Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #233
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 31 Oct 97       Volume 15 : Issue 233

Today's Topics:

      [*] GoneSince ScreenSaver
      [*] Pseud040
            (Q) Mac OS 8 and Pegasus Mail 2.21
      (Q) ADB optical mouses
      (Q) Mac OS preferences 
      [Q]  PC-CD for Mac
      [Q]  PC-CD for Mac
      [Q] - MS Word Crashes
      [Q] 2 questions
      Apple's future in the PC world
      Barcode pattern on 170 startup
      Can't drag & remove from Launcher
      Desktop pictures control panel
      Desktop pictures control panel
      Desktop pictures control panel
      Dow sinks, Apple floats
      Eudora Mac/PC setup options
      Eudora Mac/PC setup options
      Index Node Link Problem
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #231
      InfoBeat Redux
      ISDN Modems
      MAC vs Windows
      Nader vs. Microsoft
      new batteries for PB180
      NEWS: Free QuickCRC Trial For OO Design 
      newton gps Bonzai needs slurpee for map and speech files
      OS 8 window problem
      PC-CD for Mac [R]
      Performa 6400 modem upgrade
      Shutdown and Restart problem
      VRAM Problem

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Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 15:47:52 -0700
Subject: [*] GoneSince ScreenSaver

Ever wish that you could tell colleagues where you went and how long you've
been gone?  GoneSince is a screen saver for AfterDark or Darkside of the
Mac that bounces a message around on the screen indicating how long you've
been gone and any other message you want to include.  You can set the font,
style, size and color of the message, and you can build up a list of
messages that you use most frequently to make it easy to select one.

GoneSince is most useful if you set the message everytime you leave your
office, and this package includes a very cool application written by Tom
Bonura that lets you set the message by just talking to your computer.
GoneSinceSRMonitor is a small application that sits in the background and
uses the Speech Recognition Manager to listen for any of the messages in
GoneSince.  When it hears one, it switches to that message and puts your
computer into sleep mode.  Imagine just saying "Out to lunch" as you get up
from your computer and having it start displaying your message as you leave
your office to go to lunch...


[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/gone-since-screensaver.hqx; 157K]


Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 15:47:53 -0700
From: michael@nfocomm.COM
Subject: [*] Pseud040

This is the first public release of Pseud040, a shareware control panel
which allows 68020 and 68030 Macs to run 68040 software!  Yes, that's
right, you can now run Dark Forces on a Mac II!  It's shareware ($20).
I hope owners of vintage Macs get some more years out of their machines.

	I guess you should put this in the Configuration section (or wherever
SoftwareFPU is, since they do similar things.)


	Michael Connolly

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/pseud-040.hqx; 86K]


Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 12:31:02 -0500
From: "Whitney L. McBee" <>

Hello Info-Mac,

	I am looking for an OS8 compatible utility that will give me the
functionality of Now Utilities (v6.7).  The specific functionality I am
looking for is:  Now Menus ability to customize the order of the items
displayed in the Apple Menu Items, display icons in the sub-menues, and add
separators.  I would also like to find a utility that duplicates the
functionality found in Now Super Boomerang (NSB).  NSB aids in the
navigation of open and save dialogue boxes by adding a menu bar which
contains contains items for frequently used folders, last used folder,
drives, etc.

	Does anyone know if any of the components of Now Utilities are
compatible with OS8?

Please respond to me directly, as I am only able to read the digest


Whitney L. McBee

Computer Systems Administrator
James Madison University
Biology Department


Date:          Tue, 28 Oct 1997 9:41:30 GMT-4
From: "Denis M. Pelletier" <DENIS@CUSLM.CA>
Subject:       (Q) Mac OS 8 and Pegasus Mail 2.21

Hi all!!

We're having some problems with our staff members who upgraded to Mac OS 
8 when reading there E-Mail with Pegasus Mail 2.21.

Here's what's going on...   Our users are login onto our staff server, 
running on Novell 3.12 (fully patched).  Once the SYS partition is 
visible on the desktop, (SYS partition is the place where Novell stores 
the mail) they launch PMail 2.21 and they just can't see there new 

It feels as if the PMail doesn't see their mail directory...  or 
something.  We thought it might be because of PMail's config file so we 
delete it and relaunched PMail...  Nothing.  I also thought it might have 
been Murphy playing with us, so I checked everything on those users 
accounts but without succes..  (maybe the Novell's bindery needed fixing 
but that wasn't the case)

I then created a new account and tried PMail with it, but that didn't 
work either.  (it could have been some weird thing with an old account)

Any how, I'm fresh out of idea to try...I'd love some suggestions here.  
If you have some, please e-mail then to DENIS@CUSLM.CA

Merci et bonne journee!! / Thanks and great day!!

Denis M. Pelletier
Responsable du Reseau / Network Manager
Universite de Moncton - campus d'Edmundston
165, boul. Hebert Blvd
Edmundston, NB 
Tel./Phone: (506) 737-5293
Telec./Fax: (506) 737-5373


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 11:19:52 -0700
From: Mark Allen <>
Subject: (Q) ADB optical mouses

Are there mouses using exclusively optical techniques (no moving parts)
available for the Mac ADB interface? If so, does anyone have experience
with these? Is the pointing resolution better or worse than the standard


Mark Allen


Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 09:38:53 -0500
From: Randy Scutt <>
Subject: (Q) Mac OS preferences 

(I'm running a PowerMac 8500 Mac OS 8)

Three settings don't hold whenever I restart --

1) Under Edit-->Preferences, whatever I change my screen font to, it
reverts back to Geneva 10

2) If I turn File-Sharing off, it turns back on

3) If I change the Trash to not warn before emptying, it reverts back to

Has anyone had this problem?  I can't find any of these preferences to
delete, and I don't want to reinstall the System.  Any advice?  TIA.


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 05:06:36 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: [Q]  PC-CD for Mac

Lars asked:

>Is it possible to use a PC-CD-drive (SCSI or SCSI-2) in a Mac? I=B4m going
>to replace the internal CD-drive in my 840 AV, and it seems to me that
>PC-drives are quite a lot cheaper than Mac-drives - at least here in

My husband has a Toshiba PC CD drive in his 8100/80. We had to replace the
little sound cable (it cost about $12) so that sound would work, and we had
to use a third-party CD-ROM driver, as Apple's apparently only works with
Apple drives. We were lucky: we already had FWB's CD-ROM Toolkit, and it
works with the Toshiba drive. Once the software was in, we were able to use
the drive and it works beautifully. In fact, CD-ROM Toolkit drives both the
Toshiba and the Apple drive, so to his surprise, he now has 2 CD-ROM drives
that work simultaneously. (The Toshiba is an external.) If you are
interested, I can send you the "Supported Devices" readme from Toshiba to
see if CD-ROM Toolkit works with the drive you propose to install.


				Daly Jessup


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 11:59:29 -0600
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: [Q]  PC-CD for Mac

>Is it possible to use a PC-CD-drive (SCSI or SCSI-2) in a Mac?

As long as it's a SCSI CD-ROM, not IDE, then the answer is yes.

You will need to replace the Apple CD-ROM drivers with a third-party driver
like FWB CDToolkit, since the Apple drivers will not see the new non-Apple
CD-ROM drive.

Other than that, it should just drop right in.

chazl     - 10.27.1997 -


Date: Wed, 29 Oct 97 11:18:56 -0500
From: "Kevin L. Hames" <>
Subject: [Q] - MS Word Crashes

I'm having trouble with Microsoft Word 6.0.1a crashing.  Ever since I 
upgraded to OS 8, Word will crash when started for the first time after 
cold starting the computer.  Here's the scenario that will cause the 

1) cold start computer
2) start Word
3) get "bus error" crash

Since installing Norton Utilities 3.5 with Crash Guard, I have been able 
to get around these crashes by simply choosing the "Quit Application" 
option that pops up when Crash Guard detects the crash.  Here's some 
weird results I've obtained while trying to track down the source of this 

1) Only happens the first time either Word is started after a cold start 
- starts after the first crash work fine.
2) Hot starts do not cause Word to crash after the restart.
3) Neither Excel nor PowerPoint exhibit this behavior.

Here's the specs on my Mac:

Power Macintosh 8100/100
1 GB hard disk
OS 8

Here's what I've tried so far to fix the problem:

1) reformatted hard disk (low level) before OS 8 install
2) fresh install of Microsoft Office 4.2a
3) multiple desktop file rebuilds
4) multiple checks with Norton Utilities 3.5
5) zapped PRAM
6) fixed possible SCSI termination problem

I'm tempted to chalk this up to a Microsoft specific problem except for 
two things:

1) I'm running a near identical software set-up on my PowerCenter 120 at 
home without any problems.
2) This computer had, back in the System 7.5 days, an incompatibility 
with some versions of LaserWriter 8.4 software, which manifested itself 
by freezing the computer during start-up.  Switching back to LaserWriter 
8.3 software fixed the problem, and I've had no printing problems while 
using OS 8.

Any suggestions/insight into this problem are appreciated.  TIA!

Kevin L. Hames


Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 09:19:53 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Q] 2 questions

I have 2 questions to post:
1. does anybody know of a portable printer that can print to carboned forms?
I want to be able to print recipts with carbon copies. The recipts are about
the size of an A-10 envelope. Either mac compatable or pc.

2. I have an annoying startup problem. My 2gig hard drive is partitioned into
5 parts. The partition I have my System Folder on must have a defect of some
kind. If I keep another System folder on another partition it will default to
that system on startup no matter which partition is chosen in the startup
disk control panel.

If there is no other system folder present then the startup will procede
normally with the following problem. The computer finds a Blessed system
folder on the drive and starts to load. As this happens there is a momentary
flash of the blinking floppy icon and then back to the happy mac icon and
loading procedes normally.
If there is another system folder on another partition I feel this is where
the switch to that folder is made. If i start from any other partition there
is no icon flash during startup.

I have System 7.6.1 on a 6100 power mac. The following utilities all did
their thing and report no problems. Conflict Catcher 4, Techtool 1.1.4,
Norton Utilities, and Disk First Aid.
John McGibney


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 09:35:22 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Apple's future in the PC world (Ted Logan) wrote:

> That is the job of Apple's management; it is what they're paid for.  I
> argue that they have failed to do their job and are still failing, from
> what I can tell, even to understand that Apple promotion, distribution,
> and marketing *is* their job.

Since the introduction of the Macintosh in 1984, Apple's marketing was
never adequate in my opinion. Of course, it's easy to say this while I
am not personally involved in this task. In contrast to this, Microsoft
obciously did it right, at least when you can judge according to the
sales and profit figures. The difference between Apple and Microsoft is
- as I see it - the following: Apple wanted (or wants again) to be the
only producer of computer hardware, while Microsoft wants everyone to
use their operating system - no matter where the hardware comes from.
They don't sell hardware, so they have no problem with this.

The Rhapsody development is a step into the right direction: to become
independent of hardware. But Rhapsody for Intel won't run any Mac
software, only software developed for Rhapsody (while obviously Rhapsody
for Mac will do this). But since Rhapsody won't run on older Macs (even
on PPC 601 it won't run!), we all have to buy new hardware anyway or
stay with today's applications.=20

> the answers we get back will increasingly be, "Sorry, too much trouble fo=
> too few users.  Buy Windows."

During the existence of Macs, Apple has sold millions of computers
everywhere in the world. If we could mobilize just a part of these
users, I think many could be convinced to offer their services or
software also for MacOS.=20

> And finally, so as to stray not too far from the real point of my InfoBea=
> example, it is *not* InfoBeat's software that is being offered!  It is
> *Microsoft's* software!  Microsoft has written special software to enhanc=
> and improve InfoBeat's service and has either given it or leased it to
> InfoBeat to offer to InfoBeat subscribers as a free download *compatible
> with Microsoft's Windows system, only*.

Didn=B4t Bill Gates endorse his support for MacOS when he took a $150m
stake in Apple shares? So, Microsoft is the right address to write to in
this case.=20

Yes, I agree that it is Apple's job to do marketing for the Mac, but if
I can help promote the "user-friendlier" operating system, I will do so.
When I write to someone to convince them to also support the MacOS, I
copy my correspondence to the responsible persons at Apple Switzerland.
Don't know what they do with it, but every now and then I get some
"thankyou-messages" back.=20

So much for today. Best wishes,     Christian.

Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)     =20
Look at <>


Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 21:11:44 +0000
Subject: Barcode pattern on 170 startup

Hi all,

My brother has a problem with his Powerbook 170. Can anyone help....

After startup the screen seems to be covered in a repeated barcode-like=
 pattern and the hard disk makes a number of attempts to spin-up. Sometimes=
 it gets stuck at the smiling Mac icon and sometimes it starts. When it runs=
 it seems to run okay. Norton Utilities doesn't report any problems.

If anyone has any ideas I'd be pleased to hear them; replies off list are we=


Daniel Frampton


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:14:43 -0800
Subject: Can't drag & remove from Launcher

Any ideas why I can't remove files from my launcher using opt-drag with
7.6.6 ?  I have to delte them from the launcher items folder to make them
go away!




Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:19:54 -0500
From: Diane & David Turner <>
Subject: Desktop pictures control panel

>Subject: Desktop pictures control panel
>I have installed Mac OS 8 on my Starmax 3000/180.  The Desktop pictures
>control panel is installed in the control panels folder.  When I open the
>control panel, I get a message that says,"the control panel must be installed
>in the control panels folder or the desktop pictures will not display...".
>  I have looked at for some clues but found none.  I have looked in
>some of your info-mac digests and find no reference to any problems.  Is
>there an extension missing or something? Any ideas?  Thanks

 Do you perchance have Conflict Catcher installed?

 I had this same problem when I upgraded to OS 8. I (manually) disabled all
non-Apple extensions and control panels and Desktop Pictures worked OK. I
stress that I *manually* disabled all non-Apple startup files, as the
problem turned out to be caused by Conflict Catcher 3. Conflict Catcher 4
solved the problem (although caused a few others I won't go into).

Hope this helps.

David Turner
Centerville, Ohio


Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 16:53:18 -0500
From: Stan Hadley <>
Subject: Desktop pictures control panel

Surprise, your problem is Conflict Catcher 3.0. Apparently there is some
conflict between CC 3.0 and MacOS8. This got me worried, thinking I had
done something wrong, so I spent several hours re-clean-installing OS8 and
trying to find a conflict, using Conflict Catcher 3.0 :/  Off course it
wouldn't tell me it was itself causing the problem. I ended up doing
without pictures until I upgraded to CC 4.0.

Stan Hadley

>Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 19:34:06 -0700
>From: (by way of Info-Mac Moderator)
>Subject: Desktop pictures control panel
>I have installed Mac OS 8 on my Starmax 3000/180.  The Desktop pictures
>control panel is installed in the control panels folder.  When I open the
>control panel, I get a message that says,"the control panel must be installed
>in the control panels folder or the desktop pictures will not display...".
>  I have looked at for some clues but found none.  I have looked in
>some of your info-mac digests and find no reference to any problems.  Is
>there an extension missing or something? Any ideas?  Thanks

Stanton W. Hadley             
Oak Ridge National Laboratory           Bldg 4500-N, MS 6205
P.O. Box 2008                           Room G-28
Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6205               (423)574-8018, fax:(423)574-8884


Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 17:51:53 -0700
From: "Robert J. Friesen" <>
Subject: Desktop pictures control panel

To get desktop  pictures to work on the Starmax 3000 you must get rid of
Conflict Catcher 3.

Robert J. Friesen
Chilliwack, BC


Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 12:45:39 -0600 (CST)
From: Fletcher Moore <>
Subject: Dow sinks, Apple floats

How many of you happened to notice that Apple was the only company on 
the S&P 500 to go *up* during Monday's big crash. Particularly ironic 
considering high tech stocks were the hardest hit.

There may be some life in the old Apple yet!

Fletcher Moore


Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 16:40:51 +0000
From: Trevor Harris <>
Subject: Eudora Mac/PC setup options

We have Eudora set up on our Dec Alpha VMS fileserver in such a way that
users can login anywhere in a Windows 3.1 lab and pick up their mail. We
wish to extend this capability to a Macintosh lab in such a way that the
mail directories are common across platforms. We are using MacAdministrator
for the Mac lab and will shortly have Appletalk running on the Alpha
server. We hope to set each users account as an Appleshare volume which
will then mount at startup on whichever Mac they are using.

Can this be done? I think that both Mac and PC Eudora versions are
variations of version 3. Thanks for any helpful suggestions.


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 12:58:35 +0000
From: Trevor Harris <>
Subject: Eudora Mac/PC setup options

We have Eudora set up on our Dec Alpha VMS fileserver in such a way that
users can login anywhere in a Windows 3.1 lab and pick up their mail. We
wish to extend this capability to a Macintosh lab in such a way that the
mail directories are common across platforms. We are using MacAdministrator
for the Mac lab and will shortly have Appletalk running on the Alpha
server. We hope to set each users account as an Appleshare volume which
will then mount at startup on whichever Mac they are using.

Can this be done? I think that both Mac and PC Eudora versions are
variations of version 3. Thanks for any helpful suggestions.


Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 15:24:58 -0500
From: Tony Collins <>
Subject: Index Node Link Problem

My LCIII (still going strong!) running system 7.55 is connected to a
Quantum 850mb external drive. Today I checked the external drive with
Norton Utilities 3.51 disk doctor, which reported that an error was found=

in the index node in the catalog b-tree: "A record in the index node has =
incorrect downward link (node 688, record 4) (5,2,11)."

Norton couldn't fix the problem nor could Disk First Aid. Although Norton=

says this is a "major problem", I haven't experienced any difficulties
(yet).  Can anyone tell me if I can ignore the problem or if I am headed
for data meltdown? If the latter, should I reinitialise the disk and
re-install everything?


Tony Collins


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 09:58:06 -0500
From: Robert Poland <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #231

> Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 12:55:21 -0700 From: Max
> <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #228
> AutoClock is wonderfully connected to the Naval
> Observatory and can be accessed automatically by modem.
> Try it.

Is there a version later that 1.4.4?
Is there a phone number for Washington, DC, Boulder, CO is now clear across
the country. The phone number in the program for Washington, DC has been
changed and the new number didn't work.


Bob Poland


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 12:00:22 -0700
From: (Ted Logan)
Subject: InfoBeat Redux

Here is yet more and more accurate (if more dismal) information about
Microsoft's Outlook Express software being promoted by InfoBeat
( as the best way to receive their custom-tailored
email news releases about financial and many other topics.  Sorry it's
taken so many tries for me to get this right.

Outlook Express is the email software Microsoft bundles with Internet
Explorer 4.0.  So while they're competing with Netscape for the browser
software market by bundling Internet Explorer with Windows95, Microsoft is
also competing with QualComm's Eudora (and others) for the email software
market by bundling Outlook Express with Internet Explorer.  Outlook Express
is incompatible, by the way, with CompuServe or America Online as well as
with earlier Microsoft products (before Windows95, presumably).  (Anyone
who wonders where Microsoft is going with this simply hasn't been paying

InfoBeat's promo blurb, presumably written by Microsoft, says, "Outlook
Express provides you with secure, personalized, and complete features that
make creating, sending, and reading your e-mail a more rich and dynamic
experience."  This would be stronger sales copy if they had written "richer
and more dynamic" and if they had either amplified on "complete features"
or just left it out of the sentence, but you get the picture.

The more of these instances of iron-fist-in-velvet-glove marketing tactics
I come across, the more I am awestruck by Microsoft.  I have helped build
and run companies and market products for nearly 40 years and I have never
seen anything like it.  Not even close.

As a highly satisfied Macintosh owner who would like to be able to continue
using the Macintosh operating system to run my and my clients' business
software for the foreseeable future, I ask again if anyone on Info-Mac
knows if Apple's top management is developing a strategy to keep Apple in
business in the face of Microsoft's unprecedented marketing-licensing
blitzkrieg?  Because, frankly, if Info-Mac's erudite Apple gurus don't
know, no one does.

By the way, maybe Microsoft's scorched-earth tactics of today don't
surprise those who remember that only 20 years ago a then unknown Bill
Gates and partner whose name escapes me successfully sued Pertec when it
bought out MITS (producer of the Altair 8000, which came from Gates's
original garage-bench computer built around a cosmetically imperfect Intel
8080 chip that Gates had bought on the cheap -- Popular Science's feature
story at the dawn of personal computers in 1977) because Pertec had
oversold Gates and partner's MSBasic programming language beyond the limits
of their agreement?

Anyone savvy enough before age 30 to design a contract that would let him
sue a company that sold *too many* copies of his product is presumably
plenty smart enough at age 49 or whatever today to outwit the Apple
corporation and, apparently, everyone else who tries to compete with him on
a level field.

(If you're wondering how much software the U.S. Department of Justice will
let Microsoft stuff into its operating system, you may want to read the New
York Times article at:
<>, which I heard
about from another excellent, free news service, the Benton Communications
Policy Mailing list, which you can join by sending the following command to subscribe benton-compolicy)

Meanwhile, more mundanely, can someone here on Info-Mac please tell me if I
can run Netscape 3.1 and Internet Explorer 4.0 side-by-side in my Power Mac
7100/80 operating with Mac System 7.5.5 (assuming ample RAM and disk
space)?  Once IE 4.0/Outlook Express becomes available for Macintosh, I'd
like to try it, but I don't want to foul up my Netscape installation in the

Best wishes to all.

Ted Logan
Logan Writing, Inc.
Cleveland, Oklahoma


Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 20:57:09 -0500
From: "Jack S. Yee" <>
Subject: ISDN Modems


Could anyone recommend an ISDN modem for my Mac. Please sepcify edxactly
what I need to use ISDN, other than the line (the phone company will
install that), do I just need a modem like a Bitsurfer Pro or a Farralon?
What is the difference between an ISDN modem and a Terminal Adapter?.  Any
info appreciated, please reply to my email.  Thanks.  Jack


Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 09:40:27 -0700
From: (Ted Logan)
Subject: MAC vs Windows

>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 08:03:37 -0800
>From: Gene Blishen <>
>Subject: MAC vs Windows
>I read your message on the info-mac archive today and must agree.
>I manage a credit union that 4 years ago decided to use Macs due to the
>savings in labour costs for network and training. Our assumptions were
>correct and we managed to keep costs down.
>We converted to a new banking system and now have to enter the world of
>Windows NT. We still have our Macs but if events keep unfolding as they
>have in the past few months I can see us migrating eventually to the
>Windows platform. It is a shame that Apple have kept their head in the sand
>when it comes to business. Microsoft (though I sometimes deplore their
>ethics) have products that are cross platform and work to the most part.
>Apple continues to battle in areas that make no sense and I believe rely on
>an unbelievable loyalty factor of the customer. I have had an Apple since
>1978 and consider myself very loyal BUT I can see something is going to
>"break" and the pieces will not be able to be put together.
>Thanks for your views.
>Gene Blishen
>Burnaby, B.C.        "Patience is an honest virture"


Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 10:36:49 -0700
From: (Ted Logan)
Subject: Nader vs. Microsoft

Ralph Nader has just written a letter to Bill Gates, a letter to
Vice-president Gore, and an article in Slate, the online magazine,
detailing his worries over Microsoft's dominance of computers and the
Internet.  Much of this mirrors the concerns I and others have expressed on
Info-Mac and in the many email messages I've received privately in response
to my Info-Mac postings about Apple's apparent inability to compete against

Here is the URL for Nader's Slate article:


Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 12:28:53 +0200
From: Matthew Daillie <>
Subject: new batteries for PB180

	The batteries for my PowerBook 180 seem to be dead - I can no
longer charge them and they do not provide enough electricity to start the
machine. I would like to know whether the qualities of batteries varies
considerably - is it worth going to the extra expense of getting
reconditioned Apple batteries or are third part models just as good (or
perhaps better) ?
	I have an external LED (Lind Electronic Design) charger which I
would like to to be able to continue using. Any information would be very
much appreciated.
	Matthew Daillie


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 17:20:03 -0600
From: Harold Halbleib <>
Subject: NEWS: Free QuickCRC Trial For OO Design 

NEWS: Free QuickCRC Trial For OO Design 

Excel Software is offering software developers a free trial version of
its QuickCRC tool for object-oriented design.  QuickCRC is available for
Macintosh and Windows 95/NT.

QuickCRC is a software design tool for discovering objects and related
information for an object-oriented software development project.  The
tool automates the CRC card concept of identifying classes,
responsibilities and collaborations between objects.  Developers can
start designing software within minutes with the intuitive capabilities
of QuickCRC.

QuickCRC uses a diagram workspace for creating card and scenario
objects.  A card represents the properties of a class including its
name, description, superclasses, subclasses, attributes,
responsibilities and collaborating objects.  A scenario represents a
design mechanism defined as a series of steps involving communicating
objects.  Scenarios can reference cards or other scenarios.   

QuickCRC provides active simulation of an evolving design.  It
automatically and transparently maintains relationships between cards
and scenarios as design changes are made.  QuickCRC models can be
exported to the MacA&D or WinA&D software engineering tools for detailed
design or code generation.  Likewise, MacTranslator and WinTranslator
can be used to automatically generate QuickCRC design models from
existing C++, Object Pascal or Delphi code.

See and follow the links to get your free
trial version of QuickCRC today.


Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 14:41:32 -0500
From: "Paul M. Sheldon" <>
Subject: newton gps Bonzai needs slurpee for map and speech files

	Once slurpee had been made freeware.
	It has been improved since and is only $10.  I have found it well
worth my shareware fees and the correspondence with Steve Weyer assisted my
courage in learning the newtonscript I needed for making my gps
navigational program.
	Search it at :


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 10:19:55 -0400
From: Michel Th�riault <>
Subject: OS 8 window problem

I installed MacOS 8 and it works fine except for one thing ; when I open
a window, it's content moves up and down all the time. Also, the
filenames appears twice for a couple of second. When I try to select a
file, the file moves up and down and it is very difficult to select it
!  (All my files reside on my server - WindowsNT 3.5.1). Any help would
be appreciated.

Michel Theriault
Network administrator
TM design communications


Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 21:16:55 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: PC-CD for Mac [R] (Lars C. Jensen) wrote:

> Is it possible to use a PC-CD-drive (SCSI or SCSI-2) in a Mac? 

No problem. But you'll probably not be able to use it with Apple's
standard CD software. A good idea is to buy the software CD-ROM Toolkit,
which works with virtually any CD-ROM drive. 

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)      
Look at <>


Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 13:42:35 -0600
From: Charles Brasile <>
Subject: Performa 6400 modem upgrade

Latest info for those looking to upgrade  the Performa 6400 modem

	6400 Global VilL Tel V.33.6 update .Who made it?


	Performa 6400 Series


	Apple Support

Original Post:
I called Apple tech support to resolve issue of Flash rom update for GV
teleport plat V comm card. They told me to call Global I wrote them. Here is the reply, followed by the letter I
Please be advised that your Performa Modem and fax software have been
produced and sold by Apple Computer. Apple is the provider of technical
support for Performa Computer customers. Trained Apple technicians are
available to provide you with a full range of technical support on all
products which are bundled and shipped with the Performa Computer,
including your modem and fax software. In the future please contact
Apple Computers for any technical assistance that you may need with your
Apple-licensed and produced modem and fax software.
The Apple technical support staff can be reached at (800) SOS APPL =7F=7F
Dear Sirs:
I recently purchased a Apple Performa 6400/180 with your GV teleport
Platnum Comm card installed. I ATI2 commanded it and it repled it had
a flash rom. I tried to Flash it with no luck.....can you direct me
to where I might recieve it.
This modem of yours is supported by you, I am correct in stating this,
is my hope. I have read your Mannuel and find this to be a fine
modem. Thank you for your time and I await your reply.
Allan H. Hampton=05
have a Flash Rom......Thus, there was intent for upgrade, by the maker
of the modem. Please resolve.

Apple Response:
The Global Village modem that came with your computer is supported by
Apple. The upgrade you are referring to is not supported on any of the
Global Village Platinum V modems that come bundled with any of our
Performa series computers including the Performa 6300 and 6400 series.
Global Village released this upgrade independent from Apple and they are
entitled to do this. As far as I know, they are under no obligation to
provide upgrades for any of the modems bundled with any of our Performa
computers. While Global Village may wish to pursue a commercial upgrade
for these modems, it would be totally independent of Apple.
At this time, Apple has not announced any software or hardware upgrade
plans for the Global Village Teleport Platinum V modem bundled with the
Performa series computers. The modem that came with your computer was
advertised as a 28.8 Kbps modem and that's what we provided. We never
advertised the modem as being upgradeable to 33.6 Kbps.
Rolando Na=F1ez
Apple Support Discussions

Support ... What support ?

Charles A.Brasile
8968 Marquette Dr.

Grosse Ile, Michigan 48138



Date: Thu, 30 Oct 97 11:57:09 -0500
From: Harry Wolfson <>
Subject: Shutdown and Restart problem

Hi there,

I have a Mac IIx, with a DayStar 50 MHz '030 card, that I have been
using for many years. Recently I needed to upgrade the OS from 7.0.1* to
something greater than 7.1. I tried 7.6.1 but afterwards realized that
7.6.1 doesn't support a IIx. Then I installed 7.5.1. Along the way I
re-formatted the internal 210MB non-Apple Quantum hard drive with the
latest driver from APS (v4.1) to make sure I had a clean disk with a
modern SCSI driver.

At one point (I don't remember when exactly) I lost the ability to
shutdown or restart my Mac from the Finder menu. When I select Shutdown
or Restart, all the applications quit, and it looks like it is ready to
shutdown, but then it sort of freezes. The screen stays on, showing the
Finder, and the mouse moves, although it can't select or click on
anything. I can only force it to respond by either: pushing the power
switch on the back panel; quiting the Finder by pressing cmd-opt-esc;
pushing the "programmer's restart" button; or dropping into Macsbug by
clicking cmd-PowerOn. It misbehaves this way whether I have booted from
my internal drive with 7.5.1 or 7.0.1; or from a Zip; or from the Disk
Tools floppy.

Another odd thing: if I leave it in this hung state, it will _sometimes_
complete the shutdown/restart if I leave it alone for 10-20 minutes.

Thanks very much for any suggestions you might have!

Harry Wolfson


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 17:37:08 +0000
From: John Harkness <>
Subject: VRAM Problem

My problem is how to tell how much VRAM is in my computer, preferably
without opening the box.

Here's the background. I bought a new Mac Clone from Computer
Warehouse(UK). This computer, a Stanford, is based on basically the same
motherboard as the Apple 4400. With the purchase I specified 4Mb of VRAM
and was invoiced for a 4Mb SGRAM Module.

My monitor is an Apple 1705 and I expected to be able to get millions of
colours at 1024 x 768 (and even higher resolutions), instead the most I can
get is Thousands. I am using Mac OS 8, do I need another driver for the

So did I get 4Mb or only 2? I would rather not have to open the case as
there are warrenty considerations but if I did what would I look for? Is
there a software method of determining the amount of VRAM?

System: 240MHz 603e, 48Mb RAM, System 8.

John Harkness.



End of Info-Mac Digest