Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #202
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 18 Sep 97       Volume 15 : Issue 202

Today's Topics:

      [*] ActiveDrag 1.0
      [*] Chronomenon 1.0
      [*] Computer Use Logger 68k v. 1.1
      [*] Computer Use Logger PPC v. 1.1
      [*] Desktop Consoles
      [*] Hi's Universal Saver v.1.0
      [*] KG's DTPix #4 - Be kind to your desktop
      [*] Path CMM Plugin 1.0
      [*] Princess Diana Startup Screen (Color) - 368k
      [*] Process Menu CMM v1.0
      [*] Quinielax 3.0
      [*] Random Desktop Picture v1.1
      [*] StarDrive 3.2
      [*] THE BLOCK 1.6.2 / mac security
      [*] URL CMM Plugin v1.0
      [*] XContact 1.05a1 Us

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Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:33:54 -0700
Subject: [*] ActiveDrag 1.0

ActiveDrag is a small system extension that will allow you to drag
windows on your screen LIVE.  That is, the window will actually move as
you drag it.

There are a few bugs; be sure to read the ReadMe.

Questions/Comments can be sent to

Ben Chess            
Author of EV-Edit    
Don't be a giblet; buy MacOS 8 today!

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/active-drag-10.hqx; 3K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:25 -0700
From: ELN/
Subject: [*] Chronomenon 1.0

Chronomenon is a software alarm clock and timer which can crow, display
and speak messages, and play QuickTime movies when its alarm goes off.
It can run both in the foreground and the background, and the alarm
stays set even if the computer is shut off and turned back on before the
alarm goes off.  Chronomenon can be used for the same purposes that
other alarm clocks and timers are used for--reminding you of when to do
a task, letting you know that a meeting is about to start, telling you
when your food is done cooking, and waking you up. Many settings, such
as whether or not Chronomenon is visible or invisible, are saved.
Chronomenon makes a great startup item.

Chronomenon is free, though a payment is requested.

A Macintosh computer running System 7 or greater are all that are needed
to run Chronomenon.

           George Parashis

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/chronomenon-10.hqx; 146K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:28 -0700
Subject: [*] Computer Use Logger 68k v. 1.1

The file, Computer Logger v. 1.1 68k is attached.  If you use your computer
for both professional and personal activities, but want to deduct the
professional use portion from your taxes, the Internal Revenue Service
requires that you maintain a log of your computer's use.  Computer Use Logger
makes it easy to create a log file record that documents the amount of time
you use your computer for both professional and personal activities.  It
requires System 7 or later, but otherwise nothing special.

Thank you,

Eric Preston

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/computer-logger-68k-11.hqx; 188K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:31 -0700
Subject: [*] Computer Use Logger PPC v. 1.1

The file, Computer Logger v. 1.1 PPC is attached.  If you use your computer
for both professional and personal activities, but want to deduct the
professional use portion from your taxes, the Internal Revenue Service
requires that you maintain a log of your computer's use.  Computer Use Logger
makes it easy to create a log file record that documents the amount of time
you use your computer for both professional and personal activities.  It
requires System 7 or later and a Mac PPC, but otherwise nothing special.
 Please post it to app/time .

Thank you,

Eric Preston

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/computer-logger-ppc-11.hqx; 227K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:15 -0700
Subject: [*] Desktop Consoles

Blue Sky Heart Graphics ("BlueSkyIcons", "Scrollites") is pleased to
announce the debut of "Desktop Consoles Volume 1". DC Volume 1 is for
use with Mac OS 8's "Desktop Pictures" application and consists of 20
unique custom graphics designed to enhance and "3D-ize" your desktop.
Pre-system 8 users may use DC Volume 1 as well, using the "Decor" or
"DeskPicture" shareware applications.

Each Desktop Console features a unique theme and color, with an "icon
dock" along the right hand side of the screen. The idea behind DC's is
to render the finder into more of a 3D and almost interactive
environment.... so that you get the sense you're looking into your
monitor instead of at it.

DC Volume 1 contains 20 pictures, and is available in 5 different
popular resolutions to suit your particular monitor setting. You can
download 5 of them for free. If you decide you want the others, the
address of a site will be sent to you for downloading the other 15
after  you have registered. Shareware, $10.

This is the 800 x 600 sample pack.

I invite you to drop by and take a look, at:

Please make any links to the main page.

A review of Desktop Consoles Volume 1:
Layne Karkruff
Blue Sky Heart Graphics

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/dc-samples-800-600.hqx; 924K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:33:56 -0700
Subject: [*] Hi's Universal Saver v.1.0

Hi's Universal Saver is a little application which runs quietly in the
background and automatically saves your work at an interval which you
select. It should work with any application that has a Save command (word
processors, painting, drawing, database and many, many others).

A few of its cool features:

-Warn before saving, Hi's Universal Saver can be set to warn you before it
saves. This feature gives you allows to over ride an auto save in case you
don't want to save the current changes to your document.

-Save silently, in this case Hi's Universal Saver will simply save every
time your save delay interval has been reached.

-Auto Save for all application or you can choose to include or exclude
certain ones.

System Requirements:
Macintosh, Performa, Power Macintosh or Power Macintosh clone running
System 7.5 or later.

Or, Macintosh computer using System 7.1 with AppleScript 1.1 and the Finder
Scripting software installed. If you're using System 7.1, please visit this
page for detailed instructions on how to obtain and install AppleScript.

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit my
Web page


Hiram C. Wilson <>

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/his-universal-saver-1.hqx; 410K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:17 -0700
Subject: [*] KG's DTPix #4 - Be kind to your desktop

Kind Ground's Desktop Pictures #4
Because I've started supporting larger monitor sizes, there are now only
5 pictures in each package.  This is due to the larger file size of the

What's it all about:
The 5 enclosed pictures were rendered in Photoshop with Kai's Power
Tools, Terrazzo, Tesselation and a few other nifty texture rendering
gadgets.  The images are 16 bit color, 832x624, PICT files.  They look
great on most monitors but tend to suffer with color settings less than
"Thousands of Colors".

With #4 I've started making the images in a 15-17" Monitor format
(832x624).   I've also contemplated making future versions in JPEG
format, but the compression just doesn't do the image(s) justice.  Too
bad the Desktop Picture control panel only supports JPEG and PICT.
We'll just have to deal with the slightly larger file sizes for now.

=95 MacOS Computer running OS 8 with the Desktop Pictures control panel
=95 or a MacOS Computer running System 7.x.x with either Decor,
DeskPicture, or some other desktop pic utility.  Links are provided
=95 or a Wintel Computer running any version of Windoze and an image
converter (you really should get a Mac ya know).

Copyright/Usage License:
These images are freeware or as I like to call them "visitware". If you
use them and would like to keep them I ask that you visit my website at
least once or twice to see what's else I've done.

Or if you feel so inclined, you can email me a thank you.  That will do
just fine.
These images may be used and distributed freely, with the condition that
the package is NOT altered in ANY way (readme file, pictures and URL
included), and are not being used for ANY commercial purposes. The
copyright will ALWAYS remain mine, unless of course you'd like to
purchase the image(s).
If you are unsure of your USAGE RIGHTS please email me with your

Scott Brown

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/kgs-dt-pics-4.hqx; 2761K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:01 -0700
Subject: [*] Path CMM Plugin 1.0

final v1.0 release of the "Path" plugin for use with the Mac OS 8
Contextual Menu Manager. The earlier Path/URL plugin is now obsolete,
replaced by the two separate Path and URL plugins.

details can be found at

george (ty) tempel
freehold, nj

"kiss, cats: for the deer and the dachshund are one"
--wallace stevens' "Loneliness in Jersey City"

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/path-cmm-10.hqx; 13K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:20 -0700
Subject: [*] Princess Diana Startup Screen (Color) - 368k

Princess Diana Startup Screen (Color)

This archive contains a color startup screen of the late
Princess Diana of Wales (1 July 1961 - 31 August 1997). This
file is of optimal size for 14-inch color monitors.

The archive also includes a SimpleText PICT file which shows
a reduced version of the startup screen image.

To use the startup screen, simply place it in your System
Folder and restart your Macintosh.

Requirements:  This startup screen requires a 14-inch, or
------------   larger, color monitor capable of displaying
               thousands or millions of colors.


[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/princess-diana-color.hqx; 434K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:03 -0700
Subject: [*] Process Menu CMM v1.0

final v1.0 release of the "Process Menu" plugin for use with the Mac OS 8
Contextual Menu Manager.

details can be found at

george (ty) tempel
freehold, nj

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/process-menu-10.hqx; 9K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:22 -0700
Subject: [*] Quinielax 3.0

Quinielax is an easy-to-use application designed to keep track of one or
more football soccer leagues and pooling (sports lottery) according to the
results of previous matches. It enables combinations and reductions within
the pools. It is a fat binary.

This version is a mayor update, so I've decide send the complite package.
Some of the new caracteristics are:
New methods of combinations and reductions, edition of coupons, analysis of
success and prize, automatic pools, apple guide ...

System requirements:
- System 7.0 or higher.
- 1 MB minimum (2.5 MB recommended) of RAM.
- Hardware: Mac, Power Mac (recommended) or MacOS compatible, except
the 512 k, plus and SE.

Application and materials are in Spanish.

        Pedro A. Ciria

[Archived as /info-mac/app/quinielax-30.hqx; 529K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Random Desktop Picture v1.1

This new version of RDP is inspired by e-mail received from several people.
Using OS 8's Desktop Pictures control panel, the first version chose a
picture at random and posted it on the Desktop in tile layout only. Version
1.1 is a group of five AppleScript applets which allow the user to use
tile, centered, automatic, etc., as the position setting for the chosen
picture. More information is available in the README file.

NOTE: Random Desktop Picture v1.1 requires the following:
Mac OS 8
AppleScript extension
Desktop Pictures control panel (which is part of Mac OS 8)
Numerics scripting addition

Jamie Stafford
University of Pittsburgh

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/random-desktop-picture-11.hqx; 54K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:36 -0700
Subject: [*] StarDrive 3.2

StarDrive is an excellent way of saving your screen.  With a colorful
splash of stars, your Mac moves through space at warp speed.  Features
include: SmartSleep, which allows for automatic activation of the screen
saver after an idle time period; Password protection to keep unwanted
users off your computer; Blank Screen Feature and Low Memory Requirements.

Version 3.2 improves performance and overall screen saving functionality.

For more information, visit our web site:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/star-drive-32.hqx; 564K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:11 -0700
Subject: [*] THE BLOCK 1.6.2 / mac security


What It Does
THE BLOCK is a protection-utility for your MAC. It invites the unwanted
visitor to enter a password at startup. But you need a trick to go on...
Further THE BLOCK has the ability to disable the <SHIFT> key at startup.

To install, simply drag THE BLOCK to your System folder and restart your
But be sure to read the manual first !!!

This Version
v1.6.2 does not change anything on the application itself, but now you
can register THE BLOCK via the Kagi registration service.

The Complete Package Includes:
installing, Register, Marc's eCard

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/the-block-162.hqx; 390K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:13 -0700
Subject: [*] URL CMM Plugin v1.0

final v1.0 release of the "URL" plugin for use with the Mac OS 8
Contextual Menu Manager. The earlier Path/URL plugin is now obsolete,
replaced by the two separate Path and URL plugins.

details can be found at

george (ty) tempel
freehold, nj

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/url-cmm-plugin-10.hqx; 14K]


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:34:23 -0700
Subject: [*] XContact 1.05a1 Us

Some bugs are fixed, Database format is modified and new features are

 XContact is a simple and fast adress book.
 XContact save any information about yours contacts.
 XContact can link sounds, picts and document with each contact.
 XContact provide fast indexed search.
 XContact is compatible with your WEB Browser and Emailer (to send a
mail or go to an URL.)
 XContact can import a TEXT formated file.
 XContact is fast and don't use a large amount of memory.
 XContact built your phone book in a credit card format.
 XContact run on system 7 or better on 68000 and Power Macinstosh.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/xcontact-105a1-us.hqx; 447K]



End of Info-Mac Digest