Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #148
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 01 Aug 98       Volume 16 : Issue 148

Today's Topics:

            Q: Problem with MO drive and PowerBook 160
      (A) Font management question
      (A) G3 and Aptiva E26 network
      (A) Net configurations for 68K Macs
      (A) No dial tone
      (C) MacWorks Sales doesn't know how to treat potential customers
      (Q) Font management question
      (Q) Toggling remote access configurations
      5215CD Problem
      Best WWW Browser for 68k Mac
      Can't shut down
      Dead 1710 Monitor
      Equation numbering in MS Word 98
      Invisible File
      Local Network
      moRe: [A] CD-RW media readable in CD-ROM drives?
      my mac won't shut down!
      PowerMac 7200 logic board power pinout?
      SCSI scanner drivers.
      system install from zip disks?
      Weird problem...

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Date:          Wed, 29 Jul 1998 16:50:26 +0000
Subject:       Q: Problem with MO drive and PowerBook 160

Hi all,

I'm having a problem that really flusters me. I have an Olympus Power 230 Mb MO drive as well 
as a Iomega Zip drive. Both work fine on my Performa 5200 (running System 7.5.5), either 
single or daisy chained. 

Connecting the Zip drive to my recently aquired PowerBook 160 using an SCSI adaptor and the 
Iomega driver works fine. However connecting the Olympus Power MO leads to the Mac reaching 
the splash screen - and then nothing else happens. This happens wether I use the Iomega driver, 
Formatter One driver that came with the MO drive, or a third party driver. But the really weird 
thing is it also happens when the MO drive is switched off (!). Disconnecting it - the PowerBook 
works fine. Connecting it - either on or off - the PowerBook does not get past the splash screen.

As I said I have no idea what's going on - does anyone else have a genius idea?




Date: 30 Jul 98 22:07:19 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) Font management question

Mark Allen <> wrote:
>Is the system limit 128 files in the font folder or 128 font families
>files seem to be the same font but one is normal, one is bold, etc.)?
>How can I check how many font (families?) that the system sees?
>What is the best way to manage more than 128 font (families?)? Can one
>activate groups of fonts and deactivate other groups without rebooting? In
>particular, can this activation/deactivation be tied to launches of
>particular programs?
>Are there recommended freeware/shareware applications to do this
>activation/deactivation on the fly or, if necessary, upon rebooting?

I think that the limit is 128 font suitcases. I may be wrong. Anyone know? 
I don't think there's a free/shareware version of this but both Adobe Type
Manager Deluxe and Symantec's Suitcase allow this exact thing without
having to restart between selecting font sets. There used to be another of
this ilk utility called Master Juggler. I don't know if it's still around
or not.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: 28 Jul 98 07:10:25 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) G3 and Aptiva E26 network

>In the next few months I will be attempting to connect a G3 and IBM 
>Aptiva E26 together through 10baseT and thought to solicit any advice 
>from all of the Info-Mac readers into what protocols to use, file sharing 
>and the like. I'll be having them networked to both play games and share 
>files. TIA

IPX is available for Mac from Novell.
 It's used by some games I think. For file sharing use TCP/IP, set up an
FTP server on the Mac and have the PC just do the Puts and Gets. Try Peter
Lewis' Net Presenz. It's available from Info-Mac.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: 28 Jul 98 22:19:50 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) Net configurations for 68K Macs

>would the most reliable networking setup for a 68K Mac look like?  I'm
>configuring a IIci to give to a non-profit org, and want to minimize
>support calls I get from them.
>Dial-up connection: MacTCP?  MacSLIP?  FreePPP?  Open Transport?
>Browser: MacWeb?  Mosaic/Netscape?  Opera?
>News:  NewsWatcher?  NewsHopper?
>Mail: Eudora Light?

MacSLIP appears to be pretty rarely used now. I don't know of any ISP that
offers SLIP connection. MacTCP and MacPPP would be the lowest common
denominator and will allow even an old Mac with a couple Mb of RAM to
connect to the net under sys. 7.1.
If you've got a bit more RAM and can carry the overhead of Open Transport
then that along with FreePPP or, better yet, OT/PPP would be the best
choice and would provide compatibility with more current software. You can
install OT on sys. 7.1or newer and certainly 68030-040 Macs. I don't know
about 68000 and 020 models.
Netscape 2.02 was pretty good on 68k Macs but buggy on PPCs. It'll run on
2Mb RAM. Eudora light will run on as little as 600 or 700kb RAM, depending
on what version you're using.
Anyone else have input? News readers?
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: 30 Jul 98 22:27:21 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) No dial tone

>Their first automatic reply concerned using "Zterm" and "AT". They said
>that Zterm should have been installed in my Mac with the internal
>Fax/modem. I cannot find it on my Mac, using fast find. I wonder if Zterm
>can be found and downloaded onto my machine.
>Their next reply was that they are not responsible for the Global Village
>Platinum Fax/Modem which was installed at the Mac factory.

Zterm or Black Night or some other terminal emulation software package is
certainly available on Info-Mac. Try it to see if the modem responds
properly to "AT" modem commands.
Global Village is now owned by Boca and that may affect the service they
may be able to provide to customers too.
I would try resetting the parameter RAM (PRAM) and maybe even cracking open
the Performa and pulling the clock battery off the mother board or perhaps
pulling the modem card out to make sure the dang thing is REALLY reset.
Also try removing all preferences and system files that go with the modem
(that's all the GlobalFax software and the Teleport control panel) and
reinstalling it from scratch.
Let us know how you fare.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 14:43:03 -0400
From: "abrody" <>
Subject: (C) MacWorks Sales doesn't know how to treat potential customers

Dear Digest readers,
The last great hope for 6 slot G3 Macs has decided it "can't", in its own
renew the license for the Daystar Millenium.   I called MacWorks today, and
after I asked them why they hung up on me.   I believe a renewed letter
writing campaign is in order to get the 6 slot G3 
Macs back into Apple's or Daystar's inventory.   MacWorks actually makes
these clones, but since it lost its license it "can't" make anymore
Milleniums, and won't try to get the license back from Apple.

It all started after reading the September "MacWorld" article saying the
only way to get a 6 slot G3 is to upgrade an existing 604 with 6 slots to
the G3 processor.  I was going to e-mail that person about the Daystar
Millenium, and couldn't find its web page anymore.  That's when I called
MacWorks and found out the sad truth.  

No response necessary, just thought I'd warn potential Mac buyers who they
are dealing with when contacting MacWorks.    

Any news yet on other printer support for the i-Mac other than the HP 890?  
I have an 870Cse.   
Also any news on SCSI to USB converters?

Thank you.



Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 23:30:27 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: (Q) Font management question

At 1:03 PM -0700 7/22/98, Mark Allen wrote:
>Is the system limit 128 files in the font folder or 128 font families (some
>files seem to be the same font but one is normal, one is bold, etc.)?

The System limitation is 128 font suitcases in the Fonts folder.  The
outline font files associated with PostScript fonts do not count toward
that limit.  There is a limitation on the number of individual screen
and/or TrueType fonts that can be stored in each of those suitcases, but
it's in the high thousands.

For example, I used to have something like 600 fonts installed.  My fonts
folder contained a dozen or two font suitcases, each containing oodles of
screen fonts [one contained around 1500; four or five sizes of each of 335
fonts].  Along with those were 500-odd outline fonts.  Everything worked

>How can I check how many font (families?) that the system sees?

I'm sure some font manangement program provides this, but I don't know of
one offhand.

>What is the best way to manage more than 128 font (families?)? Can one
>activate groups of fonts and deactivate other groups without rebooting? In
>particular, can this activation/deactivation be tied to launches of
>particular programs?

Some people swear by Suitcase.  Others really like MasterJuggler.  I used
to be a Suitcase user, but since my needs for font juggling have gone down
dramatically, now I just drag suitcases in and out of the Fonts folder
manually.  This works fine for me, and does not require rebooting or adding
another extension.

Suitcase does have the ability to enable certain fonts when particular apps
or documents are opened.  I imagine MasterJuggler does too.

Even without these, Adding or disabling fonts does not require a reboot.
At most, you'll need to quit and restart a given app to see the changes in
your font list take affect.  Some apps don't even require that.

You can get your system below the 128-suitcase limit by simply
consolidating suitcases.  For example, if Bob's Pretty Good Greeting Card
Maker installed ten TrueType fonts, each in their own font suitcase, you
can just drag nine of them onto the tenth, which will put all ten fonts
into a single suitcase; then rename it "Bob's Pretty Good Fonts" and you've
reduced the suitcase count by 9.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

Note, if you are enabling/disabling a PostScript font, you do not need to
drag the outline fonts in or out of the Fonts folder.  The suitcase is all
that needs to move enable/disable a given font.  For TrueType fonts, of
course, the suitcase is all there is.

chazl     - 7.27.1998 -


Date: 30 Jul 98 21:59:06 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (Q) Toggling remote access configurations

>Is there any control strip module available that simultaneously toggles
>Remote Access and TCP/IP configuration files?

Did you ever get an answer to this? I'm curious too. Isn't this supposed to
be sort of what the Location Manager in OS 8 looks after? I've seen it on
the new G3 PowerBooks but not opened it up or tried to configure it. It
does come with a CSM.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 20:19:15 -0400
From: "Lou Boncek" <>
Subject: 5215CD Problem

Here is the problem.  I believe the video board on my all-in-one 5215CD has
burned out.  Now on this particulary model, I can't find a way to attach an
external monitor. can I retrieve my data from the defunct
    I replaced the battery.  
    The computer worked for two more days then died.
I was going to connect the computer to another Mac via the printer ports,
but networking is turned off on the 5215, so is file sharing.  In fact the
extensions are all turned off for any sort of network.
The hard drive has a different ribbon connector than my other hard drives so
I just can't swap them to antoher machine and download the information.


Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 19:28:13 +0100
From: (Christopher Adams)
Subject: Best WWW Browser for 68k Mac

"Dennis L. Davis" <> wrote:
>MacWeb is small, but hasn't been updated in years and
>doesn't support JPEG inline and so you need to use an
>external helper like JPEGView, though it does work. :-}

MacWeb 2.0 is more recent, handles JPEGs, tables and image alignment:


But it's really only for people with 68000, black & white Macs who can't
run any newer graphical browser. Netscape 2.02 is better, if your Mac can
handle it.

MacWeb info is here:


Chris Adams, Birmingham, UK.    
The Mac SE Support Pages


Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:05:33 -0400
From: William Conable <>
Subject: Can't shut down

Suddenly, I can't shut down or restart my Q610 running Sys. 8 in the normal
way. The system goes through its usual routine, then gives an alert saying
it can't shut down because it can't quit a running app, suggests I quit it
manually and try again. But at that point there are no more running apps,
only the finder. So can someone suggest how I can locate whatever app it
believes to be still running? If I press the reset button and then restart
with no extensions etc., then it shuts down like a lamb, though sometimes
it later tells me I shut down wrong. Please reply to me at
<> since I am going to be away for some time and
will have to unsubscribe temporarily.

Many TIA,

Bill Conable
OSU School of Music


Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 10:15:53 +0100
From: Roland Whitehead <>
Subject: Dead 1710 Monitor


I have an apparantely dead 1710 monitor. The symptoms before failure were that periodically the image would collapse to a point in the middle of the screen. Turning off the monitor and leaving for a few  minutes before turning it back on would normally fix it until one day it wouldn't any more. We have taken it apart (quite a feat in itself due to some amaizing industrial design) and have put meters across everything. The HT lead seems to be carrying only 2V instead of something like 2000V. This would suggest breakdown in the HT transformer which would explain the collapsing image.

We have contacted our local friendly Apple Service centre and they can get a new board with new HT transformer on it for �150 (thats $225) and will put it in for me but they would expect it to take a couple of hours and their minimum service charge is �100 (thats $150). Apple UK's caveat is that they will only supply repair items to certified service centres who then have to do the installation so we can't do it ourselves. This means that the total fix is �250 ($375). I can get a new 1710 for �329 ($490) and so I would only save �80 in repairing the old one. 

Has anyone else had this problem and were they able to fix it? Does anyone know where I can get a replacement HT tranformer from? The issue is that whilst it would appear that the HT transformer is dead, perhaps it is some logic that is controlling the HT transformer in which case getting a new transformer is a waste of space.

Any advice would be warmly appreciated.

Roland Whitehead

PS. We do know roughly what we are doing having an electronic engineer on board so don't worry about being polite and giving answers to simpletons (like me - I'm just the coder and project manager around here) and just let rip...!


**** CONTINUUM ID, Cox Farm Studios, Warnham, West Sussex, RH12 3RZ, UK ****
**************** Tel +44 1403 271888 * Fax +44 1403 272127 *****************


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 16:21:30 +0900
From: Magnus Hoek <>
Subject: Equation numbering in MS Word 98

Hi there

Have been playing around with MS Word 98 for a week now and I'm getting
more and more impressed by this wordprocessor. It seems as if I can finally
dump my old trusted MS Word 5.1 and buy the new version. It seems to be
possible to do most of the things that I want to do with a wordprocessor.

However, there is one thing that I haven't figured out:

In my publications I'm writing a lot of formulas. Therefore it is necessary
to have automatic numbering of these formulas so that I can make cross
references. Automatic numbering is no problem. However, I would like to
have the numbering to appear after the formula, left justified at the last
tab of the line, i.e.:

E = mc^2	 					[1]

Is it possible to do this ? In that case, how ?

Magnus Hoek


Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 14:33:09 EDT
Subject: Invisible File

Could you please tell me what this file is for. "sysKas.5957"
Thank You
R> Wood


Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 15:40:28 +0900
From: Magnus Hoek <>
Subject: Local Network

Hi there Mac-Pro's

I've really got sick and tired of the lousy speeds of Apple-talk. I
frequently need to transfer files between my two Macs and so far I've used
a printer cable between the printer ports of the Macs but it's sooo
sloooow. Many times it's quicker just to throw in a floppy disk and do the

However I've started to wonder if it isn't possible to connect the internet
ports directly to each other and in that way create a local (two computers)
and fast network. Do I need any (expensive) routers for this or is it as
easy as just plug in a cable ?

Magnus Hoek


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 17:46:16 -0400
From: hope@eat.spam (Joni Hope Julian)
Subject: moRe: [A] CD-RW media readable in CD-ROM drives?

> Are you suggesting getting a CD-RW drive, but using CD-R media where
> there's a playback-compatibility concern?

So far, that tactic has worked well for me.  Yes, I like this option.  YMMV.

> I'd appreciate the list's experienced advice on another matter.  I'm
> considering some sort of CD for LocalTalk network backup.  I understand
> LocalTalk is too slow and would cause data underruns, ruining any CD-R.
> One alternative is to back up to another HD, then copy the backup file to
> the CD-R.

I would certainly go for the network -> HD -> CD-R(W) just for myself, but
you can always test this.  However, if backup is your main concern, do a
search on TidBITs and read the fairly recent article series on backups.  I
assume you want a CD-R that you can also use for backups.  Toast,
generally bundled with the CD-R(W) drives and generally considered the
best burning software, has a "Simulation Mode" where it does everything
except turn the lasers on to burn.  You could run a few tests and see if
you get a buffer under-run.  However, I suspect the first large file would
kill a CD-R.  (AppleTalk is intended for moving small files on small to
medium networks, and it does that well.  As soon as the file size hits
about 1 Meg, I notice transfers slow down.)

I've been doing my backups to CD-RW media, as well as miscellaneous big
files for my own use (between PowerMac 8600 and Sun Ultra 60 MAE).  Files
for other people and my archives go on CD-R in ISO 9660 multisession
format.  I can re-use my CD-RW discs, and most people I know don't have CD
burners so CD-R or CD-RW is not a concern (except for compatibility) for
anyone but me.

> Another possibility is a CD-RW.  However, I'm not clear how it would handle
> the slow-network problem:  would it toast the CD-RW (probably not), just
> waste a track occasionally (likely), or write over any such temporary
> errors (too good to hope for)?

I think the CD-RW goes for your final option *but* you have to restart the
burn manually (it doesn't recover gracefully -- now THAT would be too
good).  Here's my personal experience.

I've had two bad burns, both to the same CD-RW disc, for my very first two
burns.  It went like this.  I had about 500 Meg to burn, and the burn
failed and aborted with 1 minute left (of course).  No readable data on
the disc.  If this had been CD-R, it would have been a coaster, but it was
CD-RW so I popped it back in the burner.  I tried a single speed burn just
in case burning speed (buffer overrun or data underrun) was the problem. 
The burn failed (reported the same error) and aborted (no matter how I
felt on the matter) with 2 minutes to go.  I then started to wonder about
the quality of my Verbatim media, so I took the disc out and looked at it
closely.  Sure enough, there was a dried water drop on it.  After I
cleaned the disc, the third burn went fine.  The disc was not a coaster
because it was CD-RW and not CD-R.  I didn't even have to erase the disc;
I suppose because the burn didn't finish.

After I saw the water drop dried on the disc, I felt very foolish for not
checking my media BEFORE tossing it in the burner.  Let this be a lesson
that all that is shrinkwrapped is not necessarily gleaming clean.  On a
positive note, all other discs I have opened HAVE been clean.  Just the
first one bit me!

> And is the media price difference of 10x ($20 as opposed to $2) worth it?!

Well, you be the judge of "worth it" -- would you rather have a disc that
you can use again for $13 (and recover from any mistakes), or would you
rather have a single good chance for $1.75 (and have to throw away any
goofs, like water drops)?  Until I feel more confident about my burning
skills, I prefer the reusable choice.

A multi-session CD-R is more forgiving than I may have made it sound.  I
have also burned the same data to a CD-R twice.  The first time I didn't
check the box that allowed the files to have Mac icons, so I couldn't
launch any of the apps.  The second burn I did right.  Only the second
burn mounts when I read this CD, although the data occupy twice as much
space as necessary.  That's pretty forgiving!  The other trick I have
learned is that "ISO 9660 multisession" is nicer than "Mac Volumes and
Files" in Toast because all sessions go on one apparent disc, not one disc
to mount per burn.  (RTFM on this topic.  The PDF manual with Toast does
say this will happen if you read all of it.  It does not say this soon
enough for my attention span --woohoo I found something that should work--
and it does not say loudly that you might want to consider ISO 9660 with
Mac extensions ~instead~, but the manual is complete and accurate so far.)

I really like my CD-RW.  It's not fast, but I can use it as a second CD
reader and I can burn CDs.  The only problem with burning CDs is that
Toast takes over my PowerMac and I can't play with my Mac while waiting
(as I often do when waiting).  Since I was cheap (hey, I'm a student), I
only have a 2x burner, so a 74 minute CD takes 37 minutes to burn plus
several minutes of overhead.  So 40 minutes to sweep the floor, have a cup
of tea, and play with my calculator.  I'm glad I got this drive.

I hope this answers your questions, and has not rambled on until boredom.

- Joni
hope at unc dot edu


Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 11:45:41 -0500 (CDT)
From: Jim Clark <jclark@utm.EdU>
Subject: my mac won't shut down!

Whenever my geoport modem cuts off in the middle of trying to dial a
connection (after which the modem port is always busy and cannot be
initialized), I cannot restart from the special menu, but must always do
it through keystrokes or powering off/on the computer.

Every time... which is two or three times a day...

jim clark (
ut martin


Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 11:20:48 +0500
From: (Alex Funk)
Subject: PowerMac 7200 logic board power pinout?

I bought a PM7200 logic board from Shreve Systems ("Make your own MAC!")

The ad didn't say that no connection info was included.

The ad didn't say further that if requested, they would deny having info,=
 and would claim that if they had it they couldn't give it out anyway.

Any pointers to anyone who can provide me with PM7200 power pinout would be=
 greatly appreciated.  It is different from the Macs I have been using in=
 that it aparently has a 3.3V connection.  The 3.3v in and the ground are=
 obvious, but it looks like there is also perhaps a sense line, and I need=
 to know exactly what is going on so I don't blow it.

Also I need to know if the negative voltage to the main power connector is=
 -5V or -12V.  (The filter cap is 16V rating, so it doesn't offer a clue, as=
 both +5 and +12 use 16V caps).

Thanks in advance!  (Needless to say, Shreve Systems just dropped off my=
 supplier list)

S P A M Guard: if there is an x in the return address remove it to reply
_________Alex Funk DESIGN___________<>_________


Date: 31 Jul 98 06:06:17 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: SCSI scanner drivers.

Dear List Readers:
Are there any shareware authors out there who've taken a crack at writing
drivers for scanners? Some older colour and gray-scale scanners that are
mechanically sound and, although low resolution and bit depth, are still
perfectly useable "for position only" or for web graphics. All they need is
a software interface.
The place I work has half a dozen Abaton scanners whose drivers don't work
under newer systems or maybe PCI bus PMacs. I used to have a Logitech
ScanMan but Logitech stopped supporting Mac and their drivers got broken
under system 7.5. Then at some point I had a Datacopy scanner (a Xerox
company) whose software was designed for system 6, although a Photoshop 2.0
plug-in sort of let it limp along and OmniPage still supported it. (three
cheers for Caere).
I'd pony up for a shareware package that let me use any of these again.
Photoshop plug-ins, DA type things, anything would do.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 07:26:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: system install from zip disks?

hello everyone!
	I was wondering if there exists a method of transferring
the mac os installation program and files to a "floppy method"
utilizing several zip disks. I have a mac os 7.6 cd-rom, and a
quadra 630 with no cd-rom drive. any help will be greatly

thanks very much,

	bill sehlmeyer


Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 20:34:09 +0200
From: Michael Nolet <>
Subject: Weird problem...

Hello digest,

I have run into an interesting problem.  For about a week now simpletext
has started acting strangely.  Whenever I open simpletext the entire
content of the window is black,  making it impossible to read text.  Now
this has started spreading to other applications too.  THINK Project
Manager has a black outline around the TextEdit field and _most_ windows
turn black in the background.  Might this be a virus??


ps: Please respond to me directly as well as to the digest!  Thanks!,



End of Info-Mac Digest