Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #272
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 11 Dec 97       Volume 15 : Issue 272

Today's Topics:

      [*] Anarchie 2.0.1-SE
      [*] Drummer Boy StartUp Sound (Mono)
      [*] Drummer Boy StartUp Sound (Stereo)
      [*] Flashlite
      [*] Foobar vs. the DEA v1.1.4 an arcade game
      [*] Hurricane Desktop Pict by Start Gallery
      [*] IAD Actions for Timbuktu Pro v1.0b1
      [*] ICeTEe 2
      [*] JavaTyper v1.0 - Java and source file type converter
      [*] MiniWinDemo 3.2
      [*] MongolianTTFont
      [*] OTSessionWatcher 1.0.1
      [*] Russian Verbs & Nouns 1.3 - foreign language learning
      [*] SwitchRes 1.1.2 (de)
      [*] SwitchRes 1.1.2 (en)
      [*] SwitchRes 1.1.2 (fr)
      [*] Trash Bag 1.21
      [*] Wait Application osax 1.1
      [*] WWWStat4Mac-161.hqx
      [*] X-Words Deluxe 1.21 (Best Mac Scrabble / Crossword  Game!)
      (A)  PCMCIA modems and price differences
      (Q) Keeping downloads active
      (Q) Problem reading floppy disks
      (Q) Problem reading floppy disks
      (Q)Finder Preferences File Damage
      (re) Problem reading floppy disks
      [A] Checkbook Software
      [A] Eudora addresses
      [A] Problems installing Netcaster using Communicator??
      [Q] ZTerm and High Speed Modems
      AVI to QuickTime
      Checkbook Software
      email viruses (R)
      Eudora addresses
      Eudora addresses
      Modem Init site
      PCMCIA modems and price differences
      Quicktime Musical Instruments
      What's the Status of Java on the Mac? (R)
      Zip failure after power cut

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites
containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more
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Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:44 -0700
Subject: [*] Anarchie 2.0.1-SE

Dr. Feelgood <> sl=E4pper nu det
v=E4lk=E4nda och rekommenderade FTP-programmnet Anarchie 2.0.1 i
Svensk version. Anarchie =E4r en klient f=F6r upp/nedladdning av
filer p=E5 Internet. Anarchie
kan dessutom s=F6ka filer genom att kontakta speciella servrar

och leta igenom s.k Archie index som talar om var du kan
finna filen du s=F6ker. St=F6der AppleScript/Frontier, Open
NetWare servers, dra och sl=E4pp och Internet Config. Version
2.0.1 =E4r PPC optimerad och kan ladda upp/ned och radera
mappar, b=E4ttre f=F6nster hantering och =E4r Fetch kompatibel.
Anarchie v2.0.1 kr=E4ver system 7 och MacTCP 1.1 eller senare.

System 7.5 och MacTCP 2.0.6 eller senare rekommenderas
=D6vers=E4ttare: Bertil Born  Dr. Feelgood.

Pris enanv=E4ndarlicens 80:- Som med alla Dr. Feelgoods
=F6vers=E4ttningar =E4r det l=E4tta att registrera vi postgirot.

L=E4s mer och ladda hem p=E5 v=E5r hemsida:
Direktnedladdning: <>
Programmet kommer =E4ven att finnas p=E5

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/anarchie-201-se.hqx; 1237K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:53:00 -0700
Subject: [*] Drummer Boy StartUp Sound (Mono)

Drummer Boy StartUp

The Holidays at last!  Add some Holiday spirit to your Mac with the
"Drummer Boy" StartUp Sound.  This sound is comprized of a soft,
choir-like sound backed by a rolling snare drum and the strum of an
accoustic guitar to the opening melody of the classic "Drummer Boy" carol.

Each year, Clixsounds prepares a special set of free sounds just for the
Holidays.  This set consists of various StartUp Sounds, ShutDown Sounds,
Alert Sounds, Email Sounds, and System Clock Sounds.  The sounds range
from popular Holiday carols to sound effects related with the Holiday
season.  They are designed with the hopes that Mac users everywhere will
be able to add a bit of Holiday cheer to their Macs amidst the season of

The complete Holiday Series is available through December 31st along with
over 100 other freeware sounds at:

All Mac users are invited to visit often and download these FREE sounds
and share the joy of both the Holidays and the Macintosh!

This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is
unaltered and includes the accompanying document.  Note that a portion of
this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services.

Contact Information:

America Online: CLIXSOUNDS

World Wide Web:

[Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/mon-drummerboy.hqx; 506K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:53:01 -0700
Subject: [*] Drummer Boy StartUp Sound (Stereo)

Drummer Boy StartUp

The Holidays at last!  Add some Holiday spirit to your Mac with the
"Drummer Boy" StartUp Sound.  This sound is comprized of a soft,
choir-like sound backed by a rolling snare drum and the strum of an
accoustic guitar to the opening melody of the classic "Drummer Boy" carol.

Each year, Clixsounds prepares a special set of free sounds just for the
Holidays.  This set consists of various StartUp Sounds, ShutDown Sounds,
Alert Sounds, Email Sounds, and System Clock Sounds.  The sounds range
from popular Holiday carols to sound effects related with the Holiday
season.  They are designed with the hopes that Mac users everywhere will
be able to add a bit of Holiday cheer to their Macs amidst the season of

The complete Holiday Series is available through December 31st along with
over 100 other freeware sounds at:

All Mac users are invited to visit often and download these FREE sounds
and share the joy of both the Holidays and the Macintosh!

This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is
unaltered and includes the accompanying document.  Note that a portion of
this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services.

Contact Information:

America Online: CLIXSOUNDS

World Wide Web:

[Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/ster-drummerboy.hqx; 809K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:28 -0700
Subject: [*] Flashlite

Flashlite Kaleidoscope-scheme will give a total desktop-makeover with a
new nice trashcan + hightech folders!

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/flashlite.hqx; 48K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:32 -0700
Subject: [*] Foobar vs. the DEA v1.1.4 an arcade game

     Funner Software Presents...
            Foobar vs. the DEA

Foobar has been pushed too far.  Help him take on the forces of the
tyranical DEA.  Rescue his boyfriend Ned from DEA's mind control
camp for drug offenders.

Foobar plays like Xevious.  If you like it, you can send $20 for
Foobar vs. the FCC and Foobar vs. His Local School Board.

Foobar vs. the DEA was written by me(Richard Cross) and Tom Cruse.
Tom was moving to California on the 8th of April when he was run
over by a truck.

Tom put his heart into Foobar.  It's something he was proud of.
The game is dedicated to his memory.

Money sent in for episodes 2 and 3 will be donated to a
scholarship fund at LSU.  The fund will be in Tom's name.
Tom graduated from LSU with a BS in physics in 1995.

You can find out more at

We have copies of the program, online ordering, updates, and a
Foobar FAQ.

Foobar requires 2 Meg of free memory, a 256 color monitor, a 12"
or larger monitor and an LC III(68030) or faster computer.

Version 1.1.4

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/foobar-versus-the-dea.hqx; 1416K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:53:03 -0700
Subject: [*] Hurricane Desktop Pict by Start Gallery

Here is Hurricane, I couldn't think of a better name, another desktop
background by Jeff Miles.  It is number (I've lost count) in an ongoing
collection of creations.  Some of the others include DeathValley and
RainCatcher which can be found on the Info-Mac archives.  To see the
complete collection go to The Start Gallery found here:

Hurricane is freeware, however if you would like the full collection and
access to download all future desktop backgrounds off of the Start
Gallery site you will find registration fees and directions at the web
page. I'm still in the progress of getting set up with Kagi, so if there
are any questions about registration, please feel free to e-mail me at
[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/hurricane.hqx; 157K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:43 -0700
Subject: [*] IAD Actions for Timbuktu Pro v1.0b1

This is a set of actions for use with Apple's Internet Address Data
Detectors Technology.

They allow you to open Timbuktu connections to computers easily from email
messages, web pages, etc..

System Requirements:

* Apple Internet Address data detectors, free from Apple.
* Timbuktu Pro 4.0 or higher

Installation instructions included.


This is unsupported freeware from Farallon. Please don't contact Farallon
technical support about problems with this software.

Please send bug reports to me directly. <>

I would also be interested in hearing about your experiences with the
detector actions, or ideas you have for enhancing them.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/timbuktu-iad-actions-10b1.hqx; 100K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:47 -0700
Subject: [*] ICeTEe 2

ICeTEe 2
by Michael Schuerig, 1997

This is an enhanced version of the ICeTEe goody included with Internet
Config by Peter N. Lewis and Quinn "The Eskimo". You need to have Internet
Config anyway to use ICeTEe 2 so please have a look at their ReadMe as
well. The information therein applies as well.


Drop ICeTEe 2 into your Extensions folder (and remove the original ICeTEe
if it's installed). ICeTEe 2 is active after you restart your Mac. Then it
works the same as ICeTEe: you can command-click a URL almost everywhere to
open it in the appropriate helper application as set in Internet Config.
The additional functionality is that if you hold down the option key the
URL is not launched, but instead it is send to a bookmark helper

Included is a very simple AppleScript application that understands this
bookmark message. On the first launch you are prompted to select a folder
where to put your URLs. URLs send to this message get saved as a Netscape
Navigator=81 document. When you open this document Navigator tries to open
the contained URL.

Version 2 fixes no bugs in functionality (from 2b5). Only the ReadMe has
changed, but I hope it will end my maintenance nightmare caused by the
included Bookmark Handler app.

While you are visiting an info-mac mirror grab the opportunity to get
GTQLib from the dev/osa folder!

Michael Schuerig

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/icetee-2.hqx; 56K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:38 -0700
Subject: [*] JavaTyper v1.0 - Java and source file type converter

JavaTyper modifies the type and creator signature of a file you drag &
drop on it if has a known file name suffix. This allows you to double
click on the file to start the appropriate application.
This is especially handy for Java files, which you can find everywhere on
the Internet and which are not neccessarily MacOS specific (but
nevertheless useful). When you download a Java archive, very often it
consists of several files with different suffixes, sometimes distributed
in several sub folders.
With JavaTyper you can select Alpha, Apple MRJ, BBEdit, CodeWarrior IDE,
Internet Explorer, Metrowerks Java or Netscape as creator for the various
categories (Java files, HTML files, source code files) where appropriate.

JavaTyper walks folders and is freeware.

For more information and download see

Dirk Froehling         

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/java-typer-10.hqx; 17K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:53 -0700
Subject: [*] MiniWinDemo 3.2

MiniWin 3.2 Demo
December 3, 1997 by James Harvey

Power Macintosh
System 7.5 or greater
Color Monitor

If you would like to have small windows, with quickly identifiable icons on
your screen, instead of a bunch of look-alike collapsed window titlebars,
then MiniWin is for you!!  It consists of two INITs that you simply drop
into your System folder.

The Demo version will give you a taste of how MiniWin can make your life
easier by giving you more screen space when you need it.  No need to close
or move windows!  No need to hunt for the right titlebar!  WOW!!  Who could
ask for more??

If you like what you see, you may purchase the full version for the paltry
sum of $20.00.  See the Read Me file for details.  Thank you for trying


James Harvey

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/miniwin-demo-32.hqx; 32K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:33 -0700
Subject: [*] MongolianTTFont

A beta version of my TrueType Classical Mongolian font. Beta version is
freeware. Just send me comments and suggestions for improvements.
Readme file enclosed.

Brian S. 'Moses' Hall

[Archived as /info-mac/font/tt/mongolian-tt.hqx; 43K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:49 -0700
Subject: [*] OTSessionWatcher 1.0.1

OTSessionWatcher allows you to examine the data transmitted through Open
Transport TCP streams.  This is useful for debugging network applications
and network problems, learning about networking protocols, or watching for
strange or unwanted TCP traffic.

If you have ever wondered what your computer was saying when it was talking
to other machines on the network, this program is the answer.

OTSessionWatcher requires a PowerPC (Power Macintosh or clone) and Open

Version 1.0.1 is a simple rename of the program from StreamWatcher to
OTSessionWatcher due to a trademark conflict.

OTSessionWatcher is shareware, single user licenses cost US$35, site and
organisation-wide licenses are available.

More details are available from our web site at <>
including documentation and press releases.


OTSessionWatcher 1.0.1 Copyright 1997 Peter N Lewis <>


[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/ot-session-watcher-101.hqx; 293K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:35 -0700
Subject: [*] Russian Verbs & Nouns 1.3 - foreign language learning

Here is the new version of 'Russian Verbs & Nouns'.

Verbs and Nouns Russisch (Russian/German), by Richard Wellmann
<>. This module helps you to study Russian
vocabulary and grammar or to simply look words up in the dictionary:
adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, subjunctions, prepositions, pronouns,
nouns and verbs included; altogether until now more than 4100 words with
tenthousands of forms.

With the adjective-database you can study declension, comparative and
superlative and adverb-forms. You can look up and practice conjugation of
imperfective and perfective regular and irregular (reflexive) verbs in all
tenses. The nouns-database helps you look up and practice all cases and
modi of regular and irregular nouns. Grammar- and thematic-groups help you
gain better access.

The module is regularly updated and enlarged. Feel free to easily enter
your own vocabulary; you are effectively supported by "verbs&nouns"
stem-procedures-generator and the predefined Russian grammar rules. With
"verbs&nouns russisch" and the "verbs&nouns lookup"-program you are able to
perform spell-checks out of every text-editor-program and word by word
translation. A version of v&n lookup Russisch is ready for you to  download
at <>

Richard Wellmann.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/russisch-verbs-and-nouns-13.hqx; 1071K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:56 -0700
Subject: [*] SwitchRes 1.1.2 (de)

Here is the latest version of my control strip module. I fixed some
bugs. This is the german version.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/switchres-112-de.hqx; 30K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:58 -0700
Subject: [*] SwitchRes 1.1.2 (en)

SwitchRes is a *totally configurable* Control Strip Module which allows
you to change the resolution and the depth of your monitor. You can
define which of the available resolutions can be accessed from its popup
menu, and which of them will require the traditional confirmation

SwitchRes is totally free. It's distributed as a postcardware.

New in version 1.1.2:
* Now correctly keep color depth when switching
* Fixed a bug that crashed some configurations at startup
* Fixed a bug that displayed wrong resolutions and wrong frequencies on
some Performas

System requirement:
* System 7.6
* Multisync or SVGA monitor is useful

There are an english, a french and a german version.

Stephane Madrau

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/switchres-112.hqx; 34K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:54 -0700
Subject: [*] SwitchRes 1.1.2 (fr)

Here is the latest version of my control strip module. I fixed some
This is the french version.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/switch-res-112-fr.hqx; 36K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:39 -0700
Subject: [*] Trash Bag 1.21

Trash Bag 1.21 - Add this absurdly simple application to your Startup Items
folder, and you'll never have to worry about download clutter again. Trash Bag
creates and maintains a folder that looks like a bag in front of your desktop
trash can.  Use it as the destination folder for encoded Internet downloads, Web
browser cache files, or anything you doubt you'll need tomorrow, and Trash Bag
will put them in the Trash automatically. Unlike the "real" Trash, your
Trash Bag
folder lets you open what's inside it, and you can access it through standard
file dialogs.  It's also great for making a temporary backup copy of  document
before editing - just Option-drag it to the bag. Tomorrow, when you no longer
need it, it'll be in the Trash. Version 1.2 adds compatibility with Mac OS 8.0,
and offers some visual feedback to show you that it's working.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/trash-bag-121.hqx; 55K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:41 -0700
Subject: [*] Wait Application osax 1.1

Wait Application is a simple Scripting Addition that waits until a
specified application has terminated execution.

This command will wait for the application with the given OS type
signature to complete. It can be useful when, for example, you need to
compress some stuff with Aladdin's DropStuff=81. After launching it,
DropStuff=81 will continue compression in background, giving you problems
if you need to wait for the packed output.

Wait Application is
(c) 1997 PowerSolutions S.r.l.
Freely distributable.

Version 1.1 introduces some changes in the documentation referring to
events timeout.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/wait-application-11.hqx; 8K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:51 -0700
Subject: [*] WWWStat4Mac-161.hqx

Processes WebStar and Common Log Format logs faster than ever.
 Features: automatic and incremental processing for upto the minute
statistics, multiple simultaneous DNS lookups and data caching for high
performance, templates and multiple prefs files for highly customizable
output and much more.

Shareware. From $20-$50.

Comment/Queries to
More Info:

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/www-stat-4-mac-161.hqx; 1195K]


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:52:30 -0700
Subject: [*] X-Words Deluxe 1.21 (Best Mac Scrabble / Crossword  Game!)


>From Freeverse Software comes a great new word game in the tradition of

X-Words Deluxe Features:

* Great graphics.
* Interactive computer opponents.
* Multiple word lists, including one for children.
* Supports foriegn language word lists!
* Nine skill levels. Extremely strong playing ability.
* Different boards and scenarios.
* Totally customizable!

If you like SCRABBLE, you'll love X-WORDS DELUXE!

System requirements:
* System 6 or greater.  (Now that's compatability :)
* Mac Plus or greater.  (POWER-MAC NATIVE, FAT-BINARY)
* 2.5 MB of hard drive space
* 2.5 MB of RAM

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/x-words-deluxe-121.hqx; 2498K]


Date: Thu, 11 Dec 97 05:11:48 -0000
From: "Lewin A.R.W. Edwards" <>
Subject: (A)  PCMCIA modems and price differences

>>>while the PC version of the same card is only $180 US.  Is there any
>>>reason why I shouldn't just purchase the PC version to use on my mac?
>Yes, the software (drivers). The hardware is undoubtedly the same, but you
>have to install Global Village software for your PowerBook to recognize the

This is *ONLY* applicable to GV modems. GV made some decisions about many 
of their modem designs which I (frankly) think are stupid cost-cutting. 
They claim it has performance benefits - I say it has stability downsides 
(plus the ridiculous driver issue which sees people hamstrung waiting for 
GV to decide if it is or isn't worth releasing new drivers, every time 
Apple change a byte of code in the OS). Even so, I believe it is still 
possible to get the device mounted without the proprietary drivers, not 
that I ever plan to buy one to try this out.

For all normal PCMCIA modems, this is NOT an issue. MacOS will mount most 
any PCMCIA serial device without any need for any special serial drivers, 
and the ONLY problem a user will face is rolling an init$ for the beast - 
which in this day and age isn't too hard, as there are only two or three 
popular command sets.

-- Lewin A.R.W. Edwards (Certified Apple Engineer)
Home:   <>
Resume: <>


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 08:28:52 -0600 (CST)
From: "Tristan J. Meisters" <>
Subject: (Q) Keeping downloads active

Hello Everyone! I have had some trouble recently with my ISP dropping the
connection. I have talked to them at length about it but they have no idea
what the problem is. But anyway, I do a lot of downloading on a regulat
basis and in most cases the files are several MB or larger. So, I guess my
question is, does anoyone know of a way to keep a download active when the
connection drops? I mean so that if the connection drops I can reconnect
and continue my download right from where I lost the connection? I recall a
ways back that netscape used to have this function in a beta version of
their browser but that feature does not seem to be available in the latest
release. Currently my downloading is done either using Anarchie for ftp or
Netscape for the http downloads. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Tristan J. Meisters
The Soaring homepage can be found at:


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 08:10:17 -0600
From: Mike Rasberry <>
Subject: (Q) Problem reading floppy disks

 > My problem with reading floppy disks, about which I posted a
 > question earlier, has evolved to this point: I have a disk
 > that I can read in any startup configuration, except when I
 > start with the SHIFT key down (all extensions off). This is
 > the opposite of what one would expect if there were a
 > software conflict with the system software. Does anyone have
 > an idea of what could be the cause of the problem as
 > described above?

I missed the earlier discussion.  I hope that this question/
suggestion isn't ridiculous...  any chance it's a DOS disk?



Date: Wed, 10 Dec 97 11:12:43 -0600
From: James Atkinson <>
Subject: (Q) Problem reading floppy disks

On 12/09/1997 06:52 PM Mark Allen said:

>My problem with reading floppy disks, about which I posted a question
>earlier, has evolved to this point: I have a disk that I can read in any
>startup configuration, except when I start with the SHIFT key down (all
>extensions off). This is the opposite of what one would expect if there
>were a software conflict with the system software. Does anyone have an idea
>of what could be the cause of the problem as described above?

Hello Mark Allen:

     Your disk is probably formatted for a PC (i.e., DOS/Windows).  When 
you start up your system with extensions on, one of those extensions (PC 
Exchange) is what allows the system to read the "alien" format.  With 
extensions off the Mac can't read the disk at all (because the PC 
Exchange extension is not available).

James Atkinson


Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 21:58:41 -0800 (PST)
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: (Q)Finder Preferences File Damage

Laurence Hawkins asked:

>Question: how do I do this? If I throw it away, will a new one be
>automatically set up? After a recent HD crash and the painful rebuild of
>all data, I am a little scared to play around!

Go ahead and trash it. Nothing bad will happen. In fact, since System 8, I
think most of us trash the Finder Preferences now and then anyway. They
seem to be delicate.


				Daly Jessup


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 97 12:39:42 -0600
From: Andrew Minuhin <>
Subject: (re) Problem reading floppy disks

Mark, I'm not familiar with previous discussion, but to make sure it is not
your mechanizm, reinitialize a disk you know is good.  If you can, it's not
the hardware.

Good luck

--Andrew Minuhin (Analyst/Programmer)
University of MN, Medical School, USA


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 07:09:43 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] Checkbook Software

>I am looking for software that I can use to keep my checkbook.  I want to
>do on the computer what I do using the ledger in my checkbook.
Any version of Quicken would work, but why not go all the way and do
electronic checking. Checkfree ($5.95/month for 20 payments, less than
stamps) works great and includes an excellent electronic register. Quicken
also includes electronic checking.

	Checkfree	(614) 899-7500 or (800) 555-1212 and ask for Checkfree
	Quicken		Intuit (800) 555-1212 and ask for Intuit



Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 11:40:10 -0500
From: "Gerald A. Edgar" <>
Subject: [A] Eudora addresses

Tony Stanton <> wrote:
> 2) How do you set up Eudora to deal with multiple mail accounts, without
> manually changing the settings file each time.

Which Eudora?  Eudora Pro now has "Personalities" that you can set
up.  But a solution that works with all versions of Eudora
is to use several different settings files, and start Eudora by
opening the setting file you want.  You can move a settings file
anywhere on your hard disk (or even take it with you on
a floppy, together with its own mailboxes and plugins).


Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 22:53:14 -0800
From: mark hurty <>
Subject: [A] Problems installing Netcaster using Communicator??

> Has anyone been successful in getting Netcaster installed into Communicator
> 4.04.
> I have downloaded the relevant file, nc11b1.jar, but apparently I need to
> use Smartupdate to get Netcaster installed onto the Mac (anyone know what
> to do with a .jar file???). I have tried several times to register on
> SmartUpdate but Communicator crashes when it gets to the Customer Survey
> form. Anyone had similar problems or know a simpler way to get Netcaster
> working???
  A ".jar" file is really a ".zip" file that is used by the installer
that is supposed to install Netcaster. The installer is a Java
application. I haven't tried recently to install Netcaster myself, but
after a couple of unsuccessful attempts a couple of months back I
contacted Netscape and they said they were aware of a problem with the
installer and were working on a fix.

The reason that you need to install from the SmartUpdate page is because
that's where the Java Installer comes from. If you just download the
.jar file, it won't be installed. (If you unstuff the .jar file with
stuffit expander, you'll see all the components, but I'm sure they don't
give you a map that tells you where everything is supposed to go.)

If the installer problem has indeed been fixed, and you want to get in
through SmartUpdate, you might try registering with "NetCenter" first.
(If you're registered with NetCenter and have a digital certificate, you
can go straight to Smart Update without having to fill out any forms or

Good luck,

Mark Hurty


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:03:30 -0700
From: (Ted Logan)
Subject: [Q] ZTerm and High Speed Modems

>I recently started using Z-Term with a Hayes Accura 56K modem. I have
>the modem set to show DCE-DCE connect speed. When I call a BBS and get a
>CONNECT 31200 or lower, everything seems to work fine. But, if I call
>and get a CONNECT 32000 or higher, after that all I get is a bunch of
>garbage. It really hoses up the Mac to the point that I sometimes have
>to restart to clear the serial port so that I can try again. I have
>checked the settings and all look to be OK (but obviously something is
>wrong). I have RTS/CTS handshaking on as well as XON/XOFF and I set the
>data speed to as high as ZTerm allows (which I believe is 230000). Any
>help in solving this puzzling dilemma would be appreciated.
>Mike Sisson

It's confusing and apparently illogical, but you can't set your serial port
to more than 57,600.  I have a USRobotics 56k and made the same mistake.
At one time I could explain why you can't set serial port speeds at the old
4:1 rate with these new modems, but it's all a jumble now.


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 14:17:13 -0600
From: Tim Brogdon <>
Subject: AVI to QuickTime

Hello All,

My cousin has been sending me movies that she finds (god-knows-where) thinking
that I'll get a big kick out of them.  I've been telling her, "Yeah, they're
hilarious."  Truth is, I haven't seen them yet cuz I'm unable to view them. 
She's using Windows 95 (of which I know absolutely nothing) and whatever
graphical/video enviroment is stock.  I'm using a PowerPC 7200/120, OS 8 (for
all practical purposes, unadulterated, so far, by 3rd party extensions).

When I receive her movies(via Communicator email) they are as attached files. 
When attempting to open one, I get the message that Communicator cannot find
an AVI to QT utility and what would I like to do with the file (so far,
they're all saved to disk).

Anybody have any idea how I can view these?  I'm sure the future of the planet
hinges on my viewing these silly things, but it would be pleasant to give her
my HONEST opinion.

Thanks very much,

Tim Brogdon


Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 21:58:39 -0800 (PST)
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Checkbook Software

Butch asked:

>I am looking for software that I can use to keep my checkbook.  I want to
>do on the computer what I do using the ledger in my checkbook.

I assume you have looked into Quicken, but if you haven't, it should
definitely be a candidate.


				Daly Jessup


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 14:08:11 -0500
From: Mel Martinez <>
Subject: email viruses (R)

At 4:32 AM -0500 12/9/97, (John Bucy) wrote:
>Subject: email viruses
>In TIDBits#256 it was stated - CIAC says that at this time there are no
>known viruses which can infect merely through the
>reading of an email message.
>My question is - is this still the case?

Yes, with one tiny caveat.

Yes - email messages (at least on the internet) are simple ascii files, not
executables.  Reading one does NOT execute anything in the message.
Rumours sent around warning of email viruses have been, are and will
continue to be for  some time nothing but inflammatory hoaxes sent around
by bored, sick folks who seem to get a kick out of that sort of thing.

The Caveat:  There is one rather obscure situation that can result in the
spread of a virus through the act of 'reading' an email message.  The
situation is thus:
If the message includes an enclosure that is a MicroSoft Word file.
If the Word file includes an embedded macro virus.
If the user reads all his/her mail using MicroSoft Word.

Then, and pretty much only then, is there the chance that he/she could
become infected with a Word macro virus.

No one I know of reads their mail with MS Word, but I encourage everyone to
be cautious about any unsolicited attachments sent to them, whether MS Word
files or anything else.  You should never accept unsolicited attachments to
an email message at face value.

(Aside - MicroSoft Word 'macro viruses' now account for 80 % of all
computer virus infections!  The fact that Word macro viruses can attack
both Wintel and Mac platforms means that Macs no longer have a relativly
tiny portion of all the known viruses to worry about.)

Despite this caution about email _attachments_, though, I can assure you
that the email _message_ itself cannot transmit a virus.


Dr. Mel Martinez 		FUSE Science Software Developer
The Johns Hopkins University 	Dept. of Physics


Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 21:58:40 -0800 (PST)
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Eudora addresses

>Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 13:37:41 +0800
>From: Tony Stanton <>
>Subject: Eudora addresses
>I've just started using Eudora instead of Netscape for e-mail and I have
>a couple of questions I hope someone can help me with.
>1) Is it possible to import an address book from Netscape 3 to Eudora 3?
>2) How do you set up Eudora t deal with multiple mail accounts, without
>manually changing the settings file each time.
>TIA and hope someone can help

You don't mention which version of Eudora you are using. Eudora Pro has
"personalities" that let you create multiple accounts. It is found under
the Special Menu, in the Settings section. Scroll down the various settings
options to "Personalities". I don't recall if Eudora Lite has that feature,
but if not, let me know, and I'll tell you the work-around for it. It's


				Daly Jessup


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 13:19:30 -0500
From: Pete Resnick <>
Subject: Eudora addresses

On 12/9/97 at 4:27 PM -0600, Adam C. Engst wrote:

>>2) How do you set up Eudora to deal with multiple mail accounts, without
>>manually changing the settings file each time.
>Definite FAQ here. :-) (Shamless Plug: I cover this and gobs more in my
>latest book, "Eudora for Windows & Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide" -
>you can learn more and see Eudora tips and news at my site at:
>The trick is to make a new folder, put a _copy_ of the Eudora Settings file
>in that folder, and launch Eudora by double-clicking on the Eudora Settings
>file. Then you can configure the second Eudora Settings file however you
>want. From then on, just make sure to launch Eudora by double-clicking the
>settings files (make aliases with different names and put them in your
>Apple Menu Items folder, for instance).

Since we're in the shameless plugs department: You can also get Eudora Pro
(the pay-for version) which has a "Multiple Personalities" feature which
allows you to have Eudora check any or all of the personalities at once.


Pete Resnick <>
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Work: (217)337-6377 or (619)651-4478 / Fax: (217)337-1980


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 09:42:31 -0800
From: "Adam C. Engst" <>
Subject: Modem Init site

At 12:12 PM -0500 12/9/97, Behme wrote:
>A few months ago, I stumbled across a site, which gave all the current
>modem inits for a great variety of manufacturers. I believe, I found it in
>TidBits, but a search of the archives proved unsuccessful.
>I lost all bookmarks and histories. Does anyone know this site and could
>send me the URL?

I suspect you may be thinking about the page of modem inits that I create
for the Internet Starter Kit. It's still available at:


If you have it bookmarked at*.* I'd encourage you to
change your bookmarks - the page on my site is the only one I can
guaranteeably update.

cheers... -Adam

Adam C. Engst <> --- <>
"Eudora for Windows & Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide" available!


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 97 11:53:21 -0600
From: James Atkinson <>
Subject: PCMCIA modems and price differences

On 12/09/1997 04:29 PM Adam C. Engst said:

>>> I've been shopping for a PCMCIA card modem for my pb1400,
>>>and I've been frustrated by the price differential between mac and pc
>>>modems.  For instance, why is a Mac Global Village 56k card ~$280 US,
>>>while the PC version of the same card is only $180 US.  Is there any
>>>reason why I shouldn't just purchase the PC version to use on my mac?
>Yes, the software (drivers). The hardware is undoubtedly the same, but you
>have to install Global Village software for your PowerBook to recognize the
>PC Card, and I'm almost certain that's the difference between the Mac and
>PC versions.
>cheers... -Adam

Hello Adam:

     I thought I had understood that Apple Telecom in OS8 could "drive" 
almost any PMCIA modem, even without that modem's "true" driver.  True?

James Atkinson


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:43:53 +0600
From: Fletcher Moore <>
Subject: Quicktime Musical Instruments

I was checking out Quicktime Musical Instruments with ResEdit, and I 
noticed that of 128 available spaces for patches, QMI uses only 60. I 
have three questions:

1) Is it possible to import other sounds into the free spaces?
2) What is the format for these patches?
3) Is it possible to import existing patches into any sound programs 
for editing purposes?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Fletcher Moore


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 14:03:49 -0500
From: Mel Martinez <>
Subject: What's the Status of Java on the Mac? (R)

At 4:32 AM -0500 12/9/97, "Alan H. Stein" <> wrote:
>Subject: (Q) What's the Status of Java on the Mac?
>I seem to remember that quite a few months ago the 1.1 version of the Java
>Development Kit from Sun was supposed to be available for the Mac.  I got
>around to looking for it again the other day and saw no mention of it on
>Sun's web site, which also indicated that the now long obsolete JDK 1.0.2
>was for Mac OS 7.x but *not* OS 8, leaving us out in the cold.

First off, the most useful answer is that the current, latest release of
Metrowerk's products, CodeWarrior Professional 2 (also known as CW disk 12)
and also, I believe the latest Discover Programming with Java both come
with JDK 1.1.3 support.  I could be wrong about the Discover Programming
part, but as I am currently developing a JDK 1.1 reliant application and
using the former to develop it, I am absolutely certain about CodeWarrior
Pro 2.  Also, they have a maintenance patch you can download to update the
compiler to version 1.1.4.

Codewarrior includes both a compiler and a Java run-time environment.  It
is a pretty awesome environment to do development in, actually, with a
fantastic integrated development environment, visual, source level
debugger, class browser and many other tools.  They have academic discounts
as well.

Aside from that, the next product out on the mac that should provide full
JDK 1.1 support (and probably the most important) will be Macintosh Runtime
for Java version 2 (MRJ 2.0) which will be included with the upcoming Mac
OS 8.0.x release, which should be Real Soon Now (Original rumours were a
December release, but I don't know anything official).  Once that is out,
you should also be able to download MRJ 2.0 for free from apple's java site

When MRJ 2.0 is released, I believe also that ROASTER Technologies will be
coming out with a new version of their Java development package as well.

Basically, at this moment in time, the only way that I know of to do JDK
1.1 development on the Mac OS is with CodeWarrior, but this should change
within a matter of weeks.  When MRJ 2.0 is out, that should be the default
VM that you should code to - switching to use it as the target in CW is a
trivial option, btw.

Java is going to be absolutely critical for the continuing story of the
Macintosh as it is a critical part of Apple's developer strategy for
Rhapsody.  As some may be aware, part of the advantage of the Rhapsody
technologies is that the OpenStep application environment (AKA, "the Yellow
Box") is portable and is/will be available not just within Rhapsody for
Macintosh or even Rhapsody for Intel, but also as a run-time layer (via
shared libraries, or .dll files) for Windows 95 and Windows NT.  Apple is
working to make it possible to directly invoke Yellow Box features from
within Java with 100% java calls.  This means that a Java application can
be written in 100% pure Java that can call the _natively_ implemented
Yellow Box environment on each platform and thus take advantage of the full
speed and features of OpenStep on each platform.  This is nirvana for both
developers and users as it provides most of the advantages of writing
native applications with the platform independenceo of Java.

Since OpenStep for Windows already exists, and the Rhapsody for Intel
developer release is now out close on the heels of the Rhapsody for
Macintosh developer release, this is not vaporware, but something Apple
might actually accomplish for a change.

I hope this is helpful.

Dr. Mel Martinez 		FUSE Science Software Developer
The Johns Hopkins University 	Dept. of Physics


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 20:10:27 +0200
From: "Dewey Markham, Jr." <>
Subject: Zip failure after power cut

Hello folks,

	While changing a light socket today, I cut power to the house at the
fuse box (a prudent precaution, I thought). Five minutes later, once power
was restored, I noticed that the green light on the front of my Zip drive
was out, and nothing I have been able to do (disconnecting and reconnecting
the power source, trying another outlet, etc.) has brought the drive back
to life. I don't recall hearing anything about this sort of thing with the
Zip--has anyone had any experience with this before, and is there a fix
possible? Thanks for any help.




End of Info-Mac Digest