Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #275 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Sun, 14 Dec 97 Volume 15 : Issue 275 Today's Topics: [*] "WishCarol" Holiday System Clock Sounds (Stereo) [*] AfterDark modules No Interrupt 1.0 [*] AutoShare 2.0, a freeware list server [*] Awale 2.2.2c : Ancient African game [*] bol-processor-274-appl [*] Bubblomania 1.5 [*] Chelsea's Game [*] Cobra-Gunship-1.2 [*] Cool System Beeps [*] Date Reminder v1.2 PPC [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce [*] Dialog_Task_Timer_10 (closes sticky dialogs, executes timely ta [*] Digital_Diary_v1.7.8 [*] Enigma 2.7 [*] ExtractIt! for System 2.0 - The simple, powerful diagnostic [*] FileMaker Pro 3 french database of philosophy texts [*] FontBook 3.0 (e) [*] Food Nutrition Knowledge Matrix 1.0 [*] Ho Ho Ho! Email Sound (8-bit) [*] Ho Ho Ho!" Email Sound (16-bit) [*] HypnOptic 1.1.0; savescreen application. [*] IFile [*] Jingle Bell Mac 1.8 [*] Job Pointer 2.0 - Job Search Software for Job Hunters w/Macs [*] KillerApp v1.0 [*] Loafer v1.0 [*] Mac Invaders V1.10 Beta [*] Mac OS 8 Desktop Pictures 2.0 [*] MacDoc 1.3 [*] Matrak 1.0 [*] QuickMail Pro Autoreply [*] Reanimator 2.0 [*] RoboWar 4.4 [*] Savior 1.1 - Applescript that reminds you to save [*] TBID's StuddedWorkSurface 1.1 - A Simple Gray Desktop Picture [*] The Hell is so cold...-Warcraft II Maps v5.0.sit [*] The Squeegee Collection - AppleScripts for setting OS8 Finder P [*] Type / Creator Database v3.1, December 6, 1997 [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.0 [*] Utopia PS1 and TrueType v 2.1 [*] WishCarol" Holiday System Clock Sounds (Mono) [*] YOOZ 1.6US The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more information, visit the Info-Mac Web site at <>. Email Addresses and Instructions: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions: * To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below: <> * Search the archive at <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V15 #275" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:24 -0700 From: Subject: [*] "WishCarol" Holiday System Clock Sounds (Stereo) WishCarol Holiday System Clock Sounds The Holidays at last! Add some Holiday spirit to your Mac with the "WishCarol System Clock Sounds" from Clixsounds. These sounds are designed to be used with your system's "Date and Time" control panel and, when installed, will play at 1/4 Past, 1/2 Past, 1/4 'Til, and Top Of the Hour or chime. As the hour progresses, each sound is a line of the melody "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" until you reach the top of the hour, the melody being "...and a happy New Year!" Full instructions are included for installation. Each year, Clixsounds prepares a special set of free sounds just for the Holidays. This set consists of various StartUp Sounds, ShutDown Sounds, Alert Sounds, Email Sounds, and System Clock Sounds. The sounds range from popular Holiday carols to sound effects related with the Holiday season. They are designed with the hopes that Mac users everywhere will be able to add a bit of Holiday cheer to their Macs amidst the season of "hustle-n-bustle." The complete Holiday Series is available through December 31st along with over 100 other freeware sounds at: All Mac users are invited to visit often and download these FREE sounds and share the joy of both the Holidays and the Macintosh! This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is unaltered and includes the accompanying document. Note that a portion of this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services. Contact Information: Internet: Support: Sales: America Online: CLIXSOUNDS World Wide Web: [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/ster-wishcarol.hqx; 2075K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:43 -0700 From: Subject: [*] AfterDark modules No Interrupt 1.0 these two free AfterDark modules (68k and PPC for AfterDark version 2, can also be used within DarkSide of the Mac) will disable two possible ways to gain access to a Macintosh even if password protection within the screen saver is switched on. One way is to "force quit" the screen saver, the other is to drop into the debugger and quit the current application, i.e. the screen saver engine. Within certain restrictions listed in the read-me file, these two modules prevent this kind of attack on unattended Macintosh computers. In the attachment (binhexed StuffIt archive, 8k) you'll find the two modules (version 1.0) and the description, a SimpleText document: AD No Interrupt 68k (2k) AD No Interrupt PPCk (2k) AD No Interrupt Readme (12k) Please feel free to include these modules on any CD-ROMs you produce. Regards, Markus [Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/ad-no-interrupt-10.hqx; 11K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:09 -0700 From: Subject: [*] AutoShare 2.0, a freeware list server AutoShare 2.0 <> is a major version of the freeware list server and auto-responder for the Macintosh. AutoShare is robust, speedy and requires little memory. The 68K and PowerPC native server applications, tested with Mac OS 8.0 and compatible with EIMS (Eudora Internet Mail Server, formerly AIMS and MailShare) and SIMS (Stalker Internet Mail Server), are fully scriptable and may be configured using the AutoShare Admin, an administration application with balloon help. Lists in the hundreds and subscribers in the thousands per list are supported, as are subscription, open, moderated, announcement and private list types. Version 2.0 introduces a fully revamped documentation showing just how easy it is to get going with AutoShare, a major multiple preference sets feature coming in handy with mail server multi-domains, a powerful filter process extender, user interface refinements for both the server and the Admin, up-to-date full scriptability plus many minor improvements and bug fixes. AutoShare comes complete with script samples and documentation covering features such as list-specific configuration and logs, fully automated web archives, remote administration by e-mail, subscriber and administrator web forms, advanced mail-back confirmations, automated bounce and unsubscribe module, launching of external applications, keep applications up feature, flexible process extenders, MIME configuration of outgoing mail messages, tip of the day lists, simultaneous text and HTML archives, subscriber address protection, poll feature for voting, subject prefixes in list contributions, headers and footers in list contributions and digests, rotating banners and much more. -- Mikael Hansen <> [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/autoshare-20.hqx; 1722K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:51:49 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Awale 2.2.2c : Ancient African game AWALE ----- Keywords : AWALE AWELE MANCALA WARI AFRICAN STONE GAME WINDOWS WIN32 MACINTOSH SHAREWARE INTERNET Version : 2.2.2c Web homepage: or mac (971 Kb): African Stone game The Awale is one of the most ancient games still played. The Masai say that the Awale was invented by Sindillo, the son of the first man, Maitoumbe, and was originally called geshe. The rules of the game are simple, but the strategies needed to win are quite challenging. With Awale, you'll play against the computer or another player to one of the 13 pre-defined rules from all over the world (from India to Barbados). The object of the game is to capture more stones than your opponent. To help you learn and play the game, a dialog box appears with comments on the actions performed. You can: define your own rules, undo the last move, see the history list of all played holes in the game (allowing you to restart a game at any point to find another strategy), and more. Awale also features: excellent graphics and sound effects, scoring, online help, game save, a powerful A.I. algorithm, user-definable Grand Master level, and an English and French version. African-style musics and sound effects are also included. A very realistic game, with solid wood and clattering stones. New in this version : You can challenge an opponent on the Internet, or view 'live' the game played by other players on the Internet, send and receive messages. [Archived as /info-mac/game/awale-222c.hqx; 955K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:51:47 -0700 From: Subject: [*] bol-processor-274-appl BOL PROCESSOR BP2 - November 1997 release (2.7.4) BP2 is a MacOS software for music design working in MIDI, QuickTime MIDI and Csound environments. New versions are made available from Info-Mac mirror sites (see for instance <>). The package is made of three files in BinHex 4 format: bol-processor-274-appl.hqx contains the program (both 68K and ppc versions) bol-processor-273-doc.hqx contains the documentation bol-processor-273-data.hqx contains examples Note that the documentation and examples of version 2.7.3 (uploaded in October 1997) have not yet been modified. BinHex files yield self-extracting archives "sea". (Use Compact Pro, StuffIt or BinHex for converting from BinHex). No software is required to extract "sea" files. Double-clicking their icons (under MacOS) automatically creates folders and files. "bol-processor-273-doc.hqx" contains a manual "BP2 doc - MS Word" in Microsoft Word (version 5). It is recommended to print at least the "QuickStart" part of it. When BP2 software, documentation and examples get upgraded, similar BinHex files will be found on the site, bearing numbers 275... etc. It is a good idea to check Info-Mac from time to time and download upgrades. Send me a mail ( even if you don't wish to register so that your address is put on a mailing list. BP2 runs under Opcode OMS (Open Music System) which may be dowloaded from <>. Version 2.0 minimum is required. Version 2.3.2 or greater is recommended with MacOS 8.0. BP2 also works with Csound, a public-domain software environment for the design and transformation of digitized sounds. You may download Csound from <>. The Csound front page is <>. A set of the most recent musical examples may be ordered to Please post and comment your own experiments :-) A 50$ shareware with concession rates for unemployed or citizens of developing countries, BP2 may be freely distributed provided that no alteration has been made to the software, examples and documents. To register, first read instructions in the "Registration" document, then double-click the "Register" utility in the "bol-processor-274-appl" folder. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/bol-processor-274-appl.hqx; 1322K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:51:58 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Bubblomania 1.5 Heffen, BELGIUM -- 8 Dec 1997 -- Jochen De Schepper today announced the release of version 1.5 of Bubblomania, his fast arcade/action game for the Mac. Bubblomania is a fast arcade/action game with subtle gameplay. The player has to move a pin on top of the screen to catch the colorful bubbles, which are rising faster and faster. There are lots of different bubbles. Some of them are containing bonus points, lasers, bombs, or other stuff. And offcourse there are killer bubbles to make your life miserable! To obtain a highscore, you need to discover some tricks and secrets. But most important: be concentrated and keep cool! Bubblomania is US$10 shareware. It's available from the Bubblomania Homepage and all major Macintosh shareware ftp sites. System requirements: Any MacOS compatible computer with a PowerPC processor running System 7.0 or later, and a color monitor with at least a 640*480 resolution at 8 bits. What's new in Bubblomania 1.5? - Support for the Bubblomania Topscore Contest : more info below... - Extreme Action Mode option : an easy way of cheating. Combined with the 'Difficult game', 'Always shaking' and 'Fast as lightning' options, this game will blow your mind! - The maximum framerate is set to 32 frames per second, to give everybody a fair chance at the contest. - The score limit in the unregistered version is removed, so people can practice the complete game... The Bubblomania Topscore Contest Starting today, registered users of Bubblomania can enter this contest. The winner will receive a special prize: a lifetime of free registration codes for all the games I will ever make!!! Places 2 through 5 will receive a free registration of my upcoming game, Enigmatic Movements! Entries are valid until february 28, 1998. The current topscores can be seen at my homepage... Jochen De Schepper <> Support & Press Contact <> World Wide Web <> [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/bubblomania-15.hqx; 920K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:51:50 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Chelsea's Game Chelsea's Game is a HyperCard game made for toddlers (like my niece Chelsea) who like playing with a computer keyboard - each time a key is pressed a patterned shape is drawn and a short sound is played. It should work on any Mac. Angela Brett "We must believe in free will, we have no choice" -- Isaac Bashevis Singer [Archived as /info-mac/game/chelseas-game-hc.hqx; 111K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:51:59 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Cobra-Gunship-1.2 Cobra-Gunship-1.2 - is a side-view scroller helicopter arcade game. Using the keyboard, mouse or joystick, you control your chopper, flying it through a variety of missions. Along the way, you will use an arsenal of weaponry to destroy your opponents. Between missions, you will customize your chopper, adding newer engines, better armor, and improved weapons. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - PowerPC or 68040-based Macintosh (or clone) with FPU. 10MB RAM available. System 7.1 or later. 640x480 256-color display. [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/cobra-gunship-12.hqx; 9313K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:25 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Cool System Beeps Here are some pleasant-sounding system beeps I created that you could use in your date & time control panel as chimes. Email me if you like them! [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/system-beeps.hqx; 50K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:34 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Date Reminder v1.2 PPC Date Reminder can be configured to remind you of important dates when your computer starts up so you will never forget them. It requires at least a Power Mac to run. The unregistered version only lets you set reminder messages for 8 days. The registered version will allow you to enter 368 messages. Price: $10 This version includes many new features and it is recommended that all current users upgrade. [Archived as /info-mac/app/date-reminder-12.hqx; 82K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:31 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce A series of desktop pictures rendered in Bryce 2. All optimised for 640 x 480 screen size Thousands of Colors System requirements: MacOS 8.0 or later [or another desktop picture utility] If you like them, just send me a note telling me such to keep me inspired to design more Feel free to distribute this shareware on CD-ROM or disk. Just keep it "as is" and notify the authors at I'd also like to get information of how to obtain a copy of the CD-ROM/disk if possible. [Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/mountain-of-wisdom.hqx; 907K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:27 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce A series of desktop pictures rendered in Bryce 2. All optimised for 640 x 480 screen size Thousands of Colors System requirements: MacOS 8.0 or later [or another desktop picture utility] If you like them, just send me a note telling me such to keep me inspired to design more Feel free to distribute this shareware on CD-ROM or disk. Just keep it "as is" and notify the authors at I'd also like to get information of how to obtain a copy of the CD-ROM/disk if possible. [Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/chess-2-pct.hqx; 192K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:28 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce A series of desktop pictures rendered in Bryce 2. All optimised for 640 x 480 screen size Thousands of Colors System requirements: MacOS 8.0 or later [or another desktop picture utility] If you like them, just send me a note telling me such to keep me inspired to design more Feel free to distribute this shareware on CD-ROM or disk. Just keep it "as is" and notify the authors at I'd also like to get information of how to obtain a copy of the CD-ROM/disk if possible. [Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/chess-4-pct.hqx; 583K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:29 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce A series of desktop pictures rendered in Bryce 2. All optimised for 640 x 480 screen size Thousands of Colors System requirements: MacOS 8.0 or later [or another desktop picture utility] If you like them, just send me a note telling me such to keep me inspired to design more Feel free to distribute this shareware on CD-ROM or disk. Just keep it "as is" and notify the authors at I'd also like to get information of how to obtain a copy of the CD-ROM/disk if possible. [Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/follow-the-steps.hqx; 962K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:35 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Dialog_Task_Timer_10 (closes sticky dialogs, executes timely ta DT Timer is a small utility that allows you to automatically open documents, launch or quit applications at specified moments. It can also close automatically dialog boxes that may remain on your screen when it is not appropriated. The two features may be used together or independantly. For example, you might want to automatically close dialog boxes to make sure an application lauched at 10:00 PM will have enough processing time to do its task overnight. Dialog boxes, and especially modal dialogs, take control of your computer leaving very few processing time to other tasks. Calculations, disk and network accesses are examples of tasks affected by unwanted dialog boxes. If you need the full power and responsiveness of your computer night and day and you have dialog boxes popping now and then, the dialog auto-close feature of DT Timer is for you ! On the other hand, if you want to execute periodic tasks without using all your memory and/or your processor time, you need the application manager of DT Timer. A settings application allows the customization of the behaviour of DT Timer. You can specify the moment to launch or quit a choosen application, the period of the day when dialog auto-close is active, set a delay before closing a "sticky" dialog box and decide whether dialogs should be closed by simulating an hit to the default or the cancel button. The default button is usually the one with the thick rounded black rectangle around it. Jerome Genest Frederic Bourget Daffy Software [Archived as /info-mac/app/dialog-task-timer.hqx; 455K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:36 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Digital_Diary_v1.7.8 DIGITAL DIARY=81 Activity and Decision Tracker for the Macintosh by =A91997 GTA Data Services 1260 Hamilton St., ste. 202 Vancouver B.C. Canada V6B 2T2 tel: 604-682-6929 fax: 604-682-2383 e-mail: purchase price: US$30.00 (check or money order) Please add $10 for shipping and handling if a disk is preferred) If you wish to pay by credit card, on-line payment can be made through S.W.Regnet, the on-line software store, at INTRODUCTION System Requirements: System 6 or 7, any Mac, 1.6 megs free RAM, =B11 Meg disk space Digital Diary=81 allows you can keep track of many on-going and complex projects, with fingertip access to the current status of each one. Projects can be arranged in up to 50 main categories. Or if you prefer, you can use the category level for your projects, and use the next level down for detailed project subcategories. You can even arrange your projects over several separate copies of Digital Diary to add yet another level to your project hierarchy. Digital Diary=81 employs a double entry method, which records all notes i= n both a Day File as well as a Project File. A third location, the 'To Do List', is reserved for certain types of notes that require future follow up, such as appointments and project deadlines. Digital Diary=81 ships with note types arranged in two groups. The first group is set to be recorded in the To Do List as well as the Project File and Day File. Note types can be changed, added, or removed at any time. An on-screen reminder appears when the program is opened on or after the date specified for a future event listed in the 'To Do List'. Each project can also be assigned a status from a user-definable menu. A wide variety of reports can be generated, with information arranged by project name, status, or note type. Varying levels of password protection are available to control access to the program. [Archived as /info-mac/app/digital-diary-178.hqx; 585K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:11 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Enigma 2.7 I am pleased to announce the release of Enigma 2.7, an upgrade to my privacy protecting encryption application which runs in native mode on Power Macintoshs. Version 2.7 fixes a crashing drag and drop bug that only occurs with Mac OS 8. Contact information for Next Wave Software, Inc. has also been updated. You should upgrade if you are using Macintosh OS 8 or considering registering so you have the latest contact information. Enigma remains fully compatible with previous releases. Enigma is an application which can provide strong protection for your sensitive documents and applications. By downloading this application you can encrypt files using a limited version of the Government Standard DES algorithm. For only $20 this can be upgraded to the full DES standard (US and Canada only). If you would prefer your neighbors not see your accounting data, your co-workers not see your performance appraisal, or your competitor see your trade secrets then Enigma is an application you will find very valuable. Enigma supports vaults which are like very securely locked file cabinets. Multiple files are stored in them. Files can be added, deleted, renamed, and extracted at any time. You can create folders inside the vault to organize your files better. Entire folders can be extracted or added in one operation. Security is enhanced because filenames and lengths are protected by encryption in addition to the contents. No other free or shareware encryption program offers the flexibility of Enigma vaults. You can also create self extracting vaults to send to friends and associates who do not have the Enigma application. Self extracting vaults are stand alone applications that cannot be opened without the proper key. Enigma requires system 7.0 or later along with about three megabyte of memory and 400K of disk space. Documentation enclosed specifies ordering information for a system 6 or earlier compatible version, but the vault features are unavailable. Mike Watson O- Next Wave Software, Inc. [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/enigma-27.hqx; 283K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:13 -0700 From: Subject: [*] ExtractIt! for System 2.0 - The simple, powerful diagnostic ExtractIt! for System 2.0 is a very small and versatile application which will return a truckload of information on your computer. It takes up a mere 250K of disk space and can run on virtually every computer system, but it returns enough information on your computer to be a great assistance in any situation. All of this information is formatted in 32 easy-to-read, tabulated screens sorted into 4 menus, making it easy to quickly hone down the problem. All 170+ different categories of data are outlined in such a way that it doesn't confuse even the most novice of Mac users. There's a list of 100's of bugs and if they've been fixed, a custom Gestalt selector viewer with a visual interface, and even a built-in on-site mini-manual! Best of all, this program requires virtually nothing to run: - 68K or Power Macintosh, any speed - 9" monitor - 250K of disk space, 500K of RAM - ATM-compliant ITC Times & Helvetica fonts (included) ...and that's it! All this for only $8, too! ExtractIt! for System is sure to be a valuable addition to any Mac user's cornucopia of software programs. Download it already! Tim Morgan Lightning Bolt Software [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/extractit-for-system.hqx; 858K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:07 -0700 From: Subject: [*] FileMaker Pro 3 french database of philosophy texts Je vous fait parvenir par l'interm=E9diaire d'un fichier rattach=E9 une base de donn=E9es de textes philosophiques d=E9velopp=E9e sous FileMaker pro= 3 et sur plate forme Macintosh (version 4.7). Ce programme peut =EAtre distribu=E9 librement par l'interm=E9diaire des= CD-Rom de revues, ou tout autre moyen que vous jugerez utile (serveur web, BBS, etc.) ; =E0 la condition toutefois que les huit fichiers qui composent la base ne soient pas s=E9par=E9s. Merci d'avance. P.Hidalgo P. Hidalgo [Archived as /info-mac/data/dossier-textes-philo-47.hqx; 848K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:01 -0700 From: Subject: [*] FontBook 3.0 (e) FontBook 3.0 (e), 68K + PPC FontBook is a nice, tiny MacOS font utility. FontBook helps you to keep track of your installed fonts, especially symbol or dingbats fonts. FontBook let's you print reference cards for your most-used fonts. On these reference cards you can find out all the different key combinations. It contains a table with entries for all characters: e.g. what key is printed when you press shift-alt-F or shift-5, etc. Or do you know the key code of the big dot in the Helvetica font? And, since version 3.0, there are many other nice example pages, that help you to find the right font in the right time. Some other features of FontBook: - MultiPrint: Print all installed fonts with a few mouse clicks - 12 example layout pages - Save or Copy the entire page - Choose any font from the system or from a disk (without installing it!) - and many, many more... BTW: FontBook is also available in German! Matthias Kahlert [Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-book-30e.hqx; 529K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:03 -0700 From: GS.Sunatori@HyperInfo.CA Subject: [*] Food Nutrition Knowledge Matrix 1.0 * HyperBible of Healthy and Unhealthy Foods! * There are thousands of electronic resources, books and research papers on foods and nutrients. Their effectiveness is limited, however, because of repetitive linear presentation with redundancy and duplication, causing information overload in your brain. * Food Nutrition Knowledge Matrix organises hundreds of foods and nutrients in a simple and consistent manner. It focuses on only major helpful and harmful food nutrients, such as minerals, vitamins, lipids and other important compounds, rather than on calories. The properties of the foods are based solely on their nutrients, which are accessible with a click of a button in a unique hypertext Knowledge Matrix. * Food Nutrition Knowledge Matrix is a stand-alone application for the Apple Macintosh computer, but it will be converted to much more compact and cross-platform QuickTime Interactive (QTi) format when it becomes available. It will be on-line playable directly from the web browser and downloadable to your computer. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/knowledge-matrix-10.hqx; 685K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:21 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Ho Ho Ho! Email Sound (8-bit) Ho Ho Ho! Email Sound The Holidays at last! Add some Holiday spirit to your Mac with the "Ho Ho Ho! Email Sound" from Clixsounds. This sound is a recording of Santa's jolly laugh that cheerfully announces the arrival of new email. Each year, Clixsounds prepares a special set of free sounds just for the Holidays. This set consists of various StartUp Sounds, ShutDown Sounds, Alert Sounds, Email Sounds, and System Clock Sounds. The sounds range from popular Holiday carols to sound effects related with the Holiday season. They are designed with the hopes that Mac users everywhere will be able to add a bit of Holiday cheer to their Macs amidst the season of "hustle-n-bustle." The complete Holiday Series is available through December 31st along with over 100 other freeware sounds at: All Mac users are invited to visit often and download these FREE sounds and share the joy of both the Holidays and the Macintosh! This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is unaltered and includes the accompanying document. Note that a portion of this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services. Contact Information: Internet: Support: Sales: America Online: CLIXSOUNDS World Wide Web: [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/8-hohoho.hqx; 280K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:20 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Ho Ho Ho!" Email Sound (16-bit) Ho Ho Ho! Email Sound The Holidays at last! Add some Holiday spirit to your Mac with the "Ho Ho Ho! Email Sound" from Clixsounds. This sound is a recording of Santa's jolly laugh that cheerfully announces the arrival of new email. Each year, Clixsounds prepares a special set of free sounds just for the Holidays. This set consists of various StartUp Sounds, ShutDown Sounds, Alert Sounds, Email Sounds, and System Clock Sounds. The sounds range from popular Holiday carols to sound effects related with the Holiday season. They are designed with the hopes that Mac users everywhere will be able to add a bit of Holiday cheer to their Macs amidst the season of "hustle-n-bustle." The complete Holiday Series is available through December 31st along with over 100 other freeware sounds at: All Mac users are invited to visit often and download these FREE sounds and share the joy of both the Holidays and the Macintosh! This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is unaltered and includes the accompanying document. Note that a portion of this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services. Contact Information: Internet: Support: Sales: America Online: CLIXSOUNDS World Wide Web: [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/16-hohoho.hqx; 640K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:44 -0700 From: Subject: [*] HypnOptic 1.1.0; savescreen application. HypnOptic is the mad, acid, savescreen application that will drive you crazy if you watch it carefully...HypnOptic has three way for running: Classic Hypnoptic (achievable by Hot Key): the savescreen responsible for, always living, HypnOpticMania. Standard Hypnoptic: based on Classic version with some additional graphic element. It may, casually, use RGB Colors and patterns, in addition to Classic QuickDraw. OloPpat (achievable by Hot Key): this version uses patterns for creating a simple, but nice, savescreen. Moreover any version can play sounds, if you want. HypnOptic requires at least System 7 to run. The HypnOptic 1.1.0 package contains both 68K and PowerPC versions. Author: Rocco Moliterno New since version 1.0.3: PPC version. RGB colors. Patterns. Mouse moved handling. Added some graphic effect. Added async sounds. Added OloPpat savescreen. Added "Classic HypnOptic" option. Changed desktop icon. AppleScript support. Changed E-Mail. Changed Web page address. Linked with MoreFiles 1.4.6. Whole code revisited. [Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/hypnoptic-110.hqx; 106K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:05 -0700 From: Subject: [*] IFile Kickstand Software is happy to present IFile, an indexed file library available for use in your Macintosh applications!. The current version is 1.01. It can be downloaded below. Features - Multisegment noncontiguous keys - B-Tree indexing for fast performance - Intelligent reuse of space - Static or Variable length records - Sequential access, next & previous record retrieval calls - Get record =,<,>,>=,or <= than a specified key Licensing For use in a freeware project, the license for IFile is nothing. For a shareware project, the license if $25 or a registration swap. For a commercial project, $100. Full details reagrding licensing are in the included documentaion. The archive contains a PPC Shared library, a PPC static library, a 68K static library (all built with CWP2), the required header, and documentation. Guy Umbright Kickstand Software [Archived as /info-mac/dev/ifile-101.hqx; 166K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:22 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Jingle Bell Mac 1.8 Just in time for the holiday season, the latest version of that wacky cult classic, Jingle Bell Mac! With Jingle Bell Mac you can play the holiday classic "Jingle Bells" using any sampled sound in System 7 sound file format (the files whose icon have a big speaker on them). Included are some fun sounds to get you started, including a barking dog! Have fun and drive your co-workers crazy! Requires System 7 or later, Sound Manager 3.0 or later recommended. FREEWARE! [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/jingle-bell-mac.hqx; 384K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:38 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Job Pointer 2.0 - Job Search Software for Job Hunters w/Macs Job Pointer 2.0 - Job Search Software for Job Hunters w/ Macs Announcing the release of Job Pointer 2.0. Job Pointer works in tandem with browsers to link job hunters to over 1500 web pages at job search engines, job banks, job databases, help wanted classifieds, job newsgroups and career resources. Job Pointer is extremely well organized to get the user directly to the web page best for her/his job hunt. For example, if a user needs to search by job title, function, location, key word or other criteria, Job Pointer takes you directly to the appropriate search form at each job search site. This is a TRIAL EDITION of Job Pointer with only 50 live links but it does contain the complete organizational hierarchy for evaluating Job Pointer's usefulness. DragNet Player is bundled with both the Job Pointer Trial Edition and the full version, which costs $15. System requirements: 68020 processor or newer; PowerPC native. System 7 or later, OS8 compatible. 3 MB hard drive space, 2200 K free memory. For more information, please read the enclosed "About" file, email or visit our web page at Jeff Rios Dog-ear Development [Archived as /info-mac/app/job-pointer-20-trial.hqx; 935K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:39 -0700 From: Subject: [*] KillerApp v1.0 KillerApp v1.0, written by Arnout Symoens. Description: KillerApp is a neat Drag 'n Drop utility which scan files, folders and disks for preview information, custom icons and/or PowerPC code and removes it according to the preferences you set thus regaining precious hard disk space. Requires System 7 or higher. [Archived as /info-mac/app/killer-ap.hqx; 46K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:06 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Loafer v1.0 Application: Loafer v1.0 (Loafer-10.hqx) Category: Developer tool System requirements: PowerPC CPU, MacOS 7.5+ Contact the author: Loafer is a macro tool that could be used with your favorite text editor. It has the ability to generate not just text fragments, but mix these fragments with keyboard events. In other words, you can include shortcuts in your macro's body. At the same time Loafer has the ability to change sets of macros on the fly and even disable all macros. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/loafer-10.hqx; 806K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:51:54 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Mac Invaders V1.10 Beta Update: Mac Invaders V1.10 Beta Requirements: PowerPC Processor System 7.5 8 Megs of RAM It's a long story but there's going to be a loooong Beta for Mac Invaders V1.10, so rather than hang onto it for six months, I thought I should ship something. What is it? Mac Invaders is a version of the classic Space Invaders for Macintosh. It has the following features: o Two different two player modes o Full key configuration o Great ray traced graphics and digitised sound o Remembers your high scores o Play with mouse or keyboard o More updates planned o All this for a low ShareWare fee of $10 In addition Mac Invaders V1.10 has the following new features over V1.00 o Uses Apple GameSprockets for better performance o Extra Turbo mode for faster gameplay o Greatly improved graphics and sounds [Archived as /info-mac/game/mac-invaders-110.hqx; 782K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:30 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Mac OS 8 Desktop Pictures 2.0 Here's the new version of Mac OS 8 Desktop Pictures 2.0. This version is a set of 18 Desktop Pictures based on my original picture, but there's one for each Mac OS 8 Appearance Accent Color. Until i get some tie to create new pictures, get these and enhance you Mac OS 8 experience. Alexandre de Carvalho <> Alexandre de Carvalho <> Buy Mac OS 8 now! ================= <> [Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/mac-os-8-desktop-pictures.hqx; 372K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:40 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MacDoc 1.3 * The MacDoc Viewer is now also available in Spanish and French. You're now able to choose from a set of four different languages for your self-reading documents (English, German, Spanish and French). (French translation by Anja Schneider - Spanish translation by Raul Elenes Angulo) * The state of the index (open/closed/size) will be saved to the MacDocuments. * While searching/printing the process will be shown (page counter). * Improved error-handling in the MacDoc Viewer. * Some minor bug fixes (just before X-Mas). MacDoc is a powerful tool for creating standard or stand-alone documents (also called: self-reading, portable or autonomous documents) from existing documents and with almost any application. A stand-alone MacDocument can be read and printed without the original application created from. Therefore, MacDoc is ideal for creating and distributing any kind of electronic documentation, for archiving, for making a snapshot from a web page or just for creating a print preview. Features MacDoc Viewer * bookmarks let you mark places in a document with your own labels * creating a hierarchical (printable) index with styles is very easy * information about the fonts used in the document (Font Info) * copy and drag & drop of text with styles or pictures * Find text functionality Features MacDoc Writer * creating a MacDocument is as easy as printing * MacDocuments can be created from your favoured application * MacDocuments can be created from your existing files * MacDocuments look like the original * stand-alone MacDocuments can be read and printed without any other software. * optionally protect your MacDocument by a password (index, copy, incl. files) * creates MacDocument up to 600 dpi (dots per inch) * optionally include files e.g. fonts or the original document for archiving System Requirements * Any Apple Macintosh or compatible (except Macintosh 128K, 512K and Macintosh Plus) * System 7 or higher. For more information please read the enclosed detailed documentation. macnetic software [Archived as /info-mac/app/mac-doc-13.hqx; 1097K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:51:52 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Matrak 1.0 This is a new game for french people. Tapez sur Jean-Marie et ses copains avec votre marteau. Ne leur laissez pas trop d'avance ou la partie s'arr=EAte et vous avez perdu. System requirements Ecran couleur 640x480 pixels. Un processeur 68LC040 ou mieux est fortement recommand=E9. Credits by Stop the Cono Special Software Agency (et pourquoi pas?). [Archived as /info-mac/game/faf-matrak.hqx; 672K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:10 -0700 From: Subject: [*] QuickMail Pro Autoreply The AppleScript files in this package provide an alternate autoreply for QuickMail Pro that unlike the Mail Manager sends only one autoreply to a given sender. This helps to prevent infinite reply loops and avoids unduly nagging your correspondents. The scripts also permit you to create a list of excluded names who won't be sent an autoreply. Handy for folks on mailing lists. The autoreply is controlled by 3 commands that appear in the Scripts menu: Start Autoreply, Stop Autoreply, and Add excluded name for autoreply. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/atlk/scripts.hqx; 22K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:14 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Reanimator 2.0 Reanimator 2.0. What's Reanimator? Reanimator is a utility for automatically restarting all applications and background-only processes killed by another process. It can also be used to quit all running processes and restart them later. A process is a program running on your computer. When you launch an application, you start a new process. Desk accessories are also processes, while control panels are treated as extensions of the Finder process (see the "Technical details" section below for further info). There are also processes that don't show up when running: they are called background-only processes. Many shareware and freeware extensions run as background-only processes. Reanimator itself, works that way. I'm used to run a number of applications and extensions in the background (D=E9cor, MyEyes, DragThing, Eudora and other occasional utilities) and I wa= s tired of relaunching each one of them after running an installer, rebuilding the desktop using a dedicated utility or running a game instructed to quit all other processes, including the Finder. Reanimator accomplishes this task in a single, quick operation. What's new in 2.O? General: - This is a major update to Reanimator. It sports brand new functionalities, like the ability of quitting all active processes for a perfect later reanimation, and many enhancements to both interface and code. Please refer to the "Using Reanimator" and "Configuring Reanimator" sections in the Read Me file for a complete description of all the new options. Application specific: - Fixed a subtle bug that was a potential cause of crashes when trying to resolve aliases pointing to moved (not deleted) items. - Now the Reanimator application acts like a "real" application (in fact, an application control), with the three standard menus (Apple, File and Edit) and the ability to switch to other applications. - Added Balloon Help support to the main window, dialogs and menus. - Added support for Internet Config. Clicking on the URLs and e-mail addresses in the about dialog automatically launches your Web browser or e-mail application (requires IC 1.1 or later). - In the main window, you can select from a scrolling list the processes to be reanimated or terminated. You can start a reanimation or a termination operation by clicking on the buttons named respectively "Reanimate=8A" and "Terminate=8A" and control all other application's functionalities using the relative buttons or menu commands. - Reanimator is now 100% Mac OS 8 Appearance Manager and Kaleidoscope sa= vvy. - Increased the memory partition to 256k. Daemon specific: - The daemon has been renamed so that it is launched before other processes at startup (I put an invisible character at the beginning of the file name). Also, the application now relaunches the daemon before reanimating other processes, not after. All this to avoid those situations in which the daemon was caught updating the aliases in the middle of a sequence of 'quit' events launched by an application to all other open processes, resulting in only partial reanimations. - Fixed possible heap corruption when running under Mac OS 7.5.3 or older (in fact, there was a bug in the Process Manager that was fixed in Mac OS 7.5.5). System Requirements 68020/030/040 or PowerPC; 64 KBytes free memory for the extension; Mac OS 7.0 or later. Distribution Reanimator is 8$ shareware. You can distribute Reanimator freely, provided that you leave the software and the accompanying documentation unchanged. You can include Reanimator in CD-ROMs and other software collections only by previous agreement. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/reanimator-20.hqx; 314K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:51:55 -0700 From: Subject: [*] RoboWar 4.4 It's difficult to describe RoboWar, the game created by David Harris nearly a decade ago. To some, it's merely an engrossing hobby. To others, it's no less than a full-fledged obsession. And there is a small group of core followers (myself included,) who consider RoboWar to be the greatest computer game ever created. The name of the game is to make autonomous robots. Using RoboTalk, the game's programming language, you are able to program your robots to behave in any way you choose. You can make them dance. You can make them sing. But generally, people choose to make their robots KILL OTHERS. Every few months, an International RoboWar Tournament is held. Players from all over the world submit their creations to compete in this highly anticipated event. In the Tournament, robots are unleashed in the arena, where they promptly proceed to blow each other to bits. May the deadliest robot win... ;) Warning: programming robots is an addictive behavior! Those with a family history of addiction, please take heed! Try RoboWar at your own risk! Those willing to take the plunge may wish to join the RoboWar Mailing List. To do so, send an email message to "", and type in the messge body the words "subscribe robowar" (omit the quotes). The list sometimes recieves up to 25 postings a day, so be forewarned. If you do subscribe, you will have at your disposal the assistance and encouragement of many enthusiastic RoboWarriors, so new players are highly encouraged to sign on. Also, be sure to visit RoboWar HindQuarters on the web, at <>. There, you'll find everything you need to know to start playing. One more reason to try RoboWar: as of version 4.4, it's now freeware! Paying a registration fee is no longer necessary (you lucky dogs!) So go ahead, for pete's sake, and give it a shot! We'd sure like to see some more new participants in the Fifteenth International RoboWar Tournament, which goes down a few months from now. Hope to kill you--uh, I mean, *see* you there. :) System requirements: any color mac. [Archived as /info-mac/game/robowar-44.hqx; 1215K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:16 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Savior 1.1 - Applescript that reminds you to save You should save your work often. Unfortunately, not everyone does. Savior 1.1 will remind you every twenty minutes to save your work. For optimum efficiency, place Savior in your Startup Items folder in your System Folder. New in this version: No longer shows the startup screen. The dialog message has changed slightly. There is now only one button in the dialog box. System Requirements: Any Macintosh or compatible running AppleScript Thanks, Alan Keith Carver Carver Computer Consulting -- Alan Keith Carver [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/savior-11.hqx; 6K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:32 -0700 From: Subject: [*] TBID's StuddedWorkSurface 1.1 - A Simple Gray Desktop Picture This is an original freeware desktop picture. The design features a low-contrast gray background with a textured area to screen right and a horizontal stripe pattern along the bottom. These patterned areas create visual "dock" areas for the alignment of icons. (TIP: use the "Command" key in the Finder to place icons with precision.) 4 versions of the image and 2 desktop pattern clipping files are included: StuddedWorkSurface640x480.pict StuddedWorkSurface800x600.pict StuddedWorkSurface832x624.pict StuddedWorkSurface1024x768.pict TBID Stripes (pattern clipping) TBID Studded (pattern clipping) All images are saved in in Desktop Pictures PICT format, 256 System colors. Requires: System 8 Desktop Pictures control panel or a desktop picture utility such as Decor, DeskPict or BackSplash. -- Toby Braun Information Design [Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/tbid-studded-worksurface-11.hqx; 65K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:51:56 -0700 From: Subject: [*] The Hell is so cold...-Warcraft II Maps v5.0.sit About v5.0 You thought this will never happen? No. Here they are, more great maps for your Warcraft II game. Some are easy, some are hard...but you will have to play them to know. This time, you will feel why the hell is so cold...burning maps!!! General Information This file contains 6 maps I create for Warcraft II=A9, Mac version (is there something else?). To play them, you need the "Warcraft II" game, created by Blizzard Entertainment=A9. System requirements are the ones the game needs. These maps are freeware, so you can use and abuse them all you want, you can give them to your friends, put them on any commercially available CD-ROM, or you can trash them. But, if you like some of them, send me an email telling me so. I will be glad to receive it. And I will be glad, too, if you do something good for our Apple or Mac (evangelize a Wintel user, buy another Mac, pay for the shareware, etc.). These Maps were checked with Disinfectant 1.7. Check for more of my freewares in Info-Mac <> or in my site <> German A. Seckel My site - The Mac Zone - [Archived as /info-mac/game/com/wcii-maps-50.hqx; 146K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:17 -0700 From: Subject: [*] The Squeegee Collection - AppleScripts for setting OS8 Finder P Prior to MacOS 8, you could set your Finder prefs globally, via the Views control panel. Now, you need to do this for _each_ window separately, and this can be very tedious. The Squeegee Collection is a set of 15 AppleScript droplets that automate this task. With the collection, you can set your windows to be viewed by Icon, Small Icon, or List, and sorted by Name, Modification Date, Size, Kind, or now with this version, Label. To use, just drag a folder or disk onto one of the droplets. It will recursively set all folders within the folder or disk you select to the same setting. It will also set the window to the upper left of the screen, and use the minimum amount of screen space to show every item in the window, assuming there aren't too many items. System Requirements: Any Macintosh or compatible running AppleScript and MacOS 8 Jon's Commands scripting addition, widely available online Thanks, Alan Keith Carver Hexachrome Software -- Alan Keith Carver [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/the-squeegee-collection-15.hqx; 72K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:04 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Type / Creator Database v3.1, December 6, 1997 Type / Creator Database v3.1, December 6, 1997 911 new entries, giving a total of 17,863 code pairs. Data Base interface program by Daniel Azuma Data Base maintained by Ilan Szekely. $10 shareware. Files included are: Type/Creator Database 3.1 Type/Creator 3.1 ReadMe (this file) Type/Creator DB FM template (template for FileMaker) Type/Creator DB FM3 template (template for FileMaker 3) For the latest version look at: <> <> <> My private FTP site: <> Directory structre may change. Look for TYPE_CREATOR_DB.HQX or the like. Please use Fetch or Netscape for downloading. This is a VAX/VMS site and Anarchie does not recognize its DIR list format. Mirror sites: <> <> These may change. Refer to MY sites named above for updated pointers. Address for snail-mail and shareware fee: Ilan Szekely P.O.B 3942 Jerusalem 91039 ISRAEL E-mail - [Archived as /info-mac/disk/type-creator-database-31.hqx; 500K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:41 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.0 The Ultimate Label Printer Pro prints labels for CD, Zip, audio cassette, Jaz, SyJet, EZ Flyer, DAT, MO, and other media cases on plain paper. Simply cut out the labels and fold them into your cases. Because the Ultimate Label Printer Pro uses a Plug-In technology, support for new media can easily be added to match your exact needs. Since there is NO LIMIT to the number of Plug-Ins you can use, registering once allows you to take advantage of all of the new Plug-Ins that we are constantly developing. The Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.0 is PowerPC Accelerated, uses Drag and Drop for text and picture insertion, and now supports fully styled rotated text, with multiple sizes, fonts, attributes, and colors, as well as new background color options. High resolution graphics can also be added to the labels, and can be scaled and repositioned. This update completely replaces the older Label Printer Pro Series for Mac OS. [Archived as /info-mac/app/ultimate-lpp-50.hqx; 531K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:00 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Utopia PS1 and TrueType v 2.1 This is version 2.1 of a TrueType and PS Type 1 rendering of the Utopia family fonts donated by Adobe to the X Windows project. It should replace all previous versions in the archive. If you think there are copyright concerns, I will appreciate you let me know ASAP. The file should be posted with the following text: This is version 2.1 TrueType and PS Type 1 rendering of the Utopia family fonts donated by Adobe Inc. in 1989 to the X Windows Project, then hosted at MIT. As with any famous last words, I have discovered two big goof ups in the previous version -- 2.0 -- that affected the PS1 fonts and printing while using the screen fonts. These bugs are fixed and this is really the final version, I hope. According to the license they can be modified and redistributed as long as the copyright information is included with the fonts. Please find included a copy of the original license in the archive. THESE FONTS SHOULD ALWAYS BE DISTRIBUTED WITH ITS README FILE AND COMPANION LICENSE. THESE FONTS ARE NOT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. PLEASE READ THE ACCOMPANYING LICENSE FOR DETAILS. These truetype renditions for the Macintosh are provided as a service to the Internet community. This new version corrects some problems with font box definitions, kerning tables, adds a full set of *fixed* bitmap fonts and includes postscript type 1 versions. Please see the included README file for further details. 1997 [Archived as /info-mac/font/adobe-utopia-tt-t1-21.hqx; 495K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:23 -0700 From: Subject: [*] WishCarol" Holiday System Clock Sounds (Mono) WishCarol Holiday System Clock Sounds The Holidays at last! Add some Holiday spirit to your Mac with the "WishCarol System Clock Sounds" from Clixsounds. These sounds are designed to be used with your system's "Date and Time" control panel and, when installed, will play at 1/4 Past, 1/2 Past, 1/4 'Til, and Top Of the Hour or chime. As the hour progresses, each sound is a line of the melody "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" until you reach the top of the hour, the melody being "...and a happy New Year!" Full instructions are included for installation. Each year, Clixsounds prepares a special set of free sounds just for the Holidays. This set consists of various StartUp Sounds, ShutDown Sounds, Alert Sounds, Email Sounds, and System Clock Sounds. The sounds range from popular Holiday carols to sound effects related with the Holiday season. They are designed with the hopes that Mac users everywhere will be able to add a bit of Holiday cheer to their Macs amidst the season of "hustle-n-bustle." The complete Holiday Series is available through December 31st along with over 100 other freeware sounds at: All Mac users are invited to visit often and download these FREE sounds and share the joy of both the Holidays and the Macintosh! This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is unaltered and includes the accompanying document. Note that a portion of this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services. Contact Information: Internet: Support: Sales: America Online: CLIXSOUNDS World Wide Web: [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/mon-wishcarol.hqx; 1149K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:52:18 -0700 From: Subject: [*] YOOZ 1.6US What can you use YOOZ for? + YOOZ keeps track of all applications launched on your Macintosh, providing the date and duration of each session. + YOOZ helps you assess what your Macintosh is being used for. + YOOZ helps you evaluate shareware by indicating how much time you spend on each shareware application. + YOOZ helps you organize your network by distributing the right sized Macintosh according to each user's principal needs. + YOOZ will reveal whether you spend more time on your favorite games than on your word processor. + YOOZ is available in English, French, Icelandic and Italian version + A Macintosh or compatible with System 7.5 or later is required. + English, French, Icelandic and Italian versions of Yooz are available email : What's new ? 1.6 Version (December 7, 1997) Improvements: + No disabled functions if not registered : there is only a reminder dialog + Registering is more easy + Utilities options are now part of a separate program:"Yooz utilities" given to registered users + "Spy=DFg" is now renamed "Yooz extension" to minimize confusion + "Yooz extension" uses the same "Yooz Prefs" file than Yooz. Spy=DFg prefs is no more needed. + "Yooz extension" version is 2.62 + New "About window" + New enhanced "SetUp window": + more beautiful look + export to program is now represented by it's icon + excluded programs are no longer limited to 4, but are in a list + New error message with some data file corruption + Yooz can be password protected + The following keys are now working within histo and program list windows : Home, End, page up and page down + 3D look in many windows + Added sleep mode detection for PPC based macintosh. Bugs corrections: + Flickering problem when balloon help is activated has been resolved + Better "immunity" with corrupted data file + When printing "Machine info" window, the machine icon is correctly printed Shareware + Yooz is a 25 $US shareware What will you get if you register? The shareware version of YOOZ has a few limitations that are removed when you enter a personal registration code. + You will receive the "Yooz utilities" program. + You will get free support and bug fixes. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/yooz-160-us.hqx; 450K] -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************