Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #244
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 10 Nov 97       Volume 15 : Issue 244

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Alias reconnection
      [Q] Personal LaserWriter LS
      [Q] Viewing & Scaling PS Graphics in Word 5.1a
      Auto Save utility
      Calibrating color output to a projector
      DOS Compatibility Software
      Energy Saver control panel dead
      Freeze on Rebuild
      how universal is vram?
      info-mac digest upgrade?
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #241
      PowerBase 240 slow to start up.
      powerbook 2300c
      PSION to Mac linking problem
      Radius B&W monitors on new Macs?
      Trouble with a PB140
      TrueType Fonts

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Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 06:59:05 -0500
From: Robert Gray <>

Barry Bandstra <<bandstra@HOPE.CIT.HOPE.EDU> wrote:

>  When I reopen previously created Word files or create

>  new ones, they get saved as Word Template files.

Sounds like the Concept macro virus.  Not too hard to fix with either
SAM or Microsoft's SCANPROT (Macro Virus Protection Tool).  Try:

        (look for mvtool1222.hqx)


        AOL: the Word forum

        CompuServe: the Word forum



Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 13:42:24 -0800
From: Mark Allen <>
Subject: (Q) Alias reconnection

When updating applications, I frequently find that my aliases lose their
connections, either when the application is in a new folder, the name has
changed (from "X PPC" to "X Fat", for example), or for some other reason I
can't identify. I currently use AliasZoo 2.0.8 to identify unconnected
aliases and link them up again with the newer application versions.
However, the relinking requires burrowing though the dialog window to get
to the appropriate application name. This becomes tedious if one needs to
do several reconnections at one sitting.

I was wondering whether there are any freeware/shareware applications that
have a more intelligent relinking procedure. One would hope that, upon
picking an unlinked alias to reconnect, the program could make a guess at
the application that could be the appropriate target based on similarity of
file name to the alias name (exclusive of the alias tag-on). Is there
anything out there that does that?

Thanks in advance.

Mark Allen


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 97 18:22:57 +0100
From: Laurent Daloze <>
Subject: [Q] Personal LaserWriter LS


I have been using a Personal LaserWriter LS for 5 years (but only printed 
about 6000 pages) and now when I want to print I get the following error 
message 'The LaserWriter 300 has a  motor scanner malfuntion' and it 
refuses to print (and makes a very strange noise). I suppose I have to 
replace the motor scanner but I also suppose it must be a very expensive 
repair. Has anyone ever had such problem and knows how it would cost?

Also if the repair can't be done, I'd plan to buy a color stylewriter 
1500. Is this a good printer? Has anyone got problems using this printer? 
And what's the difference between the 1500 & the 2500?

Please answer directly to Thanks a lot.

Laurent Daloze,


Date: Sat, 08 Nov 1997 21:21:19 +0000
From: Mephistophilis <STCH8002@BUREAU.UCC.IE>
Subject: [Q] Viewing & Scaling PS Graphics in Word 5.1a

Flame-retardant: Forgive me if this is an
RTFM-related question. As it happens my Word 5.1a
FM has chosen this critical moment to go missing.

I receive regular graphics by e-mail from a
collaborator in Canada in the form of Post-Script
files. These ultimately need to be pasted into
MSW 5.1a scientific documents - and in the
process they usually need to be reduced in size
by anything from 80% to 50% or less. To do this I
have been saving the original Eudora docs. as
Word files, applying the PS style, printing the
graphic, scanning the graphic with Ofoto, pasting
the Ofoto graphic into my Word scientific
document and and finally (whew!) scaling as
required within Word.  Surely there must be an
easier way to produce the same effect? All
suggestions will be very gratefully received.
Fergus Lalor


Date: Sun, 09 Nov 1997 10:07:37 -0500
From: Jeff Frankel <>
Subject: Auto Save utility

Last week I posted an query for a utility that could automatically save
files in the background a la WordPerfect.  Victor Daniels, list mom of
the ClarisWorks mailing list, told me about Sav-O-Matic, which was just
what I was looking for.  This can be downloaded from-

Jeff Frankel
Windsor, Maine  USA


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 09:27:41 -0700
From: "Paul [not \"Brian\"] Brians" <>
Subject: Calibrating color output to a projector

When I first got my 7600/132 with two monitors I remember working with some
software to match the colors on the monitors, but now I can't remember what
it was or what I did with it.

Our department now has a 6500/250 whose output needs to be adjusted to
produce true colors on a classroom projector. It is running System 8. If we
adjust the projector itself it is off for videos--which is why we need to
adjust the computer output. Can anyone recommend useful software?

Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 08:16:52 -0700
From: Bruce Carter <>
Subject: DOS Compatibility Software

I recently purchased one of the Reply (Radius) DOS on PowerMac (for an
8100) cards through a sale at one of the mail order companies.  The
software that comes with it seems to be the same as the software that came
with the 6100 DOS Compatible system from Apple (of which we have several).
I'm wondering if the 1.5 update of that software from Apple will run that
board (the software that came with it was version 1.0.1 or something like
that).  I can't find any software updates at the Reply site for this
version of the board (they're all for the newer PCI boards).

Any information/suggestions would be appreciated.  I know I can just try
it, and may eventually do that, but I really don't want to have to
reinstall Windows and all the Wintel software on this system.

Bruce Carter, Boise State Univ., Boise, ID 83725


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 08:28:33 -0700
From: Bruce Carter <>
Subject: Energy Saver control panel dead

My Energy Saver control panel seems to have completely croaked.  None of
the settings cause anything to happen anymore.  Anyone have any ideas
before I dig out my OS8 CD and try to install it again?  (System OS8 on a
7600 with not much in the way of extensions)

Bruce Carter, Boise State Univ., Boise, ID 83725


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 11:09:00 -0600
From: Gib Henry <>
Subject: Freeze on Rebuild

> > Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 14:20:00 +0800
> > From: Ted Holmes <>
> >
> I installed OS 8 from CD to a Jaz drive.  I left 7.5.5 in tack on my
> original internal HD
> I attempted to  start up with the internal - as it was progressing it
> went
> into a rebuild of the desktop for no reason and then froze.  I restarted
> and cancelled the rebuild - evrything O.K. I did notice that MacLink
> Plus
> control panel was now "x" out.
> I ran Norton's and found a small problem with the Catalog tree which it
> fixed.  Restarted no problems.  Ran Norton again.  Everthing O.K.
> I figured I would rebuild to reesatblish MacLink Control panel - It
> froze
> again on Rebuild.  Restarted.  Norton again says o.k. but I still freeze
> if
> I rebuild.
> Odd this would have just happened when I attempted to install OS8 on
> anothjer external and that MacLink CP would corrupt.
> How do I get around a freeze on rebuild

You might consider using TechTool:  it doesn't just rebuild (which can
perpetuate some forms of corruption), but instead DELETES the desktop
databases and forces them to be rebuilt from scratch.

NOTE that this will absolutely trash your Get Info comments!

You can accomplish the same effect by making your Desktop DB and Desktop DF
files visible, then placing them in the trash (don't try to empty it) and
restarting the Finder (or the whole computer).



Date: Sat, 08 Nov 1997 11:15:46 -0500
From: dead nancy <>
Subject: how universal is vram?

hi, everybody.

how universal is vram? or: how far will a couple of megs of vram from an
old 7100 go? in the ads, it seems the motorola clones are the only
powerpc-based macs to be mentioned specifically.


dead nancy
see you in hell!


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 22:20:30 -0800
From: Chris Schram <>
Subject: info-mac digest upgrade?

On Fri, 07 Nov 1997, (richters, j.j.) wrote:
>Hi nice people at info-mac digest.
>You always present a table of contents at the beginning of the digest.
>May I suggest that each item in the table of contents is hypertext
>linked with the corresponding article further on in the digest. That
>makes for faster perusal. Doei.

Read your digests with Easy View. It does exactly what you describe.

-r   235267 Feb 25 1997 text/easy-view-262.hqx

Chris Schram -- --


Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 14:39:20 -0800
From: (Caryn Roberts)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #241

(A copy of this message has also been posted to the following newsgroups:

In article <63t9er$iab$>, wrote:

> Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 07:46:07 -0500 (EST)
> From: Barry Bandstra <bandstra@HOPE.CIT.HOPE.EDU>
> Subject: Word 6.0.1 and OS 8
> Anyone know of a fix for this strange behavior that affects all three Macs
> I use? (PM 7600/120, PM 7600/132, PB 1400/133) When I reopen previously
> created Word files or create new ones, they get saved as Word Template
> files. If I edit said files, the changes are not saved. I must save them as
> copies under a different name. I tried trashing the Word settings file in
> preferences but to no avail. Is this a virus? I am not aware that I set
> some option to save files as template files, and can't even find such an
> option. How could it be on all three machines all of a sudden?
> Barry Bandstra, Professor of Religion
> Hope College
> 126 East 10th Street
> Holland, Michigan 49423 USA
> Office: (616) 395-7752  Home: (616) 335-3345
> Email:

You have the Word Macro Virus. Visit MS web site for instructions on how to
clear this.

Caryn Roberts

visit me at: <URL:>


Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 09:32:44 -0800
From: Adam Horvath <>
Subject: Newton

Newton Users
I own a Newton 120, (I have updated the OS) and beginning to wonder about
the product.

1	I have tried to synchronise my PIM (Claris Organiser v2.0) on my
desk top macine with the Newton using Apple's new Newton Connection
Utilities (v. 1.0): a) The program invariably crash on the Mac 7500; b)  it
does run on a PB 1400 EXCEPT that it gets it all wrong: the phone numbers
on the "names" file dissapear, the address sometimes gets in the Newton,
but mostly just skipped...
I called Apple they said they look into it --3 weeks ago. (I am using Sys8).

2	The Newton has a IR communication device built into it: What can it
communicate with?! Not a desktop Mac, Not a PB,  (I heard that it could
control a Sony disk player..but why? )

Does anyone out there have answers?
Any assistance will be much appreciated :-)

A. O. Horvath.

Dr. Adam O. Horvath
Faculty of Education and
Department of Psychology
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C. CANADA, V5A 1S6
Voice: (604) 291-3624
Fax: (604) 291-3203


Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 18:45:42 -0500
From: "Richard A. Baker" <>
Subject: PowerBase 240 slow to start up.

After upgrading my system my Power Computing PowerBase 240 Running OS8
is very slow to begin startup after hitting the power button on the
keyboard.  It sits quietly for about 30 seconds with a totally black
screen before it hops to and starts up relatively normally.

I have found that if I force restart (cmd-opt-power) right after a cold
startup it starts up normally.

has anyone else experienced-solved this problem?

Thank you in advance for any information that might lead to my solving
this issue.

Richard Baker


Date: Sun, 09 Nov 1997 21:04:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: powerbook 2300c

I have several questions regarding my powerbook 2300c.  1) is there a 
replacement keyboard with "F" keys? and 2) where can I get a replacement
screen (9.5 diagonal backlit active matrix color screen?  Thanks in advance!


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 17:36:41 -0500
From: (Pablo Hutzler)
Subject: PSION to Mac linking problem

Please Help with linking my family's PSION 3a  hand-held computers and
Macintoshes using  PSION-Link version 1.0.1.

Though I have done for years,  PSION Link version 1.0.1 now refuses to link
with either of the Macintosh computers I have here: a Power Macintosh 7300
(PPC processor) running OS8 and a Powerbook 180 (68030 processor) running
System 7.5. I have tested two  PSION 3-Link cables, two copies of the
software, various baud rates from 300 to 19200, and both serial ports.  I
have tried many combinations of these variables unsuccessfully.

 Can you advise me what can be interfering with making a connection?  As it
stands, I am unable to backup important data,  including vital family
medical records and schedules.

         Help please!

Thanks, Pablo

PS and do you know of PSION-Mac news groups?



Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 10:12:23 -0500
From: Phil Scott <phil@csi.UOttawa.CA>
Subject: Radius B&W monitors on new Macs?

I would really appreciate any information as to usability of my   
old 19" Black & White Radius Two page display on modern Macs.  I
currently am using it with a Mac IIfx, with a NuBus Radius Card.

I was thinking of getting one of the new G3 Macs, or perhaps an 8600.
Will their video cards support this old monitor?  Is there any kind of
PCI video card that will support this monitor?   I also understand
the Radius software itself only works on early systems 7.5.x  . Is
this true?  Has anyone tried system 8 with them?

I would appreciate if you could cc a copy of your answer to me
directly, as well as to this group.  TIA

                        Philip Scott
                        Dept. of Math
                        U. of Ottawa

P.S. I recall now it is also possible to use these old Radius B&W 
displays as PC, VGA monitors.  So, is this any help in using them
on a new Mac  (in case the straightforward answer is negative)


Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 05:46:23 +1000
From: David Phillips <>
Subject: Trouble with a PB140

>Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 10:47:19 -0600 (CST)
>From: William Arsenault <>
Subject: Question re Powerbook 140

>I have a powerbook 140 that I am trying to revive. I think the hard disk 
>crashed. However, I don't have a floppy that it will successfully boot
>It also will not boot from any external drives that I have tried hooking
.It will almost complete the boot process but then quits with an empty, 
>flashing dialog box. Does anyone know where I could get a floppy to boot
>140 from or anything else I could try? What would I have to do to open it
>and disconnect the internal hard drive in case the crashed drive is
>it from booting from a floppy or external drive?

.Bill Arsenault

I just fixed up a similar problem.. just zap the pram by holding the
open-apple and option and P R keys at start-up

David Phillips/sysop Nexus BBS
Apple Macintosh Ass. of Queensland (Australia)


Date: 07 Nov 97 08:50:02 -0500
From: Bill Waits <>
Subject: TrueType Fonts

I have been looking for TrueType replacements for the following fonts:

    Espi Sans
    Espy Sans
    Espy Serif

I would really like to have TrueType replacements so I can "clean up" my
Fonts folder.  If these do exists, could someone point me the way?




End of Info-Mac Digest