Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #13
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 19 Jan 98       Volume 16 : Issue 13

Today's Topics:

      (Q) SCSI to PP
      5300cs memory module question
      8600/300 Label
      [Q] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8
      [Q] PPP Problems
      [Q]Printer Question
      [Q]Speech manager programs
      Archive submissions
      Feedback re Nort Util B Tree errors on Mac IIci
      Free Default Folder (R)
      FW: Me, too!
      Need help with Desktop DB (R)
      Non PDS NuBus 24 or 16 bit video card for 8100
      QuickCam plug in
      Screen-saver, screen-dimmer clash; repairing the damage.
      Scsi devices & IDE Hard Drive conflict
      Software and Hardware Questions
      Upgrading Performa 5200
      video cards for 5300cs computer
      Windows 95 longer file names
      {Q} applescript

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Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 16:56:40 -0500
From: "Daniel F. Castelhano" <>
Subject: (Q) SCSI to PP

Parallel port on a PC?  I know Iomega's new ZIP plus allows you to connect
it to a SCSI and parallel port, and I wanted to know if there is an adapter
that accomplishes the same thing for other drives.


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 17:54:19 -0800
From: "David L. Hirschberg" <>
Subject: 5300cs memory module question


I have a 16MB memory module that came out of my 5300cs when I upgraded.
Will this module fit into any other model mac.  I assume it will work in
any other 5300 model mac but I have gotten conflicting info on whether it
will fit in a 500 series, or 190 model.

Thanks,  David


Date: Sat, 17 Jan 98 08:06:04 +0100
From: Stefano Stefani <>
Subject: 8600/300 Label

Anyone know where is possible to buy the little, rectangular label that 
is in the front bellow of the PowerMac 8600/9600.

In particularly I need a label that say "Power Macintosh 8600/300"

Thank for the help.



Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 19:05:25 +0000
From: Mephistophilis <stch8002@BUREAU.UCC.IE>
Subject: [Q] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8

I am sure that I cannot be the only one struggling with this problem. As I
understand it, the Disk Doubler package (or part of it) will not function
under OS8 and (I can't imagine why) no upgrade is planned by the
manufacturers.  The only feature that I absolutely need is to be able to
select the top folder of a complex array of folders, subfolders and
documents and compress the entire contents *while preserving the
hierarchical structure* so that the compressed array remains searchable by
subfolder or document name. I purchased the Stuffit Deluxe package under
the impression that it would fill the bill - but after much Ring of TFM I
gather that I was mistaken. In my hands SD will only compress multiple
items into separate archives if they are all in the same folder. To do this
to my complex array would be hugely time-consuming as I would have to
operate separately on the contents of - at least - several hundred folders.
The Stuffit SpaceSaver module *will* do what I want - but if I then copy
the compressed array to another disk for backup the files arrive in a
decompressed state. True, I *could* copy first and then compress with SSS -
but that prevents me from backing up to a disk that would accommodate the
compressed files but has not enough room for the full size array.

Suggestions anyone? By the by I did contact the Aladdin e-mail support
address - but answer came there none.



Date: Sat, 17 Jan 98 16:51:12 CST
From: Mike Sisson <>
Subject: [Q] PPP Problems

Yesterday I finally signed up with an ISP for internet access from home. I've
been on for years through the office but decided I needed to get the wife and
kids online as well. I am running MacOS 7.6, OT 1.1.2 and OT/PPP 1.0.

The problems began when I tried to select my modem in the Modems Control Panel.
It isn't there! I am using a Hayes Accura 56K. So I picked something else.
Great, I get logged in just fine. Disconnect and try to reconnect and I get 
"Start PPP..." but it just hangs there, Carrier Detect Light goes out and
that's it. Fiddle around some, try again and I get on. Disconnect, try again 
and no cigar. You get the picture.

I would appreciate:

1.) A CCL script for the Hayes Accura 56k if anybody has one. Hayes apparently
doesn't and doesn't support Macs worth a %&*#.

2.) Information as to how to edit CCL scripts. I can't seem to figure it out. I
could modify a similiar one like the Hayes Accura 288 that I do have.

3.) Any other suggestions that might stabilize things. Should I be using
FreePPP instead of OT/PPP? Is one more reliable than another?

What other goodies should I be using like Control Strip Plug-Ins, timers,
etc... to "enhance" my Internet experience?

Thank you for any and all positive suggestions.

Mike Sisson


Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 09:01:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Q]Printer Question

Does anyone know of a portable printer Mac or PC that can print out carboned
forms. I need one that I can use in an auto that can print recipts about the
size of a typical business envelope. Obviously a typical inkjet can't be

John McGibney


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 00:37:43 -0700
Subject: [Q]Speech manager programs

Does anyone know what happened to a speech manager program(hypercard) that
enabled your make to sing melodies? I think it was called sing!
It appeared on the infomac a few months ago, and now has dissapeared...

I am looking for programs that allow heavy manipualtion of the speech
manager voices and more flexibility in using them, and there doesn't seem
to be any really well written programs out there to do this. Most of them
only allow some alteration, and usually not very intuitively or usefully.
I would also like a program that would allow me to save speech manager
voices to a snd or aiff file within the computer.

I am also wondering why my 68k with 7.5.5 has some different voices that I
don't have on my Powermac running 7.6.1?

Thanks, the Mac speech manager rules (hey, if it's good enough for James

Jarome Matthew
Dimension Arc media


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 16:44:38 -0500
From: Murph Sewall <Murph@UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
Subject: Archive submissions

On Fri, 16 Jan 1998 06:38:01 -0700, Frank Niessen wrote
>This is MailNotify with a bugfix for M$ IE 4
>and a dutch version.

Many of us either don't follow info-mac so closely that we saw or remember
the descriptions from earlier versions. A paragraph or two describing what
the program actually does would be really nice. It would also be helpful to
know whether it's native PPC, OS8 compatible, runs on older (REALLY older
:) systems and so forth.

These messages also are what get saved to the abstract files where it is
REALLY important to describe what the program is for.




Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 21:50:53 -0800
Subject: Feedback re Nort Util B Tree errors on Mac IIci

Recently, in this forum, I asked for advice about recurring notices from
Doctor Norton's utility program that my B-Tree was incorrect. Virtually
all respondents pointed the finger at older versions of Netscape
Navigator as the culprit. I find this telling since I didn't mention
which browser I was using . . . NN 2.02. 
I have switched (two days ago) to 3.04 and, so far, haven't heard any
alarms from Peter's direction. Thanks very much to all who responded.
Bob Galbreath


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 23:54:49 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Free Default Folder (R)

Ernie Soffronoff <> wrote:

> I need to set the default save folder for all applications on the Macs in
> a lab here.  I've used Default Folder and it does the job, but I was
> hoping that I could find a free alternative to do just this one task (DF
> does this part and more).

If you have System 7.5, why don't you let the OS do it? Go to the
control panel "General Controls" and have the system use a "documents"
folder. This is usually created on the desktop, but you can move it
somewhere onto your harddisk later

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)      
Look at <>


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 17:30:41 -0800 (PST)
From: (Doug Hardie)
Subject: FW: Me, too!

>> I have encountered an interesting problem.  I am using BetterTelnet
>> 1.1.1 on System 8 to connect via dial-in to a host.  If I ftp a file
>> from the host, it works properly.  Quite large files (<6Mb) have been
>> sent without problems.  However, when I try to ftp a file to the host
>> that is about 8K bytes, it fails every time....

I received several responses.  The consenous was that fetch was the way to
go.  I got it and it works properly.  I can send large files in both
directions without problems.  The problem must be in Telnet.  I did try the
latest version of BetterTelnet but experienced the same problem with it.

-- Doug


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 23:54:37 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Need help with Desktop DB (R) (Esther Michaels) wrote:

> My father, a rank beginner, is using my computer for email while I live
> overseas.  It seems that recently he felt adventurous and decided to
> explore a file he'd just noticed in a dialog box.  That file was called
> Desktop DB.  Sigh.
> Unfortunately he can't remember exactly what he did, but it seems that he
> now has a file sitting on his desktop, called Desktop DB.  HOW he got it
> there is anybody's guess!  He can't remember.

He must have played with FileBuddy, ResEdit, or so and made the file
visible. It is usually invisible. He should first try to rebuild the
desktop (but this may or may not make the file invisible. I don=B4t know
whether this re-creates the file or just compacts it). Putting it in the
trashcan, and then restart/rebuild should probably help.=20

Good luck, Christian.
Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)     =20
Look at <>


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 15:23:26 -0700
From: Bruce Carter <>
Subject: Non PDS NuBus 24 or 16 bit video card for 8100

I recently put a DOS compatible card into my 8100, which necessitated
removing the HPV card from the PDS slot and using the onboard video.  Of
course, at 832x624, the color depth available dropped from 24 to 8.  I need
to locate a NuBus style video card that will provide 24 or at least 16 bit
color depth at 832x624 and which will work:  1) in an 8100, 2) in a NuBus
slot, 3) under System 8, and preferably 4) with the DOS card (if I
absolutely have to, I can add a monitor just for the DOS card, but I really
don't want to do that).

Any ideas?  I've been calling around and perusing web sites and price
lists, but I can't find any decent choices (decent, in this case, means
that I don't have to fiddle with it every time on startup to get the
blasted thing to work).

Thanks for any help.

Bruce Carter, Boise State Univ., Boise, ID 83725


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 03:22:22 GMT
From: (Lazar Kleit)
Subject: QuickCam plug in

Is there a Photoshop 3.x plug in for Connectix QuickCam?


Lazar Kleit


Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 14:02:45 -0800 (PST)
From: Antaeus Feldspar <>
Subject: Screen-saver, screen-dimmer clash; repairing the damage.

	Hello, Info-Mac folks!
	I wrote to Info-Mac some time ago with a problem that I had 
induced by using an application called DarkSide of the Mac with an 
extension called PowerDimmer.  The problem was that the screen had been 
"dimmed" and stayed dimmed for every session afterwards, except when the 
computer was restarted with extensions off.
	LESSON 1:  Don't do this.  This combination is specifically 
disrecommended in the Read Me file for PowerDimmer, but I'd installed 
that more than a year before DarkSide.
	LESSON 2:  Zapping the PRAM, removing the extension and the 
application, were all things that I tried (many thanks to the people who 
suggested these) but they didn't solve the problem.
	LESSON 3:  What *did* work was to go into the "Monitors & Sound" 
control panel, switching to another Gamma setting, and then switching 
back.  It apparently cleared out whatever gunk was in the system.



Date: 	Fri, 16 Jan 1998 15:37:10 -0500 (EST)
From: "Today's Tom Sawyer" <>
Subject: Scsi devices & IDE Hard Drive conflict

I've got a Performa 6400/200 with a 2.1 GB Hard Drive.
I've noticed that whenever I have a scsi device with something in it
(CD, Jaz, or Zip Drives) and I try to download something, that the
computer hangs. I've left it in this state for a couple of hours and found
that the computer is just working really slowly.
I'm pretty sure that I've seen some kind of documentation on this problem,
but I can't remember where (that is, which web site).
Does anyone else experience this problem? 
If its a common problem does anyone know if 8.1 is going to fix it? 
If 8.1 is not going to fix it does anyone know if there
are any similar pitfalls if I buy a SCSI-II Hard drive?

Thank you for your time,
Daniel Fisher


Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 18:16:10 -0700
From: glaston <>
Subject: Software and Hardware Questions

I have a couple of simple questions, but I don't know the answers and would
appreciate the input of this community once again:

 1)Some of my fiends at work use a Snappy on their PC machines. It allows
them to capture frames from a videotape, which can then be manipulated in
Photoshop and printed. What is the Mac equivalent? Will the $99 TV tuner
cards do that? I don't want to edit video, just produce stills to print. I
have a PCI slot clone with a Matrox card that I'm happy enough with, but of
course it has no video in/out. So what can I add to an empty slot to
capture video stills cheaply like a Snappy?
1) I use System 7.6, because I understand that System 8 installs an earlier
version of Open Transport and I've finally got my ISDN TA working with
1.1.2 and I don't want to have to re-install and reconfigure just for what
appear to me to be the cosmetic benefits of OS 8. However, 7.6.1 has fallen
in price to about $25 and is reputed to be more stable than 7.6. Will 7.6.1
confer any noticeable benefits and what version of Open Transport does it
2) My office has required me to use a PC. It hasn't been delivered yet, but
I'm expecting some sort of Pentium powered clone that will connect to a
token ring network, a jukebox, which may be on some sort of separate
network, and a modem. They want me to be able to access the the jukebox
from my Mac at home through the PC. The obvious problem aside- my Mac is
connected to an ISDN line and the office phones are analog- what software
will allow me to dial up a PC and control a program that word searches CDs
on the Jukebox? I'm prepared to install a modem at home for those occasions
when such access is necessary.

-Mind how you go.


Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 11:20:55 +0200
From: "Dr. Peter Stoyanov" <>
Subject: Upgrading Performa 5200

Hi all,

My Performa 5200 is getting old now. I've seen advertisements for ugrading
(the motherboard or with daughterboard) of some Mac models, but not my

Does anybody has an idea how to upgrade my machine, apart from adding more
RAM, bigger HD and faster modem.




Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 17:50:48 -0800
From: "David L. Hirschberg" <>
Subject: video cards for 5300cs computer

Hi I read that there are some 3rd party video cards for powerbook 5300cs
computers.  I connect my 5300 to a applevision 1710 monitor but can only
run it on 640X480 resolution since I upgraded to system 8.0.  Apple could
not come up with an explanation for not being able to use higher resolution
so I would like to find an add in card.

Please send me the name and phone of the maker.




Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 23:54:31 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Windows 95 longer file names

Todd Mogilner <> wrote:

> I want to thank you very much for all the answers about hooking a mac up
> to a Novell Network. I appreciate the time everyone took.
> I am now running into a problem where PC disks are coming and instead of
> saying there file name I am getting 7 characters and then a ~. 

You need a floppy mounting utility which does support the Windows95 long
filenames. I know that Apple's PC Exchange doesn't, even not in the
latest version. You need to spend some extra cash for it. 

I use "DOS Mounter 95" from Software Architects; great stuff

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)      
Look at <>


Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 09:01:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: {Q} applescript

I have a problem that I need help with I occasionally use plaintalk on both
my desktop mac. and my PB1400. The problem is that the destop mac always
defaults to the internal CD in the "Monitors and Sound" control panel. When I
want to reset to the external microphone I have to shut off Speakable Items
in the Speech control panel, open "Monitor & Sound", switch to the mike,
close, reset speakable items and finally it will work.

I tried writing an applescript to reset the Monitors and Sound control panel
but I can't get it to work. Can anyone out there tell me how to write an
applescript to reset to the external microphone? This way I could put it into
the startup items and have it run automaticaly.

P.S. the PB 1400 stays set to the internal microphone. Yes i've deleted the
prefs file for M&S and reinstalled M&S and the computer still refuses to stay
set for the mic.

John McGibney



End of Info-Mac Digest