Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #169
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 14 Aug 97       Volume 15 : Issue 169

Today's Topics:

       Energy saver/sleep
      [!] Bad disk info-mac disk
      [A] StyleWriter 1200 Default Preferences
      [ANN] ClarisWorks Mailing List
      [Q] Defeating junk email
      [Q] Rhapsody for Intel???
      Classic programs...
      Fwd: (A) software for mail order
      Geoport modem script for TribePPP
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #168
      Mac sound player wanted
      os8 & now quickfiler?
      Powerbook 180 and System 7.6.1 revisited
      setting up a network
      Starmax 5000 and modem problems
      What breaks with OS 8.....
      Where is "Remote-Only"?

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Date: Wed, 13 Aug 97 15:11:52 +0100
From: Richard Platt <>
Subject:  Energy saver/sleep

>When I put my computer to
>sleep the hard drive spins down and then a few seconds later it winds right
>back up again running at full revs while still in sleep mode. It stays like
>this until I "reawaken" it.
>I am using a Power Mac 8500/120 with a 2.1 Gb Seagate Barracuda Drive
>running system 7.6.1 Energy saver version 2.0.4.

I had a similar problem when running "Sleeper", a control panel that 
offers much better control than Apple's Energy Saver. The new version of 
Sleeper, v3, fixes this problem on my mac. Here's the source. It's $25 

Richard Platt   Telephone: (44) 1892 890741  Fax: (44) 1892 890951
The Old Squash Court, Bayham Abbey, Lamberhurst, Kent, United Kingdom


Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 19:41:01 -0500
From: "Gordon Watts (Info-Mac Moderator)" <>
Subject: [!] Bad disk info-mac disk

Hi folks,
  During a recent blackout at MIT and the surrounding area (I'm told power
was out for almost 6 hours) the partition of the disk containing the sci
directory  was corrupted. No hardware damage, thank goodness. We have to
erase/reinit the disk and then pull an image of the sci directory from amug
(thanks amug!). There won't be submissions till that is done,
unfortunately. We hope to finish this process in a day or two. Sorry for
the delay.

		Gordon (info-mac moderator)
Gordon Watts, Info-Mac Moderator (


Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 13:38:46 -0500
From: (Stephen R. Holmes)
Subject: [A] StyleWriter 1200 Default Preferences

In Info-Mac Digest #168, (Laurence Hawkins) asked:

>I have just acquired an old StyleWriter 1200 to use with my LC 580, running
>System 7.5.3., and I notice that the default page size on Page Set-up is
>A4, whereas I always use US Letter. Is it possible to change the default,
>and if so, how?

I believe that "Printer Defaults 1.5.3" will do the job: [81K]


Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 21:14:37 -0400
From: "Victor Daniel a.k.a the MacNut" <>
Subject: [ANN] ClarisWorks Mailing List

This is to announce the creation of the ClarisWorks for the Macintosh
mailing list. This list will dicuss many aspects of working with all
existing versions of ClarisWorks, including troubleshooting, and tips and
tricks to enhance productivity with this powerful integrated application.
This is not commercially related in any way, this is just something I
started on my own, and means that subscriptions to the list are free.

If you use ClarisWorks in any capacity, this list may be for you. If you
want to subscribe, send a message to, and in
the body of the message (NOT the subject line) type

SUB CLARIS-WORKS Firstname Lastname

replacing "Firstname" and "Lastname" with your first and last names.

I'd appreciate the help of every ClarisWorks user on the Info-Mac list in
making my new list as much of a useful and fun Internet resource as the
previously mentioned lists.

Looking forward to hearing from interested subscribers,
The MacNut

Victor Daniel a.k.a the MacNut


Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 23:20:21 -0500
From: (Joshua Kramer)
Subject: [Q] Defeating junk email

>That part of my message was in response to someone's wish that the United
>States Congress outlaw Email SPAM. You two are saying that it's just
>outside the USA that has the cost problem. As far as your friend in
>California, to be brutally honest, there's just 2 reasons to be paying a
>provider per-minute:
>1) ignorance
>2) You use the service so little that your monthly charges are less than a
>regular unlimited account.
>Unlimited/untimed accounts can be had in every area code in the USA for
>less than $20/month. Also, as you undoubtedly read, I'm not pro-SPAM, & I
>even offered a solution that would save the user from even having to
>download the message from his ISP. I just don't think that it should be up
>to the US Congress to try to stop it.

I missed your origional message. I'm willing to bet it was an opt-out

With regards to the lack of effect of spam on monthly accounts, you have
implied a falsehood - that spam has no cost.

It is a basic economic principle that any given thing must be paid for
by someone. Junk email takes up the following resources:

1. Disk space on the receiving end
2. Bandwidth equally on both the sending and recieving end (per mail)
3. Time, on both the sending and receiving end, but more so on the
receiving end (per mail).

Though disk-space is becoming more expencive, at last count over
40% of all email is unsolicited commercial by volume. 

This means that, assuming all messages are equal in length, the
mail spool disk could go down by 40% in size if all spam stopped.

This is definable cost. I will call this cost X. Specifically, for me,
using standard disk prices of .20 per MB, my cost is around 2 dollars
for my mail spool.

If that cost went down to 1 dollar, the 1 dollar saving in space could be
used to lower my monthly fees by .50. Another way of looking at this 
is to examine the number of users than can be had per dollar of diskspace -
halving this doubles users and will therefore cause permant effect in
excess of the one time .50 cent savings. In effect, with the same disk
resources they can support more people, which they will do to an
extent. Let's call this .33 cents per month in extra profit.

Additionally, it took me around 2 hours to write up my extensive procmail
filters file, and I spend around 20 minutes a week updating the domains.
I hardly ever actually see spam, but at a $10 hour fee for my time (Hey,
I'm an undergrad,) that is a $20 startup fee and a $3.33 weekly fee, all
of which I could be earning at a job if I was not dealing with spam e-mail.

Bandwidth is much harder to classify. I will, at the present, not present
the rudimentarry math I used above because I can't, but allow me to state
wholey on my gustimation, that the bandiwidth used to transport junk
mail to me costs my provider around .33.

Finally, there is the cost that *I* take out of providers that send
spam mail by calling their 1-800 numbers and complaining, or calling
collect or sending mail postage-due. Even more extensive is the time
that it takes the sending provider to deal with the reams of mail they
get back, and the amount of bandwidth the spammer uses up. I will ignore
the problems of the outgoing - I assume you think throw-away accounts,
which endanger the $20 flat fee and unauthorized gatewaying are bad
things that deserve legislation.

Of course, lowering my tuition by the $4 per month that this all adds
about up to is pretty negligible to me, but to those paying $240 a year,
a $48 reduction sounds pretty good.

And, finally, there are the people in other countires who are forced
to pay by the minute. Your junk e-mail costs them significant money in
a much more easily quantifiable sense. You, being the typical American
centrist, however, don't know or care. Proof once more that pro-spam
people have no clue.

Joshua Kramer, Student, Swarthmore College.


Date: 13 Aug 97 12:44:48 -0500
From: "Chris Gervais" <>
Subject: [Q] Rhapsody for Intel???


>With last weeks news about Microsoft investing in Apple, what will happen 
>to Rhapsody for Intel? Could this be Bills way of killing any 
>competition, much like giving his web browser away?

I'm pretty sure that Apple will continue full-force with Rhapsody for
Intel. A good portion of the Rhapsody demos at MacWorld were run on Intel
iron. The upcoming developer's release of Rhapsody will supposedly include
both PowerPC and Intel versions.

I think Bill might like Rhapsody because using the Yellow Box, MS
developers could use set of code for MS Office and deliver it on: MacOS,
Rhapsody for PowerPC, Rhapsody for Intel, Win95, WinNT and possibly some
UNIX variants. He code get a lot of return for a small investment. But,
since that actually makes sense, Microsoft will probably stay far away from
that idea!




Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 13:47:01 -0500
From: Dave Friedman <>
Subject: Classic programs...

>Call me crazy but I have a Mac Classic that I love to use and I wold like
>to find some old programs and games that would work on it.  Anyone out
>there who knows of a source for those kinds of things please email me
>personally at

No need to resort to old software -- Storm Impact's latest releases all
work great on Macs dating back to the Mac Plus!

Info from their web site at:

* Color and Black & White graphics!
* 9" (Classic), 12", 13"-21", and multi-monitor compatible.
* System 7 friendly, but works in Systems as early as 6.0.2.
* PowerMac, PowerBook, and AV friendly.
* 24/32-bit and virtual memory clean.
* All games are accelerated on PowerMacs!

Storm Impact's shareware games include:
* TaskMaker
* Tomb of the TaskMaker
* MacSki
* Asterbamm

They also publish Technical Snapshot, a great diagnostic tool.

Hope this helps.
Dave Friedman

(Note: I do not represent Storm Impact -- just friends.)


Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 19:32:33 -0500
From: "Onno Hoogendoorn" <>
Subject: Fwd: (A) software for mail order

I had asked about mail order software and mailing list management programs.

>From the replies I got it seems that I can either do it myself with
FileMaker Pro or another database program. Or buy contact manager software,
like Now Contact and Claris Organizer.

Thanks to all who have helped!

Onno Hoogendoorn

All About Money - Common Sense Personal Finance.
 To subscribe
All About Biz - Home Office and Small Business News.
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Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 15:12:37 -0800
From: Horst Simon <Hsimon@AXP1.SALK.EDU>
Subject: Geoport modem script for TribePPP

Is there a modem script around for the Geoport which supports a 28 800 or
33 600 connection using TribePPP? I would appreciate any help.



Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 03:49:18 -0400
From: (Kiran Wagle)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #168

>>      I thought I would boot up fropm the OS8 CD and take a look at the
>>interface of the system before installing it and discovered that it would
>>not boot on my 7100 av 80  Mac at all but instead crashed resoundingly with
>>a bomb and a message to boot with extensions off due to bus error ( type
>>11.)...I contacted Apple and got two differing opinions on what to do to
>>get through this . One suggested  that I    make certain that appletalk is
>>on so I tried that to no avail and the second which was to boot only from

AFAIK, this is indeed related to AppleTalk.  I've turned it on using the
"Remote Only" extension from the ARA package, and now I can boot from the
CD.  Apparently if you turn it on and restart, it'll boot, but I haven't
tried this.

~ Kiran


Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 02:16:02 +0200
From: Thomas Rohde <>
Subject: Mac sound player wanted

Tracy <> wrote

with subject "Mac sound player wanted":

> I am looking for a Macintosh sound utility to play sound samples on a
> Mac at the press of a button.
> I need the ability to play a sound at he press of a hot key combination
> no matter what program I am in. This will be used to spiceup live
> software demonstrations. EXAMPLE; I am drawing a picture in Photoshop. I
> press ALT + SHIFT 2 and a car horn sounds.
> Hopefully the program will run in the background and play samples saved
> to the hard drive.

you might want to have a look at the *really cool* tool OneClick from
Westcode Software.

You can make it do the above, make it speak (with PlainTalk only) and
lots more.

You can make it a button on a little palette and/or a key combo, or even
button on a palette that pops up when you move the cursor to a predefined
spot on the screen.

OneClick (OC) is a programmable macro program (has its own - clean and
well-documented - scripting language) and you can make it do almost all
that you want, including all that you wrote you wanted.

Two days ago I've set up some scripts that do the following: switch to
sticky points in FreeHand and - using PlainTalk - say: "Click is on", or
disable sticky points and say "Click is off". I used the same key combo
as FreeHand and included it again in the OneClick script, OC overrides
FH, executes the script, and talks. And quickly it does so.

I don't know about the current pricing, but Westcodesoft sometimes gives
special discounts for some time; look

It comes with many preset palettes/scripts/buttons for *many* programs,
and there is a special mailing list for it's users. That list alone is
worth the money I paid for the program. And, up to now, many many
scripts, buttons, palettes are added almost weekly to the company's
web/ftp-server for free downloading for registered users. Fantastic. So
many users contributing free thingies to do this and to do that, valuable
thingies that do things in Finder or any app that you need to do daily.
Never seen such before, except in the FSF/GNU area.

I'm not affiliated etc etc, just a happy user.

You may - like me - find that you can throw away many of your other
helpers once you found out how to beautifully do it all with OneClick.
(Well, I still have 200+ extension in all, but that's another thing...)

Of course, you could do the thing you want with any other macro
program/control panel/extension as well, e.g. QuickKeys, and there are
other whose names I've forgotten. (Did I write about this disease... what
was it's name, uhm, Alz-, Alz-, uh, I can't recall, Alz-...)

my DM 0.06 becoming DM 0.05, or was I getting things mixed up...

Thomas Rohde,   Dorfstrasse 3,   29646 Bispingen / Huetzel,   GERMANY
Phone (++49)-5194-6741 office    /    -6746 private    /    -6742 FAX
;-)          signature updated: August 14, 1997, 02:15:52         q-:


Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 12:28:26 -0400
From: "David P. Baker" <>
Subject: os8 & now quickfiler?

hi. i know that now utilities aren't compatible in general with macos 8. i
have no problem with dumping now, since at least some of its functionality
exists in the new os--but there's a potential problem. i use now quickfiler
to transparently compress my disk. is that component of now utilities
(6.0.2, btw) incompatible with macos 8? if so, does that mean i'll have to
decompress my entire 1.2G drive? i'll most likely run out of room. has
anyone tried installing os8 on a now-compressed drive?

thanks much.


-+- David P. Baker * * -+-


Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 20:44:29 GMT+01
From: Dieter Adam <>
Subject: Powerbook 180 and System 7.6.1 revisited


In Info-Mac 151, I had asked:

>I have recently tried to upgrade my trusty old Powerbook 180 (120 MB 
>hard drive, 14 MB RAM, PSI Power Modem IV) to System D1-7.6/D1-7.6.1, 
>respectively. In both cases, the machine freezes reproducibly when 
>waking up from sleep. With a bare bones system 7.6.1, I get errors 10 
>and 5, with all extensions off, I only get a blank screen.
>Under system 7.1, I had occasional freezes (approximately one out of 
>twenty wakeups) but never that reproducibly. Do I have a hardware 
>problem here or are there any of you that share these experiences?

Thanks to andy selby <>, A BRODY 
<> and Mark Johnson <> for 
their helpful comments. 

Andy Selby, A. Brody and Mark Johnson all pointed out that System 7.6 
has high memory requirements and recommended to stay with an earlier 
System version. Andy Selby provided the following step-by-step 
installation instructions:

>1) Get a copy of TechTool 1.1.4 (any shareware place)
>2) Restart with extensions off
>3) Using a Norton Utilities Emergency Disk or Disk Tools, check the HD
>for problems.
>4) Using TechTool, zap the PRAM (allow it to save your PRAM just in
>case), and hold down the shift key while it restarts
>5) Open TechTool again, and use it to rebuild the desktop
>6) Install the new system software, using command-shift-k to do a Clean
>7) This is important....if you're doing 7.6, install any extra updates
>(Open Trans 1.1.2, etc.) BEFORE installing 7.6.1.
>Install all updates without changing or turning anything off, and
>restart after each install.
>That should do it.  7.6.1 will eliminate all those weird errors you're
>encountering if you go with 7.6.  Good luck!!!!

Unfortunately, this did not do the trick. Although Norton and Disk First 
Aid gave a clean health record for the drive and the entire installation 
procedure went smoothly (although swapping 18 or 19 disks really is not 
much fun), the PB crashed as soon as I tried to reawaken it from sleep. 
I am back to 7.1 now, and the problems have largely disappeared.

Mark Johnson's reply, however, put my suspicions on the right track. He 

>Did you use Apple's "Drive Setup" to update the driver? Could be 7.6 is 
>not compatible with the 180.

Currently, the PB's drive runs with the driver from HDT v.1.8. (I know 
that I should upgrade, which I will probably do soon. No problems so far 
with 7.6.1 and HDT 1.8 on a IIci and a PM 8500 that I use). When I tried 
to initialize the drive with "Festplatte installieren D1-7.3.5" (drive 
setup) after starting up from the disk tools floppy, I got the following 

"Die Festplatte konnte nicht initialisiert werden. Das Volume konnte 
nicht deaktiviert werden. M=F6glicherweise ist noch eine Datei in 

which translates more or less into that initialization failed because 
the drive could not be unmounted and that a file might still be in use.
I remember a similar problem being discussed here where Norton File 
Saver was mentioned as a possible cause. This does not apply here, as 
the PB was booted from disk, without any extensions. I also remember 
that I got a similar error message from HDT when I upgraded the driver 
to 1.8 some time ago, but that I eventually succeeded after a couple of 

My question to you techies out there: are these error messages 
indicative in any way for a hardware problem? Aside from the occasional 
freeze at wakeup, the PB works just fine under 7.1 and I can perfectly 
well live with that. However, the refusal of the HD to be formatted 
leaves me worried that I might have a dead drive soon.

If any of you can provide me with a clue what is happening here, I would 
be most grateful. Also, for curiosity's sake, if anyone out there does 
successfully use 7.6.1 on a powerbook 180, I would appreciate a short 

Thanks for your help,



Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 04:16:32 +1000
From: (#####) (Keith Ryding)
Subject: setting up a network

I am in the process of getting togther a few Macs and a PC running Windoze
NT server. The aim is to network them altogether using a hub and UTP cable.

My ask  is , What should I go with, appletalk or TCP/IP ?
I have an ISP that I derive a dynamic address from when connecting .
I also have the ability to run a server from a Mac using Quid pro Quo or
the PC (which I willwant to do from time to time).

I realise that this is a big ask but would appreciate any tips, hints,
instructions, stories etc that anyone would care to send me .

Many thanks

Keith Ryding


If you go through life with a smile on your face your probably not paying

to return mail remove the (#####)


Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 17:02:05 -0600
From: Gene Huebner <>
Subject: Starmax 5000 and modem problems

Proud owner of a new Motorola StarMax 5000/225 running with System 7.6.
Nothing but difficulty with SupraExpress 56e modem bundled with the

With proper configuration, initialization strings, etc., I can connect
with my internet server each morning when I start up. After anywhere
from 15 to 120 minutes, the 56e modem disconnects.

If it disconnects me, or I purposely disconnect, I cannot get my
computer to recongnize the modem for the rest of the day. (Almost
reminds me of the old days where you shut things off to let the tubes
cool down!!)

Nothing I do, including disconnecting and reconnecting power to modem,
or attempting to communicate with modem with Microphone program allows
the computer to recogize the modem. When I connect with my previous 33.6
Accura modem, I have no difficulty.

Only thing that works is to shutdown  overnight, or several hours on one
occasion, and then modem is recognized.

Anyone out there with similar experiences, or hopefully, a solution?

I got no help from Diamond Corp. (manufacturers of of SupraExpress
modem) because they do not even provide software with this particular
package sold to Motorola. They shuffled me to Motorola.

Motorola people are very polite, but just haven't experienced this
particular problem.

Gene Huebner


Date: Wed, 13 Aug 97 07:43:32 -0800
From: "B.J. Major" <>
Subject: What breaks with OS 8.....

In reply to:

>Then I pressed my luck. Made a Sys8 boot floppy for the old MacTools Pro.
>Yes, it's a little long of tooth and well out of production, but I've
>found it useful. Wrong! It booted the 7300 fine, but MT said that it can't
>run on a Mac with less than System 7. Huh? I suspect its test was "hang
>it up if System not equal 7" instead of "at least 7."
>Hope my experience is useful to some of y'all.
>Al Bloom

Al:  yes, as you have painfully found out, both MacTools Pro and any 
version of Norton prior to 3.5.1 breaks with OS 8.  So does Copy Doubler.

I will miss the "old" MacTools Pro--and my copy was bought not that long 
ago--in June of last year.  It's amazing to me how fast these computer 
apps now "age".....


Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 01:13:41 +0200
From: (Josep Lluis Mtnz. Benlliure)
Subject: Where is "Remote-Only"?

Michael G. Schabert <> (Tue, 5 Aug 1997):

      > you can get an extension from Apple called "Remote Only".
      > This allows you to turn on AppleTalk in a mode that doesn't
      > affect your serial ports. You put this in your extensions
      > folder, then in the Network (under classic) or the
      > AppleTalk (under OT) control panel, select Remote only
      > instead of your printer port.

   Could you please help me to find such extension?? I've tried in and other servers from Apple with no success at all.
Anyone knows the exact URL?

Thanx a lot in advance.

Josep Lluis Mtnz. Benlliure
Universitat de Valencia
(Spain, Europe)



End of Info-Mac Digest