NTX

Dear Digest readers,
I have a friend who can't afford Word 6.0 let alone Office 98, and he is
having trouble printing to his Laserwriter NTX using the Chaucer font, as
it gives him an out of Memory error when he prints.    Yet when he prints
using the Geneva font it works fine.  Anybody know of a Chaucer like font
that is stable under MacOS 8.5 using a Laserwriter?   By the way, I found
that Word seems to work OK otherwise without the usual assortment of
Microsoft INITs installed.   Are there any particular INITs that should be
installed?   We had just moved him from MacOS 7.5.3, and still have the
previous system folder from which to get those Microsoft INITs.
He has an PowerMac 8100/80 with 32MB of RAM.   Naturally, he can't just yet
afford new memory either.    I don't have Word 6.0 or Office 98.   He even
tried increasing the Get Info box  by a 6000k.

Now I seem to remember there was a patch to take Word 5.1a to 5.1e, or am I
mistaken?   Would that help?      If it would, what is the ftp site I can
get that patch from?

Thank you.


Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 11:59:35 +0100
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: .cpt file (A)

Gord Shlanger <>

> Help! What's a .cpt file and what do I need to open it with? TIA.

A compressed archive from Compact Pro. It can be de-compressed with
Compact Pro (obviously), as well as with StuffIt Expander.

Best wishes, Christian.
Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>
"Nur Menschen, die lachen k=F6nnen, sind ernst zu nehmen" - Maurice Boykasse


Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 14:02:01 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: .vcf file... (A)

"Randall G. Floyd" <> wrote

> What's a .vcf file=20

A "virtual visitor=B4s card", invented by Netscape and/or Microsoft to
take up space on the hard drive.

> and what do I need to open it with?

Any application that can read text files (sipleText, BBEdit, etc.).
Better still, just throw them away. They don=B4t contain any useful
information anyway. And ask your correspondents to switch them off.


Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)=7F
Look at <>
"Nur Menschen, die lachen k=F6nnen, sind ernst zu nehmen" Maurice Boykasse


Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 12:50:38 -0800
From: "Antonich, James" <>
Subject: 5200 Internal Modem?

Anybody know the whereabouts of a good internal model for my Mac 5200?
My 14.4 is driving me crazy?

Jim Antonich
Director of Programs (acting)
Office of Continuing Education
California State University at Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
  Tel: 323-343-5964
5300 Palmer Canyon
Claremont, CA 91711
  Tel: 909-626-2616


Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 16:10:07 -0800
From: Jim Antonich <>
Subject: 5200 Modem

Any suggestions on upgrading to a new INTERNAL modem for my Mac 5200. The
old 14.4 is driving me crazy.

Jim Antonich


Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:26:16 +0000
From: (LoboMac)
Subject: [A] Zip problem - solved

In article <7bs38m$762$>, (The Info-Mac Moderators) wrote:

>From: Ephraim Fithian <>
>Subject: Zip problem!
>>I have a PPC Macintosh; 550/225; 8GB HD; running OS8.5.1.
>>Recently I removed the internal 2.1GB HD in favour of the 8GB now
>>installed, and prior to that I had no problems with my Iomega Zip drive.
>>However, since the swap over I am unable to start up the Mac -a blank
>>screen only- with the Zip drive attached. If I disconnect the Zip
>>everything is fine! The change of HD is the only thing that took place.
>>I have checked the cables, connections, ID # and termination but still
>>cannot solve the problem.>
>>Any ideas what the solution may be?
>I have had the same problem with an LC475 (Q605) and a Q700 after
>installing an internal non-Apple drive in SCSI-0. They would both boot off
>a non-Apple external CD-ROM, but not the Zip. I tried old zip drivers and
>new zip drivers. No solution found. Both worked fine when the internal
>drive at SCSI-0 was an Apple drive, and would boot off a zip. Perhaps the
>zip is using info from the internal apple drive's ROM to start up?
>Possible solution: keep the old 2.1 as internal drive and set up the 8 GB
>as an external, but set it for start-up. This should allow the zip to also
>serve as a start-up drive.
>Please post if you find a solution.
>Dr. Ephraim Fithian <>

In a last ditch attempt I substituted the Zip and cable on another MAC and
it turned out that the SCSI cable was faulty. A totally unrelated problem
to changing over the disks but one which manifested itself after the change


ta reply, rub oot -LoboMac- from...


Date: 	Wed, 17 Mar 1999 10:52:37 -1000
From: Jerry Levinson <>
Subject: [Q] Dog Show Software

Any recommendations on software to run a dog show? An accredited AKC show.
Andy maybe a specialized solution to printing the catalog for said show?

I can do it "by hand" but would like something more automated.



Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 11:03:11 -0500
From: monte <>
Subject: A: GV's New 56kb V.90 Modem Script (C) 


I know I'm late in reading this post but since no one else has chimed in I
thought I would add to your coments.

The problems you noted with your Global Village modem affect ALL 56k
modems. This is not a standard which is fully realized yet,in comparison to
33.6 connections. Hardware sits on a shelf for months meanwhile the modem
firmware or the code used to communicate between the modem and the
computer, the ccl file, usually needs to be upgraded. Why? Because the
firmware on the modem boxes at your LAN, ISP has been updated in the
meantime. It is an ongoing thing to try to improve performance and fix
problems with modems that don't want to connect. The problems you outline:
slow connections, disconnects are typical of old firmware or ccl files.

Version Tracker is a great resource but there is also a page dedicated to
56k modems. Have you tried going to ? Among other things
you can navigate directly to your modem manufacturers web page for ccl
files and or firmware updates. I routinely check that site out for my
customers. (Plus they tell you how to edit a ccl file.)

On a side note, though I can sympathize with your frustration, I would not
recommend a USR modem. I work in Technical Support for an ISP and we have
more problems with that brand of modem than any other.

In closing be verrrry glad you don't have one of those, expletive deleted,
PC's. Most are shipping with Winmodems (think geoport). They're a royal
pain to deal with and often perform at subpar levels. Heck numerous people
have reported buying a new Gateway machine and the modem it ships with is
slower the than the old machine's modem.

Monte Ferguson

>Yes, I gripe a lot. That's what curmudgeons do. But I also give credit
where it is due (I hope). I just sent the following note to tech suppt
at Global Village:

>I noted on VersionTracker the other day that you had just released the
>version 1.1.1 modem script (GV V.90 Flex Preferred) for my new GV 56K
>v.90 modem. I snagged it real quick. It wasn't supposed to help my
>situation, but I was grasping at straws.
>The university's computing center (Virginia Tech, the recently
>converted from 14.4kb modems and SLIP to 56kb V.90 modems and PPP. The
>PPP part worked nicely with my old 14.4 Teleport Gold, so I got your
>latest and greatest. And I applied the 2.20 ROM upgrade. And I could
>not get reliable access to the university. Awful slow and more lack of
>connection than not. I was getting a tad frazzled.
>The 1.1.1 modem script solved the problem. I dunno what you did, but it
>was a Good Thing. Connection (and disconnect) is markedly faster. And I
>connect on the first try much more often than not. And I connect at higher
>speeds (42-44kb) than with the old script. I suspect my unconditioned
>phone line can't do better. Heck, I can remember when conventional
>wisdom had it that 2400 baud was the best an unconditioned phone line
>could do.
>I'm, if not ecstatic, certainly not frazzled. Thanks.

No, I'm not ecstatic. When I got my GV 56kb V.90 modem, I checked the
GV web site and found (1) I needed the 2.20 ROM updater and (2) the
modem script that came with the modem was fine. Wrong on (2) anyway.

When I tried to register the modem with GV on the web, I needed a
serial number that was not anywhere. I made up one (123456) that the
dumb web form accepted, but I could not actually submit my registration.
Netscape hung, big time, every time I tried. I wrote a note to GV tech
support which was massively ignored.

Had the 1.1.1 modem script not been posted on Versiontracker, and had
I not known to check Versiontracker every few days, I'd be back to my
14.4kb modem and wondering who I might stick with the new GV 56kb.

But all is now well. GV tech suppt may never see or respond to my note
of thanks, any more than they responded to my cry for help of last month,
but Uncle Al, The Kiddies' Pal, is a happy camper.

But I can't help thinking US Robotics might have been a better choice.

Al Bloom


Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 13:19:14 -0500
Subject: Appleshare error (Q)

Dear Digest readers,
Ever since I first made an Appletalk network connection to my 7200/75 from
my Powerbook G3 series, I've found that turning off Appletalk gives me an
Appleshare error upon startup.   Now sure I can disable some of the
Appletalk extensions to prevent that error, but that leaves me with an
unstable system.    File sharing is turned off, yet the error persists.
File linking is off yet the error persists.

The error occurs on my Powerbook G3/233, with MacOS 8.5.1, RAM Disk, and
96MB of RAM (no virtual memory, no RAM Doubler) and right during the
startupscreen.   Any idea of how to turn the error off without disabling
any of the default Apple extensions?

Thank you.


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 99 06:14:41 -0500
From: "Stephen J. Wright" <>
Subject: Are boardswaps/LBU's still available for Quadras?


Just wondered if anyone knew if boardswaps (ie, upgrades to 601/60 and 
601/100 PPC motherboards) were still available, viable or even prudent.  
I know Apple slammed the door shut on that option years ago, but are 
there third-party alternatives out there still worth a buck?

Steve Wright


Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 10:39:45 +0000
From: Ezra Nathan <>
Subject: coding attachments

Hi InfoMac Readers>

I'd like some advice as to how to code attachments to Windows users. There
are some files in Word and Excel that I need to send to those who run
Windows 97 or later and I know that Binhexing the documents will cause them
problems because they won't know what to do with it. Is there a coding
method that Windows users are familiar with and that their usual unstuffing
software will be able to handle? Like UUencode perhaps? Has anyone
experience with the procedure that they can advise me about?

> Ezra


Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 15:49:09 EST
Subject: disappearing printers

I am using System 8.1 on a G3, with two laser printers, a laser writer II and
a personal laser NT, hooked up by local talk.

I put the icons for both printers inside the system folder.  I noticed a few
days ago that the laser writer II icon's outline was heavy.  Then a small red
stop sign, with a hand on it appeared on the icon.  And then I got such a hand
on the personal laser writer icon.  And now neither printer will print.  

The desktop print monitor icon, inside the extensions folder, is shaded, as
though it were in use.  It is sitting beside the desktop printer monitor
spooler, which has a normal appearance.  The OpenOT icon is also shaded.  Both
printer descriptions are in the printer descriptions folder in the extensions
folder.  Printershare, PrintingLib, and Printmonitor are there, and do not
seem to be in use.  

In the printer selector window of the control strip, there is a dot beside the
personal laser writer.  

Both printers turn on, print the initial sheet of paper, and appear in the
chooser when they are on.  When I select either printer, and close the
chooser, nothing happens, and when I go back into the chooser, the laser
writer icon is unselected again.

Any idea what my problem might be?  Thank you in advance.



Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 16:35:04 -0500
Subject: Finder unexpectedly quit under unusual circumstances (Q)

Dear Digest readers,
I was merrily playing my Audio CD, and decided I wanted to move over a file
to my Apple menu.
The launcher happened to have an alias I put in it for the Apple menu and I
dragged the file over there.     The file was the HP DJ Open Chooser.
Mind you the Launcher control panel was locked, as suggested by people in
the past to make it work with MacOS 8.5.1.   Upon dragging over the Apple
Menu Items icon on the launcher this HP file, I got the crash.    What's
more the CD was still playing since the AppleCD audio player program was
still open.   Quit from the CD player, and all of a sudden all I had was a
watch cursor and a pointer cursor flipping between each other.  After about
2 minutes it finally asked me if I wanted to rebuild the desktop file, so I

My first question, what would cause the Finder to unexpectedly quit when
dragging an item over to the Apple Menu Items folder while aliased in the
Launcher?    Does having the Apple Menu Items folder aliased in one's
Launcher items folder create any system instability?    Can I drag items to
folders in the Launcher menu, or should I only do that to opened folders?

Was this the auto-start virus?

Powerbook G3 Series/233 with 96MB of RAM, no virtual memory.



Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 15:51:15 EST
Subject: Font and other questions

I have had a font, MTExt, spelled correctly, upper case E, for a very long
time, and I have no idea what it looks like any more.  Its icon looks like an
old Apple laser writer II from the side, and there are two small ones on it.  

When I double click it, I am told that it is a postscript font, and that I
must put it into the fonts folder in order to be able to use it.  Even though
it is in the fonts folder, I cannot get it to display.  Though it is sitting
in the fonts folder, it is not available as a font choice in applications.  In
addition, it resists being dragged into any of the font suitcases.  

I tried to drag it into the fonts folder, in the resources folder, of the
adobe acrobat 4.0 reader folder, which worked.  But acrobat does not seem to
want to allow me to select any text of any acrobat documents that I have, in
order to change the display font.

How can I use this font;  how can I write or print in it;  at minimum, how can
I see what it looks like?

Next, why is there a collection of fonts in the acrobat resource folder?  I
have the reader only, so I can't write anything.  In addition, why are these
fonts not in the fonts folder in the system folder?  Are they useable for
anything?  I notice that many are identical to fonts in the system folder,
except for the fact that they are postscript.  

Why is it that the Apple laser writer II seems to get along with postscript,
while the personal laser writer NT does not.  I have one of each hooked up to
my machine. 
On a slightly different subject, I wonder what the modifications to the desk
top laser printer icons tells me.  The Personal LaserWriter NT icon has a red
ball on it.  And the LaserWriter II NT icon is heavily outlined.  These icons
remain as they are, whether or not the printers are on, or chosen.  

And what is the Apple desktop printer utility, stored in the Apple extras
folder, do?  

What is the difference between "normal printing and use of the desk top icons.
I always do my printing from inside the applications, and these icons are new
to 8.0 or perhaps 8.1.

I am interested in setting up a list for a small group I am a member of on one
of the free hosting sites.  However, I am told by one of them that I must have
Java.  I have Java on my machine, it is standard on 8.1, but how do I make it
available in a way that would please both AOL and a host?  I think that AOL
uses Internet Explorer, but it is somehow embedded in the AOL system.  Here at
last is perhaps a good reason NOT to be on AOL.

Finally, I should have been thinking about this year or so ago, but in
general, do I want to be on 8.5 or 8.5.1 or am I just as well off here at 8.1?
A simple answer, reflecting the dumb generality of the question, will do.
Just like the kitchen in my favorite restaurant, there are things I prefer not
to learn too much about.  My brand new power book is using 8.5.1, perhaps 8.5,
and I prefer uniformity somewhat..  

Thank you for the help.

Michael B. Luskin


Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 14:01:54 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Help: PB150 won't find PPDs (R)

Gary Bowering <> wrote:

> My problem is this: Chooser can see the modem and set it up. It can also
> see LaserWriter 8 and the HP Laserjet extensions. But it can't find the
> HP4MP PPDs. I've re-installed the software, moved the PPDs out of the
> Printer Descriptions folder, moved them back... and can't think of
> anything else!

Your chooser extension may be a different language version than your
system, or you renamed the printer descriptions folder, for example, by
adding a space in front or at the end, etc.=20

But you can easily manually select the PPD for your printer, and
everything will work.=20

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)=7F
Look at <>
"Nur Menschen, die lachen k=F6nnen, sind ernst zu nehmen" Maurice Boykasse


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 00:05:12 -0800
From: (Jacky)
Subject: Is there a Way to hack Netscape????? Please Help.........

Please help�.

I�m currently working on this art project which requires me to use the
Internet. I�m using Netscape 4.0 as the browser. I want to disable some of
the buttons on the browser window. I don�t want the print and find button
operating or be shown. I want the Back and Forward button to be active. Is
there any way to turn some of those functions off? I�m using a Mac. The
art piece with just use a trackball. I don�t want the viewer to have any
access to the cpu and the other functions.  Is there any way to do this? I
remember there was a way to go about this but I forgot how to do this.
I�ve tried using Resedit but everything I tried talking some of those
buttons out it keeps crashing the application. I�ve tried writing a script
for it but that didn�t work either. I really need help. My student show is
coming up a 2 short weeks. I really want to stick to Netscape but if
Explorer is a better choice, please let me know. Thanks for taking the
time to read this. I would greatly appreciate any kind of help or

Art Student in need of desperate assistant
 Please reply to,


Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 15:26:10 -0800
From: Edwin Horneij <horneij@mira.astro.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Java errors with Netscape Communicator 4.5

I am sure this is a common problem, but I haven't managed to find anything 
applying to it on the Web. No doubt I am looking in the wrong places.

Whenever my browser (Netscape Communicator v4.5) attempted to load a page 
incorporating Java my Mac (PowerMac 7200/120 with 64 MB RAM) used to 
freeze. This behavior persisted throughout several reinstalls of 
Communicator and 3 or 4 clean installs of the OS (OS 8.1), removing all 
third party system extensions, etc.

Since reinstalling Communicator yet again after upgrading to OS 8.5 this 
behavior has improved. Now only Communicator freezes. I am able to force 
quit for a change -- what luxury -- and I even get an error message! "Type 
10 (bus error)".

What I would really like is a solution to my problem beyond disabling Java, 
but at this point I would settle for an informed explanation of what the 
heck is happening. I am on the verge of wiping my hard drive and 
reinstalling everything bit by bit, but I have the nagging suspicion it 
won't really do much good.

Any help appreciated.

Ed Horneij


Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 23:17:31 -0500
From: Matthew Mitchell <>
Subject: Mac version of USPS postage statement applet

Postage Statement Wizard is a Java "smart form" application that calculates
postage for presorted and bulk mailings and prints completed postal forms.
It's long been available in a Mac version, though updates tend to be a
coupla months behind the Windows version.

Comment from the developer follows:
>We're aware that the forms are slow to open. This is mostly a function
>of using the current Java technology on Macintosh. However, in future
>releases, we'll do what we can to enhance performance. For future
>releases, we will also create two different software downloads--one
>including the Java support and one without it, for those of you who
>already have the current Java files installed.
>We hope the new format will be helpful. Please let me know if you have
>any questions.
>Peggy Hager
>PS Wizard Customer Support


    /_\      Matthew Mitchell, Newsletter Editor
   /[ ]\     Delaware Valley Association of Railroad Passengers
  /  |  \    PO Box 7505, Philadelphia PA 19101-7505
 /  _|_  \   voice: 215-673-6445-message box 3, fax 215-885-7448


Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 10:14:49 -0500
From: "Edward M. Greenberg" <>
Subject: MacOS 8.5.1 & Word 6.0.1

I just installed MacOS 8.5.1 and I now get the following message when I
the Open from the File Menu in Word 6.0.1:

WordBasic Err=25
Out of Memory (Stack Space)

I have no problem with new doc or with opening a doc by double clicking
by opening a doc by using the find file command.
I have plenty of memory, no other apps open etc.
Any thoughts out there or do I really need to upgrade to Word 98 for the

Thanks in advance

Ed Greenberg

Ed Greenberg

I'd rather be fishing!


Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 11:05:56 -0200
From: Ken Rodgers <>
Subject: making external hard disk

    I have a 8 gig scsi hard drive. I want to put this in a box and make
it an external hard drive. Does anyone know a site on the web that could
show me how to do this. I have a basic knowledge of electronic and I can
be boxes, cables and power supplys, just need wiring diagrams and so on.

Thanks in advance


Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 15:13:45 -0800
Subject: Need help cusomizing Netscape.....

Please help�.

I�m currently working on this art project which requires me to use the
Internet. I�m using Netscape 4.0 as the browser. I want to disable some of
the buttons on the browser window. I don�t want the print and find button
operating or be shown. I want the Back and Forward button to be active. Is
there any way to turn some of those functions off? I�m using a Mac. The
art piece with just use a trackball. I don�t want the viewer to have any
access to the cpu and the other functions.  Is there any way to do this? I
remember there was a way to go about this but I forgot how to do this.
I�ve tried using Resedit but everything I tried talking some of those
buttons out it keeps crashing the application. I�ve tried writing a script
for it but that didn�t work either. I really need help. My student show is
coming up a 2 short weeks. I really want to stick to Netscape but if
Explorer is a better choice, please let me know. Thanks for taking the
time to read this. I would greatly appreciate any kind of help or

Art Student in need of desperate assistant
 Please reply to,


Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 15:11:30 -0800
Subject: Need help with Modem Speed on New sucks....

To whom this may concern:

I �ve just recently purchase a new Mac G3 (the blue and white one). I put
a global village internal modem in it. My ISP is earthlink. Anyhow, my
connection sucks. It�s suppose to be a 56k modem and my speed and
connection rate sucks. I�m using the latest version of the OS (8.5.1) with
the latest Open Transport. My connection is not consistent. My average
speed of connection is at 2.8k/sec at best. 3.3k/sec on a good day. I�m
usually on it after 10:30p.m. On my old machine (Mac 7500 with a 33.6
global village modem) my speed was great. It was always consistent. I�m
dialing in to a 56k supported line. What am I doing wrong here? Please
help. I want to get better connection speed.  Thanks for the your time.
Your help and suggestions would greatly be appreciated.


Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 18:39:02 -0500
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: New Iomega Stuff (Arrgghh!)

Oh this is goofy.

I downloaded Iomega's ZIP Suite 1.1.3 (03/99) today.  Newer stuff.
Iomega Driver 6.0.4, Iomega Drive Options 1.4.5, Copy Machine 1.3.

Worked fine on my new PB G3/233, HD and boot ZIP. Went to put
it on my desktop (7300/180) machine and wondered what was going
on. If a ZIP disc is in the ZIP drive, the new Iomega driver is X'd
out on startup from HD. A startup from HD without a ZIP disc in
the drive yields a normal (un-X'd) Iomega driver medallion. If I boot
the machine from a ZIP with the new driver on it, the Iomega driver
is X'd out. If I remove the Iomega extension and CP from the ZIP
disc, it boots my machine fine.

Yeah, same thing happens if I "erase" the ZIP with the new Iomega
extension, which should put the latest driver on the disc, yes?

In no case am I blown out of the water. The machine boots from HD
and sees the ZIP drive and disc. The machine boots from ZIP disc.

What does an X'd out extension mean any more?

I wish I understood this stuff.

Even more, I wish Iomega actually had a tech support address or
phone number to address these questions. The arrogant naughtywords
hide from us. Here, kid. Read a FAQ. How can they know what a FAQ
is if they don't accept questions? Enquiring minds want to know.



Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 07:00:23 -0600
From: Gib Henry <>
Subject: Norton lost data [was: Info-Mac Digest V16 #268]

>Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 23:22:22 -0800
>From: max <>
>Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #268
>I used the new Norton on my PowerMac 7100 and lost data galore.  And I
>scarcely finished installing the monster.  Back to TechTool.
>Max Millar

Hold on there, Max...what VERSION of Norton Disk Doctor and what
VERSION of the system?  Anyone using NDD version less than 4.03 with
FWB Hard Disk Toolkit version less than 2.5.3 is asking for disaster.
Same thing applies to certain earlier versions of Apple's disk

The version numbers mentioned above have been entirely satisfactory for
me.  Cheers,


Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 11:14:30 -0500
Subject: P400 won't see floppy or Hd, chimes of death


I am trying to help my brother in law, so some of the information that I
have is second hand. He has my old P400, so I know the system very well.
He is running the P400 version of System 7 (or 7.1?), and recently did a
partial re-install to replace some items that he accidentally deleted,
but needs. He did the re-install while operating off of the HD system
(not a floppy), so the Finder and System were not replaced because they
were in use (I think that this is the source of some of the problem).
His original problem was fixed. He then tried to use his AOL account and
was able to logon, but was kicked off (he admits probably by AOL). At
some point he re-installed AOL from a CD. While trying to re-logon, AOL
crashed the machine, and when he restated, he got the chimes of death.
He panicked and called me :) He lives in Florida, and I live in NY :P

Well, whether we try to start from the HD or from the system utilities
start-up disk or from a Norton Emergency disk, all we get is the chimes
of death (I can hear it over the phone!) We think we zapped the PRAM
correctly (what exactly is that key sequence to be sure?), and I had him
remove and re-insert the battery just to be sure. Nothing. From what I
can recall, the code under the dead mac icon at start-up indicates a
software problem (I think he said 7-zeros and an "F" on one line, and
7-zero's and a "C" on the second line). Or does this indicate a hardware

I have heard the "chimes" way too many times, but I have never had the
machine completely ignore the floppy drive. I don't know know what to
tell him-I'm completely perplexed! Please help! He is totally depending
upon our combined wisdom! Please feel free to contact me directly if you
choose at I feel very bad for him, because I
had been trying to lead him through this, and now he has nothing :(

Thank you very much,
Carolyn Barry


Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 14:02:07 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Pagemaker Question? (R)

"Melvin Wilson Jr." <> wrote:

> Right now I am using a Mac with Pagemaker 6.5 on an NT network.  Is it
> possible to transfer Pagemaker files back and forth between both
> platforms?  On the Windows side they are using Pagemaker 6.0. =20

I think the file formats are different between PM 6.5 and 6.0, but
saving the files in 6.0 format should allow the NT users to use them.

Hope this helps. Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)=7F
Look at <>
"Nur Menschen, die lachen k=F6nnen, sind ernst zu nehmen" Maurice Boykasse


Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 15:49:58 EST
Subject: Powerbook 5xx Motherboard Replacement

     I am interested in replacing the motherboard in my Powerbook 520c.  
The previous owner fried the Printer/Modem port by hot-swapping devices 
on it.  I also wouldn't mind the slight performance increase I could gain 
by replacing the current board with a 540's, for instance.  I have 
obtained a copy of the PB RUI, and the illusive Torx T8 screwdriver.  The 
RUI, however gives very sketchy info on the 5xx series, and only really 
goes as far as RAM upgrades.  I opened my Powerbook, and got as far as 
removing a board which appears to have the processor on it, as well as 
removing the hard drive and floppy drive.  From there, I can't seem to 
disassemble it any further.
     Is anyone familiar with 5xx surgery, or know of a site or newsgroup 
where I could get some more information?  Is this a feasible idea to 
begin with?  I would rate myself as having medium-high 'surgery skills'.

Thanks a lot,
Jake Cross

        [ | |]
            [ICQ: 7195169 | AOL IM: Boybert | eBay: boybert]

             "Justice isn't blind -- she's just crosseyed"


Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 17:31:50 EST
Subject: Powerbook 5xx Torx Driver

     I have been reading up lately on Powerbook 5xx series maintenance, 
and it seems that the biggest problem people have is obtaining the proper 
Torx screwdriver to open the machine.  I have seen them occasionaly on 
eBay, going for around $15.  I found a great deal from Jensen Tools 
(, the best tool supply company around.  For $6.25, they 
carry a Torx T8 Driver, item #289-108 which is the perfect shape and 
length for operating on a PB5xx.  Their website is easy to use, and they 
ship same day.

Hope this helps someone,
Jake Cross

p.s. I am not associated with Jensen Tools in any way :)

        [ | |]
            [ICQ: 7195169 | AOL IM: Boybert | eBay: boybert]

             "Justice isn't blind -- she's just crosseyed"


Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 12:52:15 +0900
From: "Allan Sutherland" <>
Subject: Recording problems, the mystery of the vanishing HD.

Has anyone experienced any problems connected with Ultra Recorder any of
the 2.4 versions?

My experience, using a G3, 64mb RAM, 233 processor, system 8.5.1, with
no additional extensions (strange or otherwise) installed, has been that
the recorder suddenly seizes, the level bar is flickering its full
length. As soon as I touch the keyboard the programme crashes then the
computer will not respond to any input whatsoever. Trying to restart
invokes the flashing question mark. Kill the disc and restart it is
usually OK, but not always.

On one other occasion after recording apparentlty succesfully, after
shut down on restart the system could not find the hard disc. However,
after leaving in exasperation. Returning after a long weekend the system
started up with no apparent displeasure.

Does anyone have any idea what might be happening here? All detective
work, playing with extensions, reducing them to the MAC OS ones only,
tweaking the controls, have brought no solution. One passing thought is
that there maybe a problem with writing files onto the disc, which Ultra
Recorder does. That even although there is 2.5gegabytes free on the hard
disc this may be subdivided by fragmentation, result the recording stops
on hitting an occupied segmant, beginning the steps leading to
corruption. That is a guess, any ideas, any ill experiences?



Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 21:35:54 +0100
From: Eduard <>
Subject: Sherlock error message -908

See subject. Then my PPC 5400, 8.5.1 freezes. Anyone? Eduard.


Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 11:12:55 -0800
Subject: SIMM module(128MB EDO)

Dear Gentleman

I am looking for EDO 128MB SIMM(72pin, 60 nsec) theseday.
It seems to me it is very rare in the general market.
If you have these items in stocks, I want to buy 5 of them.
Please give me your Quote as quickly as possible.


Joe Kwon



Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 15:40:58 -0800
From: (Dr. Julian E G�mez)
Subject: startup memory check in 8.5

Does anyone know how to disable the startup memory check? The 8.5 Memory
control panel has resources for turning it off, but what is the magic key
combination to get that option to appear?

  Dr. Julian "a tribble took it " Gomez
  original member Apple Computer QuickDraw 3-D Team


Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 16:38:21 -0600
From: "Joseph A. Counsil" <>
Subject: Turning On MacIIx Power Supply


I have a spare MacII/MacIIx power supply, and would like to use it as a
bench supply for testing devices (hard disks, etc.).  I have been trying to
figure out how to turn the thing on, but have not had any success.

Can anyone tell me how the supply is turned on through the mother board
(hence, through the keyboard)?

I would have thought a simple contact on a couple of the leads would do it,
but I have not found the right combination, and have found ZERO voltages
present at the connector.  Strange...

Thanks in advance for your help.

(NOTE:  Please copy any replies to "" as I often can not
read all the digests.)


   | Joseph A. Counsil, Research Engineer, University of Missouri - Rolla |
   | Chemistry Department,      Phone: (573) 341-4397 |
   | 142 Schrenk Hall, Rolla, MO 65409        Amateur Radio: -= KB0FPD =- |


Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:22:05 -0500
From: (Nathan Danner)
Subject: USB Modems w/o Drivers

I am brand new on this list so please excuse any breeches in protocol.=20
Does anyone know if a USB modem without Mac drivers has any chance of
working on a USB capable Mac?  I have a US Robotics 56K Voice Faxmodem Pr=
which works fine on the serial port but I am planning on upgrading to a
B&W G3 and would like to use the USB port on the back of the modem rather
than using a USB to serial converter.  =20
(  Since
3com does not make Mac Software for this modem they will not provide any
answers about my configuration.

Any help would be appreciated.


Nathan Danner
Technology Coordinator
Arkport Central School
35 East Ave, PO Box 70
Arkport, NY 14807

(607) 295-7471

He scrambled out on the first bank he came to,
and he hopped home across the meadow
with his macintosh all in tatters.

       --Jeremy Fisher by Beatrix Potter           =20


Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 14:02:15 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Zip problem! (R) (LoboMac) wrote:

You hide your address - don't you like replies? ...

> Recently I removed the internal 2.1GB HD in favour of the 8GB now
> installed, and prior to that I had no problems with my Iomega Zip drive.
> However, since the swap over I am unable to start up the Mac -a blank
> screen only- with the Zip drive attached. If I disconnect the Zip
> everything is fine! The change of HD is the only thing that took place.

1) Did you copy the whole old drive to the new one, or did you
re-install system, and other things? In such cases, I take the simple
way, just copy everything over and then it works as before.

2) May also be a termination problem. Is the internal disk SCSI? If so,
make sure the term jumper on the internal drive is set.

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)=7F
Look at <>
"Nur Menschen, die lachen k=F6nnen, sind ernst zu nehmen" Maurice Boykasse



End of Info-Mac Digest