Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #188
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 02 Sep 97       Volume 15 : Issue 188

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#395/01-Sep-97
      [A] Re: Why is cursor pointed left?
      Adobe Nonsupport (C)
      Apple 14" Monitor...disassemble??
      applescript to check e-mail on Netscape (Q)
      BOYCOTT ClarisWorks 5
      Can HYPNOSIS really improve your Sensuality?
      Converting Sportster modem from PC to Macintosh?
      Converting Sportster modem from PC to Macintosh?
      Converting Sportster modem from PC to Macintosh?
      Dialer FKEY replacement?
      Disappearing Act
      Icon problem in 'About this computer'
      LC475 - Internal HD unable to mount.
      Mac OS 8 & Finder Crashes
      Mac OS 8 and Win95 filenames
      Navigator cache
      Need a SCSI Driver for Frog Systems 110 MB HD
      OS8 and WIN95 long file names
      PowerBase 180 & System 8
      Powerbook demands disk
      Powerbook demands disk [A]
      Q: "Caps Lock" extension for PB3400
      Q: Menubar modem status for PB3400 Internal Modem
      Q: Powerbook demands disk
      SCSC cable
      SCSI-0 invisible to SCSI formatters [Q]
      Shareware Pascal
      Speakerphone Programs for the Mac?
      System 7.6 conflicts with Apple Personal Diagnostics 1.1.3?
      Thunder 7
      Unwanted E-mail
      Using =?iso-8859-1?Q?=93PC=94?= Sportster on a Mac

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Date: Mon, 1 Sep 1997 21:09:49 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#395/01-Sep-97


With the clone licensing imbroglio likely to reach a head this week, we
include more comments about clone licensing and about why TidBITS thinks
Apple needs clones. In addition, Adam describes his latest book, one that
takes a very different approach to the Internet than the Internet Starter
Kits, and we publish Part 1 of shareware author Rick Holzgrafe's personal
look at what it takes to create successful shareware.

    A Case for Clones
    The Official AT&T WorldNet Web Discovery Guide
    Successful Shareware, Part 1


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-395.etx; 30K]


Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 14:30:30 -0700
From: (Caryn Roberts)
Subject: [A] Re: Why is cursor pointed left?

(A copy of this message has also been posted to the following newsgroups:

In article <5u0oob$bdn$>, wrote:

> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 07:33:49 -0700
> From: "Paul [not \"Brian\"] Brians" <>
> Subject: (Q) Why is cursor pointed left?
> All of a sudden the arrow cursor on my 7100/80 is pointing left rather than
> right, both in applications and in the finder. I'm running System 7.5.3.
> Scans with SAM 4.5.1 and Norton Disk Doctor 3.5.1 find nothing untoward.
> I'm not aware of having changed anything. What's up?
> Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
> Pullman, WA 99164-5020

Huh?!? The Mac cursor has always pointed to the left.

visit me at: <URL:>
To email me remove the ".no.spam." in my address.
correct email:


Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 21:15:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: Adobe Nonsupport (C)

Uncle Al, the kiddies' pal, is in high dudgeon this evening.

Remember I asked about Leslye's inability to print heavy stock to our
new LW 12/640's face-up output tray from PageMaker 6.5?

I fear this was one of the very few times I didn't get a good answer
from my I-M colleagues, so I called Adobe. On my own nickel. And 45
minutes of long distance time later, I didn't get a good response from
those critters either.

More specifically from that particular critter. She didn't seem to know
that she was on the Macintosh line. Why does Adobe have separate Mac/Wintel
numbers if their people don't know which is which?

Sir, you should have a pop-up menu in the chooser setup to activate the
face-up output tray option. Nope. Sir, you should be able to use the Apple
dialog (and thus get the f-u option) by pressing CTRL-PRINT). Nope.

Sir, you are being rude. No, dear heart. I'm telling you true. If you
can't handle reality, get out of the tech support business.

As I told the apparently sweet young thing, Apple's LW 12/640 is not from
Fred's Finestkind Computer Printers and Chinese Takeout. It is mainstream.
And the "Adobe" part of the copyright notice might indicate that her
masters might have a stake in the PPD's correctness. Not to her.

I'm ready to throw a fit, jump into it, and pull it in after me.

What? is Adobe so powerful that it can play MicroSoft? Naughtyword you
and the horse you rode in on, fella. We have your money. There's no
competition. Bugger off. What a lovely attitude.

Al Bloom


Date: Mon, 01 Sep 1997 15:58:45 +0000
From: *
Subject: Apple 14" Monitor...disassemble??

HOW the hell do I take the cover off my Standard Macintosh Apple 14" 
monitor to get inside it?
(The monitor came with my Mac IIvx.)

There are 2 screws under the front of the Unit....and that's it.  

I have the special star screwdriver to remove them, but even with the 
screws removed, the top does NOT come off as I strugelled with it for over 
an hour.

The Monitor is on the standard swivel stand as well...mabey this is the 
problem...and I can't even get that off.

On my Knees like a servile slave doing thy bidding.

->P.S. Remove the * symbol from my email address if replying. This is 
done to avoid Junk email.<-


Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 17:58:41 -0400
From: A BRODY <>
Subject: applescript to check e-mail on Netscape (Q)

Dear Digest readers,
Anybody make an AppleScript that will open Netscape Communicator and
check e-mail all with one
function? TIA.  Sincerely,


Date: Mon, 01 Sep 1997 14:57:01 -0600
From: "Joe Kudrna" <>
Subject: BOYCOTT ClarisWorks 5

Claris is a subsiderary to Apple created back in 1986(?) to make software
for the Mac, thus you would expect Claris will support the products Apple
produce.  OpenDoc is one product.  It is an excellent file-centeric system
that is slow to catch on.  Claris was making ClarisWorks 5 to use OpenDoc,
but when Gil (not Apple) decided to reduce support (not kill) for OD, Claris
pulled OpenDoc out of CW5, destroying some advanced features that _would_
allow it to rival Microsoft Office as a primary office suite.  Claris's
action are an INSULT to Apple and all those Macintosh fans who use Macs
becuase it is the _Better System_

This is why ClarisWorks needs OpenDoc.

1.  Java for Mac Uses OpenDoc to make Java run!  If CW would need OpenDoc to
   run any Java, why remove OD when a user still needs it?
2.  CW5 could be available NOW if Claris did not spend time to remove OD!! 
    least we would not have waited for CW5 for so long if OD was not planned
    in the first place
3.  Mac version of CW5 is _$20 MORE_ over Windoze version.  Why?  I am  VERY
   sure is it to recope the cost of OpenDoc developemt, that will not be
   included.  CLARIS is FORCING loyal Mac users to pay $20 FOR NOTHING!
4.  Microsoft Office offer OLE and ActiveX support with possible Java too.
    Claris Works offers NOTHING but cut and paste.  At the least, there is a
    translator for OLE to OpenDoc, so CW should be linkable with MS Office

Is that LOAD/CLEAR/CONCISE enough for you?  To the point, Claris Corp. 
*seams* to be moving away from Mac and focusing more on Windows, perhaps
under selling Window apps by charging more for Mac apps?  If Claris was
_truly_ the Mac friendly company (also owned by Apple) that they say the
are, shouldn't they be supporting OpenDoc even if Apple may not develop it

DESPITE Apples stopping of development of OpenDoc, the fact is, OpenDoc IS
MAC.  Those are very good reasons to keep OD in CW.

Call Claris "Pre-sale Technical Support" at @ 1-800-253-6944, demand for OD
in CW5!  Yes, your opinion WILL COUNT.

After waiting  nearly 2 years for the next great version of ClarisWorks to
come out while they smooth out the problems with OpenDoc , they break my
trust (and the trust of THOUSANDS of others) in them by dumping OpenDoc and
releasing a CASTRATED version.  All that wait, for NOTHING.  NOW they have
the _gall_ of claiming it is an alternative to Microsoft Office??  Who do
they think we are,  children?

OLE, ActiveX and Java, that is what MS Office has (Java is being added). 
ClarisWorks has _nothing, zip, nada_.  Yes folks, while a Office user can
combine all the world has to provide into Office, Works 5 users will forever
be stuck with the _ancient_ Cut/Paste method.

OpenDoc works _with_ Java.  Thanks to the Macintosh Runtime for Java which
NEEDS OpenDoc and an *Java applet player for OpenDoc*, OpenDoc containers
can run imbedded Java applets NOW, not later like Office!. What's more,
there is enough OD material out there to make it more than worthwhile to
use!  One of which is CyberDog 2.0.

With OpenDoc, it is possible to play Java applets _within an container
file_.  In other words, OpenDoc offers NOW what everyone wants from a Mac
and Java!  And Java is becomming critical to future functions. See the
OpenDoc sites (try: <A href=""></a>) for
more details.

One more note, ClarisWorks  _cannot_ support Java without OpenDoc! 
Macintosh Runtime for Java 1.5 REQUIERS OpenDoc 1.0.2 for Java to run!  By
killing OpenDoc, Claris killed Java from the Works, there by making it a
second rate substandard application not even worth looking at let alone
consider buying.  There is another method to support Java, but that requres
finding and installing another program, risk compatability issues, and more
trouble for the user.

Claris is stupid to think that people will spend my hard-earned and limited
money on just another _glorified_ version of its Works with nothing new to
offer.  I suffered the delays hoping for an AWSOME CW5, only to have my
hopes dashed.  I cannot justify such an expence when I will not get what I
_planned_ for something else.

Call them @ 1-800-253-6944, ask for �Pre-sale Technical Support�  and tell
them that you want �THE WORKS� with your ClarisWorks 5.0, not some burger
without the meat.  After all, why should _you_ pay $$$ for something and not
get what you paid for?

Joe Kudrna
<a href=""></a>


Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 17:41:05
Subject: Can HYPNOSIS really improve your Sensuality?

Is this the latest fad from California or is it really catching on like they say?  Can Hypnosis really improve a dull love life?  Does HYPNOSEX really make your senses more intense?   
What do you think?   Cheri.
<< Life Publications' hottest product is HYPNOSEX! >>


Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 08:06:23 -0800
From: tracy <>
Subject: Converting Sportster modem from PC to Macintosh?

>I have the chance to obtain a USRobotics Sportster 33.6 modem for a PC
>(Wintel) and would like to use it with my Macintosh Performa 475.
>Is there a converter cable that can be purchased to hook the modem PC
>cable to a Mac 9-pin mini DIN (I think) connector?
>Is Macintosh modem driver software available somewhere?  I have
>ClarisWorks, which knows about some modems.  But I would also like to
>use this modem for email (per another request of mine).  Will I also
>need separate modem driver software for an email application, say

I just hooked up a Sportster 56k Fax Modem that came with PC software to my
Quadra 660av. What you need is a 8M mini to DB25M cable that supports
handshaking, (basically a Mac modem cable, if you had a modem connected
before you may want to try that one)

The drivers I used (I have System 7.6.1 with OT/PPP) are the ones that
install when you install Open Transport. Just choose the correct one from
the drop down box when you are configuring PPP.



Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 10:34:53 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Converting Sportster modem from PC to Macintosh?

At 7:23 AM -0500 8/27/97, Michael Cook wrote:
>I have the chance to obtain a USRobotics Sportster 33.6 modem for a PC
>(Wintel) and would like to use it with my Macintosh Performa 475.
>Please let me know how, if possible, to do the PC to Mac conversion.

Couldn't be easier.

Go get a Mac -> modem hardware handshaking cable [should be less than $15].
The adapter may work, but I know that the cable will.

Plug the modem into your Mac.  Install some PPP software; I'd suggest
OT/PPP, but I'm on a PPC and have never tried it on a 68K machine.  Many
people swear by FreePPP, which is available here:

Install MacTCP [or Open Transport TCP/IP], if it isn't already.

Enter appropriate numbers in MacTCP [or TCP/IP] control panels and FreePPP
setup [if using OT/PPP, select modem type in Modem control panel and enter
phone number, username, etc, in PPP control panel]

Should work now.  No drivers necessary.

chazl            -  8.29.1997  -  


Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 12:48:59 -0400
From: "Michael G. Schabert" <>
Subject: Converting Sportster modem from PC to Macintosh?

>I have the chance to obtain a USRobotics Sportster 33.6 modem for a PC
>(Wintel) and would like to use it with my Macintosh Performa 475.
>Is there a converter cable that can be purchased to hook the modem PC
>cable to a Mac 9-pin mini DIN (I think) connector?

Buy a Mac modem cable. It's that simple, & they're available everywhere.

>Is Macintosh modem driver software available somewhere?  I have
>ClarisWorks, which knows about some modems.  But I would also like to
>use this modem for email (per another request of mine).  Will I also
>need separate modem driver software for an email application, say

Modems don't use/need drivers. There are 3 exceptions to these. They are:

1) Apple Express Modem
2) Apple GeoPort Telecom Adapter (GTA) also called a GeoPod
3) Global Village
The first 2 use drivers because they're only 1/2 a modem, & need software
to be the whole modem. Global Village is just stupid.

>Please let me know how, if possible, to do the PC to Mac conversion.

Just buy the $5 cable & you're converted.


Bikers don't *DO* taglines.


Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 19:35:59 -0400
From: Allan Hunter <>
Subject: Dialer FKEY replacement?

Does anyone know of a MacOS 8 version of Dialer FKEY, a simple and
speedy tool for taking the contents of the clipboard and throwing it at
your modem along with initialization string, so that your address book
will autodial without you having to pick up the handset?  NOTE:  I *do*
have QuicKeys which *does* have a "dial" macro but it is pathetically
slow in comparison with the old FKEY.  I want to be able to hit a
keystroke combo and have the modem start beeping immediately, not wait
for something to 
*launch*.  Under OS 8, Dialer FKEY jams the serial port requiring a
reset, and does not dial.


Date: Mon, 1 Sep 1997 20:02:11 -0500
From: Lawrence Rugolo <>
Subject: Disappearing Act

Since installing OS 8 a strange thing happens once or twice each session.
When I click on an icon (disk icon in the Finder, or a folder icon) all
windows and desktop icons disappear and everything comes to a stop until I
click on the icon again. Then the windows reopen and the icons reappear and
everything's fine again. The Apple Support rep suggests that there's a cdev
or init conflict, but finding it would take forever. I don't have Conflict
Catcher, but I'm not sure if it would identify this particular situation.
Has anyone else experienced this?

(My setup is: PowerWave 604/132, MacOS 8.0, 2GB hard drive, 64MB RAM.)




Date: Fri, 29 Aug 97 21:31:19 +0200
From: Laurent Daloze <>
Subject: Icon problem in 'About this computer'

Hi all,

I have a Performa 6200 CD. I've recently installed 7.6.1 to replace my 
'old' 7.5.5. I re-initialized my hard disk before doing this and I 
installed a very clean copy of 7.6, then upgraded to 7.6.1. After the 
install process, the desktop was automatically rebuilt and now I have a 
strange problem that I didn't have under 7.5.5: when I choose 'About this 
computer', the System Software icon has become a generic document icon 
instead of the Finder icon. I also installed the the 'Process Manager' 
control strip and the Finder has a generic application icon, instead of 
the standard Finder icon under 7.5.5. I tried to rebuild the desktop 
again and checked my disk with Disk Doctor but everything seems to be OK.

Anyone experienced the same problem? Note that it seems to be just a 
'cosmectic' problem as the OS works very well.

Thanks in advance,



Date: Mon, 1 Sep 1997 21:38:45 +0800
From: (Ong Cheow Seng)
Subject: LC475 - Internal HD unable to mount.

Hello there!

I have this LC475 which have NOT being in use for at least 8 months!=
 Recently when I turn on the power supply, I can hear the hard disk spinning=
 for a moment (about 10 seconds) before it decelerates to a stop. I am=
 unable to start-up from the internal hard disk. It looks to me that the=
 internal HD is not mounted at all. I have tried using other utilities but=
 still no luck mounting it.=20

Do I have a damaged HD drive which cannot be salvage at all? Can any gurus=
 out there please advise me? Thanks a lot.

Ong Cheow Seng


Date: Mon, 1 Sep 1997 20:55:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Mac OS 8 & Finder Crashes


I read Info-Mac regularly, but have not had cause to write... until now.  I
purchased a Performa 6400/200 recently, and got to upgrade free from 7.5.5 to
8.0 (yippee, I think).  I did a Clean Install this weekend, and then started
moving stuff over.  Nearly immediately, I found the Finder crashing each time
I moved something from onel folder to another, or took something to the
trash.  I've used Extension Manager to try to eliminate the problem, but
without consistent success.  The problem went away briefly, but then
returned.  I'm having to reboot after every drag and drop or drag and drop to
the trash.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,

John King


Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 09:28:06 -0500
From: Chris Gervais <>
Subject: Mac OS 8 and Win95 filenames


> I have a problem with exchanging data between the Mac and Win95. At
> work
> I am forced to use a Win95 system and I would like to keep the long
> file
> names when I transfer files using floppys from my Mac to Win95 and
> back.
> I have heard of a program called DosMounter95, but it is rather
> expensive. The new Mac OS 8 is not available here in Holland, could
> anybody please verify if it reads Win95 (Joliet format) file names?

You didn't here it from me, but the Mac OS 8 Update set to ship in
November includes PC Exchange 2.0 which handles Win95/NT long file names
and other aspects of the Windows VFAT file system. The localized
versions of OS 8 for your regions should be out very soon!




Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 13:10:35 -0800
From: Peter Kurpaska <>
Subject: Navigator cache

I would appreciate it if someone could help me with a problem I'm having
with Netscape Navigator 3.0. The difficulty concerns the maintenance of
a RAM Disk to hold the Netscape cache. For one thing, Navigator refuses
to recognize the RAM Disk if it is not set to at least 1248K. And even
when it is set that large, Navigator, upon the next startup, will often
fail to fully acknowledge its existence in the cache dialog box in
Network Preferences.  The result here being that Navigator capriciously
uses my hard drive instead of the allocated RAM for its cache. (I am
trying to save my hard drive the pummeling it takes when it plays that
	What I am asking is, is there a better way to accomplish my objective?
	I use a Performa 6115CD, 350HD, 24MB RAM, System 7.5.5, OT 1.1.2, no
virtual memory.

peter k.


Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 13:49:39 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Adrian Holland <>
Subject: Need a SCSI Driver for Frog Systems 110 MB HD


I have just taken my old mac, an LC II 8/40, out of storage with an 
external hard disk I bought from Frog Systems of Perth, Scotland, 5 
years ago.  I think they were the UK subsidiary of a US company.  They no 
longer exist, or at least I can't find them (Web Search, Directory 
Enquiries etc).

I cannot read or mount the disk, normally or with SCSI Probe.

The problem is that Norton Utilities and Apple Personal Diagnostics tell me 
that the SCSI driver is damaged or obsolete.  This is the first problem I 
have _ever_ had with this drive.  There was a SCSI driver on a floppy

The drive's and case's details are:

Frog Systems, Inc
Model: Z100.000
S/N: 105672
Case made in Taiwan

Drive made by IBM Japan
P/N 6128268 120 MB
FRU P/N 6128298
MLC C27851
Model WDS-3158

Barcodes: 20782287 EE 
	  BISA0 141653

I really need some of the data on this drive as I forgot to back it all 
up before I put it into storage for 8 months.

Can anyone help me with locating the SCSI driver or Frog Systems?

Thank you,

Adrian Holland

Currently on contract to STN Atlas Elektronik GmbH, Bremen, Germany


Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 18:57:29 +0100
From: A.C.vanderHam@ET.TUDelft.NL (Andre' C. van der Ham)
Subject: OS8 and WIN95 long file names

Hi folks,

With regards to my question: does Mac OS 8 support Win95 file names?
I got the following answer:

>OS8 does not read Windows 95 filenames.
>I bought DosMounter95, and you are right, it is expensive, but it works
>well. In my case it paid for itself in a week.
>Good luck.

Thanks David, for your advice.

What a bummer Apple. I wish they would bundle that piece of software, it
would have been a nice gesture towards Bill, wouldn't it?

Read more about DosMounter95 here:

Just thought you'd like to know about this before you get your hopes up.


Andre' van der Ham


Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 17:33:24 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Fiske <>
Subject: patch-making...


Does anyone know if there is a utility out there (freeware or otherwise)
for making software updates/patches.  I am primarily interested in the
pathc making capability.

private e-mail only



Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 13:21:56 -0400
From: "Michael G. Schabert" <>
Subject: PowerBase 180 & System 8

>     I have a PowerComputing PowerBase 180, and I have System 8.  I would
>like to put these two together; however, the one time I tried, I had
>disasterous results.
>	First - My system would not do a soft reboot to my internal IDE
>drive.  When it did reboot (from a system on my external SCSI drive), the
>system did not recognize my internal drive at all.
>	Second - Eventually, it so messed up my internal drive that I
>wasn't able to boot off of it at all, and indeed, I had to replace the
>drive because it was totally hosed (not technical, I know, but...)
>Fortunately, I had *just* backed everything up, so when PowerComputing
>replaced the drive, and I installed it, it was relatively easy to go back
>to MacOS 7.6.1.

I think that you are blaming MacOS8 for something that wasn't its fault. It
is absolutely, totally, impossible to ruin a drive via software to the
point that it needs to be swapped. The absolute most damage you can do to a
drive is to ruin the data on it so that it needs to be reformatted. A
low-level reformat will clear any & all problems that an OS or a virus can
give to a drive. You had a hardware problem. Software can pretend to be a
hardware problem, but it can never give you one.


Bikers don't *DO* taglines.


Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 12:08:20 +0200
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Powerbook demands disk wrote:

>  I have a Powerbook 540C running System 7.5. Whenever I restart, before I
> can reach the desktop, a dialog box prompts me to insert a specific floppy
> disk ( an old one that I no longer even use.) If I hit "cancel", the
> dialog box goes away, and I'm at the desktop. How can I prevent this
> dialog box from showing up every time I reboot?

Let me guess. You have an alias in your startup items folder which
points to the disk in question, right? So, throw that alias away, and
everything will be fine. 

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser  -  phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)      
Look at <>


Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 14:48:37 -0500
From: Gib Henry <>
Subject: Powerbook demands disk [A]

>Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 12:23:23 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: Q: Powerbook demands disk
> I have a Powerbook 540C running System 7.5. Whenever I restart, before I can
>reach the desktop, a dialog box prompts me to insert a specific floppy disk (
>an old one that I no longer even use.)
>If I hit "cancel", the dialog box goes away, and I'm at the desktop. How can
>I prevent this dialog box from showing up every time I reboot?

Check the Startup Items folder in the System Folder.  Does it contain any
aliases?  Hope this helps.  Cheers,
Gib Henry


Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 15:59:34 -0500
From: Taylor Leaming <>
Subject: Q: "Caps Lock" extension for PB3400


I am looking for a "Caps Lock" system extention that works for a PB3400.
I would like to have a visual cue in the menu bar that the CAPS LOCK key 
is toggled on.

The problem:  Apple's "Caps Lock" system extension does not work with the
PB3400.  This is probably since the PB3400's CAPS LOCK key has a little bitty
light on it.  However, from normal typing posture, you (at least myself)
can't *see* if the key is lit from that viewing angle.  Hmmmm...

After using a PB1400 for a while (no lighted TAB key), I found that I rather
liked the little icon visual cue.

Anybody out there have some suggestions?




Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 16:04:48 -0500
From: Taylor Leaming <>
Subject: Q: Menubar modem status for PB3400 Internal Modem

I am looking for some sort of visual status indicator (preferably in the menubar)
for the PB3400 internal modem.  This would be something much like you can find
comes with the Global Village Powerport Pro modems.

This visual indicator was frequently update, indicating if the modem is connected,
the connect rate, some status lights the indicate the modem is *really* connected
and maybe even a graphical indicator of the Transmit and Recieve activity.
Basically, something that looks pretty much like the frontpanel of most external
modems but with a bit more information.

Unfortunately, with I find that I get dropped connections a lot with my PB3400's
internal modem.  I don't know about this until I get a time-out message from Eudora
or Netscape, or one of my communi- ations applications crashes or gives me some sort
of connection error.  This is very frustrating and because I have an internal modem, 
I often can't tell if there is a lull in the exchange, or I have a dropped connection.

Is there an enterprising soul out there with such a useful utility?

- Taylor      <>

FYI:  I have been using MacOS 8 on my PB3400/200, with FreePPP v2.6, with great
      satisfaction.  I highly recommend both.


Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 10:35:28 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Q: Powerbook demands disk

At 12:23 PM -0400 8/27/97, wrote:
> I have a Powerbook 540C running System 7.5. Whenever I restart, before I can
>reach the desktop, a dialog box prompts me to insert a specific floppy disk (
>an old one that I no longer even use.)
>If I hit "cancel", the dialog box goes away, and I'm at the desktop. How can
>I prevent this dialog box from showing up every time I reboot?

Does this happen when you boot with the shift key down to disable
extensions?  If so, some extension is trying to open a file on that floppy.
Disable extensions until you find the culprit.  I'd suspect things like
Suitcase in this event.

Is there anything in your Startup Items folder that points to this floppy disk?

Is there an alias to something on this floppy disk in your Launcher Items


chazl            -  8.29.1997  -  


Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 15:14:14 -0500
From: (Ronald W. Helminski, DMD)
Subject: SCSC cable

Does anyone know where I can find a SCSI cable like the one that comes
with a zip drive (DB 25 male to DB25 male) but in a 6 ft length? I can't
seem to locate one anywhere.


Ron Helminski


Date: Mon, 01 Sep 1997 16:06:04 +0200
From: Hoenkamp-NICI <>
Subject: SCSI-0 invisible to SCSI formatters [Q]

X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I want to repartition SCSI-0 to install MkLinux. Apple's Drive Setup
partitions, but not for Unix boot. The other SCSI programs I tried:
own HD SC Setup, APS Tools, SCSIprobe, don't even see SCSI-0. Someone in

the know?? I have a vanilla 5400 Performa, running OS8. Edward.


Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 16:24:42 +0300
From: Michael Green <>
Subject: Shareware Pascal

Anyone know of a shareware/freeware Pascal compiler?


Date: Fri, 29 Aug 97 21:37:27 -0500
From: Richard Sukovaty <>
Subject: Speakerphone Programs for the Mac?

Are there any programs for the Mac that will let me use the speakerphone 
functions of my modem? Am using a Zoom ComStar XT SVD modem (PC version, 
bought at a local computer store when my other one quit on me. And for 
Michael Cook, who was asking about using a PC Sportster Modem, all I 
needed was a handshaking cable for the Mac - the modems all use the same 
connection on the modem side, only the connection on the computer (Mac or 
PC) is different). Zoom sent me Mac disks when I called, but only for 
basic modeming, they had no idea what programs to use for speakerphone 
function (even though they sell a Mac version of the ComStar).

Richard Sukovaty


Date: 31 Aug 1997 20:33:55 +0000
From: Mephistophilis <>
Subject: System 7.6 conflicts with Apple Personal Diagnostics 1.1.3?

Having just installed System 7.6 on my PM8200/120
I find that Apple Personal Diagnostics 1.1.3
consistently assures me that the directory
structure on the internal hard disk is damaged.
Neither Disk First Aid 7.2.3 (from the S7.6
installation CD), Norton Disk Doctor 3.1 or
MacTools Pro 4.0  find any directory problems.
Furthermore, if I boot the machine from an
external HD *using System 7.5.5* and test the
internal disk with Apple Personal Diagnostics
1.1.3 (same copy as used for the S7.6 tests) no
directory problems are reported. Which
application should I believe? If this is a known
problem with APD 1.1.3 is a fix available or on
the way?
Fergus Lalor


Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 15:43:54 -0400
Subject: Thunder 7

I have a spell checker called "Thunder 7" by BaseLine Publishing.  Does
anyone know if they've gone out of business or have been bought out by
another company?  You can send your comments to ""  
Thanks in advance.


Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 23:58:08 +1000
From: Glen Hawkins <>
Subject: Unwanted E-mail

I have noticed recently an upsurge in unwanted e-mail coming through to
my account via sources unknown. I always request that my name is NOT put
on these lists when I register software etc so they are a tad annoying.
Is there a program that kills the sending computer? Or at least makes
them weary of sending unsolicited E-mail to me in particular or the
world in general?
Mail filters don't work as they come under many names and I have several
new peoples names E mailed to me frequently so filtering wont work.

Cheers Glen  


Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 13:06:37 -0400
From: Jeff Frankel <>
Subject: Using =?iso-8859-1?Q?=93PC=94?= Sportster on a Mac

On August 27, Michael Cook wrote:

I have the chance to obtain a USRobotics Sportster 33.6 modem for a PC
(Wintel) and would like to use it with my Macintosh Performa 475.

Is there a converter cable that can be purchased to hook the modem PC
cable to a Mac 9-pin mini DIN (I think) connector?

Is Macintosh modem driver software available somewhere?  I have
ClarisWorks, which knows about some modems.  But I would also like to
use this modem for email (per another request of mine).  Will I also
need separate modem driver software for an email application, say

I=92m no modem expert, but I don=92t think you=92ll have any problem if y=
ou=92re using
Open Transport on your 475.  The reason is that the Open Transport instal=
puts a folder called Modem Scripts in your Extensions folder.  Included i=
n the
folder is a script called U.S. Robotics Universal.  The scripts are acces=
via Open Transport=92s Modem control panel.  Just click the Setup popup m=
enu and
scroll down the list until you find the one you want, which in your case =
be U.S. Robotics Universal.  This script worked just fine for me when I u=
sed a
33.6 Sportster.  If you are using Mac TCP instead of Open Transport, my
recollection is that you will have to find out what the modem string is f=
the Sportster and enter it manually in one of the control panels.  I reca=
ll a
list of modem strings available on the web courtesy of Adam Engst=92s Int=
Starter Kit home page.  Otherwise, U.S. Robotics should be able to supply=

this--maybe it=92s even buried in the manual somewhere.

Mac modem cables are readily available from standard mail order sources. =

You=92ll need a DB-25 male - mini-DIN 8 male high-speed modem cable. =

Note to U.S. Robotics x2 users:  I kept getting frequent disconnects usin=
g the
U.S. Robotics Universal script with the USR Sportster x2 modem.  By luck =
discovered a collection of high-speed modem scripts on the Mac OS 8 CD-RO=
which must be custom installed.  This collection includes a script for th=
e x2,
which ended the problem.

Jeff Frankel
Windsor, Maine  USA
"Where the woodpecker pecks
  and the porcupine plays"



End of Info-Mac Digest