Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #224
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 17 Oct 97       Volume 15 : Issue 224

Today's Topics:

      [*] alfresco 1.0.1
      [*] Avalon 2029
      [*] BattlePong 1.0
      [*] BertrandFAT12
      [*] Boingo Electro 1.1
      [*] Classic Monster Icons
      [*] D-Sound Pro 3.1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] D-SoundPRO 3.1.2: the professional sound editor
      [*] Desktopper 1.0
      [*] Dumpster 2.62
      [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.14
      [*] EyePop2 - 40 Seamless Patterns
      [*] Font Gander Pro 1.1.3.sit
      [*] galactica-de-sprachmodul
      [*] GLMStat 3.0.2
      [*] HarryCheater-0.9b2
      [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.7.4
      [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.7.4
      [*] kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.7.4
      [*] KnowledgeMiner 2.0
      [*] Look Mom, No Hands! 1.3
      [*] Lottery Simulator
      [*] MacChess 3.0.e PPC - Superb free chess program
      [*] MacZine #15 - an incredible e-zine
      [*] MemoryChallenge 1.0
      [*] Mennos-organiser-1.0-fp3
      [*] Monster!_1.0
      [*] Pente 2.1
      [*] Pente 2.1 Update
      [*] RealWorld Desktop Patterns Vol. 1
      [*] SelectXmasIcons - and MagicXmasCursor!
      [*] Smile: The Splattering 1.3
      [*] Smnd20
      [*] SmoothType 1.3.2
      [*] SoundTweak0.1
      [*] StreetFinder 1.01
      [*] Super Cars v1.2
      [*] tcalc.sit
      [*] TileMovie v1.0
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.7 - foreign language learning
      [*] Window Tamer
      [*] WriteAway 2.0-A Hypercard Word Processor
      [*] X-men II Icons Vol.1
      [*] X-men II Icons Vol.3

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Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:26 -0700
Subject: [*] alfresco 1.0.1

Finally, a Kaleidoscope scheme that befits the beauty of a Macintosh.
Alfresco is fundamentally a System-8-like design that has been tweaked
to reflect the exterior beauty of past and present Macintoshes.

A l f r e s c o   1.0.1
(c)1997 Andrew Lee

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/alfresco-101.hqx; 41K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:54 -0700
From: billc@CS.Stanford.EDU
Subject: [*] Avalon 2029

Avalon 2029:
Avalon 2029 is a one player, shoot-em-up style action game. You are a tank
that sits at the bottom of the screen and blasts enemies as they run
around. There are five different types of missions plus a bonus level. You
can get 5 different kinds of guns, missiles, and all kinds of goodies to
help you out.

A Macintosh running at least System 7
Sound Manager 3.0 or later (available from Apple's web site)
3MB of RAM and about 3 MB of hard drive space

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/avalon-2029.hqx; 2066K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 08:09:04 -0700
Subject: [*] BattlePong 1.0

Sent:        10/10/97 1:35 PM

Battle Pong "The Legend Of Tabmok Gnop":
It's Pong with the blood and gore of Mortal Kombat. Choose from 16
different paddles each with their own special moves and fatalities.
- Brandon Kuroda
- Krappy Software (

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/battle-pong-10.hqx; 3873K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 08:09:11 -0700
Subject: [*] BertrandFAT12

Bertrand 1.2 - a symbolic logic problem solver for the MacIntosh.
Shareware ($30 for an individual license).  This FAT version runs in
native mode on both PowerPCs and 680x0 Macs.  (Also available in
PowerPC and 68K versions).  Includes the Bertie font, a brief manual
("Read Me"), a license agreement, a program to facilitate the
registration process ("Register"), Register's help file
("Register.txt"), and a folder of example problems.

New in version 1.2: two new connectives added, Sheffer's Stroke ("not
both") and Joint Denial (neither/nor).

New in version 1.1: Bertrand now correctly recognizes
identity-reflexivity. E.g., ~=aa will now generate a contradiction on
its own.

Bertrand is both an educational aid for students of logic and a
practical tool for philosophers, logicians, computer programmers and
mathematicians. Using an algorithm inspired by the "consistency tree"
method found in Leblanc and Wisdom's textbook "Deductive Logic",
Bertrand proceeds by decomposition and instantiation to solve
first-order predicate logic statements for satisfiability, validity,
equivalence, "logical truth" and "logical falsity."  Subject-equality
is supported.  The program also produces truth-tables for
truth-functional sentences.

During the solution process, Bertrand issues "status reports", giving
the user insight into the method by which Bertrand constructs its
tree.  These status reports can be stepped through one at a time, or
they can be turned off entirely to speed up the solution process.
Once Bertrand has solved a given problem, the tree constructed in the
process is displayed in a scrolling window.   A summary of results is
given in a separate window.  If applicable, a model in the form of a
truth-value assignment to atomic statements is provided.  Tree,  Truth
Table, and Premise files can be saved or printed, once the program has
been registered.

System requirements: a minimum 1 meg of free RAM is recommended, as is
System 7.1 or higher.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/bertrand-12.hqx; 438K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 08:09:05 -0700
Subject: [*] Boingo Electro 1.1

Boingo Electro is a freeware sketch of a neat little game idea we--Dadgum
Games--had.  We've had a lot of fun with it and hope you will too.  As a
little wild-haired, er, "fellow," named "Boingo," you must hop about to
project pulsing power jewels from deadly electric raindrops, avoiding
electrocution in the process.  Don't let the freeware label fool you;
it's addictive.

Boingo Electro requires a Power Macintosh.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/boingo-electro.hqx; 497K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:18 -0700
From: (Mike Bean)
Subject: [*] Classic Monster Icons

The MGRAPHIX Classic Monster Icons is a collection of computer desktop
icons depicting classic monster characters.

You will find more icons, desktop wallpaper and other cool stuff at the
IconsPLUS web site located at


These icons were created strictly for personal use on computer desktops,
use on Internet web pages is prohibited! You may NOT edit or alter these
icon images, unbundle these icons from their original sets or distribute
these icons in any form other than in their original archives.  Please read
the included Read-Me text file for icon use and distribution stipulations.

Individual icon designs are copyright (c) 1997 by MGRAPHIX, Inc.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/monsterc.hqx; 52K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:37 -0700
Subject: [*] D-Sound Pro 3.1.2J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the D-Sound Pro package.

D-SoundPRO is a professional sound editor. It is capable of managing AIFF,
SDII and .WAV sound files and MIDI/SCSI Sample I/O, and it permits very
sophisticated sound manipulations. Its features are:

- Load/Save AIFF, SDII and .WAV mono/stereo 8/16 bits sound files up to 48 kHz
- Akai, E-MU, Kurzweil, Roland, SMDI SCSI sample dump supports
- MIDI SAMPLE DUMP STANDARD and S50, S550, S330 MIDI supports
- Second version of the Virtual Synthesizer module (very stable), to play
samples from the Mac Keyboard or from MIDI (also from a sequencer running on
the same Mac), including an AmpENV ADSR module.
- Midi Notes, Pitch Bender, Sustain Pedal real time midi messages support to
play the Virtual Synthesizer
- Import/Export sounds from 3 1/2 Roland Samplers Disks (W30, S50, S550, S330)
- Import/Export sounds in RAW format
- Yamaha SY sample headers support
- Sophisticated and undoable sample edit & clipboard management
- Floating palettes for edit tools, loops monitoring, sample info, and
Virtual Keyboard.
- X-Fade looping algorithm with programmable window length & X-fade coefficient
- Time Stretching and Frequency Shifting parametric algorithms by a Spectral
- DSP Mono, Stereo, MultiTap Delay and Stereoizer effects
- Rhythm loop for fast auto looping of musical audio files
- HQ Digital Oscillator function to generate new synthesized sound waves (up
to 10 detunable SW oscillators at the same time!)
- Resample using interpolation
- Pitch conversion
- Normalization
- Complex sample extraction functions
- Zooms and visual tools
- Full OMS 1.2 (or better) support
- It is a FAT application - it runs native on PowerMac

Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English/Japanese Japanese/English
Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/d-sound-pro-312-jp.hqx; 1783K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:39 -0700
Subject: [*] D-SoundPRO 3.1.2: the professional sound editor

D-SoundPRO 3.1.2
COPYRIGHT =A9 1997 - Stefano Daino
All rights reserved

D-SoundPRO is a professional graphical sound editor with a Virtual
Synthesizer Module. It load/save AIFF, SDII and .WAV sound files, supports
MIDI/SCSI Sample to/from most samplers, and it permits very advanced sound

- Load/Save AIFF, SDII and .WAV mono/stereo 8/16 bits sound files up to 48
- Akai, E-MU, Kurzweil, Roland, SMDI SCSI sample dump supports - MIDI
SAMPLE DUMP STANDARD and S50, S550, S330 and Yamaha SY sample headers
MIDI supports - New Virtual Synthesizer module (now very stable), to
play samples from the Mac Keyboard or from MIDI (also from a sequencer
running on the same Mac), including a real time AmpENV ADSR module. -
Midi Notes, Pitch Bender, Sustain Pedal midi real time messages support
- Import/Export sounds from 3 1/2 Roland Samplers Disks (W30, S50, S550,
S330) - Import/Export sounds in RAW format - Undoable sample graphical
editing, including loops monitoring, sample
info, programmable X-Fade looping algorithm, Time Stretching and Frequency
Shifting by a Spectral Resynthesizer, DSP Mono, Stereo, MultiTap Delay and
Stereoizer effects, Rhythm and Autoloops, multiple HQ Digital Oscillators
(sine, saw, tri, square, pulse width) generator, Resampling, Pitch
conversion, Normalization, Auto-extraction, Zooms and visual tools, more...
- OMS 1.2 (or better) support
- It is a FAT application - it runs native on PowerMac
- Japanese and Italian versions available (German and French very soon)
- User Manual included

System requirements:    System 7.1, SoundManager 3.1 and a 68020 MAC
supporting 16 bit audio (68030 mac recommended for MIDI and PowerMac for
full performaces). Optional: MIDI interface and synth supporting SCSI I/O
or MIDI Sample Dump Standard, a MAC with sound inputs, OMS 1.2 (or better)
required only for MIDI I/O.
D-SoundPRO is a program which is distributed as SHAREWARE. This version is
fully operating.  You are permitted to use it on a trial basis for up to 15
days. If you wish to continue using this product beyond that period, you
are expected to pay a registration fee of $39 (the update fee for 2.x
registered users is $10).

Stefano Daino

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/d-sound-pro-312.hqx; 1809K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:14 -0700
Subject: [*] Desktopper 1.0

Desktopper reveals icons on Finder's desktop, even when they are
obscured by other application's windows.

* A Macintosh equipped with a 68040 or PowerPC processor
* System 7.5 or later
* 500K of available RAM

For more information, please visit our web page at:

(c) 1997 Recurring Dream

Jeff Hokit

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/desktopper.hqx; 393K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:16 -0700
Subject: [*] Dumpster 2.62

Dumpster is now compatible with Aaron, Kaleidoscope 1.7.2 and Mac 0S8.

Dumpster is a Trash Can replacement utility that allows the user to select a
trash can of his choice and have it replace the standard Mac OS trash can.
Dumpster automatically installs a new trash can at each startup . This is a =
version of Dumpster and is limited to only 140 replacement trash cans. The
registered version of Dumpster is PowerPC native and comes with an
additional 250
replacement trash cans.

The Dumpster Installer will install a folder on your Desktop called
Dumpster Demo
=9F, a file called DumpsterCans in your System Folder and DumpsterInit into =
extension folder.

Please, if you experience any problem with  Dumpster please contact me at=
 any of
the e-mail addresses below:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/dumpster-262.hqx; 420K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:12 -0700
Subject: [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.14

This is the fourteenth issue of Electric Broadsheet,
a new publication from Poetry Ink Productions.

Electric Broadsheet is free but copyright 1997 by Electric Broadsheet
and Poetry Ink Productions. Please see the enclosed Read Me file
for more information.

We give our permission for this file to be included
on the Info-Mac CD-ROM, with our usual stipulations.

Thank you.

Matthew W. Schmeer

[Archived as /info-mac/per/elec/electric-broadsheet-114.hqx; 99K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:23 -0700
Subject: [*] EyePop2 - 40 Seamless Patterns

EyePoppers are AMAZING sets of freeware patterns developed by Giles C. Hendrix
at webslingerZ, Inc.  This is the second set, containing 40 beautiful and
functional 3D seamlessly tiled patterns great for desktops, web backgrounds,
web graphics, and 3D models.  This set also features an all new
cross-compatible HTML interface.  Get the motherload of all patterns now!

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/eye-pop-2.hqx; 684K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 08:09:08 -0700
Subject: [*] Font Gander Pro 1.1.3.sit

Font Gander Pro 1.1.3.sit

Son of the original shareware hit, now better than ever! Font Gander Pro
allows you to view and print font samples without first installing the
fonts. With Drag-and-Drop simplicity, you can open and print whole folders
or disks full of fonts at one time. Renders TrueTypes and Type-1's at high
resolution, and works with any printer. Includes the Gander Quill editor -
as friendly as any draw program - which allows you to design your own
layouts featuring up to 99 fonts per page!. This is the ONLY font sampler
program that gives you these features.

New in this version: The tab key now pages you through the font menu list;
shift-tab pages in reverse. Also, the magnifier window can no longer go
part-way offscreen in grid mode.

Requires: System 7 or higher, MacII or higher.

*Inclusion on CD-ROM permitted*

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-gander-pro-113.hqx; 386K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:43 -0700
Subject: [*] galactica-de-sprachmodul

This is an update to the original German language module that was included
with Galactica 1.1.2. It is a much improved translation, the result of a
collaborative effort between Matthias Wuttke and Peter Scholl.

Requires Galactica 1.1.2

[Archived as /info-mac/game/galactica-de-sprachmodul.hqx; 33K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:06 -0700
Subject: [*] GLMStat 3.0.2

GLMStat is a Macintosh-based statistical program for analysing generalised
linear models.
It provides  a macintosh interface but otherwise operates in a similar
fashion to GLIM but with less features (most of which you probably won't
miss). Features of GLMStat are

 - spreadsheet style data entry
 - Normal, Poisson, Binomial and Gamma models with appropriate links and
 specification of convergence and aliasing parameters
 - Scatter and Residual plots
 - Matrix scatterplots
 - Box and Whisker plots
 - Frequency distribution histograms
 - Output of deviance, parameter estimates, residuals and parameter
 - Saving of data files complete with all model specifications.
 - printing of data, graph and results.
 - Online Help (under the apple menu) and a brief User Manual.
 - includes example data files for most examples in two of the texts.
 - Installer for PowerPC, 68K or FAT binary versions
 - Individual licences available for $US20. Site licences $US150. World
site licence $US450. Payment in $US through Kagi Shareware.
 - Upgrades currently free. (New licences after June 1998 will not be
 entitled to free major upgrades)

Unregistered copies are fully functional but will revert to demo mode
(Save and Save As disabled) at the end of January 1998.

This is a release fixes the following problems
 - fixed bug when calculating normal scores for residual graphs and some
other scatter plots with weight=0 caused error in graphs and crashes
 - temporarily (hopefully) removed Revert command as not working properly
 - fixed bug which caused occaisonal crash after errors found in importing
 - added round function to transforms
 - added warning in Format if changing from real to integer and values are
 - fixed bug which caused non display of clicked on point in scatter graphs
with binomial proportion

Ken Beath

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/glm-stat-302.hqx; 968K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 08:09:07 -0700
Subject: [*] HarryCheater-0.9b2

HarryCheater-0.9b2 - This is a quick and dirty hack that lets you tweak the
files for "Harry the Hansome Executive" by Ambrosia. Just drag and drop saved
files onto the application, the rest is self explanatory. I'm planning on
cleaning up the interface quite a bit and adding some other nifty functions
re-enabling the copy machines on the current level), but this should do the
for now.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/harry-cheater-09b2.hqx; 30K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:27 -0700
Subject: [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.7.4

Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.7.4 (October 15th, 1997)
by David-Artur Daix

David's Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection contains new color
schemes for use with Kaleidoscope, the now famous control panel written
by Greg Landweber, Edward Voas and Frederick Bass. Those schemes are
enhanced to take full advantage of Kaleidoscope latest features,
including better Mac OS 8 compatibility and better support for black and
white displays. They require Kaleidoscope 1.5 or later to work.

David's Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection is shareware and costs
$10. Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware.

For the latest versions of my shareware, visit my home page located at

Thanks for supporting the shareware system!

(David's Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection may be included on the
Info-Mac and AMUG CD-ROMs. It has been checked with SAM 4.5.1)

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/kalscp-hitech-schemes-174.hqx; 736K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:29 -0700
Subject: [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.7.4

Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.7.4 (October 15th, 1997)
by David-Artur Daix

The Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection contains color schemes for
use with Kaleidoscope, the now famous control panel written by Greg
Landweber, Edward Voas and Frederick Bass. Those schemes are enhanced to
take full advantage of Kaleidoscope latest features, including better Mac
OS 8 compatibility and better support for black and white displays. They
require Kaleidoscope 1.5 or later to work.

The Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection is shareware and costs $10.
Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware.

For the latest versions of my shareware, visit my home page located at

Thanks for supporting the shareware system!

(David's Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection may be included on the
Info-Mac CD-ROM. It has been checked with SAM 4.5.1)

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/kalscp-pattern-schemes-174.hqx; 973K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:32 -0700
Subject: [*] kaleidoscope scheme

....a collegiate Kaleidoscope scheme

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/nittany.hqx; 200K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:30 -0700
Subject: [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.7.4

Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.7.4 (October 15th, 1997)
by David-Artur Daix

The Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection contains new color schemes for
use with Kaleidoscope 1.5, the now famous control panel written by Greg
Landweber, Edward Voas and Frederick Bass. Those schemes are enhanced to
take full advantage of Kaleidoscope latest features, including better Mac
OS 8 compatibility and better support for black and white displays. They
require Kaleidoscope 1.5 or later to work.

David's Kaleidoscope Schemes Collection is shareware and costs $10.
Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware.

For the latest versions of my shareware, visit my home page located at

Thanks for supporting the shareware system!

(David's Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection may be included on the
Info-Mac and AMUG CD-ROMs. It has been checked with SAM 4.5.1)

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/kalscp-silver-schemes-174.hqx; 727K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:08 -0700
Subject: [*] KnowledgeMiner 2.0

KnowledgeMiner 2.0 the Revolutionary Modeling and
Prediction Tool for Macintosh Computers

KnowledgeMiner can be downloaded free now from:

KnowledgeMiner is a powerful, easy-to-use modeling and
prediction tool which was designed to support the knowledge
extraction process from data in a highly automated way. It
works using two advanced self-organizing modeling
technologies: Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) and
Analog Complexing. This is the first time that both of these
algorithms have been available on any computer platform.

Built on the cybernetic principles of self-organization,
KnowledgeMiner brings high-end modeling capabilities to your
desktop without the need for an expert. It can learn completely
unknown relationships between the outputs and inputs of a given
system in an evolutionary way from a very simple organization
to an optimally complex one by itself.

KnowledgeMiner has been used successfully for analysis and
prediction in the fields of finance, economics, imaging,
ecology, health, biotechnology, chemistry, math and many
others. Professionals in many areas can benefit by downloading
and trying out the examples then using this tool to mine their
own field for new relationships.

In comparison with statistical modeling tools and neural
networks KnowledgeMiner stands out as easier, faster and more
applicable to a wide range of real-world problems since it
creates the model structure or network topology automatically
without predefinition. This makes KnowledgeMiner the least
expensive and most effective modeling and prediction tool
available on any platform.

Hardware Requirements 68020, Power Mac or higher, MacOS
7.0 or later, 8+MB RAM, Hard Drive, Apple Guide, and QuickTime
To use KnowledgeMiner Pro properly a fast Power Mac is recommended.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/knowledgeminer-20.hqx; 1548K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:17 -0700
Subject: [*] Look Mom, No Hands! 1.3

Look Mom, No Hands! 1.3
A Shareware Contextual Menus Utility
[Info-Mac path: /gui/LookMomNoHands.hqx]

Annoyed at pressing the Control key to open Contextual Menus? "Look
Mom, No Hands!" lets you open Contextual Menus by just holding down the
mouse button, keeping your other hand free for the coffee cup. This
handy $9 Shareware requires less than 10K of RAM, installs in less than
a minute, and is definitely a must-have for every Mac OS 8 lover!

+ Automatically opens Contextual Menus without the Control key
+ Small, efficient code (< 10 K)
+ Installs in less than a minute
+ Accelerated for PowerPC
+ works on 68040 computers
+ Mac First, Mac Only, Mac Forever!

System Requirements
+ a 68040 or PowerPC computer running Mac OS 8.

What's new in this release:

Version 1.3
+ no longer restricted to the Finder!
+ unregistered version does not interrupt the startup process
+ new "Register Online" application

Copyright & Legal Stuff

"Look Mom, No Hands" was developed and is (c) by Andreas Pizsa. All
rights reserved "Look Mom, No Hands", Tools & Toys and the Tools & Toys
Logo are trademarks by Andreas Pizsa. All rights reserved. Mac OS is a
trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/look-mom-no-hands-13.hqx; 87K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:44 -0700
Subject: [*] Lottery Simulator

This program is designed for the British National Lottery, where six
balls are drawn from 49. I am happy to recompile it for any other rules

You can do two things with this: first you can pick sets of numbers, and
secondly, you can run a simulation which will tell you how many 'wins'
you have had and of what kind. It's useful to see with some kind of
realism what your chances really are of scooping 'the big one'. Let's
say, I haven't done the lottery for a long time since then!!!

It has been tested on Mac System 7.0 and 7.1.
It requires about 600KB of disk space, and about 360KB of free RAM to



[Archived as /info-mac/game/lottery.hqx; 373K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:52 -0700
Subject: [*] MacChess 3.0.e PPC - Superb free chess program

FREE! chess software. Master strength, loads of features, very polished.
(For PowerMacs only - MacChess 2.5.1 is still the current 68K version).
Very popular: Over 40,000 downloads of MacChess 2.x on AOL.
(If you have MacChess 3.0, download 3.0.e only if you want to have
MacChess play automatically against other Mac chess programs).

The MacChess Web Page is at:

This version is from the 1996 Dutch Computer Chess Championship.
Scored 2480 USCF on the "One-Hour Computer Chess Reports Test" (6100/66)

Much, much stronger than MacChess 2.5 due to increased speed - over
13 times faster than MacChess 2.5 on a 6100/66 without Speed Doubler.

New in 3.0.e
  Now MacChess can play against GNUChess, Crafty or ZZZZZZ automatically
  using the freeware utility ExaChess Lite (or the commercial ExaChess).
New Features since v2.5:
- PowerPC native - MUCH stronger on Power Macintoshes.
- Special "Easy" levels for learners to play against.
- Expanded opening book
- "Next Best Move" option for getting the second best move.
- "Log" option records MacChess's analysis during a game.
- Can a set of EPD test positions in "batch" analysis mode.
- Updates the nodes/sec information more frequently.
Old features: 5 piece sets, hint, move takeback, pause, save/load games,
print position as PICT, print game score, animated game playbaback with
"VCR" controls, read/write EPD/PGN formats, many strength settings, etc.

(c) 1997 by Wim van Beusekom,
Requires System 7, 3.5 Mb RAM, and a Power Macintosh.
Do not distribute for profit or on CD-ROM without permission.
(Permission granted for Pacific Hitech Info-Mac CD-ROMS)

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/macchess-30e-ppc.hqx; 529K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:10 -0700
Subject: [*] MacZine #15 - an incredible e-zine

here it is the latest issue of MacZine, the first italian e-zine
dedicated to the shareware and freeware world of Macintosh.
In every issue of MacZine you will find articles, reviews and interviews
in full color pages!
In this issue we feature:

- An incredible interview with Ambrosia's Andrew Welch
- Kaleidoscope: a myth
- English Italian: and incredible translator
- UltraFind
- The third installment of a column dedicated to plug-ins
- Plug-Master: a special software that allows you to manage all your
- MaCthugha
- Starry Night: an interplanetary voyage

MacZine is great, funny, interesting and it is completely FREE!
Please download it, read it and let us know if you enjoyed it :-)

ATTENTION: MacZine is written in italian. If you don't understand this
language don't worry: try to download an issue of MacZine International,
the english version of our e-zine. You can find it in every Info-Mac
mirror in the /per/macz directory.

Happy reading,
Aaron Ghirardelli
MacZine Coordinator

[Archived as /info-mac/per/macz/maczine-15.hqx; 1103K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:45 -0700
From: Chuck.Smyrniotis@GSC.GTE.Com
Subject: [*] MemoryChallenge 1.0

It is with great pleasure that today I am submitting my  MemoryChallenge
shareware for possible inclussion in the various macintosh archives.
MemoryChallenge is a fun game for every one, young and old alike.
Colorful icons, smart board configurations and multiple levels of
complexity make this game an attractive companion for every Macintosh
computer. The only requirements are simple pick and click actions and
memory concentration.MemoryChallenge was created by Chuck Smyrniotis at
Rapid Prototyping Technology. This program requires a Macintosh computer
with a color monitor; preferably MacOS  7.0 or later. It is distributed
as shareware with a five dollar registration fee.Thank you!Chuck

[Archived as /info-mac/game/memory-challenge-11.hqx; 36K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 08:09:17 -0700
Subject: [*] Mennos-organiser-1.0-fp3

Menno's Organiser 1.0 (for FP3)

Menno's Organiser 1.0 FP3 is a full-featured Organizer where you can keep
	a To Do List, a Day Planner, track of your expenses, track of your work
time, your cars mileages, charts on your contacts and write letters and
faxes from. All this from a single file with a perpetual calendar, called
"Organise.FP3". In every layout there is on line help available.

What is required.
To work with this open the "Organise.FP3"-file.
Do not rename any of the files nor set an incorrect date in your System (If
you do the organiser may notice that and may refuse to start up).
This file system needs at least Filemaker Pro3.0v4 to work. It will not work
on older versions.
Set your monitor at 256 colours/grayscales or more
and set the screen resolution at at least 800x600, if you don't the
organizer will break off launching. *This will work on a MacOS=81 and on a
WinTel computer with Claris FilemakerPro3.0v4 installed. What is the
story. I have been travelling very much and living in hotels the past 6
years and I needed to keep track work time, contacts, expenses, letters,
drives with the car and lost more. So I started to develop this
Organis(z)er that started as a simple expenses list in 1994 in Filemaker
Pro=81 1.0 and has evolved into what I present to you here. In februari
1996 I started this file system totally new so I have put a tremendous
amount of time and effort into it and I hope that you will enjoy and
appreciate it. What does it cost. This is a demonstration copy that will
expire (lock up) 90 days after using it the first time, expiring is the
only restriction to it. If you would like to keep using this, pay the
share ware fee of US$20.00. The information you need to register is
completely available in the Organise.FP3 file. After I 've received your
fee I send you a new copy that won't expire. Disclaimer If you use this,
you do so entirely, totally, completely at your very, very own risk. I
do not accept any liability and responsibility.  NL-604 3440AP. I'm of for a (_)]  :-D

[Archived as /info-mac/data/mennos-organiser-10-fp3.hqx; 481K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:33 -0700
Subject: [*] Monster!_1.0

Monster! 1.0 - is a freeware desktop theme designed to make your Macintosh
into a
really cool monster for Halloween - or anytime of the year for that matter. This
set is relatively small but contains very high quality work in the form of
desktop patterns and a few sounds that are actually short enough to USE as alert
sounds. Robert Steel -

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/monster-10.hqx; 556K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:48 -0700
Subject: [*] Pente 2.1

Pente 2.1 is a computer version of the tradicional game of Pente (Pen-tay).
It features player vs. player and computer vs. player modes, ofering
three diferent skill levels.  It is great fun for killing time.  Version
2.1 fixes
a problem with the intermediate and advanced levels.

System requirements:
* System 6.5
* Any Macintosh with 14" display.

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed.

Rodrigo Alvarez

	  Rodrigo Alvarez


[Archived as /info-mac/game/pente-21.hqx; 417K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:46 -0700
Subject: [*] Pente 2.1 Update

Pente 2.1 is a computer version of the tradicional game of Pente (Pen-tay).
It features player vs. player and computer vs. player modes, ofering
three diferent skill levels.  It is great fun for killing time.

This file updates Pente 2.0 to Pente 2.1.  This fixes a problem with the
intermediate and advanced levels.   If you do not have Pente 2.0 you may
download the full version Pente 2.1.

System requirements:
* System 6.5
* Any Macintosh with 14" display.

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed.

Rodrigo Alvarez

	  Rodrigo Alvarez


[Archived as /info-mac/game/pente-20-to-21-update.hqx; 17K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:25 -0700
Subject: [*] RealWorld Desktop Patterns Vol. 1

RealWorld Desktop Patterns Vol. 1

A collection of desktop patterns to be used with Mac OS 7.5 and above's
Desktop Patterns control panel. These were designed to make your Mac's
desktop look nice without being distracting or annoying.  The set includes
33 pattern clippings (10 patterns with color variations).

Michael Rush

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/real-world-patterns-vol-1.hqx; 523K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:34 -0700
Subject: [*] SelectXmasIcons - and MagicXmasCursor!

SelectXmasIcons and
1997 Jason Rainbows'
Magic Theatre Art and Design
Requires System 7,
256 colors

"Come with me / and you'll see / a Land of Pure Imagination..."

-Willie Wonka

"SelectXmasIcons" is the most recent addition to the "SelectIcon"
series of award winning icons!

These exquisite jewels are an elegant addition to even the
most discriminating desktop environment. Destined to become
"hand-me-down heirlooms" in your Icon Archives for years to
come, these delicate keepsakes and treasures are an undeniable
testimonial to your appreciation of the finest quality products

Included in this set is a unique string of folders that, when strung
together on your desktop, become Santa's sleigh - complete with
elf, Christmas gifts and 12 tiny reindeers! When selected, the
words "MERRY CHRISTMAS" magically appear!

If you have never experienced the stunning "SelectIcon" effect,
you are in for a real treat! A hallmark of icon design, these
beautiful gems are an exquisite addition to any desktop
environment. Creative and functional, they will bring years
of enjoyment and use for you and your friends.

Also, included is a special Christmas gift - from me to you.

It's a small extension that changes your normal arrow cursor into
a cleverly animated transparent color-changing Christmas Tree
Light Bulb Cursor! It's a hard visual to describe, you'll just have to
experience it for yourself. To use "MagicXmasCursor", simply drop
it into your Extensions folder and restart. It's that easy.


-Jason Rainbows

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/select-xmas-icons.hqx; 153K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Smile: The Splattering 1.3

Smile!: The Splattering 1.3 is an interactive, animated stress-buster in
which the user may employ various methods to inflict pain and suffering on an
adorable smiley face. This version replaces all previous versions.

Shareware ($12 U.S.)

Requires: A color mac 4MB RAM

The DEMO version of this program may be freely distributed electronically or
via CD-ROM so long as I am notified.

Gregory Katsoulis
HERE software

[Archived as /info-mac/game/smile.hqx; 2673K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:09 -0700
From: bc_shanfelde@ACAD.FANDM.EDU
Subject: [*] Smnd20

Smnd is a program which allows "interactive" exploration of the Mandelbrot
and Julia sets, in addition to any of the generalized 2-d "Escape Time
Fractals."  The calculation algorithm is written in highly optimized PPC
assembly and should result in realtime display updates on any 100mhz+ PPC.
This allows for realtime animations of Julia sets as one traces out points
in the Mandelbrot set!

Here is a brief list of Smnd's features.  Smnd provides facilities for
continuous variation of parameters, realtime panning, realtime zooming
in/out, magnification of regions, displaying a point's orbit, display
scaling, 256 levels of undo, palette controls, palette load/save, set
load/save, export of QuickTime movies(beta), and extensive control over the
program's configuration and display.

System Requirements:
PPC Macintosh(100mhz+ recommended).
System 7.0 or better.
512k of free memory.
256 color display or better.

Ben Shanfelder

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/smnd-20.hqx; 50K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 08:09:10 -0700
From: greg@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU
Subject: [*] SmoothType 1.3.2

SmoothType 1.3.2 -- 10 October 1997 -- Shareware Fee: $5
by Greg Landweber (coauthor of Aaron, Kaleidoscope)

SmoothType is an extension that effectively doubles the resolution of
fonts on the screen. It blurs the jagged edges of bitmap fonts using
shades of gray, a technique called anti-aliasing. It makes a web page
look like a printed page, and it makes Charcoal actually look good!
Version 1.3.2 fixes problems with Mathematica, Font Gander, and
printing and faxing.

-- Greg Landweber

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/smooth-type-132.hqx; 80K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:40 -0700
Subject: [*] SoundTweak0.1

SoundTweak performs useful time-domain DSP algorithms on SoundDesigner II
files. So far, phase inversion and dynamic compression (hard knee, RMS) are
fully implemented, and there is a functional (though unfinished) reverb
function. I'm releasing this early to get feedback from users, so please
email me with comments, suggestions, feature requests, etc.

SoundTweak is postcardware. It's a fat binary and should run on any Mac.

Joe Futrelle

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/sound-tweak-01.hqx; 72K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:13 -0700
Subject: [*] StreetFinder 1.01

StreetFinder 1.01 - is a 6K package which implements the Manhattan Address
Locator algorithm found in the NYNEX Yellow Pages. Given an avenue name and a
building number in Manhattan, StreetFinder will tell you the nearest
cross-street. It also does a similar thing for addresses on side-streets: it can
tell you (roughly) the nearest avenue. Freeware. by Alan Simon

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/street-finder-101.hqx; 10K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:50 -0700
Subject: [*] Super Cars v1.2

Super Carz is a one or two player car racing game for the Mac.
It requires a 640x480 monitor capable of displaying 256 colors, 2Mb of
free ram, a hard disk and a 68030 processor or faster.
Version 1.2 includes the option of harder computer players and fixes some
bugs among other minor things.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/super-carz-12.hqx; 766K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:36 -0700
Subject: [*] tcalc.sit


TCalc is a SMPTE Time code Calculator application that has the following

        Calculates in:
Frames/Second (NTSC) 29.97 Frames/Seconds (Drop-Frame) 25 Frames/Second
(PAL) Allows multiple Calculators to be in use concurrently Each
Calculator is independent of the others, allowing for individual
calculation modes Keypad key mapping makes Timecode data entry simple
and fast Most menu functions and buttons have keyboard equivalents for
efficient operations Absolute Frame Count calculations can always be
performed or viewed from each Calculator window Online help is easily
accessible from within the application Calculations are performed as
soon as you've entered anything in the Calculator window Addition and
subtraction operations are provided Any calculated result can be copied
to the Clipboard for use by other applications Runs on any Macintosh or
clone with System 7.0 or later installed Operates in less than 300K
bytes of main memory Free demo, unlimited use version $27.00 (USD)

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/tcalc.hqx; 442K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:41 -0700
Subject: [*] TileMovie v1.0

TileMovie is a small application which plays QuickTime movies tiled across
your monitor. You can choose large or small tiles, set the movie to loop or
to play just one time, and a few other settings. Watch 25 or 100 copies of
your favorite movie, at the same time!

TileMovie is freeware, and may be used for any non-commercial purpose.

System requirements:
  System 7.0 or greater
  QuickTime 1.5 or greater
  68040 or PowerMac
  works in 8 or 16 bit color; main monitor must be 640 by 480 or greater

For more information, please see our Web page at:

Chris Kelly
Samizdat Productions

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/tile-movie.hqx; 20K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 08:09:13 -0700
Subject: [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.7 - foreign language learning

Here is the new verision of the 'Verbs and Nouns' application - 1.7.

'Verbs & Nouns' is an application for practising inflection, translation
and pronunciation at the level of single words. Features include the
opportunity to do inflection exercises, and translation exercises in
both directions; to record and play sound for single words; and to do
exercises based on sound. The program keeps a record of exercises, and
identifies the words that the student has difficulty with. Along with
the program, you need a module for the target language concerned. The
program can also be used as an authoring tool to write your own modules
of inflected words for any language. A built-in 'inflection-generator'
simplifies the addition of these words. A 'Find' feature allows the
modules to be used as bilingual dictionaries.

Ready-made modules are already available for certain languages. You can
visit my home-page to get more information:


Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-17.hqx; 1074K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:20 -0700
Subject: [*] Window Tamer

Window Tamer is an extension for Mac OS 8 that allows you to easily
organize your Finder windows. View Options, position, and size of your
windows are easily modifiable. Your preferences can be saved and
recalled with one mouse click, without ever having to leave the Finder.

Version 1.1b2 is a public beta that fixes some problems on
603/603e-based machines, as well as providing some enhancements.

System Requirements:

Mac OS 8
256k of RAM

The archive contains both 68k and PowerPC versions of Window Tamer.

For more information, visit the Window Tamer web page at

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/window-tamer-11b21.hqx; 226K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:05 -0700
Subject: [*] WriteAway 2.0-A Hypercard Word Processor

WriteAway is a word processor for Hypercard. It lets you open text
files, write text, save your writings as text files, print text, and
have your computer speak it (if you have Speech Manager installed).
When you write text, it gets saved inside WriteAway automatically (so
if your computer crashes, most of your text will still be there). To
share it with other Macs, just save it. The toolbar lets you easily
navigate around WriteAway and perform other functions like saving,
printing, and opening. WriteAway has a word count, character count,
and a "Set Text to Plain" menu item which makes all your text plain.
Version 2.0 has some bug fixes too (2 bugs have been fixed from 1.1).
One more thing is the "WriteAway Typing Goodies." Want to know what
they are? Download WriteAway and you'll see.
WriteAway requires Hypercard or Hypercard Player and a 512x384 or
larger monitor.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/write-away-hc.hqx; 38K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:21 -0700
Subject: [*] X-men II Icons Vol.1

The MGRAPHIX X-men II Icons Vol.1 is a collection of hand drawn computer
desktop icons depicting characters from X-men comics.

You will find more icons, desktop wallpaper and other cool stuff at the
IconsPLUS web site located at


These icons were created strictly for personal use on computer desktops,
use on Internet web pages is prohibited! You may NOT edit or alter these
icon images, unbundle these icons from their original sets or distribute
these icons in any form other than in their original archives.  Please read
the included Read-Me text file for icon use and distribution stipulations.

The X-men and all X-men characters are [TM] and copyright Marvel
Characters, Inc. However, the individual icon designs are copyright 1997 by

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/x-men-2-1.hqx; 58K]


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 06:49:22 -0700
Subject: [*] X-men II Icons Vol.3

The MGRAPHIX X-men II Icons Vol.3 is a collection of hand drawn computer
desktop icons depicting characters from X-men comics.

You will find more icons, desktop wallpaper and other cool stuff at the
IconsPLUS web site located at


These icons were created strictly for personal use on computer desktops,
use on Internet web pages is prohibited! You may NOT edit or alter these
icon images, unbundle these icons from their original sets or distribute
these icons in any form other than in their original archives.  Please read
the included Read-Me text file for icon use and distribution stipulations.

The X-men and all X-men characters are [TM] and copyright Marvel
Characters, Inc. However, the individual icon designs are copyright 1997 by

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/x-men-2-3.hqx; 59K]



End of Info-Mac Digest