Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #97
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 26 May 97       Volume 15 : Issue 97

Today's Topics:

      [*] crumble, a font.
      [*] DivvyUP course scheduling software 1.2.1
      [*] imagemapper-v2.5-FAT.hqx.gz
      [*] Starry Night 2.1.3
      (Q) Help needed against error 12
      [Q] Help: Bluets and Granola Bars...
      [Q] Whiny Maxtor HD
      appletalk on a duo
      Appletalk on duo
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #93
      IRC and New Mac channel.
      MAC NDS
      No one outside my ISP can read my Usenet posts -- why?
      Philips CDD522 problem
      PoetryInk-As was
      pointer freezes
      Problem receiving attachments with Eudora Pro 3.0

The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan,
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Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 06:19:36 -0700
Subject: [*] crumble, a font.

Crumble is a beat-up sort of medieval font. it is free.


[Archived as /info-mac/font/tt/crumble.hqx; 81K]


Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 06:19:38 -0700
Subject: [*] DivvyUP course scheduling software 1.2.1

Course Scheduling Software
Version 1.2.1
$25 Shareware

DivvyUP is software that greatly eases the pain of scheduling classes
for departments and schools.  Whether your department is large or small,
DivvyUP will help you create an entire semester's course schedule, while
automatically checking for conflicts.

This application requires MacOS 7.0 or later.
These files were checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.6
=A91997 J.S.Bowers :

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/divvy-up-121.hqx; 289K]


Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 06:19:39 -0700
Subject: [*] imagemapper-v2.5-FAT.hqx.gz

This is the English version of the ImageMapper package.

If you've ever tried to create a web page, and part of that involved
making clickable imagemaps, you'll know what a hassle it can be...
ImageMapper puts a simple, user-friendly, object-oriented interface in
place of the hard work.

Changes in version 2.5:

Brand new 'Freehand' drawing tool Enhanced Java (Highlighted ImageMap)
support (+new classes!!!) Better Colour Capabilities LYNX Compatible
Code Generation Javascript MouseOver Now Works, displays ALT tag in
status bar

Stuart Snaddon

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/image-mapper-25.hqx; 787K]


Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 06:19:35 -0700
Subject: [*] Starry Night 2.1.3

starry-night-basic-213.hqx  - a downloadable version of our software

Starry Night is a tremendous tool for learning about the night sky that
is being used around the world by parents, educators, amateur
astronomers and those just beginning to discover the wonder of
astronomy. Using Starry Night you can place yourself anywhere at anytime
and experience an accurate recreation of the sky. Backyard skies, skies
in other countries or the sky above Apollo 11's lunar module are all
available to you. Watch as the Sun sets from the surface of Mars.
Witness a total eclipse of the Sun as seen from the Moon. Set time
flowing at whatever pace you wish. See the stars as the ancient
Egyptians saw them. Your only limit is your curiosity.

Starry Night has just received a Human Interface Design Excellence
(H.I.D.E.) Award from Apple Computer! We also have a 4 stars rating from
MacWorld magazine in the June 97 issue, as well as a 5 mice rating from
MacUser magazine!

Starry Night 2.1 adds exciting internet capabilities to the program! Add
a URL to any planet star or comet! Use our LiveSky web site to learn
more about the objects you see in the sky!

See our web site at

Tom Andersen
Sienna Software
Toronto Ontario Canada
416 926-2174

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/starry-night-basic-213.hqx; 4823K]


Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 15:32:24 +0100
From: Jens Eickhoff <>
Subject: (Q) Help needed against error 12

Dear Netters,
some months ago I upgraded my PB540 to 7.5.5. and since then I
occasionnally encounter errors

Bomb! Error 12, Trap not installed

Just yesterday I had such a close encounter of the third kind and this time
I at least can specify in detail what I did:

I downloaded a file from info-mac archive. It came in stuffed form as
stuffit-archive with a name like
something.sit - showing a stuffit-archive icon. When double clicking on it,
the bomb exploded.
After reboot I opened my stuffit expander by hand and chose from the menu
->expand and selected the file and it unpacked the stuff correctly without

On my power mac in office I had no problems with unsuffing it by
double-click, using the same version of the expander!!

So please explain to me what's wrong here. To avoid evil accusations from
so called gurus in advance:
My system 7.5.5. installation was done by my apple dealer, so it is not an




Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 01:48:13 +0100
From: Daniel Lallouz <>
Subject: [Q] Help: Bluets and Granola Bars...

I know I read about this not too long ago, but did I pat attention....

Well, I just installed 7.6 on a Pbook 5300 cs by attaching it to my 7100's
SCSI cable. I upgraded to 761, and upon restarting, got a "bus error" in
what appeared to be the startup screen that normally contains Welcome to
Mac OS.

I hooked the pbook back to my 7100, trashed the system folder, and
reinstalled 7.6. I then got the dreaded "Bluets and Granola Bars" dialog


	Dan Lallouz
	PRESTIGE	tel: (514) 497-7669
						fax: (514) 484-0335


Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 16:37:19 -0400
From: John Steele <>
Subject: [Q] Whiny Maxtor HD

Anyone ever been bothered by a high-pitched whine coming from their HD? 
I just purchased a NEW Maxtor 213 MB HD  (yes, very inexpensive!) and
installed it, but I have this high-pitched whine that driving me


So do I have a defective drive?  Or do all new drives make this noise?

I am not psycotic yet.

Thanks    John


Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 10:29:35 -0500
From: Gib Henry <>
Subject: appletalk on a duo

On Mon, 19 May 1997 21:21:45 -0500, wrote:
> first question - i use appletalk alot to transfer files - but as i
> understand appletalk drains the battery i tend to turn appletalk on and
> off. fine. however if i restart when appletalk is off, i need to restart
> again to turn it back on. [...snip...]

There are several utilities which load AppleTalk at startup, then reset it
as you left it (on or off), so you can then turn it on and off at will
thereafter.  Connectix PowerBook Utilities is one, but they tell me it's
incompatible with 7.6 (check  Also check the
Info-Mac archives under networking for shareware alternatives.  Their names
should give them away (I think one may be named something like AppleTalkOn).

> next - as i bought this used i did not get the complete docs or even a
> system 7.11. i am running system 7.1 (im not interested in 7.5+ - if it
> aint broke...) on both my centris and duo. is there anything someone
> with lots of experience with a duo thinks i should know? is there a way
> to get 7.11 (not through apple as far as i can tell) with the control
> strip et al. is there documentation available? is it worth getting - or
> is the stuff in the "getting started" manual (that i do have) along with
> the mac bible enough?

I thought all system versions prior to 7.5 were available on the Apple
sites.  Seems to me I got up to 7.1.3 on my Duo 230.  I don't think there's
much else in the manual that an experienced Mac user doesn't already know,
but you might check some of the PowerBook sites (use a web search engine).
Hope this helps.  Cheers,


Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 20:52:53 +0800
From: (Ngiam Shih Tung - Remove the 88 to reply)
Subject: Appletalk on duo

Well, I'm using a PB 280 with System 7.5, and I'm able to turn Appletalk
on & off without restarting. Unfortunately, I can't remember whether I
had this capabilty under system 7.1 as well. I'd recommend simply
upgrading to System 7.5. If you look at the back of various Mac
magazines, there might be some companies selling System 7.5 at firesale
prices, now that 7.6 has come out. There were a number of other reasons
why I upgraded to 7.5 way back when (was it two years ago ?) but I can't
remember what they were. I don't recall facing any problems as a result
of upgrading. The only caveat is that if the 7.5 CD you get is earlier
than 7.5.3 Revision 2, you should download the 7.5 updater from the
Apple web site and install that after installing 7.5 from the CD or disk

Shih Tung

Address faked to discourage spamming - Remove the 88 to reply.
Sorry for the incovenience to legitimate users.


Date: Thu, 22 May 97 19:40:22 -0400
From: Bill Greene <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #93

>Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 08:26:52 -1000
>From: (cesar)
>Subject: Pointer Freezes
>I'm having difficulty with frequent pointer freezes sticking in the upper
>left hand corner of my screen on startups.  Also, sometimes it happens
>when I try to scroll down an attached Microsoft Word file.
>When I restart it usually clears up for awhile.  I've done all the usual
>things like checking the mouse cable connection to my keyboard and the
>keyboard connection to the CPU, rebuilding my desktop, allocating more
>memory to programs I use heavily, and even did a complete clean reinstall
>recently.  Using Conflict Catcher and disabling half of my extensions
>then moving them back, then disabling the other half didn't help me find
>the culptit either.
>Restarting with extensions off doesn't help because I never know when a
>pointer freeze is going to happen.

Try going to your System folder to the Preference folder and trash the 
Finder Preferences file. It sounds as though file might be corrupted.
Bill Greene


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 21:14:48 -0600
From: "Dennis L. Davis" <>
Subject: IRC and New Mac channel.

I would like to rave about ircle the best Mac IRC client, it is shareware
with good support and it has colour, sound, video streaming, face files and
uses AppleScripts among its many features. Get the very stable 3.0b8 beta
at: It has help there on IRC in general and on
ircle in particular, also it has links to sites that give you the lists of
servers for IRC and links to script pages.

I also have a new #mac channel, it's on a new IRC network called
ShadowsNet. The network is nice though small and is frequented mostly by PC
people and I really hope to change this. I am there most evenings and some
mornings Central Time. I would like to add some Mac IRC people to the
regular op list, if they would come to the channel on a regular basis. Use
one of the ShadowsNet servers and then type /join #mac or use the join
command and join #mac.

These are the current ShadowsNet servers: port 6660,
6667, ports: 6666, 6667, 6668, 7000, (Europe) port 6667, port:
4000 (UK Server), port: 6667. These are the the help
and channel service  channels for ShadowsNet, #City-of-Nights and



Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 09:55:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chris Beck <>
Subject: MAC NDS

As far as I know, NDS is only implemented in Novell NetWare 4.x, in which
case you would be better off installing the NetWare client from Novell for
MacOS.  I use that on the workstations in the university computer lab I
work in and we have no problems.

Installing the client keeps you from loading NetWare for Macintosh and
making the server talk AppleTalk.

Also, with the client for MacOS you don't have to worry about how it's
logging in.  All you have to do is select the frame type your server is
using and select the NDS Tree you want to log into.  I like it much better
that using the chooser and AppleShare to login.

If you have any questions feel free to reply via e-mail personally.  Hope
that helps.

Chris Beck, Information Technology Consultant
Academic Computing & Media
California State University, San Bernardino
e-mail :


Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 08:39:08 -0400
From: "Paul J. Schinder" <>
Subject: No one outside my ISP can read my Usenet posts -- why?

}Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 00:03:51 -0800
}From: Mike Blackwell <>
}Subject: No one outside my ISP can read my Usenet posts -- why?
}My problem: none of the dozens of messages I've posted to Usenet in the
}past several months appear to have traveled beyond my provider: no one
}outside my ISP can see them. I get no error messages from my newsreader
}when I post to Usenet, and I get a confirmation e-mail with a note that it
}has been forwarded to that newsgroup, but I've run numerous DejaNews
}searches and had other people across the country look for them, all to no
}avail. Even posts specifically requesting replies from anyone who happens
}to read them, or messages sent to test groups (alt.test, misc.test, etc.),
}which normally have auto-reply bots which answer everything, go completely
}unanswered. They show up perfectly on my own ISP's NNTP server, but nowhere
}else on earth. See for yourself: try to find any posts on any newsgroup by
}a Mike Blackwell at <> or <> are
}my addresses. The only post I found of mine was part of an Info-Mac digest,
}ironically enough.

Since I know that YA-Newswatcher can post successfully, it sounds to me
that your problem is on your ISP's server itself.  A simple check:  has
*anyone* at had any luck getting news off their site regularly?
Is this an ISP that offers shell accounts, and do you have one?  If so,
have you tried posting from the shell account?

The only thing I can think of offhand that you might be doing to cause the
problem is putting in a Distribution: header, but they usually don't work
anyway.  By any chance is there a Distribution: local in the headers of
your news articles?  That's one thing that might prevent the server from
sending the article to other servers.  There may be other headers that will
do it as well that I don't know about, headers that aren't necessarily
being put there by Newswatcher.

}Editing various preferences and re-installing system and connectivity
}software seems to make no difference. Local techs are completely baffled.

Since you can read your own articles on their server, and I assume you're
reading with Newswatcher, then their server thinks that there's a valid
news article from you.  It's been a *long* time since I had anything to do
with a news server other than reading via NNTP, but I believe the server
itself is supposed to take care of all the details of getting the article
off site.  Your ISP's server is the probably the first place to look for
the solution, since something seems to be stopping it from forwarding.  But
if your ISP only trades news with one or two other sites, it might not be
*their* server at all, but someone downstream.

}I'm sure it's not censorship, but rather some strange quirk that has
}flummoxed everyone I've mentioned it to. I'd try asking on a Usenet
}newsgroup, but of course that would be rather silly, wouldn't it? :)
}Please help me on this one. I'm out of ideas.

Strange problem.  I hope you can get it fixed.

Paul J. Schinder
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771


Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 14:31:04 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Kauko Saarinen <>
Subject: Philips CDD522 problem

Fellow experts,

Toast CD-ROM Pro 2.5.10 program sometimes fails to write a proper disk.
Furthermore, it seems to me that CD disks in the Macintosh format will be
always written ok. Problems may occur with other disk formats. Failure can
be Read Error or the Macintosh freezes while writing a disk.  I found that
the Mac doesn't boot from System CD if the CDD522 machine is connected. It
starts from System CD if disconnected or connected to an exterior disk
device. This makes me feel that there is something wrong with SCSI
connections. Terminator is ok and device numbers. If  started from the hard
disk all SCSI devices can been seen. Self test of CDD552 returns 'Good

Data: Toast CD-ROM Pro 2.5.10, Firmware level 1.05, Power Macintosh
7200/90, MacOS 7.5.5.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you!


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 02:39:21 +0100
From: (Ian Burt)
Subject: PoetryInk-As was

Hello y'all,

After much deliberating I finally decided to submit a couple of items to
Poetry Ink.I got a reply saying they had folded but are recouping in a
month or so. FWIW here is their reply which may just prevent somebody
wasting time and bandwidth:

>(This is an automated response message.)
>Thank you submitting work for consideration for publication in POETRY
>INK, the electronic literary magazine.
>Unfortunately, POETRY INK has ceased publication. We are not accepting
>submissions at this time.
>Starting in mid-1997, POETRY INK PRODUCTIONS will be publishing ELECTRIC
>BROADSHEET, a "whenever we feel like it"  eclectic literary broadsheet
>which will focus on one work per issue. Look for it at your local
>info-mac anonymous ftp mirror site around June 1997.
>You must have a Macintosh in order to view ELECTRIC BROADSHEET.

And erm, can I take this opportunity to notify the Mac community of my
change of ISP? I can now be found at:

New home page still under construction.

All the best,



Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 14:40:14 -0500
From: (Bryan Walls)
Subject: pointer freezes

(A copy of this message has also been posted to the following newsgroups:

>I'm having difficulty with frequent pointer freezes sticking in the upper
>left hand corner of my screen on startups.  Also, sometimes it happens
>when I try to scroll down an attached Microsoft Word file.

Sounds like SCSI magic to me, on a guess based on little data. Do you have
any external SCSI devices?  Make sure they are all turned on, if so. Check
termination. Try changing the device order. Try pixie-dust and walking
around the system three times in a clockwise direction. Good luck.

Bryan Walls                    My Words are not NASA Policy
EB12 MSFC, AL 35812


Date: 22 May 1997 09:26:56 +0000
From: Mephistophilis <>
Subject: Problem receiving attachments with Eudora Pro 3.0

I am a registered user of Eudora Pro 3.0 on a
Power Mac 8200/120, 32Mb, S7.5.5 and have a
direct connection to the internet and to a LAN
via a VAX mainframe.

I have received attachments from internet
contacts across the world (platforms and mailers
unknown) without difficulty. I have also had no
problems receiving attachments from a colleague
in this Department who uses Eudora Lite for the

However two separate Administration offices
within this University - both of them using the
PC version of Eudora Lite - are consistently
failing to send me documents as attachments. The
text concerned always arrives embedded in the
covering message. Both offices have no problem
delivering attachments to other machines on the
LAN who use the PC version of Eudora Lite **OR**
to my collea~gue who uses Eudora Lite for the Mac.

I would appreciate any advice that you can give
Sincerely -
Fergus Lalor


Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 23:52:03 +0100
Subject: TechTools


I'm desperately tring to get hold of TechTools. I was told i could get
it at the Infomac Archive at
But i can't find it!

Bien � vous,


Malheur � moi, je suis nuance. 



End of Info-Mac Digest