Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #188
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 14 Oct 98       Volume 16 : Issue 188

Today's Topics:

      (Q) TCP Equivalent to Chooser Entry AppleShare
      [Q] Postscript errors with PDF files.
      [Q] What is the maximum length for a Serial Cable?
      Download Problem
      ergonomics software package
      Fast scrolling
      Have I got a memory leak?
      help needed
      i-Mac SCSI, ADB, and HP 870cse support
      Insufficient System Memory to Run Word
      Internet Explorer 4.0: CRASHES
      Movies! COnverters & MPEG
      need laser printer advice
      Please recommend a 3D Accelerator card for Open GL Rendering and Animation
      Problem printing to DJ870 via AT solved
      Set default editor with Sys 7.5?
      Signatures in NisusWriter
      Third-party CD Drives for PowerMacs
      Weird font behavior---Netscape vs Maple
      What is the Name?

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Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 09:58:28 +0100
From: "J. Eickhoff" <>
Subject: (Q) TCP Equivalent to Chooser Entry AppleShare

Dear all,
I am one of the decreasing number of, lonely Mac users in our company and
life is getting harder for us. They recently stopped routing of apple
talk protocol between the ethernet subnets and for getting data from a
server in another building, I have to use clumsy ftp now instead of
mounting the server volumes.

Is there an equivalent to the AppleShare tool in the Chooser for doing
the same stuff as with AppleShare not via Tcp/Ip instead? Does anyone
know how NT Machines do it amongst each other? Because from an NT Box in
our Net I can access all servers, also those in other buildings.

Please help to avoid they find another argument against the few macs
still remaining. Thanks,


Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 08:50:30 +0100
From: John Bull <>
Subject: [Q] Postscript errors with PDF files.

I frequently have solid Postscript errors when trying to dowload and print
.pdf files with Acrobat. With the Apple 8.4.2 printer driver the problem
persists, but I usually succeed if I drop back to 8.1.1. From previous
postings, I suspect others have met with similar problems.

I have tackled Adobe and Apple support about this but have met with
prevarication and deafening silence.Does anyone know the background? Are
there any preferred solutions?



Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 16:31:36 -0600
From: "Phil A. Lefebvre" <>
Subject: [Q] What is the maximum length for a Serial Cable?

>I have an Epson PhotoEX that is hooked up to my printer port (on a Power
>Computing Power Center 150) and I want to place it on a desk at the back of
>my space. To do this the cable has to go quite a distance.
>Just wondering what the maximum length of the cable could be. I looked on
>the Apple web site, but couldn't find anything.

I have posed similar questions about Ethernet, ADB and monitor cables to a
company called Cables-to-go, 1-800-826-7904 ( and
they knew what the limits were, and how to work around some of them. Try

Phil Lefebvre
Northwestern University
Chicago, IL 60611


Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 10:56:30 -0400
From: "I.G." <>
Subject: Download Problem

Suddenly I�ve become unable to open downloaded stuff. The download seems
to go OK but when I try to open whatever it is I get an Error �-39�
message. Does anyone know anything about this phenomenon? BTW: I�m on a
Mac PPC G3/266 and OS8.1 with a USR 56K modem, running Netscape
Communicator 4.06 and have both StuffIt Expander 4.5 and ZipIt 1.3.8.


Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 12:53:21 -0400
From: James McElroy <>
Subject: ergonomics software package

The Human Factors Engineering short course at the University of Michigan
last year included demos of two such anthropometric software packages:

Transom Technologies
201 S. Main Street, 10th Floor
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(313) 761-6001

Deneb Ergo

I'm not sure if either of these packages have Mac versions, but you can
always run an emulator...


>I'm looking for a software on human ergonomics, like the topics found in
>Henry Dryfuss's  "The Measure of Men" book.
>As I'm an industrial designer, it'd be useful to have handy software tool
>that lets you play with a "Dryfuss Man" (maybe integrated in CAD??) and see
>what happens in the different postures of men.
>**   Arch. Paolo Bartoli
James McElroy
Bose Corporation User Interface Design


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 16:54:15 -0500
From: (morethanone)
Subject: Fast scrolling (Roy Hutzler) wrote:

> On my PowerMac 7300 with OS8.1, the scroll speed has suddenly jumped to
> high speed so it is uncontrollable.

I don't know what has caused your sudden jump, but the scroll speed of
604 and up machines is sometimes way too fast. Ultimately this needs to
be addressed by the system software; clicking the scroll arrow gets

If an extension exists that explicitly allows setting scroll speed, I
for one would like to know about it!

-- Tony
<> SST.MIDI.Mac.Rock.SciTek


Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 10:36:55 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Have I got a memory leak?

At 9:32 PM -0400 10/7/98, D. Scott Beach wrote:
>Every now and then, I'll check my "About This Computer..." and find that
>once the used RAM and the largest unused block get added up, I'm 10 or 20
>MB shy of my 80Mb.

"largest unused block" is the culprit.  That's not the *only* unused block.
As apps are opened and closed, they fragment the free memory in your
machine.  Occasionally, some app may leave some memory locked somewhere
even after the app quits, which will further fragment memory.  By using a
tool like "More About This Macintosh" or "Memory Mapper", you can see just
where in memory your apps are, and get a better sense of memory usage.

Here's a simplified example.  Say you have 64Mb of RAM.  Your System is
using 10Mb, and when you open "About This Computer..." [ATC] right after
boot it reports a largest unused block [LUB] of around 54Mb.  You launch
App A, which has a memory partition of 10Mb, then App B, which uses 2 Mb.
Now, ATC reports a LUB of around 42Mb.  Now you quit App A.  ATC still
reports a LUB of 42Mb, even though your total free memory is now 52Mb.  The
free RAM is split into two blocks, and ATC only tells you about the largest
one.  Opening one of the previously mentioned tools would show you that

Memory Mapper
More About This Macintosh

>My work-mate tells me that without virtual running, the Modern Memory
>Manager isn't used and that's why the numbers aren't kept track of quite
>right. Does this sound right?

The MMM is used in either circumstance, but without VM, the OS cannot use
file-mapping for memory management with PPC native apps.  This means that a
PPC-native app will have to load all it's PPC code into RAM at startup,
using more memory than it would under VM.  For this reason, you may want to
turn VM on and leave it at it's lowest setting [installed RAM + 1Mb], which
should prevent it from ever hitting the disk but will give you the memory
efficiency imporovements.

If you Get Info on any PPC-native app, the info dialog will tell you how
much memory would be saved by using VM.  For example, Excel 98 uses 4Mb
more without VM on.

VM or !VM has no effect on how accurately the numbers are tracked or
reported, to the best of my knowledge.



Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 10:09:14 +0200
From: Martin Bertha <>
Subject: help needed

Is there a way to connect a 500MB 2.5"-SCSI-drive (IBM) to a PB 170
externally? Both the PB 170 and the drive don' have SCSI-termination power.
Any hint will be appreciated.


Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 09:52:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: Cyrus Roton <>
Subject: i-Mac SCSI, ADB, and HP 870cse support

abrody <> wrote;

>The simple question is when, and who will have adaptors  and drivers
>available now to connect SCSI external hard drives and CD-R drives, ADB
>keyboards, and Hewlett Packard 870Cse printers.  Before I even think of the
>i-Mac, I want to make sure the USB issue is a non-issue for the peripherals
>I currently own.  Also is there someone making just a plain SuperDrive for
>USB?  I don't want the Iomega Superdisk, seeing as I have had so many bad
>experiences with removable hard disks I don't want a repeat, all I really
>need is a 1.4MB floppy drive.  The 120MB SuperDisk is overkill, and costs
>too much.

I think the SuperDisk is made by Imation, not Iomega. Also, I do not see how
you consider a mere 120 Meg to be "overkill". It would take 10 of them to back
up 1.2 Gb of hard drive. Many more to back up 4 Gb.

As for what is available, check out several of the latest Tidbits issues. Lots
of info there on the subject.
Cyrus Roton
Ridgecrest Apple User Group
Electronic Musical Instrument Technician


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 17:49:46 -0400
From: Louis Bergeron <>
Subject: Insufficient System Memory to Run Word

A major problem with Word not just with System but with previous System is
that Word was designed to work on older system like 6.0.7 and was rather
limited in his memory management. In fact, it have problems using more then
4 megs. So, even giving more memory will not permit opening more documents.


>>There is a problem with Word 5.1 on PowerMacs.  You will get this message
>>no matter how much memory you have on your Mac.  You need
>>FixWordSystemMemory 2.1  which should be available (for free) on any
>>Info-Mac mirror.
>>FixWordSystemMemory is a system extension that tries to fix a problem
>>where Microsoft Word 5.1 (and perhaps 5.0 as well) refuses to startup,
>>complaining that there is a lack of system memory.  This usually happens
>>if you
>>try to launch Word immediately after rebooting your computer; running
>>another application before Word will often solve the problem.  The problem is
>>that Word refuses to run unless there is a minimum amount of free space in
>>the Macintosh system heap.  In my experience it is a complete fix for the
Louis Bergeron C.P. 936 Rouyn Rouyn-Noranda Qc Canada J9X 5C8
Telephone-Phone (819) 764-3862  Telecopieur-Fax (819) 764-3758


Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 09:50:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Cyrus Roton <>
Subject: Internet Explorer 4.0: CRASHES

dw thomas <> wrote;

>Printing, opening certain sites causes IE 4.01 to crash. Please don't tell
>me to go over to NN --i crashes too. I've used NORTON to diagnose the
>System & get a clean bill of health. Any ideas on extentions that should be
>removed that IE may not like or tips / other strategies on how to keep IE

Tell us what sites caused the problems, and some of us could try them and
maybe get some idea of the problem. I have been using IE 4.01 for a whle
and have had no problems.
Cyrus Roton
Ridgecrest Apple User Group
Electronic Musical Instrument Technician


Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 09:40:35 -0500
From: Fattah  <>
Subject: Movies! COnverters & MPEG

Hi there!

I've a question for you !
What's the best Tool for Movies! COnverters...etc.

I got this movie which is MPEG! & I'm trying to convert it to Quicktime 
movie & when I do the converting it refuses & says: "INVALID TRACK", but 
the movie is playing fine with QUicktime 3.0! Can you direct me to a 
program that will Convert it to QuickTime ( I need to post that on the 
internet), or to CINEPAK (COPRESSION).

Please e-mail me if you know:

Cheers for Macs,



Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 13:04:24 -0400
From: Mod Dog Internet Services <>
Subject: need laser printer advice

My wife needs a recommendation for an inexpensive, dependable, easy to use
laser printer for a small Mac network. It's for a small dental office and
doesn't need to be super fast or print hundred's of pages a day.

I don't know much about laser printers so any advice at all would be
appreciated. If you reply to the list, please cc me also.


Brian White


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 14:24:35 -0700
From: Jim Butler <>
Subject: Please recommend a 3D Accelerator card for Open GL Rendering and Animation

Can someone please recommend a mid-priced, sub $1,200 3D Graphic Accelerator card for doing
rendering and animatino with OpenGL and QD3D. I use Lightwave, Strata Studio Pro and Bryce.
Please do not recommend a GAME CARD; I am looking for a power tool.


Jim Butler


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 20:12:30 -0500
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: Problem printing to DJ870 via AT solved

This brings up my beef with HP printers...

I work in an office full of PHDs (Push Here Dummies). Apparently, even
the Mac is not easy enough for them. One of the problems I have is that
the LaserWriter has an easy to use desktop printer icon.

I have yet to find a way to add a desktop printer icon to my HP DeskJet
870. I even tried to run it from the Apple StyleWriter 4400 driver (it
is very simular in style and inner workings) to no success.

Any ideas?

Marlon Deason


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 19:43:18 -0400
From: "p.brown" <>
Subject: Set default editor with Sys 7.5?

Ken Wickwire said...
-> Up to about Sys 7.1 one could use something called System7 Pac to change the
-> default editor from the appalling TeachText to say BBEdit. With Sys 7.5
-> and presumably above, the old S7P doesn't do it. Anybody know how it can
-> be done nowadays, with say Sys 7.5.3 (on a PPC or 68k)?
-> Tnx

One of the third-party editors (either BBEdit or Tex-Edit, I forget which)
once explained a way to do this using MacOS Easy Open. The only catch is
you have to delete all copies of SimpleText from your hard drive(s).

IIRC, after removing SimpleText you rebuild your desktop (preferably a
"full" rebuild ala TechTool). You then open a SimpleText document from the
Finder and will be presented with a dialog asking you to choose an
application. Hopefully, your favorite text editor (along with every other
application that can read text files) is listed and you can choose it. Do
not choose any one that says "with QuickTime translation." From then on,
any document that would otherwise opened with SimpleText will open with
your selected application. However, if you have any disk on your desktop
that contains SimpleText (as many install disks do), it will use that.

* All opinions expressed are yours, you have only yourself to blame. *


Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 09:31:45 +0100
From: Frazer Wright <>
Subject: Signatures in NisusWriter

B Luskin wrote:
>My signature was been scanned into a quark express file.  How do I transform
>this into a form that can be used with either word 6.0.1, or nisus 4.1?  I
>believe that this should be a graphics file...  I do not have quark express,
>but somehow I was able to get word perfect to open the file..
>Somehow I was able to get it into word perfect several months ago, and used
>it, but word perfect 3.5e is so flaky and quits abruptly so often that I am
>getting ready to abandon it.  I would love to be able to sign things in word
>or nisus writer, and fax them from this computer.

Try to convert the signature scan to pict format (Graphic Converter?).
Paste it into the scrapbook. Copy and paste from there to the document in
Nisus' graphics mode. Works every time for me.


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 19:08:24 -0500
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: Third-party CD Drives for PowerMacs

> Obviously, apple has placed special checks in its drivers to ensure
> that there are more sales of apple CD drives.  If someone would
> disassemble the driver and produce a patch that would disable
> the checks, then it would be simple to use the apple driver with
> any third-party CD-ROM.

I believe that the main reason that Apple ceased support for every other
CD-ROM drive under the sun is  the fact that users would then demand
Apple's quality technical support for their oddball (and cheaper)

CD-ROM drive problems are the #2 reason for calls to tech support. #1,
by the way, is floppy drive problems which Apple has eliminated with the

Yes, it would be great if Apple wrote all the Mac drivers, but this is
an expense that I don't think they can bear. This is something that even
Microsoft is too cheap to do.

BTW - Apple drives are third party drives (i.e. Sony), they've just been
blessed with a recognized hardware id. 

Marlon Deason


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 17:44:50 -0400
From: Benjamin Lotto <>
Subject: Weird font behavior---Netscape vs Maple

I have both Netscape Communicator v4.5 and Maple V R4 v5.4.0e and there's a
weird font conflict.  Here are the details.

Of these two applications, whichever one I start first displays everything
fine.  The second one, though, has all kinds of odd font spacing, making
the display pretty much unreadable.  This happens even if I quit the first
application before starting the second.  I have problems no matter which
font I use for display.  (Currently I use Times for Netscape and I think
that Maple defaults to Times.  I tried other fonts, though, with the same
results.)  I have screen captures of some of the problems that I can e-mail
to people if they want to see what this looks like.  I've tried a bunch of
things, but I can't seem to make this go away.  I can't even figure out
what's wrong!  Any suggestions would be very appreciated.


  Benjamin Lotto                 *
  Department of Mathematics      *  e-mail:
  Vassar College, Box 349        *  phone:  914-437-7180
  124 Raymond Avenue             *  fax:  914-437-7065
  Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0349    *
      WWW:  <>


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 21:45:39 -0600
From: Keith Hamilton <>
Subject: What is the Name?

There is a liitle control panel or extension that will clear dialog boxes
from your screen at a certain amount of time?  What is the name of it?
Where can I find it?


I have restarted my computer, but I have Pagemaker running.  Now  I get the
popup that says:

Don't Save        Cancel        Save

The program I'm talking about hits return and the default button is than




End of Info-Mac Digest