Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #112
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 20 May 98       Volume 16 : Issue 112

Today's Topics:

      (A) Cable Modem Connection
      (A) movies from mac to NT?
      (A) movies from mac to NT?
      (A) PC HP LaserJet 4L on a Mac
      [A] AppleTalk and TCP/IP
      [A] Configuring Mac for newbie
      [A] OT/PPP Configurations (Q)
      [A]: Noisy Performa 5200
      [A]: Performa 630CD Start-up Problem
      [Q] AppleWorks
      [Q] Feeble-minded Mac OS 8.x
      [Q] modifying my PowerBook
      Compare program (diff) for Mac?
      Converting Icon Libraries
      G3 vs PII (R)
      GCC PLP II printer to PM7300/180, Random stalls
      Giving away free monitor
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #110
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #110
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #110
      Invisible Icons
      OT/PPP Configurations [A]
      pc files to mac
      pentium II, pc hp laserjet 4L on a mac?
      Porting FileMaker Pro database to a PC
      Stylewriter 2200 & 8.1J-Any problems?

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Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 04:44:06 +1000
From: Nick Howlett <>

I have recently bought a PPC 266Mhz desktop, runnning OS8.1 with 128Mb of 
I have noticed two bug:
1- when change screen resolutions from high to low res (832x624), the 
Control Strip doesn't revert to the bottom of the screen. A fresh install 
of the Control Strip makes no difference.
2- when putting my mac to sleep manually (i.e. from the Special menu), it 
goes through the process of spinning down, only to spin back up again. 
Putting it to sleep a second time works, but is thoroughly annoying.
Any suggestions for fixing these bugs would be greatly appreciated.

TIA, Nick Howlett.


Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 08:27:23 -0400
From: "Peter E. Jones" <>
Subject: (A) Cable Modem Connection

> I am interested in getting a hi-speed cable modem connection through my
> local cable TV company.  I have a Quadra 605 with a 68040 processor.
> They claim this connection is 50 times faster than a 28.8k modem.
> However, Im sure this is based on a much faster processor than mine. So
> my question is how much does the processor speed contribute to the
> overall download rate?  Or, how much faster will it be than my current
> 56k modem?  Just trying to justify the $40 monthly access fee.

Greg, I am using a Quadra 630 (68040, 33MHz) at work connected to our in-house
LAN (10BT Ethernet) and dual T-1s to the Internet. This is significantly
faster than the 56K modem and when downloading files I routinely get file
transfer rates in the range of 25-50K bytes per second (based on whoever else
is using the links). A file transfer rate of 50K bytes per second equates to
500,000 baud (roughly) which is probably maxing out the internal architecture
of the Q630, and represents a 16x speed increase over a 28.8 modem. However
Web browsing is not as greatly increased, simply because Netscape
(significantly faster than Internet Explorer) takes longer to put together a
page at the slower CPU speed. 

I expect you will find a significant speed increase in downloading files and a
moderate speed increase in web browsing. To increase your browser's
responsiveness, you'll need a faster machine. I also recommend Netscape over
Internet Explorer for speed reasons.


Peter Jones


Date: 20 May 98 06:20:10 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) movies from mac to NT?

>We have a series of Quicktime movies that were based on simulation
>problem is that we would like to move them to an Alpha NT 4.0 machine
>is acting as our web server. The files are too big to fit on a
floppy. We
>tried tranfering by FTP (through a unix machine to further complicate
>things) (zipped or not) and never got a playable movie out of it. I
>guessing we might have a problem with file resource forks, but I
don't know
>how to solve it. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to
transfer the
>movies to the NT machine so we can serve them on the web.

 There's a $10 shareware utility called "Drop=80FlattenMooV" by Johnny
C N Lee <> which is supposed to get rid of the resource
fork. I've got v. 1.1.0 (circa 1996) but there may be a newer version
available. FTP is still a good transfer method.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 14:20:53 -0400
From: (Joni Hope Julian)
Subject: (A) movies from mac to NT?

> We have a series of Quicktime movies that were based on simulation output.
> The movies were made by stringing a bunch of gif frames together. The
> movies play fine with the Quicktime player included with the mac OS. The
> problem is that we would like to move them to an Alpha NT 4.0 machine that
> is acting as our web server. The files are too big to fit on a floppy. We
> tried tranfering by FTP (through a unix machine to further complicate
> things) (zipped or not) and never got a playable movie out of it. I am
> guessing we might have a problem with file resource forks, but I don't know
> how to solve it. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to transfer the
> movies to the NT machine so we can serve them on the web.

My guess is that you need to move all the movie data to the data fork of
these QuickTime movies.  I believe that a Save As option in MoviePlayer is
to save as a multi-platform-compatible file.  Last time I needed to
convert QuickTime (quite a while ago) I wrote a web page on how I did it. 
See but be aware that some of
the links offsite might need tweaking to download a newer version.

Good Luck!
- Joni


Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 10:15:55 +1000
From: "Lewin A.R.W. Edwards" <>
Subject: (A) PC HP LaserJet 4L on a Mac

First, sorry about your P2/G3 experiences. The G3 is a vastly superior CPU,
but unfortunately it's let down significantly by the operating system.

>recently acquired an old windows/dos-compatible hp laserjet 4L that i'd like
>to hook up to my mac. is it just a matter of proper cables and drivers, or
>is there platform specific hardware inside?

There's no platform-specific hardware as such, but the 4L is a parallel
(Centronics interface) printer, and Macs do not have parallel ports. This
means you will need something like the PowerPrint package in order to print
to it.

However: HP released at least two, maybe three different flavors of that
printer; the 4M (RS422, Mac only), the 4L (Centronics, PC only), and I
THINK there was also a 4ML (both interfaces), though that one might have
had a different engine. It is *POSSIBLE* that the RS422 interface may be
available as an upgrade part, or possibly a logic board swap, from HP; call
them, or visit their web site, and ask. Failing that, you could advertise
for a dead 4M printer (it's almost always the horrific mechanics of laser
printers that fail) and cannibalize the RS422 board. That is what I would
do in your position.

I mostly use a Brother HL-631 laser, which was originally PC only, but
luckily the RS422 Mac interface was available as an upgrade. Not easy to
source, but I did eventually get it. Good luck! The 4L is a very solid
performer; nothing flash (4ppm, 300DPI+RET, 1Mb RAM), but it's a good,
reliable printer. I have a couple which have seen pretty much constant
service since '94, and they are still running perfectly.
-- Lewin A.R.W. Edwards (Programmer)
Home   <>
Resume <>


Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 23:14:02 -0600
From: Rick VanDerveer <>
Subject: [A] AppleTalk and TCP/IP

>The network administration dept. at my university doesn't like AppleTalk
>(or Mac at all...). In fact, it seems that after this summer they will not
>allow AppleTalk traffic on the Ethernet. So I want every piece of info on
>how you can have "encapsulated" (or what the English word might be)
>AppleTalk traffic on a TCP/IP network.

You may want to stop by my 'Appletalk Over the Internet' page, at the
following URL:

Hope this helps...


'Networkable Mac Games' -- Your source for multiplayer gaming on the Mac.


Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 13:26:47 -0700
From: "Dennis R. Cohen" <>
Subject: [A] Configuring Mac for newbie

on 5/13/98 2:19 AM, Dennis L. Davis ( wrote:

>At 8:57 AM -0700 5/9/98, Kathy Brunetti wittily wrote:
>> My friend is also someone who will actually RTFM.  Can you suggest some
>> good introductory Mac or Internet books?  (Yes, ACE, there's a certain
>> Eudora book already on the list...)
>The Dummies series has a book on Macs {Mac OS 7.6 for Dummies} and one on
>Internet I believe. I also like the Internet Starter Kit by Adam C. Engst
>and The Mac OS 7.6 Bible.
Well, as the technical editor of "Mac The Mac OS 7.6 Bible" (IDG Books, 
Lon Poole) and "Mac OS 7.6 for Dummies" (IDG Books, Bob LeVitus), I'll 
chime in here. There is also "Mac OS 8 for Dummies" and the "MacOS 8 
Bible" (I am also the techeditor on those). As new OS releases come down 
the pipe, you can usually expect these titles to be revised and updated.

Although I didn't work on Adam's title, it is also a good reference. Just 
be sure to get an edition which is relatively current.

--Dennis Cohen


Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 21:08:24 -0700
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] OT/PPP Configurations (Q)

How about using Location Manager? It works for setting Appletalk & TCP/IP



Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 21:01:11 -0700
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A]: Noisy Performa 5200

One possibility:

Open it up and vacuum it out, there may be a lot of dust etc. on the fan.



Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 21:13:28 -0700
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A]: Performa 630CD Start-up Problem

System Restoration might not have blown away all Preferences. If you can
boot from an external system folder, try:
 1) trashing the system folder
 2) run disk first aid
 3) reinstall system clean

Another thing to try, pretty remote, open up your computer and reset all
the boards.



Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 21:36:09 -0400
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: [Q] AppleWorks

Does anyone have any information about the new AppleWorks productivity
suite which is shown on the Apple Home page? I believe Apple has
absorbed all the ClarisWorks source material from the FileMaker Inc.
corporate makeover. I'd like to see a simple answer to the Microsoft
Office question. Something functional with a RAM footprint about the
size of MS Office's help files and about 90% less buttons.


Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 09:26:19 -1000
From: Buck Donham <>
Subject: [Q] Feeble-minded Mac OS 8.x

Since installing Mac OS 8.0 and then 8.1, I've been having continual
problems with my Mac's loosing track of files and freezing.  Specifically,
I get this message from Norton Disk Doctor:

"An error was found in a directory record in the catalog b-tree.
The disk "Buck's Place" has incorrect Finder settings that may be
interfering with the normal operations of your disk. (node 9264) (5,7,19)
Node #9264, Record Offset 1
System, 8.1"

After much - to much - trial and error, I narrowed it down to the most
frequent cause of the freezes or peculiar behavior:  Transferring files to
and from the hard drive.

Believe me, I've also tried everything I know in trying to correct the
problem - checking for extension and control panel conflicts, doing clean
installs, even reformatting my hard drive.  Nothing seems to work.

I have a Mac Quadra 610 (68040), 24 megs or RAM and a 2 gig hard disk.
Although my hard drive would crash occasionally under System 7.5.5, it was
infrequent.  I crash now several times a day.  (My PowerBook 1400, by the
way, much less frequently using Mac OS 8.1."

Is there anything I can do to correct this problem, or am I stuck with it
so long as I keep using Mac OS 8.x?  I like some of the bells and whistles
under Mac OS 8.1 and would hate to go back to 7.5.5. or 7.6.

Buck Donham <>
Hilo, Hawaii


Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 22:01:09 -0400
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: [Q] modifying my PowerBook

I have a PowerBook 5300c. Apparently this is not precise enough. Apple
actually made to varieties of PB5300c. One came with 16MB RAM/750MB
HD/1MB VRAM and I got the other one. I have added a 24MB card to
overcome my original 8MB, I have added a VST zip drive module to
compensate for the 500MB HD, But I cannot just pop in a fix for my 512k

I have added a 1MB VRAM/Ethernet card to upgrade my video out card. This
leaves me an original 512k external video card. I would like to remove
the 512k chip from this spare card (which has no real use anymore) and
'jump' it to my 'Books original 512k VRAM on the motherboard.

I have seen instructions for 'clock-chipping' CPUs and motherboards on
the internet. Some of these instructions are solder-less or require
little solder. Now, I'm not afraid of a little soldering, but soldering
on a motherboard is seriously business. I would like to be able to
'clip' this additional chip to whatever locations are necessary. I don't
think that a half MB of VRAM is going to increase my heat output
significantly. How much damage can I cause by experimenting with this
spare 512k chip and the VRAM locations on my motherboard? Is there a
source of info for VRAM specs and the 5300?


Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 10:18:43 -0400
From: (Herman Collins)
Subject: Compare program (diff) for Mac?

I recently wrote asking if anyone knew of a compare utility:

>I need to compare two text files. Something like the Unix utility diff
>(but with a Mac interface) would be ideal. Any suggestions?
>While I'm on the subject, I'd also like to have a utility that would
>compare two folders, possibly with sub-folders. It should tell me which
>files are not identical (data fork, resource fork, and finder info) and
>which files are not in one folder or the other. Is there anything like
>that available?

I received a number of responses, for which I am grateful:

At 5:45 PM -0400 5/18/98, William Arsenault wrote:
>Try Synchronize available on info-mac.

I downloaded Synchronize 3.5.5 from the Info-Mac archive to take a look.
It appears that Synchronize will make two folders (or disks) identical,
but that's not what I want. I want it to tell me what the differences are,
but I don't want it to change anything!

At 7:54 PM -0400 5/18/98, David Snow wrote:
>Have you looked into BBEdit? It's the 'industry standard' text editor. The
>freeware version -- BBEdit lite -- may not do this, but it might. Look it
>up on

Thanks, David. I use BBEdit Lite every day, and I couldn't get by without
it, but it doesn't compare files or folders. I haven't bought the
commercial version (yet), but I did check their web page. Under "key
features" for BBEdit 4.5 it lists "Compare & find differences at the file,
folder or project level". If I can't find something for free, I might have
to break down and buy it ($119).

At 9:41 PM -0400 5/18/98, muki pakesch wrote:
>there's "ComparaDocs" which has recently been up'd to infomac
>i've downloaded it but haven't had time to try it out yet
>the readme says:
>  ComparaDocs compares documents with each other and generates a comparison
>report in web browser format (HTML) showing all changes made to the
>selected documents.  ComparaDocs reports not only all phrases inserted or
>deleted but also any phrases that were moved.  ComparaDocs is useful both
>for redlining the revisions to drafts of a single document, and for
>extracting the similarities between different documents.

Thanks, muki. I searched for "ComparaDocs" on the Info-Mac HyperArchive,
but I couldn't find it. Any idea where I could get it? (I had searched
previously using words like "compar" and "diff" before I wrote asking for

>there's also a very old (1988) thingie called "comparAll 1.1"
>which seems to compare res and data forks
>unfortunately it crashes under sys 7.6.1 with an err1
>so i can't tell how it works
>and...unfortunately i have not the slightest idea where i've got it from
>so...sorry no url...

I had a copy of this long ago, and it kept crashing for me too, so I
deleted it. Anyone know of a newer version?

At 4:07 AM -0400 5/19/98, Ren� Smeele wrote:
>You can use the text-editor Alpha to compare text-files or the program
>Compare. Both are in the info-mac archive. 

Thanks, Ren�. I downloaded the newest version of Alpha (7.0), and looked
around. It does have a "compare files" and a "compare folders" item in the
Utils menu. This is a little more heavy weight than what I was looking
for, but I'll give it a try.

I couldn't find the program "Compare" on the Info-Mac HyperArchive.

Thanks to everyone for the help.

*                                       Herman Collins
* 128 McVey Hall
* University of Kentucky
* Lexington, Ky.  40506


Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 09:07:03 +1000
From: G.Barker@unsw.EDU.AU (George Barker)
Subject: Converting Icon Libraries

Short message for the person who replied to my query re converting .cli
files. I've lost your name, but I tried your suggestion of Graphic
Converter. It isn't interested in even looking at it without Think C.
Thanks for taking the time to mail me.

George Barker


Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 10:54:38 -0400
From: Mel Martinez <>
Subject: G3 vs PII (R)

At 3:35 PM -0400 5/18/98, "Stewart Smith" <> wrote:
>>From: "dead nancy" <>
>>and: i read the byte benchmarks and believe the hype, but client's pentium
>>II 300 still opens photoshop before her g3 266 thinks about initializing
>>plug-ins. (both machines are simlarly configured; g3: disk cache is set to
>>default; vm set to mem + 1, and moto math lib is installed.) again: what's
>The way the Power Mac handles Virtual memory is that by switching it on all
>your programs will take up less ram but take a little while longer to launch
>and in some cases be a tiny bit slower. Try turning VM off and see. Also try
>the tests on images to see the true speed.

I don't believe your answer makes sense.  In general (as of powerpc macs),
turning on VM should result in faster application loads, not slower.  The
reason is the same reason turning on VM  allows applications to use a
smaller memory partition:  the application's regular disk file is used as
the disk image of the memory partition used by the application's code.
That is, instead of the virtual memory loading all the code of the
application into memory and then mapping this with everything else out to
the main virtual memory swap file, the VM maps the existing disk file into
the virtual 'swap' space and using it specifically for the image of that
app's code.  The fact that these memory blocks are locked as 'read only'
also provides a tiny bit of memory protection as well.

Now, by mapping the existing disk file containing the code as part of the
virtual memory map, it is automatically 'loaded' into the virtual memory
without even reading it all in.  The only part that has to be read in is
code that is actually being executed or in code fragments that are
frequently executed (the latter being a function of the hysteresis of the
virtual memory swap algorithm.  Thus, at start time, only the code
fragments that need to be executed to get the program up and running need
to be loaded into real memory - thus startup should be faster.  Other code
fragments are loaded as they are needed and kept in memory based on
frequency of use.

If a program is not designed to take advantage of this and 'touches' every
code fragment in it's codebase during startup, then of course, it will take
as long as it takes to load the entire app into memory.  This can happen if
for example the app calls init code for a bunch of features even if they
are not used right away.

Also, once loaded, virtual memory can exact a tiny performance penalty in
overhead when swapping memory blocks - however, this is pretty tiny on
modern PowerMacs and with only 1 MB of extra vm space allocated, the amount
of swap should be minimal.  Usually the penalty for VM is only going to be
noticeable when switching between applications where one has been pushed to
disk or if you allocate more ram to an application than real ram in the
machine, thus pushing part of it's partition into the swap all the time.

All that said, there are a variety of reasons why the given g3/266
referenced above is slower at loading/starting photoshop than the given
PII/300.  For one thing, the PII may simply have a faster disk drive.  The
G3's don't come with state of the art high speed hard disk systems by any
stretch.  A faster disk drive is a much larger contributer to application
launch than cpu speed.  A better test of cpu speed would be actual
processing of data by the application once loaded into memory.

Other factors include possible fragmentation of the photoshop application
on the disk drive, too many or misconfigured extensions or insufficient
disk cache set in the Memory control panel.  Try to allocate about 32K for
each MB of real ram.


Dr. Mel Martinez
FUSE Science Software Developer
The Johns Hopkins University
Dept. of Physics


Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 14:45:50 -0400
From: (Joni Hope Julian)
Subject: GCC PLP II printer to PM7300/180, Random stalls

Have you tried variations (position order) of the SCSI chain with and
without terminators at the extrema?  Have you tried a new SCSI cable?   
Just consider SCSI to be black magic, and you'll be very close to the
trith.  Theoretically you only need a terminator at the very end of your
SCSI chain, but then there's the question of internal termination (or

Having added the element of mystery and black magic to SCSI, I may as well
dispel what mystery I can.  I have had many configurations that worked
contrary to the manual's suggestion.  I have had some configurations work
with *and* without the final terminator, and some that were mighty
particular.  So try several obvious combinations.  The SCSI terminator is
just a gadget for cleaning up the signal.  Often the biggest source of
noise is signal reflections, so the terminator sucks in the reflections
and keeps your signal cleaner.  If you think you have a noisy SCSI device,
put it at the end with a terminator.  If you have a very short SCSI chain,
remove the terminator in case it's pulling more than just reflections out.

Often SCSI is fixed with a new or different shielded SCSI cable.  Is one
SCSI device much newer (faster) or older (slower) than the others / than
the Mac itself?  Of course check for SCSI ID conflict with a tool like
TechTool or Schuzzy.  Update SCSI drivers where you can; for instance
Apple HD Setup, Update, for Apple ROM hard drives.  The boot order, as I
recall, cycles through 0-6-5-4-3-2-1, so you may want to vary SCSI ID
numbers to get to the boot device sooner than some slow device that might
hit a timeout.  From what I have heard, Disk Manager Mac from Ontrack is a
great tool for this.

Usually you just have to try variations, so there's no simple answer. 
Try.  Guess.  Learn.  Understand that you may not be able to answer why it
works now when it didn't work before: that's the black magic aspect.

Good luck!
- Joni


Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 14:08:44
From: Hisham Abboud <>
Subject: Giving away free monitor


I have an old monitor that has not been used in about 3 years
and is unlikely to be used anytime soon.  Since I hate to see
something go unused, I'm giving it away.

It is a black-and-white 19" monitor.  Its controller card is
a NuBus card and it works only on NON-PowerMac Macs (it does
not work properly on a PowerMac with NuBus), and obviously
you must have a free NuBus slot.  It was built by the late
Moniterm company and re-sold under the Mirror Technologies label,
should anyone remember those companies!  :-)

The $$ catch is that you pay for shipping and handling.  I estimate
this to come to about $50-70 because I'd need to take it to a 
shipping store and have them put it properly in a box so you don't
receive a box of broken glass!

I have only one such monitor and it's first come first served, with
priority going to students.

Best regards,


Hisham A. Abboud
Cedrus Corporation.         On the Web:


Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 11:03:22 -0500
From: Jeff Cornelius <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #110

Sorry I can't answer about the proccesor speed issue however I highly recomend
cable ISDN.... mine is at leat 100 times faster than the 56k modem is was
using. I sold it reinstalled the 14-28 that came with my performa6400 for
faxing and telephone use and LOve the cable connection. Im always on line, no
dial up at all and downloaded the full version of IE 4.0 in about ten
miniutes.Over 100k per second .I am with Intermedia Cable and pay 44.95 a
month.... hope this helps   Jeff


Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 23:25:30 -1000
From: Dale <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #110

You will need a ethertalk card (10Base-T type connector) for the cable 
modem to hook up to. Also Open Transport is a requirement. I don't think 
the Quadra is fast enough to see much of an inprovement over a good 
dialup connection. While the increased speed is nice, the thing I love 
about the cable modem is that you can stay connected 24 hours a day, 7 
days a week and the ISP don't whine about it :-)

>Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 10:54:11 -0800
>From: Greg <>
>Subject: (Q)Cable Modem Conniction
>I am interested in getting a hi-speed cable modem connection through my
>local cable TV company.  I have a Quadra 605 with a 68040 processor.
>They claim this connection is 50 times faster than a 28.8k modem.
>However, Im sure this is based on a much faster processor than mine. So
>my question is how much does the processor speed contribute to the
>overall download rate?  Or, how much faster will it be than my current
>56k modem?  Just trying to justify the $40 monthly access fee.


Only those who attempt the absurd ... will achieve the impossible.


Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 11:10:12 -0500
From: Jeff Cornelius <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #110

Yes I Talked to them today. they must have a major problem with SCSI chain
connections causing file corruption on zip disks... If you have a zip plus
they will replace it with a zip100 + 6 disks, or refund... 
You can call them at 1-888-446-6342 and use option 6 customer service rep.
(not tech support)


Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 18:13:28 +0100
From: Tim Brogdon <>
Subject: Invisible Icons

Hi All,

There's been a recent rash of rumours concerning new Mac viruses and now I'm
paranoid (I'm a student and unfortunately work with a lot of less than
reputable users).

Please help me alleviate my fears.  I'm not hvaving any crashes--yet, but
I'm noticing all kinds of invisible icons when searching for invisible files.

Also, how many invisible desktop files should I have and what are they called?
Running sys 8, 7200/120.




Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 23:13:46 -0600
From: Rick VanDerveer <>
Subject: OT/PPP Configurations [A]

>Dear Digest reader,
>I would love to see a simple CMM, control strip, or menu adder that allows me
>to select from the different configurations set in when hitting apple-K in
>the PPP control panel.   Anybody know of such a utility?

I think about the closest you'll get is creating an AppleScript to switch
between the two.  The extra scripting software is linked from my OT/PPP
configuration page:

(If you find something easier, please let me know... ;-)


'Networkable Mac Games' -- Your source for multiplayer gaming on the Mac.


Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 15:12:51 -0400
From: John Hachey <hacheyj@EM.AGR.CA>
Subject: pc files to mac


I am using Microsoft Word 5.1a. Once in a while I need to transfer  a document from
WordPerfect for windows to my mac. When I try to open it with Word on the mac, my machine freezes up and I need to reboot. This happens every time. I have yet to open a Windows WordPerfect document in Mac Word. Any ideas on getting around this problem.
I am using a Centris 650 and system 7.5.5.

Thanks, John<>


Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 10:17:11 +0100
From: "David Rowbory" <>
Subject: pentium II, pc hp laserjet 4L on a mac?

--On Fri, May 15, 1998 18:55 -0400 "dead nancy" <>

> re: my perceptions of greater speed in opening applications on a pentium
> 300 vs. a g3 266: thanks to everyone for their suggestions, but even with
> off, that pentium still opens and quits much faster than the mac. please,

My knowledge has it that Windows apps tend to open/quit quicker than a Mac
but after starting that's when the slowdown begins.  Unfortunately I don't
know eactly why there is such a speed difference, may be something to do
with Mac apps needing to load in more stuff (code & resources) immediately.

I don't have a PII around, but would be interested to see what would happen
if you created a large RAM disk on your Mac and PII (if that's possible) and
tried loading photoshop or whatever from there.  Any disk activity then is
directly attributed to the operating system (if VM is off) and since disk
activity is slow the app should be able to load code very much quicker.  
(Although the processor on a G3 is faster, the thing slowing it down is disk
activity.)  Unless you have loads of RAM it's not something you'd do much,
but just for curiosity's sake to find out where the difference if occurring.
 Hey, and I wouldn't mind knowing the results of your tests either.



-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
David J Rowbory.  1st year CompSci @ Trinity Hall, Cambridge CB2 1TJ  U.K.


Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 19:48:29 -0400
From: (Phil Calvert)
Subject: Porting FileMaker Pro database to a PC

(A copy of this message has also been posted to the following newsgroups:

Anyone know of a database program, compatible with FileMaker Pro, that'll
run on a PC under DOS or Windows?  We have a database that we'd like to
transfer to a PC, and would like an easy way to do this, if possible.  I
know that we can export the database file and open it in almost any
database program, but I'd like to keep as much of the format (layout,
interface, etc.) of the original database as is possible.  Any suggestions?

Okay, I just found FileMaker Pro 4.0 for the PC in a MicroWAREHOUSE
catalog.  If we buy this, will the Mac-based database port to the PC fairly
easily?  BTW, the Mac database was created with version 2.1v3.  Also, is
there a shareware or freeware route we should look into?

!-----------Phil Calvert-----------!
NOTE:  If present, the phrase ".NoSpam" must be removed from my
return address before sending your reply.


Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 21:25:46 -0400
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: Stylewriter 2200 & 8.1J-Any problems?

I have a StyleWriter 2200. I like it a lot myself, the styling was meant
to resemble the lines of the 190/5300/3400/G3 PowerBooks. I am running
this printer just fine on the Color StyleWriter 2500 driver with MacOS
8.1US. There was a StyleWriter 2200 driver, and I had it at one time
just to see the desktop printer icon (but I prefer the one I created
myself :-) So you can consider the 2500 driver as a backup and it comes
with any of the last 5-6 OS updates.

My 'Book has only one Modem/Printer port so I know about connection
problems. The StyleWriters are non AppleTalk printers so they like to
have a port to themselves. If you have PhoneTalk connectors (they go
from Din-9 printer port style plug to two a RJ-11 telephone jacks) you
can try to set up a 'ring' of devices using the PhoneTalk connectors.
Some serial devices will work in this configuration and some will not.
The PhoneTalk 'ring' will let AppleTalk devices share a port, so it
might be possible to move all your AppleTalk devices to one port and the
printer to the other. Of course, if you have a modem with a Din-9 plug
you will probably want to leave it on the modem port (older Macs
sometimes had a 'faster' modem port and a slower printer port). 

Anyway good luck.



End of Info-Mac Digest