Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #86
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 10 May 97       Volume 15 : Issue 86

Today's Topics:

      [*] Althea 1.5.1
      [*] ASCII Art V.1
      [*] Better Edit Keys 1.1J (Japanese version)
      [*] Billmo interactive comedy
      [*] Coffee Timer 1.1J FAT (Japanese version)
      [*] Dark Star 1.5.1
      [*] DragAnyWindow 4.0J FAT (Japanese version)
      [*] Goldfire color scheme for Kal 1.5
      [*] Johns WP UltraClip 1.0.2
      [*] Khaki 1.5.1
      [*] PictViewer 1.0; a PICTure disassembler
      [*] Program Switcher v4.3.0
      [*] QuizMaker 1.7
      [*] RegisterCreato Demo.hqx
      [*] Ripple 1.5.1
      [*] Serial Port Scripting Addition
      [*] Shutdown Delay 2.5J (Japanese version)
      [*] swank desktop patterns
      [*] Terrapin Station 1.5.1
      [*] TFTP Daemon 1.2.1
      [*] X-Words Deluxe 1.0

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Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:34 -0700
Subject: [*] Althea 1.5.1

Althea 1.5 is a color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5.  This scheme will not
work with Kaleidoscope 1.0.x.  This version has been optimized for
K1.5.1 but still works with K1.5.

Version History 1.5.1:	Added the title text drop shadow.  Not having
embossed titles like K1.0.1 was my only major complaint about K1.5.
Greg finally answered my e-mails :> Also, I've improved the Alert
borders and the disabled header. And, I've moved the arrow on the
disabled pull-down menu over a pixel and improved the b&w version of the

1.5:	Converted 1.0.x format and enhanced where I could without
detracting from original idea.

About Althea Althea 1.5 is not simply a converted 1.0.1 scheme.  The
scheme convertor is flawed and produces unsatisfactory results.  Althea
1.5 was created by converting Althea 1.1.2 with the convertor and then
it was inspected and editted with ResEdit.  The convertor is notorius
for not compressing its created cicn resources, so I carefully copy and
pasted these resources to produce a much smaller file.  I also made sure
to add all the missing resources the convertor failed to include.
Althea 1.5 looks pretty much like Althea 1.1.2 did, with the exception
of the grow box.

Althea is the title of a song from the Grateful Dead's "Go to Heaven"
album.  It's easy going and smooth - a good listen.

Ryan Smith 77 Mill St. #1 Athens, OH 45701 USA

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/althea-151.hqx; 20K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:30 -0700
Subject: [*] ASCII Art V.1

This is a small group of SimpleText documents that I created with
'Pict2Ascii' (Text Art) along with a Read Me file.

Feel free to include this in a bundled shipment .. Public Domain


[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/ascii-art.hqx; 53K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 10:18:55 -0700
Subject: [*] Better Edit Keys 1.1J (Japanese version)

From: (Haruka ISHI) Subject: Better Edit Keys 1.1J
(Japanese version)

Better Edit Keys 1.1J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi
Montalcini's original.

* Better Edit Keys is a cool system enhancement that allows you to use
the shift, option and control keys with the arrows, delete, forward
delete and clear keys in any standard text editing field, including
basic text editors such as SimpleText.  This makes it much easier to
work with text without reaching the mouse.  The following key
combinations are allowed:

- shift + any arrow: extend the current selection. - option + left/right
arrow: move to the previous or next word. - control + left/right arrow
or option + up/down arrow: move to the beginning or end of the current
line. - shift + option + any arrow: move like option + arrow while
extending the selection. - option + delete: delete up to the beginning
of the current word (or clear selection). - forward delete or shift +
delete: delete the next character (or clear selection). - option +
forward delete or shift + option + delete: delete up to the end of the
current word (or clear selection). - clear: clear the current selection,
if any. - option + clear: delete the current word (or clear selection).

* The above tasks should usually be performed by applications, but many
of them don't care. Better Edit Keys implements this default behavior in
all situations where the application is not already taking care of it,
but it does nothing if the application handles the keystrokes by itself.
 This means that the above keystrokes will not work if the application
already handles them.  For example recent versions of SimpleText handle
the forward delete key by themselves, which also disables the option +
forward delete keystroke provided by Better Edit Keys.  There is no safe
way to override the application's own handling of the keystrokes, so
Better Edit Keys is only useful for applications that don't handle them
and for generic text editing fields like the ones in dialog windows.

New in version 1.1: - Minor changes in the code.  Switched the payment
method to Kagi and recompiled with CodeWarrior 11.

This is $10 shareware.  Have fun and support Alex.

The Japanese versions of Alessandro's programs are available at:

Haruka Ishi    May 9, 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/better-edit-keys-11-j.hqx; 134K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:46 -0700
Subject: [*] Billmo interactive comedy

Billmo.sea.hqx contains the interactive comedy skit, "Billmo, the toy
that takes over." Play with Billmo to learn his plans to knock-off Elmo
and conquer the fad toy market. It all looks and feels familiar to Mac
users. A free multimedia screen skit from Multimediocrity Theater.
Self-extracting Director movie for desktop Macs, 68030 and later. This
file must be converted with BinHex 4.0

Free multimedia comedy skits at Multimediocrity
Theater - Now featuring "Billmo!" Bodine Communications LLC *
913-492-7709 *

[Archived as /info-mac/art/billmo.hqx; 1537K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 10:18:57 -0700
Subject: [*] Coffee Timer 1.1J FAT (Japanese version)

From: (Haruka ISHI) Subject: Coffee Timer 1.1J FAT
(Japanese version)

Coffee Timer 1.1J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi
Montalcini's original.


* The Coffee Timer is a very simple countdown timer with a loud alarm
and a couple of other useful options.

* For those of you who need more flexibility in their timer, the Coffee
Timer allows a KeyQuencer macro to be run when the timer times out.
This lets you instruct your Mac to do pretty much anything at alarm
time.  The Coffee Timer works with KeyQuencer 1.2.x, KeyQuencer Lite
2.0, and KeyQuencer 2.1.

* Quite obviously, the Coffee Timer is not limited to your daily coffee
break.  You can use it to remind yourself of anything that must happen
in the near future...  filling the bath tub?  taking a short sleep?
delaying a fax?  Just launch the Coffee Timer and let it help your
memory and your watch.

* You may even put an alias to Coffee Timer in your Startup Items folder
to prevent yourself from sitting in front of your Mac for long periods
of time.  All you have to do is take a break every time the timer starts
bugging you...

New in version 1.1: - Minor changes in the code.  Switched the payment
method to Kagi.  Recompiled with CodeWarrior 11.

This is $10 shareware.  Have fun and support Alex.

The Japanese versions of Alessandro's programs are available at:

Haruka Ishi    May 9, 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/coffee-timer-11-j.hqx; 179K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:36 -0700
Subject: [*] Dark Star 1.5.1

Dark Star 1.5 is a color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5.  This scheme will
not work with Kaleidoscope 1.0.x.  This version has been optimized for
K1.5.1 but still works with K1.5.

Version History (1.5 and beyond) 1.5.1:	Added the title text drop
shadow.  Not having embossed titles like K1.0.1 was my only major
complaint about K1.5.  Greg finally answered my e-mails :>

1.5:	Converted from 1.0.x format and enhanced it where I could
without detracting from the original idea.

About Dark Star Dark Star 1.5 is not simply a converted 1.0.1 scheme.
The scheme convertor is flawed and produces unsatisfactory results.
Dark Star 1.5 was created by converting Dark Star 1.0.1 with the
convertor and then it was inspected and editted with ResEdit.  The
convertor is notorius for not compressing its created cicn resources, so
I carefully copy and pasted these resources to produce a much smaller
file.  I also made sure to add all the missing resources the convertor
failed to include.  Dark Star 1.5 looks pretty much like Dark Star 1.0.1
did, with the exception of the grow box.

"Dark Star" according to Skeleton Key: A Dictionary for Deadheads:

'"Dark Star" is considered by many [Dead]heads to be the ultimate
Grateful Dead song, but the word "song" doesn't do it justice.  "Dark
Star" is more an approach, a platform for exploration, a gate swinging
open to the Zone.'

Though "Dark Star" is found on many of my CD's, my favorite version is
the first one I heard on Live/Dead.  23 minutes of magic.  If that isn't
enough, try to find Grayfolded (which was not released by the Dead).
This 2-CD set  is a non-stop mingling and mixing of Dark Stars from
throughout the ages.

Ryan Smith 77 Mill St. #1 Athens, OH 45701 USA

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/dark-star-151.hqx; 19K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:25 -0700
Subject: [*] DragAnyWindow 4.0J FAT (Japanese version)

From: (Haruka ISHI) Subject: DragAnyWindow 4.0J FAT
(Japanese version)

DragAnyWindow 4.0J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi
Montalcini's original.

* DragAnyWindow is a control panel that allows you to easily move any
kind of window, including dialogs, alerts, standard "Open" and "Save"
dialogs, game windows and other non-movable windows.  It also lets you
bring back to the desktop any window that has gone out of sight, or
center the front window on the main screen with a single keystroke.  It
is very useful for old applications designed for the 9" screen (which
often use fixed windows) and for moving modal dialogs and windows behind

* Version 4.0 also implements solid dragging, which lets you drag a
solid image of the window instead of the outlined shape.

New in version 4.0: - Added solid dragging options.  Switched the
payment method to Kagi.  Recompiled with CodeWarrior 11.

This is $10 shareware.  Have fun and support Alex.

The Japanese versions of Alessandro's programs are available at:

Haruka Ishi    May 8, 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/drag-any-window-40-j.hqx; 110K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:38 -0700
Subject: [*] Goldfire color scheme for Kal 1.5

Please post my new "Goldfire" color scheme (shareware) for Kaleidoscope
1.5 or 1.5.1, preferably in the Recent section of the Archive.  It is
compressed (Binhex).  Thank you.

Janet Parris

Laughter is a tranquilizer without any side effects. - Arnold Glasgow

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/goldfire.hqx; 90K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:24 -0700
Subject: [*] Johns WP UltraClip 1.0.2

This gives WordPerfect Mac 3x up to 50 clipboards for text. Clips are
saved to disk. Users can name each clip, or let them be named
automatically with the first few words of the text.

Free. May be included on UMich and Sumex CDs.

John Rethorst

[Archived as /info-mac/text/johns-wp-ultra-clip-102.hqx; 17K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:39 -0700
Subject: [*] Khaki 1.5.1

Khaki 1.5 is a color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5.  This scheme will not
work with Kaleidoscope 1.0.x.  This version has been optimized for
K1.5.1 but still works for K1.5.

Version History 1.5.1:	Added the title text drop shadow.  Not having
embossed titles like K1.0.1 was my only major complaint about K1.5.
Greg finally answered my e-mails :>  And, I've moved the arrow on the
disabled pull-down menu over a pixel and improved the b&w version of the

1.5:	Converted from 1.0.x format and completely worked over.  Should
be error-free!

1.2:	Attempt to fix color-substituting problems.  Created new ones.

1.1:	Attempt to fix color-substituting problems.  Added some new ics.

1.0:	Initial structure (in 1.0.x format)

Khaki 1.5 is not simply a converted 1.0.1 scheme.  The scheme convertor
is flawed and produces unsatisfactory results.  Khaki 1.5 was created by
converting Khaki 1.1 with the convertor and then it was inspected and
editted with ResEdit.  The convertor is notorius for not compressing its
created cicn resources, so I carefully copy and pasted these resources
to produce a much smaller file.  I also made sure to add all the missing
resources the convertor failed to include.

Khaki for K1.0.1 was my first attempt at creating color schemes and it
never really worked because it caused mysterious color substitution
problems.  Because of this, I abandoned it.  Until now.  I've redone a
lot of the resources to make it look similar to my other schemes.  I put
a lot of work into this one because I've always wanted it to work.  I
took an incomplete conversion of an incomplete scheme and created what I
think is a great scheme.  Khaki 1.5 works great.

Khaki was named before I had decided to name all of my schemes after
Grateful Dead titles.  I called it Khaki because khaki, though many
consider to just be tan, is really a family of colors ranging anywhere
from off-white to dark brown plus shades of drab and olive green - all
the colors in the scheme.

Ryan Smith 77 Mill St. #1 Athens, OH 45701 USA

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/khaki-151.hqx; 20K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:28 -0700
Subject: [*] PictViewer 1.0; a PICTure disassembler

What it does: PictViewer disassembles Macintosh pictures (PICTs).
Macintosh PICTs consist of a  series of operation codes (opcodes), each
followed by a variable amount of data. For a reactangle, for instance,
the entry in the picture code consists of the opcode for a rectangle
followed by the four coordinates of the rectangle. PictViewer parses the
picture code and displays each drawing operation as one line of text.
Large data structures (pixmaps, for example) are abbreviated. It also
handles most of the 'standard' picture comments.

What is does not do: There are a number of items on the to do list, such
as opening PICT files, printing, and picture editing, more elaborate
display of data (headers, postscript comments etc.). Since my time is
very limited, don't count on a new version for a very long time (unless
I lose my job ;-).

How it works: Just open a new window and paste your PICTure (sorry-- you
can't open PICT files yet).

Why did you write it? I'm glad you ask. This is a program I've written
primarily for myself. This means that it is not very well tested. I've
used it to check how applications handled pictures (and especially
picture comments). This is handy if you're trying to write an
application that generates pictures with smooth curves, thin lines etc.
and wants to print them correctly. Apart form being written for private
use, the program is also not finished (well, finished enough for me, at
the time). I just haven't got the spare time to finish it and with
Apples changing operating system views, I'm not sure it's worth it. The
program has also served its purpose in identifying MS Word as the
program that was changing my line-widths and careful character

What does it cost? Zip! Nada! Gratis! etcetera.  Yep, it's free. Just
don't distribute it for a fee or without the documentation.

Bouke Tuinstra

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/pictviewer-10.hqx; 52K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 10:18:52 -0700
Subject: [*] Program Switcher v4.3.0

Program Switcher is a convenient timesaving control panel that allows
you to switch between the applications running on your System 7 or
greater Macintosh via a simple two-key keystroke. It was inspired by the
same function found in "Windows," but has been improved and transformed
into a unique and fully configurable control panel that makes switching
applications on the Macintosh as simple as pressing a couple of keys.

*** New in Version 4.3.0 ***

Program Switcher is now Kaleidoscope savvy! At the user's option,
Program Switcher will use the current Kaleidoscope v1.5 (or later)
coloring scheme to control the appearance of the Program Switcher
switching window.

A new switching theme has been added that shows the current RAM usage of
all open applications.

Now you can hide a specific application from the switching window by
pressing the 'h' key (much as you could quit an applicaiton by pressing
the 'q' key). This requires MacOS v7.5 or later.

For more information, visit the Program Switcher web page ay:

Michael F. Kamprath For the latest versions of
all ClaireWare Software's products:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/program-switcher-430.hqx; 279K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:26 -0700
Subject: [*] QuizMaker 1.7


QuizMaker is a POPULAR "quiz-processor", especially useful for TEACHERS,
SURVEYORS, etc... to create and format multiple question, true-false and
short answer QUIZZES.

This version is accelerated for PowerMacintosh, but is fully working on
a 680x0 machine.


-a search function -question field have been enlarged.

(since version 1.5) -you can select the creator of the generated quizzes
saved on disk (so it can be opened directely with MS word). -the
reference numbers & instructions are saved with the quiz file on disk
(not only while printed). -true/false -fonts can be changed.

BUGS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED (thanks to the users!) -font chooser works -tab
key works -no more 'flicking' title bar -no more pref file damaged

Therese Yang

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/quiz-maker-17.hqx; 1588K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:44 -0700
Subject: [*] RegisterCreato Demo.hqx

Subject:     RegisterCreato Demo.hqx Sent:        6/5/97 3:17 pm

Register Creator allows the creation of class register sheets, as used
by teachers since the dawn of time, to record the prescence or abscence
of pupils in class. The printed sheets can display up to 33 names and
show the day and date that each class is seen along with an indication
of holidays and in service training days. The student names can be
sorted by surname, gender or group (each student can be allocated to a
group number from 1 to 10) and the names can appear with forenames or
surnames first. the program will also generate a simple table, useful
for recording issue and receipt of homework etc.

This demo version is save disabled and allows only seven names to be

The program requires

Any AppleMac running under system 7.0 or greater

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/register-creator-demo-10.hqx; 319K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:40 -0700
Subject: [*] Ripple 1.5.1

Ripple 1.5 for Kaleidoscope

Ripple Ripple 1.5 is a color scheme for use with Kaleidoscope
1.5.x.  It has been optimized for K1.5.1.  I created it by altering my
own Althea.  I made some changes here, and then some there, and
eventually, I came up with this.  Its main inspiration was the grow box
that I put in all of my 1.5 schemes.  Someone once called them
"pseudo-Windows 95".  I could begin to argue why I would rather not call
them "pseudo-Windows 95", but why bother?  Anyways, the box appears to
have little ridges or impressions (or ripples, if you will).  I took
this idea and put it everywhere.

=46eatures: Fully functional in all color depths.  It even looks great in
16 colors! Title embossing !!! Pull-down menus are really cool.  <- my
opinion Menu bar with square corners to compliment the rectangular
button style.  (please, no comments about "pseudo-Windows 95ism") Same
characteristic window widgets as most of my schemes.

Version History 1.5.1:	Added the title text drop shadow.  Not having
embossed titles like K1.0.1 was my only major complaint about K1.5.
Greg finally answered my e-mails :> And, I changed the progress bar so
it no longer looks tubish, but rather flatter.  I'm getting tired of
everything being so "bubbly"!

1.5:	First release.

"Ripple" is one of those Grateful Dead songs that, everyone who knows
it, likes it.  It can be found on "American Beauty" (1970) and live,
acoustically on "Reckoning" (1981).  I like to play along with it on my

Ryan Smith 77 Mill
St. #1 Athens OH 45701

Ripple =A91997 Ryan Smith
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/ripple-15.hqx; 20K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 10:18:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Serial Port Scripting Addition

There are lots of devices from printers to uninterruptable power
supplies to home automation systems that easily plug into any serial
port to communicate with a computer.  Unfortunately, all too frequently
these devices come with Windows or DOS software only.  Until now, if you
wanted to communicate with these devices from the Macintosh, you were
stuck writing complicated serial port communication code in a language
like C or C++.

The SerialPort scripting addition makes it possible to send and recieve
data over the serial port from AppleScript using very easy to write
scripts.  This shareware scripting addition comes with a comprehensive
manual, several sample scripts, and glue code for using it from
Frontier. The SerialPort scripting addition supports all of the
communication settings (baud rate, handshaking, etc.) and any Macintosh
serial port (including add-in cards).

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/serial-port-osax-10.hqx; 203K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:32 -0700
Subject: [*] Shutdown Delay 2.5J (Japanese version)

From: (Haruka ISHI) Subject: Shutdown Delay 2.5J
(Japanese version)

Shutdown Delay 2.5J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi
Montalcini's original.

* Shutdown Delay displays a dialog at Restart/Shutdown time which gives
the user five choices: - do nothing and let the Mac complete the
original command; - cancel and smoothly return to the calling
application; - restart the Macintosh; - shut down and turn the power
off; - force a quit and attempt to return to the Finder.

New in version 2.5: - Switched the payment method to Kagi.  Recompiled
with CodeWarrior 11.

This is $10 shareware.  Have fun and support Alex.

The Japanese versions of Alessandro's programs are available at:

Haruka Ishi    May 8, 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/shutdown-delay-25-j.hqx; 110K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:33 -0700
Subject: [*] swank desktop patterns

These are desktop patterns I made from various images I manipulated in
Photoshop. There are no obvious uses of KPT here, no cheesy sci-fi
images. The clippings tile well and look good. So do the gifs, which can
also be used as web page backgrounds, although I wouldn't recommend it
if you've got a lot of text on your page. I guess they're shareware...
if you like 'em and want more, send me dough. Enjoy!

a l e x i s  p e t e r k a  ::  a l e x i s p @ s h n . n e t work =
299.9944  ext  258  ::  home =  288.4171

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/swank-desktop-patterns.hqx; 191K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:41 -0700
Subject: [*] Terrapin Station 1.5.1

Terrapin Station 1.5.1

Terrapin Station 1.5 is a color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5.  This
scheme will not work with Kaleidoscope 1.0.x.  This version is optimized
for K1.5.1 but still works with K1.5.

Version History 1.5.1:	Added the title text drop shadow.  Not having
embossed titles like K1.0.1 was my only major complaint about K1.5.
Greg finally answered my e-mails :>

1.5:	First release and, as far as I know, error-free!

About Terrapin Station Terrapin Station was my first scheme to be
completely designed for the new 1.5 format.  Thus, I toyed with the
buttons and the use of ppats. Also, even though I prefer that schemes
leave the apple icon for the apple menu alone, I just had to replace it
with a little dancing terrapin.

Terrapin Station is an incredible album by the Grateful Dead that
includes "Terrapin Station part 1", an epic journey of musical styles
and imagery.  The terrapin icons are from the album cover.

Ryan Smith 77 Mill St. #1 Athens, OH 45701 USA

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/terrapin-station-151.hqx; 20K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:29 -0700
Subject: [*] TFTP Daemon 1.2.1

Here is version 1.2.1 of my Trivial FTP Daemon for the Macintosh. TFTP
Daemon is faceless background implementation of the TFTP protocol. TFTP
Daemon requires OpenTransport - it will not work with MacTCP. Since
version 1.2, TFTP Daemon has had the access restrictions removed - the
restrictions were more confusing than beneficial.


- separate readable and writable directories - logging of each
read/write transaction - supports the basic scripting commands -
entirely asynchronous io - very low load on the host machine - fat
binary - tested for ppc, untested for 68k !

tftpd-121.sit.hqx is shareware. Details are in the documentation.
tftpd-121.sit.hqx may be included in the info-mac cdrom. This file
replaces tftpd-12.sit.hqx in the archive.



Jonathon Fletcher

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/tftpd-121.hqx; 140K]


Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 09:25:43 -0700
Subject: [*] X-Words Deluxe 1.0

>From FreeVerse Software comes a great new word game in the tradition of

X-Words Deluxe Features:

* Great graphics. * Interactive computer opponents. * Multiple word
lists, including one for children. * Nine skill levels. Extremely strong
playing ability. * Different boards and scenarios. * Totally

If you like SCRABBLE, you'll love X-WORDS DELUXE!

Here's what the critics said about our previous two releases

Hearts Deluxe: "Surprisingly especially nice
interface"  -  The L.A. Times "Hearts Deluxe breaks the mold with a
touch of class" - Time Out New York

Enigma: 5 MICE, HIGHEST RATING! - MacUser Magazine.

It's Wonderful, So Download It Right Now!

System requirements: * System 6 or greater.  (Now that's compatability)
* Mac Plus or greater.  (POWER-MAC NATIVE, FAT-BINARY) * 2.5 MB of hard
drive space * 2.5 MB of RAM

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
our Web page:


F R E E V E R S E - Exceptional Card, Board and Parlor games for your

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/x-words-deluxe-10.hqx; 1835K]



End of Info-Mac Digest