Date: Fri,  3 Jan 97 06:24:54 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #2
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest"


Info-Mac Digest             Fri,  3 Jan 97       Volume 15 : Issue 2

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Airport Simulator v1.1
      [*]  A Mess O' Trouble v1.7
      [*] Apple Electrifier 2.0 - Object-oriented Internet Animation
      [*]  Astradyne - sans serif futurist typeface
      [*]  BirthdayChecker 2.1
      [*] Chemical Hazards
      [*] Days To Go 2.0.0 - count down to any entered date
      [*] English Italian 2.0 ITA - Dictionary
      [*]  Font Clerk 6.2 Update Released
      [*] Guide to the Artists
      [*] Guide to the Explorers
      [*] InDisk 1.4 Labeless Disk Labeler
      [*]  Netscape Bryce splash patch
      [*]  Netscape marble splash patch
      [*] NetsGB 1.0 - AppleScript agent application
      [*] New Menu 1.0b3 adds a hierarchical menu to your Finder
      [*]  NewsWatcher 2.1.5, a Usenet news reader
      [*]  Ocean for Kaleidoscope
      [*]  Ozymandias for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Pattern Manager 1.0
      [*]  PiPhilology 7.0 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several langu
      [*] PPP-Connect 1.2
      [*] QuickScrap 1.1
      [*] ScrapIt Pro 5.23 (fat)
      [*] ServerMounter 1.1
      [*]  Smart Dubbing Pro 1.2v1
      [*] SoundApp 2.2.1
      [*]  Styl - a decorative, futurist typeface
      [*] Stylin Buttons - Button graphics for web
      [*]  Styl Round - a decorative, futurist typeface
      [*] Sum*It 1.0.2
      [*] Technomatch: A HyperCard vocabulary game.
      [*] The Aeneid - Newton Book
      [*]  URL Manager Pro 1.3v3
      [*]  Workin' Too Hard 1.0b1
      "TIA" Survey
      [A] Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!?
      [A] Guitar Tuning Program Available?
      [Q] Converting .DSK Images to DiskCopy for Apple II Emulators
      [Q] Possible to print colored MS WORD text with Imagewriter?
      [Q] Radius "Direct Color" Video Card
      Alphabet soup
      Announcing the 11th Annual Netter's Dinner
      Answering Machine Software
      Apple's birthday: sine qua non
      Desktop Windows -- What's out there?
      Different screen resolutions on a mac7200/90
      Different screen resolutions on a mac7200/90 (R)
      Eudora Date and Time Problem: Fixed!
      Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!? (3 msgs)
      Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!? (A)
      Mac Problem
      Netscape 2.01 doesn't run on Mac IIcx
      No Powerbooks in UTAH's Stores
      Pictures in SimpleText (3 msgs)
      Removing anchors from html documents
      System 7.6
      TERM in MAC
      Text to Speech in Word 5.1a
      Text to Speech in Word 5.1a [A]
      Virtual Memory
      Which Klone Kwery... and all that JAZ

The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
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Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:17 -0600
From: (Miguel Frias)
Subject: [*]  Airport Simulator v1.1

Airport Simulator, version 1.1
By Miguel Frias

This program simulates an airport.
Schedule plane arrivals and departures but avoid plane collisions! The
program works by itself but you can change arrivals and departures at any
time. Please DO read the README file (it's short!) and reading the
'About...' dialog is a MUST!

Send me your questions to as well as comments, suggestions
and bug reports.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/airport-sim-11.hqx; 80K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:02 -0600
From: (Marc Khadpe)
Subject: [*]  A Mess O' Trouble v1.7

"...if a detailed, nonlinear plot, plenty of puzzles to solve and strange
worlds to explore are what counts with you, you're in luck, because Trouble
provides that -- at a rock bottom price. Everything from the graphics to
the gameplay to the written descriptions of the rooms is of professional
-- Mac Home Journal, October 1994

A Mess O'Trouble is a multi-layered, richly-textured graphic adventure game
that will keep you entertained for days or even weeks. (And you don't have
to know anything about the first game to play this one.)
A Mess O'Trouble keeps violence to a minimum, without being boring, insipid
or "politically correct". Even when defeating the most villianous creatures
you will use your brain more than your gun.
A Mess O'Trouble takes place in the twisted worlds of Ray's Maze, a
multi-dimensional spacial anomaly. Explore old mines and search for lost
gold in an authentic Nevada ghost town. Learn the secrets of Techtron
artifacts in the Void. Escape from the mysterious Isle of Lucy. Battle
bureaucratic bungling in Monolith City, and discover the weirdness and
wonders of the Enchanted Forest.
The result of over 1000 hours of work, this game includes 137 sounds
(including 105 new sounds!), 300 scenes, dozens of characters, more than
1400 objects, and some of the best black & white graphics you've ever seen.
All this AND plenty of wit and humor too!

A Mess O' Trouble should run on any Mac OS computer running System 3 or
higher. Sounds may not work on the Macintosh XL or any AV or PowerPC Mac.

Version 1.7 adds special fix codes to allow people who have trapped
themselves in an untenable situation to finish the game. Email the author
for more information.

The author is Ray Dunakin (, and he asks for a $10
shareware fee if you like and keep the game.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/a-mess-o-trouble-17.hqx; 1893K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:47:24 -0800
From: (Stephen Sample)
Subject: [*] Apple Electrifier 2.0 - Object-oriented Internet Animation

Apple Electrifier is an Internet graphics and animation solution based on
Mac OS Graphics technology from Apple Computer, Inc. The Electrifier
playback software lets users view large-scale object-oriented graphics
and animation in as little as 1K, allowing rapid download over the
Internet. These low-bandwidth object-oriented animations can be hundreds
of times smaller in size than equivalent bitmap animations.

Future releases will add support for Apple Electrifier graphics and
animation within QuickTime(R) movies, and take advantage of Java and
other complementary technologies.

Apple Electrifier is currently available as a plug-in for Netscape
Navigator and Navigator-compatible browsers.

Example animations and authoring tools are available at

Apple Electrifier requires System 7.5.
Version 2.0 is PowerPC-only, but a 68k version is under development.


[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/apple-electrifier-20.hqx; 1915K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:04 -0600
From: (Rev. Feorag NicBhride)
Subject: [*]  Astradyne - sans serif futurist typeface

Astradyne is a typeface inspired by the lettering on the cover of
Ultravox's 1980 _Vienna_ album. The archive contains both PostScript Type 1
and TrueType versions.

Astradyne is freeware and may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


[Archived as /info-mac/font/astradyne.hqx; 69K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 16:59:41 -0600
From: (Benno Eberle)
Subject: [*]  BirthdayChecker 2.1

BirthdayChecker 2.1

BirthdayChecker is a small and ultra fast program which scans a TEXT-file
and searches for birthdays which will be interesting in the next few days.
If you put an alias in the startup-folder, your mac will check the
birthdays every day for you! The number of days to warn before is
adjustable. In the same way you can choose, if you want to use the
German-date-format (DD.MM) or the American-format (MM.DD). The header
displayed in the birthday window and the width of the window is
adjustable,too. Also the maximum number of starts per day.

It's a FAT version so it runs fast in both Mac worlds (680x0 and PowerPC).

Hope you'll enjoy it!

1.6 [15.12.95] Fixed a bug so the automatic termination of the program is
now working correctly. No more a Fat version but two seperate versions for
both processor types for a better using of memory and performance. Added
the option "E" for "Europe"- Date-Format so you can use the English titles
with the old "German" date format! Fixed a stupid bug in the calculate age
procedure! Fixed a bug which prevents to recognize events occuring in the
next year! 2.0 [24.02.96] Partly new written code. Complete new interface
for adjusting parameters. Handling is now a little bit more Mac-like! New
functions. Minor bugfixes. 2.01 Fixed a silly bug which sometimes bring out
a registration box although it is registered. 2.02 New email address.
Recompiled with CW8. 2.1 Sound and volume can now be adjusted. Remembers
window position.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/birthday-checker-21.hqx; 185K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:46:42 -0800
From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: [*] Chemical Hazards

HyperCard Stack - A listing of hazardous chemicals and their effects.

Jeffrey D. Iverson         507.386.6208 weekdays
Iverson Software Co.       507.625.7355 evening/weekend
522 Record St.   
Mankato MN  56001-2546

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/chemical-hazards-hc.hqx; 152K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:48:08 -0800
From: (Jason Anderson)
Subject: [*] Days To Go 2.0.0 - count down to any entered date

Shareware $10

Are you someone who gets really annoyed at those people who always seem to
know how many days it is until a certain event (ie: "Hi John, did you know
it's only 278 more days to my birthday? Better make sure you buy me a
present!"). Well, if you can't beat them, join them.

This handy little application and extension combination will let you do
just that. Every time you restart your computer, a message will appear on
the screen telling you how many days there are until/since the dates you
have entered. Use it to annoy your friends, count down to Christmas, remind
yourself of anniversaries, or to know how much longer that someone special
in your life is going to be away.

Version 2.0.0 allows the user to enter multiple dates, to show the number
of days since a date in the past, and to change the position of the message
on the screen at startup.

Beyond Midnight Software                             email:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/days-to-go-200.hqx; 144K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:48:50 -0800
From: (Ivan Gobbo)
Subject: [*] English Italian 2.0 ITA - Dictionary

with the present we send to you English Italian 2.0 ITA.

English Italian is a English/Italian dictionary distributed as

If you have English Text-to-Speech installed you can listen to English
Italian read to you.

English Italian works under System 7.0 or newer.

Thank you for your interest and help,

Ivan Gobbo e Sabrina Tamos

This shareware version of English Italian 2.0 may be freely included on
the commercially available CD-ROM of the archives.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/english-italian-20-ita.hqx; 1050K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:07 -0600
From: (Robert Chancellor)
Subject: [*]  Font Clerk 6.2 Update Released

=46ont Clerk 6.2 is a complete font management utility. It provides the
capabilities to view an entire character set, find key sequences for those
special characters, collect font specs for a given point size, obtain
general information about your system and it's configuration, and generate
reports and font lists for easy reference.

=46ont Clerk 6.2 can be extended through the use of a drop folder called "FC
Scripts =FC". AppleScripts dropped in to Font Clerk's "FC Scripts =FC"
directory, appear in it's "Scripts" menu, allowing the user to expand the
capabilities of Font Clerk. As Apple extends AppleScript, new capabilities
can easily be added through the use of these scripts.

System requirements: Font Clerk 6.2 will run on any Macintosh running
System 7.0 or later (System 7.5 recommended). It supports both color and
black & white monitors.


Version 6.2
Now works with Suitcase 3.0 properly
New Text Preview window to preview sample text You can now customize
display colors in Preferences dialog Fixed a printing bug that prevented
Imagewriter printing from working properly Fixed a printing bug that caused
lossed data with older LaserWriter drivers

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-clerk-62.hqx; 465K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:46:59 -0800
From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: [*] Guide to the Artists

A listing of over 620 artists, with brief biographical sketches of each,
in a HyperCard stack.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/book/guide-to-the-artists-hc.hqx; 572K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:46:55 -0800
From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: [*] Guide to the Explorers

A listing of major world explorers, with a brief biographical sketch of
each, in a HyperCard stack.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/guide-to-the-explorers-hc.hqx; 99K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:47:50 -0800
From: (Warren Schroeder)
Subject: [*] InDisk 1.4 Labeless Disk Labeler

This is a full feature trial version of InDisk 1.4. It is used to
"catalog" the contents of a disk, and print the "catalog" of the disk
and a folding pattern onto a 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of plain paper (with one
keystroke).  Make three folds and a tuck and you have a neat sleeve
which shows the contents of the disk in hierarchal order and protects
the disk. The listing, by name, along with the date, time of last
modification and file size is shown as if all folders were open.
(InDisk does not actually open the folders or augment your disk in
anyway; it just shows it like that.) This neat labeless-labeler provides
a  fast and easy way of labeling all your disks for filing or for
sending to another person. It eliminates the age old problem of messy
handwritten disk labels.   InDisk Ver 1.5 (to be released by Jan 1,
1997) will catalog over 250 items on a ZIP disk and print a label which
will fit into the ZIP disk case. Registration is just $9.95 The Upgrade
is free to registered users visit our WEB site for more info or to
register go to

System requirements:
* System 6 & up

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
our Web page

Complimentary Registrations for librarians just email us with your
InDisk serial number.


Warren Schroeder
Spectrum Publications
1086 Teaneck Rd
Teaneck NJ 07666

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/in-disk-labeler-14.hqx; 67K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 16:59:44 -0600
From: (adam)
Subject: [*]  Netscape Bryce splash patch

This is a splash screen patcher for Netscape 3.01. It changes it to a
mountain scene with a giant "N". Enjoy.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/netscape-bryce-patch.hqx; 212K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 16:59:45 -0600
From: (adam)
Subject: [*]  Netscape marble splash patch

This is a splash screen patch for Netscape 3.01. It changes it to an
engraved marble "N". Enjoy.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/netscape-marble-patch.hqx; 240K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:48:57 -0800
From: (Eunil Kim)
Subject: [*] NetsGB 1.0 - AppleScript agent application

NetsGB is, reserved only for Mac users, an AppleScript agent application
in conjunction with Netscape Navigator It saves the HTML source of the
frontmost window with all shown other sources, and corrects the URLs to let
the WWW world starting from the saved HTML file just like a bookmarked web

To use NetsGB, you should have a Macintosh equipped with System 7.0+ and
AppleScript 1.1+ for Netscape Navigator 1.1N+ with 1+ Mb(?) of RAM free.
you want to save the Netscape's window that you are currently looking at, just
only activate NetsGB.

You can (but not always) obtain the latest NetsGB and documentation from:

Please upload this software in the following directories:
1) /umich/util/comm/
2) /info-mac/_Communication/MacTCP/ or


Eunil Kim

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/nets-gb-10-as.hqx; 40K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:48:33 -0800
From: (Tim Hatcher (a.k.a. Burn))
Subject: [*] New Menu 1.0b3 adds a hierarchical menu to your Finder

New Menu adds a hierarchical menu to your Finder's New Folder menu
choice.  Create a folder named "New Documents" in your system folder,
and any files in that folder will appear on that hierarchical menu.
These files should be various new documents for your various

When you select one of those file names, New Menu copies that file into
your Finder's window (whereever the Finders New Folder would have
created the folder).  It's a copy, so you can open and modify it without
changing your "blank" document in the "New Documents" folder. Also the
System Beep at startup is when the INIT loads and if any one can disable
this I will make them the co author.

New Menu requires system 7 (although it's only been tested on 7.5.5).
It may not work on older systems (But let me know if it will work) .

You can get any support on it, But It's completely UNGUARANTEED for it
may crash your computer.   Feel free to send suggestions or complaints
to me at .

Tim Hatcher
Main Net, Inc.
System Operator

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/new-menu-10b3.hqx; 10K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 16:59:42 -0600
From: (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: [*]  NewsWatcher 2.1.5, a Usenet news reader

This is the latest version of John Norstad's free NewsWatcher. Changes are
minor, just a bug fix from 2.1.4. Full documentation is included.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/newswatcher-215.hqx; 889K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:12:58 -0600
From: (Richard Bensam)
Subject: [*]  Ocean for Kaleidoscope

Ocean is a calm and restful color scheme for Kaleidoscope, the
interface-altering control panel by Greg Landweber available from the
Greg's Shareware site at and elsewhere. When
Kaleidoscope is installed, simply place Ocean in the "Kaleidoscope Color
Schemes" folder in your Extensions folder, open the Kaleidoscope control
panel, and select Ocean.

Checked with Disinfectant 3.6.

Richard Bensam

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ocean-for-kaleidoscope.hqx; 22K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:12:59 -0600
From: (Richard Bensam)
Subject: [*]  Ozymandias for Kaleidoscope

Ozymandias is an elegant and ornate color scheme for Kaleidoscope, the
interface-altering control panel by Greg Landweber available from the
Greg's Shareware site at and elsewhere. When
Kaleidoscope is installed, simply place Ozymandias in the "Kaleidoscope
Color Schemes" folder in your Extensions folder, open the Kaleidoscope
control panel, and select Ozymandias.

Checked with Disinfectant 3.6.

Richard Bensam

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ozymandias-for-kaleidoscope.hqx; 19K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:47:00 -0800
From: (Sterling Augustine)
Subject: [*] Pattern Manager 1.0

With the myriad of other desktop pattern installers out there, why
another desktop pattern manager? Simple: none of them had the features
that I wanted. None are native for the Power Macintosh; only System
7.5's Desktop Patterns control panel supports drag and drop; and most
don't import pictures as well as I would like. Worst of all, with every
desktop pattern installer out there, there is no easy way to preview all
the patterns in a file at once, or to import many files in at once. So I
wrote one.

Pattern Manager=97"PatMan"=97does all those things. It displays patterns
with their names in a user-sizable grid, installs patterns into the
System File, and sets the utilities pattern (which other desktop pattern
installers don't do). It fully supports drag and drop between files, the
Scrapbook, the Finder, and any other program that supports drag and
drop. Just click on a pattern and drag it where you want it. It fully
supports cut and paste (of course). It has the best PICT importer
available, and, surprisingly remarkable for a desktop pattern manager,
it has resizeable windows.

Native for both Power Macintosh and 680x0 Macs
Requires System 7.0 and Color QuickDraw

Sterling Augustine
I give my permission to include it on the Info-Mac CD.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pattern-manager-10.hqx; 568K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 16:59:36 -0600
From: (Antreas P. Hatzipolakis)
Subject: [*]  PiPhilology 7.0 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several langu

PiPhilology v. 7.0 :
This is a DocMaker format stand-alone document containing a collection of
mnemonics, poems etc. related to well known mathematical constant Pi =

MacOS 7.5.x, Color monitor, Ismini font (included).

Antreas P. Hatzipolakis


[Archived as /info-mac/sci/pi-philology-70.hqx; 385K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:47:25 -0800
From: (David Ray)
Subject: [*] PPP-Connect 1.2

Many people who use MacOs 7.5.5 and PPP have a choice between
OpenTransport/PPP and FreePPP. Many people saw some speed improvements with
OT/PPP but went back to FreePPP because they preferred the interface.

This AppleScript lets you use OpenTransport/PPP while providing an
interface similar to FreePPP. It includes the ability to choose "sets"
that contain your location, dialup phone number, TCP/IP setting, and
login name. There are several optional features such as saving password
and quiet mode.

The script is distributed in 2 versions. The standard version runs on all
machines (68k & PPC) and requires the user to initially set up the dialing
information. Menus allow adding/editing additional locations and accounts.
The enhanced version of the script automatically obtains location and
account information from FreePPP settings and uses them for OT/PPP, and
requires a PPC machine and additional software.

-David Ray

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/conn/ppp-connect-12-as.hqx; 107K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:47:41 -0800
From: (John V. Holder)
Subject: [*] QuickScrap 1.1

QuickScrap (QS) can do things to make your life so much easier when using
your Macintosh.  Have you ever wanted to be able to easily store a piece
of information from any document you're reading or editing?  Here's how
it's done with and without QuickScrap:

Without QuickScrap:
- select the information
- type Command-C to copy
- switch to finder or use the apple menu
- open your other application or scrapbook
- type Command-V to paste in the info
- switch back to the first application
- continue where you left off

With QuickScrap:
- select the info
- type your QS hotkey
- continue

With QuickScrap, you can send the data on the clipboard instantly to a
scrapbook file, a ScrapIt Pro file or a QuickScrap file by pressing a key
(or keys) of your choice!  The QuickScrap file can be used as a multiple
clipboard containing as many as 100 items (you choose how many items it
will hold).  You can have QuickScrap automatically copy any selection
you've made in any document you're working on and send the data directly
to a scrap file with one keystroke.

Some uses for QuickScrap:
* keep a multiple clipboard (10, 25, 50 or 100 items) instead of just the
one by using the QuickScrap file
* email address 'glossary'
* easy access to graphic elements
* source for 'dingbat' characters
* autopaste list of standard 'boilerplate' paragraphs

Changes in version 1.1:
* bug fixes
* can now change the font and size used in text display (and editing) as
well as the font and size used in the lists.

System Requirements.
Min. System...: 6.0.5 on up
Min. Hardware.: Mac SE or better (Works great on PowerMacs!)
Shareware.....: $15
Home Page.....:

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/quick-scrap-11.hqx; 218K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:48:53 -0800
From: (John V. Holder)
Subject: [*] ScrapIt Pro 5.23 (fat)

Try the utility that made MacUser's list of the top 30 shareware programs of
1995!  Anything you can copy to the clipboard can be pasted and stored in a
ScrapIt Pro file.  Features full support of Apple's latest technology; Drag =
Drop, QuickDraw 3D, Speech, and more!

ScrapIt Pro, is the editable, searchable multimedia scrapbook... and a mini-=
processor to boot!  Need a place to store, sort, display and search all of y=
text files, sounds, GIF files, JPEG files, QuickDraw 3D files?  Look no furt=
ScrapIt Pro is the utility you've been looking for!

Additions to version 5.23:
* Can now launch URL's by command-clicking if you have Internet Config

Special features found in version 5.x:
* PowerMac & 680x0 native code!
* Searchable comments for each item
* QuickDraw 3D file support
* Supports ArchiCAD
* Search & Replace
* Import from Now Scrapbook(tm) files
* Import/Export GIF, TIFF, JPEG, sound, TEXT, PICT & EPSF files
* View GIF, JPEG or QuickDraw 3D items!
* Sort by date, name or type
* Gallery mode
* and more!

Some suggested uses:  Store frequently used clip-art (GIFs, JPEGs, PICTs, et=
email, letterhead text or graphics or sounds.  Create different files to sto=
different categories of data =E3 instantly accessible at the click of a mous=
Keep your favorite recipes in one file, quickly create and store notes in
another... or store them all together and search by index.

ScrapIt Pro can open any Scrapbook file (from Apple), SmartScrap, ScrapIt Pr=
ScrapIt ][ or MultiScrap file.

Min. System...: 6.0.5 on up
Min. Hardware.: Mac 512ke
Shareware.....: $20
Author........: John V. Holder
email address.:
Home Page.....:

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/scrap-it-pro-523.hqx; 660K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:47:28 -0800
From: (peterm)
Subject: [*] ServerMounter 1.1

Or "Server on the Mount", or the poor man's KeyChain.

This application creates documents which, when double-clicked, quickly
log you into an AppleShare server.

The documents store an alias to the server and your username and
password. (The password is encrypted).

To create a new document, open just the ServerMounter application (ie:
don't open a document), drag the icon of the server you want to store
into the document window, (you'll see the machine, volume, and zone
appear), enter your username and password, and save the document.

To use a document, just double-click the document. If ServerMounter is
launched by opening a document it will quickly log you in and then quit

The app works by resolving an alias to the server and poking the required
keystrokes into the event queue to type the password and username in the
log-in dialog. So, it's a bit of a "hack" and I know that in some
situations, background processes and extensions can defeat this scheme by
gobbling my keystrokes.

Requires 68020 or better and a system with drag & drop.

Anyway, hope you like it, I find it saves me time. ServerMounter is free,
but I'd like you to contact me for permission to include it in
collections that people pay for.


[Archived as /info-mac/comm/atlk/server-mounter-11-as.hqx; 117K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 16:59:38 -0600
From: (Alco Blom)
Subject: [*]  Smart Dubbing Pro 1.2v1

Smart Dubbing Pro 1.2v1

Smart Dubbing Pro is the professional edition of the freeware Smart Dubbing
Lite (available in directory: /gst/mov/)

Smart Dubbing=81 is a software utility which enables small videoclips to be
played on a web page as they download. Smart Dubbing uses existing animated
GIF-technology to show inline movies.

Most important: this technique doesn't need special server software,
cgi-scripts, Hot Java, Macromedia plug-ins, helper applications and all the
stuff which makes it so complicated to put movement on a web page. The
software actually takes a QuickTime movie and compresses it into a single
GIF-file that can be recognised by Netscape 2.0 or higher.

Smart Dubbing Pro had several sound features. Java sound, plugin support,
sound recording, various compression schemes and Audio CD conversion. Input
sound is either a CD soundtrack, a Quicktime movie, or an external source
(this can be a microphone or line-feed, such as taperecorders). On the
output side, there are two formats supported: Sun's AU format, used in
Java. And AIFF, also a very common cross platform sound format.

Smart Dubbing's Home Page:


Smart Dubbing Pro requires:
- QuickTime 2.1
- Sound Manager 3.1

Alco Blom <> Amsterdam <>

URL Manager Pro <> GoHTML
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Do
you believe in Macintosh? Go here:
<> and sign up for active duty.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/smart-dubbing-pro.hqx; 235K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:48:46 -0800
From: (Norman Franke)
Subject: [*] SoundApp 2.2.1

This replaces the recently uploaded 2.2, which contained a serious bug.

I'm happy to announce the availability of SoundApp 2.2.1. SoundApp is the
premiere sound playback and conversion utility for the Macintosh. It is
suitable for use as a sound-playing helper application with any of the
popular WWW browsers, in addition to managing a collection of favorite
sound samples and stand-alone usage. SoundApp remains freeware, so you
may use it at no cost. Information regarding licensing the conversion
and playback routines can be found in the internal "About SoundApp..."

SoundApp 2.2.1 fixed a problem upgrading the preferences from 2.1.1
to the new 2.2 format which would corrupt the file.

SoundApp requires the following:

* At least a 68020 or PowerPC-based Macintosh (sorry 68000 users!),
* System 7.0 or greater, and
* Sound Manager 3.1 or greater (3.1 can be obtained from Apple and 3.2
  is included in System 7.5.3 or greater).

In addition, the following optional items are recommended:

* QuickTime 2.0 or greater for QuickTime support (2.5 preferred),
* The Drag Manager for drag and drop use in the Play Lists (part of
  System 7.5 and later),
* A PowerPC-based Macintosh for MPEG support and better performance.

SoundApp supports the following sound formats:

* SoundCap (including Huffman-compressed),
* SoundEdit (including stereo, MACE-3 and MACE-6),
* AIFF, AIFF-C (MACE-3, MACE-6, IMA 4:1 and mu-law),
* System 7 sound,
* QuickTime MooV (soundtracks only, including MIDI movies),
* Sun Audio .au and NeXT .snd (including mu-law, a-law, 8- and 16-bit
  linear, G.721 ADPCM and G.723 ADPCM),
* Windows WAVE (including GSM-, IMA- and MS ADPCM-compressed, mu-law
  and a-law),
* MPEG audio (layers I and II only, requires a Power Macintosh),
* Sound Blaster VOC,

Please note that I have no plans to support System 6.0.x, 68000-based Macs,
MPEG on 680x0-based Macs or earlier versions of the Sound Manager. Sorry..

-Norman Franke (author)

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/sound-app-221.hqx; 865K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:06 -0600
From: (Rev. Feorag NicBhride)
Subject: [*]  Styl - a decorative, futurist typeface

Styl is inspired by the lettering on the masthead of Dutch 1920s arts
magazine _De Stijl_. The typeface is somewhat cubist in appearance and,
although more legible than the original, is best used for headings and
similar. The archive includes both PostScript and TrueType versions.

Styl is freeware and may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


[Archived as /info-mac/font/styl.hqx; 33K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:49:13 -0800
From: (Jeff Miles)
Subject: [*] Stylin Buttons - Button graphics for web

These are Stylish Buttons series #1.
I sat down one afternoon to make a button or two for a web page and got a
carried away. Here are the first 20 of these buttons. They were made using
Photoshop and are noncropped or sized reduced. Feel free to use them in any
fashion you wish. All I ask is an e-mail from you telling me where I might be
able to see them in use. If you have any requests for a special button feel
to contact me and we can work from there.

	For any questions or problems with these buttons contact me at:

I am not resposible for any damage to any machine these buttons are used on.
them at your own risk.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/styln-buttons-v01.hqx; 380K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:05 -0600
From: (Rev. Feorag NicBhride)
Subject: [*]  Styl Round - a decorative, futurist typeface

Styl Round is a development of another of my typefaces 'Styl'. It has a
rounded appearance similar to the lettering found on rave flyers. The
archive contains both PostScript and TrueType versions.

Styl Round is freeware and may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


[Archived as /info-mac/font/styl-round.hqx; 122K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:48:55 -0800
From: (Maarten L. Hekkelman)
Subject: [*] Sum*It 1.0.2

Included is a new version of Sum*It, version 1.0.2. This version corrects
some bugs that prevented printing on some systems, and corrects some other
minor bugs.

Sum*It is an easy to use, goodlooking, lightweight spreadsheet.
It is PowerPC native, has drag&drop support, contains
=B1100 functions and has balloon help.
One major advantage of Sum*It compared to other spreadsheets
is that it takes up very little memory when using small or
avarage spreadsheets and it launches very fast.

Sum*It is shareware, $20 for a single user license, ($24 incl. VAT for
Europeans). See the Read Me for details on site licenses.

maarten hekkelman

[Archived as /info-mac/data/sum-it-102.hqx; 429K]


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:52:13 -0600
From: (Don Cowan)
Subject: [*] Technomatch: A HyperCard vocabulary game.

This is a HyperCard computer vocabulary game I wrote. Match terms to score
points. Fun and educational. Requires HyperCard 2.3 Player. Freeware. May
be included in your CD.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/technomatch.hqx; 70K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:46:43 -0800
From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: [*] The Aeneid - Newton Book

Newton Book - A classic work of literature, written by the Greek Virgil.
Contains much of what is known about Greek mythology.

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/info/aeneid.hqx; 521K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 16:59:43 -0600
From: (Alco Blom)
Subject: [*]  URL Manager Pro 1.3v3

Bookmark (URL) management utility for Web Browsers.

Offers tight integration with Navigator and Explorer.

Strong Features:

* Store URLs in separate stand-alone documents

* Choose Add Bookmark and store bookmarks directly
in folder of choice.

* Grab URLs from Web Pages, TEXT or HTML files

* Tracks your whereabouts on the Web with a 1000
Web Page History record

* Use Drag & Drop anywhere

Featured in Guy Kawasaki's keynote speech at MacWorld 96, Boston.

Home Page:


Shareware : $25

Requirements: System 7.1

Author: Alco Blom <>

Alco Blom <> Amsterdam <>

URL Manager Pro <> GoHTML
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Do
you believe in Macintosh? Go here:
<> and sign up for active duty.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/url-manager-pro-13v3.hqx; 265K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:13:18 -0600
From: (Quinn)
Subject: [*]  Workin' Too Hard 1.0b1

Workin' Too Hard is a utility which logs the activity on your Macintosh and
maintains a window with a plot of this activity over time. Workin' Too Hard
allows you to monitor your own usage of the Mac, so that you know when it's
time to stop work and go home.

The salient features of Workin' Too Hard include:

o       Requires System 7.
o       Requires a colour capable Macintosh.
o       PowerBook savvy.
o       Freeware.
o       Source code included.

Version 1.0b1 is the first released version.

Workin' Too Hard was written by Quinn "The Eskimo!"
<> in an attempt to stop himself staying at work
too long.

Workin' Too Hard is distributed as Freeware. If you like it, please drop me
a line.

Share and Enjoy.

Quinn "The Eskimo!" <>
"Too late, your imperfection has exceeded acceptable
error levels. You are terminated!"

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/workin-too-hard-10b1.hqx; 41K]


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 97 15:23:22 -0000
From: "Paul E. Mullen" <>
Subject: "TIA" Survey

     Well, many thanks to those 40 or so friendly Info-Mac'ers that
responded to my request for the full meaning of the abbreviation "TIA."
The general consensus is that it means "thanks in advance," which makes
sense considering the context it's usually seen in. Quite a few folks
also let me know that it stands for "The Internet Adapter," a piece of
networking software (apparently) that allows you to sneak a PPP
connection through your dial-up UNIX account. Not too practical these
days considering the low cost and wide availability of regular PPP
accounts.  One individual even suggested that TIA could stand for
"Turkish International Airlines."  Hehe, there's one on every list!  :-D

TATF (Thanks after the fact!)

Paul Mullen


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 20:04:49 -0500
From: Martin Forrester <>
Subject: [A] Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!?

Glen Warner asked:

>I posted this question to the Eudora mailing list, but I got a canned (and
>useless) response.
>Basically, with my last ISP account (about a year ago), each time I'd send
>or recieve a message, it would give a date in the "Date" column. Now it
>gives either a day ('Saturday'; which Saturday?!?) or a time ('10:11 AM
>-0800'), but not the date I prefer ('12-29-96').
>I can't find anything in the Help menu, either.
>Any clues?

I think the content of that column changes as time goes by.  So if the
message was sent today it's listed with a *time*, if it was sent not today
but still in the last week then it lists a *day*, and finally if it was
sent more than a week ago it lists the *date*.

Martin Forrester


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 20:10:17 -0500
From: Martin Forrester <>
Subject: [A] Guitar Tuning Program Available?

Jon Stewart asked:

>While I am experienced Mac user, I am a *very* beginning guitar player.  I
>vaguely remember that a program was once submitted to the archives that
>utilized the Mac as a guitar-tuning aid.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to
>find this program now.  I would be very grateful if someone could point me
>in the right direction, or even whether or not such a thing exists.  In the
>meantime, I am going to try to soothe my injured fingertips and hope that
>they develop callouses soon!

"Guitar tuner" by Rustle Laidman. It's $12 shareware...

Martin Forrester


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 11:55:38 +1300
From: Kris Lane <>
Subject: [Q] Converting .DSK Images to DiskCopy for Apple II Emulators

>Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 23:16:01 -0400
>From: Andrew Murray <>
>I am looking for a way to use the Apple II disk images from the asimov
>archives (in .DSK format) on an Apple II emulator on my Mac. Is there any
>utility (or any trick) for converting .DSK images into standard Disk Copy
>images or ones compatible with emulators like Fast Eddie?
>Or is there any way to use these images without converting them? Or is
>there another archive like Asimov that has images compatible with Mac
>Thanks in advance,
>Andrew Murray
Shrinkwrap will do that, although they will be in it's own formats.

It probaly converts them check the page below.

It's somewhere in info-mac or visit for
the latest release.


New Zealand


Date: Thu, 02 Jan 1997 12:28:45 -0500
From: (Christopher F. Cole)
Subject: [Q] Possible to print colored MS WORD text with Imagewriter?

I have an AppleTalk Imagewriter II and my kids regularly print in color
using some of the kiddy software packages.

Is is possible to print, from MS Word, text of different colors using the
Imagewriter II? WORD supports the coloring of text but I haven't been able
to print in color.

Please email copies of any posted replies.  Thx.

Chris Cole


Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 08:34:04 -0600 (CST)
From: "Mark E. Ingram" <>
Subject: [Q] Radius "Direct Color" Video Card

Info-Mac Readers:

I have access to a Radius NuBus video card - a "Direct Color 8/24,"
version 1.5 (approximately 1992 vintage) - that has been used to drive a
21-inch color monitor.  Does anyone happen to know if this card can also
be configured to drive a standard Apple Portrait (grayscale) Display, on
a IIci <g>?

What about an Apple 21-inch grayscale monitor?  The card definitely seems
not to work with a 14-inch color monitor, despite the latter's cable plug
being physically compatible with that of the Radius card.

An e-mail address for Radius tech. support would also be very much

Best regards,

Mark E. Ingram


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 97 02:07:29 -0600
From: "Stephen M. Gray" <>
Subject: Alphabet soup

Not to be picky or anything, but doesn't IMHO stand for "in my HUMBLE



Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 01:02:03 -0800
From: Jon Pugh <>
Subject: Announcing the 11th Annual Netter's Dinner

This is the last call for the 11th Annual SF MacWorld Netter's Dinner.
This is THE place to meet other net.faces.  It's on Wednesday after
MacWorld.  You must pay in advance (the crowd's gotten too big to do
otherwise), but you can do it via email or the web.  Complete information,
signup forms and an attendee list are available at:

This dinner was started right here on the Info-Mac mailing list in 1986
(well, we started talking about it in December of 85, but you get the idea).

We've got over 200 people and plans to make QTVR movies with hotspots on
the people which go to their web page or email.  Come join the fun.



Date: Thu, 02 Jan 1997 10:27:10 -0600 (CST)
From: Tim Brogdon <>
Subject: Answering Machine Software

Happy New Year All!

I'm trying to find software that will allow my computer to act like an
answering machine. Does such a thing exist?

I have a PowerBook 165 running 7.5.3 with 8 Megs of RAM and RAM Doubler
installed (16Ms total), internal PowerPort Mercury Modem, Global Fax, and
SmartCom. I have a dedicated phone line for the computer.

Thanks very much

Tim Brogdon
(901) 458-1839


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 10:27:02 +0100
From: Michael Everson <>
Subject: Apple's birthday: sine qua non

Apple was incorporated 20 years ago today, on 1977-01-03. Happy Birthday,
Apple! And many, many happy returns of the day.

Michael Everson, Everson Gunn Teoranta
15 Port Chaeimhghein =CDochtarach; Baile =C1tha Cliath 2; =C9ire (Ireland)
Guth=E1in:  +353 1 478-2597, +353 1 283-9396
27 P=E1irc an Fh=E9ithlinn; Baile an Bh=F3thair; Co. =C1tha Cliath; =C9ire


Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 19:03:06 -0600
From: "Gordon Watts (Brown University)" <gwatts@FNAL.GOV>
Subject: Desktop Windows -- What's out there?

Hi there,
  I've been using Virtual Desktop 1.9 for about 6 months (it is in the gui
directory at info-mac). I really like what it does: increases your desktop
to infinite size and provides scroll bars and other tools to move to
specific locations. I've got a section set up for writing talks, for
working on info-mac, for working on C++, etc. etc.  It is great.
  So, I'm curious as to what other programs are out there and how people
like them?



Date: Fri, 03 Jan 97 09:32:15 BST
Subject: Different screen resolutions on a mac7200/90

Pedro Johansson asked about obtaining different screen resolutions on a
7200/90 with a 'Samtron' 14" (presumably multiscan) monitor.

There is a very informative article in the info-mac archive, which relates
specifically to the Quadra 700 and 900 series of Macs, but which I expect also
applies to some extent to newer Macs. It lists amongst other things, the sense
pin connections which tell the Mac which display modes are supported by the
monitor. Apple monitors have these connections built in, but 3rd party monitors
need an external adaptor to make the connections.

The file may be obtained from


Ian Goldby.


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:04:07 +0100
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: Different screen resolutions on a mac7200/90 (R)

Pedro Johansson <> wrote:

> I have a PowerMac 7200/90 with a 'Samtron' (3rd party) 14" screen.
> Since the screen is 3rd party, Im using a little adapter to connect
>my mac and
> the screen.
> The screen is capable to show 640x480,800x600 among many others.
> The little adapter I use to connect the screen and my mac has no setting
> for this.

It probably has a setting for "autosync 1152 x 864", or another, higher
than your required 800 x 600.

1. Set it to 640 x 480.
2. Go to the Control panel, and make sure it displays this one.
3. change the settings of the adapter to one of these "autosync"
   (or "multisync") sizes.
4. Restart
5. Go to the Control panel "monitors" and look which sizes you see.
   Select 800 x 600 and your screen should adjust without need to

Just make sure that you don't set a resolution in the contropl panel
which - although within the range of the adapter setting - is not
supported by your display.

> Is there some software device out there that lets you change the
> screen resolution to whatever, not just the ones that are supported at the
> moment (ie shown by the dip-switches in the adapter ? )

See above. If you select "hard" resolutions, you can't change it via
software, but if you use "autosync" or "multisync", you can change it
using the monitor control panel.

Good luck and best wishes for the new year  -- Christian --


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:08:28 -0800
From: (Glen Warner)
Subject: Eudora Date and Time Problem: Fixed!


Thanks to the participants of this list, I can say that my problem with
Eudora showing the day of the reciept of a message (as in "Saturday") vice
the date (as in "12-25-96" as I prefer) has been fixed! I'm almost
embarrassed to reveal the solution, but ...

Basically, under the Special/Settings/Font & Display menu, there is a small
radio button under the "Date Formats" option which reads "Fixed". This must
be checked for the time of reciept to show as I wished it to be shown.

Strange place for this setting, I think ... but at least it was there.

Thanks for all of those responses (20 thus far!).



Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 16:06:50 -0500
From: Randall Meadows <>
Subject: Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!?

On Mon, 30 Dec 1996 00:19:27 -0800, (Glen Warner)

> I posted this question to the Eudora mailing list, but I got a canned

> useless) response.


> Basically, with my last ISP account (about a year ago), each time I'd

> or recieve a message, it would give a date in the "Date" column. Now

> gives either a day ('Saturday'; which Saturday?!?) or a time ('10:11

> -0800'), but not the date I prefer ('12-29-96').


> I can't find anything in the Help menu, either.


> Any clues?

In the "Settings" dialog, there is a "Date Display" option.  If you
have it set to "Age-sensitive", it will display the time for any
messages received on the current day, the day of the week for messages
less than a week old, and the full date for messages older than a

So "4:56 AM" would mean you received the message this morning,
"Saturday" would mean the last Saturday that occurred, 12/24/96 would
mean exactly that (and imply that it's at least a week after the 24th
of December, 1996).

You can also set the option to "Fixed", in which the timestamp of a
message always shows the time and the date, like "1:44 PM 12/23/96".


Randall B Meadows * FGM, Inc. * * (703) 478-9881


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 21:57:55 -0700
From: Ken Linger <>
Subject: Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!?

Eudora's dates/times are relative.  A message received today shows the time
it arrived.  If from the past week, it shows which day.  Prior to that, it
shows the date.

Check out your settings in the "Date Display" section and change the "Date
format" from age-sensitive to fixed.

Ken Linger

>I posted this question to the Eudora mailing list, but I got a canned (and
>useless) response.
>Basically, with my last ISP account (about a year ago), each time I'd send
>or recieve a message, it would give a date in the "Date" column. Now it
>gives either a day ('Saturday'; which Saturday?!?) or a time ('10:11 AM
>-0800'), but not the date I prefer ('12-29-96').
>I can't find anything in the Help menu, either.

	     Ken Linger                |    mailto://
	 Scottsdale, Arizona           |


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 08:03:46 +0100
From: Wladyslaw Los <WLOS@PLEARN.EDU.PL>
Subject: Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!?

> Greetings.
> I posted this question to the Eudora mailing list, but I got a canned (and
> useless) response.
> Basically, with my last ISP account (about a year ago), each time I'd send
> or recieve a message, it would give a date in the "Date" column. Now it
> gives either a day ('Saturday'; which Saturday?!?) or a time ('10:11 AM
> -0800'), but not the date I prefer ('12-29-96').
> I can't find anything in the Help menu, either.
> Any clues?
> --gdw

Go to menu "Special", submenu "Settings", choose "Date display" from the
list, check "Date format -- fixed" radio button.
BTW -- whats the address of the Eudora mailing list?

Wladyslaw Los
Curator of Medieval Art
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Al. Jerozolimskie 3, 00-495 Warszawa
phone (22) 621 10 31 ext. 214 & 209; fax (22) 622 85 59


Date: Thu, 02 Jan 1997 13:28:53 -0800
From: (Caryn Roberts)
Subject: Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!? (A)

In article <5agvgh$lb3@nntp.Stanford.EDU>, (Glen
Warner) wrote:

> Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 00:19:27 -0800
> From: (Glen Warner)
> Subject: Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!?
> Greetings.
> I posted this question to the Eudora mailing list, but I got a canned (and
> useless) response.
> Basically, with my last ISP account (about a year ago), each time I'd send
> or recieve a message, it would give a date in the "Date" column. Now it
> gives either a day ('Saturday'; which Saturday?!?) or a time ('10:11 AM
> -0800'), but not the date I prefer ('12-29-96').
> I can't find anything in the Help menu, either.
> Any clues?
> --gdw
> ------------------------------

I imagine you are using the new Eudora Lite 3.

1. Turn on balloon help.
2. Pull down the "Special" menu to "Settings."
3. Select the "Date Display" settings.
4. Move the cursor over the various options and choose one you like.
5. Click "OK."

The operation as you describe it is a new feature. Mail that arrives
"today" (whichever day that is) shows time of arrival. Mail that arrived
during the previous 6 days shows the day of the week. Mail older than 7
days shows the date. You can also choose the old boring display as you


visit me at: <URL:>
Seattle Web Factory: <URL:>
CyberCorps: <URL:>


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 15:02:48 +0100
From: (Gabriele Caniglia)
Subject: Mac Problem

Hi Raymond!

>My Macintosh is 8100/80. Recently, my computer's date & time
>can not work. The problem is following:
>The Current date must revert the date to "6/2/40" when restart and
>turn on the computer.
>The Current time was stop on "6:28:15 AM" and it cannot run.
>The Menubar Clock option is on, but it cannot display on right hand
>side of screen.
>Please help me ans. this problem.

Batteries low! You have to change them!

Good luck,
Gabriele Caniglia.


Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 03:56:17 +0100
From: Hartmut Buhrmester <>
Subject: Netscape 2.01 doesn't run on Mac IIcx

>A friend just bought an Internet connection, but he can only run Netscape
>1.12 because the 2.01 version doesn't work at all -- he gets a finder
>error when he tries to launch the program, I forgot the error type
>though, but it was an error because some hardware/software was not present.
>He uses a Macintosh IIcx 68030, 16MHz 8/120, with System 7.5.3 French &
>FreePPP 2.5 French.

Netscape 2.02 runs fine on a Macintosh IIvx with System 7.5.5.

You should check your version of the program. Is compiled for 680x0 Macs,
Power Macs or both (as a fat binary)? If you try to start a Power Macintosh
only program on a 680x0 Macintosh, you may immediately get an error -192
"resource not found". This means that the usual CODE resources with 680x0
program code are not present; Power PC code is stored in the data fork

Hartmut Buhrmester <>


Date: 2 Jan 97 20:35:59 -0800
From: "Melissa & Dan Becker" <>
Subject: No Powerbooks in UTAH's Stores

>From: Curtis Coy <>
>Subject: No Powerbooks in UTAH's Stores
>Someone tell me WHY!!
>       I have been going to different Super computer stores and not one had a
>powerbook to try. All they had were PC notebooks. When I was at these
>stores I asked the so-called salesperson where are the Macintosh
>Powerbooks ? He replied "We don't sell enough of them to stock 'em".
>This was at Computer City, Incredible Universe,Circuit City and Future


Until this summer, I worked for one of the stores you mentioned as a
salesperson in a Washington store. I was also one of the company's few Mac
champions, and was very vocal in supporting the Mac and helping determine
our marketing plan (which models to sell, what promotions to run, etc.)

Over the past year, the Powerbook 5300 fiasco hurt retailers badly. We were
selling 5300s and having a return rate of close to 50% (vs. 10% for most
computers). Then last spring, Apple told us to ship all our stock back to
them. We didn't get more than a few dozen (spread over a few dozen stores!)
for several months. And by the time they were finally available again, the
1400 was right around the corner.

I'm no longer working in retail (I'm a technician and support provider) but
I'm sure what's going on is that the 1400 is in such short supply, Computer
City and Future Shop don't have the stock to put a demo in each store.
Interest in the 5300's, since they were such a lousy model, has plummeted
now that the 1400s are "available" and the 3400s are close at hand. Circuit
City usually only stocks two or three Performas. Incredible Universe is
having major problems (they may be sold by Tandy) and might not have the
cash resources to stock any but sure sellers.

Another point: for a retailer, putting a demo out for a product that simply
isn't available is very poor customer service, and ends up frustrating more
people. Whenever this happened, someone would invariably ask to buy the
demo, even if there would be no discount. Then we sell a "used" computer to
someone who really wanted it, when we could have simply left it in the box
and sold whoever got there first a new one. Also, we sometimes kept
products that we had limited supply on in a central warehouse. So if 3
people in Salt Lake want one, and we have 3 in our warehouse, we send all 3
to Salt Lake. But if we had a demo in every store, and none in the

But Apple is notoriously awful at shipping new models in sufficient
quantity at introduction. Some of the sales reps at my company (who sell
several hundred computers at a pop) have had their own personal 1400s on
order since they were introduced, and have not yet received them.

So, there are a number of reasons why you're not seeing PowerBooks at
retailers. But I won't pretend that lack of interest in Macintosh sales on
the part of the retailers is another significant contributor.

My suggestion: You probably won't find ANY 1400's on demo ANYWHERE for at
least another month. But check to see if there are any smaller Apple
dealers around. They may have 5300s on demo still.

Good luck.


Date: 31 Dec 1996 13:54:18 U
From: "Bohannon, Kim" <>
Subject: Pictures in SimpleText

You wrote:
>Can someone out there please tell me how to put pictures into simpletext
>documents? This seems like a pretty glaring omission on apple's part.

I discovered the same lack.  I couldn't get around it, so I used MS Word,
 and saved the files as text.



Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 10:45:17 -1000
From: (Christopher Li)
Subject: pictures in simpletext

> >Can someone out there please tell me how to put pictures into simpletext
> >documents?
> Here's the manual way.
> Create your SimpleText document.  Everywhere you want to put a picture,
> type option-space on a line by itself.  Type a bunch of blank lines after
> it [enough to accommodate the picture].  Save the document.
> Open the document in ResEdit or Resorceror.  Paste your pictures into the
> resource fork of the document.  Number them in the order in which they are
> to appear, starting at 1000 [the first picture should be ID 1000, the
> second ID 1001, etc.].  Save the document.
> Open the document in SimpleText again, and adjust the number of blank lines
> you've allotted to each picture so the text doesn't overlap them.
> Save the document, then change the filetype from "TEXT" to "ttro".
> There used to be a utility called "TeachTextMaker" which made this process
> much less icky.  I can't find that program in the info-mac archive anymore.
> Maybe something has taken its place.

The easiest method of all is to compose your document in Tex-Edit Plus and
then just save it as a SimpleText document (can save as ReadOnly, too!)
with all the pictures intact!

Available from <>, or get the Japanese version
at <>.



Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 16:47:55 -0500
From: Pieter Stouten <>
Subject: pictures in simpletext

At 11:20 -0500 96/12/30, Chaz Larson wrote:

>There used to be a utility called "TeachTextMaker" which made this process
>much less icky.  I can't find that program in the info-mac archive anymore.
>Maybe something has taken its place.
It was superseded by Belgian Postcards (written by Karl Pottie
<>), which does not seem to be in the archives. I am not
sure if the program is still available.

Cheers, Pieter.


Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 08:38:36 -0800
From: "Paul [not \"Brian\"] Brians" <>
Subject: Removing anchors from html documents

Some time back I left a query here about how to remove links (anchors) from
my html documents so that Internet Assistant for Word 6 would not turn them
into fields which could not be read by PageMaker 6. I wanted to preserve
the text which constituted the link but turn it into ordinary, unlinked
text, so that

<A HREF="blather.html">Important words</A>


Important words

I also wanted to preserve the html code which would tell Internet Assistant
to make certain words italic and others bold, so turning the whole document
into plain text was not an option.

The solution turns out to be using the Grep search ability of BBEdit.

First in BBEdit 4.02 (or any other version that supports Grep), chose
"Find" from the Search menu. In the Search For field, enter

<A HREF=.*>(.*)</A>

and in the

Change To field, enter


Then choose "Replace All." Presto, your links are all turned into ordinary

 Patrick Woolsey,  Director of Technical Services at Bare Bones Software,
provided this solution and gives this explanation:

>where the first part of the search pattern '<A HREF=' is just the
>appropriate string for that bit of an anchor tag, '.*' means "match zero or
>more instances of any character" where the '.' means any character and '*'
>means 'the preceding item repeated zero or more times'. Then, there is a
>literal closing angle bracket '>', followed by a subpattern (indicated by
>the enclosing parentheses)  matching the link text and consisting of
>another run of any characters, and finally the literal anchor tag closing
>element '</A>'.
>The replace string simply reinserts the contents of the first subpattern
>match '\1' while not bothering to reinsert the tags. The one disadvantage
>of this whole business is that you cannot search an arbitrary number of
>lines, so an anchor like:
> <A HREF="">The War of the Worlds </A>
>will work fine, whereas a more expanded tag like
> <A HREF="">
>  The War of the Worlds --
>  Now in 32-bit SuperQuickDrawGX Technicolor!!!!
> </A>
>will not (unless you know ahead of time how many lines to code into the
>subpattern match...not usually the case).

Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1997 14:20:19 -0500 (EST)
From: "Don't Panic" <>
Subject: System 7.6

Dear Digest readers,
"MacUser" magazine February 1997 says Harmony (System 7.6) is going to be
released on schedule.  When is it scheduled for?   I didn't see anything about
it at
Apple's web site, other than the MacWorld conference will have an announcement
and demonstration about it.

Thank you.


Date: 3 Jan 1997 06:19:34 GMT
From: (Jack Tumlin)
Subject: TERM in MAC

I can't find out how to get the MODEM going in my MAC 6200 CD, I kreep
reading the books and go in circles. I'm using a COMMODORE 128 with
several terms and have no trouble but the books don't seem to have a
direct connection with the modem and (ME) HA! I'm JACK TUMLIN at 2113
Longwood Rd. W. Palm Beach, FL.> 33409 (561)-697-2227 any help will be
appreaciated...Thank you ...I was told to stay off of the APPLE user group
in very few words. :-)


Jack Tumlin


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 97 16:37:27 +0000
From: Richard <>
Subject: Text to Speech in Word 5.1a

James Bleifus asked:

>After a couple of years of experimentation I have returned to my old fav
>- Word 5.1a. The one feature I wish it had is Text-To-Speech. Is there an
>Applescript around that will do that? What about One-Click?

Hi James

There's a slicker solution than Applescript. Somebody at Microsoft wrote
("in his garage") a PIM  which makes 5.1a speak. You drop it into your
COMMANDS folder, and get two new menu-items in TOOLS: "Pick Voice" and
"Speak Selection".
It's a well-kept secret, and is offered by MS strictly on an "as-is"
basis. I couldn't find it on the MS "Ignorance Base", and you may have to
grovel a bit to get a copy out of them. Not sure how to start, but I got
mine from the MS forum on CIS.

I have a copy that I've been using for a year or two. It's reliable, but
conflicts with SCSI manager (I think with v4.3, but I wouldn't swear to
it. WORD-speak seemed more valuable than SCSI manager so I ditched the
latter). Only other drawbacks are those of text-to-speech itself: needs a
reasonably high spec machine with a decent amount of memory for the high
quality voices, but it works fine on my clunky old Quadra 650.

I also use Prefab Player to make Word 5.1a scriptable, and IMHO, this and
the Word-Speak PIM make the up?grade to 6 unnecessary.

Richard Platt
The Old Squash Court, Bayham Abbey, Lamberhurst, Kent TN3 8BG, England
Fax: (+44) 1892 890951   Phone (+44) 1892 890741


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 22:53:30 -0800
From: Matt Neuburg <>
Subject: Text to Speech in Word 5.1a [A]

>After a couple of years of experimentation I have returned to my old fav
>- Word 5.1a. The one feature I wish it had is Text-To-Speech. Is there an
>Applescript around that will do that? What about One-Click?

Either will do; for AppleScript you need an OSAX. I use OneClick to read me
the selected text in any app. Before I got OneClick I used a wonderful
control panel called Hear-It; it was on Info-Mac but it seems to have
fallen off the nets. m.

matt neuburg, phd =


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 14:46:12 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: TIA?

At 11:53 AM +0100 12/30/96, Alexandre S. Simionovici wrote:
>IMHO == in my honest opinion

In my experience, this has always stood for "in my humble opinion", which
leads to the more-often seen:

IMNSHO == in my not so humble opinion
IMNAAHO == in my not at all humble opinion



Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 09:55:32 -0600
From: "Bruce A. Bromberek" <>
Subject: Virtual Memory

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.  I have always thought that Virtual
memory required disk space equal to the amount set minus the amount of
physical RAM.  Yesterday (new tradition, on Jan 1 back up hard drive, clean
install of system)  I noticed that when I turned on VM set to 25MB with
24MB ram installed that I lost 25 MB of didk space.  That's a steep price
to pay for a little extra memory.  Is this how's its always been and I
didn't notice because I had only 8MB previusly or is this new feature of

Thanks in advance


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 08:49:14 -0600
From: (Clark R. Wilkins)
Subject: Which Klone Kwery... and all that JAZ

> Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 15:51:10 +0100
> From: Andrzej Przybyla <Andrzej_Przybyla@Mac.Lover.ORG>
> Subject: Which Klone Kwery... and all that JAZ
>         I want to give myself a belated Christmas present in the form of a
> Mac clone. Unfortunately, the latest news comes to Poland with a huge jet
> lag - by the time you adjust to the new reality you realise you're a month
> behind the times. I read a favourable review of the Power Computing's
> PowerBases in Macworld so I asked a friend to bring me one from the States
> - only to discover a few days later in the next issue that the APS's
> M*Powers were already on sale.
>         Now the questions:
> 1.      Am I right in thinking that a 200 MHz 604e ~(M*Power) should be
> faster than a 240 MHz 603e (PowerBase)?

I think this is pretty certain. See concerns about upgrading below though.

> 2.      Since I'm promoting my old 12 meg Duo 230 to the new position of a
> doorstop (there was nothing I could salvage from it) the memory I invest in
> now  should serve me for many years to come - wouldn't it be wiser to get a
> Tanzania motherboard machine that uses the new type of RAM chips?

My  brand-new Powerbase 180 is using the new EDO DIMMs. I was under the
impression that there's nothing newer than that. Also of concern to me was
the M*Power boards not being processor upgradeable. (This is my
understanding for the 603e based machines - not sure about the 604).

> 3.      Does anyone know if the clones are 110V/220V switchable like the
> Macs?  Or can one order a 220V option?

My Powerbase 180 has a switch on the back. You could probably clarify this
by visiting the website at

> 4.      How about the JAZ drives and the SyJETS? How are they powered? I
> hate the adaptors as they make the thicket behind my desk even more
> unpenetrable so I was overjoyed when I found out that  LaCIE's  Jaz drive's
> "exclusive metal case icludes power supply" until I realised it would
> prolly be 110v.


>         BTW, APS advertises two kinds of "APS (JAZ) removable drives" -
> SR1000 and SR2000. I deducted (deduced?) that they mean different kinds of
> enclosures (cases?). But how do they differ? Anybody got any idea?

The SR1000 is a lower-end case with AC-DC capabilities intended for use in
portable applications. The SR2000 has the digital active termination and
the ICE2 heat reduction technology. I recommend and use SR2000 enclosures
for several disks and a DAT. I'd be willing to bet that an SR2000 enclosed
Jaz will include a built-in power supply.

> 6.      If a machine has an IDE HD or CD-ROM they don't count in the SCSI
> chain, right? How many "seats" are there on the IDE bus then?

My understanding from PC days gone by is that you can use two IDE devices
in a master-slave configuration.



End of Info-Mac Digest