Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #120
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 19 Jun 97       Volume 15 : Issue 120

Today's Topics:

      [*] AlwaysONline 1.25
      [*] amsched81a.hqx
      [*] DockMaster 68K 1.0.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] DockMaster PPC 1.0.3
      [*] Dutch lessons - foreign language learning
      [*] Emailer2 Privacy Script
      [*] EnterAct 4.3.1
      [*] enteract-431-updt.hqx
      [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.4
      [*] Glimmer 3D v1.2
      [*] GUM
      [*] HexDame Tutor, an introduction to the game
      [*] HyperCard Dummy 1.2.1
      [*] ICMP Logger
      [*] MacDoppler
      [*] MacSOUP 2.2.1 - an offline reader for news and mail
      [*] MacSOUP D-2.2.1 - an offline news reader (German version)
      [*] MsgMem 1.1
      [*] MyEyes 2.2
      [*] Netscape History 3.0
      [*] ProMaker Utils 0.9.4 - For the FileMaker Professional
      [*] Script Archiver 1.0 - AppleScript Archive Maker
      [*] SendToBack FKEY 1.0 Source
      [*] Show Me The Mail 1.0
      [*] Super Othello 2.2.1
      [*] Trash Bag 12
      [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v7J - Japanese Version
      [A] Annoying Menu Bar Delay 
      [A] How to trun off blinking in Netscape 3.01
      [A] How to turn off blinking in Netscape 3.01
      [Q] AIFF Startup
      Conversion software for Excel from PC to Mac?
      Conversion software for Excel from PC to Mac?
      How to turn off blinking in Netscape 3.01
      ImageWriter II and AppleTalk
      MS IE blues
      Norton 3.5 and Old Macs (C)
      Performa 6400 Virtual Mem.
      Powerbook and external CD-ROM
      Recording keystrokes
      Which system for plain Mac II?
      Win95 Long file names and the Mac
      Win95 Long file names and the Mac

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Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:22 -0700
Subject: [*] AlwaysONline 1.25

AlwaysONline 1.25
Copyright (C) 1997 by Alex Rampell
Requires America Online 3.0 or higher

AlwaysONline is an indispensable tool for everybody who uses America
On-Line(R) with their Macintosh.  As many of us America On-Line users know,
busy signals are met all too often, and the current dialing limit of 5 times
per number, 10 times total, often forces us to re-dial constantly to get on.
 To make matters worse, at the slightest sign of inactivity, AOL will
automatically take any user off line.

AlwaysONline is the solution.  It is a control panel that allows you to
control exactly how many times America On-Line should dial the access
numbers---in a row.  AlwaysONline can have America On-Line dial each number
up to 999 times---for a total of 1998 times.  This way, you enter your
password once, and don't have to do anything until America On-Line connects.

AlwaysONline also has a setting which allows you to remain on America On-Line
for hours straight, even when away from your computer.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/always-on-line-1251.hqx; 99K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:19 -0700
Subject: [*] amsched81a.hqx

Amtrak .81 schules in Web format.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/amtrak-81a.hqx; 273K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:38 -0700
Subject: [*] DockMaster 68K 1.0.3J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the DockMaster package. This is the 68K
version of DockMaster.

The main features of this application are windows that can optionally float
above other applications, hot keys to hide the windows or to switch to
another app. This is the fast launcher, with many more options than others
added on. Just drag any application, file, folder ..... anything at all
really and it will add it to the launcher module, just click and away you
go. Drag any files on to an application icon and it will launch it.

There are 8 different types of modules:

1. The launcher module - you drag files, applications or folders to this
module and it will then provide an icon that you can click on to open the
file, launch the application or open the folder.
2. Process - This shows the icons of the currently running applications, so
you can drag files so that application will open them. Or click to put that
application in front. Or you quit the application without brining it to the
3. File utility - This provides a set of icons that have a few different
functions for file manipulation and doing batch file changing.
4. Peeker - This is designed to let you drag a file and it will display a
preview depending on the type of file. eg, text, pict, any file with an
inbuilt preview etc.
5. Url address - This is for storing address and letting you launch a
browser with the url. The url's are editable and drag & drop as text.
6. Memory - This shows the current memory usage of all currently running
applications with both progress bars and text figures in kb.
7. Disk Volumes - This shows the volumes and disk usage off all currently
mounted volumes. Using both progress bars and text figures in Mb.
8. Cpu Usage - This shows the relative percentage of cpu usage of all
applications in the last 30 seconds.

Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/dock-master-68k-103-jp.hqx; 426K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:37 -0700
Subject: [*] DockMaster PPC 1.0.3

This is the DockMaster package. This is the PPC version of DockMaster.

The main features of this application are windows that can optionally float
above other applications, hot keys to hide the windows or to switch to
another app. This is the fast launcher, with many more options than others
added on. Just drag any application, file, folder ..... anything at all
really and it will add it to the launcher module, just click and away you
go. Drag any files on to an application icon and it will launch it.

There are 8 different types of modules:

1. The launcher module - you drag files, applications or folders to this
module and it will then provide an icon that you can click on to open the
file, launch the application or open the folder.
2. Process - This shows the icons of the currently running applications, so
you can drag files so that application will open them. Or click to put that
application in front. Or you quit the application without brining it to the
3. File utility - This provides a set of icons that have a few different
functions for file manipulation and doing batch file changing.
4. Peeker - This is designed to let you drag a file and it will display a
preview depending on the type of file. eg, text, pict, any file with an
inbuilt preview etc.
5. Url address - This is for storing address and letting you launch a
browser with the url. The url's are editable and drag & drop as text.
6. Memory - This shows the current memory usage of all currently running
applications with both progress bars and text figures in kb.
7. Disk Volumes - This shows the volumes and disk usage off all currently
mounted volumes. Using both progress bars and text figures in Mb.
8. Cpu Usage - This shows the relative percentage of cpu usage of all
applications in the last 30 seconds.

Keiron Liddle.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/dock-master-103.hqx; 371K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:05 -0700
Subject: [*] Dutch lessons - foreign language learning

The file called 'Dutch Lesson' contains two interactive computer-lessons of
Dutch for beginners. To use it you need to have the 'Language Toolkit
Reader' program version 1.2 or higher which is available from Info-Mac
mirror sites  (see for instance:

The file demonstrates the use of the 'Language Toolkit Writer' authoring
program (which is also available from Info-Mac mirror sites). You can
modify and extend this course using the 'Language Toolkit Writer'
application. If there is some interest I'll release next sets of lessons.

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/dutch-lesson-10.hqx; 506K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:32 -0700
Subject: [*] Emailer2 Privacy Script

program: Emailer2 Privacy Script (ww-EPS)
version: 1.0
purpose: integrates MacPGP into Claris Emailer2
program type: /comm/inet/mail
policy: freeware, no source code supplied
author: Alexander P. Weber <>
requires: Jon's Commands (OSAX)

ww-EPS is an AppleScript that allows to encrypt, decrypt and sign messages
from within Claris Emailer 2. Also, it is possible to add PGP public keys to
the user=B4s personal public key ring database.

ww-EPS does not contain encryption code, so it does not interfere with any
export laws and regulations.

ww-EPS may be included ONLY on non-commercial CD-ROMs and
Magazines' cover CD-ROMs.
It may, however, be included on any Info-Mac CD-ROMs.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/emailer-2-privacy-script.hqx; 10K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:11 -0700
From: (Mike Bean)
Subject: [*] EnterAct 4.3.1

EnterAct 4.3.1  June 1997. By Ken Earle (
A free FAT language-aware C/C++/Java editor.
EnterAct is a complete programmer's editor that looks things up for you as
you work. In the familiar way, you add source files to an EnterAct project
(your own, toolbox headers etc), and do an "Update". Then EnterAct's
AutoLook window will display definitions and prototypes, based on where you
click or what you type. Extremely fast, automatic, and almost magical (it
can answer questions just before you ask them). EnterAct has all of the
features you'd expect in a professional editor, and many other innovations
streamlining the things you do more often than once an hour--eg
function/method popups that show argument summaries, smart paste that
preserves indentation, three-pane project window (source, headers,
documentation), code templates, tasteful syntax coloring, batch find "this"
near "that", 10,000 level persistent nonsequential Undo, a searchable
graphic Browser that underlines non-system classes. Even add pictures to
your source files without annoying your compiler. All of EnterAct's best
features work with first-draft code. And if your spelling or memory is off,
just press <enter> for an instant list of suggestions: the name you want
will almost always be among the first four listed.
Requires: Sys 7.5, typically 6-10 Meg for itself.
Version 4.3.1 fixes a problem setting the type of new text files (blush).

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/enteract-431.hqx; 2874K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:09 -0700
Subject: [*] enteract-431-updt.hqx

EnterAct 4.3.1 Update June 1997. 1 Meg. By Ken Earle (
This update fixes one known bug with version 4.3 that slipped by final
testing (blush): the file type for new text files was not being set

Ken Earle

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/enteract-431-updt.hqx; 963K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:35 -0700
Subject: [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.4

Archive name: format-chart124.txt
category: information, help, text

This is the latest version this report and should replace the previous version
of format-chart123.txt

I am providing the format decoding/encoding chart from the Mac-FTP-list as an
aid for those who only want to know 'Which program will unmangle/uncompress
this format?'  Unlike the Mac-FTP-list this will be updated only as needed.

All the text in the this document must be in a monospaced font such as
Monaco 9pt, Courier 10pt, or PC equivalent so that the columns line up

--------------------blurb ends, report commences---------------------------

Format-Chart Version 1.2.4
>From the Mac-FTP-list (June 15, 1997)

I am providing the format decoding/encoding chart from the Mac-FTP-list as an
aid for those who only want to know 'Which program will unmangle/uncompress
this format?'  Unlike the Mac-FTP-list this will be updated only as needed.

All the text in the this document must be in a monospaced font such as
Monaco 9pt, Courier 10pt, or PC equivalent so that the columns line up

Here's a handy chart to keep track which programs unmangle which formats:
                                                     unix  gzip  .uu/ .b64/
Macintosh         .cpt .sit .hqx .bin .arc .zip .tar  .Z  .gz/.z .uue .mime*
Stuffit Expander**  D    D    D    D
 w/ DSEE**          D    X    X    D    D    D    D    D     D     D
ShrinkWrap 2.1.0*^  D    D    D    D    D    D    D    D     D     D
StuffIt Lite***     D    X    X    X    {see note below}
StuffIt Deluxe***   D    X    X    X    D    D    X    X     D     X
ArcMac                                  X
BinHex 5.0                    D    X
Compact Pro 1.5.1   X   D/N   X
Decoder                                                            D    D
Extractor 1.2.1     D   D/N   D
MacCompress                                            X
MacGzip                                                D     X
MPack 1.5.1                   D                                    D    X
SunTar 2.1.2                  X    X              X                X    D
Tar 4.0b                                          X
UU Lite                                                            X
uucd 2.4.4                                                         X    D
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/format-chart-124.txt; 8K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:03 -0700
Subject: [*] Glimmer 3D v1.2

Glimmer is a commercial quality arcade game featuring genuine stereoscopic
3-D. You actually wear red-blue movie glasses to play. According to Ben
Haller, author of Solarian II, Glimmer is "the most fabulous video game the
Macintosh has ever seen!"

Glimmer features:

- stunning stereoscopic 3-D color graphics,
- 24 architecturally distinct rooms,
- a cast of 11 charismatic creatures,
- an hour-long musical score,
- stereo sound!

This is the demo version of Glimmer. The full version is shareware and
costs $20. On registering, you receive two pairs of 3-D glasses and a
registration code that lets you play past room 6. You can also request a
free trial pair of 3-D glasses by sending a SASE (self addressed stamped
envelope) to the author, Jeremy Bem, at the address included in the file

NEW IN VERSION 1.2: I've corrected a bug that caused Glimmer to crash after
the title screens on some older computers. Also, I've added a special bonus
to the demo! If you already have Glimmer 1.1, a small updater program is
available at Glimmer's web site.

For more information, visit <>.

Jeremy Bem

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/glimmer-12.hqx; 1402K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:04 -0700
Subject: [*] GUM

Here is an educational HyperCard stack all about GUM!  It has
animations and interesting facts about how gum is made and if it's
good for you or not!  It was for a school chemistry project and was
made by Andrew Griffin of Prisim!  You'll need HyperCard 2.x to
view it.  A fast computer may make it hard to see the animations.

Make sure you check out Prisim's web page for two bi-weekly comics,
a game review, and many more products like animations and games at:

E-mail us at:

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/gum-hc.hqx; 259K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:00 -0700
Subject: [*] HexDame Tutor, an introduction to the game

HexDame Tutor

For the interested layman, this package contains a nice introduction
to HexDame, a two-player board game by Christian Freeling.
Apart from the rules, it contains chapters on strategy and tactics,
and presents some problems (with their solutions) and recorded
actual games (with comment).

HexDame is (c) Christian Freeling
To learn more about HexDame, or PLAY it ONLINE, visit the MindSports
Arena pages on the internet:

The HexDame Tutor is written utilizing html and Java applets.
This package requires a Java enabled web browser, like Netscape
Navigator 3.0 or MS Internet Explorer 3.0. You don't have to be
connected to browse this HexDame Tutor.

Have fun.

Ed van Zon                     MindSports    

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/hexdame-tutor.hqx; 185K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:16 -0700
Subject: [*] HyperCard Dummy 1.2.1

Dummy's sole purpose in life is to keep HyperCard running. HyperCard has
a bad habit of requiring at least one stack open at all times when it is
running, making it necessary to switch to some other stack before you
close the one you are working with. So if you are working on a stack,
say HyperWorldPeace, and you want to use ResEdit to add a sound to it,
and you don't want to bother quiting HyperCard, and restarting it, just
leave Dummy open, and you don't have to.

Dummy's second sole purpose in life complements the first one: Dummy can
automagically close as many stacks as you can open, and do it many times
faster than you could do manually.

Requires: HyperCard 2.1 or so

Seth Hill --

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/hyperCard-dummy-121.hqx; 26K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:25 -0700
Subject: [*] ICMP Logger

ICMP Logger 1.0.1
Copyright John Bafford, 1996-1997

ICMP Logger records a log of any TCP/IP ICMP packets (pings) that are sent
to the computer it's running on. Perfect for network administrators and
anyone who thinks they might be pingflooded.

This is a minor update to version 1.0.

Requires Open Transport.

Shareware. $10.

John Bafford

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/icmplogger-101.hqx; 40K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:24 -0700
Subject: [*] MacDoppler

For all the Hams using Macintosh, as well as the Yaesu FT-736R to work
the Satellites (You both know who you are), I have written 'MacDoppler' a
share ware program which will read in the Keplerian elements (in either
format), calculate the position and relative velocity of the Satellite
you are tracking and automatically adjust the Doppler shift on both
transmit and receive.

I have found this particularly useful for the MIR UHF Safex repeater,
where MacDoppler will keep that DISC/ALC meter dead center from AOS to
I have also used MacDoppler for AO-27, FO-20 and FO-29. It is useful on
the linear transponders, in accordance with common practice, the uplink
frequency is pegged and the doppler correction for both transmit and
receive is applied to the receive (downlink) frequency.

Azimuth & elevation control for the Yaesu G-5400B rotor (with the GS-232
interface) has been added in version 2.

The Application is FAT Binary and will run quite happily on MacOS 7.6

Without registering, the application will track the satellite you choose
and display the proper Doppler corrected frequencies that can be entered
manually in any rig. If you register, MacDoppler will connect to your
FT-736R and G-5400B through any two serial ports and make the corrections
for you once a second.

Don Agro (VE3VRW)

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/mac-doppler-20.hqx; 271K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:27 -0700
Subject: [*] MacSOUP 2.2.1 - an offline reader for news and mail

MacSOUP is an offline reader for news and mail.  For more
information, see


This is a bug fix release.  There are no new features.  The
following two bugs are fixed:

- MacSOUP would crash when trying to import articles with
  certain illegal "Date:" headers.  Fixed.

- When you selected "Purge selected groups" and then changed
  the selection while the command was processing, MacSOUP
  would purge the newly selected groups rather than stick to
  the groups that were initially selected.  Fixed.

Stefan Kurth

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mac-soup-221-de.hqx; 635K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:28 -0700
Subject: [*] MacSOUP D-2.2.1 - an offline news reader (German version)

This is the German version of MacSOUP, an offline reader
for news and mail.  Includes a German manual.

For more information, see


This is a bug fix release.  There are no new features.  The
following two bugs are fixed:

- MacSOUP would crash when trying to import articles with
  certain illegal "Date:" headers.  Fixed.

- When you selected "Purge selected groups" and then changed
  the selection while the command was processing, MacSOUP
  would purge the newly selected groups rather than stick to
  the groups that were initially selected.  Fixed.

Stefan Kurth

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mac-soup-221.hqx; 616K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:17 -0700
Subject: [*] MsgMem 1.1

MsgMem is a HyperCard utility. It allows you to store, reinsert and
execute commands entered in the message box. All commands executed via
the message box are saved to a menu until a user-definable threshold is
reached. Then the older commands are erased. You can also execute
commands without reinserting them in the message box.

MsgMem is shareware. More information on pricing is included with the

If you have any questions, comments or bugs, please report them to
either <> or <>.

=46or updates, other products from Yellow Lemon Software and more, check
out the YLS web site, located at

This version fixes bugs that would disable MsgMem from running at all.
It now runs, though it still has some minor bugs which are mainly
related to HyperCard limitations.

Daniel St=F8dle
Yellow Lemon Software

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/msg-mem-11.hqx; 84K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:06:58 -0700
Subject: [*] MyEyes 2.2

What is MyEyes?
MyEyes is a small extension that draws on the menubar a pair of eyes
constantly following the cursor movement.

What's new in MyEyes 2.2
    - Recompiled with CodeWarrior=81 11.
    - Added support for external eyes sets. Please read the file named
"About External Eyes Sets" for details.
    - Fixed a bug in the setup application that caused window contents not
to be drawn properly with the monitor set to more than 256 colors.
    - Various small bug fixes in the setup application.
    - Added the ability to use Command-W to close the main window in the
setup application.
    - The MyEyes setup application is now FAT, i.e. it contains both 68k
and PowerPC code.
    - Now the installer always puts the extension on the destination disk,
whether it is the current startup disk or not. If the destination disk
contains a System folder, the installer puts the extension on the
"Extensions" folder.
    - Updated and re-formatted all the documentation files.

68020/030/040 or PowerPC;
80 KBytes free memory;
Mac OS 7.0 or later;
Color QuickDraw.

The MyEyes package is distributed in form of an "Installer" application.
To install MyEyes just launch the installer and follow the simple
instructions. It is recommended to restart your computer after installation.

MyEyes is 10$ shareware.
You can distribute MyEyes freely, provided that you leave the software and
the accompanying documentation unchanged. You can include MyEyes in CD-ROMs
and other software collections only by previous agreement.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/my-eyes-22.hqx; 302K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:31 -0700
Subject: [*] Netscape History 3.0

'Netscape History' is a utility for users of the Macintosh version of
Netscape (and Microsoft Internet Explorer) that lets them browse
off-line (not connected to the Internet) the last Web pages visited with
their browser. Images will be correctly shown, if they were loaded when
the page was read from the net.

It works with (the Macintosh version of) Netscape 1.0, 1.1, 1.12, 2.0,
3.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.01.
If your system runs one of this browsers (and has 600K  spare), it will also
run Netscape History.

You can now keep interesting pages and delete others. Plus, the program is
faster and works in the background.

This program is shareware (8$).

Author's web page is at  <>

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/netscape-history-30.hqx; 186K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:21 -0700
Subject: [*] ProMaker Utils 0.9.4 - For the FileMaker Professional

Announcing the release of ProMaker Utils 0.9.4. This is a FileMaker Pro
productivity tool for enhancing working with ScriptMaker.

If you are a FileMaker Pro 3.0 user or developer and write ScriptMaker
scripts this small application can save you a lot of time. ProMaker Utils
makes it possible to paste an entire ScriptMaker script (all steps) from a
TEXT file into a FileMaker Pro script. No more clicking until your hands
hurt, just enter them in one go!

New features in version 0.9.4:
- International FileMaker support: Use ProMaker with non-English versions
of FileMaker Pro.
- Most Script Parameters are set
- More flexible comment structure
and also:
- Added Preferences
- You can now stop a paste in progress by holding down the control key.

How does it work?
- Open FileMaker Pro and the script you want to paste the steps in.
- Use ProMaker Utils to open a TEXT file with the script-steps in it (some
sample text files are included).
- Enter the complete script by pressing command-E.

ProMaker Utils will bring FileMaker to the front and start pasting the
steps into the selected script. It is that simple.

System Requirements
Macintosh with 68030 or better or Power Macintosh.
System 7.1 or later (also tested on the upcoming 8.0 release).
ProMaker Utils requires 600 Kb of RAM.
ProMaker Utils doesn't use a patch or an extension so no potential
conflicts there.
Of course you need a copy of FileMaker Pro, this should be version 3.0v4,
or an International version.

Peter Baanen
Troi Automatisering.
Vuurlaan 18
2408 NB  Alphen a/d Rijn
The Netherlands

[Archived as /info-mac/data/pro-maker-utils-0.9.4.hqx; 265K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:14 -0700
Subject: [*] Script Archiver 1.0 - AppleScript Archive Maker

Script Archiver 1.0 is a Drag N Drop application to store AppleScript
scripts in an archive. (Archive being a folder with scripts in it)

If you use it and you like it please tell me! I might even send you the
registered copy.

Please report any bugs in it or suggestions about it to

If you are an AppleScript developer then please inform me. We can trade
scripts and stuff like that.

The registered version is already made and coded, so register A.S.A.P.!
Or even send less than $5.00 U.S. Dallars. A post card would be nice.
What ever you do, I will send you the registered version if you mail me

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/script-archiver-10.hqx; 4K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:12 -0700
Subject: [*] SendToBack FKEY 1.0 Source

Full C and Pascal source code to SendToBack FKEY 1.0.

SendToBack is an FKEY that changes the ordering of windows by sending the
active (front) window behind any others. This can very handy for flipping
through windows, or just to get the front window quickly out of the way
without closing it.

Requires: THINK C 7.04 or THINK Pascal 4.02


Seth Hill --

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/send-to-back-source.hqx; 22K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:34 -0700
Subject: [*] Show Me The Mail 1.0

Show Me The Mail (SMTM) is an application for displaying messages when
mail is received by Emailer 2.0, Eudora 2.1+, or LetterRip 2.0. The
messages float above other windows, so they are always visible. They show
who the message is from, and what the subject is. SMTM is shareware, and
the registration fee is $10.

For more info, see <>


  Dan Crevier <>
Looking for work starting September 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/show-me-the-mail-10.hqx; 126K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:01 -0700
Subject: [*] Super Othello 2.2.1

Super Othello is an implementation of the classic board game Othello,
which is also known as Reversi. The game plays on an 8x8 grid and the
object of it is to gain as many of your opponent's chips before the game

Super Othello lets you play against a human opponent, your Mac or just
simply watch your Mac play against itself. It supports eight different
levels of difficulty, as well as saving and logging of games. You can
also see legal moves. This new version of Super Othello adds new color
graphics and it has been completely rewritten in C, making it much

Super Othello 2.2.1 requires any Macintosh or compatible with System 7.0
or later, a 13" screen and 500kb of memory. A color display is
recommended (and required for some functions), but not an absolute

Super Othello is shareware. More information on pricing is included with
the Super Othello read me.

If you have any questions, comments or bugs, please report them to
either <> or <>.

=46or updates, other products from Yellow Lemon Software and more, check
out the YLS web site, located at

This version fixes a few bugs related to 16 color Macs running MacOS
versions pre-7.5. It also comes with a correctly configured Register

Daniel St=F8dle
Yellow Lemon Software

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/super-othello-221.hqx; 225K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:08 -0700
Subject: [*] Trash Bag 12

Trash Bag is a free utility which creates and maintains a secondary
Trash folder.  The author, Ross Brown, makes no warranty, either express
or implied, with respect to this software, its performance,
merchantability, or suitability for any particular purpose.  People
using the Trash Bag utility do so at their own risk.  The author
disclaims all liability for loss of data, mechanical damage, or other
losses suffered while using the Trash Bag utility.

Trash Bag is an AWOL Software Production, Copyright =A9 1995-7 Ross Brown.
 All rights reserved.  Permission is granted to make and distribute
copies of this software, provided this disclaimer and copyright notice
are preserved on all copies.  The software may not, however, be sold or
distributed for profit, or included with other software which is sold or
distributed for profit, without the permission of the author.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/trash-bag-12.hqx; 55K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:08:30 -0700
Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v7J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the URL Manager Pro package.

URL Manager is a repository for your favorite Internet addresses or URLs
(Uniform Resource Locators). URL Manager allows you to organize and collect
URLs in a hierarchical structure. Organizing bookmarks between and within
folders is easy with Drag & Drop. Drag HyperText links from your Web Browser
to the URL Manager window to add a URL to the repository. To access a URL on
the Web, Drag & Drop a bookmark to the window of a Web browser or double
click. URL Manager is Internet Config savvy.

URL Manager Pro adds tight integration with Navigator, Explorer, Anarchie,
Fetch, Claris Emailer and Eudora. With URL Manager Pro you can add bookmark
menus to the menubar of these applications. Also, URL Manager Pro adds the
URL Manager shared icon menu to the menubar. With this menu you can create
bookmarks for Web Pages from --within-- Navigator/Explorer, Add Notes, Grab
All URLs on a Web Page or in an E-Mail message, Explore the Internet with a
predefined set of Search Engines or start you PPP session with the Open PPP
menu command.

URL Manager Pro remembers the last 1000 Web Pages you visited.

URL Manager Pro can validate the URLs of your bookmarks.

URL Manager Pro imports and exports HTML, TEXT and MCF format.

1.4v7 changes:

* Fixed a bug with the export command in the Japanese version.

Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/url-manager-pro-147-jp.hqx; 623K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 11:01:12 -0600
From: Neil Fiertel <>

	I am suddenly unable to run Anarchie 2.01 on my Mac 7100/80 AV.  I
get the error message that "Anarchie failed to initialize MacTCP or  Mac
TCP is  corrupt. error -23. " I have deinstalled all of the MacTCP files,
dumped them and trashed them using the Find app.  I still have that MacTCP
DNR control panel that re-appears when I reboot so I assume that must be a
part of the system itself.  I am running OS-7.6.1 which of course is
strictly open transport and  I am using FreePPP 2.5 v2.  (One wonders what
the DNR control panel is for in this circumstance. ) In any case, even
after throwing away Anarchie prefs and so forth and downloading a fresh
copy of same I still get the same error message.
	I wrote to the follks at Anarchie (stairways) and promptly received
comments about dumping all remnants of MacTCP and or reinstalling open
transport.  I just installed same along with the entire OS just last week
and all other things seem fine in this regard as my surfing buddy Netscape
is fast and stable as is my mail program and newsreader so it seems
unlikely to be the culprit but...hey..any ideas out there how to get
Anarchie going again?

"Just three rusty strands of barbed wire from the North Pole"

		Professor Neil Fiertel
		Department of Art and Design
		University of Alberta
		Edmonton, Alberta
		Canada T6G-2C9


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 09:09:58 +0200
From: kp gores <>


I have formatted the IDE drive of my Powerbook 5300ce with Ontracks
DiskManagerMac (version 4.02c).
The Powerbook refuses to spin down the harddisk to save energy, although it
is setup to do so after a period of time.
I tried to force spindown with the utility "Sleeper", which doesn't work
Since Ontrack doesn't answer my question sent to them by email, I hope
someone at or reading Info-mac can give me some advice on what is going
(Using HDT is not possible due to lack of money).
thnaks in advance
	kp gores


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 97 06:38:26 PDT
From: "Peter H. Lipman" <>
Subject: [A] Annoying Menu Bar Delay 

Reposting this, I never saw it in the digest.  It got lost?

Re: note from on a possible answer to the "Annoying Menu
    Bar Delay" 

> I have found that if I have too many files and folders on the Desktop or
> accessed via the AppleMenu (ESPECIALLY with the hierarchical AppleMenu
> option) I get a similar delay. I had put an alias for each of my drives in
> the AppleMenu thinking that I could access ALL my files thereby. It worked
> but gave a long delay anytime I accessed ANY menu item. Apparently the
> computer has to retrieve all that hierarchical file data each time you access
> the Menu bar (even if you don't move over to the AppleMenu).

It is my understanding of Apple's implementation of the hierarchical
Apple Menu Options (AMO) that they chose to dynamically update the
data AMO keeps to display the menus.  The other obvious approach is to
update the data to be displayed at the time it is needed, i.e., when
you are actually moving down the hierarchy in the Apple Menu.  

The former approach guarantees really nice, smooth, predictable
behavior when AMO displays the next layer of the hierarchy.  This is
very desirable human engineering, and is probably the main reason that
this approach was chosen.  The drawback of this approach is that every
file copy, delete, and rename has to be tracked to see if it affects a
folder that AMO is keeping track of.  If it does, the change has to be
recorded in the data that AMO keeps.  This strongly suggests that you
should NOT have entire volumes in your Apple Menu.  You should be very
selective about the folders you keep there.

Had Apple chosen the latter approach, displaying each new level would
require a potentially significant amount of work. yielding a more
"herky jerky" result.  The up-side of that implementation choice is
that there would be no overhead attributed to using AMO until you
actually displayed some folders in the Apple Menu.

This is one of those wonderful tradeoffs programmers cannot possibly
get "right," and the only possible way to deal with it is to provide
the user with the option to do it one way or the other, which of
course adds yet more complexity to the user interface.  James Walker's
"Other Menu" program does offer this option, and I long ago stopped
using AMO and switched to "Other Menu".

Peter |


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 18:10:23 +0200
From: Patrik Montgomery <>
Subject: [A] How to trun off blinking in Netscape 3.01

> Subject: [Q] How to turn off blinking in Netscape 3.01
> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 23:17:23 -0400
> From: Pieter Stouten <>
> Does anybody know how to disable blinking in Netscape 3.01? 

Get a program called WebFree. It can do many things, including removing
ads from pages, stopping animated gifs and turning off blink. You can
propably find it either through Info-Mac or through searching for it on If not, contact the author on
There is a webpage for it, but I don't remember the URL.



Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 11:43:16 -0400
From: Pieter Stouten <>
Subject: [A] How to turn off blinking in Netscape 3.01

On 97/06/16 at 23:17 -0400, I wrote:

>Does anybody know how to disable blinking in Netscape 3.01?
Thanks are due Chris Crow <> and Daly Jessup
<>. They pointed me to WebFree, which in addition to
blinking can suppress advertising banners and animated gifs. WebFree can be
found at <>.


Pieter Stouten <>


Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 15:54:28 -0700
From: Chris Schram <>
Subject: [Q] AIFF Startup

On Sun, 15 Jun 1997, Samuele Cavadini <> wrote:
>Can someone suggest an Init/control panel to play an AIFF sound in
>background DURING (NOT after) the Startup?

You could use Movie Player to convert your AIFF sound to an audio-only
QuickTime Movie, name it Startup Movie, & drop it in your System
folder. It will play when QuickTime loads.

Chris Schram -- --


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 09:51:52 -0400
From: Stan Hadley <>
Subject: Conversion software for Excel from PC to Mac?

>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 11:04:00 -0400 (EDT)
>Hello all,
>        I was wondering if anyone on this list is aware of a
>method to convert files created in Excel for Windows to Excel for
>Mac. I was given a disk with data that I cannot access.
>Thank you for any and all help!
>        WC Sehlmeyer

Which version of Excel are you using? Excel 5 files between the Mac and PC
are the same, no conversion needed. I believe the same is the case for
Excel 7. However, MSoft's newest, Excel 97, uses a different format that
earlier Excel's can't read, either Mac or PC. The only way to read it is to
have the Excel 97 person save it as an Excel 5 file. MS has a similar
problem with Word 97 but has written a conversion program for Word 6 users.
However, it only runs on Windows.

Good luck!

Stan Hadley


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 97 21:22:23 +1200
From: Terrence Wood <>
Subject: Conversion software for Excel from PC to Mac?

On Tue, 17 Jun 1997 11:04:00 -0400 (EDT), "W.C. Sehlmeyer" 

>Hello all,
>	I was wondering if anyone on this list is aware of a 
>method to convert files created in Excel for Windows to Excel for 
>Mac. I was given a disk with data that I cannot access.
Excel 5.0 for the Mac should open Excel for PC files. If it doesn't open 
by by dbl-clicking, try to open it from within Excel its-self. You don't 
specify what version of Excel the pc data is... I'm curious to know if 
there is a change in file format with MSOffice 97.



Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 13:54:25 -0400
From: (Dana S. Nau)
Subject: How to turn off blinking in Netscape 3.01

> Does anybody know how to disable blinking in Netscape 3.01? ...

The best solution I know of is a shareware control panel called WebFree,
which you can use to eliminate blinks, animated gifs, and several other
things.  It's available from the info-mac archives.

To defeat spam emailers, my newsreader has misspelled my email address.
Remove "NOSPAM" from the address if you want to send me email.

Prof. Dana Nau                          |  Email:
Department of Computer Science,         |  Phone: (301) 405-2684
and Institute for Systems Research      |  Fax:   (301) 405-6707
U. of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742  |  URL:


Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 01:18:59 +0100
From: Christopher Adams <>
Subject: ImageWriter II and AppleTalk

Marcellino Gemelli ( asked:
>We bought an Imagewriter II and found a second-hand LocalTalk
>option for it.
>... we cannot get the printer driver to "see" the printer from
>the Chooser when the AppleTalk ImageWriter driver is selected.
>Is there any ImageWriter dip-switch to be moved when configuring?

Set dip switch SW2-4 to Closed (that's 'down', towards the front of the

Chris Adams, Birmingham, UK.    
The Mac SE Support Pages


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 97 21:40:35 +1200
From: Terrence Wood <>
Subject: MS IE blues

On Tue, 17 Jun 1997 10:46:13 -0300, Alain Chabot 
<> wrote:

> but then I realized that the IE installation also changed the Internet 
Config preferences. 
>Took me a while to figure that out, but then I realized that the IE 
>installation also changed the Internet Config preferences. 
When I installed IE 3.0 It knew I had NS3.0.1 on board and asked if I 
wanted to import the preferences...which I declined. I think from memory 
it left IC alone, but it was a pain setting it up manually.

As a stand alone user (ie not having to use intranets or maintain 
standards ;-)) I'm impressed with IE3.0.

>Anyway, imagine my surprise when I reverted to Netscape and found that it 
>tried to connect to MS's home page upon launching. 
And why does it take so long to get onto a MS web site when you have a 
freshly installed browser?? Are they really uploading the directory of 
your HD??



Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 20:16:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: Norton 3.5 and Old Macs (C)

Folk, I had some time to play this weekend, and some of you might
find the results of that playtime useful.

Norton 3.5 comes on a bootable CD-ROM. I could boot it on my beastly
old NEC CDR72 hooked to my beastly old IIci (cmd-opt-shift-del), but
it wouldn't see my internal HD. It was useless. If it couldn't even
see the HD, it couldn't diagnose or repair it, yes?


Since I couldn't do anything to the CD, I copied the CD-ROM onto
one of my M/O disks. Got the same thing. Good! Faith in science. But I
could diddle with the M/O's contents. I put SCSI Probe on the M/O. SCSI
Probe saw the internal HD. After telling SCSI Probe to "mount," the HD
appeared on the desktop. And Norton could work with it.

It seems that the cmd-opt-shift-del boot not only bypasses the internal
HD, as the documentation tells us. It doesn't MOUNT the puppy.

Is this supposed to be a good thing?

If the fine folk at Symantec hadn't gone into hiding (I used to be able
to e-mail them before they got greedy), I'd have suggested that they add
SCSI Probe to their 3.5 CD-ROM.

I don't know if the problem was due to my having a third party HD formatted
with SilerLining. I don't even know anyone with a beastly old IIci who has
the original Apple HD with Apple-approved formatting.

So what's the solution? I was afraid you'd ask that.

In one sense there is a fine solution. If you have a beastly old Mac and a
beastly old CD-ROM and a boot floppy that can handle your beastly old CD,
you're gold. Boot with the floppy, insert the Norton CD. Launch Norton.

You will be able to use Disk Doctor and Speed Disk on your directly connected
hard drives.

Beyond that?

I wanted more. My PB5300cs has no CD-ROM drive, but it is on our home
ethernetlet. I set up an M/O disk with a minimum System 7.6 plus all
networking software. Then I copied to the M/O all the Norton 3.5 stuff except
the System folder. Seemed to work fine. The M/O disk (If you don't have
an M/O, think ZIP) booted right fine. Norton launched right fine. Norton
could not see my PB's HD. Even after I linked to it from Finder via Chooser.

Finder can see it, and Norton can't? Fascinating.

Another thing I'd write Symantec about if I could.

I hope my experience will be of use to one or more of y'all.

Al Bloom


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 13:44:13 -0400
From: Roy & Anne Fung <>
Subject: Performa 6400 Virtual Mem.

We recently got a Performa 6400 with 16mb/1.6 gig/603e processor and would
like to know how to enable the virtual memory.  We found where to make the
change, but when we try to exit the screen we get a message that the System
file must be unlocked.  

Where is this System file?  We've unlocked the System Folder, but that did
not solve the problem.

Thanks in advance.


Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 10:44:34 -0700
From: Gregg Koskela <>
Subject: Powerbook and external CD-ROM

Hi all,

I have a Powerbook 5300 (40/500, system 7.5.5, CD-ROM Tool Kit). I just
bought a 12x external CD-ROM. This is my only computer, so I run it at home
with an external monitor, the CD-ROM, and an external modem. My pattern
before the CD-ROM was to put the book to sleep and take it to my office
without all the paraphenalia. The problem now is, when I reawaken it from
sleep at the office, it tries over and over again to re-mount the now
non-existant CD. This is causing an annoying system lag which is only
corrected by re-booting.

Is there a way to wake from sleep and stop it from trying to re-mount the
CD? Or am I stuck with a reboot all the time?

Also, I bought a cable to go from the external audio ports to my sound
input on my powerbook. I keep reading about the "enable playthrough" option
in the
sound control panel, but my system doesn't have this option. Is this
intentional, or do I have a faulty control panel?

Gregg Koskela


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 05:29:28 -0400
From: Jeff Frankel <>
Subject: Recording keystrokes

On June 17, Howard Fried wrote:

>Anyone know of an application, preferably an init, that can keep track of
>every keystroke and write the information, periodically, to a file?

The "ghostwriter" module of Casady & Greene's SpellCatcher performs this

Jeff Frankel
Windsor, Maine  USA


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 11:48:17 -0400
From: Eric Frampton <>
Subject: Which system for plain Mac II?

I've acquired an original Mac II, 800K floppies (any idea where to get the
upgrade kits now?), and a 150 meg internal HD.

I've attempted to load 7.5.5 on the machine along with the latest version
of Mode32, but upon boot, the machine crashes. I have had to revert to 7.1
with the same current Mode32, and it's been stable. I just want some of the
goodies in the later system version.

What I'm doing for software loads is putting disk images from my powermac
at home onto ZIP's, then taking the ZIPs down and installing onto the HD,
since nothing on the planet is installed on 800K's anymore.

The crash happens with or without the ZIP scsi'd up, and it happens _right_
after the system loads ("Welcome to Macintosh") and before any extensions.
Bomb box, no error message stated.

any ideas?



Date: Wed, 18 Jun 97 21:47:45 +1200
From: Terrence Wood <>
Subject: Win95 Long file names and the Mac

On Mon, 16 Jun 1997 17:52:30 +0100, Joe Gard <> 

>I am looking for an extension that will allow me to access the long file
>names of Windows 95 on my Mac.  
Dos Mounter 95 is a control panel thats functions in the same manner as 
PC Exchange and will read Win95 long file names, it also allows more 
specific application/file relationships.....thats the product 
review...I'll let you do the search for it =)



Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 05:33:43 +1000
From: (Dwight Lemke)
Subject: Win95 Long file names and the Mac

At 4:33 AM on 6/18/97, Joe Gard <> wrote:

> I am looking for an extension that will allow me to access the long file
> names of Windows 95 on my Mac.  I am an engineer involved with taking data
> using a PC, copying the files onto a Zip drive, and taking them to my Mac
> for analysis.  The problem is, that when we use longer file names on the
> PC, they get converted to a DOS style file name (8.3) by the Mac because
> the computer thinks that the files must comply to that file name
> convention.  I've looked on the net for something, but haven't had any
> success yet.

Actually, having been forced to use WinDoze at work now, I have encountered
this "feature" of Win 95.  Despite MS's protestations that DOS isn't in
'95, it insists on use DOS filenames at the system level. The long
filenames are just an addition on top of it.  So, they really won't
transfer to the mac.  And, when you're doing it the other way around, make
sure you name your mac files with the appropriate eight dot three
convention to avoid problems.




End of Info-Mac Digest