Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #277
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 16 Dec 97       Volume 15 : Issue 277

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#410/15-Dec-97
      (A) Keeping downloads active SUMMARY
      [A] invisible icon files (additional info)
      [A] Networking a Mac on a Windows NT 4.0 network
      [Q] Invisible Icon Files continued...
      A fe G3 Questions.
      Application won't quit
      Application won't quit
      ATI 3D Rage II+ card in the G3 machines...
      Desktop pattern to Picture?
      Elementary menu questions
      Eudora at home
      Freezes in Communicator 4.04
      Freezes in Communicator 4.04
      invisible icon files
      More Movies
      MPEG-3 players for 68k Macs?
      Navigator 4.x and Java
      Power CD-ROM Problem
      Q: Applescript for Changing Monitor Size
      Q: Applescript for Changing Monitor Size
      Request help with Stylewriter 2400
      Taking Eudora Home
      Taking Eudora Home
      Techtool Pro vs. Norton Utilities
      Too fast for Boot Disk?
      Using a hosts file to connect a Mac to an NT server

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Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 20:59:50 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#410/15-Dec-97


Need help organizing ideas? Check out Matt Neuburg's review of Inspiration
5.0, a diagramming and outlining tool. Also in this final issue of 1997,
Adam examines the numbers behind the Apple Store to see how it contributes
to Apple's bottom line, plus we bring news of a potential 56K modem
standard, an update to last week's digital camera article, and pointers to
locating the MacPicasso video card noted in our holiday gifts issue. See
you in 1998!

    Apple Store Reality Check
    Inspiration 5.0: Surprising Survivor


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-410.etx; 29K]


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 22:19:47 +0100
From: Hartmut Buhrmester <>
Subject: (A) Keeping downloads active SUMMARY

> Hello Everyone! I have had some trouble recently with my ISP
> dropping the connection. I have talked to them at length
> about it but they have no idea what the problem is.

[later in this threat...]

> Hello Everyone! I would like to thank everyone for all of their suggestions
> in this matter, I would thank you all personally but there are far too many
> of you:-) The most common solution to my problem was to use Fetch 3.0.3
> which offers download reconnection.

Another suggestion would be to check the modem init string and the flow
control settings. If you use Open Transport/PPP then you may find that all
modems are initialised with the option &d2. This causes a "reset on DTR
toggle" to hang up the modem. But normally the DTR line is used for flow
control, so that this option is dangerous and may cause unwanted
disconnects. You should better use &d0 instead.

You can change this by opening the modem.ccl file with BBEdit Lite and
changing the init string near the beginning of the file.

Hope it helps, Hartmut

Hartmut Buhrmester <>


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 07:50:45 -0600
From: Mike Rasberry <>
Subject: [A] invisible icon files (additional info)

At 10:47a -0800 97/12/12, mark hurty wrote:
 > My underlying question is: Why are these files necessary for
 > generic folders?

They aren't.  When this happens, something got munged.  I've seen this on
my own Mac.  The ones I remember were always folders extracted from
.sit/.sea archives or installed by an installer app.

Recent versions of Installer VISE have started alerting me when I add a
folder with a custom icon to an installer archive.  It says that for these
to work properly it must make them the first thing installed in that
folder...  makes me think that earlier versions (which didn't warn) might
be one of the culprits.  I suspect that StuffIt, Compact Pro, et al have
been, too.

At 10:44p -0800 97/12/12, mark hurty wrote:
 > Each time I restart my machine there is a "rescued items
 > from ---" folder in the trash. The contents of the folder
 > consists of a single visible file named --- anyone? ---
 > anyone? --- "Icon."

That's a stumper.  The stuff that winds up in Rescued Items is normally
(only?) files and folders that apps create in the (invisible) Temporary
Items folder.  Most apps are nice and delete these files if they're quite
normally, but nothing forces the housekeeping.  When your Mac is restarted,
the OS moves anything it finds in the Temporary Items folder(s) (each
volume can have one) to Rescued Items in the trash.

I'd suspect an extension or control panel is causing this though I'm not
aware of one that might cause such a thing.



Date: Mon, 15 Dec 97 09:29:56 -0500
From: Chris Gervais <>
Subject: [A] Networking a Mac on a Windows NT 4.0 network

>What I want to know is what other client programs are available to act as a
>client for the Mac on a Windows NT server?  I want to evaulate other
>programs before I upgrade to the next version which is due in January 1998.

Your system administrator can install "Services for Macintosh" on your NT 
server (included with the NT server software) that allows your Mac to 
access the NT server as if it were an AppleTalk server. It's pretty easy 
to install and shouldn't disrupt your network (then again, it is 
Microsoft...). This may suit your needs instead of having to purchase 
some extra software.



Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 10:19:04 -0600 (CST)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: [Q] Invisible Icon Files continued...

I just ran across this on another list:

Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 22:18:08 -0500
To: Frontier Central <>
From: Jim Correia <>
Subject: Re: MacOS8 invisible icon file

>Someone mentioned the invibible icon files created by MacOS8. It is an OS
><> discussed it in some detail. The last (month) I
>heard, exact cause is not known. Apple is aware of it.

Thanks Xah.

The stuff at macfixit wasn't definitive.  I dug up a direct reference to it
for those who are interested:



Jim Correia                                 Bare Bones Software, Inc.                      <>

chazl            -  12.15.1997  -  


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 11:53:16 -0500
From: fordbail <>
Subject: A fe G3 Questions.


I just got a g3 266 av minitower and I have a few quick questions.

1) I notice that the listen option is missing in the monitors and sound 
control panels. This is a slight problem because it makes recording with 
the microphone less convenient (I have to turn the speakers down to avoid 
feedback). Does anyone have any idea where this feature went or why it 
isn't showing up? 

I have successfully set the jumpers so that the machine runs at 300 MHz 
without any apparent side effects. Changing the jumpers like this will 
void your warrantee, but you can learn all the tricks at the macintouch 
home page. 

2) Where can I find a source for those tiny little pieces of metal on the 
inside of the jumper strip so that I can try some of the other settings? 

3) Are there any negative performance issues associated with changing the 
ratio of the CPU clock to the sys bus clock. The old ratio was 66-266 (a 
1-4 ratio). The new ratio is 66-300 (a 1-4.5 ratio or a 2-9 ratio). 

4) Anyone have any clever methods for testing the increase in the amount 
of heat that the 300 MHz CPU will produce and the possible damage caused 
by this heat. The machine is working flawlessly, but I don't want to fry 

5) I have heard rumors of a control panel that will allow you to change 
the ratio of the backside cache from 2-1 to 1-1 (or other settings). Does 
anyone know about this? Where to get it? Speed advantages from using it? 

Bailey Ford


Date: Tue, 16 Dec 97 04:00:39 +1100
From: Mr Stux <>
Subject: Application won't quit

>Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 17:17:05 -0600
>From: Gene Huebner <>
>Subject: Application won't quit
>Have been using a Motorola StarMax PowerPC for the last year. Utilizing
>System 7.6.  The problem I am describing below did not start happening
>until about 3 months ago. I had installed nothing new, it just sort of
>About every other (not exactly, but about every other) time I shut down,
>my shut-down folder items perform as they should, but then I get a
>dialog box which says "Cannot complete shutdown - unknown application
>will not quit".
>I check under the finder, and the finder is the only thing loaded. No
>applications are open.
>Does not do this without extensions loaded.
This sounds like you might have a backround faceless application =

Things like netpresenz and other programs. These would normally quit. =
Perhaps you have installed some 'extension' which is actually one of =
these apps?

Anyway, if that's not the reason you can always at least get rid of =
the message at startup in the general control panel. Just turn it off =

CYA STUX =3D`=DF^)       watch them kangas ;)


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 97 12:43:49 -0600
From: James Atkinson <>
Subject: Application won't quit

On 12/13/1997 05:17 PM Gene Huebner said:

>About every other (not exactly, but about every other) time I shut down,
>my shut-down folder items perform as they should, but then I get a
>dialog box which says "Cannot complete shutdown - unknown application
>will not quit".

I'd suspect a virus checker running in the background---try turning off 
extensions for any anti-virus programs and then restarting.  If the 
problem goes away, try trashing the antivirus software (including 
extensions in the Systems folder) and reinstalling fresh.

Just a hunch.

James Atkinson


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 08:26:54 -0800 (PST)
From: "Beyond C. Chiu" <>
Subject: ATI 3D Rage II+ card in the G3 machines...

Hi, I was wondering whether the graphic card in the G3 machine (ATI 3D
rage II+) can do good 3D... Still, I don't have any fx3d games therefore I
really can't tell the different 3D card can make... How about comparing
the ATI card with Power3D card (Techworks)...?


Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 23:56:03 -0500
From: Karen Wheless <>
Subject: Desktop pattern to Picture?

Is there an easy way to convert a desktop pattern to a PICT file that could
be used for a desktop picture?  If you just cut and paste from the Desktop
Pictures application, the PICT is too small to be used as a picture (unless
you paste it over and over).  I'd like to include some of my patterns when
I use an applescript to periodically change my desktop picture.

Karen Wheless


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 08:45:44 -0500
From: (William Conable)
Subject: Elementary menu questions

On upgrading to System 8 I notice that letters on the menu-bar are now
underlined ala Windows; however nothing I do seems to make this a
functional feature, and I can't find any reference to it in the help
material. So is it just cosmetic?

Also, I miss a couple of Now Utils features: one is auto-drop menus, which
I still like better than Sys 8's new version; and the other is of course
Boomerang. I thought I saw that someone is keeping Boomerang going for sys
8? and is there a reliable auto-drop menu extension?

Sorry for asking these dumb ones, would appreciate an answer, though...

Bill Conable
OSU School of Music


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 16:44:57 -0600
From: Bryan Walls <>
Subject: Eudora at home

Tell your friend to get a copy of Eudora Lite from their web site
<>. It's free. He can just drag his IN box (it's a file named
"IN" that looks like an envelope and hangs out in the "Eudora Folder" in
his "System Folder") onto a floppy to take home. He can then copy the IN
box to the same place on his home machine, and open Eudora Lite. His
messages will be in his IN box in the program, just like at work.

The messages are just normal text, anyhow (except attachments). So he could
get his IN box as described above and read them with SimpleText, BBEdit
Lite, MS Word, or anything of the sort. Not quite as handy, though. If he
uses Eudora Lite, he could even compose answers to messages or new
messages. Just make sure that he goes to Settings and uncheck "Immediate
Send" on the "Sending Mail" selection. Then he should copy the "Out" box to
take back to the office.

If he had Eudora Pro on both machines, he could open or copy to mailboxes
right on the travelling floppy. I don't know if that will work with Lite,

Bryan Walls                             My words are not NASA policy.               (205)544-3311voice,544-5841fax
   If Bill Gates ran NASA....<>


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 97 12:52:26 -0600
From: James Atkinson <>
Subject: Freezes in Communicator 4.04

On 12/12/1997 09:49 AM Charles Keller said:

>I have recently upgraded to OS8 and have been experiencing the following 
>problem: When I encounter web pages with Java, my system will freeze. 
>Communicator 4.04 will inform me that it is starting Java, it then says 
>Java is done and the page will continue to load. It is during this time 
>that my system will freeze. Initially the system would freeze while 
>loading Java but since I increased ram to Communicator 4.04 (to 10 meg), 
>Java appears to load successfully. I had never run into this problem 
>under OS 7.6 with an earlier version of Communicator(4.0) and less ram (6 
>meg). I am currently Using a 6400/180 with OS8, 88 megs of ram (90 with 
>virtual memory enabled). Any help resolving this problem would be 

     This happens quite often when users load a newer version of Netscape 
over an older one.  The program loads OK, and appears to run fine until 
you hit Java---what's going on (I think) is that each version of Netscape 
works with an apparently unique and specific Java class file..when you 
load a new Netscape over an old one, or in addition to an older one, the 
new browser often finds and tries to use the wrong Java class file.  
Boom.  Try deleting *all* Netscape files and folders (don't forget 
System>Preferences>Netscape f), then reinstalling the desired version of 
Netscape.   Should clear things up.

     You may want to shutdown, restart, and rebuild the desktop file as 
well once the proper version of Netscape is present.  Never hurts.

James Atkinson


Date: 	Mon, 15 Dec 1997 12:00:42 -0500
From: "Fraser J. Goodmurphy" <>
Subject: Freezes in Communicator 4.04

I'm having a similar problem.  The first time and every time I start the
Yamaha Midiplug, Navigator 4.04 starts loading Java and I get an error
"Wave data not found".  I'm stumped because the plugin works on the 2nd
attempt.  Any ideas?


At 8:49 AM -0700 12/12/97, you wrote:
> I have recently upgraded to OS8 and have been experiencing the following
> problem: When I encounter web pages with Java, my system will freeze.
> Communicator 4.04 will inform me that it is starting Java, it then says
> Java is done and the page will continue to load. It is during this time
> that my system will freeze. Initially the system would freeze while
> loading Java but since I increased ram to Communicator 4.04 (to 10 meg),
> Java appears to load successfully. I had never run into this problem
> under OS 7.6 with an earlier version of Communicator(4.0) and less ram (6
> meg). I am currently Using a 6400/180 with OS8, 88 megs of ram (90 with
> virtual memory enabled). Any help resolving this problem would be
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Chuck


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 12:27:44 -0500 (EST)
From: (Stephen R. Holmes)
Subject: invisible icon files

Interesting topic. Most replies seem to fall into the category of "the
icon file is for custom folder icon information", but Mr. Hurty says
specifically that the folder appears as a generic folder icon:

>Example: I have an empty folder on my hard drive. This is a generic
>folder, no custom icon. A search for invisible files on my hard drive
>named "icon" yeilds 495 hits. Among these 495 invisible icon files
>[. . .] is an "Icon" file for this generic empty folder.

So either (1) the folder *does* have custom icon information which is
not being displayed or consists of exactly the same icon info as a
"generic" folder or (2) we don't understand the problem.

For eliminating custom folder icons in mass quantity, I've used a
drag-n-drop app called "Folder Icon Cleaner":

  /info-mac/gui/folder-icon-cleaner-202.hqx [145K]

This may (or may not) get rid of the unwanted 'icon' files, but won't
answer the original question of "why?".



Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 10:52:14 +0000
From: Tim Brogdon <>
Subject: More Movies


I would LOVE to see some more movies!  If you don't mind sending them, I'm (as
you well know by now) ready and setup for them.  Thanks again to everyone.



Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 00:46:16 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Fiske <>
Subject: MPEG-3 players for 68k Macs?

Hi there:

Can anyone (if possible) suggest an Mp3 player for my '030 Mac, if one
even exists.

I'd appreciate it,


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 97 09:29:53 -0500
From: Chris Gervais <>
Subject: Navigator 4.x and Java

There's been some back and forth on the list about Netscape Navigator's 
version of Java and its ability to choose a different Java VM. Here's the 

Netscape Navigator has a Java VM by Symantec which is built-in and not 
user-selectable -- even if you install the Macintosh Runtime for Java 
(MRJ), Navigator will still use its built-in Java VM. The only 
customization you have in Navigator is whether you want to turn Java on 
or off. I believe that Netscape has a pretty significant licensing deal 
with Symantec for their VM so I don't expect this to change.

Microsoft Internet Explorer does let you pick your Java VM. It ships with 
the Metrowerks/Microsoft VM but you can easily choose MRJ if you have it 




Date: Tue, 16 Dec 97 04:24:34 +1100
From: Mr Stux <>
Subject: Power CD-ROM Problem

>The problem: Leslye asked that I archive some her objets d'art to CD. Sure.
>I brought home the LaCie CDR burner from the office (Remember that I warned
>you off against the APS product that didn't work after two trips to the shop
>and that the LaCie unit was cheaper and operable? Probably not) and made a
>bunch of CDR "sessions" out of the folders she wanted me to archive. 
>to my vanilla 7300/180 it worked like a charm. According to the clone, 
>past the first session existed. At best. I had to turn off a whole lot of
>useful stuff to even get that clone to recognize *anything* on that CDR.

I think I had a similar problem (PowerCPro 180/16x)

I burnt a CD with 4 sessions. Basically it wouldn't mount the 3 last 
sessions. Now I know i've seen them mount before!

I turned on "Search every track for possible data" in the mounting part 
of CDT. THat seems to work. Don't know if its the best solution but seems 
to work seems good enuf, Altho it might slow down mounting a tad, as it 
searches each track.

Least my sessions work now... or maybe they don't ;)

Live Long & Prosper \\//_           <>
 CYA STUX =`B^)                      \ Figthing Killer Roos! /


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 12:17:02 -0500
From: "Zafar A. Punjani" <>
Subject: Q: Applescript for Changing Monitor Size

At 10:20 AM -0500 12/14/97, Lori Collins wrote:
>Is there a way to use Applescript to change the monitor resolution from
>*say* 832x624 to 640x480? I've yet to be able to solve this one. I'm
>running 7.5.5.

Dear Lori,

I have written a script which can do that.  First however, I would
recommend you try Switch Res which is a control strip capable of the same.
If you would really rather have an Apple Script, send me e-mail and I'll
send you my script.

Take care

Zafar A. Punjani  Please send mail to:


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 19:36:05 +0100
From: Bo Bjulen <>
Subject: Q: Applescript for Changing Monitor Size

At 10.20 -0500 1997-12-14, Lori Collins wrote:

>Is there a way to use Applescript to change the monitor resolution from
>*say* 832x624 to 640x480? I've yet to be able to solve this one. I'm
>running 7.5.5.

Get Jon's Commands from <> or

It's a small Scripting Addition (OSAX) which extends the scripting
capabilities with, among other things, the command

	set strings to


set screens to {screen id:"1", screen size:{640, 480}, refresh
rate:67, color depth:8}

(refresh rate and colour depth must not be specified).

Bo Bjulen


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 18:09:06 -0500
From: Mark Stephansky <>
Subject: Request help with Stylewriter 2400

Hi All:

My sister has a stylewriter 2400 that quit on her.  I have looked it
over...taken the plastics off etc. trying to find out what is
wrong...but have not had much luck.

Whenever I start it up the paper jam error light comes on. The printer
will not run a self test...although it will feed a sheet of paper if I
give the rollers a slight manual turn.

Can anyone suggest a solution or point out a reset button?

Thanks in advance.

Mark Stephansky
Whitman, MA 02382


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 17:08:41 +0100
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: Taking Eudora Home

"Norman R. Friedman" <> wrote:

> A friend has asked - he receives much mail during the day which he is
> unable to read and would like to know if there is a way to put his mail
> onto a floppy to take home with him so he could read the mail at home. He
> has Eudora Pro at work but not at home, so would probably need to put his
> mail somehow into word processing. Copying each letter indivdually would be
> huge.

I think Eudora Pro is licensed "per user" and not "per machine", so it
would be legal to install a second copy at home as long as it is
(a) not used by a different person, and
(b) the office copy is not used by someone else during his absence.
So much for the legal things.

He can install Eudora at home and just copy the In-Mailbox to a floppy.
Then at home, he can replace his old In-Mailbox by the one he brought
from the office and then start reading his mail (and possibly writing
replies, etc.).

After he has done this, he can copy his Out-Mailbox to the floppy and
replace the old Outbox at the office with it. Then send the mail, as usual.

Every evening copy the IN-Box, every morning copy the OUT-Box.

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser  -  phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 11:48:55 -0500
From: "Zafar A. Punjani" <>
Subject: Taking Eudora Home

At 9:15 AM -0500 12/12/97, Norman R. Friedman wrote:
>A friend has asked - he receives much mail during the day which he is
>unable to read and would like to know if there is a way to put his mail
>onto a floppy to take home with him so he could read the mail at home. He
>has Eudora Pro at work but not at home, so would probably need to put his
>mail somehow into word processing. Copying each letter indivdually would be
>Thanks to all in advance. I will pass on to my friend
>Help to

Eudora lite is just as capable of reading mail as its pro version, without
the rest of the functionality that the commercial product has to offer.

I would suggest that your friend get a copy of the lite version for home
use so that he can simply take his mailboxes home to read.  They should be
located in the Eudora folder at the root level of the System folder.  Their
location has been changed with version 4 of Eudora, which is now in public
beta. Mailboxes are now located in a folder called Mail Folder within the
Eudora folder in the sys f.   Better yet, your friend might want to simply
purchase a copy of the Pro version for home use.  If you ask me, it's a
great mail client certainly worth my money.

Good luck

Zafar A. Punjani  Please send mail to:


Date: Tue, 16 Dec 97 04:31:13 +1100
From: Mr Stux <>
Subject: Techtool Pro vs. Norton Utilities

>I need to purchase one of these programs for my new G3 Mac. Can anyone shed
>some light on which of these two products would be best?
>Although they do have some different features, they both basically serve
>the same function, right?

Erm no.

I'd go with norton utils.

TTP is more for finding and zapping pesky problems like desktop problems 
and PRAM

Nortons fixes HDs and keeps your system spick and span.

One is essential the other is what a technician has ;) There are 
shareware utils which can replace ttp, and you can use its baby brother 
tech tool... lite?

Get Norton Utilities 3.5.1, Its indespensible

Live Long & Prosper \\//_           <>
 CYA STUX =`B^)                      \ Figthing Killer Roos! /


Date: Tue, 16 Dec 97 04:35:43 +1100
From: Mr Stux <>
Subject: Too fast for Boot Disk?

>I have never heard of this, but I guess my Mac is showing it's age. Does 
>anyone know whether or not there might be another explanation for this 

one explanation that springs to mind but could be wrong and probably is 
is simply that it is to big for the mac to boot off?

My understanding is that the boot code is in rom, and thus can't be 
updated. Hey I'm probably wrong. But if it wasn't figuring out how to 
boot a 6 gigabyte drive, cos its over 4 gigabytes!

One solution you might try is making it into less than 4 gig partitions, 
perhaps 3 and 3, or even 3 of 2, or just 4 and then a bit.

See if they work.

Live Long & Prosper \\//_           <>
 CYA STUX =`B^)                      \ Figthing Killer Roos! /


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 18:28:42 +0000
From: Stephen Swabey <>
Subject: Using a hosts file to connect a Mac to an NT server

We have a network which is almost entirely PC (Windows NT).  The email
package in use is MS Exchange.  I would like to connect our single
Macintosh (7100/66) to the network for email only, using the Mac MS
Exchange client.  The Mac has two ethernet cards in it and I have
configured Open Transport to use the DHCP system we have with the PCs.
However, after creating a "Hosts" file (we have no DNS) for the Mac to use,
it seems unable to recognise the email server.

The network tracing software I'm using (on the Mac) tells me that the
server I ask it to use (called "server2") correctly resolves to its IP
address (which implies that the "Hosts" file is working correctly), but
doesn't allow me to "ping" that server.  MS Exchange also refuses to
recognise that there is a server there.

My questions are:

When setting up the "Hosts" file, does the server name have to have four
parts (e.g. to resolve to the IP address correctly?

What minimum information is needed in the TCP/IP control panel to
successfully make an IP connection using a DHCP server?

Does having two ethernet cards fitted confuse the issue as far as Open
Transport is concerned?

Are there more detailed instructions available on how to configure DHCP
connections with Windows NT and Mac clients than the notes in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base on CD-ROM?

Has anyone had similar trouble and could suggest a fix?


Stephen Swabey
134 Wolverton Road
Stony Stratford
Milton Keynes  MK11 1DN

Tel:  +44 1908 568698 (also fax, but phone first to check)
Fax:  +44 1908 655151 (always on)



End of Info-Mac Digest