Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #116 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Tue, 02 Jun 98 Volume 16 : Issue 116 Today's Topics: (A) movies from mac to NT? (A) OT/PPP Configurations (A) Performa 630CD Start-up Problem (A)Mac IIsi and Monitor (A)Netscape Navigator - Dialing in from different *locations* (Q) Quicktime Conferencing [A] modifying my PowerBook [A] Zip Plus--not [Q] CD-RW media readable in CD-ROM drives? [Q] Configuring Mac for newbie [Q] Performa 6320 sound input AppleTalk and TCP/IP cable modem can't download text from web to hard disk Disappearing cursor Eudora Pro 3.1->3.1.3?? Express modem problems File sharing not enabled free monitor Fried PB3400 Network Card Fwd: (Q)Cable Modem Conniction Fwd: Compare program (diff) for Mac? Fwd: OT/PPP Configurations (Q) Getting a Thinkpad to talk to a Personal Laserwriter 320 Info-Mac Digest V16 #112 launching an application from netscape looking for IN CONTROL Mac IIsi and Monitor Mac OS 7.6.1 and Claris Works 4.0v5 Macplus and Zip drive New Web based chat server. Open Transport 1.3 Opening Email File Attachments OT/PPP Configurations pc files to mac pc files to mac Performa 6320 and 8.1? Porting FileMaker Pro database to a PC printing PostScript to an HP Laserjet 1 lookalike Providing for NoFrame Browsers Quadra 605 PPC601 Video Problem question for digest Reclaiming partition Sound Decoder Window tiling utility The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more information, visit the Info-Mac Web site at <>. Email Addresses and Instructions: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions: * To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below: <> * Search the archive at <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V16 #116" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:21:35 -0400 From: monte ferguson <> Subject: (A) movies from mac to NT? The problem with files is that they need to be flattened,have their resource forks removed, so that they play on other platforms. It's easy to do in the Movie Player program.(Note: this works if you have MoviePlayer 2.5 or Quicktime 3 Pro). Open your movie, click on Save As. When the dialog appears choose the option Make Movie Self Contained, which will allow you to check a further box which allows it to play on non-Apple computers. Monte Ferguson Macintosh Technical Support the Iserv Co. >We have a series of Quicktime movies that were based on simulation output. >The movies were made by stringing a bunch of gif frames together. The >movies play fine with the Quicktime player included with the mac OS. The >problem is that we would like to move them to an Alpha NT 4.0 machine that >is acting as our web server. The files are too big to fit on a floppy. We >tried tranfering by FTP (through a unix machine to further complicate >things) (zipped or not) and never got a playable movie out of it. ------------------------------ Date: 21 May 98 07:26:21 -0400 From: "D. Scott Beach" <> Subject: (A) OT/PPP Configurations >I would love to see a simple CMM, control strip, or menu adder that allows >me >to select from the different configurations set in when hitting apple-K in >the PPP control panel. Anybody know of such a utility? Yes, there are Control Strip modules to do this. I'm using Remote Access Control Strip but there's a set of three that work with OT/PPP that let you switch settings for Modem, PPP, and TCP/IP. They're in Info-Mac archives with the rest of the control strips I expect. - Scott ************************** D. Scott Beach, A rabid Mac dude in Toronto. ************************** ------------------------------ Date: 21 May 98 21:40:16 -0400 From: "D. Scott Beach" <> Subject: (A) Performa 630CD Start-up Problem Laurence Hawkins <> writes: >Performa 630CD with 68040 and System 7.5.1 cannot restart. Whether >"normal >extensions", "System 7.5.1 only", or "Extensions off" are selected, start >proceeds until desktop shows, when bomb message (unnumbered) appears >saying >"System error occurred, "Finder", floating point processor not installed". >Only option is to restart, which gets me nowhere. > >Disk First Aid showed Disk damage, which it repaired. Have zapped PRAM >and >rebuilt desktop file to no avail. Restored system software from Performa >CD, with no improvement. Unless I'm missing something, my only last resort >is to erase HD completely and re-install everything. > >Have I missed anything? And why should System restoration not solve >problem? Laurence: The sys. restore may not do a "clean" install. It may just fill in the blanks (replace missing bits). It may not (most likely doesn't) delete your preference files. I would try booting from a system disk and then deleting the "Finder Prefs. from the Preferences folder in your System Folder. Your system may be otherwise fine. I think you might also try removing the Apple Menu Options control panel if you haven't already done that. Let me know if those suggestions do any good at all. I'll keep my fingers crossed. - Scott ************************** D. Scott Beach, A rabid Mac dude in Toronto. ************************** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:48:54 -0400 From: monte ferguson <> Subject: (A)Mac IIsi and Monitor If I'm not mistaken that machine is of the older school of Mac's which require a signal to be received via the monitor's green channel, or synch on green. Newer mac's and mac monitors don't require this set up. The multi synch monitors you refer to were made much later than the video circuitry in the Mac IIsi. You should be able to find older monitors from several sources or perhaps you could try going to Radius' web site. They have a section for older hardware. It might offer a connector that will work with the IIsi. Monte Ferguson Macintosh Technical Support The Iserv Co >A friend gave me a mac IIsi. I have three monitors at home and only one >seems to work with it. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:56:45 -0400 From: monte ferguson <> Subject: (A)Netscape Navigator - Dialing in from different *locations* I hate to correct you here but you're using the wrong terms. AOL makes it's own networking software package, which is why you have the experiences you describe below, it's not the "browser". They just encapsulate the dialer into the whole package making it seamless to the end user, and quite nice too. For the rest of us what we have is our connection software and our internet applications. The connection software dials up our service provider and the internet apps work overtop of that connection. Apple's PPP control panel, included in MacOS 7.6 and further releases allows you to create multiple configurations. Also the, free, FreePPP program also does this. FreePPP can be downloaded at: You can get PPP <which requires Open Transport> from Monte Ferguson Macintosh Technical Support The Iserv Co >as I use my internet browser both for business and for private purposes, I >have to dial in from two locations, i.e. *work* and *home* ( from one and the >same phone ) , because this allows me to get my telephone costs split up >accordingly. > >In the AOL browser, this can be done very elegantly in the first dialog box, >where one switches between the two locations with a simple mouse click. Very >practical ! ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 98 22:37:04 -0400 From: "D. Scott Beach" <> Subject: (Q) Quicktime Conferencing Info-Maclings: I've installed Apple's Quicktime TV/Conferencing/videophone software. Who broadcasts Quicktime TV and what is there to see? Apple seems to have dropped that line of QT. Is anyone else running with it? Is this neat stuff just occupying my hard drive space? Thanks. - Scott ************************** D. Scott Beach, A curious Mac dude in Toronto. ************************** ------------------------------ Date: 23 May 98 21:22:34 -0400 From: "D. Scott Beach" <> Subject: [A] modifying my PowerBook >I have a PowerBook 5300c. Apparently this is not precise enough. Apple >actually made to varieties of PB5300c. One came with 16MB RAM/750MB >HD/1MB VRAM and I got the other one. I have added a 24MB card to >overcome my original 8MB, I have added a VST zip drive module to >compensate for the 500MB HD, But I cannot just pop in a fix for my 512k >VRAM. > >I have added a 1MB VRAM/Ethernet card to upgrade my video out card. This >leaves me an original 512k external video card. I would like to remove >the 512k chip from this spare card (which has no real use anymore) and >'jump' it to my 'Books original 512k VRAM on the motherboard. > >I have seen instructions for 'clock-chipping' CPUs and motherboards on >the internet. Some of these instructions are solder-less or require >little solder. Now, I'm not afraid of a little soldering, but soldering >on a motherboard is seriously business. I would like to be able to >'clip' this additional chip to whatever locations are necessary. I don't >think that a half MB of VRAM is going to increase my heat output >significantly. How much damage can I cause by experimenting with this >spare 512k chip and the VRAM locations on my motherboard? Is there a >source of info for VRAM specs and the 5300? Marlon: <caveat> I've never clock-chipped anything </caveat> but I suspect that the reason it can be a DIY project is because all you're doing is over-riding a quartz clock chip with another or adjusting one that's there. It probably only requires pysically clipping the chip in place and soldering a power lead to it. It's just kind of a metronome thing that regulates how fast the sytem moves along. You want to change from your current legatto to andant=E9 (those are probably the wrong words - sorry). Other than perhaps needing a fan to cool down the now-faster-running processor I don't think there's much more to it. Adding RAM (or VRAM for that matter) requires a bunch more connections that would all need soldering. That's a lot of soldering on or near IC chips. There is also the question of memory addresses. Have Macs lulled us into a sense that they're plug *anything* 'n' play? I don't know that they're designed to be solder 'n' play. I'm sorry to sound discouraging but I'd hate to think you'd damage your PowerBook. On the other hand, if you're going to try, DOCUMENT IT! It would be very valuable information if it works. We'll call it the "Deason Method for PBVRAM recovery and upgrade". Either way, good luck. - Scott ************************** D. Scott Beach, A rabid Mac dude in Toronto. ************************** ------------------------------ Date: 20 May 98 21:03:03 -0400 From: "D. Scott Beach" <> Subject: [A] Zip Plus--not >I recently heard that the new Zip Plus from Iomega has a new-found bug = >and that it should not be used in a SCSI chain or used with a PowerBook = >(that requires an adapter). Does anyone know anything about this? Dr. Andy: I spoke to a sales rep. from Iomega last week and he confirmed this. It remains fine as a single SCSI device or as a parallel device for a peecee. - Scott ************************** D. Scott Beach, A rabid Mac dude in Toronto. ************************** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 11:39:04 +0200 From: Sven Luetkemeier <> Subject: [Q] CD-RW media readable in CD-ROM drives? Hi, I'm thinking about buying a CD-RW drive for backup purposes. Will the CD-RW media be readable in standard CD-ROM drives? Kind regards, Sven. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 23:14:42 -0400 From: "David B. Niethamer" <> Subject: [Q] Configuring Mac for newbie on 5/9/98 11:57 AM, Kathy Brunetti wrote: >My friend is also someone who will actually RTFM. Can you suggest some >good introductory Mac or Internet books? MacWorld PowerMac Secrets by Pogue and Schorr is really good. It's comprehensive, readable, and I actually enjoyed it enough that I *did* read all of it, and bought the 4th edition when I got a new PowerMac. It's my first resort when trouble shooting. David ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 23:31:51 +0000 From: Quentin North <> Subject: [Q] Performa 6320 sound input Hi I would like to improve my sound input on my Performa 6320 from the current 22khz sample rate to the 44.1khz sample rate at 16bit stereo. Is the only choice to upgrade to a G3 or can I get a add on card (at low-er cost)? Ideally of course I would like to have digital input so that I can connect my MiniDisc directly to the Mac using an optic connection. The objective is to allow me to edit and compose dry speech with music beds etc for radio production, so the best solution at the lowest cost is what I am after. Many thanks, Quentin ------------------------------ Date: 20 May 98 21:49:25 -0400 From: "D. Scott Beach" <> Subject: AppleTalk and TCP/IP >The network administration dept. at my university doesn't like AppleTalk >(or Mac at all...). In fact, it seems that after this summer they will not >allow AppleTalk traffic on the Ethernet. So I want every piece of info on >how you can have "encapsulated" (or what the English word might be) >AppleTalk traffic on a TCP/IP network. Claes: There are several options I think. The first that comes to mind is ARNS <> from Austalia. There's also all this groovy new Appleshare IP and the OpenDoor <> variations on it. You can get Appleshared volumes off UNIX/LINUX using Netatalk <>. I think there has been discussion of that here recently. Also check out a great article by Grant Bayley on Macintouch <> for a first hand example. I hope that's what you're after and you find something useful in it all. - Scott ************************** D. Scott Beach, A rabid Mac dude in Toronto. ************************** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:27:39 -0400 From: monte ferguson <> Subject: cable modem The processor issue only comes up when dealing with a very complicated page that has many nested tables. In essence your machine has to process all of the code necessary for the browser to display everything in its proper place. When there are tables within tables it has been my experience that the speed of the processor really comes into play. Your processor is definitely fast enough to deal with a cable modem. (Heck 10BaseT ethernet is way faster and there is a card for your mac that can handle that.) The only real issue is the actual connection to your machine. I don't have a cable modem but you might want to find out what kind of connection it uses. (My guess is ethernet) My own Performa 475 is chugging along quite nicely on the internet. The only potential limiting factor is the port speed of the built in serial ports. Monte Ferguson Macintosh Technical Support The Iserv Co >I am interested in getting a hi-speed cable modem connection through my >local cable TV company. I have a Quadra 605 with a 68040 processor. >They claim this connection is 50 times faster than a 28.8k modem. >However, Im sure this is based on a much faster processor than mine. So >my question is how much does the processor speed contribute to the >overall download rate? Or, how much faster will it be than my current >56k modem? Just trying to justify the $40 monthly access fee. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 21:20:51 +0100 (BST) From: Michael Rank <> Subject: can't download text from web to hard disk I posted this message to a.n. other Mac forum but only got one reply. Am hoping Infomac readers can help sort this out. Thanx. I have a Performa 475 and in the last couple of weeks have found that I can't download text from the Web to my hard disk (Desktop). When I try to do so (from File/Save as), the Save "barber's pole" appears but does not fill up, and when I log off, the document is there on the Desktop but it is either completely blank or contains just the first two or three lines of the page I was trying to download. Also, when online I go backwards to a page I have been to a few minutes ago, I usually find I can't go back to that page (it won't download again, it is blank). I have a vague idea these probs may mean my cache is full, but am just a simple, uneducated home user and am very puzzled and frustrated. Can anyone please help. Many thanks, Michael Rank <> Phone: 0171 254 8168 40 Northchurch Rd, London N1 4EJ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 00:41:18 +0100 From: Dudley Warrington Thomas <> Subject: Disappearing cursor Running OS 8.0 on a Mac G3 with contextual menus (an a whole bunch of other extentions) active. Simple (annoying) problem: when I drag an item across the Desktop & hold the cursor over a folder, the folder opens BUT THE CURSOR DISAPPEARS. I am still able to move the (now invisible) cursor around & can guesstimate where the cursor is by pressing the mousebutton down and seeing where the Hollywood light selection box is but the problem is annoying Any ideas WHAT is wrong? (All replies appreciated) Thanks in advance DUDLEY CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Suite 207 at 37 Store Street Bloomsbury, London WC1B-4AA UNITED KINGDOM Telephone 0044.(0)7050.028.797 Facsimile 0044.(0)171.242.6087 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 16:53:54 -0600 From: Ted Logan <> Subject: Eudora Pro 3.1->3.1.3?? Apparently I missed an upgrade from Eudora Pro 3.1 to 3.1.1. The current update to 3.1.3 will not work with 3.1 -- only with 3.1.1 or 3.0.x (yes, I tried it, but there's a piece missing from my 3.1 version that must have been in 3.1.1). I've emailed Eudora support at Qualcomm but figure someone here may have a quicker answer for me. There is no 3.1->3.1.1 updater on any Qualcomm or Eudora site that I can find. Older, yes. Newer, yes. But not 3.1->3.1.1. Any help would be appreciated, as always. Ted Logan Logan Writing, Inc. Cleveland, Oklahoma ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 22:13:17 +0100 From: Tony Harmar <> Subject: Express modem problems Suddenly I have a problem connecting my 5500/275 to the net. It could have coincided with upgrading to System 8.1 from 8.0, I am not sure. When I restart the machine it will not connect via OpenTransport/PPP unless I open the Express Modem control panel, switch the modem off and then on again. Has anyone out there encountered this problem? Replies via email would be appreciated since I do not read the digest regularly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Harmar, MRC Brain Metabolism Unit, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Morningside Park, Edinburgh EH10 5HF, Scotland Tel +44 131 537 6533 FAX +44 131 537 6110 Home page: VIP/PACAP mailing list: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 09:50:36 -0500 From: "John A. Cooper" <> Subject: File sharing not enabled Cannot enable file sharing on one computer on our network. File sharing previously was enabled. Get the error message, "File Sharing cannot be enabled". This message appears shortly after startup, when file sharing tries to start, or after I try to start it from within its control panel. Using OS8.1 on a 7600. Other network access, such as TCP/IP, printing, etc, including accessing shared files on other computers, works well. Did a clean system install. No change. Any ideas or suggestions? TIA. John Cooper ------------------------------ Date: 23 May 98 22:10:02 -0400 From: "D. Scott Beach" <> Subject: free monitor >It is a black-and-white 19" monitor. Its controller card is >a NuBus card and it works only on NON-PowerMac Macs (it does >not work properly on a PowerMac with NuBus), and obviously >you must have a free NuBus slot. It was built by the late >Moniterm company and re-sold under the Mirror Technologies label, >should anyone remember those companies! :-) Hisham: A very generous offer! I used to work on a 19" B&W Viking Moniterm and waffled awhile over the move to a 17" colour Trinitron. That extra size was almost enough to pass up the colour for. Just as a word of encouragement to anyone who may wish to take Hisham up on his offer; Griffin Technology in Tennesee, makes a range of video signal and synch. adapters, one of which might allow this monitor to be used on a PPC's on-board video. Check their web site. <A HREF="">Griffin Technology Home Page </A> They have reference materials and a searchable database. They've helped me out a few times. - Scott ************************** D. Scott Beach, A rabid Mac dude in Toronto. ************************** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 17:37:53 +0000 From: Roland Whitehead <> Subject: Fried PB3400 Network Card We had a very violent thunderstorm here last week. I was away and when I= returned our hub was dead, a SupraExpress 33.6 modem won't find a telehone= line, a Dayna AUUI-10BT drop box was dead and my PowerBook 3400 won't see= ethernet. All this happened whilst everything but the hub was turned off. = The hub's only 30 days old and is on warranty, the modem has a 3 year= warranty and will be swapped out but the 3400 is now 13 months old. Anyone= got any ideas on fixing it's network card? Its the one with the 33.6 modem= that Apple only provides. Has anyone had this before? It seems to be= sending signals to the net OK but will not receive. Yes, I've tried= different cables! The modem part of the card works fine (have to use it= because of the fried modem!). TIA. Roland Whitehead CONTINUUM ID ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 18:00:17 -0700 From: Daly Jessup <> Subject: Fwd: (Q)Cable Modem Conniction Greg, 50 times faster is a low figure. On my 8500/233 MHz machine now, and the same machine when it was 180 MHz, the speed improvements range from 10x to about 150x my old download speeds on a good connection with a 33.6k modem. My daughter uses the cable modem with a 6100/60MHz machine and gets similar results to ours. The difference is just stunning. It is addictive, even. And we pay $55 a month for our 3 IP addresses with the cable modem and don't begrudge a penny of it. However, I do not have any statistics as to relative influence of cable modem vs. the processor on download speeds. I just know that unless you are really strapped for money, you will be glad you got the cable modem. Daly >I am interested in getting a hi-speed cable modem connection through my >local cable TV company. I have a Quadra 605 with a 68040 processor. >They claim this connection is 50 times faster than a 28.8k modem. >However, Im sure this is based on a much faster processor than mine. So >my question is how much does the processor speed contribute to the >overall download rate? Or, how much faster will it be than my current >56k modem? Just trying to justify the $40 monthly access fee. Daly Jessup ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 18:03:40 -0700 From: Daly Jessup <> Subject: Fwd: Compare program (diff) for Mac? Herman Collins asked: >I need to compare two text files. Something like the Unix utility diff >(but with a Mac interface) would be ideal. Any suggestions? > >While I'm on the subject, I'd also like to have a utility that would >compare two folders, possibly with sub-folders. It should tell me which >files are not identical (data fork, resource fork, and finder info) and >which files are not in one folder or the other. Is there anything like >that available? Microsoft Word does a nice job of comparing text files and generating a file summarizing the differences, and, if you wish, giving you a marked up document showing what was deleted and what was added between the first and second documents. This function is found in the Tools menu, under Track Changes, then choose "Compare Documents". There is a utility called "Folder Compare" which was at version 1.0b6 last I looked, that may answer your other question. It is a simple drag and drop application and compares the contents of two folders. I'm sure there are many other "Diff" utilities out there, but I'm not finding them at the moment. Oh, Adobe FrameMaker also does a nice job, if you happen to own it already. Hope this helps. Daly Oops - look what I just found in the Info-Mac digest: >From: >Subject: [*] ComparaDocs Lite Demo > > ComparaDocs compares documents with each other and generates a >comparison report in web browser format (HTML) showing all changes made to >the selected documents. ComparaDocs reports not only all phrases inserted >or deleted but also any phrases that were moved. ComparaDocs is useful >both for redlining the revisions to drafts of a single document, and for >extracting the similarities between different documents. > > ComparaDocs Lite is a disabled version of ComparaDocs Pro. >ComparaDocs Pro features advanced and customizable report viewing, support >for all major word processing and document formats, native execution and >integration, plus speed enhancements and additional intelligent-components >in the comparison algorithm. > > For information on obtaining ComparaDocs Pro or a registered copy >of ComparaDocs Lite, visit our website >or email us at <>. > > ComparaDocs Lite requires the MacOS Runtime for Java (MRJ) 2.0. A >color display and at least 16 MB of RAM are recommended. > >Author: Michael D Kim > >[Archived as /info-mac/text/compara-docs-lite.hqx; 147K] Daly Jessup ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 16:09:49 -0700 From: Daly Jessup <> Subject: Fwd: OT/PPP Configurations (Q) A Brody asked >I would love to see a simple CMM, control strip, or menu adder that allows me >to select from the different configurations set in when hitting apple-K in >the PPP control panel. Anybody know of such a utility? There is a terrific set of "Configuration Changers" written by TimKelly. They are all Control Strip modules and work wonderfully. They cost a dollar each - "Buckware" and are worth way more. They give you clear little control strip modules that let you start the Control Panel in question, or just choose a configuration from a little list that pops up. There are modules for changing configurations in AppleTalk, PPP, TCP/IP and Modem control panels. The TCP/IP one also shows you how long you have been on line. You can find them at: Daly Jessup Daly Jessup ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:41:32 -0400 From: monte ferguson <> Subject: Getting a Thinkpad to talk to a Personal Laserwriter 320 MacWorld had a good article covering Windows/Mac integration and networking issues, two or three issues back in case you would like further input. PCMacLan seems to be the product that would do the trick for you. It would allow your ThinkPad to be a peer on an AppleTalk network. There is also a good website at: which deals with cross platform issues. Monte Ferguson Macintosh Technical Support The Iserv Co ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 08:32:11 +0100 From: Andy Ockrim <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #112 Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 23:14:02 -0600 From: Rick VanDerveer <> Subject: [A] AppleTalk and TCP/IP MIME-Version: 1.0 >The network administration dept. at my university doesn't like AppleTalk >(or Mac at all...). In fact, it seems that after this summer they will not >allow AppleTalk traffic on the Ethernet. So I want every piece of info on >how you can have "encapsulated" (or what the English word might be) >AppleTalk traffic on a TCP/IP network. I run a computer room of Macs on the University Novell network without using Appletalk. Assuming your network uses IPX, you can install MacIPX which is available from Novell, and run all your network traffic over that. --- Andy Ockrim Manchester Metropolitan University e-mail: Phone: +44 (0)161 247 6597 Mobile: +44 (0)973 179 634 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 18:07:07 -0700 From: Jim <> Subject: launching an application from netscape Hello all, I am in a jam. I have a java application that I would like to launch with netscape on a mac. It's not an applet, it's an application. What I want to do is similar to pdf files. If you have Adobe Acrobat install on the client machine. By clicking on a pdf file in netscape, Acrobat is launched. Here's the situation: 1) user installs the java application on the client mac machine. 2) user sets up the a new mime type in netscape/preferences/applications. Description: HIT mime type: application/x-HIT suffixes: HIT application: HIT application 3) user downloads a file of mime type application/x-HIT from my netscape server, it should launch the HIT application, but it doesn't does anyone know what I am doing wrong or what I need to do? Please email me @ Any help would be appreciated it. Thanks. - Jim ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 19:13:06 +0200 From: (Dr. Julian E G�mez) Subject: looking for IN CONTROL Does anyone know what happened to the IN CONTROL app, which was published by the former Attain Corporation? There's no web page for Attain, and the phone number is a dead end. -- Dr. Julian "a tribble took it " Gomez original member Apple Computer QuickDraw 3-D Team ------------------------------ Date: 20 May 98 22:07:15 -0400 From: "D. Scott Beach" <> Subject: Mac IIsi and Monitor >A friend gave me a mac IIsi. I have three monitors at home and only one >seems to work with it. Daniel: The IIci andthe IIsi had the first on-board video. They were a bit weird I guess. They can't handle multi-synch monitors. Check at , they make video adapters for practically everything, including the IIci and IIsi - Scott ************************** D. Scott Beach, A rabid Mac dude in Toronto. ************************** ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 17:23:03 -0600 From: Ted Logan <> Subject: Mac OS 7.6.1 and Claris Works 4.0v5 On a PowerMac 7100/80 with 56MB RAM and no RAM or Speed Doublers or other funny business: Ever since I upgraded from OS 7.5.5 to 7.6.1, my navigating times in CW 4.0v5 have increased manyfold. Annoyingly so. I remember reading about this on Info-Mac before but of course didn't pay attention at the time. I've fiddled with CW memory allotment and with disk cache, which for some reason I had set up to 7600K or thereabouts for reasons I've now forgotten. The default is 1536K, but neither increasing nor decreasing disk cache size seems to make much difference. Any advice or suggestions welcomed as always. Ted Logan Logan Writing, Inc. Cleveland, Oklahoma ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 19:42:02 -0600 From: "Larry Williams" <> Subject: Macplus and Zip drive Has anyone out there tried connecting a Zip drive to a Macplus? The hard drive on my nephews machine has given up the ghost. So I'm wondering what could be used to replace it. I'm assuming the Plus wouldn't be able to handle todays drives due to there size. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 98 12:14:51 EST From: Subject: New Web based chat server. hi there, SuperChat is now up and running. It is completely free and is good for all ages. SuperChat has a very nice and easy to use interface. Come join the fun and meet new people at: tom lee ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 98 01:25:07 +0100 From: Ian Burt <> Subject: Open Transport 1.3 Just a quick one folks, will Open Transport 1.3 work with OS 7.5.5? I have the OS 8.1 updater but not 8.0 as yet and cannot wait for single-link multihoming, which allows one Mac to have several IP addresses. I need to know if I can use the Open Transport 1.3 updater independently of the main installer? TIA, Ian B But you who walk facing the sun,what images drawn on the earth can hold you? ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 01:21:27 +0900 From: Nick Lloyd <> Subject: Opening Email File Attachments To whom it my concern: I own a Macintosh computer and when I try to open received email attachments from Pc's (.exe, .bmp, .doc) it tells me to pick a application to open it up in. I've tried applications like PhotoShop, Quark, MageMaker, ActrobatReader and SimpleText but am unable to open such attachments. I was wondering if there is a specific Plug-in I can download from your site that will enabling me to view these types of attachments from PC's. Any advise would be helpful, thank you Nick Lloyd (Japan) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 08:40:09 -0400 From: (Stan Hadley) Subject: OT/PPP Configurations In article <6jvb1t$a2u$>, wrote: > > Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 23:13:46 -0600 > From: Rick VanDerveer <> > Subject: OT/PPP Configurations [A] > > >Dear Digest reader, > >I would love to see a simple CMM, control strip, or menu adder that allows me > >to select from the different configurations set in when hitting apple-K in > >the PPP control panel. Anybody know of such a utility? > > I think about the closest you'll get is creating an AppleScript to switch > between the two. The extra scripting software is linked from my OT/PPP > configuration page: > > > > (If you find something easier, please let me know... ;-) > > -Rick There is the freeware OT/PPP Strip that includes the list of PPP confiugrations in its pop-up menu. You just need to select the one you want. It also shows info on connect time, speed, etc. Well worth the price. Stan -- Stanton W. Hadley Oak Ridge National Laboratory Bldg 4500-N, MS 6205 P.O. Box 2008 Room G-28 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6205 (423)574-8018, fax:(423)574-8884 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 14:24:53 +0200 From: (Vittorio Barabino) Subject: pc files to mac > I am using Microsoft Word 5.1a. Once in a while I need to transfer > a document from WordPerfect for windows to my mac. When I try to > open it with Word on the mac, my machine freezes up and I need to > reboot. This happens every time. I have yet to open a Windows > WordPerfect document in Mac Word. Any ideas on getting around > this problem. I use the Dataviz Maclink Plus bundled with MacOS 8, but there is also this free stuff: -conversions.hqx Ciao, \+----------+ "La risposta e' dentro di te... Vittorio --| : ) o | ...MA E' SBAGLIATA!!!" /+----------+ Enciclopedia d.Fantascienza: ------------------------------ Date: 23 May 98 22:22:36 -0400 From: "D. Scott Beach" <> Subject: pc files to mac >I am using Microsoft Word 5.1a. Once in a while I need to transfer a >document from >WordPerfect for windows to my mac. When I try to open it with Word on the >mac, my machine freezes up and I need to reboot. This happens every time. I >have yet to open a Windows WordPerfect document in Mac Word. Any ideas >on getting around this problem. >I am using a Centris 650 and system 7.5.5. John: First suggestion is to get DataViz's Maclink Plus Translators. That means laying out some cash. Word 5.1a has some WP import filters included but you may be getting documents created in too new a version of WP. If you can't get the originator of the files to save back as an earlier version then the only remaining thing I can think of is to open the documents with a text editor ( I like Tom Bender's TexEdit Plus) and clean out the WP specific formating data to get it into plain text and then save and open that text with Word. Good luck. - Scott ************************** D. Scott Beach, A rabid Mac dude in Toronto. ************************** ------------------------------ Date: 21 May 98 15:54:54 -0400 From: "Andrew Michael Cohill" <> Subject: Performa 6320 and 8.1? <SMALLER>Has anyone had any success upgrading 63xx Performas to System 8.1? According to the 5xxx/6xxx hardware checking program from Apple, we do not have one of the systems with problems, but 8.1 simply would not run reliably on our 6320. It would crash within 5 or 10 minutes of rebooting with all sorts of different and very odd errors. I did a clean install, and updated the hard disk drivers. I also take care of a bunch of Macs at work, and have not had problems like this with 8.1 upgrades (but we don't have any Performas at work). thanks, Andrew</SMALLER> ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 14:24:56 +0200 From: (Vittorio Barabino) Subject: Porting FileMaker Pro database to a PC > Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 19:48:29 -0400 > From: (Phil Calvert) > Subject: Porting FileMaker Pro database to a PC > > (A copy of this message has also been posted to the following newsgroups: > comp.sys.mac.databases) > > Anyone know of a database program, compatible with FileMaker Pro, that'll > run on a PC under DOS or Windows? We have a database that we'd like to > transfer to a PC, and would like an easy way to do this, if possible. I > know that we can export the database file and open it in almost any > database program, but I'd like to keep as much of the format (layout, > interface, etc.) of the original database as is possible. Any suggestions? > > Okay, I just found FileMaker Pro 4.0 for the PC in a MicroWAREHOUSE > catalog. If we buy this, will the Mac-based database port to the PC fairly > easily? BTW, the Mac database was created with version 2.1v3. Also, is > there a shareware or freeware route we should look into? As far as I know, Filemaker 3 or 4 can read the database created by FM 2, but FM 2 can't read the newer format (3 and 4 have the same format)... so the PC file will be unreadable not because it's a PC file but because it's a more recent version. The Easy Way for you is to try to get the FileMaker 2.1 for Windows: here in Italy, Claris Italia gives it for free in PC cd-rom magazines (costing as much as $3.99)... :-))) Ciao, \+----------+ "La risposta e' dentro di te... Vittorio --| : ) o | ...MA E' SBAGLIATA!!!" /+----------+ Enciclopedia d.Fantascienza: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 21:01:10 +0000 From: Jack Campin <> Subject: printing PostScript to an HP Laserjet 1 lookalike I have the option of getting a Kentek laser printer (it emulates an HP Laserjet 1) for practically nothing. I need a PostScript printer and this looks like the most cost-effective way to do it, assuming I can drive the thing from a Mac. It only takes a serial cable but that's OK, transfer speed isn't that important. There are an assortment of utilities around for printing PostScript files from Macs, none of which I've used for years. Is there anything that supports this device under current versions of the MacOS and will let me print both PS generated by Mac apps and files downloaded from other systems? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 10:06:15 +0200 From: (Vittorio Barabino) Subject: Providing for NoFrame Browsers > all the time. Can I put the "Home" link within a <noframes> - </noframes> > pair in page A? If I did that, would it be invisible when viewing that page > in the frame structure but visible when viewing it via a non-frames-capable > browser? Don't worry: everything in the section <noframe> is INVISIBLE for frame-capable browsers. So remember that you have to duplicate most things in the <noframe> and in the rest of the page. > 2. How can I test my site's performance for browsers which are not capable > of supporting frames? Do I need to use such a browser or is it possible to > tell a frames-capable browser to pretend it is not frames-capable? If so, > how do I do that? If it is not possible, how can I find a > non-frames-capable browser to use for testing? At least in Explorer 3 (my favourite browser), yes: edit/preferences/web contents/show frames: UNCHECK Ciao, \+----------+ "La risposta e' dentro di te... Vittorio --| : ) o | ...MA E' SBAGLIATA!!!" /+----------+ Enciclopedia d.Fantascienza: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 10:55:14 -0400 From: (A.J. Cohen) Subject: Quadra 605 PPC601 Video Problem All, I'm having a wierd problem; after upgrading to 8.1, I can no longer see "Thousands" of colors in any resolution mode. I used to be able to get it up to and including 800x600. I have Quadra 605 PPC601 and a Radius PrecisionColor 17" display. Anyone know how/why this is and how to correct it? Thanks. _______________________________________ A.J. Cohen Computer Associates International, Inc. 1 CA Plaza Islandia, NY 11788 - (516) 342-2301 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 13:55:04 -0700 From: (david donaldson) Subject: question for digest Question about Norton Utilities 3.5.3 and OS 8.1: I have recently installed OS 8.1 and have Norton Utilities 3.5.3 which is supposed to be compatible with the new system. When I run Norton Disk Doctor (NDD), however, it reports that the Desktop file has a bad modification date. If I allow NDD to 'fix' the problem, the Finder rebuilds the desktop at the next restart. In addition, Wipe Info refuses to wipe the free space on my hard disk or any Zip disk. It reports that "The integrity of the disk seems to be in question" and asks me to run NDD. NDD finds nothing, but the result is that wiping the free space is impossible. I have checked the Symantec website and no update seems to be available. Does anyone have the same problems? Can anyone tell me what is going on? David Donaldson ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 18:49:12 +0100 From: Dudley Warrington Thomas <> Subject: Reclaiming partition I installed the BeOS Preview Release 2 to "check the OS out". The installer claimed 296 Megs of unused hard drive space but I want the space back & would LOVE to do it without reformatting? Any ideas? CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Suite 207 at 37 Store Street Bloomsbury, London WC1B-4AA UNITED KINGDOM Telephone 0044.(0)7050.028.797 Facsimile 0044.(0)171.242.6087 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 19:00:33 -0500 From: cwillgren <> Subject: Sound Decoder I remember an app I used to have that decoded morse code, ASCII, Faxes, etc. from the mic. What is it called? Is it in Info-Mac? Where is it?! I just got a police scanner and they sometimes use this stuff. Also, where is the app that decoded touch tone sounds? Thanks. [ c willgren / ] [ home page: ] [ digital clay: ...digital_clay.html ] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 15:01:14 -0400 From: Subject: Window tiling utility Dear Digest readers, Call me a luddite, but I love the ability to tile windows from different applications, and within applications in Windows NT 3.5.1. Is there a similar utility on the MacOS 8.0? And no I don't mean to minimize or to Windowshade the windows either. I like to see the contents of all the windows that are open without having any overlapping. It should also work with applications that already have Windows menus like Eudora Lite 3.1.3L. Thank you. Sincerely, -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************