Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #172
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 16 Aug 97       Volume 15 : Issue 172

Today's Topics:

      [*] Aaron's Cy berdog Apple Scripts
      [*] Advanced i/o & arithmetic compression 
      [*] BBS in a Box animated gif
      [*] BetterTelnet 1.1.1
      [*] Can't Remember $#!+ - A Tool For Forgetters
      [*] Color-Cursor-Spin
      [*] Compact Disc Library 20
      [*] computer-cuisine-41
      [*] Curt's StartUpScreens Volume II
      [*] Curt's StartUpScreens Volume II
      [*] Cyberdog IC Helper (1.0.1)
      [*] Download Macros
      [*] Eudora Celtic (Welsh) Tables
      [*] Finger It!
      [*] FlowerTalk HyperCard Stack 
      [*] freebytes-11.sit
      [*] GeekTalk 1.1.1.sea - chat window plug-in for CU-SeeMe
      [*] HCPhone 2.01 - phone dialer/address book
      [*] Italian spelling dictionary - foreign languages learning
      [*] JerkAlert Beep (16-bit)
      [*] JerkAlert Beep (8-bit)
      [*] lupe-11
      [*] NetBots 2.0.2
      [*] ObiWan 5.2
      [*] Organizer 2.6 for 1998
      [*] Player Helper 2.3
      [*] RealtorRecordsV1.2
      [*] Sans-Faute-Grammaire 2.1
      [*] Snap-To 2.1.1
      [*] sound-utilities.hqx
      [*] speech-manager-ext-updt.hqx
      [*] Stravinsky Alert Sounds
      [*] TaskMaster 11
      [*] Timbuktu Pro for Macintosh OS 4.0
      [*] TimeSlice Lite 3.1a
      [*] Visual Balloons for PowerPlant
      [*] Wartoons!
      [*] Watch It!
      [*] Web Page Backgrounds Galore #2
      [*] Web Works
      [*] xmover.hqx
      [*] Yank 1.3.1a

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Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:34 -0700
Subject: [*] Aaron's Cy berdog Apple Scripts

These AppleScripts were created to automate two common tasks for Cyberdog
users: deleting the Log file and emptying the Cyberdog Cache, Cyberdog
Temp, and News Enclosures folders. Anyone may distribute this software at
no charge as long as the enclosed Read Me file is included and I am
notified via e-mail at the above address.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/aarons-ccyberdog-as.hqx; 15K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:24 -0700
Subject: [*] Advanced i/o & arithmetic compression 

Attached is an updated version of c++advio, an advanced i/o &
arithmetic compression classlib, Mac distribution.

The new version is more portable: besides a Mac, the source code
compiles and correctly runs on various UNIX boxes (Sun/Solaris, HP
9000/7xx, FreeBSD, DEC Alpha), and even <gasp> Win95/WinNT. The
package pulls off a few tricks (like accessing a single file buffer
from several (byte/bit/compression) streams, or substituting a base
class in a compiled hierarchy). Yet the package compiles and correctly
works with both GNU (libg++) and a template-based Modena C++ stream
libraries (in CodeWarrior's Metrowerks Standard Library, MSL C++). For
the first time, this release of c++advio includes a Vocabulary
package, (poly/homo)morphic dictionaries with a dynamic "inheritance"
path. The new version also adds a few utility C++ functions, and code
to validate them.

c++advio:   Various advanced i/o codings of streams of integers
Keywords: arithmetic coding, start-stop coding, endian i/o,
	  compression, fall-back
Hot points:
        - variable-bit coding of sequences of integers
          (including the Arithmetic compression)
        - explicit endian specification in dealing with integer streams
        - a trick of sharing a stream buffer (a "file") among several streams
        - with a validation code to verify everything
	- simple database service (vocabulary) featuring polymorphism,
	  late binding, and dynamic inheritance
        - with a commented source and CW11 projects
Please see a README file for more details.

  README        - tells what this is all about and how to use it
  c++serv.dr	- tells what the other files are for
  libserv.a	- compiled PowerMac library
  libserv.pi	- project to make it
  *.h, *.cc	- source code
  v*.cc		- verification code (test cases)
  test suite.stat - stationary for validation projects
  Run Validation Tests - AppleScript applet to run them
  ANSI #includes addenda - portability extensions (for non-gcc compilers)

Language: C++, CodeWarrior11
System: System 7.x (7.5.5) but probably 6.x is OK, too.
Comments to: or
Version 2.3, Mar 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/lib/c-advio.hqx; 175K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:59 -0700
Subject: [*] BBS in a Box animated gif

bbs-animate - is two animated gif sequences I created using Photoshop
for the BBS in a Box collection. One animation plays on a loop and the
other does not. Just drop the netscape 3 or higher to view. Feel free to
use these images as-is on any site. You can point them at the BBS in a
Box site at Have fun! Images copyright 1997 AMUG
CD, Inc. Check out our recent Mac file area at:

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/bbs-animate.hqx; 94K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:36 -0700
Subject: [*] BetterTelnet 1.1.1

Abstract for BetterTelnet 1.1.1:
(by Rolf Braun)

BetterTelnet 1.1.1 is an enhanced version of NCSA Telnet 2.7b5; many
improvements have been made. See the included documentation or the official
BetterTelnet web page for details.

Requires a Macintosh with System 7.0 (or later; BetterTelnet is compatible
with Mac OS 8) and an Internet connection.

Copyright 1997 Rolf Braun.

This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It
may be distributed for free, sold, or modified, but if any modified
versions are released to the public, source code for that modified version
must also be made available at no charge. Read the file COPYING for more

Permission is hereby granted for the Info-Mac archives to include
BetterTelnet on their CD-ROM collection.

Source code for BetterTelnet is available from the BetterTelnet web page
and FTP site.


[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/better-telnet-111-fat.hqx; 453K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:08:05 -0700
Subject: [*] Can't Remember $#!+ - A Tool For Forgetters

Can't Remember $#!!+ is a helpful little program for all of us that can't
seem to remember anything anymore! I blame it on entering my forties. I
don't care what you think it is.

It works by providing a spot for us to record all of those things we know
we will have forgotten by the time we need them again. This isn't for
phone numbers and addresses. See my product "The Organizer' for that.
This is for things like the 17 little tweaks you  must make when you
reinstall the system on your computer. Or, the location of that little
hole in the shower drain pipe that you "temporarily" plugged with bubble
gum. Or, the prescription name of the one pain drug that doesn't cause
your wife to vomit.
CRS is shareware the cost is $5.

System Requirements:
HyperCard or HyperCard Player 2.x

For more info. visit:

Steve Gandy
Training, Consulting, Software

[Archived as /info-mac/app/crs-10-hc.hqx; 61K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Color-Cursor-Spin

It changes the standard watch to a color spinning BeachBall.



[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/color-cursor-spin.hqx; 18K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:31 -0700
Subject: [*] Compact Disc Library 20

Please Note: CD Library Requires FileMaker Pro 3.0 or later.

What is the Compact Disc Library?

The Compact Disc Library is a Macintosh=81 file for use with FileMaker=AE
Pro, by the Claris=AE Corporation.  You will need FileMaker Pro version
3.0 or later. This template will allow you to conveniently view, print,
sort, file, save and organize your compact disc collection.  With the
Compact Disc Library, you can search through your CD collection for
various artists, song names, ratings, categories, and even lyrics to a

How Does The Compact Disc Library Work?

The Compact Disc Library uses conveniently placed icons throughout the
template to guide you through the course of cataloging your CD
collection. The execution of tasks such as Sorting, Printing, Adding,
Deleting and Listing your CD collection is made quick and easy due to
the high quality graphical layout and deluxe icons.  Three CD's are
pre-entered to give you a visual sample of what your collection will
look like.

=46or more information about the icons, and the various layouts please
select "Icon Information" from the 'Contents' Menu at the top of the

Is The Compact Disc Library Free?

Well, good question.  However the answer is "No."  The Compact Disc
Library is shareware.  Thus, you are free to browse the product in the
demo stage for as long as you wish.  However, most of the vital
functions such as:  Editing CD info, Adding New CD's to the Database,
Deleting CD's, and Changing the Layout have been disabled.  In order to
acquire the ability to use all of the functions you must register the

How Much Does It Cost To Register the Compact Disc Library?

The cost to register the Compact Disc Library is $10 (US Dollars).
That's it, just 10 bucks. Hopefully this will be cheap enough for people
to actually pay for it.  There is a registration form attached to this
manual. If you'd like to view it, please go to page   three, or simply
click the button to the right, and it will take you there.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/cd-library-20.hqx; 990K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:32 -0700
Subject: [*] computer-cuisine-41

Computer Cuisine 4.1 - is a Macintosh file for use with FileMaker Pro,
by Claris Corporation.  This template will allow you to conveniently
view, print, sort, file, organize and save your cooking recipes.  It's
features include a well designed layout that makes adding, viewing,
sorting, finding and printing a snap.  In addition to the simple layout,
Computer Cuisine allows you to add an infinite number of your own
recipes to the existing ones.  This will allow your recipe database to
grow and grow!

[Archived as /info-mac/data/computer-cuisine-41.hqx; 2338K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:08:02 -0700
Subject: [*] Curt's StartUpScreens Volume II

Curt's Startupscreens Volume II contain five startupscreens.  They are
configured for 640 x 480 monitors.  The Mac themes are:

System 8. Cool. Infinity Mac on Mars Placid Mac OS Files

System Requirements: System 7+, Color Monitor. Complete documentation is
included.  Shareware.

Worth the download!

Curt McAloney
Affordable Solutions

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/curts-startupscreens-vol-2.hqx; 3047K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:08:00 -0700
Subject: [*] Curt's StartUpScreens Volume II

Curt's  StartUpScreens Volume II contains 5 StartUpScreens with Mac OS
themes such as:
System 8. Cool.
Mac on Mars
OS Files
Placid Mac
They are configured to 640 x 480.  System 7+ savvy. Documentation is
included in the readme. Shareware $20.00

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/curt-startupscreen-vol-ii.hqx; 3047K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:37 -0700
Subject: [*] Cyberdog IC Helper (1.0.1)

This AppleScript acts as a helper application for Internet Config. It
corrects a glitch in Cyberdog when command-clicking URLs (via ICeTEe) from
another application.

Version History
1.0.1: Changed AppleScript-generic creator code "aplt" to prevent calling
of a random AppleScript by Internet Config and the Finder.

1.0: Initial Public Release

Anyone may distribute this software at no charge as long as the enclosed
Read Me file is included and I am notified via e-mail at the above address.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/cyberdog-ic-helper-101.hqx; 12K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:38 -0700
Subject: [*] Download Macros

Download Macros are a set of macros that ease downloading files from the
Internet, and more. This software is freeware. Here's a description of
all the different macros:

DM: This will download batches of files (.sit, .hqx, .bin) in Netscape
2.x or 3.x.

DM Enforced: A version of DM that can download all file types, but does
not map it to it's corresponding helper application.

DM Enforced Sequential: A version of DM Enforced that downloads a series
of related files, which then renames them to whatever you want, followed
by a dot and the download number. For instance, header.1, header.2,

DM Enforced Sequential Reverse: Same as the previous but the numbers go
backwards starting from a specified number.

MSIE Downloader: A Download Macro that will download any type of file
using Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 3.0.1 or 4.0p1, but does not
route it to it's corresponding helper application. This macro took me a
while to complete, as it required a completely different approach than
the Netscape versions.

Hotline DL: If you can't download from a Hotline site because the
maximum number of simultaneous downloads are taking place, this macro
will consistantly try for you until it works.

Hotline Resume DL: Same as previous, but for any file you want to

Delete Cache: Deletes the cache for Netscape, MSIE, and the America
Online web browser all at once.

Netscape 2.x or 3.x, MSIE 3.0.1 or 4.0p1, Hotline 1.1b21 (respectively)
KeyQuencer 2.x

Jared Mellin

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/download-macros.hqx; 9K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Eudora Celtic (Welsh) Tables

These Eudora Tables enable you to send and read e-mail containing
special letters from Celtic and other West European languages.
They can be used with any version of Eudora.
They convert between Macintosh Celtic and ISO-IR-182.

The Celtic character sets contain the letters 'w' and 'y' with
various accents (=B4 ` ^ =A8) and cover the languages Albanian, Breton,
Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Gaelic, German,
Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh.

Bitmap fonts and a keyboard layout are included.

Andreas Prilop

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/edr/eudora-celtic.hqx; 50K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:50 -0700
Subject: [*] Finger It!

Finger it! - is a simple extension that changes the cursor from the
pointer to a 3D color hand with a pointer finger, similar to that found
in many applications, but in color.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/finger-it.hqx; 6K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:33 -0700
Subject: [*] FlowerTalk HyperCard Stack 

FlowerTalk 0.9.2b is an attractive, intuitive HyperCard stack which requires
HyperCard 2.X or HyperCard Player 2.X and Zapf Chancery truetype font. The
stack has a home button, a "FlowerBrowser" pallette, and an information card
at the end of the stack. The stack is an attractive database of fifty flowers
and their meanings.

FlowerTalk 0.9.2s is an identical stand-alone 2M version of the same stack
and is available via email.

FlowerTalk 1.0 is also available and is a shareware product which lists over
seven hundred flowers and their meanings. Information about FlowerTalk 1.0 is
available on the information card at the end of the stack.

Thank you in advance for supporting shareware!

[Archived as /info-mac/data/flower-talk-092b-hc.hqx; 99K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:19 -0700
Subject: [*] freebytes-11.sit

FreeBytes shows a 'freebytes' of the current volume with an oval
indicator and free space of RAM on the computer. Current volume is the
one that FreeBytes are running on.

                                        Junzo Sato

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/freebytes-11.hqx; 867K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:39 -0700
Subject: [*] GeekTalk 1.1.1.sea - chat window plug-in for CU-SeeMe

GeekTalk is a plug-in for CU-SeeMe (from Cornell University) that replaces
the built-in chat window.  Improvements include: Private chat messages,
chat message numbering, complete flexibility for specifying font styles and
colors, PlainTalk support, logging to disk, drag & drop support, double
clickable URLs, filtering and hiliting, and profiles for specific users.

Requires CU-SeeMe 0.83b3 or above from Cornell University.  GeekTalk is a
fat binary for both 68k/PowerPC.  Freeware.

Written by Chris Silverberg <>.  Home page at:

Permission granted to include this file on commercial CD-ROMs of the
Info-Mac collection.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/geek-talk-111.hqx; 405K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:08:06 -0700
Subject: [*] HCPhone 2.01 - phone dialer/address book

HCPhone 2.01 is a phone book and phone dialer program.  It can dial the
phone either through the Macintosh's speaker or through a modem.  HCPhone
2.0 replaces HCPhone 1.05a and Internet Address Book 1.2a.  HCPhone 2.01
contains a few minor bux fixes.  Shareware, US$20.00.

David S. Mueller

[Archived as /info-mac/app/hc-phone-201.hqx; 24K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:10 -0700
Subject: [*] Italian spelling dictionary - foreign languages learning

Italian Spelling 1.1 is a dictionary for the application 'V&N Lookup'.
You can use it to check spelling of the Italian text and for an 'in-depth'
search of Italian Nouns and Verbs databases. For example searching for the
word 'sono' will find the verb 'essere'. It also allows you to perform
word-for-word translation of passages of text. To make a full use of the
'V&N Lookup' program you should download the modules 'Italian Verbs' and
'Italian Nouns'. 'Italian Verbs' contains the complete conjugation of more
than 1000 verbs including almost all irregular verbs. 'Italian Nouns'
contains inflection of more than 2000 nouns including about 500 examples of
the less-common ways of forming the plural. 'V&N Lookup' allows you to use
these modules simultaneously. You can download the modules 'Italian Verbs'
and 'Italian Nouns' from the Info-Mac mirror sites (info-mac/edu/lang).

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/italian-spelling-11.hqx; 1612K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:55 -0700
Subject: [*] JerkAlert Beep (16-bit)

"JerkAlert Beep"

So maybe you do secretly enjoy being insulted.  Or just need some comic
relief from the expensive hunk of plastic and metal you spend your day in
front of.  The "JerkAlert" beep can help.  It's a short sound file from
the comical category of the System Alert collection by Clixsounds that
has a pushy male voice taunting you with the phrase "Hey, ya' freakin'

The "JerkAlert" beep is available in both 16-bit/44.1kHz and
8-bit/22.5kHz versions and can be downloaded here or at the Clixsounds
web site along with tons of other free Mac sounds at:


This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is
unaltered and includes the accompanying document.  Note that a portion of
this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services.

Contact Information:

America Online: CLIXSOUNDS

World Wide Web:

[Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/16-jerkalert.hqx; 392K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:57 -0700
Subject: [*] JerkAlert Beep (8-bit)

"JerkAlert Beep"

So maybe you do secretly enjoy being insulted.  Or just need some comic
relief from the expensive hunk of plastic and metal you spend your day in
front of.  The "JerkAlert" beep can help.  It's a short sound file from
the comical category of the System Alert collection by Clixsounds that
has a pushy male voice taunting you with the phrase "Hey, ya' freakin'

The "JerkAlert" beep is available in both 16-bit/44.1kHz and
8-bit/22.5kHz versions and can be downloaded here or at the Clixsounds
web site along with tons of other free Mac sounds at:


This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is
unaltered and includes the accompanying document.  Note that a portion of
this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services.

Contact Information:

America Online: CLIXSOUNDS

World Wide Web:

[Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/8-jerkalert.hqx; 191K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:08:07 -0700
Subject: [*] lupe-11

Lupe is a real magnifier. It has an original shape and
appearance. The usage of it is just like a real-world magnifier.
The magnification is changed by Zoom In/Out command.

                                        Junzo Sato

[Archived as /info-mac/app/lupe-11.hqx; 678K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:41 -0700
Subject: [*] NetBots 2.0.2

Attached is NetBots 2.0.2, a suite of Internet utilities that let you
send agents out on the Net. This version includes four types of bots.
PortBots can communicate on any port of any host, waiting for a specific
message. FingerBots can notify you when friends log on. PingBots will
tell you when a host goes down, comes up, or gets overloaded. WWWBots can
check a web page for you and let you know when it changes.

NetBots is great for Internet-savvy users and System Administrators. You
can organize and save bots in the "Bot Manager" and even have bots
execute AppleScripts when they are successful.

Version 2.0.2 fixes some minor bugs and saves the preferences more often
to avoid losing data if the machine crashes.

Support can be found at <>. The
program is $15 shareware.

-Scott J. Kleper
 KlepHacks Shareware

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/netbots-202.hqx; 948K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:23 -0700
Subject: [*] ObiWan 5.2

ObiWan is a general help system.  You can create several databases and
ObiWan will let you rapidly find information from them.  It displays the
information by popping up a floating window so the information can be
displayed at any time in any program.  Portions of the information can then
be sent to the front window as if you had typed it.  The main use of all
this is to access the programming database, which includes the procedures,
traps, global variables and errors available up to most of System 7.5
(including GX, OCE and OT) and the Universal Interfaces.

ObiWan comes with many databases, including: the Force database which has
all the System 7 programming information, a Words database which is just a
list of words, useful for checking spelling, and a Perl database which
lists all the Perl commands, a TeX database, a Java database, and several
translation dictionaries.

Any programmer with a couple meg of disk space available should definitely
have a look at this (IMNVHO :-).  The normal use is to figure out the
parameters of various calls, for example, if I want to know the parameters
for HOpen, I can get them pasted in like this:
(in either C or Pascal format)

This is a fairly small upgrade from ObiWan 5.1.1.

Version 5.2 includes a bunch of new translation dictionaries based on the
Internet Dictionary Project's dictionaries <>

Also new to version 5.2 is support for being used as a reference engine
(like QuickView or THINK Reference).  The newly released BBEdit 4.5
<> supports using ObiWan as a reference

ObiWan requires System 7.1 or later and is $10 shareware.  5.2 is a free
upgrade if you registered any previous version.

I hope it proves as useful to you as it does to me,

ObiWan 5.2 Copyright Peter N Lewis <>

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/obi-wan-52.hqx; 1790K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:08:09 -0700
Subject: [*] Organizer 2.6 for 1998

The Organizer 2.6 for 1998 is a calendar, daily planner, scheduler, to do
list, phonebook, memo maker etc. There are many new and updated features
such as an automated fax coversheet. This file is available early for use
by users of the Organizer 2.5.1 for 1997.
The shareware cost is $10 for 1998. The Organizer requires HyperCard or
HyperCard Player 2.x.

Steve Gandy
12635 Flagg Dr.
Lafayette, CO 80026

[Archived as /info-mac/app/organizer-26-hc.hqx; 137K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:26 -0700
Subject: [*] Player Helper 2.3

The Player Helper stack provides a way to create up to 20 buttons and 20
fields on each card in your own stack using only the HyperCard Player
(available free from Apple Computer).

You can develop and edit HyperTalk scripts for the buttons and fields
you create.  You can also create and edit card scripts.

You can create as many Helper cards as you want in a stack.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/player-helper-23-hc.hqx; 14K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:08:10 -0700
Subject: [*] RealtorRecordsV1.2

RealtorRecords is a HyperCard Stack for use by Real Estate Agents/Brokers
to keep track of their clients and other persons. A great tool for agents wh=
keep track of many clients and who do prospecting by US mail.

Shareware: $7.50

Main features:

* Mail Merge facility to let you send the same letter to all the people whos=
       cards you have marked.
* Three-Across labels (only works with Avery# 1560, 30 per page).
* One-Across Labels (for use with dot matrix printers).
* Index for showing list of ALL cards, Buyer Cards, Seller Cards, Sold Cards=
       & Other cards.
* MultiFind search. Finds all occurances of your typed-in search request, te=
     the number of cards found, then lets you see the found cards one-by-one=
     You may also Mark cards while viewing.
* On each card you may check to see if your info will fit on to a label.
* On each card enter the "salutation" you wish to use in merge-letters.

New in version 1.2:
    * Three-Across Labels.
    * Improved placement for 1-across labels.
    * Telephone List Printout.
    * Improved Searching using MultiFind.
    * Dial telephone numbers by modem.
    * Many improvements.

System requirements:
* Any Macintosh that will run HyperCard 2.1 or later or can use
       the HyperCard Player.

=46or more information, please read the .doc file enclosed, or visit my
Web page for the latest version:

Tom Nicholls, Realtor=AE

Tom Nicholls <> or <>

My Charlotte NC Real Estate Home Page <>

[Archived as /info-mac/app/realtor-records-12-hc.hqx; 39K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:16 -0700
Subject: [*] Sans-Faute-Grammaire 2.1


Sans-Faute-Grammaire 2.1 is a French language grammar checker. Compatible
with RagTime 4, ClarisWorks 4, Eudora Pro, Eudora Light, Emailer 2,
Microsoft Word 6, QuarkXPress 3.3,WordPerfect 3, FrameMaker 5, FileMaker
Pro, Gwrite, 4D, Omnis 7, BBEdit, Note-it, Phras=E9a, Nisus=AE Writer,Tex-Ed=
Plus, YANewsWatcher, MT-NewsWatcher, Microsoft Internet Mail & News,
Netscape 3, AppleScript, Word Services Suite....

unregistered copy is limited 2000 step by step checking after what there
will be a 30 step by step checking limit by session.

for System 7.1 or higher. AppleScript required. Optimized for PPC (fat)
2Mb on disk, 1,3Mb RAM. Online documentation included.
more details :

The binary may be included on the commercially available CD-ROM of the

Philippe Caudron

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/sans-faute-grammaire-21.hqx; 1324K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Snap-To 2.1.1

As seen in MacUser, Macworld, MacAddict, and numerous other print and
online publications worldwide!

Snap-To is a control panel which automatically moves the cursor to the
default button whenever a dialog box appears on your screen. It sounds
simple, but you'll be amazed at how fast you'll be flying through dialog
boxes once Snap-To is installed. Even if you don't necessarily want to
click on the default button, you'll have that much less of a distance to
move the mouse, which makes a noticeable improvement in ease-of-use.

Snap-To has several bonus features, including the ability to automatically
disable itself in Open or Save dialog boxes, snap the cursor back to its
original location after a dialog has been closed, or smoothly "glide" the
cursor to the default button as though it were sliding across your screen
wearing fuzzy socks on a shiny new kitchen floor.

Snap-To (though it has not been examined by the Food and Drug
Administration ;) is helpful in preventing or reducing the effects of
repetitive stress injuries (RSI) and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Version 2.1 provides MacOS 8 compatibility, a faster and smoother glide
feature, and fixes several small bugs.

Version 2.1.1 fixes a problem where the glide feature could cause crashes
or unusual operation.

Shareware - $5

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/snap-to-211.hqx; 102K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:27 -0700
Subject: [*] sound-utilities.hqx

The Sound Utilities are a set of HyperCard externals to give low-level
access to the services of the Macintosh Sound Manager and Sound Input
Manager. Features include:

* Multi-channel 8/16-bit mono/stereo recording and playback (limited only
by the available hardware)
* Recording direct to disk
* Playback direct from disk (synchronous or asynchronous)
* Synchronized playback of multiple channels
* Control over virtually all the capabilities of your sound input hardware,
including input source selection, automatic level control, and
voice-activated recording (depending on what your sound hardware driver

The only thing new in this release is the inclusion of the "Register"
application from Kagi Shareware. This means I can now receive payments via
credit card.

Please replace the existing file info-mac/dev/card/sound-utilities.hqx with
this one.

Thank you.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/sound-utilities-hc.hqx; 289K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:28 -0700
Subject: [*] speech-manager-ext-updt.hqx

The Speech Utilities are a set of HyperCard externals to give access to the
services of the Macintosh Speech Manager. You can do fully asynchronous
multi-channel speech, control all available voice parameters, use speech
dictionaries, and even generate sound files from the Macintalk Pro voices.

The only thing new in this release is the inclusion of the "Register"
application from Kagi Shareware. This means I can now receive payments via
credit card.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/speech-utilities-hc.hqx; 104K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:58 -0700
Subject: [*] Stravinsky Alert Sounds

This archive contains two sound samples from Stravinsky's Violin
Concerto in D.  Both are suitable for use as very eerie alert sounds.


[Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/stravinsky-alert-snd.hqx; 176K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:53 -0700
Subject: [*] TaskMaster 11

TaskMaster 1.1 - is an incredible utility designed for the beginner Mac
user as well as an experienced users alike. Anything you can launch from
the finder, TaskMaster can do it automatically, any time, as many times,
 and as often as you wish.  What are the benefits of this?  No
programming experience required at all. TaskMaster interface is all
point and click in the traditional Macintosh style.  This is easier than
setting your VCR. Best of all TaskMaster is ready to use with Mac OS8.

best regards
Jordan L. Chilcott
the Computer Software Specialists

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/taskmaster-11.hqx; 598K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:44 -0700
Subject: [*] Timbuktu Pro for Macintosh OS 4.0

Timbuktu Pro for Macintosh OS 4.0
Evaluation Version

The award winning Timbuktu Pro for Mac OS puts the power of remote control,
file transfer, and communication on your desktop. Timbuktu Pro is ideal for
people who own more than one computer, or need to collaborate with others
over a LAN, through a modem, or over the Internet. Timbuktu Pro 4.0 now
includes Intercom for audio conversations between two Timbuktu Pro users,
file synchronization and faster file transfer, as well as full support for
AppleScript to automate common Timbuktu Pro tasks. Timbuktu Pro is essential
for help desk, server, and web administrators. With Timbuktu Pro for Windows
NT you can even take control of a Windows NT server with your PowerBook.
Whether you have Mac OS or Windows computers, you can remotely control them
with Timbuktu Pro's patented cross-platform screen sharing technology. Plus,
Timbuktu Pro is Mac OS 8 compatible and open transport native making it the
highest performance remote control and file transfer software available.

Minimum system requirements
-68020 based Macintosh or any PowerPC based Macintosh OS computer
-8 MB of RAM with virtual memory turned on
-System software version 7.5 or higher, including Mac OS 8
-One copy of Timbuktu Pro software on each computer that is to make or
receive your Timbuktu Pro connections

For TCP/IP, AppleTalk, or Novell/IPX connections
-Properly installed and configured transport software
(MacIPX is included on the Timbuktu Pro CD)

For Intranet or local network use
-A TCP/IP network, an AppleTalk network, a Novell/IP network, or any
combination of the three For modem connections:
-A 14,400 bps modem or higher
For Dial Direct connections:
-Another Macintosh OS computer equipped with Timbuktu Pro 3.0 or higher
For intercom service:
-A PowerPC based Mac OS computer is recommended and a microphone is required.

Farallon Communications, Inc.
(510) 814-5000

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/tb-2-pro-eval-40.hqx; 8156K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:08:12 -0700
Subject: [*] TimeSlice Lite 3.1a

TimeSlice Lite is an easy-to-use $25 time-tracking application for
recording time tasks on the Macintosh.  TimeSlice Lite is useful for
consultants, software developers, attorneys, graphic designers, or anyone
who bills for time, or just wants a simple solution for keeping track of
time events.

Partial feature list:

* Have multiple time sessions going at the same time
* Windows can be enlarged to fill entire screen or minimized to a very
small size
* Build your own Categories & Projects list
* Sort time records
* Search time records
* Separate Expenses field for recording additional time-related expenses
* Export & print time records
* Extensive editing controls in one easy-to-use window
* Marked and unmark time records by category and/or project
* Set Time and Money budgets
* Start, Stop, Pause, Resume, and Restart time records
* Record time in increments of 1, 6, 15, 30 minutes, or 100ths of a minute.
* Supports Stationery Pad
* A complete user's manual
* And much more...

* TimeSlice Lite requires System 7 or greater.
* TimeSlice Lite was previously called TimeTracker.  TimeTracker users can
upgrade for free to TimeSlice Lite.  Contact Maui Software for more

v3.1a is different from v3.1 in that v3.1a contains a Kagi registration form.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/time-slice-lite-31.hqx; 524K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:14:39 -0700
Subject: [*] Visual Balloons for PowerPlant

Visual Balloons(tm) for PowerPlant
Developer Release 2
Written by Andreas Pizsa
Copyright =A9=BF1997 Andreas Pizsa (Tools & Toys)
All rights reserved.

What it does
Visual Balloons is the easiest way to add Balloon Help to your
PowerPlant projects. With Visual Balloons, you simply drag a help
balloon from the PowerPlant Catalog window to any of your PowerPlant
Panes, and Visual Balloons does the rest!

+ Seamless integration with PowerPlant Constructor
+ Easy to use through Drag & Drop
+ No sublcassing required
+ Installs in less than 5 minutes
+ only two additional lines of code to write
+ supports "embedded" strings, styled text, 'STR ' and 'STR#'
resources, and PICTs

System Requirements
Visual Balloons will work on any computer that has System 7 or later
installed. Visual Balloons disables itself automatically when running
on a pre-System 7 computer.

=46or development, you'll need CodeWarrior and PowerPlant Constructor.
Since the Balloon editors were created as CTYP resources, Constructor
must support those resources (I think CTYPs have been supported since CW

What's new in this release (reverse chronological order) DR 2 + Easier
to use: there are now only two 68K libraries, one for model near and one
for model far + Improved stability: Balloon Toggler no longer crashes
when not attached to an LControl (thnx to Willis Morse,

Copyright & Legal Stuff
Visual Balloons was developed by and is (c) Andreas Pizsa. All rights
reserved Visual Balloons, the Visual Balloons logo, Tools & Toys and
the Tools & Toys Logo are trademarks by Andreas Pizsa. All rights
reseved. BalloonHelp is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. PowerPlant
is a trademark of Metrowerks.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/visual-balloons-dr-2.hqx; 76K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:06:48 -0700
Subject: [*] Wartoons!

Fun little program. Watch to funny cartoon characters beat each other
up. which one will win?

System requirements:

Any color mac with system 7, 363k of hard disk space, and 2 megs of ram.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/wartoons.hqx; 180K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Watch It!

Attatched is an extension called Watch It!

It is very similar to Color-Cursor-Spin, also by myself.  Namely, it
changes the standard watch cursor to a grey scale version of the same

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/watch-it.hqx; 18K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:08:03 -0700
Subject: [*] Web Page Backgrounds Galore #2

Here's my contribution


[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/web-galore-2.hqx; 35K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:45 -0700
Subject: [*] Web Works

Web Works is a new program from David DeParolesa, Mouth Blazt Software
Shareware Fee: $10.00 for one browser, and $10.00 for each version of Web
Works for a different additional browser.
Requirements: System 7.5 and up, although some features might only work with
MacOS 8.
Web Site:

	Ensure Privacy, Clear your cache, Connect to a URL automatically*? All of
these concepts were tedious tasks that required time. Time is what WebWorks
is all about. It has a suite of automated Internet related features that are
accessible quickly, and easily. You can use WebWorks with Netscape, Internet
Explorer and America Online.* For a cheap $10.00 shareware fee, you can get
all these features, and save money, because after all, time is money, and
WebWorks saves time.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-works.hqx; 27K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:30 -0700
Subject: [*] xmover.hqx

XMover is a tool for easy drag-and-drop installation of resources (XCMDs,
XFCNs, icons, sounds, whatever) into HyperCard stacks. It is oriented
towards dealing with resources where the names are important, not the ID
numbers; to this end, it automatically renumbers resources to avoid ID

New in this release are the inclusion of a couple of AppleScript "droplets"
to allow opening of resource files directly from the Finder, along with the
"Register" application from Kagi Shareware. This means I can now receive
payments via credit card.

Please replace the existing file info-mac/dev/card/xmover.hqx with this one.

Thank you.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/xmover-hc.hqx; 134K]


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:07:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Yank 1.3.1a

Yank is a $15 shareware application that does two things:

1) Uninstalls an application and files created by the application by moving
them to the Trash.

2) Cleans up your Preferences folder by moving outdated files to the Trash.

Nothing is deleted - all files are moved to the Trash.
Open the Trash folder and watch those unneeded files pile up!  If you want
to replace the files, click on them, and select "Put Away" from the File
menu (command-Y).

Yank is a fat-binary application, which means it runs in native mode on a
Power Macs and 68K Macs.  System 7 or greater is required.

v1.3.1a is different from v1.3.1 in that v1.3.1a contains a Kagi
registration form.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/yank-131.hqx; 155K]



End of Info-Mac Digest