Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #96
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 24 May 97       Volume 15 : Issue 96

Today's Topics:

      [*] '60 =?iso-8859-1?Q?Guckl=F6cher?= in die Welt'
      [*] Blade 1.3 - Bevel & texture filter
      [*] Blender version 1.0, PowerPC
      [*] Bob1 .1.hqx
      [*] Bolo 0.99.7 better dialogs
      [*] Cassette Labeler 2.11
      [*] CutXtra Lite 1.5 submission
      [*] Democracy in America-full text
      [*] ExtraPlugs 1.0 submission
      [*] GoMac 1.2 release: bug fix update
      [*] Grid Warrior 1.2.2
      [*] Hornet Log Macintosh Abstract
      [*] johns Calculator 1.2
      [*] KJV-Full text of King James Version
      [*] Origin of the Species-full text
      [*] OTChess 1.0b2 
      [*] Page! - For wannabe numerical pagers
      [*] PlugOne 1.0 submission
      [*] PowerReplace 5.7.2
      [*] Rofonts
      [*] ScanPlot 1.5 submission
      [*] Series EE Savings Bond VALUES
      [*] SimpleTetris 1.0
      [*] simulaton, a font.
      [*] Sleeper 2.1.1 - Sleep mode for all Macs
      [*] Slurpee 2.0 (text/data Newton/desktop transfer)
      [*] SOI
      [*] Starbases and numbers.sit
      [*] Starry Night 2.1.3 Manual
      [*] Starry Night plugin
      [*] VCD Player 1.1.0
      [*] VCD Player SS 1.0.0

The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
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Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:42 -0700
Subject: [*] '60 =?iso-8859-1?Q?Guckl=F6cher?= in die Welt'

'60 Guckl=F6cher in die Welt' has been created with PhotoProject Author.
PhotoProject contains photos in a compressed 'Pict' format. You must therefo=
have the System addition 'QuickTime'  version 1.6 that requires the
presence of a
68020 processor or better. You also need System 7.# or better;  2,5 MB (even
better 3,5 MB) free in RAM (if your system contains many fonts you might nee=
more space in RAM and you might need to upgrade the RAM-settings in the
Info-dialogue for PhotoProject). A color screen 14', (with a minimum of 256
colors, even better with 1000 colors) For a better performance turn off the
virtual memory.

The performance of Photoproject is better when you copy it onto your hard di=

PhotoProject consists of several parts and can only function if at least one=
the following parts are present in the same folder:

'DeutschInterface' (or at least one of the following translations help:
=46ran=E7aisInterface, DeutschInterface, Espa=F1olInterface or ItalianoInter=

'SCREENENGLISH(2)' (or at least one of the following translations helps:
ScreenFran=E7ais(2), ScreenDeutsch(2), ScreenEspa=F1ol(2) or ScreenItaliano(=

All the photos that you want to show or see in PhotoProject have to be
present in
the same folder.

With the author version of PhotoProject you may create your own project. Ord=
the CD-ROM: PhotoProject Author at:

Andreas R=F6llinghoff
Moyens Didactiques
Rte. de Gen=E8ve 60A
CH-1028 Lausanne-Pr=E9verenges
T=E9l=E9.:0041/ 21 / 803 58 00

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/foto-projekt.hqx; 4900K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Blade 1.3 - Bevel & texture filter

Now, create appealingly 'touchable' 3-D appearances with Blade, the
Photoshop filter that combines textures with bevels. Blade puts you in
control of lighting and surfaces, and offers an unmatched selection of
edge styles. Quickly make eye-catching text, buttons, and more.

Version 1.3 fixes an interface problem on 68K Macs, and uses less
memory. It is also compatible again with Photoshop 2.5.

Blade is shareware for Macintosh. Besides Photoshop 2.5 or later, it
works with Color It, Fractal Design Painter, and Pixel Paint Pro.

On the web, it can be downloaded from

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/blade-13.hqx; 455K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:10 -0700
Subject: [*] Blender version 1.0, PowerPC

Blender Online, the "internet application" version of the popular
CD-Rom. Blender features original games and quizzes, music reviews,
movie reviews, full soundtrack, video interviews with rock stars and
more. Requires an internet connection, 4 megs Ram and any PowerMac.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/blender-ppc.hqx; 1489K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:03 -0700
Subject: [*] Bob1 .1.hqx

Bob vs The Aliens! You take control of secret agent Bob. Two years ago
an alien ship attacked earth. We defeated them. Now we hear that some
aliens survived and are building an advanced base underground on earth.
You must defeat the aliens with the help of technology we stole from
them last time. You have an energy gun, and a rather cool suit. Be
careful, we believe the aliens may have humans and all sorts of monsters
on their side.

Laurie Murphy
or: FoxChange

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/bob-11.hqx; 538K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:01 -0700
Subject: [*] Bolo 0.99.7 better dialogs

I love the Bolo game. But the dialog windows aren't very nice. Well, I've
created a modified version of bolo in a patch. Look at the dialog windows!

(c) Moritz Grund

Its free!

[Archived as /info-mac/game/bolo/bolo-0.997-better-dialogs-=8A.hqx; 64K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:23 -0700
Subject: [*] Cassette Labeler 2.11

new version of the cassette labeler. better navigation is the major
change of the version.

(c) Moritz Grund


[Archived as /info-mac/app/cassette-labeler-211-hc.hqx; 124K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:46 -0700
Subject: [*] CutXtra Lite 1.5 submission

CutXtra Lite is the shareware version of a more extended software to
drive plotters directly from inside a graphical software like
Illustrator or FreeHand, adding them the possibility to produce vinyl
cutted drawing and text for signmaking, using cutting plotters. The Lite
version lacks the client/server architecture and the more sophisticated
functions of the complete software, but it's anyway a full-fledged
product: the handbook included describes both version, pointing out the

The release included is 1.5

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/cut-xtra-lite-15.hqx; 197K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:16 -0700
Subject: [*] Democracy in America-full text

This archive contains the full text of the English translation of Alexis
de Tocqueville's "Democracy in America", in setext format.

The text is in 8-bit Mac encoding, without line endings: a carriage
return indicates the end of a paragraph.

Setext is a slightly enhanced text format. It can be read with any text
editor/word processor, but looks best when viewed with a
setext-compatible browser, such as Akif Eyler's EasyView

This archive is free for non-commercial uses and may be included on

[Archived as /info-mac/art/book/dia.hqx; 899K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:47 -0700
Subject: [*] ExtraPlugs 1.0 submission

Last generation graphic software have the possibility to extend their
functions via external modules: the plug-ins you've found here are some
examples of such extensions.

These small pieces of software are actually working with Adobe
Illustrator 5, 5.5 and 6 & Macromedia FreeHand 5 & 7.

Scale This item allows the "real-size" dimensioning of a drawing,
choosing the reference point of the scaling.

X-Height This filter works on a selected text object. It calculates the
"real" text height (i.e. the height based on capital letters) of the
first letter in the text block and allows to scale the text

Complexity This filter calculates some useful data on the objects
selected. The perimeter and area are shown, and a relationship between
these is taken as a complexity index for the drawing, useful when the
cost of a job depends on such a parameter.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/plug-ins.hqx; 140K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:12 -0700
Subject: [*] GoMac 1.2 release: bug fix update

We thought you might like to know that an update GoMac, version 1.2, has
been officially released.

Other than a few added key commands, there are no new features added to
this version.  In other words, there is no urgent reason to download
version 1.2 unless you have been having problems with 1.1.  We regret
having to release another version so quickly but the seriousness of a
few of the bugs required a quick reaction on our part.  (details below)

The new version has been appended to this email and is also available

Please remember to remove the old version of GoMac when replacing it
with a new one.  :)  If you do not wish to receive announcements about
future GoMac updates, email us and we will take you off our list

All the best,

Mathew Caughron Proteron, L.L.C. 9600 East 150 Highway Kansas City, MO

Here are the details about what is new in version 1.2:
Adjustments in its terminology referring to the Keyboard Switcher due to a
possible trademark infringement.  Fixed a bug which crashed with an
unimplemented trap error at startup on 68K machines running System 7.6.1.
=46ixed a bug in the handling of monitor rearrangment.  GoMac should no
longer "carve out" large portions of your monitor with unused gray space.
Problems with games using 640x480 screens can now be solved by turning on
Auto hide.   D=E9cor should now only register a change in the monitor size
when you turn Auto hide ON or OFF.  An anomaly with the Finder where icons
would sometimes stay visible when "Hide programs after switch" was turned
on has been fixed.  With Systems earlier than 7.5.3, the Shut Down feature
now works properly.  Note that holding down "Command-Option" while choosing
"Shut Down=8A" will sleep the computer, holding down "Command-Control" will
restart, and holding down "Command" will Shut Down without a dialog.  An
occasional problem with the coloring of GoMac should be fixed.

Known problems in version 1.2:
Conflict with the IMS TwinTurbo 128 graphics cards and GoMac 1.1.  GoMac
1.2 does NOT fully address the problem, although turning on Auto hide may
help to prevent it.


[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/go-mac-12.hqx; 107K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:04 -0700
Subject: [*] Grid Warrior 1.2.2

Grid Warrior is a Mac-only arcade game.  Move about the Grid of Death,
destroying bad guys with instantaneous energy pulses.  Smooth animation
and cool sound effects make this game a lot of fun.

This free demo includes the first three waves.  The full version has
many more challenging levels, and a high-score list.

Grid Warrior now includes the ability to register by credit-card via the
Kagi registration service.

Requires:  System 7, 8M RAM, 256 colors or more, 640x480-pixel monitor
or larger, PowerPC or fast 68040 processor recommended.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/grid-warrior-122-demo.hqx; 565K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:55 -0700
Subject: [*] Hornet Log Macintosh Abstract

Software to add to your Hornet 3.0 experience.
Mission records and notes database
Kuwait Theatre Aircraft Info
Mission Photo Album
The Hornet Pilot's Logbook is designed to be a fun way of compiling
various data regarding missions you've flown. Mission records can be
kept and stored along with custom mission picts as well as tactical info
and notes regarding each mission. The data entry section includes typing
shortcuts to allow weapons loadouts / time / etc. and select data to be
enter quickly.
There are supplemental sections on aircraft in the Kuwait Theater and a
mission photo album which holds picts of all 28 missions that can be
user customized.
If you like this Logbook and want to keep it just send me
something-email, favorite mission picts (160x120 only please), tips or
tactics, replays, or better yet send GSC a thank you note that doesn't
include any barbs about what they could have done better.
Charlie Woods (aka CharlieFSU)
VisionHeart Interactive
email or
Please feel free to distribute the Logbook wherever you like but just
let me know if you do and where.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/hornet-log.hqx; 3856K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:38 -0700
Subject: [*] johns Calculator 1.2

john's calculator is an easy to use, powerful, scientific calculator.

Expressions are entered, edited, and evaluated in a large, scrollable,
scratchpad. This scratchpad fully supports standard text editor functions
such as cut, copy, and paste. Scratchpad expressions can be modified and
reevaluated. The size of the font used by the scratchpad can be set using
the Size menu.

All operations can be entered in the scratchpad by using the keyboard or
calculator buttons. Buttons normally add parentheses and commas to their
operations to show the number of arguments required by the operation.
Buttons also provide other editing shortcuts.

The calculator can be set to use radians or degrees. Results can be shown
using either decimal or scientific notation. Numbers can be entered into
the scratchpad using decimal or scientific notation. The type of decimal
and number of decimal places used to show results can be set using the
Decimal menu.

Multiple lines can be evaluated sequentially using the multiline evaluation
operator, allowing complex expressions to be broken into a sequence of
simpler expressions. Variables can be used to simplify expressions.
Variables can be used in multiline evaluations to store intermediate

Scratchpad contents can be saved to a file for future use.

Changes in version 1.2.
Added the Size menu which is used to set the size of the font used by the

The Decimal menu has be enhanced and the handling of decimal places

John Wilhelm

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/johns-calc-12.hqx; 132K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:18 -0700
Subject: [*] KJV-Full text of King James Version

This archive contains the full text of the King James Version (aka
Authorised Version) of the Bible, in setext format.

The text is in 8-bit Mac encoding, without line endings: a carriage
return indicates the end of a paragraph.

Setext is a slightly enhanced text format. It can be read with any text
editor/word processor, but looks best when viewed with a
setext-compatible browser, such as Akif Eyler's EasyView

This archive is free for non-commercial uses and may be included on CD-ROMs.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/book/kjv.hqx; 1803K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:20 -0700
Subject: [*] Origin of the Species-full text

This archive contains the full text of Charles Darwin's "Origin of the
Species", in setext format.

The text is in 8-bit Mac encoding, without line endings: a carriage
return indicates the end of a paragraph.

Setext is a slightly enhanced text format. It can be read with any text
editor/word processor, but looks best when viewed with a
setext-compatible browser, such as Akif Eyler's EasyView

This archive is free for non-commercial uses and may be included on

[Archived as /info-mac/art/book/origin.hqx; 417K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:00 -0700
Subject: [*] OTChess 1.0b2 

OTChess is a network (or standalone if you prefer) chess game which I
wrote as a demo. It allows two OpenTransport 1.1 or greater Macs to play
against each other over the Internet. OTChess requires OT 1.1 or greater
and can run on 68K or PPC Macs.

This is a beta 2 release. Please send bugs to me as described in the
release notes. It does not now how to castle. Shareware fees will get
you castling, plus chat capability between players.

Chess piece icons courtesy of Wim van Beusekom and used by permission).

For more info see

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/ot-chess-10b2.hqx; 141K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:09 -0700
Subject: [*] Page! - For wannabe numerical pagers

Page! 1.5b1
May22, 1997

This wonderful utility will accept numerics and text (text is changed into
numerics using "pager-code") then send the message to any pager.  It will
also store your favorite pager numbers.

* Applescript installed
* Tokenize OSAX
* Z-Term 1.0.1
* A Macintosh

More information is enclosed in the archive.

This application is emailware, let me know what you think!
Ian White

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/page-15b1.hqx; 23K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:52 -0700
Subject: [*] PlugOne 1.0 submission

PlugOne is a plug-in module that follows the Adobe PhotoShop standard.
It allows to drive and acquire images from all the Apple scanners (i.e.
AppleScanner, OneScanner and Color OneScanner series) directly from
inside the host software (Adobe PhotoShop & StreamLine, Quark XPress
and, of course, Toothpick's RemoteScan & Scan!Plot): this way, the
acquired images are immediately available for retouching, tracing, etc..

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/plug-one.hqx; 147K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:28 -0700
Subject: [*] PowerReplace 5.7.2

Announcing the release of PowerReplace 5.7.2! PowerReplace is a powerful
text conversion utility using the Drag/Drop technology. It can replace
character (including NULL, CR, LF, TAB) or string by any other string.
By use of the asterisk-sign(*) representing any indeterminate string,
it can replace also a string only whose two extremities are known.
It supports all character set, hexadecimal string and regular
expression(pattern) for find/replace.

PowerReplace can create small stand-alone daughter-application called
"SelfReplace", who makes your favorite conversion more easily and efficiently.

New features since version 5.5:

- Drop folder onto the application icon,
- Restore filter file from SelfReplace,
- Convert Clipboard from SelfReplace,
- SelfReplace application code: 68K, PPC or FAT,
- Simple Output File Name,
- Specify input file.

System requirements:
- System 7.1
- Any Macintosh

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit my
Web page:

Guoniu Han

[Archived as /info-mac/text/power-replace-572.hqx; 756K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Rofonts

Rofonts is a large set of Romanian fonts for the MacOS.

Romanian (a Romance language spoken in Eastern Europe) uses the Roman
alphabet with a few additional diacriticals not normally encountered in
standard fonts. Rofonts is a set of 13 fonts containing the full
complement of diacriticals used in Romanian.

Rofonts were made in 1990-91, i.e. before Apple produced a localised
Romanian version of the MacOS. Consequently they do not follow the MacOS
Romanian character encoding (see below for conversion).

Most fonts are in both PostScript Type 1 and TrueType format.

Additionally, the archive contains:

- a keyboard layout to be used (in conjunction with Rofonts) for typing
in Romanian on US (QWERTY) keyboards;

- conversion settings/filters for Add/Strip and PowerReplace (both
available on Info-Mac) to convert ASCII text between Rofonts encoding
and MacOS Romanian encoding.

These fonts are free for non-commercial uses; they should NOT be
included on CD-ROMs.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/rofonts.hqx; 7443K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:49 -0700
Subject: [*] ScanPlot 1.5 submission

Scan!Plot Lite is the shareware version of a complete package that can
drive large format inkjet plotters from standard graphic formats (TIFF
or PICT) or directly scanning a photo through a PhotoShop plugin for the
scanner you're using. The big images produced are used in advertising
and signmaking. The Lite version lacks some sophisticated functions (for
example a freeform color calibration or different ditherings) of the
complete one, but the quality is anyway good enough. The included
handbook describes both version, thus allowing the user to choose if a
better release is needed. Furthermore, a new PostScript version will be
available beginning of June '97.

The release included is the 1.5

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/scan-plot-lite-15.hqx; 433K]


Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 06:24:09 -0700
Subject: [*] Series EE Savings Bond VALUES

CALCULATES the VALUES of Series EE (bought after '79) Savings Bonds. ONE MINUTE
DOWNLOAD; ONLY ONE EVER NEEDED! Program can be accurate for decades without
upgrades. Also calculates each bond's guaranteed rate, average market-based
yield-to-date, NEXT 12 MONTH'S RETURN, after-tax proceeds if sold, return needed
from replacement to = bond's performance, & months to sell. NEEDS Excel
spreadsheet V4.0 or later. Open from within Excel.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/series-ee-savings-bond.hqx; 56K]


Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 06:28:42 -0700
Subject: [*] SimpleTetris 1.0

From: (Kentaro Tanida)
Subject: SimpleTetris 1.0

Tetris is a puzzle game that the best knows.  It's easy how to play;
flip and move dropping sets of four pieces to struct rows.  Enjoy great
classical game as it was.

New features since 1.0beta: * Now installed great original graphics *
Tuned up delays for smooth key operation * Refrained flicker when

System Requirements: * System 7 or later * any Macintosh (I hope) *
Works best with 256 colors monitor setting * 640KB of free memory space

For more info, please visit my web page: or contact via e-mail:

Thanks, Kentaro Tanida

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/simple-tetris-10.hqx; 148K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:07 -0700
Subject: [*] simulaton, a font.

Simulation is a beat-up looking sans serif font. It *is* free.


[Archived as /info-mac/font/tt/simulation.hqx; 31K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:14 -0700
Subject: [*] Sleeper 2.1.1 - Sleep mode for all Macs

This is a resubmission of the English version of Sleeper, the popular
"Energy Saver for the rest of us."  While the German and French versions
are already in the archives, the English version is missing for some

Sleeper is a shareware control panel for desktop Macintoshes and Power
Macintoshes that dims the screen, powers down Energy Star compliant
monitors, and spins down disk drives after periods of inactivity.  This
saves energy and reduces noise levels in your work area without forcing
you to shut down your Mac.

Because Sleeper does not rely on Apple's Power Manager, Sleeper will
work on any Macintosh running System 7.0 or later, and does not suffer
from some of the quirky behavior reported with Apple's Energy Saver 2.0.
 Sleeper is well suited for unattended operations as well as personal
desktop use. For file servers, ftp and http hosts, and fax and BBS
systems, Sleeper will wake the drives up when they are needed and put
them to sleep when they are idle.  Sleeper is easily configurable; it
provides hotkey control for on-demand activation of its sleep features,
and separate delay settings for screen dimming, monitor power down, and
disk sleep.

Sleeper will work on any Macintosh running System 7 or higher, including
System 7.6.1, and will spin down both IDE and SCSI hard drives.  The
screen saver feature requires a color-capable Macintosh, and Energy Star
monitor support requires an Energy Star compliant Macintosh (any Mac on
which Apple's Energy Saver control panel works) and an Energy Star
capable monitor.  Sleeper supports SCSI Manager 4.3 in native mode on
all machines and requires only 26K of memory when operating.

In addition to the standard internet archives, information and updates
are available at the following web site.  Also, keep an eye on the site
for the


Sleeper may be included on the Info-Mac and UMich CD-ROMs.

        Jon Gotow           
   St. Clair Software    
    Fax (330)549-3495     

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/sleeper-211.hqx; 260K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:40 -0700
Subject: [*] Slurpee 2.0 (text/data Newton/desktop transfer)

Slurpee 2.0 (22 May 97) transfers paragraphs or tab-delimited text
between a text file and Newton soup entries via a terminal emulator and
serial connection; type via keyboard to Newton fields, and print values
and errors to terminal

Keywords: data and text transfer, soup utility, keyboard, Inspector,
terminal emulator, Newt, Newt's Cape

Feature Summary: - transfer desktop text to/from Notes (and Outlines and
Checklists on NOS 2.x) - import/export Names (examples provided) -
import/export tab-delimited data via your desktop terminal emulator -
use your desktop keyboard to enter text on your Newton - transfer
graphics for applications in Newt Development Environment and books in
Newt's Cape - versions for 1.x and 2.x Newtons

Recent changes: - 2.x: import gray scale graphics; import/export
packages - 2.x: larger binary objects - Note title, DUMP, misc. fixes

Slurpee is shareware ($10).  Registered users receive access to versions
with faster transfer options, priority for answers and new features,
help in testing custom soup and entry spec definitions.  (Slurpee is
free to registered users of Newt Development Environment or Newt's Cape.
 Slurpee source available to Newt users).

Steve Weyer

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/dev/slurpee-20.hqx; 260K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:58 -0700
Subject: [*] SOI

Soi version 1.0
Soi is a memory/logic card game with very simple rules, but quite hard
to beat. The object of the game is to collect all four suits of whatever
kinds you have, by asking other players. If the player you ask has  the
requested card, you get it. Otherwise, he continues doing the same. The
game goes on until all quadruplets have been collected, and you collect
points based on the face values of the kinds you collect. In the
beginning of the game the action is basically random, but as questions
begin to pop up, data pertaining to who has what cards starts being
collected by all players. By taking advantage of this data, you can
start collecting cards other people have. Because the computer
transcends human memory by far, it is very difficult to beat it. So give
it a shot, and be brave. And i you succeed in beating the game engine, i
would like to hear from you! Enjoy.
John Gallidakis, Localizer Specialist, Apple Computer, Greece.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/soi.hqx; 386K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:56 -0700
Subject: [*] Starbases and numbers.sit

This is a custom question module for the "All Good Things..." freeware
Star Trek Trivia game (Version 3.0) by Creative Thunder and Arrowsoft.
It's theme is in regards to all those neat little numbers and starbases
in the Trek universe. This is a tough module and should keep you
guessing for a while.

Visit the "All Good Things..." WWW Support site at
<> for more items regarding this release
and game.


[Archived as /info-mac/game/starbases-and-numbers.hqx; 14K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:32 -0700
Subject: [*] Starry Night 2.1.3 Manual

This is the manual for Starry Night

Starry Night is a tremendous tool for learning about the night sky that
is being used around the world by parents, educators, amateur
astronomers and those just beginning to discover the wonder of
astronomy. Using Starry Night you can place yourself anywhere at anytime
and experience an accurate recreation of the sky. Backyard skies, skies
in other countries or the sky above Apollo 11's lunar module are all
available to you. Watch as the Sun sets from the surface of Mars.
Witness a total eclipse of the Sun as seen from the Moon. Set time
flowing at whatever pace you wish. See the stars as the ancient
Egyptians saw them. Your only limit is your curiosity.

Starry Night has just received a Human Interface Design Excellence
(H.I.D.E.) Award from Apple Computer! We also have a 4 stars rating from
MacWorld magazine in the June 97 issue, as well as a 5 mice rating from
MacUser magazine!

Starry Night 2.1 adds exciting internet capabilities to the program! Add
a URL to any planet star or comet! Use our LiveSky web site to learn
more about the objects you see in the sky!

See our web site at

Tom Andersen
Sienna Software
Toronto Ontario Canada
416 926-2174

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/starry-night-213-manual.hqx; 908K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:35 -0700
Subject: [*] Starry Night plugin

starry-night-plugin-213.hqx  - a plugin for telescope owners.

This is the LX-200 plugin for Starry Night. It allows you to use Starry
Night to guide a Meade Telescope using the LX-200 protocol.

Starry Night is a tremendous tool for learning about the night sky that
is being used around the world by parents, educators, amateur
astronomers and those just beginning to discover the wonder of
astronomy. Using Starry Night you can place yourself anywhere at anytime
and experience an accurate recreation of the sky. Backyard skies, skies
in other countries or the sky above Apollo 11's lunar module are all
available to you. Watch as the Sun sets from the surface of Mars.
Witness a total eclipse of the Sun as seen from the Moon. Set time
flowing at whatever pace you wish. See the stars as the ancient
Egyptians saw them. Your only limit is your curiosity.

Starry Night has just received a Human Interface Design Excellence
(H.I.D.E.) Award from Apple Computer! We also have a 4 stars rating from
MacWorld magazine in the June 97 issue, as well as a 5 mice rating from
MacUser magazine!

Starry Night 2.1 adds exciting internet capabilities to the program! Add
a URL to any planet star or comet! Use our LiveSky web site to learn
more about the objects you see in the sky!

See our web site at

Tom Andersen
Sienna Software
Toronto Ontario Canada
416 926-2174

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/starry-night-info-genie-213.hqx; 123K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:53:44 -0700
From: johnny@HK.Super.NET
Subject: [*] VCD Player 1.1.0

VCD Player 1.1.0
(c) Copyright 1997 Johnny C N Lee, All Rights Reserved.

VCD Player simplifies the process to play Video CD on your Mac.  Just
launch VCD Player and choose 'Present Movie' and you get full screen
Video CD (MPEG) playback.

Options are handy to change.  They are:-
- Stereo, Left Channel, Right Channel -- for Karaoke or bilingual Video CD
- High Quality
- Clip Edges -- some Video CDs contain noises at screen edges, this
option makes you watch more comfortable.

You can choose which tracks to start on, just select the track you want
under Tracks menu.

To stop playing, just press the mouse button.

What's new?
- New option: Resize Screen -- VCD Player switches the screen to smallest
resolution (if possible) when playback movie to enhance performance, it
switches back to original resolution when stops.
- New options: Repeat One, Repeat All and Shuffle.
- You can pause the movie by press space bar once, then press it again to
- You can now eject Video CD within VCD Player.

System Requirement:
- Power Macintosh
- QuickTime 2.5 or later
- QuickTime MPEG Extension 1.0 or later

Johnny C N Lee
A Hong Kong Macintosh Developer

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/vcd-player-110.hqx; 197K]


Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 16:54:27 -0700
From: johnny@HK.Super.NET
Subject: [*] VCD Player SS 1.0.0

VCD Player SS 1.0.0
(c) Copyright 1997 Johnny C N Lee, All Rights Reserved.

VCD Player SS is a After Dark screen saver module to play Video CD on
your Mac.  Just choose VCD Player SS in After Dark and you get Video CD
(MPEG) playback.

Options :-
- Audio: Stereo, Left Channel, Right Channel -- for Karaoke or bilingual
Video CD
- High Quality
- Clip Edges -- some Video CDs contain noises at screen edges, this
option makes you watch more comfortable
- Shuffle -- play your Video CD randomly

System Requirement:
- Power Macintosh
- QuickTime 2.5 or later
- QuickTime MPEG Extension 1.0 or later
- After Dark 3.0 or later

Johnny C N Lee
A Hong Kong Macintosh Developer

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/vcd-player-ss-100.hqx; 113K]



End of Info-Mac Digest