Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #253
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 20 Nov 97       Volume 15 : Issue 253

Today's Topics:

       Re:  Eudora Internet Mail Server
      (A) Recommendations for architectural drawing
      (Q) Default font substitutions
      [Q] OCR for fax?
      Ethernet and Megahertz Cruise Card
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #251
      Mac-Win Icons?
      Puzzled over Performa 575/Ethernet cards
      Remapping Keyboards
      Serious System 8/Appleshare Problem
      {Q} Powerbook 150 and 190

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Date:     Thu, 20 Nov 97 9:06:33 EST
From: Tom Coradeschi <>
Subject:  Re:  Eudora Internet Mail Server

Christian Buser:
>Rather than setting up a WinNT or Linux mail server, I thought that
>using EIMS 2.0 would save me much hassle. I have a spare Mac IIci,
>which, according to the indications in Qualcomm's WWW pages, is
>sufficient to have EIMS running. I would just need a NuBus 10Base-T
>card, but this should not be a problem. 

So far so good!

>- Can EIMS 2.0 be used at all for dial-up connections or does it want a
>permanent connection?

EIMS is a POP and SMTP server, and not a dialup server of any sort. If you
want people to be able to dial into your network, there is stuff designed
to do that (Cisco, Ascend, etc)

>- The Qualcomm web pages don't say what the maximum number of users
>(addresses) is, and how the number of users/addresses affects memory
>usage. They only write: "even small organizations can have hundreds of
>people using different aliases and host multiple domains".

One metric buttload of users is quite easily possible. The limiting factor
will the bhe number of IP connections which can be made. Using MacTCP, the
limit is 64, so go with Open Transport for sure. In EIMS, that is a
configurable variable, just bump the memory allocation up to accommodate
the additional load.

>- EIMS 2.0 is "sold electronically". Has anyone dealt with this purchase
>method? And why can't I use it when I am not "inside the United States
>and Canada", as Qualcomm writes?

Qualcomm is still working out its international sales program. Why they
won't sell direct to you is beyond me, quite honestly.

                 tom coradeschi <+>


Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 08:08:44 -0700
From: Sailen Black <>
Subject: (A) Recommendations for architectural drawing

>   My sister-in-law has asked me to recommend to her a reasonably-priced
>Mac program for simple architectural drawing.  The main constraint here
>(besides price) is that she has an old 68K-based Mac with a maximum of 10
>meg of RAM.  Does there exist such a product that anyone feels good about

It sounds as if ClarisCAD would fit the bill. This was my first CAD program
when I was in architectural school and I had a IIci. It does the basics
quite well, comes with clear documentation for the beginner, and is stable
and small. The program is now obsolete but you may be able to obtain a copy
second-hand through a consignment store. If you decide upon it and cannot
find a copy let me know.


Date: Thu, 20 Nov 97 10:59:40 GMT
Subject: (Q) Default font substitutions

(This is a re-post as the original didn't appear to get through. Original 
post was to, this one to

Is there a way under System 7.1 to sepcify what font substitutions on the 
screen should be made when an application tries to use a font that is not 
installed on the system? E.g. a certain application tries to use the New 
York font, and if it is not installed, Chicago (I think) is used instead. 
Sadly, Chicago doesn't look a great deal like New York. I would like to 
specify that Times, or Georgia should be used instead, whenever New York is 
requested by an application. (BTW Georgia, available free from the Microsoft 
Typography web site, is rather good at small sizes on the screen.)

I'd much rather muck around with ResEdit than install yet another extension.

Thanks in advance.



Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 10:15:11 -0500
From: "Norman R. Friedman" <>
Subject: >>>'s

Asked this before and have not heard any answers. How to get rid of those
annoying >>>'s when mail is forwarded and then would want to forward again.
These >>>'precede each line.
TIA and answers directly to



Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 10:12:20 -0500 (EST)
From: "Xianofeng . Duan MLBP CON" <>
Subject: [Q] OCR for fax?

Does anyone know where one can find a freeware or shareware that can do 
OCR for fax files?



Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 09:36:38 -0400
From: Claude Bellavance <Claude_Bellavance@UQTR.UQuebec.CA>
Subject: Ethernet and Megahertz Cruise Card

I've recently installed system 8 on a PowerBook 5300.  Since then, the
XJAEM 3336 Megahertz Ethernet-modem PC card doesnt work properly.  The
computer doesn't see any Ethernet device (no ethernet on Appletalk Control
Pannel's popup).  Any comments?

Claude Bellavance
Centre interuniversitaire d'=E9tudes qu=E9b=E9coises
D=E9partement des sciences humaines
Universit=E9 du Qu=E9bec =E0 Trois-Rivi=E8res
C.P. 500
Trois-Rivi=E8res, Qu=E9bec Canada
G9A 5H7
T=E9l=E9phone: (819) 376-5099
T=E9l=E9copieur:  (819) 376-5179
Courrier =E9lectronique:


Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 01:55:27 -0000
From: steve <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #251

On 11/19/97 9:35 AM, Info-Mac wrote

>Most of the machines my son's class uses are on an ethernet together;
>one machine is not.  It appears that I can not simply install a two
>node LocalTalk network between the ethernetless machine and one of the
>ethernetted machines because, at least at first glance, the Network
>and/or AppleTalk control panels will not allow both network media to
>be in use on one machine at the same time.  Maybe the necessary
>routing layer is not available by default?

Try getting a localtalk bridge such as an AsantePrint to hook up the last 
computer to ethernet. Better yet, install a ethernet card in it and 
forget about Localtalk all together. A mac on Ethernet is not a converter 
between Ethernet and the Localtalk protocols. 

Steve Mack

MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter


Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 11:07:05 -0600 (CST)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Mac-Win Icons?

At 6:36 PM -0700 11/17/97, Gordon Moynes wrote:
>I am looking to convert some Mac icons to Win icons (if possible). Does
>anyone know of software to accomplish this, or can anyone point me to a
>location where I can get some specifics for this task?

GraphicConverter can save to windows *.ico files, though it can't pull a
Mac icon directly out of a file.

You could copy the Mac icon in the Finder, then paste it into a
GraphicConverter document and save it as a Windows .ico file.

chazl            -  11.19.1997  -  


Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 16:17:58 GMT
From: Pablo Roufogalis <>
Subject: Puzzled over Performa 575/Ethernet cards

Hello to all,

Two LAN adapters (one cs, one pds) that work OK in other Macs refuse to
turn on on my Performa 575. They don't even lit the green LED which I
believe is only a cable continuity check.

I have done everything and still no success. I believe there's not enough
power reaching the adapters.

Utilities recognize the adapters and actuate drivers but theres no LAN

Any hints?

I understand there are some P575 that have defective boards (a missing
chip) and there's an extended warranty on them. Where can I learn more?. No
info that I could find at

Thanks in advance for any hints

Pablo Roufogalis L.


Date: Thu, 20 Nov 97 09:58:56 -0500
From: Jeffrey Scorsone <>
Subject: Remapping Keyboards

Does anybody know of a good utility for remapping the Keyboard
on the Mac?  I want to switch the CapsLock and Control keys around.
(been spending way too much time on a Sparc ;)

I'm sure this can probably be done in ResEdit, but I'm not terribly
familure with making modfications like that. So any advice, tips
or pointers would be greately appreciated.


Jeffrey D. Scorsone
Products Support Coordinator     email:
Concentric Network Corp.         voice: 517.249.6577
                                   Fax: 517.249.6510
PGP Fingerprint: C429 8173 A470 AECA  E1C3 23D9 8774 E970


Date: Wed, 19 Nov 97 12:57:30 -0600
From: Joe Warmbrodt <>
Subject: Serious System 8/Appleshare Problem

I've been experiencing a serious problem with Appleshare, System 8 and NT 
servers. The problems began when we installed Sys 8 on our 3 macs in our 
production department.

The August 22 issue of MacFixIt reported our problem:

>Mac OS 8 and problems viewing files in List View from an NT server . 
>Robert Hammen writes that, when using Mac OS 8, "if you have a folder on 
>an NT server with some number of items (seems to be >100) open in List 
>view, the Finder constantly keeps redrawing the list, with varying numbers 
>of items, increasing then decreasing."
>Another reader describes this same symptom as "the List View has a 
>tendency to jump or jitter. What I mean is that files in the hierarchy 
>will move up and down on the screen. Sometimes items inside the nested 
>folders appear to double themselves for a second and then disappear again. 
>It's really annoying since it makes it hard to grab hold of a file."

This is what we've been experiencing. Later, the MacFixit Oct. 24th 

>NT list view glitch solution Previously we described a quirk with Mac OS 8 
>Finder displays in List View when looking at them from an NT server. 
>Robert Hammen now writes that AppleShare Client 3.7.2 (from the AppleShare 
>IP 5.0.2 upgrade) eliminates this glitch. Only problem is that this 
>software is not yet in general public release. Watch for it soon.
>Update: AppleShare Client 3.7.2 beta 3 is now available on the AppleShare 
>IP page.

I made sure I was running the latest version of Appleshare IP, and 
installed the update -- to no avail. The list view is still as "jittery" 
as ever. We have got to get this problem solved... when working with a 
directory filled with hundreds of files, it is almost unusable, as the 
files will not sit still long enough to work with.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. 

                         God is silent.
             Now if we can just get Man to shut up.


Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 09:27:36 -0800
From: "Daniel Milligan" <>
Subject: Timer


Check this out --


Subject: consensus timers 2.03 hc, alarms/scheduler in hypercard

the enclosed timer application, consensus timers, was originally
an alternative to juggling handfuls of digital kitchen timers.
now improved and fully documented, it includes drag-able progress
bars and supports any number of timers running simultaneously.

easy to use, reliable, and unobtrusive in busy and distracting
situations, cs-timers can run in background behind other HyperCard
stacks and Mac applications.  active timers measure real-world
elapsed time accurately, even if you quit HyperCard or shutdown
and restart.  each timer can range from seconds to many years,
with optional auto-total/distribution of subtimers for planning
and scheduling.  reminder alarms may also be set by scripts in
other stacks.  for more details see the read-me text, and the
stacks include template cards and full documentation in hypertext.

this is shareware, inexpensive, small, just plain HyperCard, yet
professionally produced and of commercial quality.  imho, it's an
impressive example of HyperCard's capabilities, and you're welcome
to read my HyperTalk source code (more than 80k).  consensus timers
is fully functional (not a demo), and needs no special installation.
i hope people will try it and find it useful.

Hope this works for you,



Wade Williams wrote:

> Subject: Timer popup?
> Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 15:00:37 -0500
> From: Wade Williams <>
> I'm looking for a specific type of timer program.  I've looked in the
> archives, but haven't found one that looks like what I'm looking for.
> I need a program that upon hitting a certain key combination, will bring up
> a floating window with a countdown timer.  Optimally, hitting the key
> combination again would bring up a second, separate timer.
> This timer needs to operate "on top of" another application.  Therefore, it
> can't be an application itself.
> Anyone seen anything like this?
> Wade


Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 21:47:08 -0600 (CST)
From: Derek Jacobs <>
Subject: {Q} Powerbook 150 and 190

I'm looking for the standard config of these two Power books models, and
what the price would be.

one of each of these is in the local paper, the 150 for $750 and the 190
for $950 (american)

Is this a good deal?


-= Derek Jacobs =-= =- 
You know how to make holy water? 
You take some regular water and you boil the hell out of it.



End of Info-Mac Digest