Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #285 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Sat, 27 Dec 97 Volume 15 : Issue 285 Today's Topics: [*] A SmallBusiness B-marks 1.0 [*] AppleScript Series A1 [*] Autothenticate v1.1.2 [*] BOOM 1.1 [*] cokie-commander1.0.1 [*] Enhanced WordPerfect Outlining [*] Flaming Pear Textures 2 [*] Font Image Library 351 [*] Full-der 1.1 color scheme/Fake-8 info [*] g3-10 [*] GEOCAD 1.2.5 [*] GEOCAD 1.2.5 (german) [*] Gradekeeper 4.8 [*] HELLOWORLD.sit [*] ImageUtilities CMM 1.1 [*] Intelligent Chaos 1.1 [*] John's WP GREP [*] John's WP Tips & Macros 1.5 [*] Jorge's_Bookmarks_v.3.6 [*] Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] MacTypingTutor4.1 [*] Merridew's Merry Christmas MacOS StartupScreens [*] MovieUtilities CMM 1.1 [*] National Geographic Index 1997 [*] OpenBox color scheme/Fake-8 info [*] PPPop F1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility (French Version) - submissi [*] PPPop NL1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility (Dutch Version) [*] Program Switcher v4.4.3 [*] PutAwayCM [*] Script Tools 1.3.6 [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.5.1 [*] STATsimple 1.0.4 [*] Stock Tracker V2.7 [*] TableCloths 2.1M [*] TableCloths 2.1T [*] The Computer Cookbook 2.4 [*] YOOZ 1.60*US version [*] ZyXEL Genie 1.0 for Mac OS [Q] Finder Preferences keep resetting themselves Auto Restarts Clone CD-ROM Drive (C) LC III PopupFolder SIMMs The Watch The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more information, visit the Info-Mac Web site at <>. Email Addresses and Instructions: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions: * To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below: <> * Search the archive at <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V15 #285" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:32 -0700 From: Subject: [*] A SmallBusiness B-marks 1.0 My Bookmarks...... What do they include? A wealth of information. There are links to "How to start a business", "How and where to obtain financing", "Leads you can use NOW!", "Advice", "Small Business Administration help", "How to SELL the government", "How to BUY from the government", "IRS tax help", "How to get on the bidders list to sell the government", plus much, much more. How long does it take? To assemble this reviewed list? Four (4) ten (10) hour days. Forty (40) man hours. And that's with thirty-five (35) years of experience in sales and sales management, taking a $250,000 Midwest company to a $3-1/2 million dollar firm today. You get the benefit of those years of knowledge, all for $15. Good Luck and Great Success in your venture. Try them today, BUY them tomarrow. PS, Look at each URL's Get Info Box for a short review. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/small-business-b-marks-10.hqx; 30K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:18 -0700 From: Subject: [*] AppleScript Series A1 12/21/97: AppleScript Series A1: The AppleScript Series A1 features 4 AppleScript applications and documentation telling you what the do and how to use them. Each application comes in it's own folder. Provided in the A1 Series: File Hider & Folder Hider v. 1.0 App Mover v. 1.0 Current Date & Time v. 1.0 Depth Changer v. 1.0 Extra Resources =83 This package is FreeWare. You may distribute it and do what you want with it as long as the program is not in any way altered. Please include the documentation and a copy of this document with each copy of any of the programs. Email me at with any questions. Look for the AppleScript Series A2 to come out within the next month. The AppleScript Series A2 will have in it but is not limited to: Timed-Remind v. 1.0 Fast Opener v. 1.0 Startup Log v. 1.0 Pop-Up Deleter v. 1.0 They were in the AppleScript Series A1 but they all had problems with them so I was unable to finnish them on time. That is why they were not included in the A1 Series. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/applescript-series-a1.hqx; 61K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:27 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Autothenticate v1.1.2 Autothenticate is an extension for Macintosh that notices when one of Netscape (2.0, 3.0 or 4.0) or Internet Explorer (2.0 or 2.1) visits a web site that requires authentication, and gives you the option to memorize your user ID and password (or just your user ID) and automatically enter it when you visit the web site in the future. Autothenticate is very useful for people who frequently enter password-protected web sites. Autothenticate 1.1.2 fixes some incompatabilities with Netscape Calendar. Autothenticate is shareware. Autothenticate cost US$10 (US$8 for academic use) for a single user license. For more information, please visit <>. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/autothenticate-112.hqx; 85K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:12 -0700 From: Subject: [*] BOOM 1.1 BOOM 1.1 is an arcade game in the grand tradition, bringing the playability = and feel of the glorious 8-bit consoles on the Macintosh. It can be described as "Bomberman meets Doom". Actually, I took the basic Bomberman idea and dropped it in a "Super-Deformed Doom" scenario (whatever this means). If you don't know what Bomberman and Doom are, definitely you've never played a computer game. This is the right time to start. BOOM's main features are: - Smooth sprite based animations in 256 colors - 8 different soundtracks and multi-channel sound effects - Simultaneous two players action - 80 different levels - 10 different enemy characters varying in intelligence and weaponry - Mid-game monsters and a final Super Boss System Requirements 68030/040 or PowerPC; 4.5 MBytes free memory; Mac OS 7.0.1 or later; 640x480 or larger monitor supporting 256 colors; Sound Manager 3.0 or later. Recommended Configuration =46ast (25Mhz or better) 68040 or PowerPC; Mac OS 7.5.x or later; Sound Manager 3.2 or later on PPC machines. What's new in BOOM 1.1? - Recompiled with CodeWarrior=AE Professional 1. - Recompiled with the latest updates of the Sprite Animation Toolkit and the MADLibrary (music drivers). - Fixed a bug in the monitor depth switching routines, possible cause of crashes. - Fixed a memory leak that occurred when closing some dialogs. - In the about dialog it was actually possible to write in URL fields. =46ixed. - Now the current level number is shown on the upper right corner of the screen during play. [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/boom-11.hqx; 2808K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:29 -0700 From: (Clynton Caines) Subject: [*] cokie-commander1.0.1 CookieCommander 1.01 - is a standalone version of NoMoreCookies. CookieCommander allows a user to select which sites can save cookies on the user's hard drive. The user also has full access and can remove unwanted data in unreadable cookie files or in history files. Enjoy your control. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/cookie-commander-101.hqx; 61K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:05 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Enhanced WordPerfect Outlining This is the main documentation file for Enhanced WordPerfect Outlining (formerly John's WP Outlining), a module for WordPerfect 3.5e (patched) providing what seems to be the best outlining available on the Mac. Free. May be included on Info-Mac, AMUG and UMich CD's. John Rethorst [Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/enhanced-wp-outlining.hqx; 109K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:21 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Flaming Pear Textures 2 Here are fifteen subtly three-dimensional textures that will enhance your Desktop. All are presented as picture clippings. All these textures were made with BladePro... ...except for the one called "nucleotide" which was made with Knot: CD-ROM vendors may include this collection on their disks so long as they notify me at [Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/flaming-pear-textures-2.hqx; 313K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:14 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Font Image Library 351 font-image-library-351.hqx I uploaded this file a few days ago, but perhaps it did not come through - or I did something wrong. This file replaces an older version of the program, which seems to have just been deleted since the last upload. Old File location: /info-mac/font/util/font-image-library-35.hqx Thanks for your work! Tim [Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-image-library-351.hqx; 1315K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:26 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Full-der 1.1 color scheme/Fake-8 info A little while back, I created a small group of cut-and-paste icons, borrowed from Mac OS 8 screen-shots, and named it "Fake-8." As Fake-8 grew into a formidable set of ResEdit icon-improvements, aimed at System 7 and '030 users, so did it's demand. With this latest release, Fake-8 climbs to a higher level of customization and accessibility. Enclosed in this package, you'll find more than just a color-scheme preview. With the registration of my first public color-scheme, "Full-der," a ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to Fake-8 comes along. The subscription will allow users to have new Fake-8 additions while they're still new, along with other Extensions (including floppy and cursor enhancements), Icons (especially those that cover up that ugly hard-drive one), Desktop Patterns, color-scheme, and updates in order to make your Fake-8 experience more complete than a color-scheme alone can accomplish. With the promise of the ultimate level of customization comes the final aspect of owning a Fake-8 subscription: each subscription owner is entitled to one CUSTOM piece of software per year. Have a JPEG/PICT that you'd like to see tiled all over your desktop? Got an idea for a cursor (other than that old arrow)? Maybe you'd like your floppy disk or CD-ROM icons to have a new look. If you have the image (for desktop patterns), icons (for floppy/CD-ROM replacements), or even just a sketch done in ClarisWorks (for cursors), YOUR custom software, conceived and dreamed of by YOU, can be made a reality with just a simple e-mail. Here's how a subscription works: once a month, subscription owners will receive an e-mail attachment of UNDER 100K. For the once-a-year FREE customization mentioned above, all resources must be mailed to the owner. All packages are delivered ELECTRONICALLY, via e-mail enclosure. Fake-8 started as a means of providing '030-users with some of the Appearance enhancements denied by Mac OS 8. A subscription, for ONLY $5.00, takes that idea one step further, benefitting not only '030-users, but owners of ALL Macs. If you are interested in keeping your Mac looking new, if you are interested in the ULTIMATE level of custimization, purchase a Fake-8 subscription. Requirements: e-mail software capable of receiving/downloading enclosures at least a 256-color (8-bit) Macintosh or compatible System 7.1 Kaleidoscope 1.5 (for color-scheme support) [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/full-der-11-fake-8-info..hqx; 91K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 07:54:51 -0700 From: Subject: [*] g3-10 This application 'G3' is an accesory clock. A Sherpinski's Gasket, which is wellknown shape in Mathematics or Computer Art, is embedded in 3D space. G3 is a three-dimensionalized version of my previous application named 'Gasket'. The objects rotate and their colors change accordingly. [Archived as /info-mac/app/g3-10.hqx; 462K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:12 -0700 From: Subject: [*] GEOCAD 1.2.5 GEOCAD 1.2.5 is the latest version of the number-one shareware desktop mapping tool GEOCAD for Macintosh computers. More than 600 changes make this release the most important update to GEOCAD ever. GEOCAD 1.2.5 allows to create maps based on GEOCAD's own coordinates or on cbd-coordinates from CIA world mapping program, which are available for free and cover the entire world with more than 15,000,000 coordinates. The layer concept of GEOCAD allows the user to create overlays of different object types and -representations, such as grid lines, coastlines, rivers and whatever should be plotted. GEOCAD 1.2.5 is shareware, and you may use it free for 14days, then you have to pay the shareware fee of US$30,- Changes in version 1.2.5: - dramatically improved memory management for more performance and stability - improved cacheing of single layers makes redraws of multilayer-maps faster - improved layer concept - improved dtp-capabilities, such as high-resolution pict-export - enabled renaming of objects types (e.g., 'small town' instead of 'city') - improved selection of single objects and their children (e.g.,plot only 'Italy' and children) - alias support for coordinate files - fixed a bug that created unwanted horizontal lines in some cbd-maps - fixed some hundreds of minor bugs System requirements: - Power Macintosh (ppc) - System 7.5 or later (GEOCAD is 100% MacOS8 compatible) - at least 16MB of free RAM (including virtual memory) More information on GEOCAD: Send an empty email with the subject 'GEOMAIL MAC' to' [Archived as /info-mac/sci/geocad-125-ppc.hqx; 741K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:10 -0700 From: Subject: [*] GEOCAD 1.2.5 (german) GEOCAD 1.2.5 (german) is the latest version of the number-one shareware desktop mapping tool GEOCAD for Macintosh computers. More than 600 changes make this release the most important update to GEOCAD ever. GEOCAD 1.2.5 allows to create maps based on GEOCAD's own coordinates or on cbd-coordinates from CIA world mapping program, which are available for free and cover the entire world with more than 15,000,000 coordinates. The layer concept of GEOCAD allows the user to create overlays of different object types and -representations, such as grid lines, coastlines, rivers and whatever should be plotted. GEOCAD 1.2.5 is shareware, and you may use it free for 14days, then you have to pay the shareware fee of US$30,- Changes in version 1.2.5: - dramatically improved memory management for more performance and stability - improved cacheing of single layers makes redraws of multilayer-maps faster - improved layer concept - improved dtp-capabilities, such as high-resolution pict-export - enabled renaming of objects types (e.g., 'small town' instead of 'city') - improved selection of single objects and their children (e.g.,plot only 'Italy' and children) - alias support for coordinate files - fixed a bug that created unwanted horizontal lines in some cbd-maps - fixed some hundreds of minor bugs System requirements: - Power Macintosh (ppc) - System 7.5 or later (GEOCAD is 100% MacOS8 compatible) - at least 16MB of free RAM (including virtual memory) More information on GEOCAD: Send an empty email with the subject 'GEOMAIL MAC' to' [Archived as /info-mac/sci/geocad-125-ppc-de.hqx; 775K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:15 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Gradekeeper 4.8 Gradekeeper is a powerful, easy-to-use gradebook program for the Macintosh. Teachers can record grades and attendance for the entire school year. Adding new students, assignments, and scores is as easy as clicking and typing. But Gradekeeper does much more. With Gradekeeper teachers can also: Drop the worst score in one or more categories Excuse an individual assignment for any student Group your assignments into 10 different categories Use semesters, trimesters, quarters, or six-week terms Compute grades based on total points or category weights Have final exams contribute to term, semester, or final grades Print a variety of reports to keep students and parents informed Gradekeeper also runs well on those older Macintosh computers which many schools still rely upon. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/gradekeeper-48.hqx; 279K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:30 -0700 From: Subject: [*] HELLOWORLD.sit HELLOWORLD 2.0 Helloworld is a W*API 1.2 shareware plug-in that implements a chat server for your web site. It provides live conversation through any standard web browser without requiring any browser-side plug-in. HelloWorld gives you the ability to manage this chat-room on a Macintosh server. It is specially dedicated for WebStar and Quid Pro Quo or any other server application that uses the Webstar`s plug-in technology. Requirements Server application that supports WebStar API 1.2 FEATURES -Ready to use. Once the files are copied to your server, HelloWorld is ready to use. HelloWorld can handle 40 users. -Users don`t need to disable the browser`s cache ! Now users will get more performance. Your server will get less hits, while it will increase the speed of the whole server-and-plug-in process. -Individual colors. Users can visually track other user`s messages by the use of individual color chosen by themselves. -Individual avatars. Users can have an associate image that facilite mutual recognizing with others and that give more visual tracking of other user`s messages. Avatars make communication more attractive. HelloWorld is provided with more than 100 avatars. The 40 first of it come from IconFactory. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/helloworld-20.hqx; 663K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:16 -0700 From: Subject: [*] ImageUtilities CMM 1.1 ImageUtilities 1.1 - shareware $15 *** enhanced for QuickTime 3! *** by Alberto Ricci Online registrations: For more information visit: Feedback: ImageUtilities CMM is a suite of Contextual Menu Manager plug-ins for Mac OS 8. It contains two CMM plug-ins which let you quickly convert and view any kind of picture. You can finally view any picture just by control-clicking its icon, without needing a viewer application! And with no effort, you can convert GIF, JPEG, Photoshop or any other kind of picture files to PICTs or QuickTime Image Files. Version 1.1 of the plug-ins fixes a problem that sporadically prevented the commands from appearing in contextual menus, and also adds a few features. ImageUtilities CMM takes advantage of QuickTime 3 if available, letting the user view and convert more kinds of pictures. If the Claris XTND System is installed, you can also convert and view pictures that QuickTime doesn't recognize. Another collection of CMM plug-ins, MovieUtilities CMM, is available. It lets you convert and merge movies as well as import and export movie tracks. Both packages can be purchased together for $20. [Alberto Ricci is the author of SoundEffects, SoundMaker, Singer and SoundExtractor] [Archived as /info-mac/gui/image-utilities-cmm-11.hqx; 111K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:13 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Intelligent Chaos 1.1 Intelligent Chaos (IC) is a simple tool which allows You to study the emergence of chaotic behaviour in the logistic equation and related iterations. Of course there already exist plenty of programs that makes beautiful chaotic graphs, but You will never understand chaos theory without looking at the actual numbers. That is what You can do with IC, in great detail. The equation used is a*x*(1-x), but in future versions, you will be able to change this. The chaotic parameter (a) is given the default value 3.5699, that is just below the point where chaos sets in, but the idea is of course that You should let i vary from 2 to 4. Use Balloon help to get info about the controls. The included CrossBasic sourcecode shows how the execution of the equation works. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/Intelligent-chaos-11-ppc.hqx; 166K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:07 -0700 From: Subject: [*] John's WP GREP This set of AppleScript and WordPerfect macros adds GREP (regular expression search) capability to WordPerfect 3x. Dramatically enhances your ability to find information in your documents. Free. May be included on Info-Mac, AMUG and UMich CD's. John Rethorst [Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/johns-wp-grep.hqx; 26K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:08 -0700 From: Subject: [*] John's WP Tips & Macros 1.5 50 pages of tips and short macros, covering every aspect of WP. Free. May be included on Info-Mac, AMUG and UMich CD's. John Rethorst [Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/johns-wp-tips-macros-15.hqx; 86K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:31 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Jorge's_Bookmarks_v.3.6 Jorge's_Bookmarks_v.3.6 Jorge's Bookmark Collection is a great bookmark file (about 650 links) formatted very nicely for Netscape Navigator/Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It also includes all of the links as seperate text files for drag and drop customization or use with other browsers. It comes in an installer for easy expansion of only the files you need. The collection includes a comprehensive Mac links list. All links have been checked and are good! This file is freeware. Contact author at with questions or feedback. --->Jorge Salas Orchestra Director The Lovett School GA 30327 (404)262-3032 ---> ---> ---> [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/jorges-bookmarks-36.hqx; 173K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:27 -0700 From: greg@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU Subject: [*] Kaleidoscope 1.8 Kaleidoscope 1.8 -- 12 December 1997 -- Shareware Fee: $20 by Greg Landweber, Arlo Rose, and Edward Voas Kaleidoscope is the ultimate in user interface customization, a control panel letting you completely overhaul your Mac's appearance using plug in color scheme files. Kaleidoscope comes with color schemes giving you the MacOS 8, BeOS, and System 7 interfaces, as well as three other completely different designs. There are also over a thousand third party schemes available from the Kaleidoscope Scheme Archive. Version 1.8 adds support for Mac OS 8 bevel buttons (used in Finder window headers) and popup windows (aka tabs) and lets you use the System 7 scheme under Mac OS 8. It also lets you switch schemes simply by double-clicking them in the Finder, and there are many fixes and improvements. Arlo Rose, former Apple HI design lead, has taken over for Fred Bass, and he has updated all of the included schemes. -- Greg Landweber [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/kaleidoscope-18.hqx; 927K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:16 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MacTypingTutor4.1 MacTypingTutor4.1 replaces previous versions (use with System 7 or System 8) There are ten good reasons to use this typing tutor to learn fast and accurate typing: It's QUICK in opening and operating. It's EASY to operate. You can use just what you need because it's MODULAR (five separate work areas, each teaching different typing skills; each reinforcing the others). It uses ATTRACTIVE windows. You can work on your typing errors because it's SMART; it remembers words you mistype (or forgets them if you ask). It also shows error reports, lets you set speed goals, and suggests in a SUPPORTIVE way when you should raise or lower goals. It lets you keep records (and print them) so you see progress over time. The practice materials are HELPFUL because they also contain typing tips. It's VERSATILE, as you work on your typing, your spelling and vocabulary will also improve. Most important, it's INEXPENSIVE. MacTypingTutor also lets you customize how you work (hide/show typing, hide/show screen-keyboard, hide/show feedback window). It's FLEXIBLE you can adjust difficulty level from very easy to hard (this is also a good feature for children). Program automatically remembers your work-preferences from session to session. MacTypingTutor comes in the regular version, a special keyboard version (Dvorak), and several Non-English versions. W. Rogers, Practical Press, Box 754151, Parkside Station, Forest Hills, NY 11375 USA W. Rogers MacEducational Software [Archived as /info-mac/edu/mac-typing-tutor-41.hqx; 248K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:35 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Merridew's Merry Christmas MacOS StartupScreens These are a few startup screens for the hollidays. Included in jpeg, scrn (StartupScreen) and pict resource formats. A lengthly readme file on implimenting directly into the system is also included. Hope you like. Merry Christmas! :) Merridew "So I walk up on high And step to the edge To see my world below. And I laugh at myself As the tears roll down. 'Cause it's the world I know. It's the world I know." --Collective Soul, The World I know ICQ #: 4712296 [Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/merry-macos.hqx; 189K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:18 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MovieUtilities CMM 1.1 MovieUtilities 1.1 - shareware $15 *** enhanced for QuickTime 3! *** by Alberto Ricci Online registrations: For more information visit: Feedback: MovieUtilities CMM is a suite of Contextual Menu Manager plug-ins for Mac OS 8. It contains three CMM plug-ins which let you convert and merge movies as well as import and export movie tracks and other media files. With no effort, you can convert Audio CD tracks to AIFF files, movies to pictures, extract a MIDI track from a movie or convert karaoke files to QuickTime movies, and more! Version 1.1 of the plug-ins fixes a problem that sporadically prevented the commands from appearing in contextual menus. MovieUtilities CMM takes advantage of QuickTime 3 if available, letting the user import and export new media files. Another collection of CMM plug-ins, ImageUtilities CMM, is available. It lets you convert and view any kind of picture. Both packages can be purchased together for $20. [Alberto Ricci is the author of SoundEffects, SoundMaker, Singer and SoundExtractor] [Archived as /info-mac/gui/movie-utilities-cmm-11.hqx; 124K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:20 -0700 From: Subject: [*] National Geographic Index 1997 Do you own a collection of old National Geographic issues? Have you ever tried to find that nice article that you barely remember and which would be quite useful right now, but you don't know how to dig it out of the collection? The yearly index (published since 1983) does not help very much, because the titles of the articles are quite imaginative but rarely contain the keywords that let you find out what you need. For instance, how could you tell that the article "Oldest Known Shipwreck" deals with an archaeological find in Turkey? (You can find it in the December '87 issue at page 693) This is the second edition of the list, which spans the years 1983 till 1997: I have copied (with scanner and OCR SW) all the yearly indices since 1983 and have added a handful of keywords (not already in the title itself), so that the resulting list may be searched with a text editor (e.g. with the Find and Find All utilities in BBEDIT). The structure of the list is quite obvious, and the records contain the title, the page number and the keywords. My choice of keywords is quite personal, it may be wrong and is certainly incomplete. Let me know of any mistake that you find in the list: after I uploaded the first edition of the list I have received feedback from several people, I wish to thank them all. Since the first edition there have been some important changes in the way you can retrieve information on old NG articles: the web page of the National Geographic Society is greatly improved and features an online searchable index (check it at, and the whole National Geographic Magazine is now on a formidable CD-ROM collection (if you want to know more on the CD collection, you can also browse the web pages and If you like this edited index please send me a postcard. Greetings to all lovers of the National Geographic Magazine. Edoardo Milotti Via Margotti, 19 I-34170 Gorizia, Italy e-mail MILOTTI@TRIESTE.INFN.IT [Archived as /info-mac/data/ng-index.hqx; 38K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:28 -0700 From: Subject: [*] OpenBox color scheme/Fake-8 info A little while back, I created a small group of cut-and-paste icons, borrowed from Mac OS 8 screen-shots, and named it "Fake-8." As Fake-8 grew into a formidable set of ResEdit icon-improvements, aimed at System 7 and '030 users, so did it's demand. With this latest release, Fake-8 climbs to a higher level of customization and accessibility. Enclosed in this package, you'll find more than just a color-scheme preview. With the registration of my first public color-scheme, "Full-der," a ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to Fake-8 comes along. The subscription will allow users to have new Fake-8 additions while they're still new, along with other Extensions (including floppy and cursor enhancements), Icons (especially those that cover up that ugly hard-drive one), Desktop Patterns, color-scheme, and updates in order to make your Fake-8 experience more complete than a color-scheme alone can accomplish. With the promise of the ultimate level of customization comes the final aspect of owning a Fake-8 subscription: each subscription owner is entitled to one CUSTOM piece of software per year. Have a JPEG/PICT that you'd like to see tiled all over your desktop? Got an idea for a cursor (other than that old arrow)? Maybe you'd like your floppy disk or CD-ROM icons to have a new look. If you have the image (for desktop patterns), icons (for floppy/CD-ROM replacements), or even just a sketch done in ClarisWorks (for cursors), YOUR custom software, conceived and dreamed of by YOU, can be made a reality with just a simple e-mail. Here's how a subscription works: once a month, subscription owners will receive an e-mail attachment of UNDER 100K. For the once-a-year FREE customization mentioned above, all resources must be mailed to the owner. All packages are delivered ELECTRONICALLY, via e-mail enclosure. Fake-8 started as a means of providing '030-users with some of the Appearance enhancements denied by Mac OS 8. A subscription, for ONLY $5.00, takes that idea one step further, benefitting not only '030-users, but owners of ALL Macs. If you are interested in keeping your Mac looking new, if you are interested in the ULTIMATE level of custimization, purchase a Fake-8 subscription. Requirements: e-mail software capable of receiving/downloading enclosures at least a 256-color (8-bit) Macintosh or compatible System 7.1 Kaleidoscope 1.5 (for color-scheme support) A desktop-pattern installing utility (including Apple's 'Desktop Pattern' control panel, or Avernus' 'Texture Installer' e-mail me at [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/openbox-fake-8-info.hqx; 109K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:25 -0700 From: Subject: [*] PPPop F1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility (French Version) - submissi PPPop 1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility French Localization - Shareware $15 US PPPop provides a small button window to click on to open and close a PPP link, a timer with settable limits, an application launcher, a session log, a server selection menu, and it is scriptable. System Requirements: MacOS 7.1 or later (compatible with OS 8). RAM 350k. Open Transport or MacTCP with MacPPP, FreePPP, SimplePPP, or OT/PPP. PPPop is not an extension or system patch. PPPop is PPC native. This update fixes a bug affecting MacPPP users. This is also the first FAT application distribution. This localization was done by Guy Brand. <> News, current versions, and support are available via the author's web page, <>. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/pppop-161-fr.hqx; 637K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:26 -0700 From: Subject: [*] PPPop NL1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility (Dutch Version) PPPop 1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility Dutch Localization - Shareware $15 US PPPop provides a small button window to click on to open and close a PPP link, a timer with settable limits, an application launcher, a session log, a server selection menu, and it is scriptable. System Requirements: MacOS 7.1 or later (compatible with OS 8). RAM 350k. Open Transport or MacTCP with MacPPP, FreePPP, SimplePPP, or OT/PPP. PPPop is not an extension or system patch. PPPop is PPC native. This update fixes a bug affecting MacPPP users. This is also the first FAT application distribution. This localization was done by Frank Meijer. Please direct Dutch language questions to him. <> News, current versions, and support are available via the author's web page, <>. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/pppop-161-nl.hqx; 689K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:19 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Program Switcher v4.4.3 For a long time, Windows(tm) users have enjoyed the ease of being able to switch between running applications with the alt-tab keystroke. Many Mac users, while not envious of the other operating system, wished the MacOS(tm) would have a similar feature. Program Switcher is meant to not only add that feature to your Macintosh, but also improve on it so that the other operating system's users will wish their alt-tab feature was as good as the Mac's. Features include: - Seven different switching themes - The ability to quit any number of applications at one time - The ability to hide specific applications with a keystroke - User configurable keys and appearance - MacOS 8 Appearance Manager and Kaleidoscope savvy - MacOS 8 Contextual Menus support - Much More! You may download Program Switcher from the Program Switcher web site at: New in this version: - Fixed the window "activation blink" that would occur in some programs when switching. - Made preference updates "live" - A few other interface tweaks --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- Michael F. Kamprath ------------------------------------------------------------------ For the latest versions of all ClaireWare Software's products: [Archived as /info-mac/gui/program-switcher-443.hqx; 323K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:20 -0700 From: Subject: [*] PutAwayCM Put Away CM 1.0b Copyright (c) 1997 Daniel Bogan ( Put Away CM is a Contextual Menu plugin for use with MacOS 8. It lets you choose folders in which files will be moved to at your command, all from one click! Em@ilware - read the Read Me for for information. -- daniel bogan : mac software @ [Archived as /info-mac/gui/put-away-cm-10b.hqx; 20K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:19 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Script Tools 1.3.6 Script Tools is an especially nice collection of osax for AppleScript,written by the author of Script Debugger. I saw that you don't have the latest version on Info-Mac - the attached should replace Script Tools 1.3.1 in dev/osa. Includes these scripting additions: Choose Folder, Choose New File, Choose Several Files, Choose Several Folders, Get Default Folder, Set Default Folder, Shutdown, Compile Regular Expression, Match Regular Expression, Substitute Regular Expression, openFile, closeFile, createFile, createFolder, deleteFile, renameFile, exchangeFile, moveFile, readFile, writeFile, writeString, getFileLength, lengthenFile, getFilePosition, positionFile, changeFileOwner, List Processes, Get Process, Get Foreground Process, Get Current Process, List Screens, Speak, List Voices, Get Voice John Rethorst [Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/script-tools-136.hqx; 127K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:21 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.5.1 Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.5.1 (December 20th, 1997) by David-Artur Daix <> <> Software & Hardware Tracker II is a FileMaker Pro 3.0/4.0 relational database which will help you collect, store and organize useful information (such as registration codes, serial numbers, product notes, phone/fax numbers and URLs for software authors, companies and distributors, etc.) about all your computer products (hardware, software and freeware/shareware). Even better, you can launch URLs directly from inside the database, which will then call upon the Internet Config system to open them with the proper helper applications. That means Software & Hardware Tracker II can also be used as a powerful Internet bookmark manager. Software & Hardware Tracker is a CNET/ and a BizProWeb "pick of the day". It's being distributed as shareware and costs $15 (as always, upgrades are free for registered users). Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware. New in 2.5: Software & Hardware Tracker II is now FileMaker Pro 4 savvy. New in 2.5.1: Fixes a bug in the Distributor Tracker. If you've already downloaded version 2.5, a small 2.5.1 updater is available at: <> Thanks for supporting shareware! (Software & Hardware Tracker II may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM and on the AMUG "BBS in a box". It has been checked with SAM 4.5.1) [Archived as /info-mac/data/software-hdware-tracker-251.hqx; 1589K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:15 -0700 From: Subject: [*] STATsimple 1.0.4 The statistical routines included in this version are: - Descriptive Statistics - Histogram Plot - Student's t-Test - Linear Regression Minimum Requirements - Mac Plus (68000 processor) - System 6.0.2. - 500K of available RAM Changes from version 1.0.3 - better algorithm for interpolation of t-table data - fixed bug that give a surplus blank page after a print job - poisoned a bug that prevented more that one data page to be printed - pulled the legs off of several minor bugs It's Free and only costs $15 Huh? This free copy of STATsimple is fully functional, but it will only accommodate 4 samples with a maximum of 7 observations per sample. If you register ($15 US), a serial number will be issued to you to expand the data capacity of your copy. Contact Information Chris Pereira Nidus Technologies 2220 Urwin Crescent Oakville ON L6L 2T2 CANADA E-mail: Web : [Archived as /info-mac/sci/stat-simple-104.hqx; 306K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 07:54:53 -0700 From: jrussell@BayNetworks.COM Subject: [*] Stock Tracker V2.7 This is a program enables you to keep track of stock purchase and sales transactions. This program allows you to see which shares of stock you have available to sell and how much you payed for them. You can also calculate the value of the portfolio by entering the current market prices. Password protection is offered for your data files. New In version 2.7: Text File saving capability - Save your file as text for other programs. Gain Loss Overview - Now you can see the current Percent Increase/Decrease of your investments. Fixed some problems with File Saving and opening. Fixed some Screen Refresh issues. [Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/stock-tracker-27.hqx; 77K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:23 -0700 From: Subject: [*] TableCloths 2.1M TableCloths has long been the ONLY source for authentic Scottish-tartan desktop patterns for the Macintosh. As part of the original release of TableCloths, I also attempted to include a set of musical instrument desktop patterns which, though also difficult to find, really have little business being packaged with a collection of plaids. The number of registered users (or should I say "the lack of") should've been a strong testimony of that fact to me long before it actually was... In pondering over "what went wrong," I remembered exactly why I started making desktop patterns in the first place - I didn't like what was available out there AT ALL. The new version of TableCloths, TableCloths 2.1 is borne from this philosophy... Customization is a big factor when it comes to the Macintosh, and customization defined is the ability to make something look how YOU want it to. While downloading other peoples' software allows you to come close to waht you think your Mac should ultimately look like, it still is never really exactly what you had in mind. TableCloths 2.1 is now available in two separate editions (musical instrument and tartan) for ONLY $5. You pay for ONLY what you want. However, there's still more... With the growth of the Internet, so grows the popularity of software "subscriptions." With such a subscription, files are compressed and distributed regularly via e-mail enclosure. Again, TableCloths breaks new ground by becoming the first INDEFINITE software subscription available, with updates, editions, and add-ons coming, via e-mail, twice a year. The ultimate level of customizaton would be (theoretically) the ability to have YOUR pictures be made into desktop patterns, and to be able to select the patterns sent to your e-mail address YOURSELF. TableCloths transforms theory into reality. Registered users are allotted one customization per year, meaning that, if you have a picture in ANY format (so long as it's already on your computer) that you'd like to have tiled across your desktop, e-mail it as an enclosure to Or if you'd like to select what comes in your next TableCloths "issue," including desktop patterns or custom alert sounds to go with a pattern you already have, e-mail me at the same address, and let me know what you'd like. You'll receive your CUSTOM software two to three weeks later. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/tablecloths-21m.hqx; 85K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:25:24 -0700 From: Subject: [*] TableCloths 2.1T TableCloths has long been the ONLY source for authentic Scottish-tartan desktop patterns for the Macintosh. As part of the original release of TableCloths, I also attempted to include a set of musical instrument desktop patterns which, though also difficult to find, really have little business being packaged with a collection of plaids. The number of registered users (or should I say "the lack of") should've been a strong testimony of that fact to me long before it actually was... In pondering over "what went wrong," I remembered exactly why I started making desktop patterns in the first place - I didn't like what was available out there AT ALL. The new version of TableCloths, TableCloths 2.1 is borne from this philosophy... Customization is a big factor when it comes to the Macintosh, and customization defined is the ability to make something look how YOU want it to. While downloading other peoples' software allows you to come close to waht you think your Mac should ultimately look like, it still is never really exactly what you had in mind. TableCloths 2.1 is now available in two separate editions (musical instrument and tartan) for ONLY $5. You pay for ONLY what you want. However, there's still more... With the growth of the Internet, so grows the popularity of software "subscriptions." With such a subscription, files are compressed and distributed regularly via e-mail enclosure. Again, TableCloths breaks new ground by becoming the first INDEFINITE software subscription available, with updates, editions, and add-ons coming, via e-mail, twice a year. The ultimate level of customizaton would be (theoretically) the ability to have YOUR pictures be made into desktop patterns, and to be able to select the patterns sent to your e-mail address YOURSELF. TableCloths transforms theory into reality. Registered users are allotted one customization per year, meaning that, if you have a picture in ANY format (so long as it's already on your computer) that you'd like to have tiled across your desktop, e-mail it as an enclosure to Or if you'd like to select what comes in your next TableCloths "issue," including desktop patterns or custom alert sounds to go with a pattern you already have, e-mail me at the same address, and let me know what you'd like. You'll receive your CUSTOM software two to three weeks later. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/tablecloths-21t.hqx; 76K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:23 -0700 From: Subject: [*] The Computer Cookbook 2.4 The Computer Cookbook 2.4 - adds the ability to Mark/UnMark all recipes, or the currently selected recipes. This FileMaker Pro Layout allows you to enter, view, sort, print and RESIZE recipes. The BIG DEAL about this program is that it allows you to enter your recipes the way they were meant to be entered. If the recipe says 2 2/3 cups, then you enter 2 2/3 cups. You don't need to remember that 2 2/3 cups is 2.67 cups. Who wants to have to convert that kind of stuff. Well with The Computer Cookbook, there is no need to. This Cookbook already has over 600 Family Recipes. This is Shareware. Requires Filemaker 3.0. [Archived as /info-mac/data/the-computer-cookbook-24.hqx; 927K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:33 -0700 From: Subject: [*] YOOZ 1.60*US version YOOZ 1.60*US version Introduction What can you use YOOZ for? + YOOZ keeps track of all applications launched on your Macintosh, providing the date and duration of each session. + YOOZ helps you assess what your Macintosh is being used for. + YOOZ helps you evaluate shareware by indicating how much time you spend on each shareware application. + YOOZ helps you organize your network by distributing the right sized Macintosh according to each user's principal needs. + YOOZ will reveal whether you spend more time on your favorite games than on your word processor. + YOOZ is available in English, French, Icelandic and Italian version + A Macintosh or compatible with System 7.5 or later is required. + English, French, Icelandic and Italian versions of Yooz are available email : What's new ? 1.6 Version (December 22, 1997) Improvements: + No disabled functions if not registered : there is only a reminder dialog + Registering is more easy + Utilities options are now part of a separate program:"Yooz utilities" given to registered users + "Spy=DFg" is now renamed "Yooz extension" to minimize confusion + "Yooz extension" uses the same "Yooz Prefs" file than Yooz. Spy=DFg prefs is no more needed. + "Yooz extension" version is 2.62 + New "About window" + New enhanced "SetUp window": + more beautiful look + export to program is now represented by it's icon + excluded programs are no longer limited to 4, but are in a list + New error message with some data file corruption + Yooz can be password protected + The following keys are now working within histo and program list windows : Home, End, page up and page down + 3D look in many windows + Added sleep mode detection for PPC based macintosh. Bugs corrections: + New "Yooz extension" 2.63 which correct a freeze at startup + Flickering problem when balloon help is activated has been resolved + Better "immunity" with corrupted data file + When printing "Machine info" window, the machine icon is correctly printed Shareware Yooz is a 25 $US shareware What will you get if you register? The shareware version of YOOZ has a few limitations that are removed when you enter a personal registration code. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/yooz-160-us.hqx; 450K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 08:00:24 -0700 From: Subject: [*] ZyXEL Genie 1.0 for Mac OS ZyXEL Genie is an ISDN telephone utility. It should be used in conjunction with an ISDN adapter from ZyXEL (e. g. the ZyXEL TA). Version 1.0 offers the following functionalities: * When the phone rings, Genie auto-activates and shows the name and number of the calling party. * Fully diagnostics your ISDN equipment. * Will reroute incoming calls to any of three phones/faxes/devices (two analogic, one ISDN), according to the sub-number called. * Logging of all incoming and outgoing phone calls, with duration and name of caller/called party. * Will dial for you, simply clicking from a list of names. Names and numbers can be imported from other software. * Can suspend and hung up calls. Requirements: any Mac with ZyXEL ISDN TA. No extensions are installed or needed. Shareware fee $20, payable via Kagi Shareware. Author Luca Accomazzi, [Archived as /info-mac/comm/zyxel-genie-10.hqx; 1329K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 97 16:18:50 +0100 From: Patrik Montgomery <> Subject: [Q] Finder Preferences keep resetting themselves Sometimes when installing third-party extensions, Finder 8 loses its preferences - it returns to the default. This does not seem to be an incompability of one particular Extension as it has happened with several, including ATM 4. Removing every trace of the program cures the problem, but nothing else seems to do it. I've tried trashing the Finder Preferences and zapping the PRAM. It seems like the actual Finder Prefernces file isn't changed, it's just that the Finder doesn't read it anymore. I've also tried increasing the Finder heap, but that doesn't help either. Any ideas? Patrik Montgomery multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 97 14:55:41 +0100 From: Patrik Montgomery <> Subject: Auto Restarts On 97-12-22 21:35, Info-Mac used quantum mechanics and the General Theory of Relativity to draw the conclusion that: >Dear MacDudes, > >I'm having a small dilemma with my newly acquired 7300. It seems to have a >personality of it's own, and although this is standard with any Macintosh, >this one in particular is a liitle more eccentric than others I have owned >in the past. > >The problem is that the computer will often start up by itself. That's >right, by itself. I'll be siitting there reading a book, and then all of a >sudden I hear the chime and my Mac just boots itself. It was kind of cute >and humerous the first few times, however it's getting on my nerves now >and I'd like to know why it's happening. > >I've made sure that my auto power on/off control panel and energy saver >panel are configured correctly and that I don't have any little utilities >that are set to automate a startup, however it still keeps doing it. If >anyone has any ideas as to what is causing this, I would love to hear from >you. What's causing it? Not the faintest. But try turning on your computer holding command-option-P-R to zap the PRAM. You will hear the startup chime a few times until you release the keys. Relese the keys when the sound has been played 3 or 4 times. Ought to do it. Patrik Montgomery multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 97 15:11:42 +0100 From: Patrik Montgomery <> Subject: Clone CD-ROM Drive (C) On 97-12-22 21:35, Info-Mac used quantum mechanics and the General Theory of Relativity to draw the conclusion that: >Subject: Clone CD-ROM Drive (C) > > >I continue to be less than enthralled by FWB's CD-ROM Toolkit. [snip] > >The CDTK that came with the PowerTower (232) had a bit of a problem. It >could only see multisession CD-ROMs made on a vanilla Apple computer. Any >CD's burned via Adaptec Toast 3.5 on the clone were mostly toast. I see >the first session. You mean there are more? [snip] > >No, folk. It ain't the drive that can't handle it. It's the FWB driver. > There is a freeware CD driver in the InfoMac archives called CD-Sunrise. Look in the cfg directory. Have you tried that one? Patrik Montgomery multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 97 14:55:43 +0100 From: Patrik Montgomery <> Subject: LC III On 97-12-22 21:35, Info-Mac used quantum mechanics and the General Theory of Relativity to draw the conclusion that: >Oh after speeding it up to LCIII+ status (33Mhz) 7.1 won't work. Gonna >need that 7.5x or a special enabler. 7.1 will work with System Update 3.0, but not with any earlier. Update 3 includes the needed Enabler 003 version 1.1. Patrik Montgomery multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 97 14:55:46 +0100 From: Patrik Montgomery <> Subject: PopupFolder On 97-12-22 21:35, Info-Mac used quantum mechanics and the General Theory of Relativity to draw the conclusion that: >I also have been holding back on installing MacOs 8 because of Popupfolder. >Last I heard, the company which wrote it, ASD, were not planning an >upgrade. But if enough of us got together maybe they'd change their minds. Under OS8, you can achieve the same effect using Contextual Menus. Specifically the Control Panel/Contextual Menu FinderPop does this. Latest version is 1.5.3 and can be found at Freeware, so download away. It also has lots of other nice functions. PowerMac only, as all Contextual Menu extensions. Patrik Montgomery multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 97 14:55:44 +0100 From: Patrik Montgomery <> Subject: SIMMs On 97-12-22 21:35, Info-Mac used quantum mechanics and the General Theory of Relativity to draw the conclusion that: >Hi, > >I have a Performa 6200CD with 24mb of RAM and I recently installed OS8. >It works very well but unfortunately I now have to turn VM on or else I >haven't enough RAM to launch most of my apps. So I would like to replace >the 8mb SIMM module by a 32Mb module. I went to the local mac store and >saw that such a 32Mb 72pin SIMM cost about twice as much as what seems to >be the same module in a PC store! So my question is: is it possible to >install a 32Mb 72pin SIMM module in my Mac 6200, if so should I buy EDO >RAM or standard RAM? Anyone tried to install PC memory modules in his/her >Mac yet? Get standard 72-pin 60 ns SIMMs. You don't need EDO (it won't make a difference) so get standard RAM. PC circuits chould work if they meet these specifications, but make sure that they'll refund you if they don't. Most resellers will. Patrik Montgomery multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 97 14:55:47 +0100 From: Patrik Montgomery <> Subject: The Watch On 97-12-22 21:35, Info-Mac used quantum mechanics and the General Theory of Relativity to draw the conclusion that: >Now here's a totally useless question: > > As I was resurrecting my Mac Plus over the past weekend I noticed >that the "wait a minute" watch in older versions of the MacOS actually >keeps "time"...the hour and second hand go round and round as you're >waiting. System 7's and OS8's watches don't's always and >forever 9 o'clock. Anyone know why the change? The clock goes round if the programmer that wrote the program that is waiting makes a call to the system that the watch should go round. Hasn't got anything to do with the system version. Patrik Montgomery multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************