Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #168
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 13 Aug 97       Volume 15 : Issue 168

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#392/11-Aug-97
      (Q) danish characters
      (Q) OS 8 fighting Microsoft Word 6.0.1 (Help!)
      [A]  Booting off of OS8 CD-ROM crashes 7100
      [Q] Rhapsody for Intel???
      Classic programs...
      Fwd: Energy saver/sleep
      GIFs and JPEGs not visible in Netscape
      GIFs and JPEGs not visible in Netscape
      Mac sound player wanted
      MacOS8 and Gamma
      mailing list software
      Netscape 4.0 feature
      OS8 on 7100/80av
      Solution for crashing Pb!
      StyleWriter 1200 Default Preferences
      Symantec MORE File Format?
      Sys8 & Emergency Floppies

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Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 21:43:08 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#392/11-Aug-97


Last week's Macworld Expo news dominates this issue with news of the
Apple/Microsoft announcement that floored everyone at the keynote address.
Managing Editor Jeff Carlson, our representative at the Expo, weighs in
with his overall impressions; Tonya reports on new hardware from Apple,
including several new Power Macs; and Adam offers additional details and
analysis about the recent Macworld/MacUser merger.

    Apple Dishes Up New Hardware
    Microsoft is Jobs #1
    MacUser and Macworld Merge
    Boston Macworld: Less Flash, Less Trash, More Questions


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-392.etx; 30K]


Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 11:40:17 +0200
From: (Andreas Prilop)
Subject: (Q) danish characters

In article <5s7v31$da2$>, (Lars C. Jensen) wrote:

>Almost anytime I receive an e-mail all the charaters are right including
>the three last of the danish alphabet. But when I send an e-mail or a
>reply to a newsgroup, then theese three last letters, which are special
>for the danish alphabet, end up in strange signs, numbers and other
>gibberrish when it arrives at someones mailbox - also when I send from
>one danish adress to another. What=B4s wrong?

In Eudora, choose the menu "Special : Settings...". Under "Sending Mail",
uncheck (i.e. disable) the option "May use Quoted-Printable".

In Netscape Navigator 3.0, choose the menu "Options :
Mail and News Preferences...". Under "Composition", check "Allow 8-bit".

There should be a similar option in MacSoup. Look for "Quoted-Printable"
or "QP" and disable this option.


Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 13:18:51 -0500
Subject: (Q) OS 8 fighting Microsoft Word 6.0.1 (Help!)

I did a clean install of OS 8 (from CD-ROM) on the second partition of
my 3400c yesterday.  I followed this with an install of Microsoft Office
4.2.1 (also from CD-ROM - there are no other extensions or applications
installed yet in this partition).  I turned off the Office Manager
extension using the Extensions Manager and then rebooted.  I copied over
to the OS 8 partition a Microsoft Word document stored in the other
partition, and opened it to start some revisions.

Almost immediately I ran into problems.  When deleating a string of
characters that would force Word to reformat a paragraph, it would
double the line under the deletion.  At more or less the same time, I
noticed that the lower window "sill" (the one put up by Microsoft, not
Apple) was doubled, almost as if there were two windows, one behind and
slightly inside the other.  I did a bit more playing around, and noticed
that the floating pallet of Powerbook "moves" had also been doubled. 
Saving the file, and re-opening it under the old OS showed incomplete
edits where I was working, but no garbage characters. 

Does this sound familiar to anyone?  Has Microsoft said anything about
any patches for OS 8?

Thanks for any help.

William R. Wing     -      Network Architect
Oak Ridge National Laboratory -


Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 06:57:09 PDT
From: "Randall G. Floyd" <>
Subject: [A]  Booting off of OS8 CD-ROM crashes 7100

>	regarding OS*
>	I thought I would boot up fropm the OS8 CD and take a look at the
>interface of the system before installing it and discovered that it would
>not boot on my 7100 av 80  Mac at all but instead crashed resoundingly with
>a bomb and a message to boot with extensions off due to bus error ( type
>11.)...I contacted Apple and got two differing opinions on what to do to
>get through this . One suggested  that I    make certain that appletalk is
>on so I tried that to no avail and the second which was to boot only from
>the disk tools 2 disk that came with the cdrom and then install the OS
>after using the disk tools emergency startup folder...very odd, very odd
>and rather a disappointment.  Essentially, one cannot use the CDROM as a
>startup disk at all for this machine and perhaps many others.

I have an 8100/80 AV which did the exact same thing you describe above.
While I'm sure there are some differences (they have different cases, they
may have different motherboards for all I know), all I did is boot from the
CD-ROM with extensions turned off, just like it suggests.  I had no problem
after that.  I admit it's hardly something excusable or that you should
have to put up with, but at least it's easy to work around (it even tells
you the work around).  I'm sorry if you tried this and it didn't work for

>They also
>remarked after I questioned  them that this is common with the OS8.  Has
>anyone had similar experiences?  I have not yet installed the software but
>wonder if I have any other surprises in this regard ahead of me.  Is this a
>similar problem with PCI bus computers? Am I just an unlucky camper having
>been eaten by a rabid bear... er..OS or is this just one of those things?
>Please Email me with observations if you can...thanks in advance.

No, it's not a problem with PCI Macs (at least not with the one I installed
it on, to be fair), I've also installed it on an 8500/180 and a Quadra
840AV with no problems.  I've been really pleased with Mac OS 8 so far, if
you haven't tried booting from the CD-ROM with extensions turned off, give
it a try.

Good Luck,



Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 7:33:46 -0400
From: "Violette, John" <>
Subject: [Q] Rhapsody for Intel???

Hi All,
With last weeks news about Microsoft investing in Apple, what will happen 
to Rhapsody for Intel? Could this be Bills way of killing any 
competition, much like giving his web browser away?



Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 10:17:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chris Mcvay <>
Subject: Classic programs...

Call me crazy but I have a Mac Classic that I love to use and I wold like
to find some old programs and games that would work on it.  Anyone out
there who knows of a source for those kinds of things please email me
personally at


Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 23:12:39 -0500
From: "T & H Holmes" <>
Subject: Fwd: Energy saver/sleep


I hope someone knows the answer to this question. When I put my computer to
sleep the hard drive spins down and then a few seconds later it winds right
back up again running at full revs while still in sleep mode. It stays like
this until I "reawaken" it.
I am using a Power Mac 8500/120 with a 2.1 Gb Seagate Barracuda Drive
running system 7.6.1 Energy saver version 2.0.4. I have tried every
possible setting within the energy saver control panel without being able
to change the situation  and put the computer in proper sleep mode. Any
clues from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and best wishes.

Ted Holmes
Denmark 6333 Western Australia


Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 23:05:17 -0500
From: "Alain Chabot" <>
Subject: GIFs and JPEGs not visible in Netscape


I have built a fairly large project in html. It contains both jpeg and gif
files. When I send the html files and the images as file attachments in
Eudora emails all works well at the other end: the recipient can display
pages normally, in Netscape or IE, on a mac or a pc or whatever else. I
have also uploaded the entire project with Anarchie to other people's
accounts and that too worked hunky dory.


As the number of files keeps growing  (over 450 so far), I thougth of
putting everything in one (or a few) large files and place them on a ftp
server for people to access and download. So I ziped everything together
with Zipit. And now when a non-Mac recipient opens the files, the html is
displayed correctly, but the images are illegible. One guy has found out
that there is some "garbage" in each file, probably some mac-specific
stuff. He can repair the files by opening them in Paint Shop Pro, and
saving it without making any change.

But this means making this over 400 times. :(

I have tried to move my files to a dos floppy and zipping them from there.
No luck. Is there anything I can do to make sure the extraneous info is



Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 09:18:30 +0200
From: Hans de Wolf <>
Subject: GIFs and JPEGs not visible in Netscape

>As the number of files keeps growing  (over 450 so far), I thougth of
>putting everything in one (or a few) large files and place them on a ftp
>server for people to access and download. So I ziped everything together
>with Zipit. And now when a non-Mac recipient opens the files, the html is
>displayed correctly, but the images are illegible. One guy has found out
>that there is some "garbage" in each file, probably some mac-specific
>stuff. He can repair the files by opening them in Paint Shop Pro, and
>saving it without making any change.
>But this means making this over 400 times. :(
>I have tried to move my files to a dos floppy and zipping them from there.
>No luck. Is there anything I can do to make sure the extraneous info is

I think that you have ziped the files using Zipit with the "Macbinary"
settings for these files. Zipit converts Macintosh files with resource
forks to Macbinary before storing them in the Zip archive (that is the only
way to keep the resource parts of a file). For GIFs and JPEGs, the resource
part can contain the thumbnail preview of the images.  For your purpose,
you do not need the resource fork.

You do not want Macbinary encoding ! When you unzip the archive on a
platform that isn't aware of Macbinary, you do not get only the data fork
part of the file (which contains the actual image), but also the macbinary
header preceeding the data fork, and the resource fork. When this happens,
the extracted files are no longer compliant with the GIF and JPEG
definitions, and applications cannot read them. Paint Shop Pro may be able
to open the JPEGs because it in the past JPEG/JFIF had often gargbage at
the beginning of the file, and it looks for a specific signature that
indicates the start of the JPEG image - and ignores the Macbinary header.

The solution: switch of Macbinary encoding in Zipit. I do not know if you
can do this in an existing archive, or that you have to re-archive
everything. Just try it.


Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 13:16:07 -0500
Subject: Mac sound player wanted


I am looking for a Macintosh sound utility to play sound samples on a
Mac at the press of a button. 

I need the ability to play a sound at he press of a hot key combination
no matter what program I am in. This will be used to spiceup live
software demonstrations. EXAMPLE; I am drawing a picture in Photoshop. I
press ALT + SHIFT 2 and a car horn sounds.

Hopefully the program will run in the background and play samples saved
to the hard drive.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. E-mail responces are also


Tracy Evans
Visit Tracy's Magic web sites at


Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 03:44:43 -0930
From: (Monib Mahdavi)
Subject: MacOS8 and Gamma

Dear Macsters,

I have run into some compalability problems, and I am hoping that someone
may be of assistance. I'm not talking about my love life, I'm talking
about my 7100/66AV. (Or maybe that's the same thing!)

The problem relates to using th Gamma control panel with OS8. For some
reason it is no lonher functional and this is quite problem, seeing that I
need it for some monitor calibration. One of my monitors has blown a tube,
and I use the Gamma panel to balance the colours up. I have originally had
it set up to be the first mdev that loads on boot up, and then it corrects
my screen. However, with the new operating system, it doesn't do anything,
even when I manually turn it off or on. I would hate to have to go back to
7.6.1 simply because of this problem, so I hope there is an esy answer.

Does anyone know what may be causng this, or even better, a
utility/control panel that will solve the dilema? Any suggestions will be
greatly appreciated.




Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 17:06:33 -0400
From: Andrew Michael Cohill <>
Subject: mailing list software

I want to encourage you to take a long look at LetterRip. It is one of the
finest pieces of Mac software I have ever used, and the new version 2.0 is
just outstanding.  It is sold by Fog City Software, the originators of
Claris Emailer.
These folks do a better job of
writing software for the Mac (in terms of interface issues) than anybody I
have ever seen.  The software is fast, easy to use (unlike ListStar), and

(a very satisfied LetterRip customer)


Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 22:02:57 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Netscape 4.0 feature

Monty Lee ( responded to my request about unintentional
alphabetizing of bookmarks as follows:

>found that by immediately quitting Netscape [4.01] and then re-launching it
>alphabetizing is removed and the order is back the way I had it. 

Thanks, Monty, that was the trick.  It's frustrating, but I just wait until
I've logged off of my AOL session (I don't see why a PPP disconnect shouldn't
do the same thing), then arrange my bookmarks and immediately quit Netscape.
 Next time, the menu is exactly as I wanted.

And thanks, too to all who responded.

Lou Casagrande


Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 10:17:56 -0600
From: "Bill Abel" <>
Subject: OS8 on 7100/80av

I was wondering if anyone knew why a 7100/80av would not boot from the os8
CD?  It actually boots up but then at the last moment, just before handing
control over to the error occurs...system bomb.


Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 10:33:26 +0200
From: Peter Peldan <>
Subject: Solution for crashing Pb!

I earlier had a problem that I've now found a solution to: whenever I
tried to wake up my Powerbook 100 from harddrive sleep, it crashed. The
solution was simply to update the drive routin for the harddrive. I used
Drive7, a program I received when buying a new harddisk. (On my Performa
I once solved the same problem by zapping the PRAM)

Hope this could help someone.



Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 17:15:26 -0400
From: (Laurence Hawkins)
Subject: StyleWriter 1200 Default Preferences

I have just acquired an old StyleWriter 1200 to use with my LC 580, running
System 7.5.3., and I notice that the default page size on Page Set-up is
A4, whereas I always use US Letter. Is it possible to change the default,
and if so, how?

Laurence Hawkins


Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 10:56:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: Kenneth Jacker <>
Subject: Symantec MORE File Format?

I need to convert a bunch of Symantec MORE v3.1 documents
to latex.  If you know where I might obtain the internal
file format for these outlines, please write to me.


-Prof Kenneth H Jacker
-Computer Science Dept
-Appalachian State Univ
-Boone, NC  28608    


Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 16:42:02 -0400
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: Sys8 & Emergency Floppies

For someone who hasn't installed Sys8 yet, I've already found two
advantages of the Disk Tools 2 floppy that accompanies the new
release: (1) The stripped Sys8 is smaller -- 567k vs 696k -- than
the stripped 7.6 system on that version of Disk Tools, and (2) the
fool thing boots my 7300.

I promptly made Norton 3.5.1 boot floppies based on the new Disk
Tools. Or rather I promptly started the process. Took a couple of
hours as I tripped over my feet several times. You who like emergency
floppies may benefit from my experience.

This is also the only way to get a bootable Norton 3.5.1 unless you
have a large r/w volume or can burn your own CD-ROM or paid Symantec
for the 3.5.1 "upgrade" CD.

I wanted Disk Doctor and Speed Disk floppies, so I extracted Startup
Disk Builder from the Norton 3.5 CD to my HD, and copied two Utility
Disk images (1 and 3) from the CD as well. Then, with extensions off
like a good little sprout, I proceeded to make Startup Disks.

Startup Disk Builder is a tad smarter these days. When it asked for
Disk Tools, it didn't choke because the name is Disk Tools 2. It made
the version 3.5 NDD and SD startup disks right fine.

Then things got a little sticky.

I tried updating the small NDD on the NDD Startup to 3.5.1 (Yes, I copied
it to HD first). No joy. Cannot update this version. Oh well. Plenty of
room on the NDD Startup to hold the large (662k) version of 3.5.1 already
on my HD. Just remember to rename it Disk Doctor, If you keep the name
Norton Disk Doctor, the floppy will not boot.

I had to do the same thing with Speed Disk. The updater would only work
with the version originally installed on my HD from the 3.5 CD. Then just
copy that to the SD Startup Disk without any renaming nonsense.

The NDD startup disk worked fine. Its SD cousin failed. Sorry, this version
of SD needs objectsupportlib. Of goodie! Thanks for telling me. I may be
wrong, but I believe Sys8 doesn't have the objectsupportlib extension, it
having been melded into the System file itself. I'm glad I'm still running
System 7.6.1, so I could just copy that extension to the SD floppy. At that
point all was well.

Then I pressed my luck. Made a Sys8 boot floppy for the old MacTools Pro.
Yes, it's a little long of tooth and well out of production, but I've
found it useful. Wrong! It booted the 7300 fine, but MT said that it can't
run on a Mac with less than System 7. Huh? I suspect its test was "hang
it up if System not equal 7" instead of "at least 7."

Hope my experience is useful to some of y'all.

Al Bloom

Al Bloom



End of Info-Mac Digest