Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #155 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Wed, 30 Jul 97 Volume 15 : Issue 155 Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#390/28-Jul-97 [A] Microtek Printer & Fontographer [Q] Refresh rate [Q] PCMCIA Flash Memory for the MP2K [Q]Substitute for Speed Doubler "Smart Replace". ARA and OT Best CD-ROM cataloging software? (C) Flushing an AppleShare Autolink (Q) Internet Explorer Error -491? (R) Iomega Bournulli 150M cartridges Looking for "Caps Lock" ext for PB3400 Netscape 4.0 "Feature" Weird Pattern Problems... The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of: Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, Matt Bauer, Liam Breck The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around the world. For the site list, request it by mail (address below), or try: <> Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/. 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StarNine develops Internet server software for the Macintosh, including World Wide Web and e-mail publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL, who has supplied the hardware the main info-mac machine runs on. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V15 #155" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 20:59:48 -0700 From: TidBITS Editors <> Subject: [*] TidBITS#390/28-Jul-97 TidBITS#390/28-Jul-97 Mac OS 8 - it's here to stay! Geoff Duncan delves into some subtleties of this major upgrade, and qualifies everything with a bit of informal usability testing with some normal Mac users. This issue also features the release of the Robert Hess Memorial Macworld Party List, and an announcement of ClarisWorks for Kids. Finally, Tonya takes a site-centric view of Web publishing by comparing Site Weaver, SiteMill, and CyberStudio Pro. Topics: MailBITS/28-Jul-97 Kicking the Tires on Mac OS 8 Spinning the Web Part 6: Linking up with Site Managers <> <> [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-390.etx; 30K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 16:10:21 -0500 (CDT) From: "Mark E. Ingram" <> Subject: [A] Microtek Printer & Fontographer Eric Richards <> wrote: > I've heard a rumour that if I take Fontographer, open up one of the > modern "problem" fonts, and find some option or menu selection deep > inside the program that controls "path tracing"-I can then REgenerate > the font into a new "printer-friendly" version and my [Mikrotek] printer > will deal with it. This sounds workable. To make sure, consider posting your query to the Fontographer newsgroup hosted by Macromedia: news-// Regards, Mark E. Ingram Non-Composer/Arranger Trumpet/MIDI MarkT@Mo-Net.Com (also ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 10:35:41 -0500 From: Nick <> Subject: [Q] Refresh rate I work in a lab located near the AC feed lines for the building. All of our Apple and DEC monitors had such horrible on-screen wobbling that we had to send them out for special mu-metal shielding, needless to say, it is very expensive. However, our only PC user in the lab has had no such trouble with his monitor. Its refresh rate is 60hz, which implies that the problem is due to the beat frequency of Apple's 67 or 75hz rate and Con Ed's 60hz. My question is if their is any way to set a standard Apple monitor to a 60hz rate? -Nick ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 97 13:16:03 -0600 From: jacobs <> Subject: [Q] PCMCIA Flash Memory for the MP2K I'm considering getting an extra bit of storage for my fairly new Messagepad 2000. Now, what's advertized for it ('4MB Newton Flash...') is a bit expensive ($199 US?) and I was considering going elsewhere to buy the cards... I ran into a delimma. How much will NOS 2.1 support on a PCMCIA card? Is 4 the limit, or could one go as high as 8, 10, 15, or even 40MB? (I'm not planning on the 40 - I'd like to get an 8 or a 10 MB.) Also, the unit has 1 MB of DRAM... is there a way to expand that? I've loved it so far.... I've made a few friends with older MP's drool at the speed and other fun little things. thanks. --dj ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 08:32:59 -0700 From: Roger Brier <> Subject: [Q]Substitute for Speed Doubler "Smart Replace". Is there a substitute for the "Smart Replace" function of Speed Doubler out there? If there is would someone please direct me to it because Connectix will not have Speed Doubler available for Mac OS8 for some time and my method of doing backups is to use "Smart Replace" to backup folders to a set of Stacker formatted Zip disks (190 MB each). If there is no substitute for a "Smart Replace" out there this seems to be a void that needs to be filled by shareware. I have often wished that this important function be included in MacOS. Roger Brier ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 13:52:26 -0600 From: Bruce Carter <> Subject: ARA and OT >From: Anne H Toal <> >Is it my imagination or is there really no way to get IP packets through an >ARA connection under Open Transport? Does an ARA module exist for OT so you >can tell OT to get its IP connection through ARA? Under MacTCP I used to do >IP over an ARA connection, no problem. What's up with that. I do this all the time. You do, however, need an IP gateway, such as a GatorBox, FastPath, Apple IP Gateway, or something equivalent on the ARA host end. -- Bruce Carter, Division Manager Instructional Development Division SMITC, Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725 (208)385-1851@voice (208)385-1856@fax (208)384-2084@pager ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 17:26:37 +0200 From: Christian F Buser <> Subject: Best CD-ROM cataloging software? (C) Mike Blackwell <> wrote: > I 'm looking for a program that will read and index every CD-ROM when > I insert it for the first time, so I can later pull up that index and > say "I'm looking for image #ITA036_B.EPS" and it will say, "oh, that's > on CD#18, pathname /Architecture/Foreign/Europe/Italy/Statues/ITA036_B.EPS" > and better yet, will automatically launch that file if I insert the > appropriate CD-ROM. A "cheapo" solution: Open a blank BBEdit text window and drag the CD icon into the window. BBEdit makes a directory structure listing of the volume. Repeat this with every single CD in a new window. Then you can do a multi-file search from within BBEdit to find the file and he disk name / path. For the "de luxe" solution, look for a commercial product called "Tri Catalog". I think it is a French product, but a German and probably an English version are available. I don't have the info at hand right now, but I can look at home later tonight. Best wishes, Christian. -- Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86 Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland) Look at <> ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 17:42:10 -0400 (EDT) From: Al Bloom <> Subject: Flushing an AppleShare Autolink (Q) Durn! I should know this! But memory is such a variable thing at my advanced age. Can y'all help? One of our office machines, upon startup, displays a dialog offering to connect to an ex-student's home machine and asks for the password. No we don't want to do that. Not only is the student no longer with us, but he is also the subject of criminal action that we instigated after we found that he was using our machine to post copyrighted software to share with his buddies on the net. The kid is pretty sharp, but he forgot about a log file. With it we hung him. Without it he could still be using our machine for white collar copyright infringement. You're digressing again, Bloom. Sorry about that. How on earth do I rid our machine of that automagic link attempt? I seem to recall that a Chooser AppleShare link has the option of linking to that user at every startup. A check box. If I knew exactly where in our multitude of AppleTalk zones that puppy is, I suspect I could link to it and uncheck the link-at-startup box. Or maybe not if I don't know the link password. I'm on uncertain ground here. Is it as simple as flushing AppleShare PDS? This certified inpert needs a certified expert. Can y'all help? Al Bloom ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 17:16:56 +0200 From: Christian F Buser <> Subject: Internet Explorer Error -491? (R) Keith E Gatling <> wrote: > After having a couple of web sites constantly crash on me (error 11) in > Netscape 2.02, I decided to take a shot at Internet Explorer 3.01. The > problem is that I can't even get it to load completely. Every time I > start it up it gets halfway and then I get an "Error -491" message and] > then the thing "unexpectedly quits." I am not sure whether the browser or the websites are really the source of your errors. Did you perform the usual tricks like re-building the desktop file, re-installing system software (only 7.5.5 update as a first go, then the whole system, etc)? How is it with other applications, do they also quit unexpectedly? I have no experience with the Microsoft browser; I use Netscape 3.01 which is very stable on both my machines: a Powerbook 540c with 36 MB RAM and a Centris 650 with a PPC upgrade card and 40 MB RAM. Both run system 7.6.1. A friend is running a preliminary version of system 8 on one of his machines and said that this is even more stable than 7.6.1. Best wishes, Christian. -- Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86 Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland) Look at <> ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 17:32:24 -0500 From: "Mark J. Miller" <> Subject: Iomega Bournulli 150M cartridges Hi, I've recently acquired an old Iomega 150M Bournulli drive. It still works well & came with 3 cartridges. I tried to get more, but Iomega, the only place I could find any, wants to sell me some at $100 each. Does anyone know of somewhere else I could get more? Would one of you be willing to sell me more cheap ($10 or less)? I've tried MacWarehouse. Thanks! Mark :-) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 13:20:33 -0500 From: Taylor Leaming <> Subject: Looking for "Caps Lock" ext for PB3400 Hi, I'm looking for a "Caps Lock" system extention that works for a PB3400. I would like to have a visual cue somewhere in the menu bar that the TAB key is toggled on. The problem: Apple's "Caps Lock" system extension does not work with the PB3400. This is probably since the PB3400's TAB key has a little bitty light on it. However, from normal typing posture, you (at least myself) can't see if the key it lit from that viewing angle. After using the PB1400 for a while (no lighted TAB key), I found I rather liked the little icon visual cue. Anybody out there have some suggestions? Regards, Taylor Leaming ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 13:47:16 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Netscape 4.0 "Feature" I am currently using Netscape 4.0 on my Q660AV, system 7.6.1 (soon to be 8), and have experienced the following undocumented (and very annoying) "feature": after editing my bookmarks, when I close the window (or leave the window open and return to the browser window), Netscape automatically alphabetizes the bookmarks, and it does so down the hierarchy of folders I have set up. This is very annoying because I had listed my most used URLs first (above a separator) in each folder, and the folders were not alphabetical either. (It placed the separators at the top of the list.) Now it is very difficult to find anything! Is anyone else experiencing this effect, and is there any way to prevent it/turn it off? TIA. Lou Casagrande ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 11:05:22 -0500 (CDT) From: Chaz Larson <> Subject: Weird Pattern Problems... The Utilities Pattern is stored in the System file. It's 'ppat' resource ID 42. However, there no reason to resort to major surgery to undo this. Just open the "Desktop Patterns" control panel, scroll to the pattern you want your calculator, etc. to have, hold the option key down and click on the button, which will now read "Set Utilities Pattern". That should correct your problem. chazl - 7.28.1997 - -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************