Abstracts from files in info-mac/text/bbe as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     bb-autocomplete-141.hqx   ****

From: Michael Tsai <bbautocomplete@c-command.com>
Subject: BBAutoComplete-1.4.1.dmg

BBAutoComplete adds word auto-completion to Affrus, BBEdit, Mailsmith,
Script Debugger, Smile, Tex-Edit Plus, and TextWrangler. You type the
start of a word, press a key, and BBAutoComplete types the letters to
complete the word. If BBAutoComplete guessed wrong, you can keep
pressing the key to cycle through other possible completions. Other
auto-completion utilities need to be taught the abbreviations and
expansions that you use; BBAutoComplete avoids this hassle by
automatically looking for expansions in the program's open documents.
This means that it always suggests completions that are relevant to
your current task.

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2 or later
   More Info: <http://c-command.com/bbautocomplete/>

#### BINHEX     bb-gun-bbedit-auto-typer.hqx   ****

From: jgelcer@everyware.com
Subject: BB-Gun - BBEdit auto-typer


This tiny drag and drop utility should be useful to webmasters, HTML hackers,
programmers, and general BBEdit-o-philes.  It simply converts any file (or
multiple files) dropped on it into BBEdit text files.


By Jim Gelcer

BB-Gun may be included on a CD-ROM under certain specific conditions, as
described in the accompanying Readme file.

#### BINHEX     bb-tidy-10b9.hqx   ****

From: Terry Teague <teague@mailandnews.com>
Subject: BBTidy v1.0b9: BBEdit plugin checks and corrects HTML and XML 

When editing HTML it's easy to make mistakes. Wouldn't it be nice if there
was a simple way to fix these mistakes automatically and tidy up sloppy
editing into nicely laid out markup? Well now there is! BBTidy is a BBEdit
(and BBEdit Lite) plugin for Mac OS designed for doing just that. BBTidy
checks and corrects HTML and XML to make it compliant with the Worldwide
Web Consortium (W3C) HTML standards.

BBTidy also works great on the atrociously hard to read markup generated by
specialized HTML editors and conversion tools, and can help you identify
where you need to pay further attention on making your pages more
accessible to people with disabilities.

BBTidy is able to fix up a wide range of problems and to bring to your
attention things that you need to work on yourself. Each item found is
listed with the line number and column so that you can see where the
problem lies in your markup. BBTidy won't generate a cleaned up version
when there are problems that it can't be sure of how to handle. These are
logged as "errors" rather than "warnings".

BBTidy corrects the markup in a way that matches where possible the
observed rendering in popular browsers from Netscape and Microsoft.

BBTidy is based on the freely available "Tidy" program by Dave Raggett.
BBTidy performs in a compatible way to "Tidy", but has a graphical user
interface (GUI), and takes full advantage of BBEdit's features. Balloon
Help is available for the configuration dialog.

For more information on Dave Raggett's "Tidy", browse the enclosed HTML
file "overview.html", visit the author's web site at
<http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy>, or EMail <mailto:dsr@w3.org>.

For more information on BBEdit, visit Bare Bones Software's web site at
<http://web.barebones.com>, or EMail <mailto:support@barebones.com>.

The current version of BBTidy and other products based on "Tidy" for Mac OS
can be found at <http://www.geocities.com/terry_teague/tidy.html>.

System Requirements :

Any Macintosh (except Macintosh 128K, Macintosh 512Ke, Macintosh Plus,
Macintosh SE, Macintosh Portable, PowerBook 100, Macintosh Classic) running
System 7.0 or later.

The "Carbon" version of BBTidy requires Mac OS 8.1 + CarbonLib 1.0.2 or
later (Mac OS 8.6 or later requires CarbonLib 1.1 or later), or Mac OS X
(DP4 or later supported). At the time of writing, Apple Computer Inc. has
made v1.0.4, v1.2, and v1.2.5 of CarbonLib publically available to
end-users; other versions are available to members of the Apple Developer
Connection (<http://www.apple.com/developer>).

Disk space required is less than 1 MB; available free memory required is
approximately 2 MB minimum, more memory is recommended.

Also requires BBEdit or BBEdit Lite.

#### BINHEX     bbedit-finger-extension.hqx   ****

From: (Dan Crevier) dan@rhino.harvard.edu
Subject: BBEdit Finger Extension 1.0

This is a simple BBEdit extension that allows you to get information
about a remote user or host using the internet "finger" protocol.  It
requires BBEdit 3.5 and an internet connection with MacTCP or
OpenTransport.  The BBEdit Finger Extension is freeware.

Dan Crevier

#### BINHEX     bbedit-html-grabber.hqx   ****

From: (Dan Crevier) dan@rhino.harvard.edu
Subject: BBEdit HTML Grabber

This is a BBEdit extension that allows you grab HTML documents from web (http)
servers.  It requires BBEdit 3.5 and an internet connection with MacTCP or
OpenTransport.  The BBEdit HTML Grabber Extension is freeware.


#### BINHEX     bbedit-html-tables-102.hqx   ****

From: (Stephen Marshall) Stephen.Marshall@vuw.ac.nz
Subject: BBEdit HTML Tables version 1.0.2

Tables are one of the most useful parts of current HTML (Hypertext Markup
Language). They make it possible for designers to create documents on the
web which have a much more robust structure than was possible with HTML
prior to their introduction. BBEdit HTML Tables was written to extend the
capabilities of the BBEdit software, which is one of the best ways of
coding pages if you know HTML. The intention with this software has been to
produce something that while unfortunately not WYSWYG (essentially
impossible in an extension to BBEdit) is as easy to use as possible, while
also allowing the creation of complex tables.

BBEdit HTML Tables implements tables as per the Netscape 1.1 specification.
BBEdit HTML Tables has been extensively tested on versions 3.1.1 and 3.5
Lite of BBEdit. It requires a version of BBEdit that supports extensions,
which means version 3.0 or later. This software is shareware, with the low
fee of US$5 payable directly or via Kagi. Please read the enclosed read me
for details.

Version 1.0.2 should replace earlier versions, it adds the ability to undo
as well as fixing some minor bugs in the menus and preferences.


Dr. S J Marshall
Victoria University of Wellington,
Home Page: http://www.vuw.ac.nz/~marshall

#### BINHEX     bbedit-html-toc-10.hqx   ****

From: Stephen.Marshall@vuw.ac.nz (Stephen Marshall)
Subject: BBEdit HTML TOC version 1.0

Most HTML markup extensions concentrate on the appearance of the document,
making it easy to add HTML tags to a text document. BBEdit HTML Tables,
which I released some time ago now is that sort of extension, simplifying
the construction of tables in HTML documents. This extension is different.
BBEdit HTML TOC is an extension for BBEdit which looks at the logical
construction of the document and makes it easier for you to introduce
logical markup. With HTML TOC you can easily create a table of contents for
any piece of text which has been marked up with headings.

It has a number of features to simplify this process including the ability
to set a cutoff point for heading levels that are included, automatic
insertion of the table of contents in either the document or clipboard,
support for relative links and the ability to build the table of contents
in sections rather than all at once.

BBEdit HTML TOC is able to detect the presence of an existing table of
contents and update, replace or add to it and it will reuse names that have
already been applied to parts of your document when appropriate.

BBEdit HTML TOC has been extensively tested on versions 3.5.2 and 4.0.1 of
BBEdit. It requires a version of BBEdit that supports extensions, which
means version 3.0 or later. This software is shareware, with the low fee of
US$5 payable directly or via Kagi. Please read the enclosed read me for


Dr. S J Marshall, Macintosh Consultant, Victoria University of Wellington,
PO Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand
Home Page: http://www.vuw.ac.nz/~marshall

#### BINHEX     bbedit-lite-351.hqx   ****

From: bbsw@netcom.com (Bare Bones Software)
Subject: BBEdit Lite 3.5.1

The attached StuffIt archive contains version 3.5.1 of BBEdit Lite,
our popular freeware text editor. This updated version corrects
several problems that were reported in the original 3.5 release, and
contains updated documentation and product information.

[Archive Maintainers Please Note: This submission replaces all
previous versions of BBEdit Lite; please remove the old versions from
your archives.]

We invite anyone who desires more information about BBEdit Lite or our
other freeware and commercial products to contact us via email at
<bbsw@netcom.com>, or to visit our Web site at

Bare Bones Software, Inc.

#### BINHEX     bbxkeys.hqx   ****

From: k044477@hobbes.kzoo.edu (Jamie R. McCarthy)
Subject: BBXKeys 1.0 
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 93 1:45:30 EST 

BBXKeys is a BBEdit extension that assigns command keys to other
extensions.  In the spirit of all BBEdit extensions to date, it's
freeware, and full source (all 10K of it) is included.
 Jamie McCarthy      Internet: k044477@kzoo.edu      AppleLink: j.mccarthy

#### BINHEX     brainwash-quotes-10.hqx   ****

From: (meeroh) meeroh@MIT.EDU
Subject: Brainwash Quotes 1.0

Brainwash Quotes 1.0 is a BBEdit extension which converts smart quotes to
dull quotes. Useful for web publishing. Source available.

Miroslav Jurisic

#### BINHEX     c-indent.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1993 08:51:05 -0800 (PST) 
From: Stephen Roderick <roderis@atlantis.CS.ORST.EDU>
Subject: BBEdit-C-Indent-ext.hqx 

"C Indentation" is a BBEdit extension that will indent C source code.
If there is a selection in the current document it will be indented,
otherwise the entire document will be indented.
The "C Indentation" extension for BBEdit is free of charge. This software is
offered on an as is basis and no liability or responsibility on the part of
Stephen C. Roderick should be assumed. Use this extension at your own risk.
Stephen C. Roderick

#### BINHEX     capitalizer.hqx   ****

From: (Rui Campos) rufus@ici.net
Subject: Capitalizer BBEdit Extension

What it is:

This is a little BBEdit extension that I wrote for myself, and I'm
giving it away for free!  I used the sample extension called
"Capitalize" that came with BBEdit, and made it a little more flexible.
 Now it will handle more capitalization chores.

What it does:

* Have you ever wanted to change a whole block of text from uppercase to
* Have you ever wanted to quickly change a title to an appropriate title case?
* Have you ever needed to uppercase a bunch of words at once?

Have you?  And did you really want to re-type all that stuff yourself?

Well then have I got an extension for you!

The Capitalizer will let you do all of that, and a little more!
Capitalizer is a utility that allows you to change the case of text in
a selection in various ways.  You can change all selected text to:
    * lower case
    * Title Case
    * Sentence case.

If you're like me, and I know I am, you'll just love it!

Written by Rui Campos

How to contact me:
e-mail: rufus@ici.net
web:    http://www.ici.net/cust_pages/rufus/rufus.html

#### BINHEX     change-charset.hqx   ****

From "sti@cs.hut.fi (Sami-Jaakko Tikka)" Sun Aug 22 21:58:05 1993
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1993 01:45:18 +0200
From: sti@cs.hut.fi (Sami-Jaakko Tikka)
Subject: Change Charset, a BBEdit external


This is my first posting of Macintosh software.  I hope everything that is
required is here...

Change Charset is an BBEdit external which allows one to convert characters
from/to the Macintosh charset to/from ISO-Latin-1 and to/from 7-bit
Scandinavian (which is still largely used in Scandinavian unix machines!). 
This probably makes Change Charset interesting for Europeans only.  Still,
it never hurts to remind the English-speaking ASCII-world that there are
languages which DO need more than 7-bit characters ;-)

The conversion can be done in place, to a new window or the converted text
can be copied to the clipboard.  If there's a selection, Change Charset
will act on the selection, otherwise it will process the whole window.

This program can be freely copied for non-commercial purposes.

I can be reached by email at Sami.Tikka@hut.fi
inet:  Sami.Tikka@hut.fi, X.400: C=fi;ADMD=fumail;O=hut;S=Tikka;G=Sami   
HUT/IIA; I don't speak for my employer.  Finger me for my PGP key.

#### BINHEX     column-maker-101.hqx   ****

From: dwade@netcom.com (Doug Wade)
Subject: ColumnMaker 1.0.1

This replaces version 1.0 which is currently in the archive.  It's a minor
bug fix release based on feedback from its users.

Column Inserter is a free BBEdit extension.

Column Inserter is useful for a couple of reasons:
        1.  It inserts a space or tab character into every line of the
document at
        the insertion point, seperating it into columns.  This is extremely
        useful if you have a file full of data that is running together and
need to
        separate it before importation to, say, a graphing utility.
        2.  It comes with source.  It's not wildly complex, but it's CodeWarrior
        3.  It has a Metrowerks CodeWarrior project.  It took me a little
        to get a working project, since the ones in the SDK are for Think C.
        Hopefully this will save somebody else a little time.

#### BINHEX     dcl-ansi.hqx   ****

From: k044477@hobbes.kzoo.edu (Jamie R. McCarthy)
Subject: dcl-ANSI (BBEdit extension) 
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 93 0:46:28 EDT 

This is the BBEdit extension edition of dcl-ANSI;  included is the
extension itself and a readme.  Public domain; source code is available
separately.  dcl-ANSI converts a C variable declaration into English.
Suggested archive destination:  ...app/bbedit-dcl-ansi.hqx

#### BINHEX     dialectic-filters-101.hqx   ****

From: leo@cp.tn.tudelft.nl (Leo Breebaart)
Subject: Dialectic Filters 1.0.1 [BBEdit Extension + source code]
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 11:27:33 +0100 (MET)

DIALECTIC FILTERS 1.0.1  --  A freeware BBEdit Extension

In 1994 Mark Pilgrim released version 1.2 of his application
Dialectic, which transmogrifies English text in various
entertaining ways. I have used his source code to implement the
same set of filters as an extension for BBEdit and BBEdit Lite,
the Macintosh text editors from Bare Bones Software.

The Dialectic Filters are compatible with both BBEdit and BBEdit
Lite, but need version 2.0 or later to run. Undo-functionality
is available with version 3.0 and later.

The binhex file enclosed below includes the documented THINK C
source code. I will also separately submit a smaller package that
contains only the extension itself.

Version 1.0.1 fixes a bug in the Pig Latin filter, and has some
minor cosmetic improvements.

Leo Breebaart (leo@cp.tn.tudelft.nl)


#### BINHEX     drieux-caps.hqx   ****

From: k044477@hobbes.kzoo.edu (Jamie R. McCarthy)
Subject: drieuxCaps 
Date: Wed, 5 May 93 19:51:27 EDT 

drieuxCaps, the BBEdit extension for the rest of us.
now you too Can format Your usenet Articles The Same Way drieux does!
automatically!  Avoid the evil KKKconspiracies and the Insidious
Heterosexular Humanists With This convenient Editing Tool.  and who
knows, maybe you'll become A net.God Yourself!
(If you don't get the joke, don't bother downloading it.)
Public domain.  Source code, inexplicably, is included.
 Jamie McCarthy		Internet: k044477@kzoo.edu	AppleLink: j.mccarthy

#### BINHEX     fl-package-11.hqx   ****

Subject: FL Package of BBEdit extensions v1.1
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 1994 15:05:09 -0500 (EST)

The FL Package of BBEdit Extensions contains four Extensions

	 Function Lister
	 Fast Search
	 Word Completion
	 Function Lookup

Function Lister is a utility for programmers which displays information about
functions defined in a source file (especially good for C++);
Fast Search is an alternative to BBEdit's regular search, a fast incremental
search which finds as the user types characters;
Word Completion enables the user to type a few letters of a variable name and
have the extension type the rest;
Function Lookup is a convenient way to access Think Reference or MPW 411.

v1.1.  ShareWare.  Works with BBEdit Lite or BBEdit.

#### BINHEX     format-html-10.hqx   ****

From: chad@halcyon.com (Chad Magendanz)
Subject: Format HTML

Format HTML was created for two basic purposes:

1.  To display Web pages generated with PageMill in readable form:

I'm a big fan of PageMill.  It provides a means of generating very simple
Web pages with almost instant gratification.  However, it's rare that I'm
completely satisfied with the results of my Web page after its initial
conception in PageMill.  I usually wish to add some more complex structures
(like tables) and find myself back in BBEdit flirting with HTML tags in
their native form.  Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done.
PageMill doesn't lay out the HTML in any particular format, frequently
squishing them all together in a mass of tags that are difficult for humans
to interpret.

Format HTML was designed to quickly fix this problem, breaking down HTML
tags into individual lines and indenting them in a programmatic style that
is easier to read and understand.  The utility makes a great addition to
Lindsay Davies' HTML Tools, complementing the PageMill Cleaner utility.
When importing HTML from PageMill to BBEdit, I first use PageMill Cleaner,
then Format HTML to set things right.

2.  To assist Web authors in debugging their HTML:

The Check HTML command in HTML Tools is a probably the most useful element
of BBEdit's Web authoring environment.  Like the best compilers, BBEdit
displays which tags are likely to be problems and suggests a reasonable
cause.  Frequently, the solution is obvious, but for those cases where it's
not, Format HTML can be a valuable tool.  Just running your HTML through
Format HTML will tell you whether you have balanced all of your HTML tags
and quickly indicate when a tag block has not been closed properly.


Install Format HTML by decompressing the StuffIt archive and dragging the
BBEdit Extension to your BBEdit Extension folder.  If you have Lindsay
Davies' HTML Tools installed, you will probably want to place Format HTML
in the Misc folder with PageMill Cleaner.  In either case, the new Format
HTML command should be available from the Extensions menu the next time you
launch BBEdit.

System Requirements

Format HTML requires BBEdit version 3.5 or later.  BBEdit Lite will *not*
suffice.  For more information on BBEdit, check out the BBEdit Web site at

#### BINHEX     ftp-201.hqx   ****

From: (Patrick Woolsey) pwoolsey@barebones.com
Subject: BBEdit FTP Extension v2.0.1

Greetings. By request of Erling Johansen <ejo@vingmed.no>, I am
forwarding version 2.0.1 of the BBEdit FTP Extension for inclusion in
the archives. Please note that this item replaces the previous v2.0
package. This extension will work with current versions of either
BBEdit or BBEdit Lite.

 Patrick Woolsey  /  Director of Technical Services

#### BINHEX     get-url-13-bbedit.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 12:20:56 +0300
From: eyler@bilkent.edu.tr (Akif Eyler)
Subject: Get URL BBEdit/EasyView Extension

Version 1.3 of June 95

This extension calls various Internet software to decode
URL's.  Usable from BBEdit and Easy View.

Easy View 2.6 calls this extension on command-click.
BBEdit 3.1.1 doesn't need it.

**What's New in 1.3**
* Compatible with Internet Config 1.1
* No bookmark files on the desktop
* Works with e-mail addresses

M. Akif Eyler
Bilkent University

#### BINHEX     get-url-netscape-bbedit.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 10:16:35 -0400
From: ericc@phs.k12.ar.us (Eric Cronin)
Subject: Get URL/Netscape META BBEdit/EasyView Extension

This is a modification of the "GetURL" and "GetURL/Netscape" extensions.
This version, instead of displaying a page saying "Click here to get that
URL", will load the page automatically like the original did with MacWeb.
This will only work with version 1.1 or higher of Netscape, so if you are
using an older version stick with GetURL/Netscape.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Get/URL extensions, they allow you to
command-click (in EasyView) or select a menu option (BBEdit) and have the
URL opened in the proper application, as in NewsWatcher and the latest NCSA

Eric Cronin

#### BINHEX     get-url-pro-10-bbedit.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 1 Feb 1995 02:02:51 -0700
From: ravensys@eskimo.com (Erik C. Thauvin)
Subject: BBEdit/GetURL Pro 1.0

To install the "GetURL Pro" extension, place it into your "BBEdit
Extensions" folder and restart (or launch) BBEdit. "GetURL" will appear now
in the BBEdit's "Extensions" menu.

GetURL Pro 1.0

"Uniform Resource Locators" (URLs) are standard notation on the Internet
for identifying the locations of files and various other resources.

To use the "GetURL Pro" extension, select a portion of text containing a
URL, then choose "GetURL" from the "Extensions" menu.

You'll be asked to select an application (or helper) to open the URL.

The application will be launched (or switched to, if currently running) and
the URL (if valid) will be opened.

"GetURL Pro" remembers which helper program you've selected last, so you
need to select an application only once. However, if you wish to change the
helper program to a different one, simply choose "Get URL" from the
"Extensions" menu while holding the "option" key down.

You can also use the "Set Keys..." option in the "Extensions" menu to
assign extension keys to "GetURL" so that any URL is just a short keystroke

"GetURL Pro" requires System 7 and relies on the standard Apple event suite
for Uniform Resource Locators which is now supported by most Macintosh
TCP/IP networking programs (e.g.: Anarchie, Mosaic Netscape, NewsWatcher,
MacWeb, etc.)

"GetURL Pro" is free. There is no shareware fee.


Raven Systems Ltd.
February 1, 1995

This version of "GetURL Pro" was designed and developed by Erik C. Thauvin
using Symantec's THINK C development environment for the Macintosh.

Raven Systems Ltd. makes no warranty or representation, either express or
implied, with respect to this software, its merchantability, performance,
quality, or fitness for a particular purpose. As a result this software is
distributed "as is", and the person using it is assuming the entire risk as
to its quality and performance.

In no event Raven Systems Ltd. will be liable for direct, indirect,
special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in
the software or its documentation, even if advised of the possibility of
such damages. Raven Systems Ltd. does not warrant that this software will
function correctly in your multi-user environment.

Raven Systems and the Raven Systems logo are trademarks of Raven Systems
Ltd. All other products and company names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.

Copyright (C) 1995, Raven Systems Ltd. Permission is granted to make and
distribute copies of this software, provided this disclaimer and copyright
are preserved on all copies. This software may not, however, be sold or
distributed for profit, or included with other software which is sold or
distributed for profit, without the permission of the author.

Erik C. Thauvin      | Custom software solutions |   Raven Systems Limited
ravensys@eskimo.com  | for everyday problems.    |         P.O. Box 560862
+1 (206) 747-9819    |                           |  Orlando, FL 32856, USA
(URL) http://www.eskimo.com/~ravensys/ ---- ftp://ftp.eskimo.com/ravensys/

#### BINHEX     hexy-10.hqx   ****

From: liyanage@access.ch
Subject: hexy-10.hqx - A hex dump plug-in for BBEdit

Hexy is a hex dump plug-in for BBEdit or BBEdit Light.

It will create a hex dump of the current selection or of the whole document
if there is no selection.

Source code in the form of a CodeWarrior Pro 1 project is available from
the Hexy homepage at


It should probably go into


and permission to include it on CD-ROM products is granted.

-Marc Liyanage

#### BINHEX     import-11.hqx   ****

From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 94 11:17:49 PDT

(5.65+/IDA-1.3.5 for info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu); Mon, 19 Sep 94 16:47:38
From: Marco Piovanelli <piovanel@hp4.sm.dsi.unimi.it>
Message-Id: <9409191447.AA16442@hp4.sm.dsi.unimi.it>
Subject: BBEdit Import 1.1
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu (Mac Archives)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 1994 16:47:35 +0200 (METDST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 11078     

This is BBEdit-Import-1.1, an extension for BBEdit Lite that lets
you import word processor files into BBEdit Lite using the Claris
XTND System and the appropriate translators.

BBEdit-Import-1.1 needs System 7.0 or better to run.
This version fixes a bug in version 1.0 (which it should
replace); see the included docs for details.
This extension has been successfully tested with BBEdit Lite
2.3.2, BBEdit Lite 3.0 and EasyView 2.5.

Suggested placement in the info-mac hierarchy: info-mac/text

This archive was stuffed and binhexed with StuffIt Lite 3.0.6

#### BINHEX     insert-date-time-12.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 6 Feb 1995 16:57:04 -0700
From: ravensys@eskimo.com (Erik C. Thauvin)
Subject: BBEdit Insert Date/Time 1.2

To install the "Insert Date" and "Insert Time" extensions, place them into
your "BBEdit Extensions" folder and restart (or launch) BBEdit. They will
appear now in the BBEdit's "Extensions" menu.

The "Insert Date" and "Insert Time" extensions perform simple but useful
functions. When activated, they insert the current date and time at the
cursor's location.

Insert Date v1.2

To use the "Insert Date" extension, select it from the "Extensions" menu
and the date (in its abbreviated format) will be inserted into any open

    Example: Mon, Feb 6, 1995.

By holding the "option" key down while selecting "Insert Date", you can
insert the date in long format.

    Example: Monday, February 6, 1995.

To insert the date in short format, simply hold the "shift" key down while
selecting "Insert Date".

    Example: 02/06/95.

	        Insert Date Example             Modifier Key
            ---------------------------     ------------
            Mon, Feb 6, 1995                None
            Monday, February 6, 1995        option
            02/06/95                        shift

Insert Time v1.2

When selected from the "Extensions" menu, "Insert Time" will insert the
time (including seconds) into any open document.

    Example: 4:40:05 PM.

To insert the time without seconds, just hold the "option" key down while
selecting it.

    Example: 4:40 PM.

            Insert Date Example             Modifier Key
            ---------------------------     ------------

            4:10:14 PM                      None
            4:10 PM                         option


            16:10:14                        None
            16:10                           option

You can also use the "Set Keys�" option in the "Extensions" menu to assign
extension keys to "Insert Date" and/or "Insert Time", then a date and time
stamps are just a short keystroke away.

"Insert Date" and "Insert Time" are free. There is no shareware fee.


Raven Systems Ltd.
February 6, 1995

The "Insert Date" and "Insert Time" extensions were designed and developed
by Erik C. Thauvin using Symantec's THINK C development environment for the


    Version 1.2 adds support for the "Undo" command (BBEdit version 3.0 or

    Version 1.1 was the initial release of "Insert Time" bundled with "Insert

    Version 1.0 was the initial release of "Insert Date".

Erik C. Thauvin      | Custom software solutions |   Raven Systems Limited
ravensys@eskimo.com  | for everyday problems.    |         P.O. Box 560862
+1 (206) 747-9819    |                           |  Orlando, FL 32856, USA
(URL) http://www.eskimo.com/~ravensys/ ---- ftp://ftp.eskimo.com/ravensys/

#### BINHEX     isis-note-sender.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1993 22:48:27 -0800 
From: isis@netcom.com (Mike Cohen)
Subject: BBEdit Send Note extension 

Here's a "plug-ware" contribution. This is a BBEdit extension to send a
note using our ISIS Notes product. It includes source code demonstrating
how to use AppleEvents and a readme file.

Mike Cohen              | "Software that means business"
ISIS International      |
(818) 788-4747 Voice    | isis@netcom.com
(818) 501-0653 Fax      | mikec20@aol.com

#### BINHEX     linesort-482.hqx   ****

From: Craig Maynard <maynard@math.uccs.edu>
Subject: LineSort 4.8

LineSort 4.8 is an extension or plug-in that adds functionality to BBEdit 
6.0, the Macintosh text editor from Bare Bones Software. LineSort is 
capable of sorting large amounts of text with exceptional speed. The 
basic unit of sorting is a line, a string of text terminated by an 
end-of-line character.

LineSort is shareware. Basic features are always available in 
unregistered copies. Advanced features require registration.


 - Power Macintosh (any model) 
 - BBEdit 3.5.2 or later

Basic Features

 - convenient floating window
 - operates on either selected region of text or entire document
 - sorts in place or into new document window
 - optionally ignores case
 - international text comparison
 - orders lines in forward or reverse sequence
 - retains, merges, or removes duplicate lines
 - supports the undo command

Advanced Features

 - recognizes and sorts user-defined grep patterns
 - OSA scripting interface

For more information, please visit our website:


#### BINHEX     linesort-68k.hqx   ****

From: chm@rmi.net
Subject: LineSort 4.2

LineSort is an extension that adds functionality to BBEdit, a commercial
text editor from Bare Bones Software. LineSort is capable of sorting large
amounts of text with reasonable speed and predictable memory requirements.
The basic unit of sorting is a line, a string of text terminated by an
end-of-line character.

LineSort Version 4.2 includes the following useful features:

   * convenient floating window interface
   * forward or reverse ordering of output
   * grep pattern matching
   * lexicographic or natural ordering
   * merges, removes or retains duplicate lines during sorting
   * operates on either a selected region of text or the entire document
   * optionally ignores case
   * sorts in place, or inserts sorted lines into a new document window
   * supports the undo command


   * Macintosh (any model) with System 7 or 8.
   * BBEdit 3.5.2 or later (the commercial version, not BBEdit Lite)


Pattern matching adds considerable power and flexibility to LineSort. The
generality of pattern-matching allows the user to greatly extend the
capabilites of LineSort, without requiring any re-programming by the 

The basic idea is that you can define a pattern upon which to sort. 
will search for and recognize this pattern. When it rearranges the lines 
text, it will order them according to the patterns it finds. If a line 
not contain the pattern then it can't be sorted. After sorting, lines that
did not match the selected pattern are moved into a new untitled window.

Craig H. Maynard

#### BINHEX     linesort-ppc.hqx   ****

From: chm@rmi.net
Subject: LineSort 4.2

LineSort is an extension that adds functionality to BBEdit, a commercial
text editor from Bare Bones Software. LineSort is capable of sorting large
amounts of text with reasonable speed and predictable memory requirements.
The basic unit of sorting is a line, a string of text terminated by an
end-of-line character.

LineSort Version 4.2 includes the following useful features:

   * convenient floating window interface
   * forward or reverse ordering of output
   * grep pattern matching
   * lexicographic or natural ordering
   * merges, removes or retains duplicate lines during sorting
   * operates on either a selected region of text or the entire document
   * optionally ignores case
   * sorts in place, or inserts sorted lines into a new document window
   * supports the undo command


   * Macintosh (any model) with System 7 or 8.
   * BBEdit 3.5.2 or later (the commercial version, not BBEdit Lite)


Pattern matching adds considerable power and flexibility to LineSort. The
generality of pattern-matching allows the user to greatly extend the
capabilites of LineSort, without requiring any re-programming by the 

The basic idea is that you can define a pattern upon which to sort. 
will search for and recognize this pattern. When it rearranges the lines 
text, it will order them according to the patterns it finds. If a line 
not contain the pattern then it can't be sorted. After sorting, lines that
did not match the selected pattern are moved into a new untitled window.

Craig H. Maynard

#### BINHEX     macperl-bbedit-plug-ins.hqx   ****

From: brad_hanson@pobox.com
Subject: BBEdit Plug-Ins for MacPerl Rel. 6.0

I have  written several BBEdit plug-ins that facilitate the use of BBEdit and 
BBEdit Lite with MacPerl (a Macintosh port of the Perl programming language).
This is release 6.0 of the plug-ins. The plug-ins included are:

1. Run MacPerl (version 1.2) - updated
2. Check Perl Syntax (version 1.2) - updated
3. Run MacPerl Front (version 1.2) - updated
4. Run File with MacPerl (version 1.2) - updated
5. Edit MacPerl Script (version 1.0.2)
6. Shuck (version 1.0.1) - updated
7. Perl Filters (version 1.1.4) - updated
8. Perl Palette (version 3.1 by Lindsay Davies)

Some changes from the previous release are:

1. The plug-ins will attempt to launch MacPerl if it is not running when used
with BBEdit Lite (formerly the plug-ins would only attempt to launch MacPerl
when used with BBEdit, not BBEdit Lite).

2. An option was added to the Run MacPerl plug-in to send STDOUT and STDERR to a
file with a name based on the name of the file containing the script that is

3. The Run MacPerl plug-in is scriptable.

4. BBEdit file groups are listed in the floating window of the Perl Filters

The plug-ins are freeware. More information is available on my BBEdit plug-ins
web page:


Brad Hanson

#### BINHEX     make-reply-10.hqx   ****

From eyler@bilkent.edu.tr Tue Mar 14 23:47:53 1995
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 09:48:51 +0200
From: eyler@bilkent.edu.tr (Akif Eyler)
Subject: "Make Reply" BBEdit/EasyView Extension

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Version 1.0 of March 95

This extension calls Eudora to make a reply to the current
mail item.  Usable from BBEdit and Easy View.

Place the extension into your "BBEdit Extensions" and/or
"EV Extensions" folder.  You don't need to restart the
machine, this is not a system extension.

Programmers:  Enjoy the source code which shows how to get data
>From Easy View and how to send an event to a script.

Scriptors:  A little script enables you to see/modify the real
thing within the extension.

This extension is dedicated to

* Jon Pugh, who told me in a private message

> My point was simply that it is easier AND faster to write code
> which can run AppleScripts rather than to write code which will
> send AppleEvents to another application.

Indeed it is!  Thanks.

M. Akif Eyler
Bilkent University
06533 Ankara, Turkey                  eyler@bilkent.edu.tr

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Make_Reply_1.0.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Make_Reply_1.0.sit"

#### BINHEX     midex-pack-132.hqx   ****

From: olav@max.north.de (Olav Brinkmann)
Subject: MIDex Pack 96/10/29

MIDex -- a BBEdit extension
MIDex is a BBEdit extension for doing character set translation.
It contains translation tables for Mac <-> ISO Latin-1 (8859-1) and
Mac <-> DOS (Code Page 437).

The conversion can be done in place, to a new window or the converted
text can be copied to the clipboard. If there is a selection, MIDex
will act on the selection, otherwise it will process the whole window.

This archive contains two extensions:

 * MIDex 1.2.2 simplifies the selection of other tables via
   a popup menu. Additional tables can be added with ResEdit.
   Version 1.2.2 doesn't interpret metacharacters in menu text.

 * MIDex 1.3.2 is the "tool version" and therefore requires at
   least version 3.5.2 of BBEdit. This tool also supports
   additional tables.
   Version 1.3.2 doesn't interpret metacharacters in menu text.

MIDex is freeware.

The MIDex extensions and the Mac <-> DOS translation tables
are copyright � by Olav Brinkmann.
The Mac <-> ISO tables are from A. Pirard (ULg) - mai 1992.
The Mac -> US ASCII table is from Brian Clark.

Viele Gr��e,

#### BINHEX     next-prev-section.hqx   ****

From: "Kelvin K. Yue" <yue@everest.ee.umn.edu>
Subject: Submittion of NextPrevSection.sit.hqx
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 22:07:42 -0500

This package is for:
- people who cannot afford to pay the shareware fee, and
- people who use BBEdit to edit LaTeX files, or
- people who use Alpha to edit LaTeX files but want to switch to use BBEdit,

This package contains two BBEdit extensions: NextSection and PrevSection.
- NextSection : go to the next section (or subsection, or subsubsection) of 
  a LaTeX document and highlight the section heading.
- PrevSection : go to the previous section (or subsection, or subsubsection) of 
  a LaTeX document and highlight the section heading.

- Put these two extensions in the BBEdit extension folder.
- define a key for each extension (this is optional but this makes life much easier).
  suggested keys: cmmd-z for NextSection, option-cmmd-z for PrevSection.

This is a postcard-ware. If you use it, please send me a postcard or an email.
The more postcards/emails I get, the more excuses for me to do more programming.
Feel free to send me any question/comment/suggestion.

The source code is also available for US$5.

Kelvin Yue
Department of Computer Science
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455


#### BINHEX     oztex.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 10 May 95 08:39:44 +1000
From: Francois Ladouceur <francois.ladouceur@anu.edu.au>
Subject: OzTex BBedit extension

Dear Sir or Madam,

  Please consider the attached BinHex file for inclusion in the info-mac 

'OzTeX' is a simple BBedit extension that compiles the active BBedit window 
using Andrew Trevorrow's OzTeX application. The package contains:
  1. 'OzTeX' BBedit extension itself.
  2. The source code in 'OzTeX.cp'.
  3. An english read me file.
  4. And a french 'lisez-moi' file.

Francois Ladouceur
Optical Sciences Centre
The Australian National University
Canberra, Australia.
Tel: +(61)-6-249-5129
Fax: +(61)-6-249-5184

#### BINHEX     pairs-10.hqx   ****

From "b-clark@nwu.edu (Brian Clark)" Sun Mar 13 11:56:26 1994
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 1994 13:54:48 -0600
From: b-clark@nwu.edu (Brian Clark)
Subject: Pairs 1.0.sit submission

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Pairs 1.0.sit contains both a BBEdit extension and an MPW tool that will be
useful to C programmers. The extension checks the current editable BBEdit
window (assumed to contain C source code) for mismatched parentheses,
square brackets, curly brackets, /* */ comments, and single or double
quotes. The extension is smart enough to recoginize and deal with escaped
quotes, braces within comments or quotes, etc. Full source code (as a
Metrowerks CodeWarrior project) is included. The MPW tool provides the same
functions for MPW shell text windows, and full MPW C source is also
included. The BBEdit extension requires BBEdit version 2.2 or later; both
require System 7.0 or later.

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Pairs_1.0.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Pairs_1.0.sit"

#### BINHEX     prefix-suffix-lines.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 18 Aug 93 20:05:13 -0400
From: Benjamin Griffin <bgriffin@libserv1.ic.sunysb.edu>
Subject: info-mac/app

This is the source, project and compiled extension for a modified
version of the orginal BBEdit "Prefix/Suffix Lines" extension.
The primary added functionality is to allow simultaneous or
independent insertions of distinct prefix and suffix strings --
such as one would want to block comment out program code.
Provided 100% Free of Charge. Author assumes no responsibility
for text mangled with this extension. See source for bug list.

Benjamin "Eli-the-Bearded" Griffin  |  bgriffin@ic.sunysb.edu

#### BINHEX     remote-link-checker-11.hqx   ****

Subject: BBEdit Remote Link Checker 1.1
From: (Dan Crevier) dan@rhino.harvard.edu

The BBEdit Remote Link Checker is a shareware BBEdit extension for web
authoring that allows you to check all of the remote http and ftp links in
a web page.  It installs a "Check Remote Links�" command to the internet
window. An error browser window is used to present the bad links. It is
compatible with BBEdit 3.5 or later, including BBEdit Lite.

Version 1.1 adds a more extensive progress dialog, and also makes it modal
so that you can switch to other applications while links are being
checked.  It also has several bug fixes.

For more information, see <http://rhino.harvard.edu/dan/LinkChecker.html>.

Dan Crevier

#### BINHEX     rot13.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 4 Jan 93 18:48 PST
Subject: ROT13 BBEdit Extension
From: Daryl_Spitzer@mindlink.bc.ca (Daryl Spitzer)

This is an extension to BBEdit I've written that will ROT13
the selected text.  I've included the source.

#### BINHEX     scrippy-extension-10.hqx   ****

From: rboylan@suffolk.lib.ny.us (Boylan)
Subject: Scrippy BBEdit Extension

Scrippy is a BBEdit extension that will compile and run AppleScript.  In
the spirit of 'bare bones' it isn't fancy but it gets the job done.

When you activate Scrippy it will retrieve the front most window's text,
compile it, and run it.  If the text doesn't compile then Scrippy will
inform you and change the BBEdit selection to indicate where the problem

Scrippy is pretty quick, except for the first time you run it.  The
first time Scrippy needs to link up with AppleScript and that takes a
just a little while. After that initial run you will find Scrippy to be
as quick and responsive as a dog looking for that treat at the end of a

Scrippy is free.  It is a tool I developed for my own use and thought
that other BBEdit users might like it.  If you have any thoughts about
Scrippy you can reach me at the address below.

Happy Scripting,
Bob Boylan

MonHacker@aol.com (work)
rboylan@suffolk.lib.ny.us (home)

#### BINHEX     send-ps.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 25 May 1993 09:53:09 -0400 
From: bbedit@world.std.com (BBEdit Support)
Subject: "Send PostScript" Extension (attachment) 

The extension and a descriptive text file are included in the archive.

This extension is compatible with BBEdit 2.2, BBEdit Lite, and BBEdit 2.5.


BBEdit Support                                          bbedit@world.std.com

Rich Siegel                                     Principal Software Designer
Patrick Woolsey                                 Director of Quality Assurance

Here it is...

#### BINHEX     send-script-111.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 29 Nov 1994 18:11:31 -0500
From: edw@distant.com (Ed Watkeys)
Subject: BBEdit Send Script 1.1.1

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Attached is Send Script 1.1.1, an extension for BBEdit versions 2.2 and
later. It allows users to send the contents of BBEdit documents to
applications which accept the "Do Script" ('dosc') Apple event.

Version 1.1.1 introduces minor fixes and enhancements behind the scenes,
and should be considered a bug fix release. The minor version number was
incremented basically because I switched from THINK C to CodeWarrior. Also,
this version represents the first work I've done on this project in a year
and a half, so I thought going to 1.1.x was in order.

Have a nice day,

Content-Type: text/plain; name="send-script-111.hqx"; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="send-script-111.hqx"

#### BINHEX     setext-section.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 12:54:29 +0300
From: eyler@bilkent.edu.tr (Akif Eyler)
Subject: BBEdit extension: setext-section

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Finally, here is a little tool for marking a text file as setext.

Place the insertion point on any line (not too long) and choose
the extension from the menu. Works best with BBX-Keys of Jamie
R. McCarthy.

By default, it marks sections. If <shift> or <option> is pressed,
it marks chapters.

M. Akif Eyler                 /|
Bilkent University           /_|
06533 Ankara, Turkey________/  |       eyler@bilkent.edu.tr

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="setext-section.cpt"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="setext-section.cpt"

#### BINHEX     sort-10.hqx   ****

From: Carl Bryan Burch <carl@constellation.ecn.uoknor.edu>
Subject: bbedit-sort-10.hqx 
Date: Wed, 19 May 1993 19:53:54 -0500 (CDT) 

Sort Lines (version 1.0, (c)1993, Carl B. Burch)
This BBEdit extension adds to BBEdit the ability to sort lines, much
like the Unix utility "sort", with some options from "sort":
	* Ignoring each line's first n characters,
	* Sorting in reverse,
	* Removing duplicate lines,
	* Ignoring the lines' leading white space, and
	* Folding uppercase to lowercase.

This program is free and may be distributed freely provided that the
information file accompanies it.

#### BINHEX     space-tab-extensions.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1993 15:35:07 -0800 
From: mxmora@unix.sri.com (Matthew Xavier Mora)
Subject: BBEdit Extensions (Insert Column & Spaces to Tabs) 

This is an update to the two extensions that I posted earlier.
(a bug in Spaces to tabs)

Please replace the ones in the archives with this file. I'm including sources
for the two extensions also.

In keeping with the other extensions, these are freeware so enjoy.

Here are two extensions for BBEdit that I needed for processing some
mainframe data for importing into a database. 

"Insert Column" puts a tab at the current insertion point in every line of the 

"Spaces to tabs" replaces all spaces with a tab character. 

I don't know where to send the source to, so I just upload these as is.

After being spoiled by using McSink, I won't be truly happy with bbedit
until it contains all the features of Mcsink. :-) 

Two down, two dozen more to go...

Matthew Xavier Mora

Matthew Xavier Mora                         The keeper of the UMPG
SRI International                             Matt_Mora@QM.sri.com
[Sent using Eudora 1.3]                        mxmora@unix.sri.com

#### BINHEX     speak-sentence-20.hqx   ****

From: markf@post.queensu.ca
Subject: BBEdit Text To Speech Update

Two BBEdit extensions for speaking the selected text using Apple
Speech Manager.  Use the Apple's Speech Control panel to select
the voice used by these extensions.

#### BINHEX     speech.hqx   ****

From "markf@POST.queensu.ca (Mark Fleming)" Sun Sep 12 22:08:53 1993
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1993 17:35:50 -0500 
From: markf@POST.queensu.ca (Mark Fleming)
Subject: New BBEdit Extensions for Speech Manager 

Two new BBEdit Extensions for speaking the selected text using Apple new
Speach Manager.  

I was thing about writting a XTND capable speaking program, to allow
speaking of any word processing file, but no need since BBEdit is such a

Hence, Speak Sentences and Speaking my first BBEdit module.

1)      Speak Sentences

        Simple extension that use Apple's new speach manager to 'Talk' the
selected text.
2)      Speaking

        An extensiont that use Apple's new speach manager to 'Talk' the
selected text.

The use is presented with a dialog box with some limited control over how
text is spoken.

* You can ask it to spell the text or speak the text.
* You can use the Talk, Stop, Pause, and Continue buttons to control and
replay the text.
* The exit button is used to return to BBEdit.

As time permits I will add the 'standard missing features' selecting voice,
rate and pitch.

Mark Fleming
Copyright (c) 1993, All Rights Reserved.
<<<<<=- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =-=-=->>>>
Mark Fleming, Computing & Communications Services
Queen's University at Kingston Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6
E-mail: markf@post.queensu.ca    	AppleLink: CDA0448
Phone: (613) 545-2039   	         Fax: (613) 545-6798
** The Author of NetDoctor, A Lab and Network Maintainer Package **

#### BINHEX     textures-bbedit-ext.hqx   ****

From: bradh@pobox.com
Subject: BBEdit extensions for Textures Rel. 1.1

I have  written three BBEdit extensions that facilitate the use of BBEdit 
and  BBEdit Lite with Textures. Textures is a commercial implementation 
of the TeX typesetting language. This is release 1.1 of the extensions. 
The three extensions are:

1. Run Textures (version 1.0). Creates a Textures typeset job using the 
text in the active BBEdit window.

2. Close Textures Job (version 1.0). Closes an active Textures typeset 
job that was begun using the Run Textures extension.

3. Textures (version 1.1.1). This is a BBEdit tool extension that 
combines the functions of the Run Textures and Close Textures Job 
extensions using a floating window as an interface. This extension can 
only be used with BBEdit, not with BBEdit Lite.

The extensions are freeware. More information is available on my BBEdit 
extensions web page:


Brad Hanson

#### BINHEX     voodoo-bbedit-10.hqx   ****

From: chrei@unisoft.co.at
Subject: VOODOO version control integrated with BBEdit

Not only software developers have to deal with different versions
of their files. Many other people (web publishers, designers, ...) also
have the problem of managing numerous versions of their files.
VOODOO spells the end of this version chaos by managing all versions
of all files clearly and space-economically.

While the graphical project browser of VOODOO can still be used
to archive and access your versions, all BBEdit users can now
benefit of our new BBEdit plugin that allows you to control
VOODOO's mopst version control features directly
from inside BBEdit. So you will no longer have to leave your favorite
editor  to perform your version control activities. Check it out -
you'll like it.

You will need version 1.8 of VOODOO
and version  4.5 of BBEdit
to use this plugin.

For Newcomers - What is VOODOO?
VOODOO (Versions Of Outdated Documents Organized Orthogonally)
is a stand-alone version control tool with a neat graphical user
interface offering many features for the simple and clear management
of projects in which files evolve in numerous versions. The tool
manages not only variants and revisions of single files,
but of whole software projects (multiple files, multiple users,
multiple variants, access rights, project structure,
project history, etc.).

VOODOO differs from previous source code control systems in its
orthogonal approach to version management. This means that for
every component of a project hierarchy you can not only store
its revision history but also different variants of the same
component. The orthogonal organization of revisions and
variants leads to a much clearer organization than with other
tools which use trees for organizing variants and revisions.

#### BINHEX     win-to-mac-cyrillic.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 94 00:40:57 GMT
Organization: Ubiquitous Broadcast
From: Julian Warren <jwarren@tazzy.demon.co.uk>
Subject: BBedit Windows to Mac Cyrillic Extension (again)

Apologies for the difficulty. I'm sending this from an Amiga and was under
the impression that the Email medium corrected the CR errors

Stop - press! it was the opposite. I sent it with hard CRs (Amigas only use
LF) These weren't seen by my system - hence.....

A  small  (well  the  extension  is  small!) BBedit Extension modified from
Changecharset by Sami-Jaakko Tikka.

This  version  modifies the Windows Cyrillic code page and IBM 866 Cyrillic
code  page to Mac and vice versa.  It cannot take into account any Dos-type
graphic symbols used in the 866 original

It  includes  a  cut  down sample Mac code page TT font from ftp.apple.com:
sys.software  international.  Please report any bugs or any other code page

 ||  ||||                                ^
 ||  ||||      Julian Warren             | Southsea, Hampshire, England
 ||  ||||ZZ\   ------------------------  |
 \\ZZ//||  || Voice/Data (+44)705 811871 |
       ||ZZ/                             | jwarren@tazzy.demon.co.uk
 UBIQUITOUS   "I can't even spell it"    | Fido 2:440/20.24
 BROADCAST                               | PGP key on request

#### BINHEX     word-count.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1992 12:02:06 -0500 
From: Kamal Abdali <kabdali@nsf.gov>
Subject: wordcount.sit.hqx - a BBEdit extension 

Below is Word Count, an extension to BBEdit in stuffed, binhexed
format for distribtion to ftp archive sites.  It is offered as free
software on as is basis.

Word Count displays the number of paragraphs, sentences, nonblank
lines, words and characters in the current selection in the active BBEdit
window.  If the current selection is null, the counts are for
the entire file.

I like BBEdit's capabilities and interface very much, and appreciate
it that such a superb program is available without charge.  Word Count
is my small contribution in return for my free use of BBEdit.

Kamal Abdali
P.O. Box 65207
Washington, DC 20035-5207

--------------  CUT HERE for wordcount.sit.hqx  -----------------