Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #149
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Info-Mac Digest             Sun, 20 Jul 97       Volume 15 : Issue 149

Today's Topics:

      [*] mega mind
      [*] Mister Monster Maker 3D 2.3
      [*] Orion
      [*] Recall 1.1, the ultimate digital egg-timer
      [*] Rendered Desktop Pix
      [*] RICE v1.0b Restricted Interval Counterpoint Engine
      [*] tiggrs-clock-14-ad.hqx
      [*] trigo-121-ad.hqx
      [*] Ultimate NeXT Scheme 1.0B4
      [*] Ultimate X Windows Scheme 2.0B1
      [Q] Defeating junk email
      [Q] Defeating junk email
      [Q] Some Questions about MacLink Plus
      Convert Picture to Icons?
      Defeating junk email
      Defeating junk email
      Eudora Pro 3.1 & Netscape
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #147
      problems unstuffing large file
      Sticky Menus
      telnet client wanted

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Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 15:11:49 -0700
Subject: [*] mega mind

MegaMind 1.0 - is a game of logics. When you start a new game, the computer
a secret code made of a combination of the 8 available colors. That code is
represented by some pins like the one presented below. Those pins appear in the
topmost row of the MegaMind Board. Your goal is to duplicate the exact
colors and
positions of the pins in the secret code. You start by filling the first
row with
pins that you drag from the trays. Rows are numbered from the bottom to the top,
so you start by filling the row in the bottom of the playing board. While you're
dragging a pin, you'll notice a green outline around the holes in wich you can
drop your pin as you pass over them. Those green outlines will only appear
if the
hole you're passing over is a valid 'drop hole'. When you release the mouse
button, the pin you were holding goes strait into the hole in wich you dropped

[Archived as /info-mac/game/mega-mind-1.hqx; 127K]


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 15:11:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Mister Monster Maker 3D 2.3

Mister Monster Maker 3D is used to create monsters, riddles, items, spells
[and more] to be used in Sword Dream 3D. Sword Dream 3D is a
three-dimensional adventure gaming system for the Macintosh. Your
surroundings are in three-D (just like in Marathon=81, Doom=81 or Descent=81=
Still, this isn't a shoot-em-up videogame: it's a think-first, act-later
game. And it's fun for days, not minutes...
Dream 3D is distributed under the shareware system: try it first, pay if
you like it.

New features for this version include:
* MMM 2.3 allows you to define light sources in the 3D environment. You can
design and place an object that will give off visible light - e. g.
candelabra, torches, lanterns etc.
MMM 2.3 also fixes all known bugs in previous versions.

The Sword Dream 3D WWW site can be reached at
There you'll find full details on the game, and will be able to download a

This software was created using Claris HyperCard. You'll need version 2.3
(or greater) of the HyperCard player to use it.
Entities created with MMM should be placed in game scenarios using the
"ScenarioMaker 3D" application, version DR6 or greater. ScenarioMaker DR6
is being released simultanously with MMM 2.3.
Hardware requirements for MMM: any Macintosh with System 7 and 2 MB RAM free=

MMM is freeware and can be freely re-distributed. For more info, use

[Archived as /info-mac/game/mister-monster-maker-23.hqx; 174K]


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 15:11:44 -0700
Subject: [*] Orion

It is an extension that enhances the Mac user interface, with menu bar
and folders and all. It is possible to install it instantly with the
installer that I made. Please put it in your archive...

Yes, I accept that it will be distributed in CD-ROMS :)

I might add that I will be happy if I see it in a CD-ROM :)

Michael Munger


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/orion-10.hqx; 486K]


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 15:11:37 -0700
Subject: [*] Recall 1.1, the ultimate digital egg-timer

What Is Recall?
If you manage your appointments and other events with Post-it notes stuck
to your computer because you think electronic appointment books are too
complicated to be bothered with, then 'Recall...' may be for you.
Designed to remind you of appointments and events happening the same day
or within the next 24 hours, 'Recall...' sports a simple, intuitive
interface. Simply click on the button that matches the time period after
which you need to be reminded.

New With This Version
A new preferences dialog lets you switch the sound on and off, choose
the sound to use for notification and set the default reminder title.
With this preferences dialog you can choose the reference time for all
reminders to begin with the application startup or with the click of a
time-button. All sounds will now be played asynchronous. Two sounds are
available from 'Recall...' itself : 'Recall (1)' which is the sound you
will hear when opening the 'About'-box, and 'Recall (2)', just another
funny noise... There are some new entries in the 'Edit'-menu.  You can
now copy my addresses to the clipboard with a single menu-selection; the
Preferences dialog is also accessable with this menu.

'Recall...' v1.1 requires a Macintosh with a 68020 or better processor or
a Power Macintosh, a minimum of 430K of available memory and System 7.1
or later.

Registration Information
'Recall...' is shareware. You are permitted to use the application on a
trial basis for up to 10 days. If you wish to continue using the product
beyond that period, you must register by paying a fee of DM 10,- in
German currency or $10 in U.S. currency cash. Otherwise you must remove
'Recall...' from your computer storage medium.

For more information about 'Recall...' or for downloading please visit

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/recall-11.hqx; 668K]


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 15:11:52 -0700
Subject: [*] Rendered Desktop Pix

This is a collection of 13 desktop pictures I created with KPT Bryce 2.0.

Cave at Dawn
Desert Pond
Faint Mists
Fantasy Island
Flattened Clones
Floating Sphere
Low Moon
Melted Sphere
Mirror & Spheres
Misty Shoreline
Snowy Mountain

Each image is 832 x 624, millions of colors, and in max-quality JPEG
format. Feel free to resize these images to your liking and distribute
them anywhere in their original format.


-Peter M. Bukowinski
 Computer Resource Specialist, UC Berkeley

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/bryce-rendered-dt-pix.hqx; 5978K]


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 15:11:48 -0700
Subject: [*] RICE v1.0b Restricted Interval Counterpoint Engine

	R.I.C.E. is a fully featured Macintosh application which helps a composer
generate music for chamber music compositions.  It is designed to be
integrated in the compositional process and also integrated with existing
commercial MIDI software.

 R.I.C.E. features exciting functions such as

       * A dynamic "Search, Audition, Accept" composing method.
       * A "Set Manager" which holds multiple sets of Interval Restrictions
which control the 'sound' of your composition.
       * A "Performance mode" allows you to 'play' your music straight into
a sequencer ready for transcription!
       * The "Analysis Manager" quickly analyses music you play in - making
it simple to create more music just like it!
       * and a "Canon Manager" makes writing canon and self similar
counterpoint *Very* simple. ;-)

 If you are wanting to control the 'sound' of your compositions, and make
it easy to create instrumental and choral chamber music compositions
without letting the computer make any decisions for you, R.I.C.E. is for

	This initial public version of R.I.C.E. is an attempt to create a
composers sketchpad - where the computer does the 'hack work' quickly and
accurately, leaving the composer free to make musical and compositional
decisions unhinded.  While R.I.C.E. certainly cannot cater for every
compositional need, it begins bridge the gap between the human element in
the compositional process and traditional 'data management' and 'graphic'
programs such as sequences and notation software.
 R.I.C.E. is fully documented, and this archived copy has documentation in
MS-Word format... there are other formats at the R.I.C.E. web page at :
 This program may be included on CD-ROM
 The following setup is recommended.
68040 or Power PC processor Thousands of colours. 2MB disk space 3 MB of
free RAM System 7.1 or greater OMS 2.x MIDI interface connected to MIDI
Keyboard and or Sound Box, OR, Quicktime 2.5, with Musical Instruments

Jirrah Walker.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/rice-10b1.hqx; 458K]


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 15:11:41 -0700
Subject: [*] tiggrs-clock-14-ad.hqx

Tiggr's Clock 1.4, for After Dark

Replaces: tiggrs-clock-13-ad.hqx

A friend of mine, called Tiggr <>, originally
wrote this rather nice clock for his NeXT machine. So he deserves the
creative credit. This clock is an arc ranging from the hour-hand to the
minute-hand. I didn't look into Tiggr's source, but I figure that with
Display PostScript the code was much neater that mine, I use Regions to
create smooth drawing (instead of off-screen drawing) which is fast and
results in a nice 'Multiple' colour effect.

Anyways, have fun! This is freeware.

Changes since version 1.4:
* Introduced a switch to have the clock either bounce off the edges of the
screen on its shape or on its maximum rectangle.
* The clock's size is now relative to the screen resolution.
* Updated tiggr's e-mail address.
* Some small changes to vers, TEXT, STR  and ICN# resources.  /

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/tiggrs-clock-14.hqx; 12K]


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 15:11:43 -0700
Subject: [*] trigo-121-ad.hqx

This is a rewrite for AfterDark of a screensaver I wrote for the Apple ][
back in the old days. It's also FreeWare.

It phase-shifts a plot of the function:

	x = cos (w1 * omega + f1) * cos (w2 * omega + f2)
	y = cos (w3 * omega + f3) * cos (w4 * omega + f4)

Changes since version 1.2:
* No changes to the code. Just updated my mail and eMail addresses and
added a thumbnail icon for AfterDark 3.0 or better.  /

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/trigo-121.hqx; 14K]


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 15:11:45 -0700
Subject: [*] Ultimate NeXT Scheme 1.0B4

Hello. This is maintence update for my Kaleidoscope Color Scheme called
Ultimate NeXT. There are NO new features or additions, and the version
number is still the same, however, this update fixes a number of small
bugs that I missed earlier. This MUST replace any older version of the
scheme you might have!

All updates will be posted on my WWW site first:

Thank you!

Peter J. Garlinski <- My Homepage <- Updates

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/next.hqx; 130K]


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 15:11:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Ultimate X Windows Scheme 2.0B1

Hello. This is maintence update for my Kaleidoscope Color Scheme called
Ultimate X Windows. There are NO new features or additions, and the
version number is still the same, however, this update fixes a number of
small bugs that I missed earlier. This MUST replace any older version of
the scheme you might have!
All updates will be posted on my WWW site first:

Thank you!

Peter J. Garlinski <- My Homepage <- Updates

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/xwin.hqx; 80K]


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 22:28:41 -0700
From: Chris Schram <>
Subject: [Q] Defeating junk email

On Wed, 16 Jul 1997, Mark Hurty <> wrote:
>Any clues on how to set mail preferences  to bounce messages that are
>junk? I would prefer to filter out messages at the unix level (when they
>reach my ISP) but I would also use suggestions regarding auto-trashing
>of messages once they reach my Mac.

Bouncing junk email does little good because the <From:> and/or
<Reply-To:> headers are often bogus, and they may just bounce right
back at you.

That said, here is a verbal description of the primary mail filter I
use in Eudora Light. It will trash any Bcc'd message:

Header <To:> does not contain <me@my.domain>
Header <Cc:> does not contain <me@my.domain>
Transfer to <Trash>

Here is a slightly less stringent filter. It allows the
<Apparently-To:> header:

Header <<Any Header>> does not contain <me@my.domain>
Transfer to <Trash>

Be sure to add all "positive" filters (Bcc'd messages you want to read)
*BEFORE* any Trash filters. Example:

Header <<Any Header>> contains <Info-Mac>
Transfer to <In>

Keep your Trash window open for a week or so until you're sure things
are working right, or create a SPAM mailbox, filter to it instead and
review/trash it periodically.

[Hope that the FTC and/or Congress apply the same rules to junk email
that currently apply to junk FAX.]

Chris Schram -- --


Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 12:57:43 -0400
From: "Zafar A. Punjani" <>
Subject: [Q] Defeating junk email

At 7:56 AM -0700 7/16/97, Mark Hurty wrote:
>Any clues on how to set mail preferences  to bounce messages that are
>junk? I would prefer to filter out messages at the unix level (when they
>reach my ISP) but I would also use suggestions regarding auto-trashing
>of messages once they reach my Mac.
>Mark Hurty

Give Eudora Pro 3 by Qualcomm a shot.  They have quite a few filtering
criteria available.  You can filter by header, by body content and even use
simple if logic.

If you must do this at the UNIX level, there are binaries such as filter
and others which will work with elm and several other UNIX mail binaries.

Take care


Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 12:50:14 -0400
From: "Zafar A. Punjani" <>
Subject: [Q] Some Questions about MacLink Plus

At 10:50 AM -0400 7/15/97, Allan Hunter wrote:
>Since Claris does not appear to be updating and improving its XTND
>translator technology, I am strongly considering buying the translators
>from DataViz, MacLink Plus.  I'm wondering...

Dear Allan,

As far as how fast the software is and detailed info, you have two official
sources of information:

1) Call DataViz at 1 (800) 780-1466 and probably speak to presales.

2) Check out their web page at

If you're going to buy MacLinkPlus, DON'T!!  According to the Apple
Relations people, MacLinkPlus 9 will be included with the OS 8 CD... more
justification for buying OS 8 ;) :))

Take care


Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 12:02:50 -0400
From: Edd Marquart <>
Subject: Convert Picture to Icons?

On Sun, 13 Jul 1997, Aaron Peckham asked:

> What is the name of the utility that takes a PICT file as input and spi=
> out a bunch of icons, arranged in a folder to reproduce the original

The only one I've found is Iconizer 1.2, postcardware by John McLaughlin =
Canberra, Australia.  Unfourtunately, I don't remember where I found it,
but it might be available at: <>

Edd Marquart
New Jersey USA


Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 02:06:37 +0200
From: "Johan W. Elzenga" <>
Subject: Cookies

> A number of programs exist to delete or alter the Cookie file of
> browsers. Often the description suggests that Cookie file information
> exists only for the benefit of the commercial provider. This is
> not always the case. Some sites with login procedures, including NY
> Times, will record your login and password in your cookie file if you
> request this, which saves you the hassle of logging in each time.

There is an easier way to achieve the same result, which is a very unknown
feature of browsers: Did you know you can include your login-name and
pasword in your URL? Suppose the URL is "". You can directly
login by setting your bookmark to: "".
Just set all your pasword-protected URL's this way and you never have to
type a pasword again and you can safely delete your cookies each day.


Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 04:17:02 +0200
From: Michel Eytan LILoL <>
Subject: Defeating junk email

On 19-07-97 quoth Info-Mac pithily:
>  Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 07:56:35 -0700
>  From: Mark Hurty <>
>  Subject: [Q] Defeating junk email
>  Any clues on how to set mail preferences  to bounce messages that are
>  junk? I would prefer to filter out messages at the unix level (when they
>  reach my ISP) but I would also use suggestions regarding auto-trashing
>  of messages once they reach my Mac.
>  Mark Hurty

We all wish someone did have a solution to that! Only legislation will stop
it. In the meantime, Join CAUCE <> (cf my
.sig below) and go to the following Web pages:

Michel Eytan           
Help stop Internet spam! Join CAUCE: <>


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 97 18:32:12 -0500
From: Lanny Chambers <>
Subject: Defeating junk email

On 7/19/97 14:32, Info-Mac ( wrote:

>Any clues on how to set mail preferences  to bounce messages that are
>junk? I would prefer to filter out messages at the unix level (when they
>reach my ISP) but I would also use suggestions regarding auto-trashing
>of messages once they reach my Mac.

I don't know nuthin' about unix, but here's what I do in Emailer:

I created a mail action to sort all incoming messages addressed or copied 
to me into the "in" box, plus toss the 3 mailing lists I subscribe to 
into their respective folders (be sure to use whatever header field is 
appropriate: sometimes it's "from," sometimes another field). Anything 
that fails these tests gets passed directly into the "deleted" folder. 
Since hardly any spam email is addressed to a particular individual, this 
works quite well. I never see the offending spam at all, and it's 
automatically deleted when Emailer quits. I assume other email clients 
have equivalent internal utilities.

Lanny Chambers ( St. Louis, USA
Visit the Hummingbird Page: <>


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 23:41:22 +0200
From: Bo Bjulen <>
Subject: Eudora Pro 3.1 & Netscape

At 23.45 -0800 1997-07-15, David L. Ellis wrote:

>I am having a problem making Eudora Pro my default e-mail program. I have
>used a couple of applescripts, including the one recommended by Qualcomm at
>the web page. They all work the first time, click on a "MailTo"
>link in Navigator, and it opens a new message in Eudora. But, when I
>reboot, it doesn't work anymore - I click on the "MailTo" link, and
>Navigator's e-mail program pops up. What's going on?

The Applescript adds two strings in STR# 2003 in the resource fork of
the file Netscape Preferences, located in System Folder : Preferences
: Netscape =9F.

=46or some reason--and I have no idea why--there are cases when STR#
2003 is missing and then Netscape will not remember that it should use
Eudora. You can use ResEdit to add an empty STR# 2003 to the file and
then run the script, this will work in my experience. (Usual ResEdit
disclaimer: work on a copy of the file and save the original somewhere
else than in the folder it was in so you can replace it if something
goes wrong).

The script for making Eudora the default program is very simple, by the way:

tell app "Netscape Communicator"
   register protocol "CSOm" for protocol "mailto:"
end tell

-- or "Netscape Navigator" for versions earlier than 4.0

Bo Bjulen


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 16:47:04 -0400
From: KrishnaMohan & Bhuvaneswari <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #147

> Yesterday I reformatted my hard-drive to get rid of some goblins and
> ghoulies and accidentally deleted a program I need. With this extension
> you click on the menu name (such as file) once and it will hold the
> pull-down menu in the down position the way that windoze does. Great for
> Powerbooks. For the life of me I can't remember what it was called! All I
> know is it was freeware and I miss it. If anyone can remind what it is
> called I'll be grateful.

Just wait for a week. When you update to System 8, you will find that this
function is integrated with the system.

Best Wishes - KrishnaMohan.


Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 22:47:15 +0200
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: problems unstuffing large file

Dan Cross <> wrote

> 25 megs stuffed, and the file format is .sit.bin).  When I drag it onto
> Stuffit Expander(4.01),  the application opens, pauses briefly, then
> closes again.  It does not unstuff the file, or give me any type of
> message.

Try to double-click StuffIt Expander and open the file from within
the application.

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser   -  phone (+41-81) 925 35 80
Casa Luscheina, CH-7151 Schluein (Switzerland)
Look at <>


Date: Sun, 20 Jul 97 12:46:53 +0200
From: Tomi Radnoti <>
Subject: Sticky Menus

On 18 Jul 97 10:12:44 -0000 "James M. Bleifus" <> wrote:
>Hi Info-Macers,
>Yesterday I reformatted my hard-drive to get rid of some goblins and
>ghoulies and accidentally deleted a program I need. With this extension
>you click on the menu name (such as file) once and it will hold the
>pull-down menu in the down position the way that windoze does. Great for
>Powerbooks. For the life of me I can't remember what it was called! All I
>know is it was freeware and I miss it. If anyone can remind what it is
>called I'll be grateful.

It's called "StickyClick".



Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 13:12:41 -0400
From: "Zafar A. Punjani" <>
Subject: telnet client wanted

At 9:45 AM +0100 7/18/97, Trevor Harris wrote:
>I am looking for a telnet client for the Mac that maps the PageUp, PageDown
>keys etc. Nifty Telnet does not appear to be able to do this. What is the
>recommended client for this purpose, now that NCSA Telnet has stopped
>Trevor Harris, Lampeter, UK

There is client by a certain Rold Braun called Better Telnet, which just
went out of beta and is currently at version 1.0.  It can be had by
pointing your browser at




End of Info-Mac Digest