Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #206
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 23 Sep 97       Volume 15 : Issue 206

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#398/22-Sep-97
      (A) Decoding Base  64 attachments
      (Q) Mac X 2.0 released?
      (Q) Working with Postscript files on a Mac
      [Q] Sounds & Monitors CP won't switch sound source
      [Q] To Do list manager
      Automatic Restart?
      battery problems
      Converting Thinnet to 10-BaseT [Q]
      Decoding base 64 attachments. Thanks for ALL replies.
      Eudora Nicknames to Unix (A)
      fundamental picture making
      fundamental picture making
      HELP: connecting LAN to Internet
      Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network?
      Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network?
      LaserWriter Bridge 2.1 wanted
      MacTools Pro Updater??
      No Multifunction Printers for Mac?
      password saver
      PB 1400: single printer/modem port
      PB150 Beeps and fails to boot
      PC SCSI CD-Rom drives to our beloved Mac?
      Performa 405 battery
      Possible to block user from quitting an app?
      PowerComputing Future?
      PowerPC 8600/300 Video Capture's DAVe slot??
      Vanishing icons
      Vanishing icons
      When to buy a new powerbook
      When to buy a new powerbook

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Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 20:46:09 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#398/22-Sep-97


Now that you've installed Mac OS 8, are you taking advantage of its new
features? This week we put contextual menus in context. In the news
department we note the upcoming first issue of NetBITS, Steve Jobs's new
post, and details on the Mac OS Up-to-Date Program covering clone
purchasers. We also have more Virtual PC information, news of the
spam-fighting EIMS 2.0b2, and the second installment of Rick Holzgrafe's
Successful Shareware piece.

    Of Mice and Menus
    Successful Shareware, Part 2


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-398.etx; 30K]


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 11:52:33 -0400
From: "Zafar A. Punjani" <>
Subject: (A) Decoding Base  64 attachments

At 8:15 AM -0600 9/18/97, Robert Zimmerman wrote:
>On Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:26:09 +0100 Trevor Harris <> wrote:
>>I have recently received several attachments embedded in email messages and
>>have been unable to decode them. How do I decode a base 64 encoded
>>'attachment' that is embedded in a mail message? Up to now I have had to
>>forward the complete message to a PC based network administrator who has
>>returned the attachment as a seperate file which is what I require. I am
>>using Eudora Light 3.11 and have Uuundo 1.0b1 and uucd 2.4.4 as well as
>>stuffit expander 4.0.2. Any help appreciated.
>Try Mpack 1.5, which I believe is available on Info-Mac.  I also remeber
>reading that Stuffit 4.5 will support base64 decoding, though I haven't
>upgraded yet to verify this.

YA Base 64 version 1.2.9 does the job for me quite well.



Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 10:56:47 -0700
From: Mark Allen <>
Subject: (Q) Mac X 2.0 released?

Apple was supposed to release this summer Mac X 2.0, a major update to
Apple's Unix client. Does anyone know whether this is out yet and, if so,
where I can get more info about it?


Mark Allen


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 11:09:26 -0700
From: Mark Allen <>
Subject: (Q) Working with Postscript files on a Mac

I have a Power Mac 7500 running OS 8. In the past, I tried to view
Postscript files on my screen using several variants of Ghostscript adapted
for the Mac. I've had very mixed success with these programs. Also, I have
need to convert Postscript files to eps files.

I was wondering whether anyone has found a consistently stable solution to
viewing Postscript files on one's screen, rather than just having to print
out the files. (I know that one can distill the file to a pdf file and then
view it, but this seems to be unneccessary extra hassle.) In particular,
I've seen the new releases of MacGS-5.01 and GhostScript 3.33. Is one more
stable than the other under OS 8? Are there any differences in

In addition, I've seen out there PS2EPS+ 1.0, which also makes use of the
Ghostscript engine to produce eps files. Does anyone have experience with
this? Stability?

Is PS2EPS+ another option for viewing Postscript on the screen? Can
MacGS-5.01 and GhostScript 3.33 be used also to create eps files?

Thanks for any and all advice offered.

Mark Allen


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 97 10:21:10 -0500
From: Domenico Bettinelli <>
Subject: [Q] Sounds & Monitors CP won't switch sound source

I have a PowerCenter 120 running OS 8. I'm trying to switch the sound 
source, in the Sounds & Monitor CP, from Internal CD to Microphone but it 
won't let me. When I try to select Microphone, it beeps and reverts to 
Internal CD. I've already checked to make sure that Speech Recognition is 
not turned on; in fact it is not even installed. Any ideas?

Domenico Bettinelli, Jr.<><>
Catholic World News <> <>


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 19:53:50 +0200
From: Sven Luetkemeier <>
Subject: [Q] To Do list manager


I'm looking for a TO DO list manager.

Currently, I'm using Claris Organizer for this purpose, but it's very
limited. With Organizer I'm able to create a simple task like "prepare
barbecue". But Organizer doesn't allow me to add "sub-tasks" to this task
like "clean the house, invite friends, buy food & drinks" etc. So, what I'm
looking for is a more outliner-like approach to task managemt.

Is there a small tool for the mac available that can handle such things?



Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 09:17:50 -0400
From: Ephraim Fithian <>
Subject: Automatic Restart?

Scott writes:

>Does anyone know of any software that will automatically restart a Mac
>(at a specified time or times)  that is compatible with MacOS8? I used to
>use MacRestart, but it won't run under system 8. The software would have
>to quit any open applications and restart a single, non networked Mac.

Hi Scott,

This is a standard feature of Energy Saver control panel in OS8.

Ephraim Fithian <>
8600/300MHz/98MB/4GB/4VRam/17se2/GV56kX2/ZIP/CD24/SnapScan/Epson SC800


Date: 	Tue, 23 Sep 1997 13:16:43 +0200
From: "H. Schlichter" <>
Subject: battery problems


I recently experienced the following problem with my PowerMac 6100/60
AV, 64 MB (memory) and running MacOS 8.

+ At startup the disk spins, however the machine does not boot; also the
screen keeps dark.

+ if I start my Syquest (270 MB) drive and insert a harddisk (any disk)
before I turn the Mac on, then the Mac boots from the internal
harddrive. Additionally it displays then briefly the message
	"Your clock has not set to the correct time ...."

I suspect the internal battery of the Mac does not work anymore. However
I found it very peculiar, that it boots only with a running Syquest

How do I get to the battery. In my technical specification I did not see
any reference to it?

/Hans Schlichter


Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 12:14:21 +0000
From: "Dr. A. D'Emanuele" <>
Subject: Converting Thinnet to 10-BaseT [Q]

I have a PowerBook 3400c with a 10-BaseT ethernet interface. At work we are
still using thinnet. I have two Dayna products:

Dayna Communicard
Dayna SCSILink 3

Both of these SHOULD provide a solution for connection thinnet to my PB,
but their software does not work on my 3400c. I have been trying to get
some help from Dayna technical support but it would appear that the
software conflicts with some of the Apple extensions. I am surprised that
they have not resolved this issue yet and I wonder if they are continuing
to support Apple products! Anyhow, Dayna are not very forthcoming with
support on this matter.

I am now looking at other solutions. Is there another way of converting
thinnet into 10-BaseT. I have been told that a media convertor or repeater
is the solution. Is this correct? Is there an inexpensive solution?

Look forward to any suggestions.


Tony D'Emanuele


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 12:05:24 +0100
From: Trevor Harris <>
Subject: Decoding base 64 attachments. Thanks for ALL replies.

Thank you for the *many* messages on this topic. By far the most popular
solution, and which worked first time, was for 'ya-base64-129'.

Trevor Harris, Lampeter


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 97 22:18:02 -0400
From: (Steve Davidson)
Subject: Eudora Nicknames to Unix (A)

In I-M Digest #208, "Alan H. Stein" <> wrote

>I generally use Eudora Light to check my email but occasionally need to
>send email directly through a unix shell account.  I'd like to be able to
>keep my Eudora nicknames file in synch with my list of aliases in the
>.mailrc file in my shell account.  Is there a utility I can occasionally
>use to change my Eudora nickname file into the unix .mailrc alias style so
>that I can paste it back into my .mailrc file and not have to go through my
>.mailrc file line by line and manually make changes?

Because Eudora nickname files use the same format as is in the .mailrc file
(for example):

     alias Doe_John

my solution is to extract the non-alias portion and store it in a file with
a name like mailrc_core, then run a little shell script (cleverly named
make_mailrc) that kills the old .mailrc file and then cats mailrc_core with
all my Eudora Nicknames files (which I periodically upload using either
netatalk or FTP) into a new .mailrc file.

Sometimes bruit force works best >;-/


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 15:59:35 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: fundamental picture making

At 5:57 PM -0800 9/20/97, glaston wrote:
>3) I've read, but not understood, that I don't need to scan at the same
>resolution at which I'd like to print. Scanning a photograph at 720 dpi
>tends to produce an image exceeding 100 megs. If I want to print at 720 or
>1440 dpi on the Epson 800 (after some very basic Photoshop manipulation),
>at what minimum resolution can I scan?

The required scan resolution depends primarily on the halftone [screening]
frequency being used.

You want your image resolution at final printed size to be between 1.5 and
2 times the halftone frequency.  So, if you're printing at 60 lpi [and
you're not scaling the image at all before printing], you wouldn't need to
go higher than 120 dpi when you scan.  If you're scaling the images 200%
before printing, you'd want to scan at 240dpi, so the final image is 120dpi.

I'm not sure if there's an easy way to find the halftone frequency at which
your Epson is printing, other than laying a screen reader on the output.

I can go into more gory detail if anyone wishes. ;)

chazl            -  9.22.1997  -  


Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 09:32:10 -0400
From: Ephraim Fithian <>
Subject: fundamental picture making

Glaston Writes:
>1) Is there a mail order source for photo glossy printer paper? I live in a
>small town with only a Staples, which has limited brand selection (and only
>in 8 1/2 by 11) and charges about $10 for 15 sheets of Kodak Photo Weight.

That is about the going rate. You can mail order from
and get a volume price. There are several qualities. Thickness is either
4mm or 8mm. $0.60 is about the going rate.

>2) Is there a mail order photo finisher who supplies decent quality
>digitized photos? I've gotten prints and a disk back a couple of times, but
>the digital resolution was so low that I got better results scanning the
>prints myself.

You can get a Kodak PhotoCD made for about 80 cents a picture, assuming you
have a CDROM drive; who doesn't?

>3) I've read, but not understood, that I don't need to scan at the same
>resolution at which I'd like to print. Scanning a photograph at 720 dpi
>tends to produce an image exceeding 100 megs. If I want to print at 720 or
>1440 dpi on the Epson 800 (after some very basic Photoshop manipulation),
>at what minimum resolution can I scan?

I don't notice any increase in quality over 360 dpi scanning when printing
at 1440 dpi on the Epson 800. The colors will be ok when you print from
PhotoShop. The best printing from Illustrator 7 is to save the PhotoShop
RGB file as PhotoShop EPS, place in Illustrator, save as Acrobat fromat,
open in Acrobat Reader, and print from Acrobat. This does not work if the
original photo is changed to PhotoShop CMYK.

There is a glossy film you can use, but the cost is over $2 a sheet.
Another company makes a glossy paper that is extremely glossy at about 80
cents a sheet. Can't remember the brand, but it is sold at Camera Shop
nationwide and the brand name begins with I (Imation?). Result looks

(PCI List) Printing time for 1440 dpi print of 360 dpi image with text in
Illustrator, saved as Acrobat pdf file on an 8600/300 with 98 RAM is 6
minutes. Increase Acrobat Reader memory to 15 MB, even though the file may
be small (1.1 MB), since it references 10 linked files of about 6 MB each.

Ephraim Fithian <>
8600/300MHz/98MB/4GB/4VRam/17se2/GV56kX2/ZIP/CD24/SnapScan/Epson SC800


Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 18:10:38 +1000
From: (James Stracey)
Subject: HELP: connecting LAN to Internet

Hi there,

I am thinking about connecting about 10 macs, which are on my local talk
network to the internet.  Can anyone fill me in on how I would go about
doing such a thing.  I was hoping that one modem could feed the whole
network using either some sort of router or the such.  Is this correct?
What other solutions are available?

Thanks in advance. . .

James Stracey  (
Sales Consultant, AppleCentre Canberra

Phone:  (02) 6247 1797    Fax:  (02) 6247 1804

A Division of Logical Solutions Pty Ltd - [ACN 002 084 693]


Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 17:07:16 +0200
From: "Johannes la Poutre'" <>
Subject: Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network?

>People of a small organization (25 persons) have asked me as a general
>trouble-shooting guy to implement some kind of internal e-mail system
>over the AppleTalk-network.


Why not just use TCP/IP? It works transparant over Appletalk networks, and
you can use Apple software as well.

I installed such a network over a year ago, before I got our own Linux
intranest server up and running.

What you need is an e-mail server at the central (fileserver) computer. I
sucessfully used AIMS, Apple Internet Mail Server on a really old Macintosh
IIfx. The configuration is easy, i na very Macintosh way.
To make things really very straight forward you can even use a dns server,
also available form Apple. This makes it possible to address machines by
name, instead of an IP address.

Al each client station you need to install an email client (we use Eudora
Light 3.1, which is free), and you need to enable TCP/IP which is included
in the Mac system software from 7.5 and up. The older MacTCP runs also on
system 7.1 machines.

You have to check out the Apple internet software at their webpages; I
think currently they have even better solutions than a year ago.

The reason I switched to a Linux server was the connection to the outside
world, which coused me too much trouble (we are using uucp for that now).

Regards, Joe.

Key fingerprint =  23FA 2BF5 E51E CEEF 3A21  0AF3 69D6 5FEA 1850 0ADC


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 17:41:38 -0500
From: (Gib Henry, Real People)
Subject: Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network?

On Tue, 16 Sep 1997 23:19:20 +0200, Marcel Aussendorf (m.aussendorf@student= wrote:
> People of a small organization (25 persons) have asked me as a general
> trouble-shooting guy to implement some kind of internal e-mail system
> over the AppleTalk-network.
> Untill now, they are using a series of folders for every person on the
> server, using aliases of these folders on their personal macs. This
> didn't work, because people didn't take te effort to actually look in
> it.
> There should be some kind of notifying to make this work.
> I was never confronted with these matters. Maybe there is an
> shareware-program that will do the job. Can somebody throw me some
> advice
> about some options and caveats ?

Try CommuniGate from Stalker Software.  It can also interchange e-mail =
with the internet, plus handle faxes and voice:


* 80% of "computer literacy" consists of typing ability,80% of "data =
processing" consists of sorting.


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 12:09:41 +0100
From: Trevor Harris <>
Subject: LaserWriter Bridge 2.1 wanted

We have several laserwriter 4/600PS printers on our network that use the
Apple LaserWriter Bridge 2.0 routing software. Unfortunately, to upgrade to
Open Transport 1.1.1 requires an upgrade to version 2.1 of the LaserWriter
Bridge software. Can anyone point me to a site with that version? Thanks in

Trevor Harris, Lampeter


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 22:32:19 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: MacTools Pro Updater??

Does anyone know where I can find the free 4.0.2 or 4.0.3 (NOT 4.0.4) 
for MacTools Pro?

Many thanks! Regards, Bob 


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 18:05:33 -0400
From: Tom Fortmann <>
Subject: No Multifunction Printers for Mac?

I want to buy a multifunction (print, scan, copy) printer for my PowerMac.
I looked on Hewlett-Packard's web site and then called them -- they told me
that none of their multifunction printers ("OfficeJet") will work with a
Mac, nor are there any current plans for Mac versions.

This is very distressing -- if HP is abandoning us, who's left?

Can anyone suggest another vendor with a comparable product (the HP
OfficeJet 1150C is the one I wanted).

Tom Fortmann


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 12:00:26 -0500
From: Bill Freeman <>
Subject: password saver

With the large number of on line pages now requiring usernames an
passwords, I am looking for a method of remembering the these items for
"auto lonin".  anyone know of such an method, pleas let me know.
Bill Freeman, CPP
Certified Professional Photographer

12674 Goar Rd
Houston, TX  77077


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 10:21:44 -0400
From: Jerry Wolf <>
Subject: PB 1400: single printer/modem port

My Powerbook 1400 has but a single port for printer/modem use, so I can't
use his printer when I'm connected to my ISP and vice versa.

Is there any way to multiplex that port, both physically and also
software-wise, so I can do both simultaneously?


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 17:51:38 -0500
From: (Gib Henry, Real People)
Subject: PB150 Beeps and fails to boot

On Thu, 18 Sep 1997 10:09:10 -0400, (Ron Earnest) wrote:

>    Just that. A couple of weeks ago the machine started to 'beep'
> clearly.
> Now it 'beeps' and then shows a question-mark mac. The computer will
> boot
> off of a diskette or another drive. When I boot from a diskette, the
> internal hard drive does not show up either with disk first aid or
> Norton's Disk Doctor.
>    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I'd suggest zapping the PRAM (shift-opt-cmd-P-R at startup, although I =
think you only need 4 of the 5 keys; can't recall which 4!), and also =
replacing/updating the driver; sounds like it got corrupted.  Cheers,

* 80% of "computer literacy" consists of typing ability.
* 80% of "data processing" consists of sorting.


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 16:09:45 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: PC SCSI CD-Rom drives to our beloved Mac?

At 8:20 AM +0200 9/19/97, Mars wrote:
>is it possible to connect a (useal much cheaper)  PC SCSI CD-Rom drive to
>our beloved Mac? Is this hardware compatible or should I always look only
>at Mac CD Rom-drives? Is there a difference at all and if so, what is it?

Yes, this is possible.  The hardware will fit without any trouble or
modification at all.

The Apple CD-ROM drivers will not see or control such a CD-ROM drive,
however, so you will need to use a third-party driver.  I recommend FWB's
CD Toolkit.

chazl            -  9.22.1997  -  


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 17:45:21 -0500
From: (Gib Henry, Real People)
Subject: Performa 405 battery

A friend of mine has a dead battery in his Performa 405.  Finding a =
replacement is easy; getting the old one out is another matter.  It is in =
a black metal housing, and appears to be soldered in, but I'm not sure.  =
Can anyone tell me how to remove the housing?  Thanks, and cheers!
* 80% of "computer literacy" consists of typing ability, 80% of "data =
processing" consists of sorting.


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 16:10:12 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Possible to block user from quitting an app?

At 8:48 AM -0400 9/19/97, Howard M. Fried wrote:
>Is there any way to (non-permanently) prevent quitting a specified
>application?  I'm running a web server on a machine used for lots of other
>things and someone accidentally quit the program.

A brute-force method would be to use ResEdit/Resorceror to disable the
"Quit" menu item.

This will not prevent the application from quitting when it is told to via
Apple Events, as from a AppleScript.  I'm unaware of a way to stop that
sort of quit.

chazl            -  9.22.1997  -  


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 97 13:45:20 -0600
From: Erik Hjelle <>
Subject: PowerComputing Future?

Hi all,

I'm considering the purchase of one the PowerTower Pro models since 
they're dirt cheap now.  My only question is this:  Will the PTPro be 
fully compatible with future versions of the MacOS?  Or will it be 
forgotten?  Personally, I tend to think it would work with future OS 
versions but I wanted to see what others thought.  

Thanks in advance,

Erik Hjelle


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 97 19:00:35 -0500
From: Andrew Minuhin <>
Subject: PowerPC 8600/300 Video Capture's DAVe slot??

	Apple's Standard Video Capture board on PowerPC 8600/300 has no
compression, but it does have a DAVe (Digital Audio and Video) slot.
	Based on Apple's claim thay this board captures 25 "half size"
frames per second, we can deduce the following:

	5.625(Mb/sec) rivals TrueVision Midrange Targa 1000, available for

	Unfortunately, unlike Targa, Apple's board has no compression, so
the user has to settle for meeeeager 25 frames(==fields) per second
(compared to Targa's 60 fields/sec).  If only there was a compression card
to plug into DAVe...

Question:  Is there a compression card for DAVe slot?  If yes, who makes it??


--Andrew Minuhin (Analyst/Programmer)
University of MN, Medical School, USA


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 16:10:41 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Vanishing icons

At 11:33 PM +0100 9/18/97, Ian Burt wrote:
>"The command could not be completed,
>because it cannot be found"

The folder has it's custom icon bit set, but the invisible icon file is
missing.  Use Snitch or some other thing to toggle the folder's "has custom
icon" flag to "OFF", then try to paste the icon again.

chazl            -  9.22.1997  -  


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 17:47:05 -0500
From: (Clinton MacDonald)
Subject: Vanishing icons


On Thu, 18 Sep 1997, (Ian Burt) wrote:
>I think the digest is coming back together again after the haitus a few
>weeks ago Al, give it time.

Amen and hallelujah!

>ususal suspects, is still there.  I wanted to paste an icon onto a blank
>folder. All goes well until it came to paste the icon onto the subject
>folder and a Dialog Box appeared: "The command could not be completed,
>because it cannot be found".[...]

You might try the utility "Disk Rejuvenator," which should be available on
Info-Mac. If it is not, I have a copy I could e-mail you. I found this
utility to be the only thing that fixed a similar problem (generic icons
for each partition of a large drive). The " could not be found" is
eerily similar.

   Best fishes,

   Clint MacDonald | <>


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 97 17:15:14 -0600
From: Bob Varipapa <>
Subject: When to buy a new powerbook

Check out for the most up-to-date info on Mac 
Powerbooks. I am waiting for the 3500 or Kanga.

>From O'Grady:
"The Kanga preproduction units that we have been checking out are powered 
by backside cache running at either 2.5 to 1 (110MHz) or at 3 to 1 
(92MHz). Originally we were unsure if Kanga would ship with the PowerPC 
740 which uses traditional logic board cache, or the PowerPC 750 which 
uses the backside cache on it's own bus. PowerPage engineers assure me 
that the only way to get such dramatic benchmarks is with backside cache. 
Keep in mind that official Kanga specs have not been released and it is 
subject to change at any time."


Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 09:38:28 -0400
From: Ephraim Fithian <>
Subject: When to buy a new powerbook

Jacob writes:

>I want to replace my old and somewhat slow Powerbook (5300 cs) with a newer
>and faster one. The fastest available today is the 3400c, which has a 603e
>processor at 240 Mhz plus level two cache.

Was there a price in MacWeek of $3500?

>When will we wee Powerbooks with faster processors than 603e? Why no
>Powerbooks with 604e? Should I wait for this, or buy the 3400c now? What is
>a reasonable guess on when Apple will release a new, faster Powerbook than

October, according to MacWeek. PPC 750. $8,000. (or two 3400/240's with
extra memory)

Ephraim Fithian <>
8600/300MHz/98MB/4GB/4VRam/17se2/GV56kX2/ZIP/CD24/SnapScan/Epson SC800



End of Info-Mac Digest