Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #220 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Fri, 18 Dec 98 Volume 16 : Issue 220 Today's Topics: "view source" problems in Netscape (Q) Adobe PhotoDelux and Kodak Picture Easy Software (Q) screen saver (Q) Where to find no interest 3 month purchases [A] MacTCP invisible [Q] List view [Q] Speakerphone software [Q]Amazing Expanding Fonts A new G3 that doesn't work! A Wintel Counterpart to Info-Mac Digest advice on modem purchase Answer: Audio and CD-R Belay that last question! Bitsurfr ISDN and 8.5 Chroma Tuner wanted Default paper size changes spontaneously on moving between machines Digester back on-line Eudora: Attached Images Not Longer Display In Message FileMaker Pro and 8.5 Finding Fonts help: CD-Rom not recognized??? HFS+ crashes Incremental page-counting s/w for Epson Stylus Color 600? Info on OneScanner Driver Please Info-Mac Digest V16 #213 Info-Mac Digest V16 #213 LC-PDS 10BT Workaround for 56kbps limit? Lost ...(Stuffit Expander upgrade to 5.0) Megahurtz Cruisecard 56.6 - scam!!! Moments of Madness NetClip or alternatives? OS 8.5 OS 8.5 and Stylewriter 4100 pgroblem OT/PPP problem with ELSA Microlink 56k under V90 Performa 630CD upgrade hard drive Pic-to-Icon array doohickey? PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5 problems with adobe gamma colorcalibration Quadra 605 help Sherlock StuffIt Browser window won't close Type -192 error on Launcher (A) Virtual PC Where to find SyQuest Utilities or equivalent? The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Email Addresses and Instructions: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions: * To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below: <> * Search the archive at <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Michael Bean, Liam Breck, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, and Shawn Bunn. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V16 #220" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 13:44:42 -0700 From: Subject: The Extraordinary Gift Casady & Greene is pleased to offer you an opportunity to bestow the gifts of software and love on others while helping to eliminate poverty housing this holiday season, with an Extraordinary Gift for Habitat for Humanity. For the month of December 1998 Casady & Greene will donate $2.00 from every purchase made on their web site to Habitat for Humanity. Please take a minute and check out our web site at and make a difference in someone�s life. Join with Casady & Green in celebrating the true meaning of this Holiday Season by helping out those less fortunate than yourself while getting great software at great savings! Order today! Our web site is For more information about Habit for Humanity you can go to their web site at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 15:28:40 -0400 From: Mod Dog Internet Services <> Subject: "view source" problems in Netscape I've tried getting this to work until I'm blue in the face, but I can no longer successfully choose a separate application to view the source code of a page in Netscape. This had worked OK until I downloaded 4.5 and started using it. Whenever I choose "page source", it tries to save the file to my harddrive and I get the message that it couldn't open it in the application (BBEdit, Cyberstudio, whatever I choose...) "because of the unexpected error -43". (which is "file not found" error). If I choose to save the document on my harddrive at that point, it has a generic file icon associated with it. If I leave it set for Netscape to show me the source code, it works (but that's not how I want it). I've changed both Netscape's and Internet Config's preferences and file mapping settings 100 different ways, and nothing seems to work. I suspect that the error -43 might be an indication of a problem with my system (?), but running Disk First Aid and TechTool Pro didn't help. Can anyone suggest how to fix this problem for me? Thank you. Brian White ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 22:46:45 -0500 From: "W. R. Wing" <> Subject: (Q) Adobe PhotoDelux and Kodak Picture Easy Software Looking at the feature lists and product descriptions, I'm led to wonder if Adobe PhotoDelux and Kodak Picture Easy Software are one and the same. Does anyone here know? On Kodak's web page, the Picture Easy software is now up to version 3.something, as is the Windows version of Adobe PhotoDelux - although both Adobe and Kodak still refer to version 2 as the one in widest use. Kodak doesn't offer a Mac version of Picture Easy (they point Mac Users to Adobe Photoshop, which seems like overkill). Adobe lists the Kodak FlashPix format as one that PhotoDelux supports, so if they are pretty much the same program, I'll probably buy the Mac version of PhotoDelux, if they are significantly different, and there is an overwhelming reason to use Kodak's Picure Easy, then I'll explore using it under Virtual PC. If anyone has experiences with the latter, I'd appreciate hearing from you. Thanks, Bill Wing William R. Wing (423) 574-8839 Network Architect for the Oak Ridge National Lab ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 21:06:27 -0500 From: Subject: (Q) screen saver Dear Digest readers, After Dark seems to have stopped production at version 4.0, which is now 4 years old! Now I work in a place with NT being widely used, and I would like to be able to get a screen saver, preferably freeware or shareware that does the tubes, pipes, and other popular NT screen savers on the Mac. After Dark seems rather antiquated when compared to these new NT screen savers. Sure I could buy Virtual PC and install NT on it, but that is besides the point. Oh and it has to be MacOS 8.5 compatible. Could anybody let me know where I can find comparable screen savers for the Mac? Thank you. Sincerely, ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 21:56:48 -0500 From: Subject: (Q) Where to find no interest 3 month purchases Dear Digest Readers, I can purchase my Nordiktrack exercise machine on a three months same as cash, and I can do the same for a digital piano made by Korg. Yet for some reason buying a computer I can't find a company that will do the same. Here's the idea, rather than pay $2700 up front, $900 a month is a lot easier to digest over the period of three months for a Powerbook G3/233 with 14" screen. So far I've checked ClubMac, and MacZone and both say no. No I don't relish the idea of paying over the period of a year or longer as it will rapidly become more obsolete over that period of time, plus all these companies charge interest to do the same. If you know of a mail order 800 number company you have dealt with before that sells Macs and will do it over a 3 month period of time, then please let me know where you can do it. Also, sadly my digests have not been coming in, in full on e-mail, and the tudelft mirror has not been updated since issue 187, so please e-mail your reply if you don't want it truncated by the Digest's poor text formatting. The newsgroup comp.sys.mac.digest has been having the same problem. Thank you. Sincerely, ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 23:29:12 +0100 From: Ian Goldby <> Subject: [A] MacTCP invisible >From: >Subject: MacTCP invisible > >On 1 November I found I couldn't dial my ISP because MacTCP had >disappeared.... There have already been several replies to this, so I won't repeat them. Note that you will get this behaviour if you tried Open Transport, and then deleted it by deleting the files rather than going through the installer program. Removing it through the installer solved the problem for me. If you never installed Open Transport, something odd is going on. You might try installing it, then removing it again with the installer program to reset the switch. I couldn't get the 'Network Software Selector' program to work: I was supplied with a file of this name when I installed Open Transport (incidently, at this time I did not have MacTCP or AppleTalk already installed), but the file would not launch, and further investigation proved that its type was not APPL, so the system did not recognise it as an application. This is somewhat reminiscent of what happened to MacTCP - as well as being made invisible, its file type was changed so that the system would not recognise it as a control panel. (Incidently, the same happened to the Network control panel.) Does anyone know what went wrong - why I can't use Network Software Selector, even after I installed MacTCP? I'm using System 7.1. Ian. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 11:54:08 -0500 From: Marlon Deason <> Subject: [Q] List view Is there a way to view an entire volume in folder list view? I would like to see the whole thing invisible files and desktop folder included. I made a copy of my HD to a CDR and from viewing it, I have gotten addicted to seeing the whole picture. It would also be handy when checking the HD versus a backup. Thanks Marlon Deason ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 11:57:42 -0500 From: Marlon Deason <> Subject: [Q] Speakerphone software What options for speakerphone sofware exist for the Mac? The only programs I have been able to find are product specific. Has anyone had luck using one manufacturers speakerphone SW with another manufacturers product? Thanks Marlon Deason ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 08:34:47 -0600 From: Hannes Hofer <> Subject: [Q]Amazing Expanding Fonts I recently discovered a problem with transfering files from my Power Mac 7200/120, (OS 8.1) to other computers. I created a document in Word98 using the Garamont 12 font. When I transfered the file to other computers, both Macs and PC, I discovered that the text had expanded and no longer fit the pages (I used text boxes). I later discovered that the problem did not occur only in Word (I created an Acrobat file and discovered that the same thing happened). I also discovered that the Garamont font is not culprit as the same thing happened in Times New Roman. Has anyone else experienced this problem? What is the solution? Thanks in advance Hannes Hofer ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 15:06:15 -0800 From: Don Roszel <> Subject: A new G3 that doesn't work! I need help with sorting out an extremely squirrely G3 we just purchased. It is a G3, 300Mhz minitower, with 128 megs of Ram, a 24X CD, built in Zip and floppy drives and, I believe, 1 meg of backside cache. It came with 8.5 preinstalled. When we first opened it up and strated using it, everything was fine. It didn=B9t stay that way very long. From the original installation disks, we installed Photoshop 4.0, Illustrator 7.0, Quark 3.31, Xtensis Tools, Font Reserve 2.0, Word 5.1, Conflict Catcher 8, Techtool Pro 2, all of our fonts and the drivers for an HP 4MP printer and an Epson Stylus 1520. We have an APS 3 meg drive attached, and it mounted normally on the desktop. It was accessible with no apparent problems The only program we used to any real extent before things went south was Quark. Within two days it began to crash everytime we tried to print from Quark to the HP printer. the only way out would be to do a forced start. At first, we thought we;d isolated the problem to a font called Comic Sans (which comes preinstalled as part of 8.5). When we removed that font, things went back to normal - very briefly. the machine then began to crash again. Attempting to print would bring up the normal dialogue boxes regarding addressing the printer, processing documet pages, and printing document pages. Then, up to three pages would print before what appeared to be a Finder quit: a completely blank screen. At that point the computer would freeze. I did a clean reinstall of the system software, which seemed to solve the problem briefly before it returned. The next thing I did was to reformat the attached APS drive, to do a system install on it and make it the start up drive. I then reinstalled Quark on that drive, put all the fonts we needed for the Quark document we were working on into the System folder. I also used the LaserWriter 8 software to drive the HP. So far, everything seems to be working OK. We have had one instance of the computer refusing to either quit or restart because =B3an application did not quit=B2. There was nothing running at the time except the Finder. The only application that had been running was Quark. I=B9m sorry this has been so long, but I=B9m on pins and needles waiting for this thing to crash again. My wife is ready to throw the G3 in the trash. It was my idea to purchase it in the first place, so it=B9s continued squirrelyness is placing a strain on my domestic bliss. Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? Why would it work normally for two days and then go so far south so quickly? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 07:23:09 -0600 From: Miles Abernathy <> Subject: A Wintel Counterpart to Info-Mac Digest I have stumbled across, which houses an archive of Windows (and DOS) demos, shareware and freeware. They also have a digest-type mailing list. If, for one reason or another, you use a Windows machine you may want to check this out. Miles Abernathy, ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 10:50:35 +0100 From: Alessandro Simonetto <> Subject: advice on modem purchase I want to buy a modem, and need advice. What I want is, of course, connect to the net from home and send faxes. Phone secretary and ability to receive and store faxes with the computer switched off would be nice as well. I've seen advertising of the 3COM US Robotics 56K sportster message plus which looks quite ok, or alternatively the 56k voicefax modem. The shopkeepers say that using them on a Mac is hopeless, but having read infomac for a while I know this is almost certainly false. I'd like to know if anybody has recommendations for/against these or any other modem, and which software one can use for it. Thanks in advance Alessandro Simonetto PS PLEASE REMOVE THE .NOSPAM FROM MY ADDRESS FOR REPLYING. Thank you. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 18:36:39 -0800 From: Bob Durst <> Subject: Answer: Audio and CD-R Here is the compilation of answers to my original question about creating audio CD's with my new CD-R. First let me thank all that replied, I have not necessarily given credit to all the respondents, but have tried to condense the information for easier more concise reading. Original question: > Now that I've sprung for a CD-R one of the things I would like to do with > it is move old recordings (tapes, and albums) over to CD's. I have access > to an AV-mac and enough stereo equipment to connect the two, but what sorts > of software (and additional hardware) if any do I need to get sounds from > these sources into the Mac and then to write them back out to CD's. Really short answer: It's easy. Connect sound source to sound in port. Record as AIFF file with SoundRecorder (freeware). Burn audio CD with Toast (comes with most CD-R's). Listen and Enjoy! My experience: All respondents agreed that the task is fairly straight forward (what else would one expect from a Mac!). Connecting a line out source from my preamp to the sound in port on the Mac (in this case a G3) and setting the Monitors and Sounds control panel Sound section to use the "Sound In" selection for sound monitoring source (anyone know why this setting is sometimes forgotten when restarting the Mac?), and the sound quality at 44.100kHz. The reason for using the line out port on my preamp was to get the signal boosted from the turntable by the preamp to get anything out. Other sources which supply line out signal could be connected directly. Note: The microphone that came with the G3 has a slightly longer mini-stereo plug than the one I had laying around, but the shorter one (which had RCA phono plugs of the needed gender on the other end) worked just fine. Once set up properly, this took care of getting the sound into the Mac (and playing out through attached speakers). An AV Mac is not required, but one respondent noted improved quality with some of the AV machines (see below). Next, how to record it. There are a number of freeware programs available in the Info-Mac archives that allow one to record sounds. Of the freebies, I found Sound Recorder (SoundRecorder 1.0 is freeware. Copyright by Bernhard Jenny, November 1998) to be very simple and solid. Thanks Bernhard! Choosing AIFF files at a sample rate of 44,100 and 16 bits as the file type is the proper choice for eventual burning of CD's. This gets the sounds recorded, but unless you are very quick and attentive (to stop the recorder at each song and then restart both the turntable and SoundRecorder again), when trying to move my old vinyl to CD's one gets a single CD track for and album side. This might be ok, but is not really what I wanted. This leads one to needing sound editing software. Editing the sound file: Here I was unable to find any freeware. The two choices I have had the chance to try are: Sound Edit 16 (Macromedia) and Bias PEAK Lite (demo). Others that were recommended are listed in individual responses below. I have now used SE16 extensively and played some with BPLite. It was easy to split the file of a single side of an album up into tracks (except of Pink Floyd and Greatful Dead which don't really break between songs) and then copy/paste them into individual song files. This was all fine and good until I got critical and noticed all those pops and crackles in the recordings. By expanding the wave form I was able to identify the pops and cut them out (usually only a few milliseconds). It makes a big difference, but was very tedious and probably not the best way to do it. SE16 also allows one to fade in and out and lots of other features that I haven't made use of. From the responses below I will look more carefully into BP and others to see how they handle pops and crackle as it is much more objectionable than I had realized. For most casual listening this level of editing is more than adequate. Recording the CD: Toast, which came with the CD-R makes this trivial. There is an audio selection and one just drags files onto the recorder window, rearrange them as desired (even preview them if you want) and write the CD. One can write a bunch of tracks now, and then later add more to that CD until all the space is full. In some cases I was able to get two albums onto a single CD. Time: How long did all this take? The original recording takes however long the record is plus a few minutes (266-G3) to save the file after SE16 or SoundRecorder are done with the recording. The editing process took me 10-20 minutes per album side to cut into song tracks and remove the worst of the pops. Recording takes 1/2 the time of the music (I have a 2x recorder-should have sprung for a 4x!) being recorded. So a whole album of 45min becomes a CD in 1.5-2 hrs. All in all I am very pleased with what I have done and plan on converting most all of my vinyl to CD's where I can more easily enjoy them. Here are the various responses that have additional information: From: Julius Friede <> You shouldn't need an AV mac, pretty much any machine of the last few years at least has an audio input jack and is stereo capable. What you will need is a stereo mini plug to plug into your mac from (probably) RCA type stereo jacks of your source component. You will also need storage space, both for obvious files (a CD is 650MB) and a scratch disk of 1GB (a partition will do) for whatever software you use. Speaking of which, you hopefully got Adaptect's Toast with your drive. Most vendors include it and it is really great and simple. You will also need a disk based recording application unless you have close to a Gigabyte of RAM for a RAM based editor. If you just dump an album to disk and then burn a CD, which is fine, you will have a CD with one track (song). You will need to save each song as a separate file if you want to be able to skip tracks on your CD. Quick Recorder is available on Info-Mac and does a nice job of recording your audio input to disc in 16 bit, 44.1K, stereo (or lesser quality). However, if you want clean tracks (songs) with fade-ins/outs, you will need an editing program. SonicWorxLite is free and fairly powerful. Bias Peak is one of the best, but the Lite version is $100 US and the demo doesn't let you do much. SoundEdit 16 is not bad but getting a little dated and Macromedia doesn't seem to be supporting it much, so it is probably not worth the investment. A good place to start looking is <>. From: muki pakesch <> A) HARDWARE if it's a quadra-av (660av, 840av) then you have a qualitywise very good adac if it's a Powermac model then the adac is far inferior this is because the quadra-av have a 2nd processor dedicated to sound handling i.e.: an at&t dsp3210 it is not as good as the motorola5xxx series found in most pro-audio cards but a lot better than the "native" soundprocessing in powermacs. You mention the differences between the adac on the quadra's and the built-in one that is standard on most other machines. Is there really a noticable difference between the two? yes, you can hear it the 660/840 (and only those models) have a 2nd processor which is dedicated for audio and telcom handling it's a at&t dsp3210 it's not as good as the dsp (motorola5xxx) found in digidesign cards but a lot better than the regular adac's found in powermacs so, if you have a powermac i would strongly recommend getting a a dedicated audiocard like digidesigns AMII or AMIII which will give you pro-quality adac B) SOFTWARE 1) digitizing first you need to digitize your material my favorite is Bias Deck it's actually a mutlitrack harddisk recording program but it also does a perfectly good job with simple tasks most notably i've personally found it the best and most accurate regarding metering, which is the most tedious and important part of the recording process i've also found it to be the only program with accurate metering on quadra-av models another one is Bias Peak that's *the* soundedtior on the macOS which also does recording metering does not seem to be accurate on quadra-av models but are correct on Pmac's there's a lite version (just $99 if i recall correctly) which should satisfy your needs and the 3rd program i could thing of is ProTools that's *the* professional multitrack harddiskrecording software which, in incarnation of an older version, digidesign has turned to freeware you can use it natively on a powermac 2) editing: at the moment there's imho just one real good soundeditor, namely Bias Peak and you might want to equalize, remove crackles and noise, aka processing your soundfiles Peak supports Premiere Plugins and there a set of wonderful plugins for audioprocessing which are: waves this is a set of several plugins that do equalizing, compression and maximizing especially the eq's are among the best available aboretum especially interesting for your application might be RayGun which is a specialized de-noise/de-crackle plugin at a very cheap prize and/or it's big brother "Ionizer" which actually is a mutliband/multispectrum expander/compander/gate with the ability to use "fingerprinting", i.e.: by the use of taking a snapshot of the spectral dynamics of your noise signature you can exactly remove the noise parts of your soundfile without harming the other spectrums there's also a shareware programm called "SoundHack" which does a lot of the above "magic" C) CD BURNING imo, the way to go is Adaptec JAM since it supports DAO/TAO (disk at once/track at once) modes which is the standard for "legal" audio cd's (red book, orange book) for example only with JAM you will be able to define zero second gap's and sub-indeces -Bob D. Builder and pilot of Kinetic Sculpture vehicle "Killer Tomato" Top ten reasons why you should build a Kinetic Sculpture Vehicle: #10 Weans you off television ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 03:23:23 -0800 (PST) From: Allan Hunter <> Subject: Belay that last question! Yesterday I wrote that I could neither find nor remember the name of the little graphic utility I once had that let me convert a picture to an array of folder icons. Never mind. The reason I don't have it any more, whatever it was, was that this functionality was at some point added to Graphic Converter, which of course I still have. They say memory loss is the second sign. I forget what the first one was... Allan Hunter <> <> ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 05 Dec 1998 15:38:29 +0100 From: glaston <> Subject: Bitsurfr ISDN and 8.5 I have not upgraded from 8.1 because I have read that people cannot make their Motorola Bitsurfr Pro ISDN TAs work with 8.5. Since mine never worked all that well anyhow, and since Motorola has discontinued the device and never really supported it anyway, I'd really like to hear from anybody who uses the Bitsurfr Pro ISDN successfully with 8.5 before I do the upgrade. As usual, fellow users are a more valuable resource than the manufacturer. A pointer to a news group or web site that might help would also be appreciated. TIA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 21:10:41 +1300 From: Owen Watson <> Subject: Chroma Tuner wanted I'm a (registered) user of Chroma Tuner, a program that allows you to tune instruments - a violin in my case. Unfortunately I've trashed my copy; does anybody have a copy? The programmer seems to have gone AWOL. Please email me before sending anything; I've only got a 14K connection! Thanks. ................. Owen Watson at home in Wellington, New Zealand ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 22:10:20 +0000 From: Mephistophilis <stch8002@BUREAU.UCC.IE> Subject: Default paper size changes spontaneously on moving between machines I have a G3 at home with an Epson Stylus Color 600 printer and a PMac 8200 at work with a LaserWriter NT. Both run MSW 5.1a. For this (and all other relevant applications) the default paper size is set to A4. Yet every time I move a document (via Synchronize! and 1Gb Jaz cartridge) created on the G3 to the PM 8200 for printing the paper size automatically resets to US Letter - which, of course, results in annoying cut-off at the page bottom if I don't remember to reset every time. If have no firm information on whether the problem also shows up on going from the PM 8200 to the G3 since this is not generally how I work at the moment - but I suspect it does not. Does anyone know what is causing this annoying problem and, better still, how to stop it? TIA - Fergus Lalor ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 15:46:46 +0100 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= van der Ham <> Subject: Digester back on-line Hi happy digest readers, Something got seriously messed up on the Hyper digest site, which kept valuable information from you for a great number of issues. My sincere apologies for the inconvenience. I hope that everything is running smoothly now. Happy digesting! Andre' van der Ham ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 14:52:20 +0100 From: DW Thomas <> Subject: Eudora: Attached Images Not Longer Display In Message Help: I used to receive email messages and be able to VIEW them in each message (without having to open them in a graphic browser). Just reinstalled MacOS version 8.0 and *poof* there went capability to view w/i msgs. Have tried rebuilding desktop & appointing JPEGView as browser of choice via INTERNET CONFIG. No luck Any ideas? All assistance would be appreciated, greatly. DW Thomas ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 15:59:13 -0600 From: Ted Logan <> Subject: FileMaker Pro and 8.5 Just when I thought it would be safe to install 8.5, I get warnings from usually reliable sources that FileMaker Pro and Macintosh OS 8.5 are not made for each other, in particular that the operations of the latter tend to corrupt the databases of the former. Indeed, one FMI technician is supposed to have stated, "We never said FileMaker Pro was compatible with 8.5, so why would you assume it is?" Enlightenments, please? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 22:29:46 -0800 From: Doug Hardie <> Subject: Finding Fonts I used font agent to fix a font conflict. However, it deletes fonts where there is no postscript equivalent to the bitmap. Hence, the bitmap fonts for the standard 13 fonts that are in almost all laser printers got deleted. While they are easy to replace, my conflict was with one of them so it didn't get fixed. I need to find the postscript font files for those standard fonts. They are not on any of the system disks I have (going back to around 5.1). Does anyone know where to find them? Thanks, -- Doug ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 21:13:30 -0600 From: "Charles P. Crawford" <> Subject: help: CD-Rom not recognized??? I have a Power Mac 6100/66, running System 7.5.5 with 16 megs of RAM and RamDoubler 8 installed. With a normal boot, the built in CD drive is not recognized. If I try to access a Music CD I get the message: The Apple CD-Rom drive is not responding. If I reboot with the original System 7.5 CD in the drive, then the Mac comes up in System 7.5.5, and I have no problem with the CD-Rom drive then recogizing either CD-Rom disks or Music CDs. It seems the only way to get the Mac to "see" the CD-Rom drive is to boot with the original System 7.5 CD in the drive. Help. TIA, Charlie I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now. "My Back Pages", 1964 B. Dylan ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 10:39:06 -0500 From: Vincent Cayenne <> Subject: HFS+ crashes A. Brody said: > Delete Norton from your > machine, and reinstall everything else, except MacMedic, and your machine > should work fine again. TechTool Pro doesn't like virtual memory and I like Ram Doubler so that's out. I've never met a problem that MacMedic COULD fix. And Norton just ain't what it used to be. So I'm sticking with Apple's Disk First Aid and with the comfort afforded by my backup routine. And I say again - do any of these developers ever actually use their products? PS: Norton didn't cause my data loss - I use none of the inits like CrashGuard or FileSaver. Pure after-the-fact diagnosis and specific repair. And I was using the patched 4.0. --- 'Tis as said - reality is defined by being described ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 20:43:32 +0000 From: Mephistophilis <stch8002@BUREAU.UCC.IE> Subject: Incremental page-counting s/w for Epson Stylus Color 600? Does anyone know of a shareware or commercial utility that would simply keep track of the total number of pages printed on my Epson Stylus Color 600? TIA - Fergus Lalor ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 14:55:39 -0500 (EST) From: Eisuke Arai <> Subject: Info on OneScanner Driver Please I have an Apple OneScanner,(not the Color OneScanner or a OneScanner XXX/XX) but I don't have a driver for it. I want to use it, but without a driver, it is useless. I would like to request information on where I can download the driver, or if some one can send it to me via attached files, I would like that very much. Please send any responses to these mail addresses: Sending a message to any one of these address is enough for me. I thank you in advance and am grateful for any and all information. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 12:21:10 +0100 From: "Donal Leader" <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #213 Question: How do I open Info-Mac on my iMac using Outlook Express. When I click on the menu item it says that a File Helper has not been assigned. The Preferences in Outlook Express require me to enter in a bunch of parameters relating to file type. Help! Donal Leader Dublin, Ireland ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 23:04:55 EST From: Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #213 Hi All, I recently moved a system folder (along with all of the other files on the HD) over from my 7100/80 to a 7350 . Now there is some sort of system voodoo going on. I'm getting lots of freezes and crashes, and I'm seeing a "low system memory" dialog box quite often, even right after starting up. Any idea what could be causing these problems, and/or how to remedy them? TIA, Rob See why we abandoned Los Angeles for Virgina! Check out ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 09:58:56 -0500 From: Pat Pruyne <> Subject: LC-PDS 10BT Workaround for 56kbps limit? Greetings, My venerable 6300 will not support modem speeds above 56k either through its built-in modem or through the serial port. ISDN has become available in my area and I am wondering whether slapping in an LC-PDs slot based 10Base-T Ethernet adapter will allow me to take advantage of ISDN speeds of 113k? Will summarize, of course. Pat Pruyne ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 00:25:52 -0500 From: Rob Pluta <> Subject: Lost ...(Stuffit Expander upgrade to 5.0) >I have Drop Stuff 4.5. Should it not have opened ... or is there an >issue >between Stuffit version 5.0 and DropStuff 4.5? I've been waiting for this... Please feel free to correct me as appropriate. I upgraded to Stuffit Deluxe 4.5 and saw that my downloads would not recursively (sp?) delete the .hqx file that was sent upon download. A minor nuisance but not acceptable from the quality products that Aladdin usually produces. I wrote Aladdin about this *feature* and received recognition that I was accurate in my assessment. I've been waiting for the upgrade, and waiting... I've seen no upgrade to correct this *feature*. Sure, I can call Key Quencer to handle the unstuff and delete the .hqx file, but I've alread paid the upgrade charge to Aladdin. Why should I rely on KQ (or another scripting action) to accomplish what Stuffit 4.0 was able to do without question?! Now, I understand there's an upgrade fee of $15/US to obtain DropStuff 5.0? Furthermore, Stuffit Expander 5 will not, reportedly, work unless the upgrade fee is paid. So I'm expected to pay for an upgrade which didn't work in a previous version?! Wha??!! Obtaining the latest Stuffit Expander used to be a no-brainer. What gives here? Am I off base in my assessment of this situation? This is not the usual quality that I have come to expect from the folks at Aladdin. Is version 5 the kiss of death for software companies, or what? Now Utils bit the big one around v5. Rob -- "The truth is the light, the light is the way. The less folks know, the more they have to say." The Remains (1966) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 17:59:42 -0500 From: Marlon Deason <> Subject: Megahurtz Cruisecard 56.6 - scam!!! I have to say so far I am completely satisfied! I got the 'USR High Speed' ARA script and I am set! Just a quick search on for 'high speed' is I needed. Connections have ranged from 44.0 to 50.0 that's almost twice as fast as my old 28.8 (which I could never get to stay connected reliably anyway, I don't think the chipset/ARA script supported 100% V.32) Those who AREN'T getting what they are paying for are those who pay full price for the Mac version Megahertz card from 3com/USR. What a scam!!! This card is EXACTLY the same card you would get if you bought a PC Megahertz 56k card. Except, the PC card cost $199 and comes with fax, terminal emulation and speakerphone/answering machine software. The Mac card cost $229 and comes with Delrina Fax lite, thats it! Why pay $30 dollars more for stripped down version of the same thing? I still have my Fax Lite from my 28.8 card (still in the shrink wrap :-/) I got mine on ebay and payed $109 NIB (new in box) I have to admit the tech support people at USR/3com were very helpful, but if you are going to use a Mac today your just gonna have to develop these survival skills. BTW - I will be getting cable internet just as soon as my local cable co. finishes wiring my home town...I live in New York City, they expect to be done sometime in 2005. Marlon Deason ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 20:06:37 -0500 From: GINO LANDINI <> Subject: Moments of Madness Help! I am considering a new computer and have had a Mac since the Plus. Before that I used a Franklin with AppleDos. When I look at the new Mac systems I see about 300MH, 64 Mb ram, smaller drives, no dvd etc. Then I look at Dell computers, for example, and see 450 MHz, 128 mb ram, dvd, 8mb video, 12 Gig drive, 17" screens etc. and the price is an astonishing $2100. I'm serious when I ask what I am not seeing in the Mac offering so that I can make an intelligent decision. I would truly appreciate any input and I can always claim mental aberration caused by hurricane Georges here in the lower Keys. Thanks folks and please use my email address if you choose. Gino ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 09:34:17 -0500 From: Steve Rothman <> Subject: NetClip or alternatives? I have seen a Mac shareware app called "NetClip" version 1.0, dated 1991 by Chris Meyer of Fremont CA. This app allows two Macs (both running the app, and both with program linking turned on) to be able to write to each other's clipboards. The program seems to run under OS 8.0, but it's kind of clunky (really quite nice, though, for a version 1.0 that was written 7 years ago). Does anyone know of an e-mail address for the author? Is there a later version? Any other similar programs? I use two networked Macs in my office, one primarily for work and the other primarily for web browsing. I'd love a really simple efficient way to be able "copy" something on one Mac and then "paste" it on the other. There must be a trillion ways to accomplish this using clipping files, applescript, shared network folders, e-mail, Timbuktu, etc. I can think of a few dozen. But I'd like something that is as close as possible to "cmd-c" on one machine and "cmd-v" on the other using a minimum of external software. Any ideas? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 21:47:31 -0500 (EST) From: Al Bloom <> Subject: OS 8.5 Oh my. I think I've once again done something terribly stupid and deserve to die. I just installed 8.5 from boot CD. No, it didn't put in anything I hated. As it did in the OS 8 install which insisted on futzing with my existing basic setup and with my internet setup. But where was the option for a clean system install? And isn't there supposed to be a 6.2 driver for my ZIP drive? Not here. And not in anything else I see. Doesn't stop my ZIP drive from being seen, so I'm not out of the water. But I wonder. This enquiring mind wants to know. And he for sure will not install 8.5 on any other Mac until he finds out. Al ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 16:16:45 -0600 From: Charles Stang <> Subject: OS 8.5 and Stylewriter 4100 pgroblem Has anyone had this problem? I upgraded to OS 8.5, now a number of applications (e.g. Filemaker, Word Perfect) won't print, though other like ClarisWorks will. I am using a Color StyleWriter 4100, and I've installed the latest upgrade printer driver (v1.1) from Apple. Help! Charles Stang ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 11:36:41 +0100 From: "Dr. Stefan P. Mueller" <> Subject: OT/PPP problem with ELSA Microlink 56k under V90 I am having a serious problem getting a fast PPP conection under V90 with an ELSA Microlink 56k modem (Powermac 9500 with NewerTech 275 MHz G3 card, 256 MB RAM, System 8.1). I am using the supplied modem script and a PC modem cable cable connected to the hardware handshaking cable which came with my previous V32bis modem. With this configuration I am having no problems to connect to a terminal server which supports 14,400 Bd connections under V32bis and heavily use this connection with simultaenous FTP transfers, WWW browsing, and e-mail checking, but I am unable to achieve any usable conection on a V90 Ascend system. These are the symptoms: The modem connects properly, OT/PPP negotiates the network protocol (see log), and PPP reports "Connection established". 12/3/98 10:42 CCL write: "AT\13" 12/3/98 10:42 CCL match: "OK\13\10" 12/3/98 10:42 CCL write: "AT&F&D2\13" 12/3/98 10:42 CCL match: "OK\13\10" 12/3/98 10:42 Dialing without tone 12/3/98 10:42 CCL write: "ATX3\13" 12/3/98 10:42 CCL match: "OK\13\10" 12/3/98 10:42 Dialing 0,24010 12/3/98 10:42 CCL write: "ATDT0,24010\13" 12/3/98 10:43 CCL match: "CONNECT" 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: Sending Configuration Request. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Async Map = 0x00000000. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Magic Number = 0x2CAEBED9. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Protocol Compression On 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Address/Control Compression On 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: Received Configuration Request. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Unknown type: 0x00000000. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Async Map = 0x000A0000. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Auth Protocol = 0x0000C023. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Protocol Compression On 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Address/Control Compression On 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Unknown type: 0x00000011. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Unknown type: 0x00000013. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Unknown Option Rejected. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: Sending Configuration Reject. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: Received Configuration Ack. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: Received Configuration Request. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Async Map = 0x000A0000. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Auth Protocol = 0x0000C023. 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Protocol Compression On 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: >> Address/Control Compression On 12/3/98 10:43 LCP: Sending Configuration Ack. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: Sending Configuration Request. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: >> IP-Compression-Protocol = Van Jacobson, max. slot: 15, comp. slot: off. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: >> IP-Address = 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: Received Configuration Nak. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: Sending Configuration Request. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: >> IP-Compression-Protocol = Van Jacobson, max. slot: 15, comp. slot: off. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: >> IP-Address = 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: Received Configuration Ack. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: Sending Configuration Request. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: >> IP-Compression-Protocol = Van Jacobson, max. slot: 15, comp. slot: off. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: >> IP-Address = 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: Received Configuration Ack. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: Received Configuration Request. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: >> IP-Compression-Protocol = Van Jacobson, max. slot: 15, comp. slot: off. 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: >> IP-Address = 12/3/98 10:43 IPCP: Sending Configuration Ack. 12/3/98 10:43 PPP ready for TCP/IP with IP address 12/3/98 10:43 Connection established. When I launch MacTCP Watcher 2.0 now, the system freezes before MacTCP Watcher's menu bar is drawn. When I drop into MacsBug, it tells me that MacTCP Watcher is hanging and I can escape with ES. This is the StdLog (full listing available): MacsBug 6.5.4a6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-98 NMI (user entered MacsBug on purpose) 3-Dec-1998 11:23:07 AM (since boot = 24 minutes) Current application is "MacTCP Watcher 2.0" Machine = 67 (PowerMac9500), System $0810, sysu = $01008000 ROM version $077D, $28F1, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000) VM is off NIL^ = $FFC10000 Stack space used = +254894544 Address 003BD548 is in the System heap at 00002800 at OTRealKernelSWITask+001C0 It is in the CFM fragment "OTKernelLib" at 003BA150 It is 000033F8 bytes from the start of the fragment and 00003378 bytes into a non-writeable code section at 003BA1D0 It is 000033F8 bytes into this heap block: Start Length Tag Mstr Ptr Lock Prg Type ID File Name * 003BA150 00037828+0C N PowerPC 740/750 Registers .... Something seems to be going on with the "OTKernelLib" but I know next to nothing about low-level debugging. By this time, PPP still reports "Connection established". When I try to disconnect , I get foever the message "Waiting for PPP termination...". Rebooting the Mac causes a system crash bringing up MacsBug which identifies the current application as the Finder. I can restart with RS now. The following is the beginning of the StdLog (again, full listing available): MacsBug 6.5.4a6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-98 PowerPC access exception at 003EAA90 3-Dec-1998 10:58:09 AM (since boot = 12 minutes) Current application is "Finder" Machine = 67 (PowerMac9500), System $0810, sysu = $01008000 ROM version $077D, $28F1, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000) VM is off NIL^ = $FFC10000 Stack space used = +260146460 Address 003EAA90 is in the System heap at 00002800 It is in the CFM fragment "OTKernelLib" at 003BA150 It is 00030940 bytes from the start of the fragment and 000308C0 bytes into a non-writeable code section at 003BA1D0 It is 00030940 bytes into this heap block: Start Length Tag Mstr Ptr Lock Prg Type ID File Name * 003BA150 00037828+0C N PowerPC 740/750 Registers .... Again "OTKernelLib" seems to be implicated. I can use other internet applications with the same results, Anarchie 3 freezes suring the startup screen with "Initializing...", Eudora Light 3.1 brings up the dialog box "Establishing PPP Connection" with the message "connecting..." and it lets me quit gracefully with the "STOP" Button. I have tried the usual steps, rebuilding the desktop, restting the PRAM, trashing the Finder Pref's, replacing the Finder and System files, and finally doing a clean install - no change. Again, there are no problems with slower v32bis PPP connections. Do you have an idea what is going on here? Thanks a lot in advance! Stefan ____________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Stefan P. Mueller, Nuklearmedizin, Universitaetsklinikum, D-45122 Essen, FR Germany, e-mail:, FAX: <49> (201) 723-4146 for replies remove X from e-mail address ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 16:07:35 -0500 From: Phil McIntosh <> Subject: Performa 630CD upgrade hard drive I would like to upgrade the hard drive in a Performa 630CD. The manual only includes info on getting to the motherboard to upgrade memory, etc. This does not porvide access to the drive bays. It looks like I need to pry off the front panel and the top cover, but I'd like to confirm this, as nothing pops free easily, and I don't want to apply excessive force to the wrong spot. Any help would be appreciated. I tried Sherlock on the subject line above, but got no usefull results. TIA Phil McIntosh ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 17:36:17 -0400 From: Allan Hunter <> Subject: Pic-to-Icon array doohickey? I once downloaded and put...SOMEWHERE, dammit...a clever little shareware or= freeware application that would convert a picture file (PICT, JPEG, etc)= into an array of empty folders without names, with an icon-sized section of= the picture pasted onto each folder; the folders would be placed in a= larger enclosing folder, arranged in regular icon view in such a way that= what you see is the original image. (You don't realize you're looking at= an array of folders unless you double-click one of them and it opens). _________________ ___ __ __ __ __ | | | | | | | | | | ---------------- | | ---> | | | | | | | | ---------------- | | | | | | | | ----------------- Now, when I need to use it, of course, I can't find it. Don't know what I= did with it. Don't remember what it was called. Anyone recognize it by this description? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 23:36:11 -0500 From: Rob Pluta <> Subject: PowerComputing with OS 8.1 & 8.5 I thought David Snow wrote... >Many people installing 8.5 have seen _total_ hard drive failure from the >install. This brings me to my question...when hard drives die do they give it up unannounced or is there some sort of premonition that the drive is going bad? I have a couple HDs that are 3+ years old and am, of course, paranoid about their failure. I've been backing up to a APS Syquest 270 drive which has been faithful but I've heard stories about these drives failing. I'm searching for another b/u media, prolly CD-RW. I've read the back-up discussion on TidBITS-talk but am more concerned with the issue of HD failure at this time. ObPower...I'm running 8.1 on my Power100 and am quite happy. I'm not looking forward to 8.5 for this machine until various bugs are worked out. Thanks for your comments! -- "The truth is the light, the light is the way. The less folks know, the more they have to say." The Remains (1966) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 18:47:57 +0100 From: Charles Pieters <> Subject: problems with adobe gamma colorcalibration *Mac OS 8.1 PS 5.02* Calibrating the monitorcolor with adobe gamma is allright; but when I restart my mac the setting seems to be forgotten: I get a standard Mac-gray. To get the right gamma setting, I have to change the monitor colors in the control panels(from thousends to million, or million to thousands, it doesn't matter what I choose). Only so my monitor is set into the right gamma color. What have I to do that the chosen gamma setting remains also after restarting the mac? BTW I had the same problem with the old gamma calibration in PS 4. thanks -- Charles Pieters ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 21:17:13 -0800 From: "St. Crossley, Protector of So. Calif." <> Subject: Quadra 605 help Hey All, I have a quadra 605 and I keep getting sys errors, the most recent is a bus error here are my stats: 20 mb ram 80 mb hd ( iknow i know) Quadra 605 i'm getting a little diskette with a flashing ? ???? whats up? thanks harold ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 02:50:43 -0500 From: Dan Fickett <> Subject: Sherlock The search internet command using Sherlock is not working on my MAC running OS 8.5. I keep getting the message,"A network error occurred. Check your network connections and settings". My connections to the internet seem to be working ok with my Netscape browser. I tried running the search sites one at a time, but it still didn't work.. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 11:42:32 +0900 From: David Klaproth <> Subject: StuffIt Browser window won't close Can anyone help me? I have been having this problem since StuffIt Deluxe 4.5 and it seems to be worse with 5.01. When I open a stuffed file in browser mode the file window will not close. I've thrown the file in the trash and then the file window closes. Although this works the trash will not empty and if it was on a disk, the disk will not eject because Stuffit browser is still in use. Does anybody have any ideas? I've sent 3 messages to Aladdin over the last month. I guess they're too busy. Thanks, David ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 00:49:17 -0800 From: Subject: Type -192 error on Launcher (A) The Launcher rocks! There is no better way to organize and run your programs in multiple categories neatly. to have all the stuff I have in the Launcher on the desktop would be ludicrous. When new Mac users see the power and simplicity of the Launcher, they are often blown away. It's too bad it's buggy. Option-Dragging items off it sometimes crashes my entire system with 7.6.1 on 68k and PPC. Jarome Matthew Dimension Arc Media ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 20:55:04 -0500 From: "Mark H. Bowersox" <> Subject: Virtual PC I am looking for info on The program called Virtual PC. What can I and Can't I do with this program. What will it run like . I have a Power Mac 7300/200 with a 2.0gig hd and running macos 8.5. Thank you. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 23:26:35 +0000 From: "Chris Reed, BBR" <> Subject: Where to find SyQuest Utilities or equivalent? Now that SyQuest Technology's website and ftp site are no longer active, can anyone please advise me where I can dowload a copy of SyQuest Utilities 4.0.1 (reviewed in TidBITS#443, 17-Aug-98), or equivalent software? Altavista searches have so far proved fruitless. My cause for enquiring is that I've just upgraded to MacOS 8.5, and my existing SyQuest driver doesn't want to play any more! Many thanks for any info. Chris Reed -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************